How to make Cabbages Rolls

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body and today I'm gonna show you all how to make cabbage rolls I've had a lot of you all laxmi to make cabbage rolls and I'm gonna show you how to make them Jeana yang style here's what you will need you will need ground beef and this is a pound and a half of ground beef one large egg beaten you will need tomato puree that's a 28-ounce and you will need tomato sauce and I have a 15 ounce can you will need Worcestershire sauce panko breadcrumbs parsley flakes salt and pepper garlic powder and I have a a garlic and herb blend of mrs. stash you will need sugar and of course you will need our star the cabbage all right so now the first thing that I'm doing here let me show you I have my wok here that you all love so much I have water in here coming to a boil because we're going to need to boil our cabbage leaves so here's what we're gonna do let me show you how to prep first thing I need to do is show you all how we need to prep the cabbage these top leaves you want to take these top leaves off okay all right so let me take the other part off you just this recipe is so simple guys and it's so tasty and so easy okay so now we've pulled the top layer off what you need to do you need to go right here and be careful when you all do this okay you go in with a knife all right and kind of cut down in there just like so okay because what we need to do I'll show you let me do this guys let me push this knife in here just like so all right on all sides and let me get this side just like this we're not taking the core out just yet but we're putting scores in there so let me show you and it's we're motion we have a score here here here and here now what we're gonna do let's come over to our beautiful to our walk I call everything beautiful right so here's what we're gonna do you're gonna put your cabbage in just like so and just let it be don't mess with it don't bother it and I'm gonna take some of this water out because that's quite a bit of water and I don't want it to overflow but just let this sit in here for about five to eight minutes okay I will definitely I'll put the video on pause but I will let you know how long I decide to cook it you don't want to cook it too long okay you just want to cook it just enough to where you're cuz if you try to fold these cabbage leaves right now they'll break on you because they're not pliable but what will happen is as we set this down into here and cook it for a while it'll get nice and pliable and we can roll it and fold it any way we want to I'm going to take some of this water out of here using a measuring cup and I'll be right back okay everyone I've taken water out of here after I let this side cook I'm gonna turn it on the other side for maybe three or four minutes okay so we'll just let that go now I'm going to show you what we need to do with our ground beef okay we're gonna season up our ground beef just like so I'm gonna put this garlic and herb blend into here get your meat nice and seasoned this is the only time that you have to season this meat all right garlic powder get you some garlic powder in there that's good flavor pepper in here absolutely you got to have black pepper is good for you it has antioxidants in it we're gonna put some salt in there and be careful with the salt guys that's all you need and of course you all that know me you know I gotta have some parsley in there there we go just like that then we're gonna use some panko bread crumbs all right the pinko bread crumbs will help to bind the meat mixture and you all say how much Gina hey no certain amount just put you some in there honestly just kind of eyeball it okay if you don't want to use the breadcrumbs you don't have to guys all right I'm gonna put a tiny bit more there you go all right so then I'm gonna make a little well right here in the middle because I want to put that 1 egg in there and that one egg will help to bind our meat mixture also and there's another ingredient that I didn't tell you about which is my rice okay I've cooked two cups of jasmine rice it can be regular rice or brown rice whatever you decide to use but what I've done is I've cooked the rice half of the way the rice is not all the way cooked I feel like if you cook your rice all the way your eggs will be smushy by the time you take this out the oven because this is going to cook in the oven for about an hour okay so I cooked my rice half of the night and then when it comes out of the oven it spurt that rice is just perfect now I've seen a lot of people they like to put rice in their raw without being cooked and it comes out successfully and I've seen people put raw rice in there and it comes out crunchy but like I said the best way to do it guys make your rice half half way done and they'll turn out perfect every time okay so then I have Worcestershire sauce I'm gonna put uh some in there how much Gina just put you some in there get you some flavor in there guys flavor I've got a light in my kitchen that keeps kind of dimming and going bright so I'm sorry about that I'll have to fix the okay so what I'm gonna do this is two cups I don't believe I'm gonna use the full two cups I've had this rice in the freezer cooling down a little bit okay so now what we're gonna do we're going to add it and we're going to mix up this mixture just like so okay let me move my rice I'm gonna go in with my hands my hands are impeccably clean I'm gonna mix this up and I'll be right back guys I'll be right back everyone our mixture is well combined and our cabbage is still going it's not ready on this side here in a few minutes it will be ready alright and you might see some of your leaves starting to fall off like this and that will indicate that it's it's ready and then like I said what we'll do I'd like to turn it on the other side also so we'll just let that go be patient alright meanwhile I'm gonna show you what we need to do to our sauce let's put our meat mixture aside here's what it looks like well combined and then what I did I threw some more seasoning right on top okay so then we have a nice clean Bowl you're gonna take your tomato puree pour it in the bowl just like so get all that goodness out of there guys we need all of that alright let me take my rubber spatula just like this it's a recipe you all have asked me for this and