A good day at the flea market selling treasures! A little shopping too...lots of costume jewelry!

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well it's the first Sunday at Lambertville we're pulling up to it right now looks like there's a bunch of customers set up over in the center with my girl hopefully we find something to buy and hopefully we sell a bunch definitely is a nice day so looks like everybody's got masks on that's good I brought some of the tomato plants I think they'll sell but we'll find out I think we'll do a little shopping first when we first get here so all right so this is our booth today definitely definitely have some you sold a lot just because I like it just seems like it's empty anybody almost want these they're crystals I'm surprised this is still here this might be one of the coolest things that I haven't shown you oh yeah we got a lot of tomato plants did you see this yeah I did it's really nice the cast the cast iron make like a hot pocket what do you get on the silver pins ten a couple of them the Geisha is pretty cool have you heard if Meadowlands is going to open did you bring any of your costume no costume jewelry all right do mostly I buy a bunch of costume pins off of your partner who sets up with the postcards oh yeah right I had mostly mostly necklaces and stuff not gonna pins not a problem is he going to come here on Sunday one day or now well yeah I'll probably come next Sunday no your partner yeah he always has something interesting all right so how do we have them separated well I'm just putting in kit like this guy is this well let me just give you a price okay then you can work it out like Griffin he's pretty cool like these guys huh these would be like like 10 each and this is 15 okay this one I could do better like this could be like like seven all right so so how much on all of it then I want to go yeah and I understand super low but this I want to get ten once I could go better look like this is uh uh-huh this is a you know it's a bajillion write it up whatever so it's you want this yeah I'll do like uh like 55 that's fine thank you see if I can find one other thing for another five bucks but I appreciate it fun little cheese tray it's kind of fun it's a actually real skin striper hey how you been what do you get on the the cards the ones that are banded up or obviously if they're not banded everything up to save the energy or just this is all just mundane subject matter and use it at the worst of these are all $5 and guard the other ones are about each any Western and nothing a Western thing and this was originally think a set of three cases but the world war one no no botanically this together a phenomenal condition what do you get on this I mean for the whole thing I was just kind of 250 bucks on this one it's pretty good this one's awesome from Jersey yeah they're both won't I I really appreciate it I'm gonna pass all right Dan it's you have a collection there's only so many all right see what else we can find maybe Hawaii but I'm not sure now would be curbing probably it's kind of cool it doesn't say like what do you get on I asked some we got like three bucks it's actually kind of fun you have more roaches and stuff for putting the showcases outfit I got so much on the top what do you get on the cuff links and love it a lot haha take the hobby show again no I don't think so either I know they came I can July oh yeah she's got September off but I'll write you know the York Show canceled soon and you have to get you have to get liability waivers from all of us and how many she bring in 10,000 people they're gonna have to sign liability wait what what sure you're talking about Chantilly all right well I found a nice little pile you want to add it up it all up divided by zero and then subtract by ten about 30 bucks without the without this guy not to get me that's a sign piece this is a very good piece these are sign each old led soldiers like the indistinct I think that goes to this guy his head it's pretty cool that's probably world war two and the other tonight bird dollar each seems another night sorry what do you get on the cow she bucks do you want that Indian oh I know thank you wish I knew a better way to keep the elastin and stuff in good shape there's all right I grabbed are these all dollar each I only think I grabbed out of a separate box where the two bigger guys yeah these are all dollar piece of this yeah a couple bucks so you know what 20 bucks from the whole deal all right that sounds like a plan thank you very much made my day good morning pretty good you got a lot of fun stuff yeah then look at this dish yeah sure and sorry as Bristol happened again outside only I'd only yeah but they're kind of cute yeah well there's a bunch of Indians also always seem to find something here you have a lot of things too what do you get on like a box of earrings just wondering [Music] trouble storm - and where are they yeah he's an almost I like the