Snipers vs Crewmate in Among Us

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so today and among us we have one of our best mods yet this is sniper vs runner and of course we explain how this game mode works and also stick around till the end i almost forgot to show you one of the end game abilities it's pretty broken and do me a favor if you're an expert sniper snipe the like button down below the video make it turn blue what hit the subscribe button let's do this did i get it oh i got the sniper this is sniper versus running you can see top center they have 200 lives look at me so i'm running around they they're recording i think gary and kate are recording we're running we're running we're running oh my god i'm so beautiful look at my hair the idea of this i am a sniper i can shoot i am trying to rack up a bunch of points up here you can see this once i get points i can unlock different buffs my goal there are four different five different stages i have to kill them 200 times before they do a final battle with me let me teleport around i can move my camera i can hear him there's gary oh he's getting the snipers on me no no people no no whatever i'm they can see a target on there screw i got to take a bible no no no no no no no please please [Music] i got another kill i don't even know who i hit so i can move platforms and they don't know where i'm shooting from so i got to keep that in mind right there right there right there one gary okay so i have five kills which means i have five points so i can open up the black market so there are a bunch of different abilities let's grab the grenade so you can see top center i have three grenade uses what this does check this out i can throw a grenade as you can see bottom center or a molotov all right let's take out sigils here we go there we go wait i've lost a grenade dead okay let's go over here throw a grenade [Laughter] no no nico's gonna leave no no we gotta go back don't you leave nico yes he wasn't able to leave so i have eight points i still have a grenade though kate escaped hello i am she is okay so she finished all the tests and now she's going to the next zone i see to keep window lit whittling down their lives whittling them up [Music] take him out i have 16 points though you know what i'm gonna unlock the bear trap i'm gonna put down the bear i'm being trap [Laughter] oh no okay they have 178 lives to go into the next round we also have 15 points what do i want to unlock next so the bear trap is permanent the grenades once i run out of ammo i gotta buy it again let's buy more grenades and let's grab the task trap this is a permanent ability as well dang it dude all right so since they all beat this uh we can go to the next level let's do it oh yeah this is the the the pyramid thingy the the underground maze the grenade ability i also get molotovs gotta wait till i get a bunch of people grouped up right here grouped up right here please please grouped up right here click go go go yes okay there we go okay let's press the task trap and put a task trap ah here if they activate this trap they get test trapped stop it you gotta die there we go they're trying to open up these chests too hey keep taking them out i'm 24. okay we got 24. let's let's buy more grenades buy more grenades we also have the laser oh i forgot to mention the airstrike i can't use the airstrike unless i get a kill or use each ability once oh why did you drop this thing stop aiming at me stop why so i've i've i've hit somebody with a bear i've hit somebody with a task trap i've killed somebody with a grenade so i need to start working on these next ones let's get more grenades i see you over there no no oh i killed somebody over here okay i gotta keep him from doing that task right there oh we got him should i upgrade my sniper or should i get the rocket i'm going to get a bunch of rockets nine rockets that's what i'm talking about get out of here get out of here look them get out of here okay they're there okay they've opened up this chest this chest they haven't gotten to this one yet okay let's put it let's put a bear trap right there i am gonna line this hallway with bear traps stupid grenades okay let's put another bear trap right here i have to get rid of all their lives let's put a bear trap oh i forgot i can also spy i'll show you what the spy does when we get to the next round or the next stage [Music] dude he got the key dang it oh i forgot i also have the rocket boys look at my look at the rocket i'm gonna dodge you do it all right let's go to the next zone let's go to the next zone and then we get enough kills to unlock the upgraded sniper oh yeah this is the high rise they gotta get all through this i don't want to jump over the lookups jump over oh you got it there's nothing gonna go wrong all right he's dead so they gotta jump from platform to platform get all these checkpoints and finish their tests shoot a rocket here comes a rocket okay guys that was a rock they have a hundred lives left and two zones i gotta kill them a hundred times before they get to me to kill me let's do a bear trap right there there we go did anybody get by there's okay i'm gonna be good at this that is crap i will not be the last one you never again stop me shoot no i got dude that bullet goes