GOLD ORE testing! How much will we find?

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[Music] foreign [Music] prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earn your subscription today I'm here with Jason from Mount Baker Mining and metals we are finally going to get to run those samples we got at of the Midway mine like two months ago yeah it's been a while it's been a while we're gonna run through some of Jason's Machinery uh big jaw Crusher a big impact Mill and then a Shaker table and then maybe smelt it down and see what kind of grades are in that mine so thank you so much for having me and I look forward to today yeah thanks Dan for coming down and looking forward to seeing what you got in your rocks so wish us luck and I hope you enjoy [Music] we will start by taking our samples and running it through the jaw Crusher here what size jaw Crusher is this that's a six inch by ten inch jaw Crusher a six by ten jaw Crusher here which is going to take our bigger rocks and drop them down there as you know small Pebbles we will then take those small Pebbles and run it through the impact Mill here the hammer Mill and we'll drop them in there they'll go through the Hammers and get hammered down to a pulp to a small a fine fine particle which will fall out the bottom there run right down onto the Shaker table all of this equipment is made by Mount Baker Mining and metals by this man right here that's it individually every last well was done by you I do it all no they've got a team that make these things and going over the Shaker table here should separate out all the light quartz from the heavier sulfides and hopefully possibly maybe see some free milled gold as well that's the plan did I get right Jason I think that's it okay let's do it all right Jason's running off to start the generator up we are going to start with our quartz vein sample because it is the cleanest sample of all of them and the least likely to have anything really good in it we will be running the dirtier samples afterwards but they're gonna be harder to clean up so we'll run the clean one first this is your generator over here this is a Crusher in the hammer Mill it takes a lot of power to run these kind of this kind of equipment Jason did take me for a tour of the big manufacturing facility they have here but that's not where we're working today we're just working on his little uh you know private lab area where he's got his equipment set up okay we were talking about this a little bit earlier this is just a density separator it's it's the dense material falls down in the grooves Works its way across the table and everything light goes across and it doesn't matter if it's gold and rock metal and plastic anything else it just separates by density but we'll get it turned on here get it wetted down the good stuff comes out here the mediocre stuff comes out here the yeah we don't want it stuff comes out there oh actually that's where the we don't want it stuff goes the fact is anything that we really want to come out in these first two this stuff here only really if we identify some reason why we might want to look through it otherwise you know what do you call midlings middling fraction and most of the time the midlings will end up going back through the system hardly anybody processes the mid-lings for gold they just they just recycle it and it either goes into the tailings or just a little bit comes across so yeah and this is where things get loud earplugs are mandatory okay we'll start [Music] [Music] earplugs are in now I have to yell everything because I can't tell how loud I'm talking I don't know I'll yell at the camera so you can always hear me Jason says that this should take like 10 minutes to actually run a bag through so it doesn't take long at all take 10 minutes to cut them open it's gonna go fast okay [Music] foreign [Music] that took under one minute to run one bag very fast I was actually shocked how fast that crushed I have used jaw Crushers before and found it slightly tedious that was insanely fast there's that Quirk vein that was the third sample we took crushed down again we don't see many sulfides in this indicates us there's probably not going to be much gold in this sample but we have to check it out all the same [Applause] and now into the impact Mill Hammer Mill foreign under a minute to run one full bucket through this machine terrifying fan [Music] here that's right over the table to feel The Ridges underneath that way right now let's have a look the lightest powder is going off the surface just tail is going away after the mud the light corks the heavier stuff the material that might have some sulfides in it or other material that is heavier will be coming down this line right here the heavy stuff is actually climbing up into these for deeper grooves coming out and being sort of separated off so you can see any sulfides right through here coming down here's the heaviest of the sulfides coming out this way going into the appropriate bins Jason is definitely seeing a line a haze coming through here which is the sulfides you can see it there again you can see a little bit of it right there the sulfides have been working their way up that's where we possibly could have some gold contact is disrespect gold breaking its way down it's cool yeah nice because we don't see much free mil gold in this material so there we go we've got