Going to a New Dimension - E Dewey Smith

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it's almost time for the Word of God just wanted to just do one thing as as a bit of housekeeping again thank you for being here we want you to patronize we've got a few folks out in the lobby that have come to help us make this a real community service project and one of them is the Mosel Sanders foundation if you live in Indianapolis you know about the Mosel Sanders foundation their efforts to serve as many as 20,000 people every Thanksgiving and so you may have brought some canned goods today are non-perishable items we certainly appreciate that we want you to patronize them in the lobby if you desire you can certainly leave a donation before you leave and so would you help me bless God for what Mosel Sanders foundation is trying to do all over Indianapolis okay oh and we thank God for the pastor of Mount Vernon is here which is Mosel Sanders old church come on let's bless Todd think also Saul pastor Sullivan thank you for all of these wonderful passes thank you so much for being here it is time for the Word of God it's time for the Word of God we have a speaker that's going to come and let me just tell you that he is a triple threat he is a preacher a teacher and a singer and and by preacher I mean if you have never heard Lee Dewey Smith preach before you are not going to forget tonight ever somebody ought to say Amen he is the pastor the pastor of the greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church in Atlanta Georgia they have just been blessed to purchase a brand-new a twenty million dollar sanctuary God has blessed them and he has been doing great work you can give God a round of applause for that in addition to that pastor Smith has been all over the news for many of his wonderful community efforts pastor Smith has been chronicled even on CNN he is Travelers Rest Baptist Church is a host for Sunday's best and so there are so many things that he's doing but I'm grateful that he is also a man of Omega he is a member of Omega sci-fi and so he's going to come and bless us in his own way we're really looking forward to him but just before he comes we'll be favored with a couple of selections from the Eastern Star Missionary Baptist Church Choir Jew bless God for Eastern Star at this time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how many of you know that's nobody how many of you look higher know how many of you there's nobody I forgot we know that's why we give them glory and honor then we give it pray [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] if you reach out join hands join hands across the room now Lord we've gathered tonight to honor and to bless you for being our strong God we worship you tonight in the beauty of holiness we exalt and magnify your name for there's none like you we thank you God because you're so unusual that you love us when we don't deserve your love there's no one like you we thank you for your Compassion's that fell not there's no one like you and your mercies that are new every morning that's nobody like you great is your faithfulness we thank you tonight for being faithful to us even we've been so unfaithful to you there's nobody like you and we've come to corporately and individually express our love and our dependence and appreciation for thee we thank you for this church we thank you for pastor Hampton we thank you for the leaders of this church for those who thought it not robbery to opens these doors for such a moment we thank you for pastor buckler we thank you for Eastern star and pastor Johnson and all of the churches and ministers who collaborated for this day and for this week we thank you for every sorority and every fraternity present we thank you Lord for 101 years Omega scifi fraternity we thank you for the principles upon which its paternity stands we thank you Lord for those who you gave the vision to to bring about presence and scholarship and manhood and uplift and we thank you that you've kept this fraternity for 101 years thank you for the unselfishness of those who are coming to share tonight regardless of what side of the tracks we grew up on or what affiliations we're part of we we declare that we all need you and we can't get along without you God tonight we've come not for form or for fashion but for revival and there's some of us God who stand in need of a blessing and so any formality anything that would prohibit us from hearing from you we become against those things and thank God we're holding hands without sisters our brothers and we don't take it for granted that everybody is doing well internally we've learned how to look beyond the mask and the facades and the external and we know that behind somebody's smile they have difficulty at home somebody's dealing with a difficult financial situation and some of the needs a touch from you so God as we are holding the hands of our neighbors we don't come selfishly because there's nobody like you you know I've thought some afar off and we ask that you touch our neighbors left right front and back let us not leave the same way we came sin breakthrough healing and deliverance in this place even on tonight God as we hold these neighbours hands and touch their hands and squeeze these hands to signify that they can feel out of touch they're gonna feel your touch so touch tonight touch in the name of Jesus set the captive free and have you in this place and we give you glory and we give you praise now in the name of Jesus amen let's give God praise tonight would you what a mighty God we serve what a mighty God we serve let's put our hands together Fire Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen pass the hampton pass the butler and all the distinguished clergy persons who flat pulpit those in the pew like and basa love his apostles of this wonderful chapter the man of Omega sine Phi fraternity and Delta sisters and all of you my brothers and sisters in Christ it's just good to be in the house of God isn't it a man look at you look at your neighbor and say you don't look like what you've been through tell somebody you don't look like this you tell somebody else you don't look like what you've been through a man but those of you who've been through some things you understand what I'm saying amen God has kept you and provided for you and certainly we thank God for you and thank God for this wonderful choir tonight sister Sheri used to start church let's give him a hand for blessing us tonight amen amen November 17th 1911 something special happened there in the District of Columbia I think of all the men I'll go make it with all of you stand all the men of Omega would you please stand would you get these fine distinguished brothers a hand tonight thank God for all of you being here for the night god bless you a man will stand on a great great legacy if you have your Bibles I want to get right into this word I want you to turn your Bibles with me I want to thank off this collaboration so often it was so fragmented and that fragmentation in that division sometimes prevents us from being