Bishop G.E.Patterson exhortation on going higher

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] take Neha [Music] [Music] [Music] nor did you take me out [Music] Oh oh hi Maria [Music] oh no I wanna Bowl if you will hi [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi [Music] no I wanna go if you annoy me [Music] hi [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one step at a time one day at a time ha ha [Music] hi [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] one [Music] take me [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we should [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where is Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Letta come before his presence with singing let us enter into his course [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the presence [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody in the building all just standing Halloween we worship the Lord Lord Lord we praise the total hallelujah what brain is ringing down in you it may be hallelujah is maybe in Jesus Olivia but take a moment and just give him the fruit of the myth [Music] Oh [Music] how to do while you just wash your pan somebody's gonna get a healing just why you worship him [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] Darden is my name Jesus bless your baby mr. BAE her hallelu [Music] where [Music] and move Alleluia [Music] right [Music] secular [Music] [Music] give him a hand the brazen [Music] worthy [Music] ah [Music] ah Oh worthy ah worthy rule laws [Music] glory hallelujah you know at times like this moments like these my mind go back in Scripture to Jacob fleeing from the presence of his brother song after having tricked him out of his birthright and when he came to a certain place called love lying with nothing but a stone for his pillow and under the shade of an almond tree because the name love's met almond when he saw in a vision the latter set up on earth and extending into heaven he said that he saw angels ascending by way of the ladder taking his prayers up and angels descending bringing God's answer down he said truly the Lord is in this place [Music] thank you and when he woke up the next morning he took his pee I ll owsn was a pillow he stood it up right and turned it into a PIL lar made it an old and changed the name of it from laws to better so this is nothing other than the gate of heaven it's the door of heaven it's Bethel the house of God the Lord is in this place [Music] thank you long we're coming back to night 640 after YP WWN the faith clinic shall hold them meeting simultaneously 5:30 and at 6:45 we will share Lord's body and blood in Holy Communion some were with us at the 8 a.m. communion if you did not make it at that time you have an opportunity to share tonight at 6:45 god bless all of our elders who own the platform as well as those in the audience bless your elder flag and didn't see you over there earlier and they're so happy for all of these great ministers and missionaries I shall not to endeavour to be before you at any great length it's been a busy time and as you know on yesterday I was highly honored I was blessed to be at a commencement exercise such as nothing I'd ever seen on the campus of Oral Roberts University where I think something like 731 students were graduated and received their degrees and I was selected as one out of five one being a US senator and others in various capacities to receive from oh are you the honorary Doctor of Divinity degree and [Applause] [Music] like [Music] [Applause] I felt it god bless you thank you I felt it a tremendous honor for so many reasons one of them being the fact that at my age now on the top side of 50 I have seen so many parents work themselves to a frazzle to send their children to college and after one semester of philosophy they come back home either confused come back believing that there is no God and to go to a top-notch university where the standards are very high and see a university setting where with all of the pomp and circumstance everyone marching in with their robes and hoods and caps and the particular tassel trying to distinguish their honors and their status and once everybody was in place and the officers of the University and the honorees we marched in and took the platform the first thing that started was quickly the praise and worship team came to the platform and started praise and worship a university designed to strengthen the faith of young people rather than destroy it I don't care what you say about that that that's a great thing it doesn't matter what people say and even while we were in route to Tulsa turned on one of these talk shows from Memphis and there was a fella praising Billy Graham and down in old Roberts whatever you think about Oh Robert God used him to do something that will bless god-fearing young people who want to go to a University of where that faith will be strengthened and not destroyed and as I sat there yesterday I tell you it was just something magnificent like something I've never seen before but I really mentioned it for one reason you've been calling me pastor you've been calling me apostle you've been calling me Bishop and don't you dare start calling me anything else couple of you do start that dr. Stefan act like I don't know who you're talking about [Applause] now that's the reason I mentioned it but I also mentioned that because when you're going through the suffering you never know what God has in store on the glory side I thought about it when President of the United States for the first time when he stood in the halls of Congress when he stood there in the area where Congress meets the House of Representatives to deliver his State of the Union address and as I sat there watching that on television and so now that's something before our present President Clinton ever had the privilege of standing where he's standing I stood to have to