Toxic Men Disrespect Their Wives | Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations

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if this doesn't work out you know I'm so this is what you meant when you were working late huh what what are you doing here I can't believe you throw away our marriage like this what are you thinking this marriage is over oh I'm sorry I'm so late my boss put an urgent assignment on my desk just as I was walking out the door you had to stay late huh yeah it was a crazy last minute thing that's funny because I called your office and they told me you left hours ago yeah I um I had to pitch a client across town H forget it you know forget it I uh going out don't stay up chut [Music] what hey it's me I think he knows maybe we should call this off no you're right no you're right there's no way he could know I'm sorry I'm just being paranoid I'll see you tomorrow bye then she lied right to my face reminds me of my first wife whatever happened with her same thing is happening to you started coming home real late she always had an excuse about where she was at that's when I found out she was cheating jeez I'm so sorry don't be I mean yeah it hurt at the time but I'm happy I found out I don't know I don't know I just I just can't imagine Danica cheating you two been fighting recently now that you mentioned it we have mhm I guess I guess when we started talking about having kids I mean before that we used to never fight oh she's trying to pressure you to have a kid been there buddy no no no I'm the one who wants it but for whatever reason she doesn't seem to every time I bring it up she changes the subject I mean though now I'm starting to think the real reason she doesn't want to start a family is because because she found someone else look my advice whatever's going on figure it out quick if she's cheating on you you're better off without her how am I supposed to know I mean there's no way of of proving sure there is I are a private investigator have them follow her around that's what I did with ex-wife number one wait that actually works yes sir if Tanica is hiding something he'll find it call him well as requested I followed your wife for the past few days and um mostly she sticks to her own routine I did see her meeting a few times with this man does he look familiar no no I don't recognize him he's definitely not from her work either who is he not sure I can't believe she's actually cheating on me how could she to be clear I didn't observe any romantic interaction between them but but what according to your wife's credit card statement she booked an Airbnb for tonight wait what what's the address in for the Airbnb 7928 Overlook Avenue what are you doing catching her in the [Music] [Music] act this nice yep ah how's that perfect right section yeah I love that pretty good okay right I will burn your house down if this doesn't work out you know what [Music] I'm so this is what you meant when you were working late huh Jack what are you doing here what am I doing here what what what are you doing here I can't believe you throw away our marriage like this no it's not what you think is this your husband I was her husband what are you saying Miss Mary marriage is over oh wait wait wait no there's been a huge misunderstanding no there's no misunderstanding I can't believe you do this to me Dan Jack Jack just wait wait Jack let me explain there's nothing to explain this was all for you what do you mean this is all for me let me explain you see we've been fighting more and more lately I just didn't know what to do so I looked online for [Music] help that's when I found Matthew he's a relationship coach for the past month he's been trying to find a way to get us back to being us I was going to have you meet me tonight for a surprise romantic [Music] weekend so you see that's why we're here I wanted to surprise you with a secret getaway I'm so sorry babe I mean I I can't believe I was accusing you of cheating on me when all this time you we were just trying to find a way to save our marriage jeez and I'm so sorry that I ruin the surprise I mean I I feel terrible really I do you didn't ruin the surprise I [Music] didn't you're pregnant 3 months pregnant to be exact oh my wait wait why didn't why didn't you tell me sooner they say you have to wait 3 months to be able to confirm it and that's why I kept changing the subject every time you brought it up I wanted to tell you so badly I just couldn't I'm sorry no don't be don't be sorry I love you so much happy yes you can't just leave us watch me Marcus we need you yeah well we don't always get what we need do we what are we supposed to do without you you'll figure it out I spent the last 15 years sacrificing and what has it gotten me huh a sick wife and a loser for a son I'm tired of it it's time I start Liv living life for myself I'm done letting you two get in the way of me living the life I deserve deserve we are your family not anymore if you leave now don't you ever try to come crawling back to us like that'll ever happen mom it's going to be okay it's okay hey hey Charles over here Whoa stop right there don't get any but I I I know him I know him it's okay I think he's my father w wow look at you son all grown I heard you're uh you're real big shot now some sort of um real estate developer yeah I do okay for myself okay look at that car you driving I'm just so proud of you son look uh I'm in a little bit of a a jam financially speaking and uh I figure since you have money you might be able to help me out how much do you need 100 Grand sure I can do that but not right now I'm on my way to a meeting meet me at my house tonight and we'll talk about what you need thank you son I knew I could count on you thank you you have my money yet I'm just about to don't worry you'll have your money by tomorrow no later I promise this is your last chance I don't need to explain what'll happen if you don't have my money tomorrow wow nice place you got here thank you hey it's been a long time huh it has what have you been up to after all this time to be honest uh things haven't gone the way I thought they would time been tough I'm sorry to hear that and I'm sorry too for leaving you and your mother like that it wasn't right I know that now and I'm sure sorry to hear about your mother passing God she was a great woman I wasn't sure you'd heard about that yeah I still keep my ear to the grap Vine I only wish I could have done more for her at the end you know well you're not here for for small talk are you you're here for some money right it sure would help me out of P Jam let me get that for [Music] you 100,000 is all you need right it is thank you so much son listen before I give you this I first need you to tell me what else you heard about Mom and I after you left oh um not much I'd hear things every now and now and then but nothing too specific well let me fill you in then you see when you left you took all but $100 with you which meant mom had to give up her treatments just to put food on on the table I had to work two jobs one before school and one after in order to help us keep the house but even then that wasn't enough stopping her treatment combined with the stress of our situation landed mom in the hospital weeks at a time her condition worsened over the next few years in each Hospital stay only added to our growing mountain of debt when she passed away we were over $300,000 in debt and the months of not paying rent finally caught up to me I lost the house I had to live on the streets going to school during the day and collecting cans at night after living on the streets for 2 years I landed my first job it took me four years of hard work to finally pay off all that debt and another five to build my business what it is today I'm so sorry that you had to go through all that sudden I know I wasn't there for you then but I'm here now you're here now what what makes you think I need you now what does that mean where were you when Mom was dying huh and where were you when I was working three jobs to pay off all of our debt that's when I needed you most and you weren't there so I ask again what makes you think I need you now I uh I don't know what to say son that's because there's nothing to say because you know I don't need you not [Music] anymore now wait a second I supported you for 15 years I deserve something for that don't I deserve yes deserve I'm still your father after all a father is someone who's there when it counts you weren't so for all I know I don't have a father so what you're not going to help me out now I need that money it's like you said the day you left we don't always get what we need daddy come see this okay son I'll be right there I'm just blocking this man out I have a grandson no you don't come on son let me just meet him son come on Charles Charles I finally told him Mom you can rest easy [Music] now those clothes make you look really fat wow your wrinkles are really bad you should use some cover up to hide those age spots [Music] [Music] you're really going to eat all of that well I was planning to what happened to you used to be so beautiful then you gained all this weight it's [Music] gross it turned blue what does that mean it means her having a baby just like we've always talked about no I never talked about wanting a baby of course you did no I didn't I'm not ready to have a baby right now I know it's scary but you're going to be a great father you need to get rid of it what we are not having that baby I am not getting rid of [Music] it what are you doing I can't do this anymore what does that mean it means I'm leaving Molly I've been trying to pretend that things are good with us for a while now but they're not and adding a baby to the mix just makes things worse you can't leave you can't leave our baby needs a father I need you then I guess you better find a new father because it won't be me no please don't leave please please don't [Music] leave Victor leaves his family behind to start a new life he started dating a younger woman and began going out more and more but the more time he spent whining and dining his new young girlfriend the more his performance at work suffered and he eventually lost his [Music] job being unemployed and broke meant Victor could no longer afford B the fancy nights out with his new girlfriend which meant soon he had no girlfriend at [Music] all