Plants vs Zombies Mod in Among Us

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so today and among us we got a unique one this is plants vs zombies yeah this is literally plants vs zombies with an among us twist you put down towers kill zombies unlock more towers as the game progresses and guys stick around till the end we we hit him with the end game troll and also do me a favor let's get this among us video to 70 000 likes in two days please hit the subscribe button let's do this everybody be quiet i am the farmer boys this is plants versus zombies check this out look at this map look at the light if you guys have never played plants vs zombies how this works check this out okay so i'm wave one right all the zombies are over here there's gary they're scary oh god check this out if i open this door look in the top left i can place down all of these turrets how this works since it's wave one i can put down the sunflower and the peashooter wave two i unlock two more towers wave three and then i wave five i unlock the cob cannon okay let's do this okay okay so place down so these sunflowers you see i have this amount right here 50 this tower costs five and this will give me more sun let's place them all down please fall down but i also have to defend there we go i'm getting them all look my my mouse you get away from me you do not attack so they're gonna attack my my towers right and they're trying to get to my house beat down my door you soon you don't come here gary let's just keep getting i have so many suds okay okay let's put down more suns peashooter peashooter pea shooter oh you just destroyed my pea shooter put on pea shooters everywhere get out gary he's breaking through don't you break through get out okay so i need to just keep compounding the sun and dust do me a favor if you've ever eaten a plant before oh i'm sorry just hit the like button and get out gary get out guys if you think i'm gonna beat wave six if we get past wave six i win the game and we end it in an insane way okay i'm gonna get him pop get out get up how this works i'm currently wave one if i do a task or if i do these two tasks back here where is he where is he there's gary where's gary there's nothing hi can you not gary why is your health going down gary there i got this one oh come on let me eat one oh i missed no no no stop it no stop it you leave my thing he's alone oh gosh okay that's stressful once i do this other test i have two tasks per wave that'll upgrade oh no that'll upgrade to the next wave which will release two more zombies and i'll get access to two more turrets okay okay take them out get out gary get out sid jones get sniped no i gotta do this task so i got a balance keeping my my house alive and my turrets wait why is this there's still trash up there oh no oh no no no get out of here no get out of here trash is done okay next wave oh we're on wave two okay okay let's do this let's do this let's do this okay now it's wave two there's more zombies no get out get out okay okay okay i'm gonna start putting walnuts down start putting walnuts start putting walnuts these are walnut get out of my house get out oh no no stop it this is getting stressful okay put down the wall these walnuts have extra health and they they can't get through them that easily oh no oh no oh stop it gary stop it you know what you know what you know what it's sniper time it's sniper time it's sniper time oh get out get up kisses oh i don't like that okay i'm gonna go get up make it real good food go get all the food go get it all i need all the points put down another walnut i don't like you people oh that's nice out here wave two i get this cactus this is the sniper it has a very long cool but it's a one-shot kill oh no oh no put down the wall snipers sniper no sniping put down the snipers put down the ciphers put down those diapers perfect you see this snap anything vegan oh no what's wrong with oh no oh no sniper shoot the bullet thank you oh gosh no she's up there breaking down the wall stop it oh no there's also a mini game that i can do if i get into any trouble it'll bring everybody to the mini game and it'll reset them they're attacking they're attacking sniper attack okay i'm gonna do my test i'm gonna do my test if i get to the wave three i unlock the next oh no i gotta do this i gotta do your asteroids like i said hit the like button if you've ever eaten a plant before i don't know what i'm saying hit the subscribe button and keep giving us more mod ideas down in the comments boy this is a sick mod right we gotta balance doing tasks while also doing a tower defense so once i do this next one two more people will be released let's open up this and do this boys just bought me wave three i unlock more turrets but they release three more three more zombies with uh extra health oh no oh no oh they're breaking through oh they're breaking through oh they're breaking through okay oh no they're rushing top they're rushing top no no no sniper shoot okay okay put one that's up hold on let's put three wall on this up put four walnuts up put them all up put all the walls okay i need to start deleting these towers okay let's delete this tower put down the next tower this is a star fruit what this does it shoots stars in all four no you don't no you don't oh no let's delete this one put down the star fruit get out so what the star fruit does it will shoot at my door so if they get close to the door they die oh this is what i'm talking about sleep that one put that there let's put another stuff sunflower back here out another thingy another thingy another thingy no they're rusting the bottom no you don't get him okay star fruit starfruit no gary gary get out gary get out get out flico oh my star fruit sniper we're coming for that house no that's my house get out of my house is everything good no i need to get rid of this one i can't get rid of this one oh no it's fine it's fine let's break this break this hey pat get out of my house no get out of my house oh no okay do that do that put the sniper this is i need to go pick up my money i need to go i'm running out of money