What's so special about the new DDE manual LP640?

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let's figure out exactly how rare these things are around 2014 we started to get this kind of saved the manuals idea this notion that a lot of manufacturers were not producing as many manual cars that gt3 was no longer produced as a stick and it was starting to see the value start to rise because for most of the time that I'd been selling cars since about onine you paid less for a manual car they were less desirable who wanted the highest performance latest greatest whatever sequential technology and so we knew there were certain cars like f4 30s and 360s and Gallardo's and Marci Allen goes that they had built less manual transmissions but some and over time the years I'd had several people call and want manual lp64 user manual early mercies and always been able to generally dig some up and it was harder than you'd think it might should have been because the theory was always about 5% of the cars built as manuals but we could usually find one for someone and so around 2015 I got a call from a guy and he said I will pay whatever it takes to get a brightly-coloured manual lp640 I've heard you're the guy to talk to you know we're a lot more like please just find me one click and quiet and I'll just pay what it takes and I'm like wow that's kind of a unique request like not that you know it's not like a vintage significant car where you understand that the markets just gonna dictate that you pay whatever the seller wants like this is a fairly new used car that we ought to just be able to you know find on any street corner pretty much in the exotic car world and so I called three or four clients that had him at the time and I said hey I've got somebody really interested in one he's gonna pay the right money you know do you want to sell yours and only one of the three or four said yes and I found I'm a bright orange Orencia Atlas 2007 Manuel 640 had about 15 16 thousand miles and I sold it to him and it was you know really a record-setting price for our dealership with respect to manual cars they're not a massive premium I mean at the time I think any of them would have brought 180 to 220 grand thing you know the pain about 260 or so for the car and the only market outlier in the manual Marcio world at that point was about a year prior a guy in Canada had sold a car that I had sold into Canada probably in 2011 it was a balloon white manual 6:40 that had been owned not by the guy I got it from but by the owner before him it was Nicolas Cage and Nicolas Cage is owned a ton of Mercy eligos a ton of Lamborghinis all the way back to you know several Diablos including the purple SC that was used in con in 60 seconds and so we didn't really understand if it was that it was a rare of manual car if it was the Nicolas Cage tie or whatever and a lot of his cars had been on the market due to some of his losses with Bernie Madoff but it was not unheard of for that to have been part of him or CL ago or any Lamborghinis history and so that was that like three hundred and thirty grand which was a huge number a premium over what we thought the market was but not necessarily reflective and so as I was trying to round these up you know nobody else was just dying to get rid of it because generally people that owned them loved driving the cars there's kind of nothing like it everything that's cool about a Diablo or a Countach or even a Miura is also pretty cool about a mercy but it's a little bit more usable like you could actually put some miles on the car and I'd had to gear lp640 s at the time but I always really loved a stick it there's never was one at the right time in one of the combinations that I really wanted to own and so another guy that I'd called trying to round a car up for this guy that wanted to pay whatever it took that guy initially said no but about a month later he called me said you know what I would like to sell mine do you know anybody and I was like well no but the number he was willing to take was a lot less than I just sold this orange car for so I said you know I might just buy it like I've always wanted to stick one I know you have a very nice car in fact it was much nicer than the one I just sold and so I said look let me see what I can do I might just sell my at the time I had a row so thick of 7.e gear lp640 let me see if I can get it sold I'll just buy your car cuz I've always wanted a stick and I know yours is super nice and so a couple days go by I get mine sold to an dealer and I I buy his car and after I did that I was like let's figure out exactly how rare these things are so I call the Lamborghini factory and I said how many manual lp640 s did you sell into the u.s. and they said we don't then on the idea I don't know how to figure that out I said well I mean just go into your system and check like again I don't know how to do that so well alright open this system type in the VIN prefix is the H WBU 37 M or 47 m 37 being coupe 47 me a roaster and just tell me like how many are there and they go ok we did it and they sin it and it was like 18 cars I was like well I've been doing some digging in my records of course we've sold and cars I've seen advertising stuff like that and at the time I think I had like twenty two cars sounds like I know your numbers wrong but I appreciate it you know if you can send me those vans and I had all those and so kept digging around and I found 25 I knew that I'd covered as much of the internet that I could and you know other than cars that might have never ever sold I had pretty much all of them and over the next couple of years I found one more probably in 2017 and one more this year so as far as I can tell there's 27 manual lp640 s and the one that I had owned I ended up flipping and that's how I got my free Lamborghini I sold it I made so much money on the green car that I bought the grey theft recovery manual lp640 from Canada for less than the profit so free by some standard I suppose that's one of the things that really spurred us to start van Wyk II was just the power that revealing the absolute rarity of some of these cars can do to the market I mean it transformed it because empirically defining how rare a car is does transform the way it's perceived by