*GODZILLA MINUS ONE* lives up to all the HYPE!! | First Time Watching Movie Reaction

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I have to say ever since I started my channel I haven't really been going to the movie theater like at all but man this movie I wanted to see it so bad because I heard so many great things about it that I almost broke almost broke to go see it but I didn't so we're here and I get to share my first impressions and reactions with uh you people you're welcome okay so I'm not a Godzilla lore expert I did watch the older ones when I was a kid where it was a guy in a costume costumes stomping around a set those are really fun I don't think I ever saw the very first Godzilla one I remember playing the uh was it like a Dreamcast Godzilla game it was like you walked around like an open world it was like a you know 2D Sprite type game you walked around and you occasionally get into uh RPG or Pokemon style battles like Mecha Godzilla destroyed me in that game and then I I remember loving loving the 97 God Zilla movie that apparently Godzilla fans hate uh they don't even call it Godzilla it's called Zilla it's like a knockoff Godzilla loved that movie as a kid I watched it all the time and then of course the newer Godzillas are coming out and I've only ever seen the first one of that Godzilla that came out in like 2014 I never saw um the second one I never saw the the Kong movies or Godzilla Kong and there's a newer one that just came out and I haven't seen those so maybe I'll do those in the future let me know if I should do any other Godzilla movies but this movie has been praised to High Heavens and I really finally am getting to check it out so let's go ahead and get into it this is Godzilla minus one you know I remember hearing jokes about how this movie is uh a sequel to Oppenheimer sure I'm going in with that mentality yeah downtime for a kamakazi pilot means you don't die oh he didn't want a kamakazi especially at that stage of the war because they already knew they couldn't win so ordering people to kamakazi themselves was just throwing lives away just to stall the Allies really that's not no Yankee weapon holy fing [ __ ] I did not expect a jump scare and him to just be there Jesus Christ he seems kind of small though oh my God why even bother trying to shoot it you just run for your lives Jesus Christ [Music] guys Jesus Christ yeah I don't think I've ever seen Godzilla be so involved with killing humans the way that you know I've never seen Godzilla snatch up a person in its mouth it's a lot more personal 20 wouldn't have done jack [ __ ] to Godzilla come on man well actually it seemed the the other bullet seemed to annoy it but still you're a stationary gun it's not like he you can move the plane if Godzilla just to leaned back you would you'd be screwed so I mean oh December so yeah the war is already over Jesus it would not have made a difference lady your own military knew they couldn't win after a year of the Pacific Campaign but of course you know living in that yeah you're going to be pissed off yeah the fireball means no actually it was the after the the Battle of Midway they knew they couldn't win but they would fight on [Music] anyway I thought that's what she stole but it was a baby you're just going to leave it on the on a bench he was just not even her kid oh yeah wasn't that envelope that that the guy gave him I mean it's probably not anything good because he like he hated him he blamed him so I'm gonna guess like picturers the the guys that got died or the guys that got died the guys that died or their families for I'm done carrying wait uh let me help little baby they're like a married couple now he's got to go yeah take care of those mines so it's a super dangerous job I have to keep telling myself this is a Godzilla movie because I keep getting I'm invested in them this little found family sorry he said he was a sharpshooter so is that how they deal with the mines they just shoot him yes for yeah it was picture of uh the people Godzilla kills killed family well that'll make him bigger I'm pretty sure I notic that it was called bikini ATL I think that's how you say isn't that like the the fan Theory where SpongeBob's Place Bikini Bottom is called that because it was a nuclear test site y'all going to get married at some point [Music] [Music] you're not married she wants to do something to herself for I thought you weren't the husband and the father why do you care so much dude Pacific Fleet Destroyer USS Lancaster was attacked and disabled by an unknown Enemy No Further details not at this time intercepted distress call for Pacific Fleet attack sub USS redfish reporting pursuit of massive UND organism through Pacific Waters what if this was like a secret Godzilla movie like the opening part was there of them getting slaughtered by Godzilla and it's just you know this like whoa what what could it be you know I'm getting kind of tense now because I just and it's been a while since we actually saw Godzilla attack something so it's probably going to pop up soon those probably aren't even the size of Godzilla's balls let's be honest see just be you're lucky that wasn't your boat cuz yeah that you yeah yeah never mind get the out of here that's why I don't go in the ocean either you never know there could be something down there that just you have no idea we don't know whatever you do own stop oh that was a good place for it too but it didn't even do anything so yeah oh my God imagine seeing that in the ocean that giant ass head like that oh balls well um oh it's just sitting there he hasn't even swallowed it shoot it he's going to have