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hey guys it's Shana I'm Vince and we are checking out Godzilla minus one if you do want to see the full unedited reaction head to our patreon in the description below where we have exclusive content full length reactions and much more this is clear this is so clear why would you drop the bomb out of it that would be dangerous oh they their guts are out [Music] fore holy cow really oh my God damn he got such a clear shot too it's crazy I don't think he's oh it definitely tickled though oh no they would have all been squashed oh oh my God Jesus holy cow it was like one little baby bite for Godzilla also hopefully that wasn't his only transportation to get out of there by the way he drug by the way that's probably exactly how he came back too who Godzilla no him the guy that was on the ship that I mean on the flight yeah he probably froze up in battle oh 100% probably froze up exactly like how you did with Godzilla there it's so crazy to see that you know oh wow damn oh wow oh my gosh [Music] oh my gosh oh oh [Music] [Music] oh my god wow right they really do need each other everybody needs each other in this world or do you think she going to try to take the [Music] baby oh wow so much for not caring exactly oh it's very dangerous by the way she looks so different she looks beautiful yeah so if he's doing oh this is special made right special boat dang that is insane that's hard though he's moving the thing's moving he's going to give it a try and we know he's going to get a one shot so much for being useless huh exactly cuz he remember what he was yep he had aim like nobody's business y you have to flying in the air like that oh my God right I know that's right so is this how we're going to see him tie into Godzilla again if he's like he working in the water with Ms most likely things are going to get more and by the way that whole contraption that they configured to get rid of those mods I didn't even realized they had mods in the war like that's insane oh it's got to be p yeah jeez look at that oh oh look at the little [Music] kute wow wow oh they got some furniture now I love this little Montage just sces you know that's before [ __ ] hit the pan oh of course oh wow so crazy to see it like Community had to build itself back up from such like suchu oh they finally got a new house [Music] K they don't know [Music] they're pled family yeah look at the baby a I love how we keep seeing like incremental like upgrades upgrades to like how things look oh yeah after that after she overheard him right right he going to realize what he's missing after right and then they're going to fall in love and be a happy familyy oh my gosh sh he knows exactly yep oh yes literally for dang so they just got to sit out there just all y it's terrifying oh oh no that's such a crazy phenomenon and look at the bigger fish that's facts Wow Let's see if he changed that team right zero chance oh sh that was that was so just oh gosh oh gosh just slowly just pull it up on this like taking really hour on that yeah yeah if Godzilla wants them right now it would kill the quality of this is so crazy yeah you can see it's slicing through the water look so clean like his skin looks crazy where's a gun they can they they can shoot it oh they got it on like a line oh that's so smart that was actually amazing I but I don't think it's just going to irritate him oh tickle great [Music] right he going freeze up I mean oh god oh yeah yeah yeah look at his menacing eyes he for sure could catch up to him y'all oh my god oh what if they put the mind in his yeah cuz his his armor isn't in his like stomach so that'll be his weak spot for sure actually genius holy crap okay okay okay come on he going to have to shoot it maybe he can shoot it oh come on how much war is dragging okay so shoot it definitely hurt it oh oh [ __ ] what the oh oh my God that came right on goddamn time they better get going oh it's going after them now look at freaking God Jes he's literally got the Wolverine powers where he could just heal that's so op which makes it exactly almost impossible look he's tearing through this shoot his ass 100% oh were they able to make it oh sh it's to shoot that [Music] blast that is so menacing mother Godzilla can't lie I'm a little star struck with Godzilla he's just so epic he's so epic he got the he can shoot like flaming blast like swim he made his point known and he scatt oh wow of [Music] course right say I knew he was going to say that I felt he was going to say fore for [Music] for it's crazy seeing he died on that island he is also major Survivor skill 100% PTSD and everything with it wow that might have been his first time opening up about just any and all his feelings but I think that's going to be the start to his recovery yes mental recovery yes [Music] oh she really came into his life and saved him right and he thought it was the other way around exactly exactly I don't know if you have time that's why I be saying godilla be trolling cuz oh yeah oh yeah you could just him up like y'all check me out look at that status uh yeah no [Applause] effect oh god oh oh my gosh oh I hope nothing happens to her I hope nothing happens to her they're for sure getting oh oh oh [Music] no [Music] oh oh no oh water under her that's such a hot Drop though but all the debris careful oh careful boys F like we going to get this report of any guy right any cause Godzilla is going to toy with them building is already gone oh where's a Kiko look at that yeah let let him just come close he'll trample these tanks like how do they stop this nope yes oh sh this looks insane I would have seen more than enough I would have been getting up out of oh my god oh [Music] oh oh my gosh sacrificed herself she just sacrificed herself for him this look at the destruction [Applause] everything holy [Music] cow he literally an active nuclear bomb Godzilla oh that's right she had