a bit of three mil gold coming down out of here I highly doubt my close-up camera can catch that as it's moving just shut off the table so I can take a quick shot of the first piece of gold might be the second piece of gold but we definitely see a piece of gold working its way down oh he sees another one maybe one up here ah he's got some gold there's something there yeah a little bit a little bit of gold and with the machine shut off you can definitely see the sulfites coming down there's quite the line of sulfides even though we didn't really see it in the courts it was there for sure okay let's get this thing processing again but don't let it that hurt now luckily we can turn the generator off for a few minutes here as the table does its job and processes here so we can actually talk and you can hear me I really hope when I was talking earlier that the microphone has been able to pick me up over top of that generator but look at that beautiful lines of sulfides coming all the way down we saw the odd spec of free build gold there goes one right there little tiny Speck of free milled gold what we know about this site is that the gold and silver is locked up in the sulfides that there is no or very little free milk though but hey we just saw a few a few specs so there is a little bit there it's hard to tell when the table is shaking yeah but I see what you're looking at yeah that one and maybe that one too coming across awesome it's hard to tell there's a significant silver content to this so okay yeah so you just unplug the table yeah those those are much more silvery in color but that you can really see the bands of of sulfides they kind of come down parallel with the ends of the grooves and all the gold if if we get some good gold on the table today you can actually see the fan of sulfides come down like this in the fan of gold come across this way it's really neat to watch yeah unfortunately I don't think we'll see too much of that because the gold is tied up in here yeah sure but maybe we'll get lucky I hope so yeah yeah well let's plug it in we'll I'll let the table run for another 30 seconds and then I'll I'll come through and brush out the grooves just to make sure we're as clean as we can get for our next sample sounds good and yes as we said before this is the cleanest of the three samples the other two samples are really heavy in sulfides really heavy and they're dirty they're like rusted sulfides it's a bit of dirt and topsoil and ugly things in there so this is going to be the easiest one to run for sure when we get into the other ones you're gonna see a whole lot more of those sulfide line and you know it's just gonna get messy foreign and sometimes the gold actually gets hung up in those grooves if there's not enough that uh it's it's unfortunately not I don't think there's much in here as far as like you said three Milling gold but we'll work hard sulfides down the table here again we're just helping it along we could stand here for half an hour and wait for it to all go down but we want to make the Shaker table as clean as possible that might be a piece huh yeah it might be good the Shaker table as clean as possible for our next sample Oh shoot what it's got to weigh up we should weigh the bags we should weigh the bags should weigh the bags that's why we use the one that we didn't really care about to start with before we figuring out the process trial trial yeah and something else I should note here a setup like this is really designed to be running the same material all day long you know 10 hours a day the same crush the same whatever not needing to be cleaned you know every five minutes we're running a whole bunch of small samples where something like this is really you know production machine it would be at a mine site somewhere where they're running the same ore all day long then eventually at the end of the day they would clean out these little bins which would probably be buckets at that point with all of their cons and here is the number one concentrates that's the good stuff that's the good stuff here's the number two high grade and what what I found over the testing over the years is about 95 of the free gold ends up here yep about five percent ends up here with very very little in the middlings or the tailings and so what I've come to start doing is with the number two there's usually a lot a lot more number two and so I'll take the number two after a big run and I'll just run it back on the table and clean it up and I can eliminate 95 of the volume by having that gold bounce across under the water bar one more time yeah so I've I've really concentrated it down if I start with maybe two or three tons I can end up with a few pounds of really high grade concentrate that that's now for for us melting this to test it we would probably just be smelting this here yep uh because we know 95 percent of our gold is there yep and then we can do you know a quick calculation if we really want you to say you know five percent more right yeah right yeah so we'll set this aside we'll um we'll label these the number one and number two we'll set those aside we'll run our other two bag or other two samples and then we'll have all of our concentrates that we can then smelt with or smelt and and play with and see what we have perfect take out one ear plug for now so I can actually hear what I'm doing and not yell at the camera