Godzilla Minus One Reaction | The BEST Godzilla Movie Ever??

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[Music] what's up C media Junie how is your guys day going how's your weekend going it's going great over here cuz we got Godzilla minus one on Netflix this past Friday are you kidding me I've been waiting to watch this movie since I missed it in the theater so I've never seen it you've never seen it correct nope yeah first time watching very very excited I've only heard honestly the highest of praise for a movie that had a tiny budget and made like 100 Mill ion Plus in the Box the budget it was like 10 it was they kept it quiet and I'll tell you why in a second but it was somewhere in the range of like 10 15 million okay and I've heard the VFX and shots like that are incredible on this m um the reason we don't know the exact budget is because the director came out and said well if I say the exact budget everyone will expect me to make a movie for that budget so he was basically I'm not saying it cuz then no one will give me a higher budget cuz like he like they see what I can do with that like give me more money see what I can do basically like yeah I agree so I deserve I I think from what I've heard he deserves all the money in the world to make movies but we're going to find out today um I've seen all the Godzilla movies that have been made by obviously the US um I've seen a few in Japan but like the older ones um what about you I think I've only seen the US ones us ones are you all caught up though you you didn't see the last one right that's all with it doesn't matter okay you did that's right Jac brain fart over here all good um but this has nothing to do with it but just keeping up with the Godzilla stuff so you said you actually knew more about the plot than I did you said it was only thing I knew about is it's post World War II so I'm assuming it has something to do with the nukes and um that's really bad it actually guys like subscribe stay tuned for some House of the Dragon coming out soon he'll be in those as well can't wait for that um got some other ones Fallout go and join on those one piece all great go check those out so let's go ahead and get into it how many of these bad boys have they even made at this point like how many Godzilla movies in general yeah like 10 probably more there's a lot of older ones too that's what I'm [Music] saying a rough looking Runway it's clear just like landing on an island or something thir world country I don't know it's also a very small plane a big bomb on it so we're still in the war y 45 oh probably aren't even yet I show the nukes you're not actually get shot at it's call him a coward then or something like you're you're you're stopping fighting or something I don't know I'm not sure either seemed disrespected towards it so I mean do you think he's just scared of Godzilla like saw him out there or something I don't know like I think he's just disappointed that his nation's lost CU they know like honor and everything it's huge to them let's find out I'm still not sure if they dropped the bombs and I think that's what I don't I wouldn't think yet cuz I was like dead they do look dead whatever whatever is happening to them yeah maybe the bombs already hit they died they died like the radiation and stuff what if this take was like Godzilla ends the war that would be wild it's not going to happen I'm just it's Godzilla man this War uh [Music] yeah that's definitely why he was afraid [Music] now honestly they waited longer than I would have to run like I would have been out they're sacrificing this man would you try to shoot it like I would try to shoot this thing I look at this thing I be like I don't think I can kill it pretty much that thing will eat me for a life light snack do we actually know if Godzilla like eats like like people or like meat or just I'm curious actually no you guys know leave in the comments I would have pissed my pants already like my [Music] gosh oh he they're dead now yeah he just got them killed I I the bull can get through like what are you thinking out here I need aam yeah they're not doing a good job this man hurt oh so he does not eat people he threw him he threw his ass he didn't care there he was attacked first no he was he was provoked 100% I'm on his side he's just biting and throwing the pilot about to be the only Survivor 100% he kept quiet like I mean that be me though like right here dude you're in a plane like go honestly shoot to kill yeah right they no longer to plan he had a chance to honestly running that plane he did not take it that was actually a pretty sweet opening not going to lie you spared though I going to say Godzilla did this like straight up who did this is there another person alive though probably oh yeah okay there two survivors so now I'm like curious if they're just going off to war or to fight Godzilla at this point [Music] what so December didn't the war end early December right December 7th don't remember feel like that's sticking out for some reason for me December 7th said Tokyo so this is from the firebombs yeah has oh know youbody be disappointed wow damn yeah damn I know that's how it was before all this I know but like damn if she make it then she just not there I guess I guess there still has to be survivors