to shoot it did that at least do something why are you stopped you need to oh well maybe it koed it oh did that's oh it heals I didn't know Godzilla could regenerate makes sense that's [ __ ] though that's hacks woo oh now it's just even more pissed off oh I don't want to see it under the water it's scary going under the water is [Music] scary oh no it's going to split the ship holy [ __ ] now that's some Atomic Breath Right There God damn they really make Godzilla like I know he's a force of nature but he's scary like he's personally going after humans you know in all the other Godzilla movies I've seen it's not necessarily like humans die of course but it's like a a secondary thing it's not his purpose but in this one no he's straight up going after him stepping on them eating them crushing them whatever it's scary this is a very serious scene and very serious movie and it's still weird that they just say like a dinosaur like Mo like monster like hearing the word dinosaur in a super serious emotional scene about death and w War I just doesn't feel right but it fits you know it's weird just think dude if you weren't there her and the baby probably would have died what's with this heavy drama in my monster Godzilla movie I know it's it's it's more than a monster movie this that's what makes this special every time you go in the ocean something like that is there oh that's where yeah that's where got a job oh Godzilla that was just a dick move is this it's that classic Godzilla theme oh my God oh my God Jesus Jesus oh crazy how she's the only one that survived that in that compartment what did you find a chew toy Godzilla why you carrying that around oh my God it's like my dog whenever he finds a rope y'all are some Brave reporters Jesus Christ what do you think the bottom of his feet look like after stepping on all these people wow he got there and found her real quick Jesus oh God yeah and to be honest I'd probably stop and stare at it too [Music] Jesus whoa oh my God okay now that's Atomic breath no she's not going to die right okay yeah she's probably dead as hell damn what a shot though that's why the fish were dying because of radiation right I was wondering why they were dying I did not expect her to die I thought they would marry and become a beautiful family after they survived Godzilla imagine seeing Godzilla what three times and living to tell about it though God damn that's depressing what are yall going to do charge at it with sticks like you exploded a mine in its mouth what else could you do to stop it apart from maybe shoving a nuke up its ass which only might make it more powerful try and blow its entire head off yeah but I mean that's not like it'll kill it Godzilla can live in the water I mean maybe he eventually needs air like a whale does but will it just keep him sucked down there you you better have a lot of gas oh yeah the pressure okay that makes sense Poseidon be with us nobody can promise that I mean it's better to try you don't know it won't kill it and then they then maybe they can sink it back down if it's still alive and just keep doing that I don't know but still just also remember y'all chose to come here did you think it'd be like a guarantee hey we'll be able to kill it and not risk Our Lives use a p use a pile of fish just like the uh the Matthew bradrick movie because oh they're going to get the guy from the island yeah yep he realized it too does he need to prove himself to tachibana is that why it has to be him he's not wrong fulfill his kamakazi Pilot role I mean maybe it won't be able to regenerate if you blow its head completely off I get a feeling that the kid is going to die because he's the only one that didn't go through the war and he'll probably want to prove himself or something that's a beautiful sentiment for Jesus Christ kids brave but yeah the future fu I'm impressed with this uh child actor really she's like what two three I hope you told the neighbor like hey by the way um I might die so take care of her I mean he left what look like a note and a package for Akiko but just she know how to read that o ejector seat ejector seat they mentioned an ejector sheet seats earlier so there's probably they probably put an ejector seat in there for him okay yeah so he brought the package or she brought the package over to Auntie I don't like underwater shots I hate water underwater like in video games and everything I just hate going in the water CU you never know it's just my it's my biggest fear I um I think Godzilla's here yeah I don't think that red lever was like the bomb armor whatever I think it was just an ejection seat he just told him it was like I don't think he knows that it's actually an ejection seat he probably still thinks he's going to kamakazi but when he pulls it it's going to take him off who could have sent the mail the only one I can think of is norico if she somehow survived and is somewhere and she sent mail I don't know doggy run doggy I don't want to see a doggy get killed by Godzilla Jesus well I think you pissed him off he's slowly walking over to you he's just out there like oh I'm going to get you I'mma get you oh he's a charge in his laser you want him to do that oh oh it's a fake [Music] still though that explosion yeah he can't spam it you're already here you have no chance you got to do it yeah classic Godzilla theme just slaps you know okay so that's how you keep him there just buzzing them and also when they explained the plan I thought they were going to wrap the cables around Godzilla's body but no it's just in a Wide Circle and then okay oh oh did he figure it out yes also it's crazy that Godzilla was