Instant Pot Grandma Lil's Stuffed Cabbage

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hey guys it's jeff from pressure luck and i'm here with my mom a chalet it's because of our that I'm here I'm one of your show everybody your fabulous apron that you're wearing is a non celebration of Passover don't and so we're going today make a really special recipe my grandmother my mom's mom my grandma Lill wasn't particularly close to and miss her everyday and so much the fact that we have her recipe of sub cabbage which we are going to make today right I was going to try because of the old school she didn't mention anything I have watched what she did so today it's going to be interesting that we have to measure it out you're a true cook you don't measure me who measures they know our human taste right listen so to honor grandma Lill and to honor our Passover from our home to yours let's get going stuffed cabbage so allows Mother's Day get their arms are really earlier this year and it's the eighth chord which makes me a little jealous happy mother's day MA early so we're going to add about 2 cups of water to this to make sure the whole bottom is coated and then put our head of cabbage in there it's a nice big head the 8 quart is actually really good for this recipe I'm going to put the lid on top secure it make sure it's a sealing position and I'm going to hit the manual button and I'm going to go all the way down to whom I'm going to say another 5 minutes just like that and while that's not come into pressure let's add in a cup of water every actual boil and we're going to add 1/2 a cup of long grain rice that's white order to a drum now that it's boiling let's add our rice to the pot and stir it up and call the cooking instruction on here so right now I have the two pounds of chopped meat mm-hmm and I any like a ground beef yes I use 85% lean okay course it's more flavorful on egg and I you know a pinch of salt by the way is three singapore's just so that you know kosher salt not tables diamond tool you have to use kosher salt okay kosher salt you got that we're going to peel this onion and I'm going to grate this onion into the meat fabulous okay as you can see them from the old school I had my mother's you can pull so this is a grater that I went grate the onion with this was a small medium onion so if you want to take a close-up and see how much is in there so I used to bear this much of the onion so it's 2/3 yeah so now I'm going to add a little bit of pepper a couple of turn now I'm going to put in a teaspoon minced garlic are the way these are measuring spoons off from my mother-in-law so we're using everything that's very nostalgic because it's a holiday that we all come together as a family yes alright now you're just going to mix all that up by hand huh yes I'm going to this is going to gross you out and you know what I mean right well I'll definitely write good and then we take it out all right and give all that give all that a mix and mix the rice obviously obviously we waited until the white in the rice comes off because you don't want to burn your hands right so you just mix all the rights off with all the leavening today it's supposed to really keep it and hopefully cover okay we're all set and MA if you've never used the instant pot early before I want you to get used to doing a quick release so we going to take your hand be careful to avoid the top of that and it's take this and then tilt it towards you ready and go all the way and all right and let's get the little and there's our lovely cabbage all nice and steamed and we're going to just let that sit for a little bit and cool and then we're going to peel off the leaves so this is a recipe that you know it's like the Torah when you pass it down from generation to generation I'm pissing you down my mom your grandma's recipe from me to you so recipe that is not going to be quick and easy into simple this is something where you get together with family on a Saturday afternoon or Sunday afternoon you exchange some tales you gossip about other family members you have a glass of wine you know it's something that you savor it's the most like these that make me the happiest I love moments like me so you also want to make sure you cut the core out of there it'll be a little easier if you do with that one okay so you're going to try to get a nice piece then carefully peel each layer of the cabbage off perfect because that's what we're going to then put our meeting and we're going to roll it I just show you something there is a vein in the cabbage and it's hard you'll be able to see it and feel it you will actually shave that off just try not to cut yourself but you save that part of look because it'll be hard and you don't want it to be hard you're so they you probably think this duct cabbage is about you so as you can see when you peel off each piece of the cabbage layer by layer this is exactly how it should look just like that and you want to put the vein part of the cabbage facing face down now you're going to take about two tablespoons worth well or a meatball so I have a large people the size of the meat yeah I mean if you want if you want to roll up until meeple you could kind of tell what size that would be okay because I really can't tell you exactly and then you just put it in and then you roll it up roll it roll it roll it roll it I'll tell you the pressure cooker really made the cabbage very easy to use and then you easier than boiling it back in the gold oh yeah and then you talked in the end if you're talking the ends it'll stay put we're gonna add that to our already to other roles another member of the cabbage patch family because we had a giant head of cabbage for this we able a minimum of our 20 cabbage inventiveness this is fantastic we're going to set these aside and then we're going to make our sauce and it's really quite raw next step with the remaining part of the cache yeah you see that it's really really very very white it's almost to the bottom it's almost to the bottom you can still make cabbage and stuffed cabbage is out of your budget you're out I'd rather cut it up and it's going to be part of the sauce okay so when you're done cutting it up it should look like that like