but yeah had a lot of casualties in the fire bombings yeah they're made out of wood [Music] cities I have not position to he just got stuck like this dude just become a dad like straight up guess so oh no he's about to leave this baby this he shows he's a good person oh he good yeah he good you would look so bad if he didn't have the baby she just catches him walking off right now [Music] she going to latch on to him you're a nice guy huh why would I care then probably feeding the whole [Music] family I her kid yeah women didn't have many options back here in this time in Japan like need stop asking people that I know right like not a good time like they are in the like the sixth year of that war like that just ended like that is actually kind of crazy to think about I kind of forgot this was a Godzilla movie actually just now like honestly not really been in it too much yeah you not expect him to go to sleep right here this is definitely our house I know he don't think [ __ ] can't win with this persono like this is all your fault yeah like you won comicazi pilot you didn't do your job so it's all your fault that's crazy this chick's just mad like I understand I okay she's helping out now okay 4 months later just got to make your family though this is better than being all alone I don't think so P well [Music] he was a comicazi pilot like he did not die he went from happy to that face real quick he's like I was liing too oh [ __ ] the same boats my ass what yeah this might this might be time to call it quits he should have just said yeah I don't know if I would do this job isn't the oh wood okay yeah okay he said there's 60,000 of them my gosh Overkill much do I understand I wonder how many miles of sea that is of like a just pull them all up and you just shoot them and blow them up okay that is still risky though one way to go fishing hit right away he the guy in the back does look smart like he looks like he was designing weapons sens you say ain't no joking right here about that like a Godzilla [Music] nightmare or is it real I don't know like yeah uhoh oh that's no good are they on land at least no it's definitely got to be a dream that's his house isn't it oh yeah I think this is a dream yeah cuz he saw it before straight up nightmare then yeah 100% that thing does look terrifying so it seems pretty like like it happens a lot actually that he has these nightmares that's a PTSD after seen that yeah I would never feel safe again after seeing that thing [Music] though that hardcore pts Z so still 4 months later doing it all right they're kind of nuke Godzilla right now wait yeah what what just happened I think that's what they're trying to do it's only going make that man stronger don't give him nukes the radiation don't make him much stronger oh that's why he's going to be bigger when he comes back oh yeah that's literally how he grows his radiation how you get stronger that dude would thrive in a nuclear blast assuming they thought the fireball would kill him that's all happy times right now some shit's about to go [Music] down just clearing out M you got a house now yeah rebuilding it back oh you got the money I mean yeah he's a dangerous ass job right now seems like he's pretty good at it though this is too prosperous I know it's not going to end well okay Direct he doesn't seem very excited to to leave now got too comfortable yeah I ask all right here we go call from Pacific Fleet attack reporting with enemy creatur SC [Music] like leave it all up to Japan fight it I guess like n you got it busy with the Cold War yeah uhoh you did some work our boy knows yeah be like look guys let's go yeah get out of there yep I would be demanding to leave get out of here they blame the Americans Fair of Y yep oh man no this dude new what a [ __ ] he doesn't seem too too throrough about Japan right now [Music] H can he that little little B for get on oh my gosh [Music] help damn damn that's some [ __ ] he told him though like what want to rethink your methods I think that's so much bigger oh my gosh the exponential growth right now yep at least there's a smart Capen oh oh [Music] man this man toying with his food right now are you kidding me look how slow he's going is that a bomb like the the land I think yeah I think it might be one the M he said like the he asked him to work on it earlier see if that did anything yeah let's see if it did Jack is it dead that's optimistic it did nothing oh he's angry now shootting the eye again you good you good he's going to shoot it okay that actually might help that might do a little something that might do a little something right there I should blow up his all his mouth and teeth and everything should at least like knock a tooth out like that should hurt I think I should do a lot more than that honestly we're about to find out oh what what the hell yeah he's Invincible then oh my gosh what that was a valiant effort bro look at this man oh okay there they got saved though I don't think that's going to be enough but like come on now you get them out of there at least they might they're smacking it though they're smacking doing a little something but this man's healing power is just yeah I say he's broken that's crazy I didn't realize he's Invincible yeah like got back now this man heals faster than