fool him because even in the Congress they have the seat in the back right under the flag but there is a podium right down on that second level that is only used by the chaplain of the House of Representatives of my guest chaplain by the president when delivering a joint message to the House of Representative and the Senate by some foreign dignitaries and I had the privilege back in August I believe in well of 92 on this 10th of 92 to stand in that place and to do the open prayer in Congress and received at the end of that day the flag that flew over the Capitol that day and it's out in my office at the other location and I look and I said Lord you've given me so many honors I mean what's what's going on and you know whenever God started lesson you start wondering I getting ready to leave here but then you also remember the scripture that said if you suffer with him your reign with him and there are some things that God does just as the reward of suffering you know you got a lot of folks they want all the rewards but they don't want to do any of the suffering I'm going to get to the message in a few minutes and I look god did it he did it on the on the local level and then he starts doing it on the highest state level and now I see some things that I have to suffer on the national level so well I guess God's given you another breakthrough when he lifted me through the position of general bullet there were those that were so happy oh my god Gilbert Patterson has come back to the organization and it sufficeth in the church and that was fine until I said well Lord impressed me to run for general board then from the very top of the church side here anybody who've been out 13 years haven't got no business running for general vote and see that that will make me eventually tell the church the whole story of why I ended up out 13 years but it's sad when church folks know politics and don't know the scripture you know when you know the scripture you know that even Moses before he could assume the position of leadership that God had granted him he had to leave his home which was in Egypt and go into Midian until God kept him there 40 years to prepare him then he sent him back and Saul of Tarsus when God converted him on the road to Damascus he sent him to Arabia three years and then he came back as the Apostle Paul have you ever read the story of David David was anointed three times the first time in 1st Samuel chapter 16 and the presence of his brothers the next time in the book of second Samuel chapter 2 he received a second anointing which made him king over the tribe of Judah but in the fifth chapter of 2nd Samuel he received a third anointing that made him king over all Israel but at one point between those anointings David had to leave Israel and go into the enemy camp to the Philistine city of a phase and had to stay under the protection of atheists a Philistine King in order to save him from the king of Israel that was seeking his life and it's sad when conditions can exist in church circles hello that a person would have to leave their own denomination in order to be preserved from the king that's trying to kill you that's sad but when you read the scripture you know the movements of God that's why when I see stuff to get everybody that's all disturbed and upset the Lord always gives me an example from Scripture and other folks are looking for an example in politics and how I see it and what I think about it folk let me tell you there's no substitute for this book when you know the Word of God when you really get into it and understand God's plan not only in the book itself but but what is the word that the brother Hagin uses all the time rema see but logos is the word but when that word becomes personalized to you it becomes a Rhema word and you got to not only know the book but you got to know what God is saying out of the book to you and once you find out what he's saying out of the book to you poking big ditches they can lie on you they can set trap and you don't do anything but sit there and wait for God's plan to be revealed hallelujah and then you can get into the part that says we know that all things that's not only the hugs and the kisses but the frowns and the getting cussed out it's not only the lobster but it's the tears it's not only the sunshine it's the rain y'all gonna hear what I'm saying it's not only the sweet it's the bitter when you know what God is saying to you then you know that all things touch somebody and tell them I'm not good but all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to his purpose all glow ready y'all to reach over and ask them do you know God got a purpose for your life well if so quick learn about what's happening it's working for you [Music] I might preach after a while but I feel something as people of God you don't have to quit letting circumstances cause you to walk around looking at acting and talking defeated you just don't know what they do in to me you you just don't know you my god it doesn't matter what the devil is trying to do booyah after that what is God doing follow me [Applause] as long as God is doing something Bobby I can take what the devil is doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] now about in here I mean you going through something and I mean you want to really accept that today then turn to somebody and tell them that as long as God is doing something for me I can take what the devil is trying to do to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] I listen that the music from the woman's choir today and praise God that one songs sister Madera and the trio was leading I've had Brook chambers and some of the radio personalities at our station to play that song for me I think that's the one by one the Nero Butler take me higher and and and see when you got something where you've got a designer go higher in God he for a long time I stopped work I stopped