Good day selling some of my picks at the flea market! Making room to buy some more.

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well we're set up at lambertville today did bring the tub had a lot of clamps these were pretty cool i don't think i showed you it was uh signed sign holders i guess this one went like that because the hole's there the guy i think had an old vintage or an old sign company kept a lot of the brackets these were nice because they're hand forged five bucks on the wheaton but i don't know having a decent day stand this up so we don't stick anybody this is actually uh looks like a photo of marilyn monroe you gonna get it yeah why not all right i like the president models i like it's hard to find the red ones yeah uh let me get you a bag and change thank thank you oh my god did you see all the paperwork was any of it for you who's hollering somebody's hollering i don't think they're hollering at you though jim no he wants you i don't respond to hollywood he was pointing at you i missed it anything good did mitch talk to you about doing a stamp show no he wants to do a stamp show oh he's got to talk to ryan that's what i told him well good luck if we sold one of the glass rods oh yeah this was the pile of paper i thought you'd find interesting i got it out of old farmhouse and for you uh 20 bucks you didn't sell that pile right no it okay it was raining pretty good when i was coming here from columbus is it for you yeah i thought so there's a lot of like fun uh five minute baton book nice old one thank you jim yeah i don't know who dug them out of this probably all right well good luck um it was busy it was hard i didn't find too much there i think i like this union pacific badge is that anything or no no do you need any of the leads like there's a bunch that are in there yeah five bucks each on the ones on the hard case and five bucks for the pair or the other ones do you feel any hunting nights no sorry thank you i'll catch you later good morning how are you doing very good well 15 on that actually folds out pretty big um i think we're gonna start packing up just a hair i sold a bunch more stuff uh we got rid of all the tools here haven't really walked around this morning um i think we're gonna pack up a bit and then go for a quick walk i think fish hooks i feel like the old tin oh matches wonder if we can get that old masking tape off try google on without taking off the ink i'm not sure definitely a larger chest chest set but you know it's been a really nice day here at the market there's a little chip on his head nobody bought the canadian goose cups that was that 10-0 yard sale i'm making good money on tools though that's a magnet for getting something that fell around the corner but the different effect that chromium all right let me check on time lapse as i pack all this up we had somebody uh dilemma i had somebody buy the painting i got at the yard sale but they haven't come and picked it up yet yeah that'd be interesting we'll leave it here see what happens still have a lot more to pack up we could play bocce it's actually not a bad set so that's what we ended up with it's not bad we sold a lot of stuff today um i'm gonna go for a quick walk definitely still a lot of stuff out at the market this is a nice old one how much is the squirrel nut dish made an occupied japan thank you damn i need a c clan i'll try nice day today you still putting stuff out well watch your back yeah i'm pulling stuff out little by little what do you want on on these i bought the other ones too right you took the other ones i'll give you these for 70. i wanted a 100 was your my friend they're all there paperwork's in them and everything yeah the the zelda didn't have the paperwork it was sad but oh well it's all good dr mario's probably yeah all right we'll do that how much is this box is it it's not sold it's not silver but it's just i just love the decoration on top yeah very art nouveau three bucks poppy there it is i want the butterfly made in portugal what do you get on the small razors 10 bucks a piece they're brand new they still have the old stuff in them it must be like travel i've never seen with the handles that small for which one thank all right i guess that's it lots of coins if you want an autograph i didn't have to go to my court hey there he is what do you get on the sets i was just being like 10 bucks yeah that's what i'm thinking i don't know i was at the scrap yard the other day eight cents a pound well not nothing right not for breasts no brushes so so the two for for 20 then or yeah yeah all right i'll try it let me sell the odd pieces and scrap them i i like the foot on that if that comes apart yes yep i think it holds a candle but i'm not sure what do you think i've seen it before i just can't think of remember what before i'm thinking candle but i'm not yeah my mistakes i think they're for curtains but i'm not sure they're different some of them have hearts maybe tyvek yeah that's that's my guess but we'll find out that's a winner all mother of pearl oh what are you getting on these guys the lady that was here that knows you guys was just saying did they see them how much i had said 30 bucks for the box some lady said can i buy 20 i said all right well give me ten then just oh i said why would you give me like two but i thought if you break them into lots how would you sell them would you like to sell it break it into lots so and then i don't know i mean there's so many i mean they are similar which or the same in most of them i saw a couple had swirls but i mean whatever you think i i don't know i'm not trying to beat you am i on the ground it might be right yeah you're doing good what is what is this and how much all right well i'm gonna get the and irons and yes how about this one i'm not gonna try to slip all the money out of you uh-huh i think 40 works okay be good take care all right we'll do that i always like the old robots are a couple people set up on the pavilion i don't keep much anymore you see how many people are at the market compared to a wednesday all right it seems like it's pretty old let's see what else we find we've got a bunch of marbles they're crazy yep because they don't know you know [Music] point so made it back was a actually a pretty good day uh it's starting to spritz a little bit i think we're gonna dodge the rain though uh did buy the brass uh loops my guess is they're for curtains uh there's like four of them that have hearts but i got that with the brass fire irons there's a bunch of uh steelhead i guess steel ones and this base is a cast but i still think we have about uh 10 or so pounds of brass maybe a little bit more uh this this one the base is actually i can we can sell that as a lamp base definitely uh definitely a pretty one but uh we got the mother of pearl buttons from there also definitely uh there's definitely a ton of them in here got to be a few hundred packed real solid probably make a good i think these are good for crafts and my pick for the video game of the day was willow oh yeah dr mario i think that's the the best thing we got in the video games and it does have uh does have its direction booklet so i did never got a chance to list the other ones but hopefully uh hopefully this week so thank you very much for watching if you guys haven't yet please give somebody a call who might be alone um please be safe out there and peace i guess i'll show you the garden real fast so just had to show you the lettuce it's gotten huge but we put a little net up for the sweet peas it should uh or the snow peas basically all all we really do is tuck in anybody who fell out and they should make it up this pretty easy used a little bit of bamboo some of the scrap wire tie the bamboo together and i'm pretty sure these are going to bolt but it'll be interesting to see how big the broccoli heads get they're about the size of a quarter right now but see this one the florets are starting to get big so that's why i don't think they're gonna actually grow been doing a lot of transplants probably finished what was it i think we did seven flats of tomatoes so i only need one or two of uh the tomatoes maybe i can trade the other ones got a lot of different varieties though a lot of good heirlooms and only thing else i have to do is transplant the flowers so i have these are all snapdragons here they were teeny weeny last time i think i showed them to you all right that was about it happening in the garden oh actually there was one other thing there was uh so past the peas past the broccoli over over here look how big the potatoes got they are ginormous probably two foot tall already that was just over a week uh with with rain put a little bit of compost down for fertilizer and uh kept them nice and green but definitely uh was amazing how fast they grew these are reds to about here and then i have purple and uh those are yellow or maybe those are white i forget find out when we dig them because i know i have more purple here i did plant a couple more reds down at the end and i know these are the yukon golds so this this one might be just a regular white potato with the big fat leaves compared to this one that's more narrow all right thanks for watching
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 15,743
Rating: 4.931818 out of 5
Keywords: Picking, flea market, selling, pickers, antiques, treasure, jewelry, vintage
Id: mcz4OZKgkbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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