so nice like big flaky chunks I'm going to be using these yellow onions they're not that big if you bar them individually and you get really nice big ones you can probably just use two but because these are like a medium small I'm going to be using at least four of them all right and sorry mom you don't have the magic snap technique so we're going to have to actually have you cut them up I'm going I apologize for that so now we are making the sauce and we're going to start by adding one forty six ounce can of tomato juice no how am I going to add another half a candidate as well you know what it is it has to be covered everything has to become we actually added a whole other cancer we have two of those two cans of tomato juice in there big name two pinches of salt kosher kosher salt and as I said before I learned this in cooking school actually maybe I would use three it was a cooking school just your daddy for a class Oh give me a break all right you're just getting a pinch of pepper you turn or more than pinch yeah and then I squeeze three lemons in my old-fashioned squeeze up this is a sweet and sour sauce and I entered the lemon juice into this into the tomato juice and now I'm adding a tablespoon so then I'll taste it I'll see how it is correct this is regular white sugar that you get in the supermarket although that's a salt I'm just kidding oh my god April Fool now we have tomato paste and yeah no smoke and then give it a nice stir and because my grandma didn't believe in measurement so we're doing this one really by eye and everything like that we're doing top US abilities we're gonna taste it now in this make sure work of ten with it it's excellent but I think we're going to add in a little more sugar than another table signors and in that additional tablespoon of sugar and one more taste it's a silo and that we roll up approved and happy with it hmm okay that's ready I'm going to put just a drop I put a teaspoon or a little teaspoon of sugar got your back mom let's hope it's good yeah I'm sure did so now we're ready to make our cabbage in the pressure cooker let's start by adding a half a cup of water with the trivet in there just so we have a little bit of a water base then we're going to ladle some of the sauce into the pot pan for onion and hand-tooled cabbage maybe oh and then layer in the stuffed cabbage just like that make sure the peel is on the bottom facing the bottom because that's what's going to otherwise it might open up rely on that and now we're going to cover our first layer with some sauce and think of this like a lasagna once you have that first layer done now we're going to add more cabbage that's shredded from the core some more onions and then maybe a little bit more sauce just like this yeah very nice and then another layer of stuffed cabbage the cabbage lasagna look at that there we go last one in there and now we're going to add more of the sauce to the top and then we're going to layer of the cabbage and the layer of the onion and you don't have to use all the cabbage and onions that you shredded up it's okay if you don't it's always just better to be prepared there we go so really covered nicely and then really top it all off and I'm putting in 1 tbsp Crisco and just throw it on top yeah and then look at the little top cooker make sure a sealing position and we've got off at manual and look at them as you brew us want to do it for 18 minutes in that set 18 minutes yeah 18 minutes of change that's it I won't do grandma I usually have to do it on the stove or I'm just a simmer it's like 5 hours well times have changed the meantime no we can just going to sit down and play a nice game of Mahjong how does that sound good house America all right ok guys because we put so much cabbage in so much sauce in the pot you got to be a little patient in terms of becoming a crusher in fact it's probably good start counting down before the pin goes up very likely it won't even pop up until there's about ten or even maybe five minutes left in the cooking it's totally fine totally normal it's totally going to cook perfectly just trust him so don't fret don't fear it's because it's a lot of liquid in there if you have a 6 quart pot instead you might want to do it into two batches because the 8 quart can really hold a lot more and now that does we're going to do a 15 minute natural release we feel that gets to 15 and we've had 15 minutes in the natural release so I'm going to do the rest of the quick release because there was so much liquid in the pot I'm going to put a towel over the nozzle when I turn it into a quick release is Tuesday and we shake and the pin just drop and moment of truth you have it look oh wow wow what you think that looks amazing I think was going to be proud so we're going to do now is we're going to take a slotted spoon and take each piece of cabbage or however much we want and just lay it in a nice serving dish just like so I'm going to also put the cabbage and the onions that we and separately okay it's all in there and then ladle some of that sauce on there real nice fantastic all right so the is the moment of truth well that's scary very scary scary mmm look at that beautiful meat cooked perfectly what we hope really let me taste it really delicious oh really oh grandma grandma will be very proud Mamaw will and grandma look you you it's because of heart that we have this amazing recipe and guys thank you so much for joining us this is a special one for me and please if you enjoy the page and please go to fresh pressure while cooking at Facebook at slash pressure love cooking and subscribe to my social media channels I have all one at this point and Happy Passover from our family to yours and if you don't celebrate Passover this you should make this anyway it's not strictly a Jewish dish at all it's just delicious and that's what counts so until next time guys I love you mommy [Music]
Channel: Pressure Luck Cooking
Views: 578,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Instant Pot, InstaPot, Pressure Luck, Stuffed Cabbage, Recipe, Jewish Recipes, Grandma, Pressure Cooking, Passover, Halupki
Id: NnS6F_skJtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2017
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