Busting 100 Among Us Myths

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so today we have one of our best mods yet this is 100 myths in among us have you ever wondered if you can get electrocuted when fixing light in among us well be sure to stick around till the end to find out and also do you want to know another myth that if you hit the like button down below the video it'll turn blue test it out hit the subscribe button let's do this everybody be quiet okay boys this is 100 myths in among us polis first myth you will get sick if you drink from a flask in med bay oh here's a flash hold on okay so if i press this confirm button oh gary i don't feel so good you were supposed to grow hair i got it wrong what's the next one you get healed if you lie down on a hospital bed oh that might be a lie you might die you might me oh is this gonna be the end of the video okay we'll try it guys they gotta drop a like they gotta drop a like okay the only way guys hit the like button for me for me to get better here we go oh oh oh oh hey couldn't for oh no wait what is the next one you can get electrocuted fixing lights since i'm the imposter let's do this i'm going to do all this there we go locked all the doors so nobody can do it okay so i gotta fix the lights now and i gotta test the myth do i get electrocuted if i fix lights so if i fix lights do this do i get electrocuted here we go myth busted please it wasn't busted i literally got electrocuted how was that busted oh no my leg yeah now check this out since i did that and that little npc came down to electrocute me since i'm the imposter i now have him look at this so if i transform first of all look at me when i transform [Music] look at me and i changed colors too so they don't know who i am so i gotta stay hidden let's be gary okay so this is the npc i can now use his ability since i figured out that myth let me do the lightning storm here we go no no no lightning star run every man for themselves okay and we have all these other things to unlock down here my goal is i need to kill all of them as you can see fifal he has three lives oh there's niko um that wasn't supposed to bring me here everybody has three lives i have to kill them all okay hold on a million transform okay next one you can jump in the hole by the drill okay you guys know the drill is right here right can i jump in this hole oh you can jump in the hole next to drill it is confirmed and that gave me a new ability and some of these abilities combo with other uh of other abilities it's insane okay let me check this out wait oh wait now i have the rock guy out that's not me and you're not me i'm not you run that's tons of no so my goal is i'm trying to stop them you see the bar up top that's all the myths that i have to test i'm trying to stop them from filling up their bar first by either killing them or stunning them like that okay what's the next one you can shoot flying pigs in weapons actually a thing so you guys know asteroids they're flying pigs what in the world is this confirmed all right what do we got next the seismic stabilizers have a party mode gary come look at it come look at the party mode i have to push somebody into lava oh god does it okay party mode oh my god oh damn oh that's pretty working dude what's my next myth sit on a chair in the drop ship oh i unlocked a new thingy too from shooting the pigs oh i have to test that out a minute okay so i can sit on a chair hey can you guys sit on a chair up here does it work you know what i'm so mad about sitting in this chair i'm gonna kill somebody with the pig come on piggy so the fig has two different abilities let me mute let me go find locums i'm gonna punch him how about that get him piggy punch him all right let me go ahead and get uh let's get biffle i'm gonna eat biffle okay run you know what rod rod bro there's a flying pig there's a flying fish [Applause] i think if i change buddies too and feed my buddies it'll yep she's eating yep she's oh my god okay what's my next one you can drink coffee in the office okay i gotta do that now so coffee in the office yeah this coffee here this is a cup there's no way i drink coffee this is an inanimate object it's literally art drawn on a map there's no way i just drank coffee what's the next myth the dvd symbol touches the corner no it's not gonna hit the corner it doesn't hit the corner ever it is a corner [Applause] why is this a thing nico ah what's my next one push a crewmate nothing nothing i gotta push a crewmate into the lava pool now but i also wanna make sure nobody's down here okay nobody's down here i also have a new ability i got this from doing the the dvd into the corner wait where's he at buddy oh look at him this is my new buddy i'll show you what that does in a minute actually no i'm gonna go i'm gonna go invisible nobody let me go invisible this is not good this is not good yes mr robot fix me wait son god you can save me this is perfect you test wait what is that noise okay i cut off gary's legs so now he's crawling for the rest of the game unless i kill him but i'm not i'm just gonna let gary craw confirmed you know what you know what i'm gonna make sud i'm gonna make zucchini heals when you lie down ow okay that's not being healed hey sigils i have i have something really cool to show you what is that okay it's over here though you got to follow me it's really cool if you if you do that task right there the red one right yeah but out here right here yeah like you got to be out here though right that is confirmed okay what's the next one you can eat and drink from the table is the table in here oh the table's in here okay this is literally another inanimate object this is art drawn on a table there's no way i can eat this uh turkey pepperoni pizza right everything i know is a lie what's my next one what is this you can dance i don't know zod what's wrong i'm done i lost my legs i don't know when i don't know how they're deciding besides uh here let me let me lift you up a little and make you gary what happened oh gary too don't talk to son son sliced my legs off guys listen listen listen listen listen i'm going to do something that neither of you can do are you seriously dancing [Applause] you can dance myth confirmed what's next turn into a snowman gary can i turn into a snowman does that mean turn into a snowman wait i can do that too wait can