King Simulator in Among Us

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and dudes we're back with one of our best among us mods yet this is castle bed wars as the king i am trying to build up my kingdom and take out the other king if i destroy their throne room they can no longer respawn and make sure you stick around till the end we find another exploit and dudes do me a favor if you hit the like button below the video you'll be my king forever what just hit the subscribe button let's do this boys i am the knight am i the oh i'm the king long live the king hey listen listen we need to build our army we need to take out the other king and win the game follow me ride the horse how this works we first of all have to go down here we have to look up top right we got to get wheat we have to get iron and we have to get uh chicken eggs apparently i don't know what that means so whenever we go to these special areas i am now a farmer my lord this is peasant work look at this we get the wheat look now i have a wheat it is undeposited everybody get some wheat there we go if i go up here and deposit this look now i have two in stores and i can build a hay bale before hi hat go deposit for me please i can wall off our our entrance yeah i walled out for entrance what okay oh we got nine we need more wheat okay okay good okay boys listen come over here come over here i'm on the way so now that we have nine wheat right we need to build an army and we will attack the the over across this moat but first follow me now that we have that check this out we can start unlocking buildings this costs five hay and let's unlock it as the king i declare this room open [Music] so now we can become a miner we can now look at this i can't be in my minor oh boy check this out over here look at this we can build this tunnel so my first strategy of attack when we build this tunnel look at this we start look at it it's digging it's digging look at me digging through look at this okay let's grab a little bit more iron we need to get 10 wheat and 10 iron i'm pretty sure yeah i have one iron you are useless our first attack we are gonna dig through the tunnel it's gonna pop out behind their base and we're gonna become a special role and we are gonna bombard them we may be able to win within five minutes of this game boys hit the like button if you think we can win right now hit the like button hit the subscribe button if you think nico's a foot hit it okay so here's the theater oh let me go ahead and deposit my stuff okay so we can unlock a theater for for eight eight okay let's go down here i don't want to get that one what is this oh yeah this is the hatchery this is what we need the chicken eggs for and then this is a workshop boys if i unlock this as the king i hereby declare the workshop open look at this we can now we can build a tr a trebuchet we can build a trap budget we are going to do a sneak attack through the the vent system in police we're venting we're gonna go through the tunnel this is gonna dig behind their base and we're gonna set up trebuchets and we are gonna bombard their their throne room ready go okay follow me follow me follow me follow me radio right here set it up set it up set it up there we go get in the drive machine attack oh look at their throne room oh no we look bad on the left okay get back get back get back get back get done oh dude that was so close what is up next what is this thief room okay boys check this out as the king i declare this room open we also have to be ready for them to attack at any moment and this up here the archers tower we don't have enough to unlock that but we'll unlock that soon okay boys check this out i can become a thief look at me oh yeah like a little cool kid i have an ability called disguise right you guys run around oh you guys can do it dude i'm gonna go on a solo mission if i break into their castle i can run into their storage room and steal resources from them you guys go get a bunch of hay and build a wall around our base with hay yes sir all right sounds good all right here we go so i'm gonna go back in then i'm gonna disguise as one of them i'm gonna try to go in their storage and steal stuff here we go drop in and then i'll disguise once i get a little bit closer so i'm gonna disguise as gary i've disguised for 58 seconds i'm gonna make sure i'm muted hello gary okay here we go okay so i'm in the storage room so if i do steel look in the top right look at me i'm stealing how much am i gonna get two oh i got two iron steel again steal again thor iron steal again once i get disguised again how do i get home oh no is this i didn't think about this how do i get home just keep stealing perfect okay i can disguise again i got one wheat and one iron let's disguise as gary hello gay is in this beautiful can i go back through the hole it worked i just stole so much stuff okay let's go back home we gotta go back home oh hey there that's henry yeah that's the enemy team why why are you on why don't you get gary get of it gary go back to our base i'm just get out of here headway get out you are ass you try to sneak up on me you get out you get we just got infiltrated wait what my lord okay here we go let's do that there we go dab there we go oh we are loaded okay hold on did you guys build a wall i need a wall i need a giant hay wall you you walked in it oh oh no oh no retreat boys since they're attacking with trebuchets i think i need to build a defense come here all right i'm gonna unlock the archer tower wait oh wait what does archery tower do so if i go into the archer tower oh they're attacking with trebuchets go build more walls build walls throw them is on it oh they're here okay oh look at this look at that attack no take that oh look at this damage there son is that all of them dude the archer tower is broke archer towers being attacked oh no it's on fire look at the health i gotta fix it repair it repair it look at the health going up i gotta repair it i am the king i repair things apparently everything okay we're good we're doing good it's fixed everything's fine all right boys next thing i want to do let's do this really quick we need that we need to start ramping up our wheat farm come here we need one person to be a farmer so because we're going to go this way and it's broken and this is how we're also going to get chicken eggs chickens yeah shall we go down here oh wait let's break this first hold on what is that that's their tunnel break their tunnel oh my god the the trouble stays in the way yeah it does okay that's fine we can just we can just steal this now it's ours yay we stole it all right so if we're down here we can build a bridge there we go there we go there we go now we're going across the bridge there we go going across another bridge look at this we have a special wheat now if we build this there we go okay grab that oh that's a lot of wheat now check this out let's go wait the island up there we can only get that if we unlock the wizard i forgot about that oh no definitely what's down here is this anything oh this one oh yeah this is the iron that's right this is the iron but we have enough iron we need a bunch of wheat oh they're attacking them attack them easy attack of oh they're scary boys we have defended let's retreat and uh build the next thingy okay i have an idea okay next room is the tea tree there we go look at the theater boys so look at this boys i'm gonna i'm gonna serenade you okay okay it's friday i