Rude Girls Get Taught Life Lessons They Never Will Forget! | Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations

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these shoes are to die for you have excellent taste they're priced at $7,000 that's such a steal well I don't know about that can I get these please please please Rachel come on honey I mean the shoes they're lovely but you've already spent over $10,000 today Daddy I'm only going to turn 16 once don't I deserve to have all the things that I want Rachel $7,000 for a pair of shoes come on it's ridiculous no no no no no okay just please just don't make us see okay you win I'll take these in a size six I'm sorry we only have them left in a size 6 and a half but we can certainly order a pair in your size with expedited shipping should be here in 3 days perfect that'll work out see there you go but my birthday's today not 3 days from now it's not fair oh God it come on let's abolutely I got an idea what do you say let me take you out to a fancy restaurant 3 days from now after the shoes get delivered that way you can try them out in style honey no my birthday is today and I want those shoes today Rachel please what do you expect me to do honey I want you to fix this or else my whole birthday is ruined that is not fair Rachel I can't even right now all this stress is so bad for my skin where are you going young lady to get a smoothie by the time I get back I expect you to have figured this all out I want those shoes hi uh one blueberry blast please and my dad wants dad what are you going to get um um you know what it's okay I don't need smoothie but you love smoothies I do but I love you more and come a one one are you serious who can't afford a smoothie so you guys are ready you're not getting one I don't need one no no not a chance my birthday girl needs her birthday smoothie can you guys just please hurry up in order sorry one blueberry blast please okay come right up we'll call you when readyy thank you thank you you [Music] okay finally can I just get a strawberry mango swirl guess what I have another surprise for you Chad I don't need anything else don't be so sure about that I splurch a little for your birday and got you these are these really for me they're not your exact size but with any luck you you're grow to them these are so cool just in time too my old shoes were really falling apart they actually fit pretty good and they're really comfortable are you serious right now dad what is it what's wrong Come on talk to me it's just that you deserve so much more than old shoes especially for your birthday can't help but feel like I've I've let you down as a father no no you didn't these are perfect it's okay really I don't need fancy things all I need is you you're the best father girl could ask for you've always been there for me and I know you always will be I love you so much I love you too yeah order up a one blueberry blast that's aesome hey uh I'm sorry I didn't mean to listen in but is it really your birthday yeah it sure is happy birthday it's mine too oh that's fun um thank you and happy birthday to you too mind if I ask you something sure are you really okay with some used shoes and a smoothie for your birthday you don't want something better better what more could I ask for one blueberry Blast for the birthday girl it's perfect thanks Dad guess what it's her birthday too a happy birthday young lady thanks thank you thank you you are a lifesaver and I owe you one you got it got to go I have some great news I pulled a bunch of strings and spent quite a bit of money but your shoes are going to be delivered to the house tomorrow by 10 p.m. oh hey honey I I tried everything in my power to make this happen tonight but there wasn't a store in the state that had your size and stock it's okay really it is and you're sure okay what's going on with you I just realized how lucky I am to have a father who will go through so much trouble just to make me happy I don't need those shoes to make my birthday special you've already done it love you [Music] honey thanks Daddy you're welcome wow what a pleasant surprise is it too late to cancel the shoes and use the money for something else uh sorry yeah what do you have in mind thank you you're welcome has this been the best birthday it has great excuse me since it's your birthday I thought you should have these happy birthday really but why sounded like you could use a more than me wow these are amazing thank you really thank you but I can't accept it my dad already got me a pair of shoes for my birthday and I love them are you sure you don't have to do this just for me positive these shoes are perfect happy birthday day and thank you again happy [Music] birthday let's do before like Mom comes what are you doing here Mom relax relax I have been looking for you everywhere you were supposed to meet me 30 minutes ago gee if only I had a phone that I'm always asking you for then maybe you could find me faster don't you dare give me attitude young lady listen to me you are are too irresponsible for a phone and I told you not to cut your hair and I decided to get it cut anyways it's my hair I want to get it cut for our family vacation next week what you want isn't what goes what I say goes let's go let's go stop it mom you are embarrassing me you can't always be telling me what to do I can and oh are you so grounded when you get home that's not fair life's not fair Kate I said that's enough you are so grounded you are unbelievable Mom do you know how embarrassing you are hey hey hey what's wrong you married a dictator that's what's wrong you hey did you see that are you two fighting again you'll never believe it I told her specifically not to cut her hair and where did I find her a hair salon is that such a big deal I mean what's the harm what's the harm I gave her instructions that she did not follow honey it's just a haircut it's not about the haircut okay David it's about her breaking the rules again as long as she lives in this house under our Ruth she's following our rules honey okay I really need you to support me on this we're supposed to be a team thank you both for sitting down with me what's going on well you two have been fighting more and more recently and I thought it would be very important to set some common grounds Common Ground there is no common ground it's always always what she wants oh watch yourself young hey let's