Wolverine like ah it's good they're gone you going for the boat yeah they're gone for get out of there if I was them he's invinc you can't kill with nukes or battleships or anything you might as well just dip you got to somehow like make a really nice trap and like cut his head off or something they make a tree with him that's pretty much what they do in the US versions like he keeps to the Sea and controls the monsters and then they just leave him alone basically oh man that's never a good thing well you can shoot laser be his mouth yeah oh my gosh that was sweet they just got obliterated and he's oh yeah you got to keep going you got lit up though he got to go heal now yeah this man needs to just stay away from the water I I would never ever go on the water again I would stay as just on land as as much as possible but they do live in Japan literally a big island the fact that this dude has survived two encounters with him though like count your blessings man kind a question is that some get new she's like not remember they got destroyed probably has a concussion or something I know oh yeah he does remember speee course back those bullets were not about to he was going to do nothing he can regenerate too like you actually made the right decision yet again so she saw her parents dying in the fire that's some people been through some stuff tough life over here I mean I understand I get it like that's crazy oh giant monster de with you guys they've been through it this D's going through it killing his like nightmares like I get it I don't think I'd be able to sleep normally after what this dude's been through yeah I don't know if I'd uh I'd be going out in the water again anytime soon I would yeah it'd be hard to drink water at that point I of Godzilla has anything to say about it you're not going to live peacefully no but again if he keeps going out in the water I think it's also on him yeah this one look like a us one oh that's Japanese too it's like I don't think Godzilla out there just attacking though they must be like in his territory or something like I don't know I don't know I mean could be it could just be TR terrorized I don't know but going for Tokyo that's not good maybe it's just terrorizing do nothing wonder what this man problem is why he going after people you can't get him out of uh that was a hardcut scene that's not good for this man yep imagine it's like a personal Venda he just he's literally just coming for this guy just keep seeing how do you keep getting away from me like searching for him yeah where I'm at yeah they good good job trying to hide it he just came up more sure my God yeah he's so big now yeah holy crap stop nuking him like he was actually tiny on that island and now he's like a regular T-Rex oh no [Music] she knows to be terrified yeah that thing is huge oh my [Music] gosh he missing an arm no I think he's like just like this he's in like Attack Mode right [Music] now oh they're probably dead probably dead what he going to toy I don't understand what the heck there's some good upper body speak though be tough hold on that you got to find some right now like if you don't got it oh if you can get to that water maybe pencil D actually you're probably pretty high up yeah you did it yeah yeah that's you just got to get lucky about [Music] that yeah this this dude just pissed off like he's just pissed he's about to turn around pick these guys up they just got get the shot and they're like right more next I'm just standing there he's like yes observe me at least they refuse to move is like it could be the end yeah yeah like what are they going to do oh yeah they're gone she's just like accepting it like if it takes me it takes me put yourself in a bad SP you got to go a little bit out of the road hey let's go he knows how to escape away from Godzilla hey Godzilla was like not time three strikes and you're out not this time coming for you [ __ ] I'm here just for you he every step though yeah he's taking just out 15 20 30 people it's not more now yeah go go the alley go alley yeah those news people said like those those airand and bombs you know they took out a lot but they this dude taken out in mere [Music] seconds I stop standing there they're trying to buy you time yeah they're just watching it's the worst thing you could do oh no you load him up they upgraded him yeah run oh whoa they're like they're nuk for you yeah another one also how is this a $10 million movie what the what 100% like I don't know oh no oh yeah she gone damn she just saved his life though well potentially yeah okay that's what I said they should have been the whole time what bro Godzilla what's your problem dog what they do to you dude like I understand the ships at sea but like dude oh yeah she gone it's like 0. 