then one day he runs into someone he hadn't seen in a long time Molly Molly is that really you Victor wow you look amazing stunning actually wish I could say the same you noticed yeah well it's been a tough year since we split up you mean since you left me look I lost my job and lost my apartment but things are going to turn around for me any day now are you living in your car it's only temporary well it was nice seeing you Victor wait Molly I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I realized that I made a big mistake walking out on you and us meeting like this I mean it's a sign I want to give this another shot this what is this us you and I the happy couple oh Victor it is too late for that a it's never too late as long as two people really love is everything okay Molly yes everything is fine honey could you put the baby in the car seat I'll be right there no problem honey ah I see you had to go marry some rich guy actually that's not at all what happened I'm the bread winner in this relationship you see at first I blamed myself for what happened to our relationship I spent countless hours playing the what if game what if I had lost weight what if I had worn the clothes you preferred what if I did my makeup the way you wanted I was so determined to blame myself that I couldn't see the truth not until a man appre appreciated me for who I truly am flaws and all the truth that I wasn't the problem in this relationship Victor you were you spent so much time tearing me down making me feel bad about myself and very little time building me up supporting me loving me unconditionally and despite everything you did to me I have to thank you for what for giving me the most beautiful daughter whom I adore and for showing me the kind of man I do not want in either of our Lives wait at least let me meet my daughter you owe me that much a baby needs her father you're the one who said that I don't owe you anything Victor and besides my daughter already has a wonderful father it's just not [Music] you look what just came in it's a new Nike Dior it's the only pair we have and the commission on them is insane wow these look really nice if anyone's going to sell these it's going to be me no offense no offense excuse me hi are these the new Dior Nikes um this is a $115,000 pair of shoes might be a little over your budget plus we only have a size 10 left yeah well that's actually my size mind if I try them on um look I'm not trying to be rude I just don't want to waste my time I mean we have a clearance you know what it's no problem at all you can absolutely try these on I'll grab some nylon socks for you okay what are you doing why would you let him try those on he clearly can't afford those appearances can be misleading you shouldn't be so quick to judge look I know who buys and who doesn't he's going to try them on take a picture for his Instagram leave like they all do just stop these are so nice by any chance you wouldn't happen to have some water my mouth is little parched no actually I don't and can you please not touch these I need to keep them clean for the next customer you know someone who can actually afford them excuse me hi how you doing uh do you have the new limited edition Dior Nikes they're the ones that just came out oh hi sir yes yes we do uh but it's only a 10 oh that's perfect that's actually my size uh may I yeah that's that's great I mean do you want to try them on I'd be glad to help you no that won't be necessary I'm just going to uh buy them this is great uh beautiful I mean I can take these to the front for you and would you like anything you need water or something yeah water would be great uh thank you yes yes I'll take these up front and I'll box them up for you I got the socks thank you so much for waiting here you are you won't be needing those I'm selling them to this fine gentleman right here is that right that is right and I cannot wait to put these babies on Jing sorry great I'll take these to the front box them up for you sir next time take my advice and don't try to sell to someone who can't afford expensive things maybe then you'll actually sell some shoes I'm so sorry about that I it's okay it's not your fault uh well well we do have some new shoes that we just got in that you might like would you like to see them sure that' be wonderful here's the water my man thank you these shoes are going to look great with your outfit I mean you've already got the sick threads now you got the kicks to go with it everyone's going to know exactly how much money you have exactly I mean that's the goal you know what you get it know I like you here let's put it on this card get it so it's going to be 15,6 78 on the credit card so these over here are imported from Italy they are handmade I think they would look stunning on you oh by the way may I offer you some water yeah that would be great yeah sure you know um the store really needs some more nice people like you oh thank you you know I just try to treat everyone same no matter what anyways I'll be right back all right H it didn't go through that's odd um let let me try again sometimes these meters don't work is there a problem it's still not going through uh do do you have another card no it's my only car can you please try it again okay hey look really need these shoes just want to take a picture post it on Instagram you know so people think I got money look I'm sorry but it's still not going through but don't worry don't worry you can pay with cash right there's a bank right next no no I don't have that kind of cash in my bank account I mean that's why I use the credit card what do you mean I mean you're wearing in a mar suit you have to have the money hey look I I borrowed this from a friend just so I could take a pict picture in it do you still think I could try these on at least I can get a pick for the gram super nice oh hey you're back how'd it go didn't his credit card got declined took a photo and he left I'm sorry I'll buy them oh my gosh really I mean yes of course uh let me go box everything up for you look wait no offense but if my customer's credit card didn't go through there's no way yours is going to credit card said anything about a credit card yeah I'll actually be paying cash where did you get that money well I actually own my own million dooll business yeah I'm just coming from the gym which is why I look like this oh by the way I'll take a size 10 in the as well if that's okay yes of course please take a seat and I'll box everything up okay thank you hey remember that appearances can be misleading don't be so quick to judge and maybe next time you'll sell some [Music] shoes oh come on what kind of inconsiderate jerks brings a baby to a fancy restaurant let's not let it ruin our evening isn't this wine lovely yeah can you believe the nerve in this woman everybody here is paying a lot of money to have a fine dining experience and here she comes as if this place is an apple piece please don't let her sit near us please don't let her sit near us please don't let her sit near us of course just my luck excuse me could you please find them a different table preferably as far from us as possible I'm sorry sir but this is the only available table we have for them I'm telling you this baby is going to be loud annoying and as inconsiderate as its mother I mean really how am I supposed to eat with all this racket who in the world thinks a baby belongs in a place like this I'm telling you the more decent People Like Us let things like this light the worse it'll get not so loud you don't want to wake the baby oh I'm supposed to accommodate a rude woman and her breath that is not what I said well I'm not the one who brought an infant into a fancy restaurant H she should be the one accommodating Us by living Daniel please lower your voice what I'm not supposed to talk on her date come on are you kidding me Rita if the baby doesn't like the noise then its mother shouldn't have brought it here in the first place okay here we go just like I predicted no no no no no sh sh it's okay everything's okay no is not okay it's very very rude I'm terribly sorry she's usually very quiet if you were truly sorry you would take your bundle of noise and get out of here she'll settle down if we keep our voices down a little while she'll fall right back to sleep so I'm supposed to quiet down you really have no respect for the rest of the world do you I beg your pardon you heard me you could have just stayed home but instead you decided to come to a fancy restaurant with your annoying baby and ruin everybody else's night don't call my baby annoying lady are you even listening to your baby everybody in this place is annoyed by her there's no rule against having a child here there shouldn't have to be a rule it's just plain common sense and de Daniel come on Rita please you quet your baby down or I'll have them kick the both of you out of here some people just have no respect for others okay okay I see you're hungry thank you oh come on this has gone too far what is is it now just look at least the baby's not crying that's a good thing right good people are trying to eat here and she's exposing herself she's not exposing herself miss miss right over here please right now is everything okay sir no everything is definitely not okay do you see what's happening here uh I'm just trying to settle my child P down this is supposed to be a fine dining establishment not a strip club I'm not sure what you would like me to do sir what I want you to do is to throw this women out for public in decency public in decency are you crazy you know we've been trying to sit here politely you know trying to ignore her but this is just going too far ignore me right all you've done since I arrived is complain and yet you haven't gotten the hint sir please don't make a scene tell her that she's the one spoiling everyone's evening with her loud Pratt let me speak to the owner I'll be right back please do I'm sure the owner will agree that this is no place for a baby can we just try to enjoy our meal I mean the food looks delicious how am I going to eat with that happening next to me okay I've just had about enough of you picking on this poor woman I mean can't you just leave it be you're getting mad at me you're being extremely rude she's the one being rude I'm not trying to be rude sir well you failed just like probably you will fail