both just settle down okay I call this family meeting because starting tomorrow morning you both are going to switch roles with each other for the entire day what have you lost your mind role playing is a very common therapeutic tool besides both of you would very much benefit from seeing each other's perspective you should never judge anyone until you can walk a mile in their shoes I there's no way there's no way I'm doing this yeah me neither I was afraid this was going to happen and that's why I brought these unless you guys both do this I'm canceling our family vacation what you can't do that you can't be serious David you already paid the deposit I will happily eat our deposit if it means getting my two girls to work through their [Music] problems you're say that I get to tell her what to do for a whole day no it's not but it also means that you have to do everything that your mother does for our family every day as well there's no way she can do that it's whatever I'm sure it's going to be easier than having you riding my back all day oh is it so we're all in agreement agreed oh it's on oh good morning daughter you know you're not responsible enough for a phone and you're too young to drink coffee come on you can't do that oh I can I think the same goes my house my rules well if this is your house here's a list of things you need to do today you do all this in one day you better get started oh I will and it'll be a piece of cake and that reminds me you're technically grounded so go to your [Music] [Music] room oh where's a while you yeah your mother oh yeah what are you doing I'm sorry I'm making food you're making a mess oh my God you have to clean this up I'm just trying to remember the last time you cleaned up after yourself no I'll let you hand is ooh this ISS good fine go to your room and don't come back out why would she going to the tower in the first stupid oh no grounded means grounded come on I'm bored you got to look I got to have a little TV I have the perfect thing here you go something to keep you occupied oh no I I am not doing your math homework for you no oh you won't be technically this is your math Hummer for the day so uh I expected dumo for dinner it'll be a breeze oh no I don't remember this stuff completely oh no no no no no no is it is everything all right out there uh fine everything's fine just keep focusing on that magc work see this it did they change math I mean nothing here makes any sense that's cuz I'm an advanced calculus it's not supposed to be easy I I guess I didn't realize how hard things were for you yeah well if it makes you feel any better I'm starting to realize that being you probably isn't the easiest thing in the world [Music] either this um this looks interesting it's the best I can do okay you have no idea what kind of day I had how was your day honey horrible I've never been so bored in my life do you two have anything to say to each other I'm sorry I did not realize how overbearing and how overprotective I am of you sorry I'm sorry too you definitely don't have it easy and my constant back talk definitely doesn't [Music] help I love you sweetie I love you too Mom I even love your chicken all right it looks like our family vacation's back [Laughter] on you guys ready for our family vacation absolutely not excited for the 5H hour plane ride though maybe this will help really why not I realize that you're way more responsible than I ever gave you credit for oh thank you so much Mom I love you Kate you must be lost McDonald's is a few doors down I'm actually here to sign up I'd like to become a member look no offense but this gym isn't for people like you I'm sorry is there some sort of problem with me joining we try to avoid a certain type of clientele if you know what I mean maybe you should think about it some more and come back tomorrow I have thought about it a lot actually I'll be real with you today is a really bad day for someone like you to join the Gym's new owner is coming by and I want that to be really impressed by our clientele not grossed out or saddened by them be that as it may I I think I'd really like to sign up today I'm trying to make a positive change in my life and working out was the first step of my plan fine let's make this quick follow me I've actually never really been to the gym before you don't say [Music] are there any personal trainers on staff today who can help get me started nope just me okay uh well will you train me then sorry can't but I read online you provide free training for the first day of signups fine but you have to promise that you'll be out of here before the new owner arrives uh no problem let's get this over [Music] with I feel it in my knees a little is that normal yeah how's my form am I doing it right uh-huh that's fine are you sure uh Point your toes a bit straighter you want to make sure that your knees cover your toes like this oh wow yeah that really makes a difference you want to make sure you go all the way down so you feel the burning in your [Music] glutes there you go o I really feel the burn yeah you did it good work thank you so much for those tips it's actually my first time going to the gym it's kind of overwhelming and I'm kind of embarrassed about how little I know I mean look don't let that stop you okay the hardest part is walking through the door and you've already done that good work all right all right we're moving on to the next exercise come on Chop Chop that's it you can go way harder than that like let's really hear it hey what's going on why are you recording her because it's hilarious my friends on Insta are going to love it delete that video right now get out of here lady who do you think you are hey what's going on she's recording you for her Instagram account so she can make fun of you why would you do that calm down it's just a joke don't be a baby about about [Music] it it might be a joke to you but it's not to me this is something I've been struggling with my whole life you see I've always been insecure about my weight I thought that that would go away as I got older but it only got worse that's when I decided to make a change I wanted to finally take control and do something about it so I decided to join a [Music] gym but every time I worked up the nerve to sign up I'd find a reason to back out so you see I finally worked up the courage to sign up and make that big change but you really haven't made things