productive and it's such a blessing to see us coming together tonight amen not being crabs in a barrel but coming tonight and to lift each other understand the sentiments of the old African proverb that I am because we are and it means so much to have you here I want you to turn your Bibles to the book of Revelation there's a word that I'm led to share with you on the night and I solicit your prayers it is found in the book of Revelation and the fourth chapter of the book of Revelation there is a word there that I believe is relevant not just for our fraternity but for the people of God returned the sorority's and just those of us are part of the community at large Revelation chapter 4 when you have it say I've got it Revelation chapter 4 Revelation chapter 4 and if you don't mind we'll stand together and just reading one verse for those who have your Bibles if you don't have it you please jot this down and read it in your leisure a revelation chapter Ford it reads thusly from the King James Version after this I looked and behold a door was opened in heaven and the first voice which I heard was it were a trumpet talking with me which said come up hither and I will show thee things which must be Hereafter after this I looked and behold a door was open in heaven and the first voice which I heard was it more of a trumpet talking with me listened with what the war said the voice said come up hither come up hither and I was show thee things come up hither and I will show thee things which must be Hereafter I won't talk tonight from this thought of going to a new dimension would you find a neighbor said let's go to a new dimension let's go to a new dimension going to a new dimension you maybe see the Prince of loarre going to a new dimension it was 60 to 65 years after Yahweh's salvific dispensation had come to fruition that a palpable prophet received an apocalypse this unveiling this revealing this revelation of something that would unfold futuristically that was called an apocalypse something that would occur prophetically so appalling was this specific apocalypse that reductive form and even source critics have categorized it as the only missive of prophetic milieu in the New Testament canon of Scripture this foreshadowing this unveiling of things which would occur in the future given to a gentleman whose name was John that's several historical and yet hermeneutical situations which sets the backdrop for this understanding of what we call revelation this apocalypse this unveiling is revealing first of all revelation this apocalypse it involves what I like to call instigation instigation instigation at the time of the book of Revelation the ruling emperor in Rome was a fellow whose name was Domitian Rome at the time of the first century was considered to be the Citadel of a Caesars and Domitian the Roman Emperor had issued an edict a decree an imperative a command that if anybody who was under his jurisdiction would be found guilty of calling on the name of Jesus of Christ that they would be accused of instigation someone who's trying to be a threat to the Greco Roman Empire and so because John would not be dissuaded or discouraged by the decree of Domitian he continued with his belief in Christ and consequently he was accused of instigation and because he was accused of instigation this apocalypse this revelation also involves what I want to call incarceration for John had been duly warned that if he continued with what the Greeks would have called the kuru son of the yuan Gillian and the preaching of the good news of Jesus Christ that if he continued in that particular manner that he would be led off into a period of incarceration the time the first century world if you will if you like me to contextualize it that was an ungodly prison industrial complex that's what Michelle had examined it would have called it when people were unduly and from a disproportionate perspective incarcerated because of the pigmentation because of the color versus again or the size of the tracks that they grew up on while others in the Greco Roman Empire were guilty much more heinous and significant crimes John because of his belief in Jesus Christ was led to this place that's called Patmos some have called in an aisle some others have called it a peninsula perhaps a body of land surrounded by water on three sides this Patmos was the Alcatraz of its day it was a place with thieves murderers robbers and bad people were placed there to the live their lives and banishment and exile and so because John was accused of instigation illegally he was led to incarceration this incarceration was on a place called Patmos he was not given due process of the law he was found as an instigator and therefore now he is banished isolated and alienated from family friends and familiar surroundings and so this applies it involves instigation it involves incarceration but it also involves some inspiration for John says after I was accused of instigation and led to incarceration he says that was no light of the world church on Patmos that would allow the Omegas to have a revival to bring the community together there was no Lamar Temple to lead us in worship on Patmos talking about Lord I love you more than anything that was no Eastern Star Church unpack muster sing about there's nobody like God John says I was there by myself accused of instigation led to incarceration he says I was perhaps a part of that 47% that didn't deserve to be on the higher on the socio-economic strata of the greco-roman Empire I was led there he says and although accused of instigation led to incarceration John says in the middle of my incarceration is that I messed around and God gave me some inspiration he says in the first chapter for I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day and he says in effect what happened to me as I messed around and I ended up having church by myself and let me just pause parenthetically to remind somebody that you really never had authentic worship until you've had it by yourself I mean I know we're dressed tonight I know we're representing sororities or fraternities and man without colors that we all caught up in the ecclesial in the panel in accoutrement some order and protocol but have you ever been riding in your vehicle by yourself and your favorite track came on the city and you begin to reflect on what God has done for you and what God has brought you from and while you're riding on in your automobile you had to be careful with your right foot because you begin reflecting on what God had brought you from and then you thought about it you became your own praise team you became your own choir creet your own sermon and then turn around and raise your own offering is there anybody around this house ever had church by yourself I wish you look at somebody's that I came to give them praise tonight I wish you do it with him but if you don't do it I'm like Jonah when I think about the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me this text involves instigation it involves some incarceration and involves some inspiration but as in this