Good To Bad Mod in Among Us

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so today and among us we're gonna be bad this is good too bad as the impostor we start out as a good boy and then we break cars spit spit balls and set everything on fire guys this mod gets intense stick around till the end we hit him with an uppercut and do me a favor if you're bad hit the like button below the video what just hit the like button so i show my mouth hit the subscribe button let's do this everybody be quiet okay no everybody be quiet right now i said guys are you guys good or bad are you guys good or bad guys okay listen listen listen we are in high school right now i want everybody to go be bad spitting toilets urinals and flush it okay that's real bad that's what bad kids do no a bad kid would not flush it oh no oh that's a whole different level we don't do that in this school oh i mean look at this school there's literally look at this there's vending machines beautiful i mean look at this we got a cafeteria there's literally look at this look at this light there's laundry yeah i know there's literally a lunch lady my school we just got vending machines my school did had a broken watering fountain oh my god i mean these look at this look at these lockers these lockers are literally you can fit in them my locker had a walker the size of my hand you could put on a ball up piece of paper i didn't have a good childhood i'm just kidding okay so how this mod works i'm the imposter right for me to win i have to first of all get you see this bar above my head i have to fill up the bar become the ultimate bad boy there are different uh ways to become bad around the map you see this one look at this i gotta burn my homework this is what bad kids do we burn homework you guys listen don't burn your homework okay be a good kid okay so i gotta keep leveling up while i'm leveling what i have to do is once i am fully bad i have to work on taking out all the competitions once i take them out then i can ditch class okay check this out somebody is currently in this locker right here check this out i can jump into this locker as this guy [Music] i can lock her jump look at this i can lock and jump all over the map oh i forgot there's also a mini game at the end of the uh game too if somebody's about to escape they have to 1v1 me to escape and i just gotta do better than them okay hold on let's go down here who should i take out what is going on what the heck was that wait what that lord is meter okay let's go up here [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] one guy down okay okay so i have all these abilities let me hop out oh there's pat there's pat push pat scare him okay okay so let's go this way all of these are billet okay let's just travel let's just trap look i'm not live let's just trap well okay let's go back in here there we go okay let's teleport around so check this out drone paint let's do drone paint [Laughter] oh they're so much faster than me there's gary i'm gonna get low i'm going to get low i'm going to get low i'm going to get low he's cornered both is cornered oh that is what i'm talking about guys listen do me a favor as i'm running around doing these tasks first hit the like button down below if you're a bad boy guys i don't know what i'm saying just hit the like button so i can feed my family second uh oh look at this hold on i'm doing it look at that i'm doing look i'm in the back of the class and i'm doing uh spitball hello can you hear me i can hear you what are you doing so that's the basket i carved a hole in this wall now did you i'm currently spitballing on people hey tracy spitball uh spitball oh i gotta charge this one up for gary i gotta hit gary in the front of class a little sweat he's a school sweat oh and then sigil i guess over here you can't even read i'm bad boy i got a backwards hat i'm a bad boy i'm hitting by the way here oh you are here smell my fart there you go there you go okay i gotta get my bar up more oh i got an idea okay so how this works check this out let me transform there is a fire alarm i can pull the fire alarm guys don't do it this is called never pull your fire alarm i died okay hold on check this out i'm gonna do fire alarm i'm gonna do teacher alert what this does if they're not in the locker in seven seconds look at them running oh why no i have no pictures they don't have control of their good their their keyboard they're just running around frantically because of the fire alarm and then the teacher if they're not in the locker by the time the head teacher comes out they lose a good chunk of their bar you know i'm gonna pull the fire alarm again i'm gonna put a bear trap right there i never got a very trip there okay let's also rage and run rage and run i need to get my tests up there i need to get my i need to get oh i need to go over here i need to go over here where do i need to go let's go over here uh let's go this way run wow there we go dude i am the alt wait is somebody in here oh no he's in here okay let's get out of there all right i need to keep getting my bar up there let's beat the crap out of this car and oh look at my bar i'm the third level of bad boy well i just beat the crap out of a cardboard we are the baddest of the boys just keep beating this there we go i am the ultimate bad boy now once i take out all the competition then we should be able to escape other sigils i just gave him a wedgie to death all right here's what i'm gonna do uh let's do rage and pyro ah no no stop stop [Laughter] and we're stuck in here all right we're looking good we gotta stay hidden i'm gonna pull the fire alarm soon once everybody's clear i'm gonna pull the fire alarm and then i'm gonna call the teacher okay we're both bad guess what here comes the teacher you put a bear trap right there oh she ran around the bear trap no no no oh they ran around the belt wait i forgot i could also convert somebody yeah let me go get somebody let me go get gary let me go take care of his