able to be up like waste high in water I guess just kicking because it looked like he was standing on like ground but yeah o whoa is there a way to just keep doing it over and over probably not if they have to keep inflating them they don't have a way to deflate them oh it's doing stuff though you [Music] bastard is it the kid what can what can y'all do oh it's just a bunch of ships yeah but you needed to do this fast to get the decompression to really hurt him right it might have taken too long he might have gotten accustomed to it maybe I don't know I don't I'm not a biologist holy [ __ ] that's scary looking oh no plan yep okay boom God damn yeah I saw an ejector seat though but holy [ __ ] that was that was a really crazy way to film that just sudden stop of music and everything and just silence oh I love the film making in this the sound is design yep they put an ejector seat in he blew his head [Music] off oh yeah you did no brain oh wow is this the first time Godzilla's ever been killed in a Godzilla movie I guess in the 97 Godzilla movie Godzilla died but another Godzilla came back from the egg at the end whatever but still also I think Godzilla had been damaged enough with the decompression that he might have crumbled away if he used his breath again noro's alive noro's alive noro's alive she's alive she's alive show her alive she's in the hospital somewhere she sent a telegram show so show she's that's a hospital that's H that's a nurse that's nurse there she is Happy Endings you better marry that girl now God damn this your War over no idea how she survived survived cuz God damn she got blown away by an atomic blast but you saw that Rubble but who cares man they earned [Music] this what the what was that on her neck oh godamn yeah of course hacks he's hacks you can't kill Godzilla you can only delay him [Music] well I'm looking forward to Godzilla minus two or would it be just zero Godzilla zero because we're going up or we going damn he said thanks for watching by the way at the end that's what he said well holy hot dog jumping frogs that was a intense ass Godzilla movie I can understand why people say it's like their favorite or one of the best Godzilla movies one of the best monster movies again I haven't seen all the modern Godzilla since like the 2014 one like I haven't seen any of the sequals to that but they make you care about the human characters in those movies I was like okay can we show Godzilla fighting monsters in the city and it would just cut away and you'd be annoyed like I don't care about these characters show Godzilla but in this one when it went to the human characters their story was so compelling to the point where I was like oh yeah I'm watching Godzilla movie there's supposed to be a giant lizard stomping around any second now but I didn't I didn't care I was I was invested in them I would watch a whole movie of their struggles postwar without Godzilla that's how good their characters were good writing who would have thought and of course I've like read things of like this was done on such a small budget but still looked really good Godzilla the special effects and everything like the destruction like the Godzilla's destruction felt so personal to people and that's kind of what made it a lot more scary because Godzilla in recent times you know he's like he's a hero he well hero um he he'll put other monsters in check at least from the recent Godzillas I've seen and like the old Godzillas where he's fighting other monsters he's kind of like the the protector of it but he's a force of nature you can't fight but and I know the first Godzilla movie was more like that where he's he's just a monster that will kill everybody but this one felt a lot more personal to it and God damn I really enjoyed this movie I really hope there's another one though I don't know what it would be I I mean Godzilla would revive of course they showed him regenerating how long that would take probably decades or so but um yeah yeah that's a very good not see it's like not just a good Godzilla movie and monster movie it's a good movie like I said that's great what was up with her neck cuz it looked like something was like moving on her neck maybe it was just her hair and I was like seeing things but it looked like something was growing is that radiation maybe I don't know maybe she'll turn into moth I don't know I really love this movie I'm so glad I finally got to see it and godamn would this have been crazy to see on the big screen though because that Atomic breast scene the first one yeah that really hits imagine hearing that in like surround sound in like an IMAX theater I know this movie is an IMAX but imagine that if they did this movie in IMAX how crazy that sound would be well that was Godzilla minus one what did you guys think of it let me know down in the comments head on no my patreon to support my channel where you can get access to polls Early Access and be able to tell me me what other movies or TV shows I react to in the future yeah I fumbled that one but I'm just going to leave it in because I'm kind of riding a high right now so until next time that's it
Channel: Jason Jeffory
Views: 9,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first time watching, movie commentary, jason jeffory, reaction, movie reaction, react, godzilla, godzilla minus one, minus one, godzilla minus one reaction, first time watching godzilla minus one, godzilla reaction, first time watching godzilla, minus one reaction, king kong, reaction channel, reaction video
Id: E18aynubeNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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