context that we penetrate this particular pericope for John says in Revelation 4 and 1 after this after what John after I was accused of instigation after this after what John after I was led to incarceration after this after what John after God gave me some inspiration it was after this that God gave me an invitation and the invitation was this John come on up hither to a new dimension John you've done well in the first three chapters of this revelation John you you brought messages to the seven churches of Asia Minor you were able to commend them and give a complaint of each of them you talked about the character and the personality of these jewels churches you wrote letters to the seven golden candlesticks through the seven angels of the church John you've done well in the first three chapters of this apocalypse but John I don't want you to get too comfortable with a revelation one through three unfolding John that there there are some more things that I want to show you there's some more thing that I want to unfold for you John that's another place that I want to take you to but you cannot get to this place of chapter four capacity with a revelation chapters one through three mentality John I want to pour more on you but I don't want to pour new wine into old wineskins John I want to expand your capacity I want to expand your horizons I want to blow your minds I want to give you illuminations and revelations of things that have never been seen or imagined or fathom before but John you can't get these things if you stay stuck on a revelation chapter three vision and you know brothers and sisters I believe this word is relevant to community organizations to fraternal and sorority to not sororities to manka but because I believe what God is saying to us though to Omega South Phi fraternity and every fraternity and sorority represented as you thank God for a hundred years after the deltas are getting ready to celebrate 100 years next year the first century of your mission has been wonderful you've empowered the world you've changed the world for all of who a part of your organizations you have talked character you you've got about service you've been about giving back to the communities you've inspired young men and young women all over the globe thank God for the first 100 years of what you've been about he says but lest you find yourself missing out on more things you cannot allow your past successes to blind you to the challenges and the realities of what is still ahead because the journey is not yet over God says that some more things that you know yes you've done well this some of you left Palmer then you've been able to move out into the suburbs and now you enjoying some measure of affluence but don't think that that's all that I want to do in you and do for you that there are more revelations and more illuminations and more opportunities and more breakthrough that to give to you that's more territory to be enlarged you got to expand your borders and your tits but if your mentality is only stuck on Revelation chapter 3 then you gotta have what John Maxwell talked about the law of the lead that you can't get to a level ten with the level three mentality and when I read this text at night what bless me was that John was not satisfied staying stuck on what he saw in the first three chapters for when he heard the clarion call for Christ John come on up a little higher John says I will not get content in a quandary and Quagmire of pseudo contentment and complacency God if that's some more things you want to give to me in Chapter four then blow my mind and don't let me get stuck in Revelation chapter three and I just want to ask the question tonight does is there anybody room who realizes that the best is still yet to come that God is not through with you yet I don't care how many achievements you've made not on how much I don't care how much you've given back that's still more work to be done there's still more that God wants to do for us but he says to us in order to get these things you have to be willing to go to another level to come to a new dimension and the question I want to raise tonight is are you ready to have the capacity for God to show you things that you've never seen before to let you do things that you never would have imagined and here's the blessing John he did the clarion call for Christ and John when he heard the voice saying come on up a little higher in Revelation chapter 4 he heeded the call and he went to a new dimension but the reality and the challenge the tension in the text is this he did not get to a new dimension by osmosis he didn't get to a new dimension just by sitting on the south part of his spine there were some things that John had to do there was some thing that were evident in his life that enable him to get to a new dimension to see more opportunities and horizons and the question tonight I had to raise is what was active and operative in John's life that propelled and empowered him to go to another place in God to see more and to envision more to get a glimpse of things that were greater than he'd ever seen before and John went back and similarly you you and I can also go there but there's some qualities that we must have if you're not gonna go to new dimensions as fraternities and sororities as a part of Christ in our communities to empower our communities to help boys and girls to grow and to learn and to study that's something that we must have number one if we're gonna get to a new dimension we must all have three quick things I'm gonna if I take my seat the first thing that must be evident in our lives is we must have get this now the right spirit very simple tonight the consume I say the right spirit the right spirit verse 1 it says after this I look to behold a door was open in heaven the voice which I heard was of a trumpet talking with me which said come up hither I was show thee things which must be Hereafter and look at verse 2 John says the Texas and immediately I was in the spirit so the next dimension is John's destination that's in verse 1 this new dimension come up hither that's the destination but in verse 2 John gives us the transportation that enabled him to get to his desired destination come up hither destination well what's the transportation and immediately I was in the spirit the Spirit is the transportation that took him to his desired destination let me let me come this way many of us have a desired destination but unfortunately we traveled by the wrong transportation are you gonna help me around here tonight many of us have a desired destination but our transportation is wrong but perhaps perhaps there's a young lady in the house tonight and perhaps your desired destination your new dimension is marriage your new dimension is matrimony you're tired of being in your sorrows weddings you you have eight a bridesmaids dresses in your closet and you've already declared that that next year is gonna be my year not only will the Dylan's turn 100 but if you declare next year's a year I'm gonna walk down the aisle I'm gonna wear the white dress because marriage