riding airplanes and they put it out all over the country Gilbert Patterson scared to ride that plane but what folks didn't know is when I got in those airplanes I would get so high in there and then my sinuses would start draining into my ears and I'd end up walking around with fluid in my ears and couldn't hear in fact this that's right here here now is about half has half the hearing that the left one has because of that constant thing of fluid until I had to get something that kind of dried out my sinuses so I could fly you know because now my schedule demands I've got to fly and and when you go higher a lot of things start happening you know if they do a little pop in and and and and and you get up and you're going up up up and and I heard the story about the time when there was some cargo that was on the same level with the passengers and they said that they discovered as one of those crates open that that was some dangerous snakes and when the when the pilot heard what was happening and transferred back to the you know to the ground control and said you got some snakes onboard we don't know what to do will you clear the land then I can't clear the land so if you land the snake may get you but there's an altitude weather snake painless so instead of coming down from the Nova let's get toward heaven and go a little higher and you keep on going higher [Music] hallelujah get somebody an alchemist that make the devil giving you trouble turn your no poet heaven and I'm a little higher I declare you can go until the state Cain live [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's not a new it may be a new song but it's not a new spiritual truth the hell knowledge is Roeder years ago I'm pressing on the upper way new heights I'm gaining every day still praying as I own with bounds Lord plant my feet on higher ground Lord lift me up and let me stand by faith on heaven's table land a higher plane then I have found Lord plant my feet on higher ground but you know there's another verse my heart have no desire to stay where that's arrived and feel dismayed though some may dwell where bees abound my breath my name is higher ground tell somebody you stay down here with the snakes if you all [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you really mean that I mean do you really mean that you really want him to take you going higher sometime not only take fasting and take scram and take praising God but every time you get ready to go higher you're gonna meet some obstacles tell somebody when you're a sloth to take you higher you're also asking them possible trouble now somebody said preacher what you mean asking for more trouble you get into that sixth chapter of Ephesians and he says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against what principalities and understand these are the rights of satan's kingdom when you start going higher the first thing you don't bump your head against is that lower rank of demons called principalities but when you break through and you think you got smooth sailing using Lord take me higher after principalities you're gonna meet another ring it's called powers when you break through that one you may have smooth sail in a few days but just a lot take me higher you start up again and boom you hit more obstruction what's that that's the rulers of the darkness of this world you find the struggle and fast and pray and praise your way through the rulers of the darkness of this world and my god you know you going on now but then you get into all you know when you're flying and you start getting into that turbulence and sometimes they can't go over it they can't go around it they try to come under it and then they just have to bump it on through you have to really go through the wall now because now you up against spiritual wickedness in high places [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got you fire you can make it if you determine our [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh glory to God glory to God most times I'm sorry oh I got help I got up to preach wilt thou be made whole I've been spending all morning making notes on that but but somehow the Holy Ghost went another way I just got a feeling that somebody in here my god you've been trapped trapped by the enemy I got a note when I walked in the door somebody requesting special prayer and the preacher up here was telling me about a daughter and and problems of cocaine and and the devil is just trying to whip you to a frazzle he's using children he's using spouses he's using them being chemically addicted he's using sickness to weigh you down and look like pull you down and to agree but I'm here to tell you that if you recognize that no matter what you in Jesus is in it with you [Music] hallelujah you can pull out the problem you can drop full-speed ahead and you can make it I don't care what you're going but he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is an unusual day in your home [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] while we continuing to bring God some of our elder was going to step down here up above going into the area of the wing a couple of going to the balcony all of you are Dane elders that are recognized as ordained elder I want you to spread and you people that just come in each section I'm praising God and [Music] people [Music] that's right two of you are on that side and you come inside you'll miss you can come and go that way your the start can come and go the other way come on come on come on the elbows with just only hands on you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he's going you [Music] in the back we have to touch the bridge of the back there [Music] you yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you know we thank aha hallelujah glory to God whoa we bless God today free this Holy Name hallelujah God is so wonderful free the name of our hallelujah God be just