I'm so glad that I'm finally making it for you all and this is a can of tomato sauce get it in there when I make cabbage rolls I like for the cabbage rolls to be the star I this is the name-brand that I like to use and I've got this from Kroger's this tomato sauce and tomato puree has so much flavor you barely have to do anything to it guys you don't you don't have to do anything to it if you want it to you can put some oregano or Italian seasoning but you don't have it has a lot of flavor all right but what you do need to do a lot of people when they make their cabbage rolls they will use sugar and vinegar I'm not gonna use the vinegar but I am gonna go in with a little bit of sugar and don't think for one second that they sugar is gonna make it sweet because it won't the sugar is just gonna cut the acid a little bit okay how much Gina just a little bit that's about one teaspoon there and then I'll put two teaspoons that's all you need it'll cut that sugar all right and if you all are someone that gets heartburn when you eat red salsas or acidity how do I want to say that work things that are high in acid put you a little bit of sugar in there and it'll prevent that absolutely so then what we're going to do this sauce is done let's go ahead and we're gonna turn our cabbage head all right and if the leaves fall off it's okay don't worry don't stress yourself out in the kitchen guys all right so now this on the other side for maybe two minutes and then I'm going to show you how to assemble these beautiful cabbage rolls be right back everyone okay everyone our cabbage is ready to come out so what I'll do I'll pour the water off I'll take this out and I need to let it cool down in order for me to be able to roll it and touch it okay so once this cools do I'm going to take it out the water this is gonna cool down and I'll be right back everyone okay everyone our cabbage is nice and cool here's what you need to do we're going to go from here where we put the score marks and we're going to cut in the exact same spot all right and this will help to release our leaves okay and it'll also take the core out see that just cut in those same spots and this just pull it out just like so all right very simple very simple guys okay so then let's turn this over let's see if I can get a good view for you all let's come up a little bit there we go okay so I have my sauce here and I have my mixture the first thing that we need to do let me show you something I have a baking dish this is a 9 by 12 you can use whatever type of baking dish you'd like to use okay you can use a pot if you want it to alright you can use a crock pot honestly okay so then that's nice and oiled because we don't want anything to stick we're gonna take some of our beautiful sauce put it at the bottom not too much just enough so I can sit on there alright and our cabbage rolls won't stick well that's what we're aiming for so get this spread out in the bottom just like so now if you all have a favorite marinara sauce if you have a favorite spaghetti sauce feel free to use that and if you want to you can definitely season this with whatever seasonings you would like to use okay I did when I had the video on pause I did put some salt in here okay awesome so we have that let's set that aside let's grab our mixture and grab that let me show you how to do this so simple guys all right so this part right here we want to take a little bit of that out because it's of no use it's gonna be in the way and it won't allow us to fold and roll the cabbage roll so let's get a good picture on this I'm gonna cut the bottom of that white stock out just like so see that I just threw that in my sink alright now we can fold this okay see the way that looks that's what you're wanting make sure your hands are impeccably clean alright and we're just gonna go in let's let me get a spoon I'm gonna go into some of our mixture mm-hmm and you grab yourself alright and you want to do almost like a little football see that kind of like a meatball football shape okay you can do it however you'd like in the rectangle okay just get it in there right so put that in there just like so my zoom in a little bit see you all can see a little better there we go all right so then you just pull your sides in nothing hard here push that first part in and then you just roll guys all right I'm gonna cut that end off then you just roll it and you see what you have the sides are in this is gonna be the bottom and the other side is in you put the beautiful side up on the top so let me show you so then you're just going to put it in your baking dish like so okay so I'm gonna continue to make a couple more to show you all again very simple it's actually kind of fun it is is actually kind of fun and if your cabbage leaf is torn hey that's okay don't worry about it you can double the cabbage leaves if you have to because of if you were to have tears in yours okay cuz this is all gonna get rolled up beautiful see that let's cut that end off this is so much fun grab you a nice amount however much you like make your little football ball Ric tango ever you want to do it just like so okay and you see how the breadcrumbs in the egg allows it to bind together all right put that in there same thing pull your sides in mm-hmm put that first part up and you roll and you keep rolling more same thing sides are in the bottom to set into the sauce okay let's point over to my sauce and I'm gonna put this one in just like so all right so then I'll do another one for you all and then what I'll do is I'll put the video on pause and fin continue to roll up more cabbage rolls and then I'll be back when I'm all done let's focus back down on here oh yeah this is so much fun and then oh gosh and then guys when you taste this we you hear me I don't know if you all have tasted this before but if you've heard about cabbage rolls I'm sure you heard good reviews because cabbage rolls are delicious yes they are I love cabbage guys love cabbage have you all seen my video for the fried cabbage if you haven't check it out I made that video last year and I had so much fun making that cabbage that cabbage was so good check it out if you haven't seen it so I'm getting my ball just like so same thing all right we'll roll this last one up I have my oven preheated to 350 degrees pull your sides in pull this one up and you just