it's kind of funny not having uh your ears to work with you don't know how loud you're speaking that was quick under half an hour to crush crush process that was really quick and I don't think it's going to take that much more time for the next two samples even though there's two bags not one because you know that was less than a minute and that was less than a minute so if I have two minutes and two minutes it's still gonna take about the same on the table I'm sure so yeah it is quick love using this bigger equipment that's for sure if you do you know run yourself a hard rock mine or need some of this equipment in any way it's Mount Baker Mining and metals and there's their website and this is fabulous equipment made here in Washington state in the USA yes I'm a foreigner today if you're not familiar with Jason from Mount Baker mining he also runs a YouTube channel so check him out he's got great content a little bit different than mine because he's more hard rock oriented where I'm more Placer oriented if you're interested in mining if you're interested in gold treasure hunting all that kind of stuff make sure you look up Jason on YouTube okay the north vein now which one was the north vein can we remember which side was which uh because this guy goes east west the North Main was the uphill side the uphill side okay okay so it's the South vein that I'm most interested in oh okay so we'll do it last okay perfect but like you said this stuff is pretty gnarly looking stuff all oxidized and brown and junky so we'll see I remember when we were running the star uh getting this stuff with our with our Hammers and stuff it was real oxidized but there was some shiny stuff in there you could see some sulfides yep so our hope is that we recover some of that on the Shaker table today I think we're gonna see huge lines of sulfides that is especially this one okay but both of them cool so let's get it crushed through the crusher Jason's about to run the two bags from the north seam the uphill side and this is going to be much much dirtier check out how quick that thing if you didn't get to see us go back to my channel we had a couple videos of uh Jason and I actually collecting this from the Midway mine and we had a lot of fun it's nice having Jason up in Canada we have to support them afterwards of course but it was great foreign [Music] there we are let's dig out the weight of the bucket that was almost exactly 50. 50 kilograms and yes I know him in the States but it's just so much easier to work in metrics than pounds stuff look at the color difference with another one would sort of a white mud coming off this is a red dress because this stuff has so many oxidized sulfides in it so much rust there's all sides we're slightest little spice coming down foreign little speck of gold working its way down I see one right in front of it too is that a bigger piece coming uh yeah a little Wire yeah female gold another piece coming they're just gonna fall off yeah has shown itself look at that a lot more salt life Jason was just pointing out how you can see actually a line of blue sulfide this camera's not gonna get it new sulfides versus the yellow sulfides the Bluer sulfides will be the molybdenum that we saw earlier the Molly where the sort of yellow or grayer sulfides with these iron pyrite love it even sulfide if you want all the sulfites looks like some of them are going down the middles there so that we would have to oh yeah they're traveling up there if we were concerned we could take that middle bucket toss it back in and let it run one more time but I think we're getting more than enough for what we need here that being said if the gold is locked up in sulfides there's some of our gold going down there there's a little bit of free meal and ideally like you mentioned earlier you would be running hundreds of pounds or tons and the idea is if you get it nice and consistent the line never moves so you can set it and forget it and you'll have this really nice all right it's about half and half right now now looking at what we're getting there one of the sulfides in the one and two but then we're getting a hell of a lot heck of a lot being the number three as well so we're probably only going to be smelting the eight there so much of it's going to be going off on those numbers which means we're not gonna get the numbers we want unless we do a whole lot more spells and I don't know maybe we're gonna run those number threes again maybe we'll just sort of get a gut feeling of how much is there versus in the one and two not sure where we're going with that yet ah the generator's off I can talk again I can take this thing out and I think why we have this big line of sulfides going down here is the volume of sulfides is so high we're overwhelming the main four grooves going out and we're just overwhelming with so much that it they're just dropping down and we get this second line of sulfide so if we want an accurate you know smelt of all of our sulfides I think we would have to pull that stuff back out into our smelt if we want to get that accurate accurate number rather than just sort of a gut feeling indication of how much gold there is but there's just so much here that would be a huge smelt if we try to take it all Jason's just helping out getting the sulfides into the number one there look how much this hounds pounds of sulfides here massive amount of