one all by himself oh we give him the glory we give him the praise hallelujah Oh rescue his name all we thank God the Lord noses active what is people need a man ain't nobody mad but the devil hallelujah and we don't cannot imagine being a your rakugo or we praise God today thank God for the man of God you may have your seat the Lord Lytton on you the way on today hallelujah when praises goes up lesson calm down [Music] we break oxidase but the anointing of the holy gold god knows is like this work we need well I thank God I thank God we thank God we thank God God has done some wonders in our mid-tones it is but pray the Lord we wouldn't dare slow this service without giving you my son on a backslider to come back to the Lord this is your day to come back hallelujah you may not have this opportunity again but this is your love this is your time to come and give your life to the Lord praise the Lord pray the Lord hallelujah backslider turn on you or don't come back home Lord because the heart not mention a God makes you my dear there's other music on hallelujah Oh blessed name huh blessed at home of your tire lift the hello you're not see less the name of the law the Lord is waiting on you we always known you hallelujah free the law and praise the Lord father do I get up I would get up I would go out this place today unless and I knew the Lord hallelujah praise the Lord I follow you I would leave our disbanding today if I was in my sin I would get up right now hallelujah cigars and comes our nation brother god bless you guard action god bless you god bless you young man I will leave our displays today hallelujah if I didn't know Jesus Christ this God that we are shouting this God that we operated a hallelujah he's ready right now to forgive you of everything that you have committed all you got you just had a boldness to get up and come down here right now pray the name of the Lord hallelujah glory to God God is way known yet we always known you Oh bless the Lord bless the Lord hallelujah Robert you all would need our displays know you can go home another way glory to God in the balcony West Wing on the main level hallelujah thank you Lord the Lord giving you the stand you may not have it it stands in Imola glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God pray the Lord God makes a young man this is audition that's the more I know that the more hallelujah praise the name of the Lord you and Ibaka we wait on you all you guys do this point morning come on down breathe the name of the Lord hallelujah God picked a young man got excess poor we thank God we thank God hallelujah glory to God go over to God Gardens in all this a paleness and oil now but nothing god bless you to your native God thank you young lady Bri the Lord praise and all praise the Lord he's word of Allah praises who young Oh we give him the glory come alright young man come on breathing our brief amended balcony Oh Richard God hallelujah free the name of the Lord free the Lord free the mark thank reason our reason our hallelujah Laura Kaas hang comedies young man hallelujah gaga oh we bless the name of the Lord Loretta's are you're ready Saint want to make me to take home all you got you just get up breathe alone hallelujah hallelujah praise the name of the lord i thank you young lady the Lord praise God hallelujah wonderful neither we raise alone oh we thank God we thank our buddies though all right come on oh [Music] [Applause] oh we thank God the diesel felon element we got time to wait on you breathe alone have an image or sanity lawmaker god no Becca God glory to God praise the name of Jesus come on my brother hallelujah whoa thank you Jesus [Music] halleluyah halleluyah the door is open come on come on give your life to Jesus today they'll never be there were times and now whoa nah give the time to believe him now the time to receive hallelujah hmm [Music] um the bow and the go to the elevator push one come on down in the West Wing get up captain the me revive now here in front of me get up come on well you can say what you want to I don't love them I'm fooled overflowing the day the CV foes young me and young lady [Applause] all right the Kuykendall this is your day well Frigga may be already saying but you know this is where God wants you to be why keep trying to run away from me hallelujah other folks don't have numbers your name know how so you may as well come on hallelujah this is what God want you to be and you know it the walk would had all been alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you're already saved and want to make this your church in the wind get up out here in front of me in the balcony all you got to do is get up and walk down the nearest aisle with this tremendous host of souls that's here right now I get sense in my spirit that God is talking to somebody else even now already saying but you want to make this your church why don't you get on up income is the time to receive him [Music] that's right young lady come on Hey now in the day [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I'm just going to step down and shake hands with each one of you you're going to follow superintendent Higgins and Elle Freeman if any one of you yet have a question in your mind after what must I do to be saved the Bible will be open and you'll get your answer right out of the scripture and thanks I trust that you all will we'll get that built into your spirit when the question is asked what must I do to be saved the answer is a spiritual answer that comes out of the scripture the answer is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ the answer father says with the heart man believeth with the mouth confession is made unto salvation it is sad that in the Pentecostal experience and I preach that not too long ago salvation is an inside job and we in the Pentecostal experience got so hung up on outside things on the wearing of juries on the length