We Found The Missing Backrooms Footage... (New Footage)

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so dudes welcome to one of the best scariest games i've played in a long time make sure you stick around till the end this has got a lot of lore to it and also you know the rule if you get scared at all during this video you have to hit the like button down below hit the subscribe button let's do this all right boys where is it going this is inside the back rooms oh here we go oh it's excelled that's terrorized windows xp what's happening i think i was born with this guy oh oh goodnight sweet world oh i'm snoring guys remember if you ever if you get scared like i said in the intro if you get scared at all during this video you have to hit the like button and the subscriber oh i'm waking up i'm in i'm in the company i'm in the back rooms i massively don't like this for the record uh oh we're in the back rooms oh no i i don't know like i see arrows where's the scary creature at you see arrows where oh you can sprint oh bottom left you have a sprint meter all right boys where are you at i just opened the door i don't know oh i see you hey oh hi hi this is me why are you guys together noise okay oh gosh we have to escape you guys please don't see an arrow i see an arrow all the arrows follow the arrows i'm following the arrows where do we go oh i found a letter use pro oh i could use these stairs okay sigils we are in the middle of the middle we're in the middle get here don't die oh wait oh hi hey okay come on boys we gotta go through the stairs okay i just went up the stairs [Music] almond water i just got almond water what is this oh good i'm allergic to are you wounded to cure yourself by drinking almond oh we're gonna get wounded there's anxiety pills over here and uh what is this unknown entity that's that entity the the music thingy the loud thingy it's a humanoid that seems to be made of cable for some reason it is believed that it has control of this place oh no all right no i don't want to play anymore wait there's walkie talkies i don't know the radios oh they're all right i'm going to take a radio there's anxiety pills like a lot of notes i can't read though feeling stressed take some of the pills oh gosh thank you all right everybody take one all right what is this there's a smiley face it's in the lurking darkness these walls shelter oh a bright smiling thing that's entity number three you gotta yeah this is actually my room bathroom my room yeah why are there numbers on the walls four or five my phone number four three five four one seven nine two oh it's an elevator oh perfect what is this let's go go and go and go in oh there's numbers we're gonna have to figure out the code to this elevator oh it's a puzzle oh no oh what's this the elevator code number left one two three four number left what there's little hashtags it's over here oh there's numbers on this side oh wait uh number number number number there's numbers on this side are there numbers on the other side well those are hashtags not numbers no well that's the number symbol what's wrong with you this is nothing no no so this left side this right side number one is seven number two is nine seven nine number three seven nine four five seven nine four five seven five four five four five seven i know it's okay nine four five why are you pressing down with your nose [Music] i don't know if i want to be oh um it just got real remember if you get scared hit the like button hit the subscribe button drop a comment saying sigils and sutter stupid got him sorry that was me are you going first oh what was that what was that what what what everybody calm down everybody calm down so we like trying to find another ladder i think so we're just trying to escape the back rooms but can you can we talk about how much this property value of these back rooms is like it's a lot oh that's dark okay i don't like this yeah let's go the bright way like huh what is that oh what is that what what is that wait it's a door oh which is over what's in here anymore you guys want to go through that door back there dare me to go first it's like a mirror wait what is this what is what this wall look oh what the it's like what is that noise how much for me to go in i just walked in nothing happens wait you can see past it wait it's like a security camera wall nope [Applause] i'll turn it on for ten dollars cannot turn on at this moment wait this though ui open we're gonna need to get a vhs tape i don't watch vhs tapes anymore not what guys guys is wait is that coming from the door that we were just at or like that wall i don't want to be here i don't i don't want to be doing this i don't want to be here i got more anxiety pills should i take all of them so so far out of my deductive reasonings there are issues with the duct system yeah yeah okay that was a good one my deductive reasonings are that this place sucks i want to go oh it came from here so far this is terrifying no actually i'm having fun so far so good none of us have died wow okay son i swear i'm hiding i'm hiding now it's every time [Music] listen we are grown men we are grown men we can do this we are grown men yeah who are trying to convince us for the audience yeah i don't really oh gosh this is the only way out b we are stuck in a corner he's not there oh he's gone uh-oh that's where we just came from though who wants to go first how much paypal is i'll go all right let's go go ahead you go first i don't want to okay i'm going i'm going i'm going wait have we been over here oh my god i don't like this oh my god oh what's in here is this a heidi locker no no it's uh oh no no what is this the hour is 4 30 in the morning okay got it great i just picked up a nose yeah i just saw that why do i have a human nose i hate it here can i can i use the anxiety pills i'm using them can i i'm trying to use i can't i can't use the anxiety pills guys don't take pills they're bad for you i'm not separate guys what the light came on as i started turning why is it red okay we've been here okay uh oh go in here i'm being brave i am being brave that's the way we came from because we look at that we got to go this way i'm staying next to this locker just in case i'm going to stay next to this no no no i'm going to kill you guys what just happened i'm hiding hello shut up shut up stop talking son it's gassing on me it's gassing on me i'm knocking out this locker i'm saying we gotta