is my desired destination that's my new dimension but I hope you like my like summer sisters back home in Atlanta because many of them have the same destination but they travel by their own transportation because many of them have begun to believe that wearing daisy dukes and a halter top is the right transportation to get you to a spiritual destination of marriage and so even there in Atlanta where I live and where I served a regular habit even right now you see some young ladies who were who are really need to be 18 but were forced themselves into six or an eight because they think that the tighter your clothes are that it increases your opportunity and your capacity to get to the level you want to be owner owes you're quite on me around here tonight and unfortunately many of them will never get that because Mary needs to change your name from Mary to Easton fiction because of the tightness of a clue because she had the wrong mentality trying to get to a desired destination Oh y'all gonna help me around here tonight you got to realize it doesn't matter how nice you are how fine you are or how beautiful you are a man needs some help a man needs somebody who can walk alongside of him and pray for him and empower him he needs somebody to be an asset and not a liability you're not gonna help there's some things that a man needs somebody to walk into support and pray and look there's some brothers tonight God has blessed you with a wonderful sister who's been there with you who supported you who's been that way yeah every step of the way but now you're going through a midlife crisis feel that your life is stagnant and because she stretched her about it out for you and giving you children now you want to trade her in for a newer model maybe because her coca-cola bottle shape has turned into a milk jug and now you want to eliminate and eradicate and in the relationship but you'll never get higher doing dirty stuff I wish y'all help me around here you got to realize that and sometimes God may not give you the figure-eight he may give you the figure oh but the least to figure Oh we'll cook she'll keep the house clean she'll keep you warm in the inacol in Annapolis winner everything that looks good to you ain't good for you and everything that glitters I know that's right you better say God let me be in the right spirit many of us have the wrong spirit and I'm not talking about the gifts of the Spirit I'm talking about the fruit of the Spirit and that's what America needs America will never get to a new level and new dimensions when people are set because the candidate that shots lost instead of being trapped for the nation writing a petition wanting to succeed from the country that's not the right spirit what we need right now is people to come together we don't need partisans bickering and bellyache in what we need people just is to come together - Rick it's my spirit right somebody help me around here and if my spirit is not right if I'm in flesh if I'm in foolishness can I really expect God to take me higher so could it be that many of us are still stuck and stagnant because we're still in a spirit of immaturity insecurity twenty and thirty years out of college but still doing the same dumb foolish stuff we've never grown because our spirits are not right and John says because I was in the spirit but not only was John in the right spirit secondly we have the right to sight the right sight ght the right sight it's in verse 2 it says and immediately I was in the spirit he says and behold a throne was set in heaven and one sat on the throne verse 3 he that set was to look like a Jasper and a sardine stone there was a rainbow round about the throne in sight like unto an emerald and the midst of the throne round about the throne were four seats and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders clothed in white raiment the his crowns of gold John says when I got in the right spirit Alleluia God gave me the right sight he says and I saw him I saw into the new dimension I saw into paradise I saw into where God was trying to take he says I saw heaven he tells us a few things about what he saw he says number one it was a providential place his providential he says because I saw the one who sat on the throne but not only is it a providential place second he says it's a peaceful place he says because as a rainbow round the throne that rainbow had been given to Noah as a sign to usher in the post that alluvion dispensation that God would never destroy the earth by water again that rain will represent at the end of the storm it was a providential place it was a peaceful place but it was also a patriarchal place he says because I saw four and 20 seats and upon the four and 20 seats were four and twenty elders twelve of them representing the 12 tribes of Israel twelve represented the Twelve Apostles he says when I got in the right spirit I got the right sight and I saw this providential peaceful and patriarchal place it was providential in its sovereignty it was peaceful in its serenity it was patriarchal in its sanctity I saw he says this providential peaceful and patriarchal City but here's what bless he says I was there in spirit I could see it in the spirit but in flesh I was on Patmos can comes in reality I was on pantless but in the spirit I was in paradise I saw where I was going I'll go where I was going was that Mitchell opposed to our wars presently God gave me revelation and I could enjoy the revelation though it was contrary to my situation God let me see where I was going and so that empowered me and enabled me to deal with my present reality because my fellow reality and now see is not the sum total of my destiny it's just a pit stop on the journey and so now I can handle that much because Patmos is not the end of my novel somebody help me run there's another chapter after Patmos and you know what I've discovered that many of us will never get to a new dimension because you can't see beyond where you are right now but you've got to get in the spirit to get the right site that regardless to what you're facing economically familiarly educationally socially professionally or even physically that you can say you know where I am right now I thank God that because I don't have to give God praise over manifestations I get excited off of the revelation and the revelation is this I'm going somewhere the revelation is this don't trip on me because I'm jacked up now well the next time you see me I may be walking in my in my paradise and is there anybody around this house tonight you got enough faith to see yourself beyond where you are right now you also see yourself coming out of your apartment right now you also see that community empowered you all to see those relationships coming back together you all see educational race and graduation rates going up in Annapolis because of your efforts we also see foreclosures are being eliminated we ought to see drug abuse are being eliminate we ought to see our lives coming together and even though you may not have physical evidence right now you shot over what you see can you