care hold on let me i gotta get gary i gotta get gary where's gary going oh no no no please mister no my booty cheeks not my booty cheeks please listen to me gary listen sunday you have one of two you have one of you i can either hit you with the fire or you can join my team what do you want to do gary i want to be bad come on gary be bad with me gary am i bad oh i'm not bad i'm kind of bad i'm not really that bad though all right gary listen listen listen you are now i want to see if you can snipe somebody go ahead and see if you can hit hello i am oh you're really bad aren't you you're really bad gary sorry i failed you know what gary go get it go get go get hello i am go get a hello i am okay i need to become bad i need to become bad i need to go do this i need to go i need to go do this let me go do this in front of biffle and yell at him put a bear trap in there you just put a trap down over there didn't you and then we'll do the minigame let me go ahead and get my my bad score up there we go and there we go wait the gary has hello everyone hi hey get her gary where are you okay gary here's the deal gary get her holder gary gary i need you to hold her gary come on gary no gary gary gary you're doing it wrong gary gary you're doing it wrong come on gary hold her gary use your user okay we're gonna do a double wedgie gary ready no no [Music] why what did i ever do to you no no no not the paint not the paint oh no i lost my henchmen oh no i lost my henchman okay let's go this way there's henry there's zud who else is here there's [Music] all right let's go let me get back in the locker should i get in the locker oh oh henry you're trying to leave okay no it's not me henry it's not me it's not me okay so we have to spray paint on this wall whoever can spray paint oh look at our scores in the bottom henry you're winning i will take you down next round and we oh foot okay we got a straight foot got a straight foot got a three foot got a three foot got us three foot there you go easy oh mine looks good 47 percent henry oh that's the ugliest foot you've ever done okay i missed him okay mogus mogus gotta make mocha easy easy easy did you draw that with your point 48 to 75 oh bad bad bring it bring it bring it up so we have to be as accurate accurate as possible as accurate there we go oh 50 to 74 and we last round we gotta draw nerd this is what you are henry oh my looks good 71-59 and henry your entire bar is gone ah you are bad enough to almost escape but you're not bad enough to escape henry all right what i want you to do what i want you to do and go get pat he's right there go get him so yeah what's up so yeah there he goes go get him there we go go get him oh he missed he missed his snipe he's so bad he's so bad oh why is he so bad all right you can put him down go ahead there we go and then we'll do this there we go lower his thingy there we go and join the team pat my double bad boys all right boys uh bring me a biffle i need biffle any biblical thank you let's go go get bible we gotta do the teacher alert go ahead and do the teacher there we go there we go this is gonna be good boys if you're sticking around this long in the video do me a favor i've been caught by the head teacher i don't even care hit the like button below the video this is a sick mod right they gotta beat me to beat the game then they got a foot you know i'm saying hi before i'm with you i'm gonna get it high oh okay bible bible bible bible here's the deal here's the deal we are going to do a 1v1 if you beat me you can join the team oh easy dude you got the reflexes of an old man well i don't know what that means i don't really know what here just because you said that here take this are you kidding me really really i thought we're going to 1v1 yeah we are going to 1v1 if i just need to get you low enough come here let me wedgie you put them down there we go all right you want a 1v1 let's do it let's do it bro bring it chain pull biffle bring it break a nerd okay [Music] you are good enough to join come on in let's go let's take them down all right boys so what i want you to do is stack up on your spit balls right stack up on your spitballs yeah come on come on all right bible hit him all all right wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute all right pat hit him pat you know what to do [Music] all right let me hit him with mine now let me hit him with mine now okay stop if you can beat me in a 1v1 i'll let you join the team you ready oh okay i'm good do it bring it here i'm sweating i'm sweating i'm 20 baseball i'm sweating oh 70 80. 19. which one are you which one are you which one of you thinks i have really nice hair oh i mean it looks like mine [Laughter] oh god we got some more we got some more people hold on let me go here let me go bring bring someone here bring someone here bring two people here bring two people here okay okay we're just hanging out look i'm gonna worry about it just be you just only need you look um [Laughter] [Applause] oh no all right well i guess it's time oh my god there we go oh oh where is he going oh where is he where is he where is this where do you think he's going where are you going logos did you really just get him as he was trying to go oh my god all right all right listen listen there can only be one so we're gonna do it we're gonna do a classic game of rock paper scissors okay okay uh actually you know what i'm going to hold up a number i'm going to hold up a number you guys one one in 10 whoever gets closest uh the other person dies ready okay okay go ahead say a number bible uh yeah nine go ahead henway seven oh oh [Music] [Laughter] just kidding you're dead all competition has been erased i am out of here these are my halls of this school boys hit the like button hit the subscribe button let's get out
Channel: SSundee
Views: 6,737,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4sqBNlXLmGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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