at being a mother excuse me that's enough Daniel I'm calling it as it is anyone who's as inconsiderate as to bring a baby into a fancy restaurant is definitely way too selfish to be a good mother those are just [Music] facts I spoke with the owner and she agrees this is no place for a baby thank you finally somebody gets it bye-bye lady oh I'm sorry if you misunderstood me the owner is not asking her to leave she's asking you to leave since you're the only adult here acting like a baby wait what I you kicking me out that's ridiculous her a stupid babies the one making all the noise I demand to speak to the owner right now well I'm the owner of this establishment is there a problem just great no wonder why you're sighning with that woman the whole world is going crazy on us here tonight you have been asked politely to leave I suggest you do or I will be forced to call the police yeah yeah yeah what ever okay I've done nothing wrong okay this is crazy thank you for ruining our night I'm just here to have a nice meal and you've been nothing but loud overbearing and rude if you wanted to have a nice meal you should have left your baby at home and how am I supposed to do that huh I'm a single mother who works two jobs to support myself and my child babysitters are expensive and tonight's a special night not not only is it the first night that I've had off in months it's also my birthday I just wanted to treat myself to a nice meal and have a wonderful evening with my baby and you've done nothing but insult me and my child so as far as I'm concerned you're the one who should have stayed home okay come on Rita let's go I'm not going with you what come on don't be ridiculous the night has already been bad enough as it is yes it's been bad because of you Daniel you clearly showed your true colors and frankly I don't want to date a man like you would you mind if I join you to birthday girl shouldn't be eating all alone of course that is if you don't mind a fussy baby of course not oh she is adorable ladies this meal is on the house and I am going to check with the chef about a special birthday dessert thank you a there you go birthday boy oh you look so handsome thanks let's go okay I am so excited to take you out on a birthday dinner but I don't think I'll need my jacket it is just so hot what are you doing no put put your jacket back on but it's hot out I don't think I'll need it look how big your stomach looks in that dress I'm not going to be seen with you looking like that wait you don't like the dress I bought it just for your birthday dinner the dress isn't the problem Ashley your weight's the problem put the jacket back on and let's go James Roy what's up man how you been I've been good we were just about to have dinner oh I don't think you've met my girlfriend Violet wow this is your girlfriend yeah nice to meet you nice to meet you too man your girl is hot wow thanks man what about you you know it's actually really funny hey baby sorry I'm late had to get a little surprise oh hi I'm Ashley I'm Roy this is my girlfriend Violet nice to meet you you are so pretty thank you so is this your girlfriend friend she's just a friend and actually we're running really late to something so uh we got to go it's nice seeing you guys nice seeing you hey why' you tell him I was just a friend because I don't want him knowing that I'm dating a big [Music] girl so I got you something for your birthday okay so I've got a burger and a salad I'm assuming the salad is for you no she actually got the burger but she should be eating the salad my apologies enjoy thank you anyway like I was saying here's your [Music] gift tickets to Hawaii yeah I booked us a little getaway swim trunks mhm keep digging and a bathing suit for us to wear at the beach you're going to be wearing this this yeah why what's wrong you don't like it no I don't want to be seen with you in a bathing suit maybe if you weren't so big it wouldn't be such a problem you know it's not about what's on the outside it's about what's on the inside I give you compliments I make you feel special I get you thoughtful gifts if isn't that enough no it's not I'm I'm sorry I can't do this anymore it's over Ashley look I need to be with someone who isn't twice my [Music] size and you know maybe maybe if you ate salads instead of burgers you would't look like such a whale James breaks up with with Ashley and leaves her there heartbroken before long James moves on and hits it off with a skinnier girl everything seems to be going great in the beginning that is until he begins to notice that his new girlfriend doesn't treat him like Ashley did she would never compliment him she was never excited to be seen with him and would never care about being thoughtful he started missing the way Ashley used to treat [Music] him a few months went by and then one day James happened to run into Ashley Ashley James wow it's been a minute how have you been um I've been better my girlfriend and I just broke up if I'm being honest I've been thinking about you a lot lately really yeah look I missed the way he used to make me feel and I was thinking hey baby hi sorry I'm late I got you a little surprise oh thank you hey I'm Arthur hey is she your my girlfriend and you are um I'm the he's just a friend oh mhm okay hey it's kind of hot out are you sure you want to wear this jacket you're right hey let me take that for you oh thank you wow H you look stunning in this dress let's get going ooh absolutely wait you're not embarrassed to be with a girl that's bigger than you are you serious no way and first of all it's not about what's on the outside it's about what's on the inside and besides there's more to love it's nice to meet you [Music] friend hey honey can you help me get my last button [Music] sure it won't button this blouse is too small or you're just too big if you would just work out with me like I told you I'm sure it would fit I'll just find find something else to wear what are you doing I'm just getting something to eat you're going to eat a candy bar when you can't even fit into your clothes I'm running late for work and I have to have something you're unbelievable if you would just take my advice your clothes would actually fit and you wouldn't look like that what is that supposed to mean you used to look good and take care of yourself like this woman but now you've just completely Let Yourself Go oh my God great crying like you always do I don't have time for this I got to go train a client 9 10 very good thanks I felt good oh you look great that waist is coming right in you think so mhm Jesse Vanessa what are you doing here I came to work out and surprise you this is what I walk into it's not what it looks like who is she Jesse she's just a client just a client wow that's not what you were saying last night when we were in bed together I didn't mean it like [Music] that look what did you expect to happen anyway huh you've gained so much weight I'm just not attracted to you anymore how could you do this to to me after all these years I'm sorry but I need a partner that looks good not someone that just let herself go I don't want to be with you anymore Jesse quickly forgets all about his ex-wife he moves on with his new girl and starts having a really good time with her Vanessa meanwhile slowly starts to get over the breakup she's now determined to lose the weight that she put on and look better than she's ever looked before Jesse on the other hand walks into the gym one day only to find his new girl cheating on him with another trainer he can't believe what just happened to him as Jesse's Life Starts going downhill Vanessa's Life Starts going uphill she throws away all the junk food and candy bars that are inside the house she decides to start eating healthy Vanessa also starts exercising and pushing herself to get back in shape she never gives up and keeps on pushing herself a few months go by and now Jesse is depressed and all alone so he starts to binge eat and gain a lot of weight Jesse completely lets himself [Music] go and then one day he happens to run into [Music] Vanessa Vanessa oh my God you look amazing you've lost so much weight I could barely recognize you hey Jesse can I be honest I can't stop thinking about you I don't understand what happened to that girl you were with oh um she cheated on me with one of the other trainers anyway do you think maybe we could try to start over here babe everything all right it's fine I'm sorry I don't think it would work out you see I need a partner who looks good not someone who's let himself go ooh what anime is that oh no it's it's nothing it's just a silly hobby you know I always wondered what it would be like to ride in a Rolls R oh no uh actually this is this is not this is uh [Music] you were saying um what are you doing on Christmas Eve I guess hanging out with you yeah I'm Holly by the way Dre yeah maybe I can yeah [Music] course uh hello so sorry sir yes like this way [Music] yeah hey Holly why don't you go over there and make us some protein shakes you know for the trainers got to take care of my boys thanks hey I just came to say sorry about yesterday for lying to me I didn't lie look okay look look look I'm not some Mega millionaire who owns a Rolls-Royce I don't live in a mansion or have some lavish lifestyle I'm a chauffeur I make 26 an hour and I have a one-bedroom apartment but I'd still like to take you out on a date if if you're willing to give me a second chance you first tried to impress me with a car that isn't yours and now you're going with some soab story I never said it was my car you certainly never said it [Music] wasn't oh wow you you you're giving me a hard time and you're you're on on some sugar daddy website don't act like you're some angel either Holly the only reason you're interested in me is because you thought I'd drive a nice car you were just looking for another rich guy so he could get a Gucci bag that's pathetic hey watch it you don't know anything about me you're right I don't and I don't want to either let's just pretend we never met good yeah great [Music] fantastic hi Mommy hi my princess I'm hungry didn't you eat with your dad no you didn't feed her no you asked me to watch her while you were at work didn't say anything about feeding her you're her dad Gabe I only asked you to watch her because I'm at work and my mom can't don't you think I don't need another