see beyond what to repeat if I see myself having jobs and better jobs I see myself having raises and bonuses I see myself have an unexpected check sir I see myself working with a sale of one I see myself walking with a hill by - I see myself walking in a prosperous business I see myself what a positive balance in my check I see myself with peace in my home I see myself happy in my marriage even if it's not there yet you all give God praise right now because of what you see [Applause] come o tell some I give God praise with the man because I see what I'm going in it I see what God is going to bring me through I don't know the first time God gave me a vision of home ownership you know paying so much money to rent apartment in Atlanta and nothing wrong with that but you know I said no the money I'm spending I could be put this into my own your back then home home wash it with the American Way and I said you know what I want one now because I think I'm all that but if I'm spending the same one let me go buy me a home and God says hey what I want you to do get your credits together and I want you to give your ties be a good steward of what I've got for you and then what I want you is to figure out the neighborhood that you possibly can afford and then on Sundays after church I want you to ride through some of those neighborhoods when you think you may want to leave and look at new houses being built I never shall forget one day I found a house that I like but the problem I had somebody else was living there but something mood in my spirit and God said go ring the doorbell I went to ring the doorbell don't you try this now this was in the 90s I wouldn't ring the doorbell they came for say what did you want I said I just came to see how you were taking care of my house either God's gonna promote you to something else but this house here is the kind of house I want to live in and do you not know that a few months after praying that prayer that God gave me one right next door better than the one that I thought I was going to live in my party is y'all have enough faith in God that when you see it you write division and then what's your visualize that you verbalize it and make the plane because the book says if you write division and make the plane though it may tail it wait for you for the vision shall speak or not laugh look at somebody besides you and say I see a better tomorrow I see a better future said the matter I see you in your future and you look better in your future then you do right now and give God praise for what you see so John John said I got the right spirit then God gave me the right sight but then third and final if you won't make it to a new dimension now under you need the right spirit and have the right sight the right vision of a third that you need the right symbols can intercept the right symbols it is right then in verse number six he says and then before the throne well a steel glass like unto crystal here the symbols in the midst of the throne around about the throne here it is oh my were four beasts full of eyes before four beasts don't close your Bibles these here are not satanic beasts these are sovereign beasts these are not demonic beasts these are divine beings that phrase literally means in Greek four living creatures he says I saw four living creatures in the nude image in Paradise verse 17 says the first was like a lion the second was like a calf third of the face of a man the fourth was like a flying eagle he said in verse eight and the four beasts had each of them six wings about him full of eyes before and behind rest not day and night saying hold on he said I when I got in the right spirit God gave me the right and I saw the right symbols I saw four creatures that were in this new dimension he says a couple things about me said they were wind creatures that six wings about him is believed between they come in the face of between they cover their feet which wane they flew they were wind creatures they were witnessing creatures they witness about the one who set on the throne but not only the wind and witnessing creatures but they were worst awful creatures well how do you know they're worshipful creatures they're worshipful creatures because they're worshiping the God that they witness about who sits on the throne how did you know the worshipping they're singing a song about God they're singing number one about God's purity but they said holy holy hey guys hey guys hey yeah they're saying about God's purity they sing about God's perpetuity but they say he's one which was and he is and is to come they sing about God's principality he said he rests not day and night these winged witnessing and worshipful creatures sing about God's Spirit about God's perpetuity about God's principality but John says they had four attributes the first was like a lion second was like a cab throw down the face of a man the fourth was like a flying eagle and I really begin to dissect and exegete this to try to identify what do these creatures represent one commentator suggested that they represent Matthew Mark Luke and John some others said they represent some aspect of divinity but as I was going back and forth through Matthew and hearing Warford and sulk and ronica and Rogers trying to get some identification as to what these creatures represented God sent me an order logical facsimile straight from the fax machine of heaven and said they they they have some qualities they represent a symbol or characteristic or an attribute that every child of God must have if you're gonna get to a new dimension and then maintain want you to get there the first one says were like was like a lion and the lion here represents courage can somebody say courage see it takes if you're gonna progress and leave the shallow water and launch out into the you got to have some courage see because many of us unfortunately have allowed other people to hold us back in shallow water but God has given vision and giving you dreams and goals but because of who is around you help me somebody you have allowed other people even your relatives to keep you back from your dreams by telling you what you can't do what you can't become and how messed up your past is but you've got to have enough courage that if necessary you take your spiritual switchblade and cut that relationship off tonight because you don't need anybody in your life who can't add value to your vision you know tell them talk to the hand because theyĆ­re ain't listen I don't need nobody to tell me who I'm not what I can't do when God has already given me revelation for what I've become you've got to have some courage only thing your kitchen shallow waters tadpoles and minerals but if you want some shark and some talk and some whales you got to have enough courage that you launch out into the deep throats out into the deep and go back to finish your education launch out into the deep and write that business plan lunch out into the deep and step on dream that haven't yet been in your spirit that a dad did it without that dream and have the courage it takes courage to give God praise it