i'm starting to run low on money i need to pick up all the money and once i start getting these later towers ah get out of my house oh no they're breaking in oh no they're breaking in oh no they're breaking up oh no they're breaking in oh no oh no i put a sniper there on accident ah do work sniper okay i need to do these tests i need to get to wave four and like i said i can also do the uh mini game too if i get any trouble now let's do this one hold on oh no oh no oh no oh no get out get out get out get [Applause] they up through no put down a sunflower sniper sniper oh no oh no oh walnut there's anybody else they're breaking through the bottom no sniper wallet no you didn't no you didn't no you didn't fun come on all right i need to do this task now i need to do these tasks now i have more than enough money let's go to wave four no they're gonna get more health and more zombies ah crap ah crap let's do this all right let's go over here do these tasks oh hurry hurry hurry up do that did i do it i did it it's gonna be the next one wave four okay that unlocks the next uh tower yeah this unlocks the melon poult defend at all costs defend no no get out oh triple kill i need to delete one of these snipers from each row let's put down a melon pulp melon poult oh no oh no they're getting in they're getting in so what the melon full does look it sends out a melon and does splash damage oh no he's breaking it get out oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no no get out okay put down a melancholic put that on a metal hole put down a melon fold put down walls put down walls put down walls put down walls oh the melon go this way pick up all the money get out of here gary give me your money get out of here gary okay let's put a sniper there oh no they broke through they're breaking through they're breaking through they're breaking through they're breaking through wall it all off wall it all off put some melons down put some melons down put all the melons down give me more sunflowers you will not break through not today sigils let's put a melon there i'm almost to level five oh your friend i am breaking are you are you okay i need to put a melon in every single line no no no no whoa i'm a nerd whoa you're a nurse you're a nurse no i don't want that i want a melon bowl ah wallet no wallet okay did anybody break in okay we're looking good they tried to do an attack in the top lane all right let's put a bunch of melons here and delete that delete that put that there put that there get out no no no no no no no no no no no put you're gonna die there gary i don't even care i don't even care i'm gonna put a wall up here wall up here snipe it wall up here wall up here uh melon melon melon yeah wall yes defend oh no there's damage i feel like i'm defended pretty good now i need to get some more melons here melon here before i get to the final stage no get out attack go oh i defended yes all right we're looking good we have a bunch of melons okay let's do melon here before i level up i need to make sure that they can't break through oh no oh no oh no oh get out of my house everything's looking good we're looking good i need to get more money i need to get more money before this next round once wave five hits it starts to get intense i think this is the only task that i have do that is anybody breaking in they're not breaking it they're trying you will not succeed give me all of it give me all of it give me all of it yes okay we're defending these melons are broken with their aoe okay let's go up here let's down oh no dude this is so stressful should i do the minigame i don't feel like i'm in any any trouble i should probably do the video game should i do the minigame they're trying i'm gonna do the minigame wave five way five okay let me get all this money once all of that oh no there is don't you form an attack on me mini game time oh god oh this is stressful where are you going where are you going where are you going so they're they're they're plants they're currently burying themselves now i have to now i have to find them and cut them down where are you guys at huh where are you guys at are you in the middle nobody's in the middle wow give me all that money all right last round boys bring it um right here [Laughter] where were you oh no wait wait how did you get here oh perfect oh no oh no put down the thingy put down a thingy yes oh give me all that money okay i'm at 1200. wait it's it's level five it's the final i got the final the final tower this is the cob cannon it has the same health as the the walnut but it does piercing damage and it shoots a giant corn on the cob oh let's put another cop can in there let's delete this let's delete uh crap can i delete it let's delete that oh this is so good delete that let's just put down another wall they can't even get close can they they they can't make it third time are you guys having fun you've defeated the zombies please stop yeah please oh this is [Music] are you guys are you guys having fun are you guys no is this fun for you popcorn oh this is oh i'm having this is so much fun for me i'm kind of i'm kind of having fun guys it's a like button if you're having fun no you broke one you monsters don't you break my thingies go gary go i'm out of money oh this is so mean all right let me finish my test i don't think i have anything to worry about is my final pass done wave six oh no hey guys it looks like you're breaking through a little yeah a little alright boys it's escape time all right now i get to run them over once they're all dead i can escape where are they going oh they're going down here oh hi gear i'm freako oh they're down in the map oh oh is that who's this over here you trying to hide hi beautiful hi come here loaf get over here is that is this it is this where we wait in anyway please please please i'm just the zombie i want it gg boys [Laughter] hit the like button hit the subscribe button
Channel: SSundee
Views: 7,911,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Pu6f16sifow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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