one of your lectures all this is why I left you if you can't appreciate me then don't ask me to watch her next time let's go get you something to eat huh yeah yeah okay come [Music] onoh girl we're going to go get some food yeah yeah you're really hungry [Music] okay oh leave me alone I don't want to talk to you look I didn't know you had a daughter yeah like I said you don't know anything about my life you're right I don't and and I am really sorry about what I said earlier who is that guy some dead beat DB that barely helps with anything hey po your hood I'll pull my car around I'm sorry too you were right I am looking for a rich guy but not by choice my original goal was to be a personal train I got my certification and everything but when I asked my boss for a promotion he said no because nobody here wants a female trainer I didn't know what else to do with the $15 an hour that I make here I could barely pay rent I haven't even been able to get a present for my baby girl for Christmas so that's the reason I you know I signed up for that site I figured getting paid to go on dates beats my baby girl being hungry you know I actually think I have a solution for both of our problems he so all I have to do is act like we're together to make your family happy mhm yeah that's it and and I I'll pay you as soon as we get back I don't know why you care so much about what your family thinks but I guess it's not my problem I get nervous when flying so I'm just going to try and sleep [Music] yeah [Music] thanks all right just just to warn you my family can be a bit uh Drew welcome home goodness oh and who's this I thought you were joking when you said you we're going to bring a girl home oh and how pretty are you just look at that I'm Drew's mom Lisa Johnson what's your name sweetie I'm Holly it's nice to meet you it's nice to meet you Holly ah Holly don't don't give your full name my mom's a little investigator I am not stop it don't listen to him please come on in guys yeah just send the file I'll take a look at it yeah you need to iron this out before the new year thanks Susan there he is hi son good to see you wow I'm surprised we didn't have to buy you a ticket this year being a valet pays better than I thought I'm actually a chauffeur is there a difference oh guess what your brother could use a chauffeur his career is really taken off he hit 10,000 followers on Instagram that's uh that's my other son Craig uh he flying in tonight studied Psychiatry at Harvard top of the class he published a book that made it to the New York Times bestseller list you can have it all how to be smart successful and have a happy marriage he is amazing that that's a lot yet well honey I'm sure you guys are tired so why don't you go on back Drew we set up your old room go go on back and relax while I finish dinner all right all right thank you oh you can leave those here honey I'll take them back for you oh yeah yeah thank you [Music] sure oh oh please uh ignore those you got real talent Drew I don't understand why you haven't done anything with this that was a dream it was to you know go to art school and be an animator uh reality that's that's just one big waste of time is that what your family tells you you need to relax you're overreacting Chloe no I'm not you're always trying to Gaslight me Craig that's my brother doesn't seem like that happy couple on the cover of that book seems a bit hypocritical welcome to my family uh so yeah I mean I wouldn't call Drew my boyfriend yet at least but um yeah that's how we met outside of my gym that's cute and which gym was it again oh um it's the one that's in between you not going to put none on my plate if you wanted something you could have just asked do you ask me to pay the bills no I just do them oh oh is everything okay Dad just uh putting out fires as always could have wait till after dinner it's Christmas Eve you know they can't expect you to respond now right see you know your problem is you don't know about work ethic when I was becoming a VP do you think I took off weekends and holidays no what about your brother how did he become a successful book seller huh did you work 9 to5 nah more like 24/7 exactly if you want to be successful you have to work hard something you know nothing about Drew works hard yeah if he isn't driving his clients around he is always working on his heart oh don't even get me started about that giant waste of time so that's what you're doing now little bro he driving people around what's so funny let me paint a picture for you I am a VP of a major corporation your brother is a best-selling author you are a valid don't you see how that's kind of funny now you know what maybe I should get you a copy of my book you could learn to think of two man that's a great idea Craig I'm sure Drew could learn a lot from your book and you know there's a few chapters in there about relationships yeah maybe if you read it you can actually get Holly to be your girlfriend okay you know what that is enough what is wrong with all of you you're his family don't you care about how what you're saying is affecting him gu we know who wears the pants in this relationship exactly even more reason Drew needs to read my book you know what Holly you should read it too I bet you'll love it okay listen here Harvard i' rather get relationship advice from a fortune cookie than your worthless besteller and you're not fooling me with your smiling cover and your like fancy degree and you're not fooling anyone either Missy is this you daddy dating website are you investigating me no no no no you don't get to flip this around on me are you paying for her to be here no no I uh Drew do not lie to us wow this is good not only are you insulting me a doctor you using men to fund your little shopping spree aren't you going to say anything wait Hol wait we knew him bringing a girl here was just too good to be true too good to be true ma wait Holly Holly please please wait wa I stood up for you and you just sat there and watched them attack me no no no no it's not that I didn't want to defend [Music] you it's that I I don't know how to stand up to my family I've I've never even stood up for myself you want to know why I've never shown my heartart to anyone it's because my family is constantly drilling into me that it's a waste of time and that it will never amount to anything they they they've they've always called my dreams a joke you know like my mom she constantly she constantly makes me feel like like no one will ever date me and then my dad he makes me feel like a failure and then they both they constantly compare me to my [Music] brother it's been like that since I remember you see when we were kids my parents were always is so proud of Craig the fridge was covered in his accomplishments but when he came to anything I did they never cared they only focused on my [Music] weakness my parents were always into the sports he' play and the extracurriculars he did rather than caring about anything I was good at all they do is Rave about [Music] him and as if things weren't already bad enough after Craig got into Harvard it got even worse Al the attention would be on him time 10 I I remember constantly wondering why I wasn't good enough so you see it's been like that since I can remember and I thought I thought maybe bringing you here to change things what was I WR just like my art how can you possibly see your art as a failure you know I never even got into art school like they never wrote me back after I apply okay but besides that has anyone other than your family ever told you your art is bad no I haven't shown anyone else I thought about know posting it online but no but because you're worried about what the world would think you're worried about your family I mean Dre do you have any idea how good this is It's amazing don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise hey when I first met you you drew zitu right you know anime are you kidding me I'm obsessed I mean to be honest it's one of the things that interested me even more than your car let me ask you this zutsu is a super talented and strong dragon slayer right mhm what's his character flaw um he's considers himself useless MH low self-esteem yes and that's just like you and your art you're so talented but you don't see it because of this narrative that your family has told you that's why I think it's time for you to finally stand up for yourself it's just as as easier said than done no it's not why didn't you stand up for yourself when your boss told you you couldn't be a personal trainer yeah maybe you're right I should have but we're talking about you right now would you rather spend the rest of your life worrying about your family's approval or going after your dreams what are you doing posting about how amazing your artwork is on Instagram if you're not going to do it I will um check out how amazing my friend Drew's artwork is oh pleas please please don't too late I already posted it check it out oh look it's already got a comment he's so talented you got a gift Drew don't waste it because you're worried about other people's approval it's time for you to finally stand up for yourself because if you don't don't stand up for yourself in life no one else ever [Music] will sometimes I wonder if he's even really our son oh hey little bro I got a book for you man and I signed it consider it your Christmas present and you may want to skip to chapter 3 it's all about finding the right partner not some cheap girl for hire that's enough I'm not going to let you talk to me and Holly like that who whoa whoa whoa whoa Holly and I speak proper English you know it's kind of ironic that you always want to give the world advice when your own marriage is in shambles no it's not bro all you and Chloe do is argue so you you treat her more like your servant than your wife stop trying to sell this picture perfect life to the world in reality it's just one big lie at least he doesn't have to pay for his girl to be here here you know moving forward son I'm going to find a very nice girl for you stop talking about Holly like that Mom you don't know her why would I trust you to play matchmaker you're the one who pressured Craig into this unhappy marriage Chase watch your tone son I mean you should talk you drive people around for a living when you become successful then you get to give advice success you having