easy for me sounds like you should have trusted your gut and not joined this gym is for people who take working out seriously not some overweight girl who's never worked out a single day in her [Music] life don't listen to her okay this gym is for anybody that wants to make a positive change in their lives you don't get to decide that I do I'm the manager here you may be the manager here but I'm the new owner no you're not the new owner is a man named Taylor Davis yep that's me I thought it was a man don't let the name fool you I always have an anonymous workout before meeting my staff gives me a better understanding of how things are being run and quite frankly I've had enough of your rude and your nasty attitude look it was just a big misunderstanding and I was just save it gyms are supposed to be a place where people can come and work out and not feel judged or made to feel less than but you wouldn't know anything about that someone like you has no business training others let alone managing a gym you're fired but I've been working here for 3 years that's 3 years too many now get out before I have security escort you out I am so sorry how you retreated today okay what you're doing here it takes real courage I don't know about that well I know because I went through the same thing wow did you really lose all that weight just by going to the gym in addition to making some Lifestyle Changes yes but you could do it too if that's what you really want I do want that very much good because I'm giving you a free lifetime membership here oh really oh my gosh yeah I'll even train you if you like help you get started I would love that well let's get to work [Music] yeah that'll be 2750 wow really that much it's okay I don't need anything no no no no it's uh it's our anniversary um come on already let's go I'm sorry just um just one second that'll be 2050 right sorry can you believe this guy you can't afford it get out of the line there are people waiting who actually have money okay um you're still a do25 short oh sorry um come on already let's go what you know what uh we'll just take this thanks thank you have a good night you too excuse me don't worry unlike some people actually have the money to pay for these you're literally eating children they tast I mean they pretty delici um excuse me sorry excuse me oh sorry I am so excited for this movie yeah I mean the the trailer looked great what's good is this popcorn and the fact that I could afford it hey babe I'll be right back I just uh I got to use the bathroom okay hurry back though you don't want to miss the previews so what's going on there is it like like pity date or something what why would you think that why else would you be going out with a guy who couldn't even afford to buy you snacks at a movie um we're actually celebrating our 2-year anniversary girl what are you doing with a guy like him what do you mean if my boyfriend couldn't afford to buy me popcorn on her 2-year anniversary I dump him so fast you need a real man with real money I've always believed that money isn't everything he has a huge heart he always makes me laugh he's incredibly loving and I'm lucky to be with him lucky okay we have two different definitions of that word see lucky to me is my boyfriend he's Rich successful incredibly handsome just last week he took me to Paris we flew first class fourstar Hotel incredible food it was amazing does your man take you on expensive trips well no not anything expensive but that's so sad you know you should really dump him he obviously doesn't care about you if your man is so great why isn't he here tonight oh he'll be here don't worry it's our anniversary too he even got me this ring what' your man get you oh wait he couldn't even afford the popcorn so probably nothing look what I found what babe I thought you didn't have enough well I I didn't so so I went back to my car and I duck through the seats found some extra change and waa how pathetic you really did that for me of course you once told me that popcorn makes the movie I can't believe you remember that that was on our first date yeah you're the sweetest don't you mean the [Music] brokest you know what I think this could use a little bit more butter yeah yeah have no fear I will fix this you know I'm really getting tired of your snide comments about my boyfriend oh honey I'm just looking out for you you know women supporting women looking out for me you don't know anything about me or my man I know that he's poor like really poor is there really much else for me to know yeah there is you see Tom may not take me on expensive vacations but he makes every moment feel like a vacation watching movies and eating popcorn it's all I need to be [Music] happy and Tom may not have a lot of money for fancy gifts and restaurants but he's still puts in the effort to make sure I always feel special so you see he may not make a lot of money but he spends time with me and always makes me feel special and to me that's what's important I'm not sure that's as romantic as you think it is that actually sounds miserable he's a broke loser honey you deserve so much better you know I get where look who it is my boyfriend watch and learn sweetie hey baby the movie's about to start and I got all your favorite snacks about that um I'm not going to be able to make it what why we've been planning this all week look just can't do it we got clients coming in from Japan I got to take them to dinner but it's our anniversary what do you want me to say hey babe you're missing dinner who is she and why is she calling you babe and what what H that's just my assistant Rachel we're just working it doesn't look like you're working Chris what is going on ah look I didn't want this to happen this way but I can't do this anymore it's over Katie what do you mean I mean I'm with Rachel now okay sorry you're dumping me on our anniversary babe please just next time you might want to pick a man who actually cares about you look now I'm just looking out for you women helping women hey what Miss um nothing at all oh this is perfect thanks babe you're the sweetest [Applause] a
Channel: Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations
Views: 356,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, self improvement, happiness, dhar mann, short film
Id: 6WtDd80OWHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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