takes courage to progress he loved us alike The Wizard of Oz lion your mother was of the laws don't you number 10 man scarecrow that was a woman that was a Wizard of Oz lion and the problem with the lion it was of Oz is this he looked like a lion had all the physiological attributes of a liar but did not have the inherent and innate boldness of a liar a lot of us look like progressed as people we look like people who came to praise God but the reality is many of us don't have the nerve there are - - the gumption the unmitigated gall to go forth in progress and because conditions have to be conducive for you you don't want anybody to look differently at you because of your demonstrative actions in worship you don't want any of your sorrows sisters are you your air bees to see you acting differently then how you acted when you own line together now that your life has been changed and so in worship you hold it back because you got to be hard a poet so cute because you don't make makeup or mascara to run that's because many of us have become Wizard of Oz lions but when you are a real lion and have the nerve to praise and progress regardless of your existential situation it does not matter who's around you don't need an organ you don't need a preacher or microphone you don't need assignments say it's praise leader and that's what many of us become simon says phrases Simon Says lift your hand you lift your hands Simon Says how do you shout how to low you that's not that's a winner of oz ways when you are real praiser you don't need sherry or the choir matter of fact you come up in here with your mind made up or that in the around here who got the nerve in the girl to open your mouth like a lion and give it you know sometimes when I think about when I was at Morehouse I was broke busted and disgusted and family members told me you never graduate but somehow someway when financial aid was acting crazy when I thought they wouldn't let me in school somehow just in the nick of time when it came out of nowhere sometime right now when I look back on what God did for me I have a college student my lion hood comes out and I just got [Applause] all right into the lines around this house we got a roll forgot listen let me talk to some lines around here if I say something that fits your context let me hear you roar if you kept me in your right mind one two three better become a walk out of your life one two three if they trap you in your light man accept money in your pocket one two three then one chooses you ought to give down one two three as a matter of fact when you go to church on Sunday before you sit down on your you own your chair look at the people's a bottle rolls back don't find you another seat cuz you want to strip us on somebody we've got a role in this you got your neighbors [Music] [Applause] stop us I got courage come on come on bro I got courage to the king and the lion here now give me five minutes represents courage but but there's another symbol here and that is the calf or the oxen and the calf here symbolizes patience some I say patience so patient is the careful dachshund that both Moses and Paul uses them as a metaphor the pastor it is an attribute a symbol of patience the oxen the calf work all day long and only need to eat a little bit their patient beans and what John what I want to infer he is John could be implying what the suggestion here is that many of us have courage but no patience okay okay still not it's not connected we're gonna come this way a lot of us had the courage to get married but then have the patience to wait on the one that God had ordained for you now if I'm talking to you and you set aside your boot don't say a man just keep looking straight ahead a lot of us had garbage but no patience you were so fast in your britches because the fre came out at night and you messed around and got with a beast and missed out on your blessing cuz Bremen was telling it I want some grandkids when you don't get married and you hook yourself up into bundage the point I want to make tonight is the new dimension you may not get there overnight if you've been irresponsibly using credit cards for 20 years and you just join a church and you paid your ties for three weeks three weeks worth of tithing is not going to eradicate 20 years with a fiscal irresponsibility it's going to take time patience it's like the bamboo tree the best bamboo does not grow the next year after its planet the best bamboo you won't see evidence of its growth after it's been planted to five to seven years but the longer the wait the stronger the bamboo and we live in this fast food society we want everything quickly and many of us have aborted our new dimension because it didn't come when we wanted it to even those of us who finally get married and get with the right person just because you got what the right person does not mean it's always going to be Heathcliff and and Claire Huxtable marriage is the only full-time job other than parenting that you work for and don't get a check and then that we got to get back some of what grandma them had they they had made it some of them was seven eight nine sugar with one income but stayed together thirty and forty years because they had patience to work together we get married and thirty days later we had blood in each other courage patience the third one had a face of a man representing intelligence you got the courage and start of business got the patience to wait we don't have the intelligence to get a business plan got the courage to go to college to be a nurse got the patience to wait six seven eight years but don't have the intelligence to realize that if I want to be a nurse but I flunked biology 101 five time maybe somewhere somewhere some intelligence and what America needs now is more intellect and more we got any more cognitive even now thinking I don't care what side of the political platform you are we got to be more intelligent I disagree with the president in terms of same-sex marriage from a Christian perspective my personal opinion my personal theology is that marriage is between a man and a woman that's my personal my personal theology my personal theology but at the same time as I understand that's my personal theology I also understand the 300 million people in America don't have my same personal views okay y'all quiet you quiet and I also have the intelligence to realize that it's blasphemous and disingenuous for anybody to say I'm against same-sex marriage because the president is destroying the sanctity of marriage but if you and you like Newt Gingrich or Rush Limbaugh have had four or five wives and the one you will is not your own that's not intelligent y'all quiet about it it is not it's not is not intelligent to get in the church and bash people whose sexuality is different from yours and talking about what's going on in their bedroom and you got Santa's sue and Jane in your own bedroom that's not intelligent I wish somebody help me around here I've learned to realize when I spend my time dealing with doing that do ain't got time to be the sex police y'all that's not