of a thread on whether woman wears pants that doesn't have a thing to do with salvation no way in the New Testament where salvation is preached but we let somebody hang up on some stuff in the Old Testament that haven't got nothing to do with the New Testament church and again I say to you Deuteronomy 22 and 5dos says the woman shall not wear that which pertain it to a man neither shall a man put on a woman's homage but it haven't got nothing to do with pants because there was no pants thing and if you don't try to take the fifth birth of the 22nd chapter and send women to hell who wear pants keep reading till you get to verse 11 and you'll send all of us to hell [Music] just like I said a woman shall not wear that which pertain it to the man neither shall the man put on a woman's garment it also says thou shalt not wear garments of diverse soil such as woolen and lemon together I don't believe I'm looking at nobody in here that's wearing all the one bathroom and if Deuteronomy 22 and five is talking to us then everybody in here is going to hell by having on two kinds of fabrics you cannot tell me verse 5 as an effect and verse 11 is not you're not gonna ever go higher to where God wants you to be until you break free of this traditionalism and legalism and find out what god's word has to say and don't take things that don't have nothing to do with salvation and try to make them salvation hey man now you know y'all can get all upset and go to those churches where they teach all the traditions and all of the isms and all the legalisms but I guarantee you you wonder why you don't get a harvest of souls and so the preacher will come up well you see I preached to Street now you preach to crazy the gospel of Jesus Christ is simple plain easy to be understood and the answer they'll get will be scriptural answers and when the preachers get through giving them God's answer don't y'all come but let them come back and you Jam your hands hey man y'all now you should have shouted enough to be able stand this god bless James later you're probably helpless figures about now if any of you ladies left your purse and you didn't leave it with somebody responsible then go back and get it god bless you god bless you praise dogs off let's just not make sure y'all fella god bless you that session god bless you young man all this is beautiful to be look at these young men bring God God wishes god bless you hallelujah praise God doc - AHA so happy for you brings down brings up god bless you God bless you God bless you welcome that god bless you god bless your heart praise the lord praise everyone remember here alright well see she just walked up here cuz she thought her fun comes to the Lord now you can say what you want to you know young men and ladies may be hung up in those streets but don't you give up hello y'all they may be hung up on cocaine and crack they may be so on until you feel like oh my god why did I bring them in this world but I'm here to tell you don't give up on hold on my faith weeping me and do for a night then some nights along with another hello y'all but joy cometh in the morning a man survived [Applause] [Music] sometimes you know we can be so entrenched in some things I remember when temple of deliverance first open how many of you over here March 2nd 1975 something that I remember seeing in that message I remember saying to the people that the Lord had brought me to a point of unlearning everything that I had ever learned to get into the scriptures and learn Jesus Christ afresh some of us have chains on our mind that's so tight that even when the Lord tries to show you like you won't let it in you go to your grave forever believing your traditions more than you believe the word hello all of our traditions were not wrong but so many of them work there's no shame to go to the movie go to the louver you're going to hell and then around 1948 what happened television and all the same movies that they told you we'll send you the Heil now you're sitting up with the Bible on the coffee table getting dust and your feet propped up looking at that movie that will send you to hell you know I'm telling truth and some of the evangelists and those days and some of them tough pastors at one eye team on television seem to have it in your house and finally after everybody else got it real when got him one [Applause] when you really get saved don't nobody have to give you a list of do's and don'ts it's not a outside thing it's an inside job hmm and then when the inside gets right then you start saying something only in working on the outside oh what a change in my life nothing on the inside working on the house side or what a change in my life something on the inside will get over outside change in my life Oh change [Music] now I'm not getting up I'm not getting I didn't get up to preach another sermon but see if you don't have that something on the inside that works on the outside I've seen I've seen women with short dresses with jury with makeup that had principal and a man couldn't make them do nothing and ever since they've been holding this church they have been sisters with long dresses with long sleeves and no makeup and all you got to do is get them away from the Pope and behind closed doors but it don't matter what you got on if you got that something on the inside working [Music] stand up y'all [Music] what can all the outside [Music] Oh the mission there is the wrong to meet that president right here anybody else got to be no brother meeting no meet little sisters all right hostess the hostess is they'll be working [Music]
Channel: Spirit of Praise church of God in Christ
Views: 58,896
Rating: 4.7488513 out of 5
Keywords: your answered prayer, God hears, believe your call
Id: E9X5tVhqmDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 31sec (5071 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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