its audience and so I drove the gray car and loved it and about six months ago I sold it I had a bunch of offers this one guy just had to have it I was you know I was okay selling it because I was thinking maybe I should try something else and I'm assigned I can't replace with anything else I like better and so I bought another manual lp640 that was a little bit nicer no sordid past necessarily but it had some miles on it has about thirty nine thousand and seven hundred miles on it right now I'm having it color change to vert a Drock oh but most of you will have seen in the last week or so that Damon fryer of daily driven exotics just bought a manual lp640 and it's in fact a car that's been driven quite a bit it had about 29,000 miles so it's the third highest mileage us lp640 that's a manual there's one that has about 46,000 miles it's a Monterey blue car then mine and then Damon's and it also has been modified rather extensively but it's a beautiful car so it's got a full carbon fiber sv body kit and so the car set for sale in Fort Lauderdale for a really long time but it was priced a appropriately but sometimes these cars honestly they just sell better quietly so if a guy calls me and says you know I want to buy a manual LP 640 I usually put him with someone else that has one and the deal is done really quietly because it doesn't need to be public and most of these guys are buying them because they want to drive them but they also appreciate the investment that the car can be and they plan on eventually making some money and so I've connected a few of those deals over the years and generally most of the traffic flows through me and Roy Katz when it comes to manual lp640 to either the two of us have sold pretty much all of them at some point in this yellow car that Damon bought was owned by a guy in Central Florida and owned it for several years and you know put these modifications on it and when you have a car that's that rare that's that significant most people buy it almost like it's a commodity and when you have one that has a lot of miles or a strange modification it's at least unique I mean certainly putting SV components on a lp640 is not that out of the ordinary people do that all the time but most people who are going to appreciate a manual car want something that's as close to stock or whatever it is that's why even though I'm gonna change the color I'm doing a lot of things to reverse previous modifications to my current lp640 that'll hopefully be done in the next few weeks so I'm excited to get mine back but I'm also really excited that Damon got the car I mean they're just as cool and quintessential a modern Lamborghini as I think you can get I mean I love Aventadors and I love everything they've done since then but at the same time there's just nothing as visceral and it's connected and raw I mean I love that there's no power seats you know the traction control is very rudimentary the all-wheel drive is very rudimentary I mean it's the same old viscous coupling they've been using for forever and I just really like the feel of the cars and it's nothing that you can get short of a million dollars in terms of just how special the car feels to be and that the rarity helps at some point these cars are gonna be 500 grand to a million dollars they're just that cool and that special and unlike Gallardo's you can't easily swap them so you can't go buy all the components which is about 53 54 thousand dollars out of Lamborghini parts catalog for everything that makes a car stick the way you'd have to change the harness and tell the car that it's no longer a gear is really not seeming to be possible there's no example of someone who has swapped one even though Underground's done probably a hundred manual conversions on especially early eros the LP generation guys are a little bit tougher because they're a little bit more complex and honestly a little more outtie stuff than the original Lamborghini stuff but I'm excited to see him enjoy the car obviously he has endlessly wacky antics and adventures and his stuff and I know he's gonna love it it's a great car for road trips I mean I think in the last five lp640 s that I've had I put about of forty thousand miles on them and they really are brilliant cars because honestly we used to say that mercies were very expensive cars to maintain and that was sort of true from Oh to know seven oh eight but now everything that has these double clutch gearboxes and some of these strange electronic all-wheel drive systems and everything that says McLaren on it I mean these cars are insanely expensive when something breaks and so now they've kind of become cheap I mean the worst case scenario is ten to twenty grand within lp640 I mean there's there are things that can cost that but I mean if you lose a gearbox in a McLaren or an Aventador I mean it's 30 40 50 thousand bucks by the time you get in and fix everything and then service what you have to because you were already that deep in the car for a company that now makes a whole lot of trucks it's cool to have a car that was really designed and created and contemplated by the factory before outtie became so involved certainly they made it better and that's one of the great benefits of an lp640 over an earlier car but gonna be interesting to see I hope he puts a bunch of miles on it but I bet I'll hit 50,000 before he does shrewd negotiation starts with finding the right car and the best way to do that is with Auto Tempest comm Auto Tempest allows you to compare the results from Craigslist nationally with all the top listing sites so visit Auto Tempest calm today and see where your next dream car is hiding
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 458,583
Rating: 4.9380641 out of 5
Keywords: Damon Fryer, Lamborghini, Murcielago, LP640, Stick, Manual, Transmission, rare, Ed Bolian, VINwiki, Car Stories, Daily Driven Exotics, DDE, appreciation, exotic car, investment, modifications, Giallo Orion, auction, car selling, car buying, LP670, SV, SuperVeloce, tire slayer, protective film solutions, donuts, mods, car mods, enthusiast, YouTuber, Vlogger, Nicolas Cage, Bernie Madoff, Canada, AutoTempest
Id: N5YHTyyd5Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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