have an idea everybody become this everybody become me hey come become a court jester come on so as the court jester we can shoot a stunning note oh it's stunning that stuns them in place if they enter our little purple circle they take a ton of attack that's okay oh that's not wrong okay oh i forgot we can also get the hatchery we'll get that in a minute we can stun we can attack and anytime they enter our little purple circle they take a ton of damage so if all four of us are in a circle they all die let's go all right you guys ready three i'm ready are they all here come on come on come on come on okay should we should we go to their mine and then and then lure them out destroy it destroy it start attacking it start attacking it look at the health up top oh my god we destroyed it run run go go go go go let's cut them off cut them off cut them off save your stuns and we'll stun them to death oh here they come [Music] oh right make sure you keep your stun up keep your stun up come on we gotta go do damage to their storage unit so they can't store any more resources okay go run go to the stores go to their stores [Music] storage [Music] attack the throne room attack the throne room oh no it's just me and you nico oh no shake it down stop it stop it stop it stop it take the trebuchet get out of the trebuchet destroy the team room [Music] the amount of damage we just did that was insane get off of my seat i was just smelling all right boys i think my next strategy since that one we're breaking through right we're breaking through come over here okay check this out once we unlock the wizards tower right yeah why is there as the king i pronounce this tower opens up is this magic look at us boys so as the wizards we can place down a trap right and if they hit that they die to death but we can also shoot a fireball are we getting trebucheted i think we're getting tribal are we oh they are oh no that hurts that hurt just attack follow me check this out since we are the wizards we can do this watch this oh we can swim in water with our bubbles oh wait now we can get the egg get there let's go grab the egg okay grab the egg i got it i got the egg okay i think we need four eggs in total all right so we should have enough eggs here's what we're going to do we're going to deposit the eggs and then i want to go since we can swim in water i want to go on a flank attack place traps down there we go deposit the eggs we'll we'll we'll do those in a little bit follow me follow me follow me oh we're going to need a lot more iron oh we do need iron and more wheat let's actually go this way follow me follow me so there's the egg hiding we're just hiding come on wait we don't even have a bubble anymore dude we're on the back side of their face dude the top of the map yeah here's what here's what we're gonna do is we're gonna do let's set up a wall of traps right here okay and then we'll go get em and then we'll run this way they'll hit all of our traps and then we'll kill them we'll run and kill their uh their defenses and kill their throne room and win sound good i'm on it do you want me to lure them in yeah yeah let's lure them in go ahead okay put another trap just keep putting traffic hey come put more traps down come on more trips out yeah yeah yeah yeah go run run run attack attack attack stop it stop it they're going after the throne attack attack look at the dude we're damage done we're there at half the half life come on get it no stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it you need to stop it right now yeah that's what you get you die this is so tough boys we are getting so close okay final super close final strategy we need a billion iron we need a billion wheat let's do this okay in the meantime i'm gonna become this dude and place down a bunch of traps just in case they attack you never know all right we got a bunch of traps here just in case okay oh no oh no they're attacking they're attacking wizard tower is being attacked wait where are they storage is being attacked getting my tower oh there's good oh look at they hit all my traps what's up in the trebuchet oh zod's dead wait no they're up top there i can't see him up there i'm gonna i'm gonna get in a trebuchet though throne room is being attacked oh no fix the throne room fix it fix it fix it you know what you know what no i'm done with this i'm done with this it's trebuchet diamond all right where's he at right there get him oh dude get sniped all right all right all right i think we have enough iron maybe do we have enough iron let me check i hope so do we have no we're gonna need okay so if i if i unlock the hatchery that cost that cost three eggs all right so if we want to grow a dress a dragon what is that oh no oh wait we can just go right here now oh yeah we can just walk through here and oh snap hey this opens up now hey okay we need two more here we go dab dab dab all right boys last attack we need two more iron i'm trying to think all right and yourself there we go i've tried to think of a strategy for this all right let's go ahead and do dragon of course [Music] grow my precious thanks what are we gonna call or what are we gonna call what cut a little baby dragon cheeks kiss my don't kiss the dragon again what's wrong with you look at it growing up all right so strategy strategy strategy here's what i'm thinking you guys become engineers you all build trebuchets and i will be on the dragon i will be keeping them back and then you bombard them with the trebuchets okay i got it let's do it also i figured out what's happening what's happening [Music] [Applause] i'm gonna call you buttakish okay i'm gonna go change into my other alphabet but a kiss that's my friend but a kiss okay who do i want to be i should probably be a knight because the knight has the most uh health 125 health you only have 75 because you're bad uh but also to be a mutant look at how pretty i am [Music] oh god all right all right so you guys go back to the wait no you guys are builders you can build straight across come on wait what can we yep come on build straight across the water build it build it build it there we go let's go i can't get through break them there we go now i can get through okay they need to build the trebuchets build the trebuchets attack okay so as the dragon i have a fireball that does a ton of damage and has a very low cooldown oh there's henry i gotta stop him your throne room will die bring it gary bring it gary bring it gary i got the dragon take him out hey bring it headway stay back the third room is gonna be destroyed you no longer respawn [Laughter] destroy the rest of the base destroy it all biffle bring the entire base down before bring it all down bring it wait we need to find the king now all of them are dead they cannot respawn since the uh throne room's dead where's the king i'm taking off the archer's tower our trout is dead tower take out everything take it all out everything is burning where is your king oh there's the king where's the fight mount up boys he's over here come with me king v king battle hey zod no no no no king 1v1 winner takes castles in three two one [Music] wait i want one stop it where is your dragon at stop come here guys hit the like button hit the subscribe button that was an awesome mod
Channel: SSundee
Views: 9,960,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j0Q3np6UHlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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