intelligent its intelligence and that morality in many cases can't be legislated it's gotta be communicated and demonstrated y'all quiet on me Ronnie's see the problem is now we've men of us of God saved and forgot even last week in Colorado with them voting on that the passing and the legally legalization of marijuana and you got folk here in and in Annapolis like I have in Atlanta if that law ever came to Indiana if it ever came to giorgia we're gonna both clap we're gonna protest spend our time protesting as if to suggest I love is gonna stop folk from getting weaned okay y'all quiet around and you keep your quiet you can't legislate how about you you ain't forget when you own line the law was against you and you only any college campus in America y'all quiet on me matter of fact somebody may have a dime back on you tonight you can't legislate morality you got a communicator and demonstrate it and let your light so shine before a law can make you change who you are some who drive it in Annapolis you break the law every time you get on the interstate it's the heart of a man or a woman that changes who they are and not a lot and what we got do is demonstrate and communicate our faith so that people want to live a life but only grace and the Spirit of God can change the heart of a man have some intelligence I didn't tell him for us to condemn our young folks to heal it's pretty little Church in Atlanta a couple months ago young girl came for the church pregnant and she was not married it was an Apostolic Church the Church of my roots and and after the girl testified and said she wanted prayer she was pregnant and that husband without a husband they surrounded her and then somebody stood up in an act of retriggered gesture the legalism and pronounced that because she has violated section such-and-such of our Creed we got a withdraw the right hand of fellowship because she's saying against the church and she can no longer be a member of our church my heart was broken to see this girl who was crushed who was vulnerable who came wanting her family to support her I said there because it wasn't I was just a guest speaker I said well this is not my fight doesn't know I'm gonna give the opportunity to say some I said it's not my fight guard he said I'm gonna be the opportunity to say something and before the service concluded they asked to do have words I said sure I will I just want to say one thing as I was touched by the young girl's statement and about her print being pregnant without being married I just want to say that I've been a student the Word of God all my life and I read the Bible Hebrew and Greek Latin Septuagint Apocrypha I read all of that and I've never read well being pregnant as I've seen they got quite like some of y'all got quite a statement I said I've never read were being pregnant is a sin they looked at me judged me like some of y'all look at me judgmentally not I said I'm said again for the Holy Ghost I've never read from Genesis to Revelation were being pregnant without a spouse is a sin the scene is the Act which took place before or outside of marriage that produced a child being pregnant is not a sin the sin is the activity that took place before or outside of marriage that produced a child that's the same not the pregnancy but the act that necessitated pregnancy as a soul so from a spiritual perspective and if we look at this from a march inaudible perspective from a sin perspective the sin in pregnancy is the act and so if we're going to deal with people and it excommunicate them Church based on the act which took place before or outside of marriage that necessitated principle as I just got a few question I wanna ask you go number one who gonna preach number two some of y'all problem deacons us just take your red towel cause reality is a whole bunch of us in the air I've made a whole bunch of mistakes in our lives and it's not intelligent to condemn people for the same thing that you did in your busy days but what you can say when I get some intelligence is by the grace of God that I'm here tonight is my the grace of God that I'm saved and so you gotta have courage patience intelligence but the fourth was like a flying eagle that represents strength that's that strength can ensure say strength see the eagle is unlike any other bird you know when the seasons change when other birds get the message that's Sandy in the winter blast of winter approaching other birds form a family reunion in the distant horizon they migrate to the Southern Sun but the Eagle is distinct for the Eagle being a meteorologist by instinct when he or she becomes aware of because of the climatic conditions of the clouds that the storm is coming the Eagle don't be like some likes tell him to go to Jamaica to get us groove back but when the storm winds they are blowing the ego takes that keen eagle eye and begins to look directly as a storm chaser into the eye of the storm once the Eagle locates the eye of the storm they take that 13 to 15 foot wingspan to find a way to find balance and equilibrium based upon the intensity of the winters the Eagle understands the first law of thermodynamics that wherever there's emotion that's friction that I can't go high if I don't have an opposing force trying to pull me down and so the Eagle begins to flap he her wings riding directly into the eye of the storm because that Eagle has been given certain innate proclivities and propensity is that eagle flies the faster the storm approaches the ego now with more regularity the Eagle with more rapidity the Eagle with more intensity the eagle with more dexterity begins to ride directly into the eye of the storm and when the other birds would dare to go in that direction the ego rides into the storm and just for the scene like the storm is going to encompass just wanna see what the storm it's going to end go and let us not around buddy go ahead that intestinal fortitude to lunch deep and the fly the storm and I'm talking to somebody tonight who's trying to go to a new dimension and you're wondering why storms are coming God told me to tell you don't curse the storm that's the springboard to your new dimension John you can't see paradise unless you come through Patmos that must is a prerequisite for your progress but don't you try to tip it I don't care what it hears the pebble theorists have the Kurds have the strip and yes no that's why they put it this way No and now I'm not who that the everlasting God the creator of the ends of the earth he's fated not neither is he we read for there is no searching of his understanding for he giveth power to the faint and then they have no money he increases their strength for even the youths shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall but they are y'all gonna hold me here for a minute I said hey I said they that lord have mercy I said they that wait upon the Lord they shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like the Eagle they can learn and not be weary hey man and they can't walk in not faint and I'm looking at somebody tonight who's been going through hell and high water