GOLD DIGGERS That Went To COURT, They Live To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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well well well if it isn't my soon-to-be ex-husband i am going to milk you for everything you've got first you cheat on me and now you want to take all my money too my attorney's going to make sure the judge knows the truth oh isn't that cute you know what maybe i'll be nice and let you keep a few dollars all rise for the honorable judge jacobs you may be seated we're here to finalize your divorce settlement defendant you can start your honor she was only with me for the money she started cheating on me right after we got married no i didn't i was always loyal to him i put everything i had into our marriage no don't believe those lies she has a history of doing this your honor the truth is he broke my heart and then he broke our marriage i feel i am entitled to 100 of everything he owes no she doesn't deserve a dime settle down settle down you say she has a history of doing this do you have evidence yes well my attorney does he should be here any second well since he's not here and you don't have any proof i'm gonna have to rule in favor of the plaintiff [Music] wait i thank your pardon your honor i am here milton what are you doing here hello angela i'm his lawyer you two know each other yes your honor [Music] we used to date and she did to me the same thing that she is doing to my client you see i will never forget the day she left me hey babe can you take me shopping i need some more outfits for this weekend i'm sorry i can't i have to study for this log exam tomorrow okay fine just give me your credit card and i'll go by myself i'm sorry babe i can't it's all maxed out for buying my books but i promise you in a few years when i am a lawyer i'll buy you whatever you want a few years i'm not waiting around that long fine i'll just go ask chad for money then chad wait who's chad the rich guy i've been seeing how else do you think i can afford all my shopping how could you do that to me i need a man that can afford my lifestyle i'm sorry but it's over so you see your honor cheated on me just like she cheated on my client i even hired a private investigator to take these photos these photos your honor clearly show the plaintiff cheating on my client [Music] hmm well it's not my fault he couldn't keep up with my lifestyle maybe if he had more money i wouldn't have had to cheat on him order water i've seen everything i need to see this court rules in favor of the defendant plaintiff is not entitled to a dime this court is dismissed [Music] mrs baker he barely gives me any money your honor last month he only gave me three hundred dollars that's why i should have 100 custody of britney no i'm gonna stay with daddy too quiet baby is that true mr jones are you not able to take care of your ex-wife's financial needs things have been a little tight lately your honor after i pay food and rent i give her all the money i have but that's still not enough 300 a month roger that's pathetic and it's a good thing we have damien now who makes twice as much money as you i may not make a lot of money but that does not make me a bad father [Music] you see when we were married i didn't have a lot but every day i would pick britney up from school i'd ask her how did a day go and we laughed the whole way home [Music] and whenever we got home no matter what i was doing i'd always put britney's needs first [Music] i'd give her all my time and attention so that she could get ahead in life and at night i took my baby girl into bed and read her bedtime stories i'd watch her smile and slowly fall asleep knowing that her daddy loves her so you see i may make only half the money but i give twice as much love and that's what matters i'm sorry but that is the saddest excuse i have ever heard roger you can't pay bills with love order settle down mrs baker i'm sorry your honor well i've listened to your testimonies [Music] but i'm gonna have to give this some more thoughts this court will readjourn in two days for my decision daddy i don't want to be without you and i don't want to be without you either baby brittany get over here right this minute [Music] the next day the mom and damien pick up brittany from school brittany tries to tell him how her day was but he couldn't care less the mom watches on remembering how roger would make britney laugh and smile [Music] later on brittany asked damien for help with her homework but he doesn't make any time for her [Music] the mom looks over remembering how roger would give her so much attention that night as brittany's about to go to sleep she asked damien to read her a bedtime story but he says no the mom watches sadly now realizing how much of a better father roger was towards brittany and then the next day they come back to the courtroom good morning everyone good morning your honor ms baker is your boyfriend not joining oh no we're actually no longer together i see well mr jones you seem like a great dad but given your financial situation i think it's best to grant mrs baker 100 custody if that's still what you want miss baker what no you oughta please mom please i don't want to be without daddy [Music] i can't live without my baby i'm sorry but unless miss baker changes her mind i hereby grant her 100 custody of wake i i changed my mind i realize now that roger really is a good father even if he he only has half as much money he gives her twice as much love and that's all that matters maybe [Music] we can try to be a family again i would love to hey i love you so much i love you too sweetheart and they live happily ever after sweet dream suitor [Music] so you sound question that this defender did these crimes no that's impossible i wasn't in philly when it happened i was in la at a dodgers game he's lying you can tell by looking at him order defendant do you have any proof of your alibi uh uh no we don't have any proof your honor okay well if there's no evidence to corroborate robert's story the court finds the defendant robert williams guilty on all six counts of assault with a deadly weapon wait what what no no no no please he's not my baby boy he didn't do it i know he did it your honor please you have to believe me i'm innocent i put that on my life you know i didn't do this you know it order mr williams that's enough not another word we'll reconvene tomorrow for sentencing teddy no please don't go everything