success does not mean having money dad like you you you can't even put your phone down for more more than 5 Seconds to enjoy our Christmas Eve dinner working 24/7 is not success Dad it's prison if I knew you were going to be ungrateful i' let you waste your time in art school well maybe we should have what are you talking about you weren't rejected from art school we hid your acceptance letter because we didn't want you to waste your life with those silly Doodles yet you managed to do that anyway who [Music] the only waste of time was coming here for dinner you guys take care all right Holly and I are leaving come on let's go Holly Drew hey Drew you want the book still hey I am so proud of you for standing up for yourself thanks now it's your [Music] turn hey Holly once you get done cleaning uh make us some protein shakes all right actually you can make them yourself because I'm quitting what what's this my resignation I'm going to apply to this other gym that has lots of female trainers maybe they'll see my worth since you clean really can't it's not Planet Fitness is it they've been taking all my clients taking my staff too can't have them stealing my look look just just wait a second let's talk about this uh please don't go Holly Holly what's it going to take to make you stay [Music] please so so your plan worked I got promoted to trainer oh my goodness oh I'm so happy for you and guess what thanks to you check it out I just got an offer to be a full-time animator at Disney I guess they they saw my art online ever since the Instagram been growing so they reached out and can you believe it I didn't need Art School afterward that's amazing Drew you're going to do incredible things well um I got to go I got to pick up my daughter uh actually I was I was hoping I could come with you I actually uh I got an early Christmas gift for her just wanted to give it to her and and if you guys aren't busy maybe we could go out to dinner my treat of course just you know as a thank you for believing in me I would like that a lot actually and we could split the check you're not the only one with a new job sounds good I'll send you the address okay I'll see you there bye you're there honey it's okay Mom my marriage is over my career is over everybody's going to think of a big joke Oh Come On Son don't be a snowflake winners don't cry what what this when did Drew get 20,000 followers on his Instagram page there I am just chilling on my yacht who walks over El musk no swear and I'm like hey buddy that's me that's me oh my goodness oh my goodness jez I can't believe it oh my goodness we didn't know if that was you at first but now we're freaking out do we have a picture of course z thank you so much wow when you said that your daughter was in the music I thought you meant karaoke no she's my little superstar a that's sweet so anyway what were we talking about Elon so I tell musk how many sh no way a record label just emailed me about signing me they said my bonus can be up to $100,000 wait did you just say $100,000 uh-huh no way that is incredible it's all happening so fast should I take it I don't want to do the wrong thing I'm not sure I mean you're very smart but you are still so young I think we should get a manager you know Jasmine I used to be a financial advisor to some of the richest people in the world Winfrey Bezos Gates well that's right you share the stories with me wait show her the pictures you showed me oh yeah this is my favorite one oh cool who is that Branson Sir Richard Branson founder of virgin he had his own record label look look the point is is that I know the industry fairly well and if you'd like I could take care of the business side for you what a great idea Mike should be your manager it's like fate and you're in between jobs right now right yeah I'm just looking at my options I got about seven offers right now I'm just deciding which one I want to take but I'd much rather be helping you too um maybe I should try things first myself and just see how it goes yeah okay oh yeah you could do that but I'd be careful they might seem nice at first but people aren't always who they pretend to be some are just wolves and sheep's clothing and boy do I know how to spot a wolf Mike's right you need an adult with experience at least take him with you all right I guess Jasmine trust me I know how business and money works I mean I take millionaires make them billionaires I'm sorry sir all it seems your card has declined [Music] what I deactivated this one I'm waiting for the Black American Express card and it's taking forever okay it's okay I've got it here you go thank you keep the [Music] [Applause] change wow that's talent you can definitely sing you give me Amy Wine House Vibes right let me ask you a question though where do you get your inspiration from my dad after he passed away I turned to music and singing as an escape and it really helped me through a lot a that's really touching and I'm so sorry to hear about your father you know I think this would be an excellent time to talk about the advance you know what the total sum overall will be right well we can definitely start talking about that we usually start our new artists off with a $75,000 advance for their debut album then you would also get 30% for stream revenue and 25% for concert ticket sales that sounds a little disappointing here's our counter offer we take some off of the back end and uh put more money up front you know shave down the stream and the ticket Revenue you know and just up the advance um so just to be understanding you want to get paid more now and make less later [Music] yeah um can you give us a sec sure why would we do that look I see this all the time they Short Change you up front and then they say that you're going to make all this money in the long run but the thing is is that most new artists fail so you're not going to make the money that these Executives projected you think I'm going to fail no look all I'm saying it's better to have a bird in the hand and two in the bush you know what I'm saying no Jasmine you have to trust me it's going to be good for both of us it's going to be good for you for you okay we'll do it fantastic so we can do 125k up front but then we're going to have to take down the stream Revenue to 20% and the concert ticket sales will go down to 15% which to be transparent means she'll make a lot less in the long run if she's as successful as we think she'll be perfect this is great oh and by the way since she's underage I want to set up a trust fund that I can manage only her legal guardian can do that and you're just Jasmine's mom's boyfriend correct Jasmine's manager but no worries I will make sure that her mom is on [Music] board mom mom mom look my first check just came oh my goodness I've never seen this much money in a check before this is incredible and I already know what I'm going to do with it first I'm going to put it toward a new house for you oh honey that is so sweet but don't do that you shouldn't be spending your money on me but you deserve it it can be a modest house i' hate to butt in but I have to agree with your mom you know you don't want to spend all your money at once you don't want to end up like MC Hammer they can't touch this guy he made a bunch of hits spent all of his money went bankrupt there's a long list of artists like that look I'm going to tell you something that sounds boring would you want to invest in savings and bonds Mike's right you need to do the responsible thing H and don't worry look when your Investments start to gain interest that's when you start spending and with my help you're going to be making more money than you ever dreamed modest house you're going to have a mansion rolls roll boys spending spree your own personal chef I mean that sounds pretty cool right yeah great well then let me set up the bank account and get this ball rolling um can we talk in private real quick yeah M do you mind no oh thanks what's up baby are you sure this is a good idea you're putting a lot of trust in someone you've only been dating for a few months of course I trust him he makes financial decisions for a living and he got you a higher up front after all I guess I just I feel like this sort of thing should stay in the family he knows what he's doing give him a chance Mike oh um you can open the account if you think that's the wise thing to do I think it's the best decision you'll ever make here you can sign right there I'll give you a hand huh [Music] all right great here I'll take this you know what you can keep the [Music] pen oh man you hit the jackpot man and to think you were just going to scam the mom now you're coming away with the biggest score of your life her daughter you're lucky God calm down all sorry man I'm just saying it seems like your losing streak is finally over this is a lot of money that it is and if I keep on playing my cards right it's going to be a lot more where that came from got it um speaking of playing cards when are we're going to the casino oh Todd my good man as soon as this check clears we're going to hop on the first flight and Helen's not going to know anything about it you want to know why because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas sweet I can't believe we're going to have 125k to play with wo wo wo easy it's going to be a little less than that look man I got to make a purchase hey man I got lock down my cash cow you know what I mean brilliant look man when I become Jasmine's legal guardian I'll be control of her money until she turns [Music] 18 good afternoon my good man my name is Michael Keller I have an account here there's some overdraft thieves but I believe this deposit will cover that and then some everything okay um what's wrong don't you think it's a little strange that as soon as Mike got the check he went on a business trip and then I keep texting him and asking for the business account info and he just doesn't answer I'm sure he's just busy sweetie meeting with high level execs everything is fine just get this really bad feeling about it we're giving a lot of power to someone who's not even in our family I don't think I want him managing my money anymore okay if you're not comfortable then I have to respect that at the end of the day this is your career I have to let you make your own decisions thanks Mom Ellen I got a surprise for you sweetie come on in here don't