so slow i'm uploading i'm upgrading the sniper look at this sniper speed now okay where is that take him out i'm sniping rocks okay put another bear oh i missed the bear trap not today good bye yeah shoot me go ahead yeah so i thought oh no he's gonna hit that trap though he's gonna do this i'm gonna convert gary hey gary what have you done to me join my team gary shoot at them and kill them gary pull out your sniper i don't have a sniper press one gary what there you go gary now shoot them all help me gary shoot them look him why would you leave me wait is he shooting gary fell off gary literally fell off the edge you are the worst convert i've ever seen i will never take you again gary you are awful you are the worst convert ever what i don't did you just shoot me no you literally fell off the edge now you die [Applause] no that's the ending platform right there no please please there we go take him out there's pat let's put a trap right there no don't don't do it you know i do it molotov stud hydride [Music] task trap the bear trap the grenade and the rocket and the sniper now i need to get a kill with the laser i'll show you that when we get to the next round i'm going to spy on zed wait hey zed no wait hold on let go don't come near me no gary is now my convert and you die [Music] all right gary don't jump off the edge this time i need you to shoot at zod nonstop take him out gary it's literally just take him out why am i always why are those people goodbye dad take him out gary take him out hey listen you did really good i'm so proud of you but uh there can only be one no dang it oh my god barely all right so while gary makes i'll let him make it for now let's unlock the lazy i'm going to get uh 15 i have 37 so i can get 12 i can get two that gives me four charges on the laser i have eight charges on the rocket and i have 11 grenades we're going to one more oh they all escape we're going to one more stays in the final battle okay here we go we're at now we're at a carnival they have to complete all these uh these carnival games and then they escape but we have the laser i'll show you that in a minute okay let me take it outside hello sir i am proud to be at your circus today i want to play some games i want to have fun okay this is not fun for me you've got tasks to do apparently there's custom tap whoa balloons all right we've got to pop 10 balloons easy hey sonny you suck i got a bulletproof vest what are you gonna do about it huh what are you gonna do about it yeah oh that's right once i get a kill with the razor then i get the final ability the air strike okay this one's the whack-a-machine okay okay okay whack hey look how strong i am you see okay let's shoot this right there oh god oh my oh that was not supposed to happen that i did not know in a laser beam now i gotta line this shot up so i take oh look at him three of them here three of them here i got four of them what is this oh dude that is so frozen i'll hit him again [Music] wait she has a vest on so i have to shoot her twice unless it's a rocket okay time to dunk um what is the point of a bulletproof vest if it doesn't block you from lasers pat okay i got a ring what about rockets should i get a can you get a rocket proof vest 20 lives left okay i gotta keep whittling down because after they break through this zone then they come fight me zone escape no as soon as they respond okay i gotta get the air strike they have five love i need to kill all five of them but i think they start with lives oh no right there hit him i gotta get a body okay there we go shoot this i have to finish this here we go two more gosh you're crispy there we go i got him and now i have 23. okay so they have zero lives left but whenever they go to the next zone they get lives oh no okay let's buy the air strike boys this is insane now check this out i'm gonna put this right there oh that's so bright you can rack up points here i'm leaving no are you kidding me we just came shooting no little place no it escaped i need two more let me grab the laser we have ten grenades two lasers and five rockets for the final fight all right let's do it final fight right here so you can see i have seven lives they have five we're gonna do this put a trap right there put a trap right there where are they at stop it stop it stay back stay back oh good grenade yeah i got a rocket are you mad are you mad stop it stop it stop it no he took off i have help son dodged idiot you're getting dodged i got a grenade get out ow okay they have one life left no i'm losing sodium crocodile i will give you five seconds to run gary i will give you five seconds to run gary i will shoot this right now you better run i'll strike a deal with you i will let both of you run and survive and we can just live in harmony i live on this island you live on that island perfect let's go let's share it with gary come on we're never going to win against a laser [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] he lied to us i almost died hit the like button hit the subscribe button that was good
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,587,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -eziXWvnm3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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