escape here it's like we adding you to oh there's the open door okay that thing almost ate my lunch and this vent is open need a screwdriver i have something to vent about there's something moving in the vent right there's another door we need to find a screwdriver you need to find better friends um yeah i know i just teleported what's that noise okay why did i teleport i don't know wait there's something down there do you see that shut up what is that why is it crawling i have to go i don't want to fight i don't want to be here my mom says they can't play video games so we don't go that way right okay good i mean based on story and lore what is that what is this hi i want to go to the front rooms it says i can interact with it there's a note right here look photo let's see what the note says before i interact with that hold on what's that say yeah i'm going to be here the shadow did you see the silhouette why wait i died why did you open that what just happened wait central are you alive yeah do you see me right here next to you i see your name i don't see you wait find the luminous door and revive oh i hear a heartbeat oh if you're you're a heartbeat you're cool i found a little bit of store i'm i'm alive i'm live i'm live you guys come back you guys come back i'm in the locker you let me come out i'm closing man oh my god hold on i can loot my stuff oh are you here yeah all right i was fine the whole time thanks for asking okay so we can interact with this why would you touch it i know what it is what it's going to say a word on the wall i just got to turn it the correct way i think it looks like it looks like a cow it looks like a wait you just had it yeah there you go it's a horse horse mustang mustang it's a horse what does that mean though like why do we care uh nice guys run run run run run run run run run scissors you're on your own [Laughter] guys we gotta go back for sigils hurry up okay i'm out uh oh i'm going insane i think i need to take my pills yeah probably okay i'm taking my careful okay okay come on come over here this is the hallway with that creepy little thing didn't go up this hallway yet thing oh that's the i'm going up the hallway i'm going up the hallway come on boys we're going i'm going it got dark you're turning on guys let's go first you're going first okay yeah you're a little brave today huh this is actually terrifying [Music] i already died you have to go it's a guy wearing a bag there's a note in my book can i put this on there's a note what's a hazmat radiation room the next area is fully radioactive so if anybody wants to enter a protective suit is required otherwise the radiation kill the person i now regret um not letting you read that before i walk i just ran i'm in the radiation room wait wait we can't be in here ian we can't be in here oh look at the bottom left and taking radiation damage yeah we gotta get out we gotta get out but the fate oh no it's gone it's gone here come back on come on i'm finding the luminous door did you die yes he ate me so we need a screwdriver and radiation suit sigils get back here now yeah i'm i'm like right here because there's either something in the fence did you see that is that me i ran through the steam you're sick okay dude it is so dark i found it oh did you find it eight seconds remaining hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up all right let's go come on come on boys come on we gotta figure this out we have to leave here there are little crawling things that want to eat us there are faces give me a second okay okay oh go go go go face with your face i don't know why i'm running i don't know why i'm running but i am sigils sigils no don't look at that face so you die again okay we're back here you guys never what is this the corpses it's been missing wait it's about missing people who were found and piled up in this place some of their bodies were found without some parts it's believed their souls still looking for their missing parts of their bodies look for a vhs tape for more information these are all dead bodies yeah is there a tape here oh gosh oh one of them is in here or something it's locked they all have names dude it's a code oh we need a code what's this note the locker code look at the corpses they hide a secret code just pay attention to the blood oh it's another puzzle oh so like maybe one two three one three two one three two should we try one three two i don't like that i don't like that i don't like that i'm gonna try one three two okay oh wait no no no okay okay i get it i get it so this isn't a number thing there's three lines just like that so if i'm looking at it like this it's bottom left all three top right oh got it got it bottom left all three unlock open door oh nice oh a hammer what do i do with a hammer oh we all oh you have a hammer yeah oh i got a hammer too this cool can be this tool can be used to break some object i wonder if i could break that glass wall or that glass thingy oh we can go through it oh no oh no oh hi hi hi goodbye [Music] it just uppercutted me to another area i don't know where i am wait it didn't kill you it's separated i hear it still yup yup yup yup give me up i got it i got a drink sorry [Music] um so i'm i'm in the thing okay guys there's a code we need to find a code it's uh the vowels all the vowels but and there's a b and a c on it and an m what are the vowels i don't know i don't know what you're saying i found the b i'm brave oh wait really oh yeah well no i found this what there are paintings on the walls now it's camping my locker it's camping i can't get out no i don't know what to do now we're separated i gotta hit to a new dimension maybe you let it hit you might you bring you to me i think i'm gonna die all right you know i didn't die i didn't die oh no that's the smiley face okay sorry that's my locker you're the worst person i literally called the locker it's fine guys i don't know what to do there's like a dog that just chased us oh no all the monsters just came for us guys listen i'm gonna end this video here if you want us to figure out how to beat this and actually beat it leave a like down below hit the subscribe button this is the most terrifying game i've played in a long time
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,952,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4I0rtddccE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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