forget to tell them what we talked about I got [Music] you Ellen you have made me the happiest man on Earth and I undoubtedly want to spend the rest of my life with you not only as your husband but as the father to [Music] Jasmine will you marry [Music] me yes of course oh honey isn't this amazing it's awesome but don't let this affect what we talked about oh honey no now is not the time and he will be family so this changes everything you know what I left the champagne in my car let me go get that this is the best day of my [Music] life [Music] I've got so much feeling bubbling inside and you seem surprise I see your perfect Smiles perfect Li but all you do is I comparing and pictures of glorified dep pictures your fulltime job of dress up dog doing th want the PES not the cover know your Soul's not made of rubber show me you're not who you wish you were who you wish you were I want you not who you pretend to be you feel too I know it's not me lose the F and let yourself free pleas just show me you all the human is that I Supply you won't look it in the eyes no a heart to weapon fear is [Music] alen so you try to disguise competing with the photos effects un effects you know playing the dough guys going not eat you all walk the PES not the cover know your Soul's not made to rubber show me you not who you wish you were who you wish you were I want you not who you pretend to be you feel too I know it's not me lose the fruit and let yourself free please you show me you I'm done I am done man and there's nothing I can do about about it it's all right man you've had plenty of else in the past we just need another good night at the casino after another one of those music checks comes in no you don't get it there's no more checks no Jasmine's turning 18 that means that she doesn't need a legal guardian to take care of her finances oh crap yeah so what are you going to do when she comes around ask him for all that money you've been collecting for oh that's what I'm trying to figure out man I don't know what to do I lost it lost it all it's all coming crashing to an end too bad you still can't be in charge of her finances you know like Britney Spear's dad did with Britney hold on that's it conservatorship no listen to me if she's deemed too unfit maybe I can and I will convince a judge to be her conservator come on Jasmine is a very smart girl man man there's no way you're going to convince any judge of that if I can convince her mom to trust me then maybe just maybe I can convince a whole Court hold on you still have that connection with the guy in the pharmacy yeah call him okay so I was thinking about asking Mike to take some money out of your account to throw you an amazing birthday party yes I love that also I know I'm not supposed to be spending any of my money but I literally haven't bought anything yet so I was thinking of maybe taking some of the interest Mike says he earned and using it to buy a new car is that okay you're 18 it's your money just be careful Mike hey Ellen here did you come in this I have something to drink uh this is Barry a lawyer friend of mine and I figured it would be appropriate if he was here for this I was cleaning around the house and I found these pills in Jasmine's Room pills I don't take pills well they have your name on [Music] them I don't understand Mom those aren't mine I swear look I was confused too at first but then found her song book and I read some of the lyrics apparently she's still depressed about you know her father how dare you take that without asking that's private give it hey hey oh my fact she's clearly unstable she tried to attack me okay she's clearly on something he's is lying okay what exactly is your friend doing here Barry specializes in conservatorship okay and this just might be the best thing for Jasmine if she's addicted to pills she's a threat to herself and to others and it could be a disaster if she has access to her finances that's why I took Barry's legal advice to be her conservator you did what Mom you can't can't let him do this how could you do that without talking to us I can't believe you look before she turns 18 and as her soon to be father you're not my father and you never will be trusting you was a huge mistake well I'll see you two in [Music] court honey I am so sorry that I put you in this position you were right and I should have listened to you it's okay Mom we're going to fight this we're not going to let them get away with it these test results prove that she's been under the influence of prescription pills Jasmine claims that the pills were planted in her room but that doesn't explain how they got into her system true but uh it was a very little amount and let's not forget that Miss Ross agreed to the drug test she could have flushed them out of her system before taking that test and let's not forget about the song book it was obviously a cry for help and that's all that my client is trying to do Mr Keller is just trying to help her so that she doesn't go down a bad path like so many other young stars have done done listen to any of my songs I speak from my heart just because I write about how I'm feeling doesn't mean I am in need of help was the plane of finished go ahead Miss Ross are you sure you don't want a lawyer to help represent you in this case yes your honor it's hard to trust people these days your honor we're overlooking a key element here Michael Keller is nothing but a con artist that's a lie M Ross do you have any evidence of that yes your honor when my mother first met Michael he claimed to be the Financial Consultant for many different successful people including Richard Branson he even showed us a photo of him with Mr Branson this is the photo that he showed us and this is the original photo without Michael in it he photoshopped himself thank you well just because Mr Keller isn't friends with any billionaires and doesn't make him a con artist your honor that's not all he claims that I'm on meds but then I looked more closely at the label and it's glued on underneath is a completely different name this is all a setup your honor how do we know that she didn't make the fake label I mean besides the pills not being hers then why did she have drugs in her system I don't know I haven't figured that part out yet well this is very interesting but U Miss Ross I just don't see any concrete proof that Mr Keller is a con artist and after listening to your music and reading your drug test there are some things that are concerning so do you have any more evidence for the court yes your honor a witness a witness who your mom your honor come on every mother is going to vouch for their child I mean she doesn't want to believe the truth no it's not my mother it's Barry or should I say I'm sorry man I got into some trouble and the cops said they would reduce my sentence if I would like you know your honor this man's willing to testify against Michael Keller AKA Brandon Myers AKA Lester McGrath he's a known con artist we've been trying to track him down for years you little rat he may be a rat but you Michael are a wolf just like you told me not everyone's who they pretend to be some are wolves in sheep's clothing all right I've heard enough Bay if take Mr Michael Keller or whatever ever you call yourself out of here your honor no your honor you can't do this I know important people yeah yeah we all know important people this case is dismissed yes Mom we did it no honey you did it oh she you are so smart I should have given you more credit I just feels so awful I shouldn't have trusted him and I'm so sorry that I lost all your money Mom it's okay I'm just so glad he's out of our Lives now this felt like a soap opera yeah somebody should write it into a novel yeah or a song show me not who you wish you were I want you not who you pretend to be you feel do I know it's not just me lose the filter let yourself free unbelievable where is this guy he's taking forever calm down I'm sure he'll be here in a second oh sack I'll be starved to death by them hey Johnny does it need to be that loud turn it down do you need to be that loud people are literally staring so what let them I don't know these people all right sorry for the wait folks well can I get started for you folks today uh yeah well we're been ready to order for about 10 minutes now oh uh my apologies I was on break what can I get started for you today uh our son will have the spaghetti marinara child portion with um garlic bread in a Sprite and I have a red sangria with um a Caesar salad all right can I have the dressing on the side sure thank ma'am yeah oh and um can you change the Romain for kale no problem at all thank you and uh for you sir are you going to write any of this down oh no I'll remember it are you sure I remember it babe okay I will have the chicken fetuccini alfredo and to drink I'll have an oldfashioned bullet Rye with three black cherries on a toothpick and no orange slice okay sounds great I'll make sure to get all those things out for you in the meantime I'll bring your drinks and don't forget the black cherry is very important I just don't understand why can't you just write things down is this guy trying to give me anxiety or what I swear he doesn't get the order right out I am sure it is going to be just [Music] fine oh and um don't forget after this we're going to drop Johnny off at your mom's and go straight the therapy oh I can't believe that I signed up for this thing it is a complete waste of time not to mention a waste of 100 bucks you agreed to it because you promised to work on your anger issues I don't have anger issues all right one red sangria for you ma'am and and uh an oldfashioned with three cherries and a orange slice what is this this is not what I ordered oh uh you you said three cherries and an orange slice right no I said no orange slice and I said three black cherries do these look black to you I'm so sorry you see if you would have just written down what I was telling you instead of trying to memorize everything you wouldn't have messed up um my apologies I'll get a new one for you I'm so it's really fine it's fine unbelievable I'm trying to help this guy out I need you to calm down I am calm oh the trash I mean she waits until the fourth quarter of the most important moment of the game to ask me to take out the trash and I don't understand what's the difference if I take it out you know