you wait let's do it you want to be snowman you can actually turn into a snowman i'm turning into a stun i'm a snowman i'm literally just yeah you literally have no legs if you stay in decontamination two times in a row you turn white okay i got a fire buddy and a snow buddy okay i'm gonna test the fire buddy now okay dude this one is sick okay let's do fire shoot fire okay i'm gonna hit i'm gonna hit someone i'm gonna hit look um i try the snow buddy shall we look at my snow buddy skating he's so cute all right let's turn missing a snowman never mind never mind never mind never mind nevermind i'll tell you later okay wait frozen oh i'm not even in this she's dead oh hey okay what's my next one decontamination twice there's no way that myth works right so i gotta confirm wait two times in a row there's no way that works though wait i'm white did it it worked what in the zod i was i was nico for a second there i don't that's that that's even worse than having no legs yeah you're telling me okay uh what is this there's a secret tunnel inside the green lockers hey man oh oh oh wait why is that work what is this game what's my next one you can drink water in the office the water bucket the water barrel has been here for like seven years what's next it's possible to cut the o2 tree there's no way i can cut down this tree i bet you can't i'm gonna try strong enough okay i'm gonna try it here we go oh busted oh that gave me another buddy what does this do you can eat donuts in the office okay i can do that one next but i gotta test this next buddy what's it do what does the obstacle actually create like a you can't walk through it is that like a thing let me put a tree right there okay we got a tree right there let's see if it works oh yep it's an obstacle i literally can't go inside of this room now all right well that's fun what's my next one you can eat donuts in the office perfect timing i can't get in there can i eat these donuts no i picked the donuts hey i picked the is that are you good zod you think you're having a bad time right now i just picked inanimate doughnuts off the table and ate them you're eating doughnuts i have no legs what do you mean i could i eat these ones too i can't eat the donut you're a loud eater i heard that zod you look like you're not having fun i've been this way the entire game oh wait now it says walk into space left seismic stabilizer i can't do that right here okay click it bust it you can't walk out there because the dude and i got another guy hold on what does he do uh oh i can teleport now oh this will make it so much faster you can hide inside the blue closets can i yep all right still got one more npc that i need one more buddy that i need what what is it it's possible to flood the boiler room yeah look okay look interact hold on no i'm not going to flood it am i no i don't want to flood it am i going to flood it i get another buddy oh i flooded it help somebody help anybody please help they flooded it oh it works all right well um apparently you can flood yeah let's confirm what's next you can open the o2 canisters like these canisters here i'm popping them open i could pop on all of them no no russell zoom in on this there's no no well the more you know about paul let's let's oh wait hold on what's this next one the specimen containers change colors when touched wait but i have a new buddy i have the fish lady hold on i'm gonna go up here transform i'm gonna pull out the fish lady so i think the fish lady oh she's getting the fish lady too i think the fish lady has special abilities right she has a giant bubble but they interact with other abilities i'll show you that stop why why i'm just stuck here oh she's gonna keep me here floating i'm gonna pull out the uh electric guy and let's electrocute i can stay right here what happens keep me right here what but that's not all i'm gonna leave gary alive he's having fun he's just one life crawling around for like the past hour yes oh hello wait this is my moment please end my misery no please finish me i'm gonna hit look hit him with the bubble there we go now if i take out the snow guy and turn him into a snowman watch what happens please i bet you don't kill me please please no man [Laughter] teleport where's my next one what is it the specimen containers change colors when touched no you can no i don't want to play this anymore i think i quit you can fart i mean i know i can fart like this it's confirmed we've been farting for like seven years in this game gary yes i'm sorry that your life has become this but listen listen listen i think i can fart stay there what that i need i need a way to have my legs reattached okay what's this next one there's a monster behind the magenta bunkers i know there are magenta bunkers here they're not bunkers uh lockers is there a monster here [Applause] behind door number one is there a monster there's no monster what about behind door number two is there a monster [Music] busted oh okay we're good thank goodness okay listen done all of my uh myths have been done so uh let me help you out a little bit okay no no no no honestly yes dude just kill me i've been crawling around i haven't been able to do a single task this entire day so when your legs are cut right and i sick my my invisible guy on you with cut legs again something special happens okay we want to go down this spot have i shown you everything i think i have ah let's go ahead and kill pat let's go ahead and take out pat i'm not a guest nope oh my gosh i'm gonna hit that like i'm gonna hit it i'm gonna hit that oh no why why were you chasing me the whole time where are you oh all right last myth you can escape polis is that thing is that a thing you can actually do though i don't know i have nothing else to do now okay well my piggy's a little bit my my piggy's a little bit hungry so no please don't come home oh my god my piggy's a little bi wait wait are you it's forever small wait can i actually escape polis there's no way it's yeah it says right here in the sp wait i could escape police wait do you want to go with me do you want to go with me can i come all right here we go hold on let's try this this spaceship guys hit the like button hit the subscribe button that was awesome
Channel: SSundee
Views: 6,207,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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