is gonna be okay sweetie i promise daddy loves you so much hey bus what if he's telling the truth what if we got the wrong guy well you don't think i know what i'm doing no no i'm not i'm not saying that i'm just wondering if maybe we shouldn't take another look at the facts i just want a case who cares whether he did it or not all that's important is i'm one step closer to a promotion and besides people like him they're all the same just a bunch of criminals please sir please it's never too late to do the right thing i wasn't in philly when it happened i was in l.a at a dodgers game [Music] yeah well i can see my headlines now d.a graham gives low-life criminal life in prison keep up the great work he's innocent he's innocent can you give us a minute yeah what are you talking about he wasn't in philly when it happened his story checks out look i have his credit card statements right here he was making purchases in los angeles while the crime was happening okay so well so if he was in los angeles when the crime was happening in philadelphia then it couldn't have been him we have to get these to the defense right away have you lost your mind i mean uh maybe somebody stole his card maybe he gave it to him if i can think of a thousand reasons but sir that's enough the case it's over you hear me now what i would suggest that you do walk the line so you can get ahead [Music] i have proof what is it now i contacted a local convenience store and i found a photo of him he bought a hot dog just before the game it's not possible take a look he couldn't have committed a crime in philly if he was buying a hot dog in l.a that neighborhood looked like him it's him i had facial recognition confirm it has anyone else seen this no why good let's keep it that way i don't want you humiliating us or risking this case because you got some pictures that don't even look like the guy but sir quiet you want to lose your job i don't want to hear one more word about this case you're not gonna believe this i have video evidence what are you talking about well a reporter was giving an interview outside of the game okay so so guess who walks by there that's robert he's walked through the background of the video i i can't believe this this proves his innocence we have to tell the judge all arise have a seat we have to tell the judge you don't have to tell the soul is everything okay mr graham anything you want to share know your honor very well mr williams these charges against you are not minor crimes federal statute requires a 25-year mandatory minimum sentence no please john i'm telling you i didn't do it you've already been found guilty so unless the people have anything else this court hereby sentences that defendant robert williams to 25 years in a federal prison without the possibility [Music] wait excuse me hey i'm sorry your your honor he he didn't do it may i approach the bench you may your honor there is no way that mr williams committed those crimes you see i have here a credit card statement showing purchases made by the defendant with his credit card in los angeles on the same day that the crime took place in philadelphia and i also have a photo of the defendant in a convenience store here in los angeles buying a hot dog just mere moments before the crime took place and i have a video as well your honor that shows the defendant at dodger stadium at the exact time and date that the crime was taking place in philadelphia over 2 000 miles away so you see your honor robert williams could not have committed those crimes he was telling the truth all along his uh is all this true mr graham uh well uh why didn't you say anything because he was more interested in his promotion than he was in saving an innocent man from jail i presented him with all of this evidence your honor and yet he ignored it well would you expect huh okay so maybe he didn't do this crime but i'm sure he's done dozens of others look at him he's clearly a criminal your honor order i've heard all i've needed to hear mr williams the charges against you have been dropped you're free to go bailiff uncuff him immediately [Music] and you mr graham constructing justice and tampering with evidence is a very serious crime your honor i'm going to see to it that not only do you never practice law again but that we send the right man to jail this time you bailiff arrest him no no this can't be happening this case is dismissed [Applause] i love you so much i told you everything was gonna be okay oh why did you help us well because a wise woman once told me it's never too late to do the right thing [Music] [Music] you should be ashamed of yourself you're really despicable all right all right you guys may be seated all right plaintiff go ahead start thank you your honor as you can imagine life is hard enough for my client who is disabled but what makes it even harder is dealing with negligent business owners like the defendant here that is not what's going on here wait your turn defendant you may continue thank you your honor as i was saying before i was so rudely interrupted my client here was using the restroom at the defendant's place of business he was trying to get up when may i approach the bench your honor yeah she may thank you as you can see my client was holding on for dear life to grab the bar for support but it was improperly attached causing him to fall on the floor and injure his head thankfully i was nearby to help take the photos but if the defendant wasn't trying to cut corners and do such a shoddy i did not try to cut any corners hey you can speak when it's your turn continue but if the defendant wasn't so negligent in installing that bar my client wouldn't be in a neck brace today therefore we are demanding the defendant to pay 25 000 in damages and all attorney fees twenty five thousand dollars that's gonna order i'm not gonna tell you be quiet again i'm sorry your honor go ahead and finish that's all i have your honor but the evidence it speaks for itself all right now what do you have to say about all this okay look that crab bar was not negligently installed okay i did it myself and i know i didn't cut any corners how do you explain all these pictures then i don't know well it looks like all of the evidence is heading in one direction it's clear that the defendant is negligent and creating injuries to our planet therefore i have to rule in favor of the plane what no your honor please i'll have to close out my business the