circles though five that's cool nice baby crystal ya know so he's amazing how much jewelry you guys drink well cat cats always seem to sell why I got for them inhuman that I never I wasn't the one who wanted them well I guess that's okay as long as the kids change the litter box yeah you'll never have to change it never scary clown thank you very good boy [Music] [Music] beautiful maybe at my booth I don't know about here oh I'm back but my girl get the chance to walk like I think that's just the stock number I'll take ten bucks okay I'm pretty sure it's Vaseline girls plus my buddy Jose is here he brought a couple of the short-sleeved shirts pretty pretty pretty great now you came up with like you made the whole here the whole idea in the back this is the best part well I don't know anybody wants a shirt come say hi iö he's found I found a bunch of Columbus did she buy anything for Father's Day huh please have a thank you no no no no you need large right you lost a large extra large extra large feel like 35 pounds of ice Tony thanks a lot you go Robert no I already say that my friend my happiness my father did they get I appreciate a think is too many way cuz I gotta wear a bunch well thank you Robert $10 on the water pump I don't know Roberts in a lot of videos I'm glad he always is always happy so you go fishing again we win yesterday good catch I think we did good what were you catching a flounder sea bass and Lee Wow was it nice and calm I would think today with the fog it's gonna be really good fishing the wire strippers four bucks you know how much I can't believe how much they are at the store now no you can't - oh I'll do three they're like $35 or $29 at the store there you go thank you thank you sure you have a very good day oops making noise had to go look at what Roberts go Robert what do you get on the old hardware are you - this over here I believe that's a bold cover to a book definitely got a lot of age take a look how much you want on this guy to cover to a Booker no door handle or four looks like it's a looks super old let's see what else he's got these are pretty cool cuz I was gonna put online I say you know what's up I'm not even gonna do it I'll just bring them down do you like those do you like the breast letters Robert what do you get on the glasses I guess so those pieces are busted yeah 28:20 each on the under pairs they're really nice yeah fathers have been [Music] nice and cool underneath the little pavilion hello hi what do you get on the little Griffin button there this one right here this is for can I pull it up sure try this side I think they're magnetized Janet is it on the yang wait it's a lion but almost a Griffin what would you get on on this one the little one I could believe it it's definitely we got have a lot of friends in New Zealand so a lot go how about in this case these are all Civil War Victorian mm-hmm which one uh I would like to see like that one or the how much are they you got those too what would you want for that [Music] I'll make it 10 - all right let's do that thank you you got a really nice collection of buttons to this you'd see what I have home good all right I'm just seeing if you had anything else I truly truly needed right now no I'm just gonna get these George definitely lots of jewelry today have you been George yeah I brought your present friend makes them for me thank you so much I appreciate all the deals I've got what do you get on the bar you don't have any gold filled for sale right now do you I never see lets figured I'd ask yeah so that's what made me did you get more of the stuff from the guy no no this is just fragments of it right you want to sell the box of it figured I'd ask [Music] [Music] I want the little scrapings over here too though yeah all right done got a silver coin right in the center that's pretty cool it's a old African cuff that they turned into a tray did you see that yeah like a bangle all right I'm gonna on a box that up and take that for 30 I just bought all that I'm sorry not your real good it's a shame they what do you get on that it's pretty great here's your money yeah seems to be going pretty good yes I I just just left to grab you uh bring you that shirt all right I owe you a tea then I'm gonna take that - cool thank you do you think it's African I know I tested it it's over but it's got a neat little cross it's cool it's like an arm cup that they added that plate - I'm gonna have Robert heat it up and take that plate off okay and bring it back to a couple hundred do you have change I just collected money that I forgot about not that I forgot about I gave it to one of my buddies right before it all went down and he ended up selling it on eBay well on our hiatus alright I think that's everything remember I'm vaguely yes I have it he's put aside for you so alright thank you again for this all right here's your hundred dollar bill the business card thank you alright you mind if I leave this here I'm gonna go walk over to