sulfides yeah but that's what's holding the gold and you know that's a good sign if there's that much sulfide if that's where the gold is absolutely that means there's just that much more gold yeah and silver of course here's our number one we got what a pound there yeah yeah probably a pound of the number one concentrates that's where all the gold fell into and then you know twice as much in the number two but that's just all sulfide so whatever we served aside per per gram per pound per ton per whatever of sulfides how much gold is actually you know trapped up in there the more cell phones you have the more gold you have getting set for the South vein which is the one I am most interested in and if we overwhelm that table with that last one this is gonna be oh I'll I'll feed it very very slow through the hammer Mill so we'll we'll minimize hopefully the amount of sulfides we lose but yeah we'll just we'll just go slow on this one we're not in any Rush right now I'm hoping that sulfides with more gold content are heavier than sulfides with less gold content and that they're going up to the number ones but there's just so many sulfides hard to deal with [Music] foreign [Music] company that I'm talking to about you know working the the Midway mine I'm meeting with them next week and they will definitely be taking some samples and sending it off to the labs to activate so where we're getting an idea of what's in there they'll know exactly so most of these rocks coming through here right now are solid sulfites any rock you grab is just a solid Mass the more water helps separate this more or the fact that it's just all sulfites it doesn't really matter where yeah it's just they're so dense that it's hard to push them for you which is good that means a lot more gold this also means we won't get an accurate number but definitely be worth taking some of this and sending it off to a lap for an accurate number first one is uh 24.4 second one is 21.2 so that's about 44 pounds of that material once you take off bits of the bucket and these are only half buckets because we have less material but it's a much denser material so overall it's happening and this sample the mud coming off is a dark gray rust what is soaked by third grade including sulfides even in the train crazy and there goes our first two pieces of gold oh ready one there too here comes another and another alrighty we got some gold yeah I see one two three at least coming down four fifth right there and rock rock and you and you really see the blue the line of blue sulfides here versus the yellowish sulfide which we assume is molybdenum versus iron pyrite we just turned off the table for a quick second just to get a good shot of that line of blue and I definitely see specks of yellow all through it too for instance right at the point there right at the Apex of that curse that little speck of yellow there's a little piece of gold in with that blue it'll be a really good understanding of this what we'd want to really do is separate off the blue sulfides from the sort of greenish yellow sulfides smoke them separately and see which one is carrying the gold or if they're both carried the gold but uh there's definitely a significant amount of this blue which is obviously a different metal probably Molly and I assume that the vast majority of this is iron pyrite and I assume that because the amount of rust in the pit foreign what a difference real you know industrial proper engineered real equipment makes Crusher crushed in seconds another Crusher crushed in seconds the Shaker table processed with no flaws at all this worked so well compared to anything I've used before absolutely love it again if you're in the market for some hard rock mining equipment check out Mount Baker mining metals their equipment absolutely works well until Jason dance at you and there we are ones and twos those must be heavy we all have it there I mean I'm gonna put that one on top that's almost dropped it heavy heavy all right well I extremely well we're already impressed with what we did there we go thumbs up from him um if you're interested in any of our equipment you can check out our website I think Dan will put a link in the description below absolutely there's this equipment which is which is all electric but we also offer the jaw Crusher and the hammer Mill with a gas powered motor so you could in theory or actually in practice run all this on your mind site with just a little Honda generator so again check us out on our website awesome look at this I get to see the shop that we see so often in Jason's videos there's the Kiln will be using for smelting him today Jason is getting things ready for our first smelt [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 273,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, prospecting, panning for gold, mining, gold, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, british columbia, bc, video, canada, finding gold, gemstones, gem stone, gems, treasure hunting, metal detecting, diamond mining, metal detector, gold detector, gold river, metal detecting gold, gemstone hunting, gold panning for beginners, finding gold with a metal detector, metal detecting for gold, sluice box, how to gold pan, gold mining process, gold ore, rock crushing
Id: 51zyBIEIqII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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