decision's been made tomorrow we'll get together and we'll talk about the damages thank you thank you your honor i hope you learned your lesson when you take advantage of people it comes back to you [Music] all right uh next case uh tabitha clemens versus jake odell amazing like clockwork you really think we'll get the full 25 grand don't we always i'm going to try to squeeze out as much as i can in attorney fees this thing is really starting to itch my butt is really sore so i'm just going to stand what are you doing if anyone sees you we'll both be exposed let's get out of here first plus i found another business to hit up [Music] [Laughter] that's gonna be an easy one this one has a dressing room that's perfect so just give me a couple minutes and then come in okay pookie hey sir excuse me can you move i'm trying okay all right oh hey wait wait wait wait your screwdriver is sticking out oopsies that would have been pretty bad huh [Music] hi welcome yeah sure okay oh hey let me um let me help you with that that's so kind hi welcome in [Music] hi welcome in oh hello hello [Music] excuse me ma'am do you mind if i try this on in the back of course thank you [Music] what was that i don't know oh my gosh are you okay does it look like i'm okay here let me help you maybe you should just stay right there okay oh no what happened well i tried to grab a stupid grab bar and it must have not been installed correctly because it fell when i was holding onto it oh oh i think i broke something i'm so sorry to hear that would you like us to call you an ambulance first i want to talk to an attorney ah okay i can't find my phone here it is watch your legs i don't mean to overstep my name is stephanie and i'm actually a personal injury attorney i specialize in ada cases really and you would help me yes of course no one deserves to be treated like this especially someone in a wheelchair is it okay if i take some pictures that's fine okay oh it's cold why is it so cold it's almost tell the owner he will be hearing from my office soon this was really negligent of you guys well let him know and again we're so sorry for what happened you should be [Applause] [Music] hey um i just need one more second why are you taking pictures okay look this is gonna be hard to believe but that guy was faking it all he did the same thing to my business yeah you can tell just by looking at the holes what do you mean well just look at the way that the screws came out of the wall it's way too smooth to have been pulled out so that means that somebody came by and unscrewed them i would have never thought of that yeah thank you see ya oh you should have seen the look on their face it was priceless oh i can only imagine oh before i forget here's that settlement from the restaurant case last week wow that is the easiest money i've ever made in my life well it was a pleasure doing business with you as always i better get going so here is your wheelchair thanks i got you now what are you doing here you two are the biggest fraudsters on the planet can't wait until the judge finds out about this get ready to go to jail for a very long time the judge won't find out about this what are you talking about i got the pictures right here yeah yeah yeah stephanie so where's your evidence now oh should i say cheese okay you know what it doesn't even matter no i'll just tell the judge what i saw oh and you think he'll believe you she really don't think he's going to know what's going on here when i tell him that you're going from business to business pulling up the same scam oh well it's not a crime to get injured at different places but you know what do i know i'm just a an attorney well not for long we'll see you in court [Laughter] [Music] and uh don't forget the checkbook okay look i'm telling you your honor this is all one big scam i saw it with my own eyes it's the right truth to this none whatsoever your honor he's just trying to paint us in a bad light to avoid taking responsibility for his own negligence i urge the court to issue punitive damages to punish the defendant for his lies well you are accusing them of some very serious crimes do you have any evidence to substantiate your accusations like i said she cropped my memory card and then she ate it [Laughter] i'm sorry aiden i'm i'm sorry your honor but i've heard some pretty outrageous stories in my day but that one takes the case you can look up their court record they have a history of filing kisses against businesses yeah yeah yeah but you know even so it's not illegal to have multiple injuries in fact it's kind of common among ada cases so my ruling stands no no no no please look that would mean i have to shut down my whole business and look i'm telling you the truth okay you just have to believe me without proof to substantiate your story it's just hearsay i'm gonna ask you one more time do you have any evidence no all right well then i hereby award 25 000 to the plaintiff for the demand along with now another 10 000 for your attorney fees stop your honor the plaintiff and his attorney are both frauds liar who is this guy i mean why should we be listening to him oh well maybe because i'm the one with the folder full of photos of you committing fraud oh and uh for what it's worth i'm an undercover federal agent your honor i've been investigating these two for quite a while now oh wow this is unbelievable and looks like you've been telling the truth from the beginning defended oh okay it was all her idea she made me do it oh be you're just as quiet as i am arrest those two arrests arrest me you can't do that i am an attorney get off of me you were an attorney i'm gonna make sure that you never practice law again get these handcuffs off of me well you read about one thing when you take advantage of people it always comes back to you wait what are you talking about i cannot go back to prison that's not a good place [Music] thank you well this case is dismissed i know how badly you've been wanting to take dance class don't tell me you're here to dance with us but i don't want my boy dancing around like a ballerina is there something wrong with that oh nothing if you're a little boy
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 1,766,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: PPtX9xJpM_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 23sec (2123 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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