Robert see if he can put it on ice Roberts would be able to be open find something from him hey Robert how are you very good nice to see you again I found a little project for you like the cat right and what's its wild night somebody turned this into a so somebody turn this into an ashtray can you turn it back to a bracelet looks like it was soldered I don't know how that's what I don't know it just has that look where I kind of wanted to go back as a bracelet so how much to take the plate off however long it takes yet look in where do you think it's from the bracelet India okay well yeah I gotta get back to the booth and pack up and then I'll I'll come yeah the things I had that that sounds like plan I'll take that up to a lot of people set up so good morning forty-four the to aunty quadrant weights yeah the night's pretty interesting and these are marks toys yes do you have any this is this all the botanical you have yes so I've got a broken into florals ferns and they're all 19th century really pretty it's will be X - 4 xx + 4 - 35 I appreciate it looks like Italia obviously looking at those antique Santa Cruz okay I almost want that one 12 each to 420 Lori Vicky was taking the opportunity to practice that's a news right now definitely like that value that's my favorite you've been good through the good one dear the auctions open up well a bunch of custom lots how's that Peruvian silver yep good sell that as a ring how much you get on these by the way like the watch band because the two ends are right yeah you only have the one end of this one yeah whatever was not only doing with the stones person was just cleaning out a little inventory mm-hmm I'm gonna pass I'll just take the one for again I'm sorry I appreciate it thank you very much well made it back from labor bill got everything unloaded now I gotta go sit and list for the rest afternoon I did pretty good with the pins that we got at the flea market definitely found some really nice interesting ones this Deco cicada I thought that was pretty pretty great there's just a lot of good rhinestone pants I know it I spent a little bit of money on them but definitely will make it all back on eBay as soon as I have time to list these it should be I should get them up tonight cool cameo nice prong-set flower carved cameo I think that's Kuro yep trying to get into where the I thought this was really nice the piece of coral with the blue or with the green s a I s dot a dot I I don't know definitely a cool cool little piece of jewelry this is Kuro old enamel mother-of-pearl elephant this is like I believe it let's see what it says if it's gold or gold filled or sterling looks like it's sterling with a cold wash but it's a nice 1940s flower pen really like this one this Griffin and sterling got a couple other fun sterling pins from her nice modernist one this one was the enamel looks like it's Indian got the onyx and marcasite I just like the way this was hand stamped nice sterling pin and a little geisha so definitely got a lot of pins oh yeah I forgot about the pins in this this really lot was a really good deal for $30.00 also there's a lot of lot of really nice pieces in here but I bought these my camera had died this is a true fari steak I think that might be my favorite pin of the day the micro mosaic but this micro mosaic is even nicer it's shaped as a flower with flowers inside it definitely have have a lot of things to list and this is a Danish sterling a sail ship so I thought that cowboys and Indians were cool especially for $20 for the lead soldiers and I got the two paper mache ones but that was basically it we had a good day definitely sold more than half the stuff on the truck and I guess the rest of the day I'm gonna go play in the garden and I don't know hopefully good get some time to list everybody have a happy Father's Day please be safe out there if you haven't yet give somebody a call who might be alone and thank you very much for watching see everybody later peace definitely cool just remembered I'll pick up that brief bracelet from my friend Robert probably on Wednesday it would be interesting how that comes out so I don't know we got this stay tuned luckily the flea markets open on Wednesday so that's where that's where we'll be all right it's a full Victorian bar pen this piece is not for sale it's actually a really nice piece of boldero opal I actually have a little pile of so much cool stuff nice little piece of gold filled it's pretty great put that on the window [Applause] that's a cool cuff link sterling and just melting under this another piece of that goldfields [Applause]
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 39,497
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: Blue Bus Dave, Flea Market, Selling Treasures, Treasure Hunt, Antiques
Id: 7pomeGjjmCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 10sec (2770 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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