the baby he probably just gave her the baby oh yeah [Music] he can add that picture of her yeah just as he was you know living again literally just create another monster wow we just playing to drown it essentially oh it's a good that's a good theory right no [ __ ] is better than what y'all got exactly yeah what's Plan B [Music] 100% I'm happy that they G them the cuz yeah they need to be there this is uh not even through the G government they doing this like the option should be that if you don't want to do this [Music] exact wow wow L it in right for oh that one guy yep he did survive the other Survivor mhm the other Survivor [Music] exactly wow he got the message TI his ass up you just wanted to get him so smart yep Ain that that's so crazy wow so that's his plan oh my gosh they know what they're getting themselves into something's definitely going to go wrong it just what yeah plan is just not going to go smooth for I know that that was an awesome speeech I know he was going to say that wow I love how everyone's just looking out for the next person you know so selfless you going to thank them in the future yep they know what comes with it they don't want to put him through that oh my gosh oh my gosh wow it's all [Music] so [Music] cute please let him come home to AO yep filled it up with bombs see he put an eject I think that's an ejection yeah wow it's crazy cuz he was just mentioning about the flatter jet not having them installed no way [Music] oh what that mean yep that was the sound to lure him oh okay holy I cannot believe he launched that thing like that he L threw it like it was a toy Godzilla was like I'm going to show you who you're dealing with wow oh that is such a unique looking one you see it it's very short yeah they said it was made to like intercept like bombers and stuff like that so it's got to be super agile lean fast yeah oh yeah wow that is crazy never seen that you know a jet like that no me neither got to feel good to be back in the sky and it's crazy cuz they weren't even able to even get the plan under way yep he's he God the plan exactly I love how protective they [Music] are he looking down like this is what I'm doing this for you know everyone his country his daughter [Music] never talk about how strong she is yes after losing her children to be able to like hold it down like how she been doing and she also looks so much better now yeah got to watch out for that tail though that's the thing about being so Compact and tried to bite it but there's no end it's so small yeah definitely going to follow him now got his attention there we go come on big boy kissed him off yep I wonder if he going to shoot up the heat uh can yeah that's what I'm scared of do you think Godzilla is going to be smart and stop I mean regardless as most likely going to have to come down to um him blowing it up this this is probably going to temporarily slightly work but then it's going to not work in the end oh sh I knew it was going to get pissed off it's so gorgeous when he does that like right oh this is a makeshift one so freaking [Music] brilliant they don't know how many times they can do it yeah yeah yeah that makes sense hit him when he's when he's weak so right there was a decoy ship right there was nobody on that one right cuz they dragged it out there I think here we go huh he really going to let that that happen okay good good good oh wow look at this shot holy cow right I was about say I wonder if they're going to hit each other I was just thinking that wow they just wanted to hug each other we're a little high five as they go literally the perfect scenario right there I like this fighter jet idea was the best plan ever cuz there's no way he would have just stood there and just took all this yeah yeah yeah yeah it's getting tight it's getting tight oh and go is it still going to shoot the heat raid come on come on [Music] oh they got to bring him up no yeah Part B they need to levitate him on the balloons CU his ass will drag them yep or else they're going 1500 me deep oh got Flo yeah he got a puddle jumper oh that just tells you just how smart he is that's crazy just to see shred up Flo crazy thing is I think it was working too you Lu it was kind of killing him a bit with that [ __ ] right off they better be happy that happened instead of taking a whole ship with [Music] him you know who that [Music] is what they got though [Music] oh wow oh wow my goodness do you see how many boats it takes they say he said he estimated to be 20 tons yeah it's Rosen [Music] oh look look oh he's going to do it oh look he's [ __ ] up where is he you he's going to come in with the fighter and quickly blow up his mouth so maybe he'll blow himself up right from the explosions and and bl yeah yeah yeah come on bomb his mouth shoot at him shoot at him distract the eject he think it's a uh a part of the plan but he don't even know [Music] oh yeah yes they didn't even show us that I swear I thought he got killed they didn't even show him eject I didn't see it but he pulled the lever I thought but I thought it was too late though wow [Music] [Music] [Music] wow wow it's so crazy out there everything that's happened with him like this is his second chance he saved everyone [Music] oh oh don't tell me she's alive don't tell me [Music] what was that on now all his insides are coming out that movie was phenomenal yes literally phenomenal I don't know what I expected I know this was just kind of a last minute watch for us yeah and wow I loved it this is I think the newest movie we've seen like this just came out on streaming it might be yeah yeah well yeah it literally just came out on streaming this is the newest release movie we have ever seen I think so and I noticed it drastically from movies that we've seen in the past the quality yes was some of the best quality I've seen in a movie easily easily like I just couldn't help but like the quality the sound the production that