roll roll T you can't roll it anymore okay let's see I'm gonna cut that hard part off and we have one beautiful cabbage roll again all right make sure you put them sides in let's come back over to our dish and I'm gonna put this in just like so all right I'm gonna continue these and I'll be right back everyone okay everyone our cabbage rolls are nice and rolled up so now what we're gonna do I'm gonna mix up our sauce and then we're gonna start to put our sauce on top of the cabbage rose just like so now I don't like a whole whole whole lot of sauce on top of mine what you can do with the sauce if you like to you can heat this off sauce up on the stove okay and then if your guests or your family would like more sauce what you can do is just have the sauce on the table and they can put more sauce on their self okay so I like just a little bit I'll put a little tiny bit more on but I don't like too much on there okay just like so in that beautiful I feel like you need to see some of the cabbage sign shine through I don't want it all camouflaged and not be able to see these beautiful rolls okay oh I almost lost my camera so now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put aluminum foil on this tightly put this in the oven on 350 degrees and I'll check it out after 45 minutes because remember our our rice is cooked but our meat is wrong we want to make sure that our meat gets nice and well-cooked I've put aluminum foil on this 350 degrees guys and I'll be right back and I'm gonna taste this number let you all know what this tastes like be right back okay everyone our cabbage rolls have cooked in the our in the our our cabbage rolls have cooked in the oven for an hour all right we're gonna go ahead and take these off oh look how beautiful guys you see how I like and why I like to put the sauce on this way I love that look I think that's so beautiful rather than just covering it and sauce and then all you can see is red this right here that's beautiful and then like I said put yourself eat that salsa and just put it on the side of their plate if they want more they can put some more on their self look at this if you all enjoyed this video hey give me a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe and make sure you click on that notification bill so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes all right I appreciate you all who watch I appreciate everyone who has subscribed and messaged me and I also appreciate everyone the had concern for the person that was still in my videos those videos have been taken down off of her Channel and that problem is taken care of hey guys listen God ain't gonna let nobody do me wrong you hear me and you guys ain't gonna let nobody do me wrong and that's why I love you and I appreciate every single one of you and I just want to say thank you again thank you again I love you guys you are just awesome let's go in right here and I'm gonna grab I'm gonna do this I think I'm gonna grab two okay hold on let me get a fork - there's one oh and it's beautiful okay let's see let's scoot that up look at this let's come down on it oh yeah let me get that nice I'm so excited oh absolutely thank you Jesus for this meal all your blessings taking care of me and my family and keeping us safe and thank you Lord for all of my viewers amen look at this let's just cut this bad boy open and I want you all to see what's in there we got a surprise in there oh man the smell it is so beautiful mmm let's see that let's see that middle oh yeah look at that now I can go in and put me some sauce so on just a little bit not too much because you want to be able to taste that meat too and the cabbage just put my fork I'm on my knife in the sink all right first thing that I like to do because I want to taste the sauce really quick taste that guys right there taste right there mmm the sauce right away it's hate this it's it's different the sauce tastes like cabbage is so good guys whoo all right let's go in get us some of this meat let's try to get some cabbage and sauce just like so all right you all can have that first bite right there oh what a great picture I'm going in guys mmm good it's so good mmm see this right here this is what you call comfort food I'm getting me some parsley you all thought I was gonna get through this video without any parsley you gotta be kidding me hahaha I can't make it through I cannot make it through a video without parsley that's why I'm putting something on here right now all right here we go what so good I'm going in again guys I'm taking this whole cabbage right here oh wait let me get that meat I want you all to taste this let me know what you think oh look how bu that's a beautiful picture you guys taste that right there Oh mmm look on the side look at this beautiful miss so delicious I'm going in guys this right here this right here guys we put some love into this you hear me man is it good boy it's good mm-hmm and what I want you all to do season your sauce and season your meat how you like what seasonings you like okay that way you can enjoy it look at this if you want to do it salt free hey use it salt free okay look at that if you don't want to put the sugar in your sauce you don't have to look at that for the meat in the inside is so tender in that egg I helps it to be so moist then yet it helps to bind it together with the breadcrumbs look at that it's like a huge meatball it is so delicious and then it has that rice in there guys we have done it again you hear me oh we have done this again thank you Jesus this mill is so good thank you for letting me be able to share this with all of you all with all of my viewers subscribers everyone that watches I'm so grateful to be able to share my recipe with you all mmm Gina is in this kitchen cookin and she didn't come to play guys boom oh look right there that's gonna be a great bite there's so much rice inside of there oh that's gorgeous taste that right there guys will taste that cabbage right there so delicious taste that right there I'm hungry guys and as always god bless have a great night thank you all for watching good night bite that right there guys
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 176,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Wh1999v5nJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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