an hour later maybe she's not asking you to take out the trash because it's an urgent matter but maybe because she values feeling supported in managing the household responsibilities together yes thank you okay well then I value watching the game in peace is that too much to ask for oh okay let's change the topic you mentioned that there was an incident at the restaurant restaurant there was no incident at the restaurant you slammed the table the silverware almost fell to the ground everyone was staring at you see there you go again acting so over dramatic everyone there was like three people in the restaurant over dramatic you scared our Johnny is that really the kind of behavior you want to teach our son Tim there's no reason to get R up I do see you Rising easily perhaps we can explore where that may come from it's 100% his parents is that true Tim did your parents fight a lot come on make a play come on you still haven't taken the trash out Harold not now nooris can't you see there's 3 minutes left in the game it would take you 1 minute to take out the track stop you're yapping okay I can't hear what's going on I wouldn't be yapping if you just do what you're supposed to do nagnagnag okay can you leave me alone for 5 seconds will you help me in the kitchen for 1 minute of your life it's lost I will help you back to the kitchen where you belong none of this anymore I'm not going to let you just sit here and watch television Tim Tim did your parents fight a lot maybe I mean oh so what you know I mean they would argue one minute and then 5 minutes later you know everything was back to normal but that's life you know people get over it it's water under the bridge no sometimes there are long-term consequences mhm to being subjected to that much anger oh yeah like what huh my father would be turning over in his grave if he knew that I was spending $100 an hour to hear my wife complain about the trash this is absolutely ridiculous Tim why don't we try taking it down or not no no no I can't I can't do this I can't have you two tag teaming against me tag teaming you tag teaming me I feel like a punching bag right now you're the punching bag I am the punching bag you know and until there's some real consequences about my anger issues I I'm I'm done with therapy I'm done look I'm I'm going to the car do you see what I'm dealing with I honestly don't know what to do anymore his anger is never physical is it no no he's um he's a lot of bark but no bite I promise I would leave in a heartbeat if it got to that well based on what I saw today at some point there will be some serious consequences to his anger issues there already are he's just the last one to see it I agree but he'll have to face it sooner or later and when he does I want you to have him open this in your backyard what is it the lesson he needs to learn okay hey Tim are the TPS reports done I need them for the meeting later yes I am aware but I have a lot on my plate right now so I understand but the reports are crucial for the meeting can you try prioritizing them can't you see that I'm swamped right here I'll get to it when I can okay sorry I was just trying to make sure everything runs [Music] smoothly you know what you're always poking around Sarah always trying to micromanage I don't need you breathing down my neck you know when the last time I checked you're not my boss Barber is I'm not trying to micromanage you we're a team and I thought we could help each other out oh well that is just so touching look the office hero always trying to help everyone out I was just trying to remind you of your task that's all well I'm not a kid and I don't need reminding but congrats Sarah you succeeded to get on my last nerve give it I want to play with it hey give it back I want mine I want to play with it that's not yours give it back to him hey is everything okay you're not usually off this early what's going on I got fired what it's okay look I'm actually glad about it I mean that place was so toxic anyway you know I should have quit a long time ago why did you get fired Tim Tim because I lost my temper but it wasn't my fault it was just Sarah it's just girl she thinks she she acts like she's my boss she's always giving me a hard time so I I got upset and barara didn't like it see this is the real consequences we've been talking about in therapy Tim this has gone too far didn't you hear what I just said I said it wasn't my fault it's never your fault D respy I warned you if you want to play you get your own choice don't take my grandson what is your mother doing defending Johnny what else hey hey lady don't be yelling at my kid oh heck no no you let him hey it's my mom you're talking to Buddy well maybe your mama should learn not to be yelling at people's children oh yeah well maybe you should be a better parent to your kid Oh weird Voice come on let's get out of here that's it walk away buddy I'm so sorry what happened it was him me what I was defending my mom and my son yeah but you took it too far and you didn't have to I'm sorry but you guys have to go are you serious yes I'm very sorry but you guys need to go what are you hearing what I I I will I will get him you guys need to you lost your job Tim on the same day that you got kicked out of the play center all because of your anger issues you don't see anything wrong with that I should have handled it better man thank you now that you can finally see that I I guess you can have this what is this I'm not sure the therapist said to give it to you once you started to realize the consequences of your temper what am I supposed to do with this I have no idea um oh good there's an out here let's see um hammer a nail into the fence every time anger issues arise more than a month goes by without a single nail call me is this guy serious I know all right give it a try [Music] H it's not funny I know honey it's just it's been a lot it hurts I love you come on let's try again hurts [Music] I get caught up in emotions in my head I got explosions now I'm drinking these mots every day yeah now I'm going to extremes every time I get these feelings who's got the inamin yeah yeah oh oh I'm spiring down to the ground like L I'll never be found then I just see you around you Chang the mood when you walking with a smile yes you do I haven't been happy for a while so be H St feel mess moving all my feelings around like just but you you Chang [Music] the you I can't even try to explain how you hit me like a hurricane now I'm sipping on champagne every day was spiring it down to the ground lost I couldn't be found but then I just saw your face you changed the [Music] mood when you working with a smile yes you do I haven't been happy for a while to be honest I feel best moving on my feelings around like just for you you Chang the [Music] mood you change the [Music] mood when you walking with a smile yes you do I haven't been happy for a while to be H to stop feel bless moving on my looks around like just but you you Chang [Music] the you changed the mood I did it mhm month has gone by and not a single nail I am so proud of you Tim I can't wait to tell the therapist about all of your progress the therapist we don't need him anymore I'm better now well we aren't going to him he's um ah this guy that's a lot of nails yeah well I mean the good news is Tim is doing much better Tim hasn't lost his temper in I mean a while now yeah that's right you know so Hadad to say that we're probably going to have to end the therapy session but it was great seeing you thanks for coming by what I agree with you Tim you don't need me anymore but there's one one more thing I'd like you to do take out all the [Music] nails for what you see you know I was just starting to like you man now you got me Mak me do all this kind of stuff I mean who do you think you are Mr Miyagi with the wax on and the wax off I mean what's next you're going to make me dig a hole and then fill it back up you know this is really turning out to be a waste of time thank you good luck my son appreciates you you know I have wanted a pool so if you want to have him dig a hole that would be amazing oh we'll see what I can do thank you there are you happy now in our last session you mentioned that your parents fighting all the time was no big thing 5 minutes later everything would return back to normal water under the bridge do you remember that yeah it's true you know people argue and then everything goes back to normal so what the point I'm trying to make is that even if you take out the nails the holes are still [Music] there what are you talking about babe I I think what the doctor's trying to say is that there's permanent damage Left Behind when you get that [Music] angry [Music] hello wait what slow down what okay fine I'll be right there was my mom something had happened at the police Center we got to go what happened my kid got hit is what happened mom what did you do it wasn't me Johnny hit [Music] him sweetie with pineapple just how you like it oh um thanks Hannah but coach doesn't want us having anything heavy he uh he needs us a tip top shape for next week's game mhm yo speaking of that we got to test out our new Air Jordans on the court AC see how they hold up Kow I'll go ahead and uh text Robbie right now see if he's down for some two on two do that do that just imagine that one day we're going to be sponsored by Nike get to wear the shoes for free yes better yet imagine one day we'll be getting the checks from Nike show me the money Justin I thought me and you we going to hang out after school um it's not me and you it's you and I sorry you you know what I meant no you're good don't worry about it um it's not a big deal if I just hang with the boys instead right no but aren't you supposed to get that decision letter from Cornell any day I want to be there with you when you open it cute Jesse plus we still have to figure out how we're going to do the long distancing if we really want it to work out babe we have plenty of time to figure all that out be moving to New York not Mars I I I know that we'll cross that bridge when we get there Hannah can't we just enjoy the time that we have yeah but why can't we just okay so then let's not worry about it and let's make the best of [Music] it oh um Robbie just text me yeah uh he said a hoop just opened up guys down AB yes sir wait but what about lunch guys I'm sorry hle clean it up for us