but I stopped by to tell you that if you have courage if you have patience and if you have the intelligence and if you have the strength that we serve a God who is able to let you mount up with wings like the eagle and that's why James had counted all joy when you fall into divers temptations and knowing this that the trying of my faith it is working patients do have a witness in the building and I had Paul saying most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities for when I am weak is that that moment that I am strong and maybe that's somebody in the building tonight who's been going against adversity but you're trying to make it to a brand new dimension and I stopped I did encourage the matter to tell you hold on a little because if you can hold on a little I believe that help is on the way shakin IBAs hand and say hold on a little while longer because I've had some good days and I've had some bad days hey some heels to clap [Music] around and same thing I'm a good day steal away my bad days I won't complain because sometimes the clouds hang low and I can hardly see the road but I ask the question oh wow so much pain but he knows what's best for me although my weary has they cannot see so I lift my hand toward heaven through the storm and say I won't complain shake the neighbors and say they got to have some presence press up to keep your hand in God story about 2 weeks ago a young girl was driving from Georgia to knock the young girl was driving yes Lord up from North Carolina but the storm called hurricane sandy it blew through the East Coast started and this young girl was thriving with her grandfather the storm and the winds became so intense that the cars were pulling to the side of the road the cars were pulling to the side of the road the young girl look at a grandfather and said granddaddy should I pull the car to the side of the road and the grandfather responded baby can you see the road down she said yeah I can see the road he said well keep on and cars will still pulling to the side of the road he said baby do you have courage she said yes he said can't you see the roads you say yes he said well keep on driving and cars were pulling to the side of the road she said do out do you want me to pull the car over he said well keep on driving about 50 miles into Georgia they came out of the rain and he said pull the car to the side of the road she scratched her head and say pop off why should I pull the car over when it's no longer raining she said pull the car to the side of the road they pulled the car to the side of the road and he said meet me at the rear of the vehicle the young girl was puzzled as to why they would get out of a car when the storm was gone he said meet me at the rear of the vehicle the young girl pull the car over met a grandfather at the rear of the vehicle he said now look back toward North and South Carolina he said now all of the car that pulled to the side of the road the cause of the storm every call and pull to the side of the road this steel stuck in the storm but the claws are kept on driving [Music] whatever in the storm [Music] keep driving keep driving I gotta do y'all I'm taking must help me but look at somebody's a neighbor I need you to pray with me I'm praying for two things you've been praying for healing [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you ready yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we're gonna take us a shake two hands they go to a new dimension hallelujah about a standard favor reach out across these hours your hands thank you lord somebody tonight as we go home it's trying to go to new dimension but you're stuck in the storm you got the right spirit the right sight but now you need those symbols to manifest the courage to patience intelligence the strength but I want you to do not miss B get ready close job was there by himself on payments you're not here tonight by yourself there are hundreds and hundreds of people hit at night you're not alone I don't know who I'm going to with returning to what sorority what individual what church and your personal life but the night I hear the Lord saying that we can make it to new places to do that mentions in him to serve the present age you holding a hand in some other night who may have felt like giving up I'm here to tell you that you don't have to wait to 2013 that were just four to six days left in this year God still has a power to manifest some things in the hearing and announ hold on Saints tight real people often have real issues of your challenges all those hands I want you to open your mouth now as I take my seat and begin to ask God's blessings that God will meet the needs that that person you touching has to take them from revelation one two and three to the new dimension that he's ordained for them don't ask anything for yourself come on open your mouth open your mouth come on open your mouth and pray right now [Music] come over you're my house right there right there yeah yeah [Music] hallelujah come on pray pray courage patience intelligence strength [Music] hallelujah pray pray pray pray [Music] oh man [Music] Oh Oh pray [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] Father we thank you in the name of Jesus Lord we thank you for breakthrough we thank you for allowing us to rise above the storm Lord give us courage give us wisdom give us insight give us spirituality Lord give us sight give us the right symbols Lord place the right people in our path remove the wrong people from our path thank you Jesus for what you've already done thank you in advance for what you're going to do we're believing the victory in the name of Jesus right now Lord we pray that you would remove every every Hill every valley that's not of your will father we pray that you would cleanse us father we pray that you would remove anything that's not like you have your way we're believing you for victory we want to go higher although we lay aside every weight Lord we lay aside every seeing everything that bogs us that everything that blocks our communication with you our relationship with you Father have your way right now we turn it over to you never to be picked up again Lord we thank your father for victory in the name of Jesus we shall hallelujah right now we shall thank you right now we shout the victory right now thank you thank you hallelujah thank you for revival thank you for breakthrough in Jesus name Amen come on
Channel: Clary Butler
Views: 71,231
Rating: 4.6171284 out of 5
Keywords: one night stand, omega psi phi revival, omega psi phi, zeta phi, ques, que revival, e dewey smith, dewey smith, indianapolis ques, light of the world, david hampton, gospel, sermon, divine nine church, eastern star, jeffery johnson, delta sigma theta, zeta phi beta, kappa alpha psi, alpha kappa alpha, alpha phi alpha, greek unity, sigma gamma rho, phi beta sigma, iota phi theta, dewey, house of hope, revival
Id: 9DAk4qaLx-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 43sec (5563 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2013
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