took my breath away way at some scenes yeah like there's a few scenes that I can't stop thinking about one of them was you know the last one as he shot Godzilla and everything and you just everything is silent yeah I was say the angles the Rays coming out the sunset like the glistening water it was unbelievable yeah a th% like I vividly remember like every moment and this I cannot say how amazing it was enough yeah the symbolism the storyline the execution the family Dynamic the emotions yeah everything the guilt the emotional state everything was was insane I can go on forever I'll let you talk but I I think I'm like kind of speechless like I I think this is going to be in my top 10 movies of all times yeah I think so this was this was phenomenal from start to finish it literally wrapped all the way back around with his story and remember it's like it's a movie about Godzilla but like it we remember one of the biggest pet and I don't want to like go into comparisons but like the one of the biggest pet peeves that we had with the monsterverse and the Godzillas and those was that the storyline yes it never really wrapped a good story for the humans it made it more just Center to Godzilla and this one you felt like it was a story about this young man and his journey and Godzilla was a part of it he was like Godzilla was just emotion just a part of what was going on in in his life and and inevitably it ended with him finishing Godzilla off and it was like so poetic and just knowing that he was supposed to be sent off as a kamakazi pilot which was literally like a suicide mission yes and to think that that's inevitably how was dang near about to wrap around for him anyways but then to survive it from a new uh ejection being installed into the things that like quite frankly like he said the government and how they you know kind of dealt with their soldiers it was it was quite pathetic he said like they literally like giv these these weak armored tanks and you know no setting them up for failure setting them up for failure and it just you kind of see this wrap around in this new ideology and this new mindset you know come to fold and it was just all around just a beautiful story yes the story and then you know after him encountering Godzilla for the first time and coming back and being defeated and being called you know your disgrace to everyone and you know building himself up slowly and then encountering Niro or noro I don't want to be disrespectful and butcher the names but I'm bad with names so you know encountering her and just thinking oh he's going to save her and she saved his life and you know brought him back to life told him it's okay to have another chance at life yeah you know gave him a family yeah and just the whole storyline of that was just so heartwarming heartwarming yeah you know and everything about that I just felt was so poetic and so beautifully done and just seeing him rebuild himself and still struggle mentally and you know all of that and then you know this new job he went on thinking oh whatever and turns out to be you know that turned into his second family yeah yeah and oh my good I think you're making such great points because it's that's but that's what I mean like we saw his journey everything from looking and being this this coward right this this guy that it that that that made his you know leave the the pilot and say he had some you know some some malfunctions and it's like he went from that to like a hero yes right you know he went through so many things and like we just we just saw his journey and I think it was so beautiful to see and uh wow wow and what an ending and I know we were just about to say about like seeing that that black kind of a veiny line that was coming up her neck now my theory this is my theory my theory is that maybe maybe I know you said maybe nuclear like maybe she's just still kind of that's like the effects of the nuclear uh effects of what happens well to humans um is either that or maybe there I say it was not real it could be we're reading into this you're saying maybe I'm going a little too deep maybe I'm thinking that he didn't survive and he died really and that was like them showing like that that wasn't reality I don't know I don't know I I I feel like I might be reading to that too much I think maybe he that was just maybe some effects of I thought it was radiation because blue in it and almost the like the raise from Godzilla cuz he do a blue so that's kind of what I thought but that's a very interesting Theory I I'd like to think yours is really more of the accurate Theory that she just had radiation from the effects because it would make sense you know what I mean she I mean the fact but then again though why I almost kind of want to believe Ms is because there's no way she survived that everybody got look like they got literally obliterated by that shock wave I I just all I'm saying I I don't know I don't know but both theories I think are great yeah so phenomenal movie phenomenal let us know y'all thoughts oh my gosh yeah can go on and on about this but all in all phenomenal let us know your thoughts and yeah just how you felt on this movie I'm so happy we you know decided to check this out yeah I'm so happy we decided to check this out this is awesome yeah love this like comment and subscribe y'all check in the description check out our patreon down below if you do want to see the full unedited reaction so much exclusive content we have so much shows franchises WE Post oh my gosh like almost daily on there so go check it out in the description below and we thank you guys for watching and we'll catch you guys in the next video peace
Channel: The Perfect Mix
Views: 140,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nhRJNLhL0Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 40sec (2800 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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