though um you can just see lunch by yourself and besides don't you have to worry about the costumes for the drama club or something yeah but if I don't see you after school when are we going to hang out we'll connect I'll text you later enjoy that [Music] pineapple hey Hannah did you get a chance to finish the Mario costume for Kevin last night yes there you go and I should have the Juliet one done after this weekend dude this is a amazing just like all your work oh thanks I decided to pad Stitch the undercollar here by hand and then I added extra layers of cotton for the shoulder pets I am so happy with the way it turned out I actually have to talk to Justin um I'll text you later Here Comes Queen buzzkill hey B you never texted back what what happened last night oh yeah sorry uh we were busy celebrating I got into Cornell really that's amazing why didn't you say anything uh I'm going to go air up the ball me too what's with them nothing we're just stressed out about our game next week well at least the biggest stress is over with now my God I can't you did it after all those nights staying and studying we can finally make up for the time lost and now that we know Cornell is a for sure thing we can start planning for the future wait oh my God this is so exciting yeah um about that just so what's going on okay um I've been thinking and I don't think it's fair to either of us to try and do this longdistance thing what do you mean well you're going to be a senior in high school and I'm going to be in college yeah but it'll only be a year and then I'll be in the city for fashion school and we can be come on Hannah let's be serious do you really think you have the grades to get into fashion school last time I checked you only had a 3.2 GPA and got what 1,00 on your sat okay well the admissions panel takes your portfolio into consideration more than anything and I've done every costume for the drama club the marching band outfits the yeah okay but any school that doesn't take your grades into consideration probably isn't a school worth getting into I'm a legacy at Cornell and even I had to maintain a 4.0 GPA and get a 1520 on my SAT just to have a shot what are you saying I'm saying that even if you did somehow manage to get into a real school I need to be with somebody that takes their future seriously be realistic what are the odds of you having a successful career with a fashion degree well it's more unorthodox but listen don't get me wrong you're great gorgeous probably the hottest girlfriend I'll ever have but I need somebody that brings something more to the table something more than just random Doodles someone who can actually get into a school like Cornell not Parsons are you breaking up with me I just don't see this being a long-term thing you understand right you said we'd be together forever you gave me this promise right well whatever is meant to be we'll be who knows maybe one day we'll both end up in New York together but for now this is just how it's got to be I'm sorry thanks for doing this I know Heming my dress for senior sock hop is a weird favor to ask not at all I'm happy to help uh so are you going to go I don't think so I have no one to go with what please I know a million guys who would die to take you you're one of the these girls in school thanks but there's only one person I really want to go with and he's already moved on to someone else whatever happened is his loss is it I mean I did a deep dive on her she was class president prom queen and now she's Premed at Cornell and to top it off she has that new Dior saddle bag that's sold out everywhere she's literally perfect who one's perfect you're great the way you are and anyone would be lucky to date you anyone isn't Justin he hasn't talked to me in months clearly this is the type of girl he wants to be with you know if I could just be more like her oh my gosh wait that's totally it what I just have to prove that I'm serious about my future and get into some Hoody Twitty College then Justin will want me back and not go to Parson's I don't know Han this seems like a lot of effort for a guy who dumped you 5 minutes after getting into his dream school and you know what they say don't make someone a priority when all you are is an option to them and please don't change your future just for him well I don't have to go I just have to get in but there is one small problem which is I don't have the gra or the SAT scores to get into Cornell maybe he was right all along maybe I'm just not good enough or smart enough no okay listen since you've been helping me and the drama club out so much maybe I can return the favor even though I hate their ugly mascot what do you mean I mean I've been tutoring since 7th grade and I got a 1550 on my SATs last year are you serious this isn't just a pretty face my friend okay so if you want to get into an IV we have to start yesterday you need at least a 3.75 on your GPA and at least A500 on your SATs it won't be easy but the reward will be worth it are you up for it yes yes I'll do whatever it takes to get Justin back oh no by reward I mean you getting into you know what never mind that works too okay dress and book yes okay ah close this would be 3 to the power of two very good T great job you're doing amazing par of you very good amazing good girls you're doing great all right you're going to have to complete this page and this page [Music] right [Music] we'll work on it don't worry okay the passage indicates that the Assumption made by gift givers in lines 41 to 44 may be a insincere B unreasonable C incorrect or D substantiated B all right next question Hannah I'm so proud of you very [Music] good I never thought you I hope you get better news than I did I'm so sorry you didn't get into y it makes no sense that's okay let's just focus on you right now you've been working so hard for this [Music] okay the Moment of Truth my whole future rests in the next page oh God I can't do it okay I will well I'm sorry Han are you kidding I got rejected I'm sorry but you're going to have to start embracing the big red bear as your mascot because you got in oh my God I got into Cornell oh my [Music] god do you know what this means you can study fashion in an IV League school oh oh yeah that too but I can also get Justin back right Justin what it's just I know this started off as a way for you to prove something to him but along the way I think you proved something to someone more important yourself and besides do you really want to date someone who has a new girlfriend every month Justin doesn't have a girlfriend him and Valerie are just friends I don't think you saw the photo he posted today her name's Erica I already did the research for you she graduated valid Victorian and her family I don't want to hear it all right well congrats again I'm so happy for you thank you I'll see you in class [Music] [Laughter] Hannah God Justin H hold on hi um long time no see how have you been uh good what are you doing here oh you probably didn't see my Instagram I got into Cornell fashion design and management major you got into Cornell yes I just moved in a few weeks ago I live in mclen talk what about you where do you live oh um I'm actually moving back home I sort of flunked out got wrapped up in the college parties and all the distractions I'm really sorry yeah it's all good well good luck with everything wait would you maybe want to go out to lunch or something been thinking about you a lot lately and and I feel like I really messed up I'd love to be able to take you out again aren't you with um what's her name Erica or Valerie I've lost track what no that was just a fling nothing serious nothing like we were so what do you say that's sweet but I can't I'm busy new boyfriend no new job I don't just go to school I work at Nike and I am running late so wait what do you have like a free internship or something no I get paid I work for their design Department I come up with ideas for new shoes kind of like these pretty cool right wow I've always wanted to work with Nike I guess that won't be happening now that I'm off the team well I I got to go um tell your parents I say hi wait what about dinner maybe next week sorry Justin but I'm not going to make someone of priority when all I am is an option to them so me and you oh sorry you and I will never happen see [Music] you oh my God how did that feel oh my God even 10,000 times better than I ever would have imagined I'm so glad you're at canel with me oh me too and you know I'm actually warming up to the bear that's not that bad it's not that bad what was wrong with you tonight what do you mean well my friends came over and you were nowhere to be found you know how rude that was why do you always have to be so inconsiderate why do you have to be so inconsiderate inconsiderate consider [Music] it look man I'm starving my stomach is growling oh I am so sorry I made pasta um let me see your plates all right and I will bring the bread in just a second [Music] okay wait a minute shouldn't we wait on your wife before we dig in oh no please it's [Music] okay and here is the [Music] bread hey do you mind get me some hot sauce oh yeah yeah honey go get him a hot sauce sure in a [Music] [Music] second here's the sauce thank you do you have any more napkins oh yes of course honey can you go get the napkins [Music] sure we got to find the wine oh no no you're our guest honey you know where it's that can you bring some more wine for everyone I'll way back with it guys the game's about to start you have cable right yeah of course it's in the room let's go let's go oh no no no just leave everything there she'll take care of it [Music] [Music] [Music] all right man thank you again good night thanks for coming all right guys see you good [Music] night what was wrong with you tonight what do you mean well my friends came over and you were nowhere to be found you know how rude that was why do you have to be so inconsiderate why do you have to be so inconsiderate inconsiderate [Applause] consider a
Channel: Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations
Views: 530,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, self improvement, happiness, dhar mann, short film
Id: C4pHfHi5ESw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 54sec (7914 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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