"Golubzy"/Russian Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

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hi guys and welcome to my channel today I want to show you how to make stuffed cabbage rolls it is a common dish to the cuisines of balkans central northern Eastern Europe Azerbaijan and Iran as well as West Asia in northern China it is also very popular in some parts in the Middle East so let's get started for this dish of course we're gonna need a cabbage and I have a medium-sized head of a green cabbage we're also going to need a very sharp paring knife so what we're gonna do which is gonna trace that core and stick in our knife all the way through pretty much just making a very dip incisions without taking the core out then get a large pot with boiling water so we can fit the whole head in there and we're gonna put it with a core side down and is this cabbage is gonna start cooking we're gonna be able to remove some of the outer leaves so maybe remove just four or five and keep them on the sides so they get a little bit more tender and then continue cooking your cabbage then get a tray or a large plate and just line it up with a paper towel or a towel so we're gonna take those leaves out the ones that have been cooked and we're gonna line them with more paper towels just to remove some moisture and we're gonna continue cooking our cabbage hat until all these leaves are removed and completely cooked and tender and then just repeat the process of lining them up with the paper towels and guys don't worry in my house everything gets recycled so those paper towels are going into a recycling bin then when you removed all these large leaves that we're gonna use for stuffing you're gonna be left with the score and we're gonna use it also and I will show you how to make a filling we're gonna need some rice and I'm using this medium grain rice we're just gonna wash it very well until the water runs clear we're gonna put it in the pot and put 1 teaspoon of salt and we're gonna pour hot water boiling water over it just to cover the rice and the reason we pour in the hot water or boiling water because we need this boiling process to start right away and when it started we need to set the timer for exactly 6 minutes after 6 minutes we're gonna close the lid and we're gonna keep it under the lid for another 3 minutes after that just drained your rice and let it cool we also going to need 2 large onions and the onions we need both for our filling and also for our sauce for our saute that we're gonna make to cover our stuffed cabbage rolls we're just gonna chop the onion fine and we're gonna prepare the skillet with some combination of butter in some cooking oil maybe a tablespoon of butter and a table 2 tablespoons of cooking oil and then we're gonna drop our onion in there and it looks like it's a lot of butter but guys we have a lot of onion to fry and we don't need to caramelize it as soon as we just get some color to the onion it's done then of course we need to season the fried onion with some salt and pepper then we're gonna kind of Pat it down so we can divide our fried onion in half because as I told you one half is gonna go into our filling and the other one isn't to our sauce we also gonna need three medium-sized carrots and just simply grate them we're also gonna need five cloves of garlic and I'm gonna press the garlic I found this garlic press guys on Amazon it's absolutely amazing it just does the job all the time if you interested I will list down below the link where I got it but it's very very good garlic press I'm also going to use some canned tomatoes and those are the best they called San Marzano they have tons of flavor which is going to reserve a half a cup of that tomato puree and we're gonna just smash the rest of the tomatoes into pretty much paste and we're gonna use it in our sauce as far as our fresh herbs I'm just using parsley and dill and we're just gonna chop it very very fine and we're gonna use it both in our sauce and also a little bit in our filling and the fresh herbs of course add tons of flavor to any dish so try to use as much as so as you can of fresh herbs to make a sauce for this dish or a dressing we're gonna need a large skillet which is gonna drop our grated carrots in there just give it a quick salty and then we're gonna drop our half of our fried onions in there and then just saute it together and we're also going to add some fresh garlic that we pressed and also mix it and at the end we're going to add our san marzano tomatoes which is gonna make our sauce absolutely delicious then just seasonings as far as the seasonings they're not complicated it's pretty much just salt and pepper and just some fresh herbs like cilantro and dill and that's it you don't need to sautee this sauce for a long time because it's also going to be cooking along with your cabbage rolls so as long as everything comes together your sauce is done so just set it aside and we start on our filling for the filling I'm gonna use a 1 pound of beef in 1 pound of pork and I think a combination of these meats makes the most tender and delicious filling then we're gonna add half of the amount of our sauteed onions and a quarter of a cup of that tomato puree we also going to add our cooked rice which is about half a cup a cup and a half some salt and pepper some fresh herbs and then we need some water also because the rice is only halfway cooked so that water or that moisture in the filling is going to help us to cook the rice when the rolls are gonna get steamed then that pile of steamed cabbage leaves were going to turn upside down because we're gonna start with the bigger ones the ones that we removed first and because the little ones we can always get to as we start rolling the rolls and we'll see how much filling we're gonna have and if it's gonna be enough for all the leaves we have prepared so you need to trim the the thick part of the leaves so it becomes a little bit more pliable and then you're gonna put a generous amount of that filling in the cabbage leaf and you're gonna just roll it like a little parcel and roll it tight so they don't come apart when they're steamed if you noticed in a title of this video there's - and Russian called galaxy and there's an interesting story behind this name back in the 17th century one of the French chefs that worked for a Russian aristocratic family made a dish for them that involved robbing in the cabbage leave a whole pigeon and pigeon in Russian pronounced olap therefore the name was created and of course the commoners picked up that dish and they used the minced meat instead then after the cabbage rolls already they usually steamed in the pot with that sauce that we made but I'm gonna use it Aegean guys because her jeans are quite a unique invention and it will produce a lot of a juiciness to our dish and that's what we're looking for and then we can use that little core that we kept is a little bad for our cabbage rolls so they don't get burned when they placed in the pot or a tagine in my case and you're gonna place some kind of tight next to each other and if you have empty spots just fill it up then we're gonna put some sauce on top of the first row and then we're gonna continue building rows and of course that gene is a little bit more shallow than your regular pot so I was only able to build two rows and that's how much leaves I had and if you have an empty space there and you have some of the filling left and no cabbage leaves left then you can just make little meatballs and just put them in there and let them steam the steam with the rest of the cabbage rolls then we're gonna place a generous amount of that sauce on top of our creation and this is gonna get steamed for 45 minutes almost and up to an hour and our cabbage rolls after that are going to be completely ready in the meantime you could lift up your orb Jack your pot and make sure you have plenty of liquid in there so they don't get burned and if you don't have enough liquid just add a simple water maybe half a cup of water traditionally in Russia cabbage rolls served with some sour cream but I'm gonna use some creme fraiche today and also I'm gonna sprinkle some fresh dill on top of our cabbage roll and we can taste them Oh guys to be honest with you I can eat those all day long they are so delicious so I hope you like this video and thank you so much for watching please like and subscribe and I will see you soon
Channel: NastassjaCanCook
Views: 46,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google, google search, cabbage rolls, stuffed cabbage, stuffed cabbage rolls, stuffed cabbage leaves, russian cabbage rolls, golubzy, golubtsy, russian dishes, main dishes, rolled in cabbage, how to, how to make, how to make cabbage rolls, hiw to make stuffed cabbage, dinner ideas, vegetable dishes, ground beef dishes, emile hanry tagine
Id: _NVyL0SQ-wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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