1% chance she's alive zero or you find one body part like what the hell this D like the only guy left Al on the island where's got D now probably right behind him I know right be called Godzilla ruins this man's life jeez this dude going to like kamakazi pilot into Godzilla this is what you get for not doing kamakazi like there's no way that kid survived or anything either [Music] like that's another reset button for this dude what [Music] the yeah what he's just looking at the nuke he just he's looking at it he's like yes nice like I did that what the hell man the dict this yeah baby my land now he's like I'm him pretty much what the hell yeah I have no clue how he made this with this budget like that's awesome this another hour of this like what is going to happen he more just destroyed more is that the ash yeah it's like Black [Music] Rain oh good made it okay so didn't hit this side of the island I guess jeez got find way to take him out took everything from him he's got to fly the plane right into his mouth or something I think he's going to do anything though you kill this man it'll be all right po J Can't Catch break either yeah cuz they've all been through through through the [ __ ] like man after everything he's been through I'd want to be done honestly we did say that that it was a little too happy like jeez now you ain't destroying that man it's going to be tough oh there we go he wants his revenge now was my Vendetta he's like I offer you a piece of Revenge oh crazy [Music] it's a disbelieving chatter I agree with that kidding we need this man was too smart like why was he on that little ship anyways it's [Music] over for so he's like guaranteed [Music] we run [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of the sea start going don't sit there [Music] [Music] it seems like a good plan but like will it work I don't think he's leave him alone now he came pretty much yeah you got to try something you can't really stop [Music] you want to spend your final days with your family you [Music] know that's [Music] true let's go boys here we go hey better get hyped up and be like ah well [ __ ] I don't know probably personal now they took out a lot of families yeah I would try to recruit some non sailers that took out people's families for the other stuff they got to do been working on this yeah so he has his war with Godzilla clearly like my war is not over unique it's about to be bad yeah have some duct tape and all that that's exactly what he yeah what I say per he's about to go to that guy that other guy that survived hope he survived blast and everything too feels very strongly about this I know the head slam yeah I know I'm guessing he wants this guy to get revenge too I don't know God there got be more than that oh damn he got him there though okay good strategy he kind of deserves these now yeah Phil is kamakazi pilot after all mhm ground beat my ass oldest excuse yeah I fell I was drunk you just said it I was drunk I fell down look at his eye his other eyes like halfway shut yeah I fell my ass [Music] they probably did as well at the past time when they got blew up immediately [Music] that's is rough yeah my gosh all right I'd run through a wall for that man say he's got a different plan in mind should at least waited to see if it works or not need the die before it's true I wouldn't want to go to war if I don't have to so I'm still a little confused on the pl so we're going to try to drown it and then pressure go up and all the changes with the pressure will kill it I didn't quite catch it but I think the initial plan is have the drop kill it but if it doesn't I think shooting it back up for someon like the change in pressure really quick as said okay not 100% sure but find out use the ocean to kill [Music] it I no I need to bother putting machine guns on that thing right now strap it with bombs and fly it in its mouth yeah I think what they said with the machine guns was it's like distract it try to get it away from the mainland if it gets there yeah cuz he should already know it's not going to help actually hurt it mhm pretty good child actress right there mhm super young damn she's about to be orphaned twice before she's like four this is three times it's [Music] crazy jeez that thing is loaded up though my gosh [Music] so they finally included an injector se you can try to get out that's actually good I guess it's too short of a note he should have said something at least yeah it was very uh cold it's not a bad play cuz as we know at least Godzilla is very territorial he does not not mess with other monsters like he would kill him as fast as he'll go get him that's what I'm saying so it's like that's a good plan to get him [Music] there oh oh my gosh did this dude get even bigger all right so they weren't ready at all nope I don't know how big the kamakazi planes were but that plane looks really small it looks kind of similar in size honestly the planes weren't that big yeah I figured that would be big but this thing looks really small this one is BU a little bit more speed yeah [Music] didn't I say on that map he's headed for Tokyo I he saw [Music] right she [Music] steal [ __ ] him in the face that's a good way to get him pissed off yeah so you got just start shooting him and try to clear him out there I mean that's all you can [Music] do okay so I'm guessing that was a note more for her from him I'm guessing [Music] mhm oo that was nice that a good move is there one V one we were talking about earlier he's l [Music] okay shoot him he did a good job get him there see it works he's eging him on out there he's like come on let's go so I guess is he using his like explosion plan as a s fail State thought so he like just waiting to see if it doesn't work and he's like all right then I think that's the smart thing instead trying I age seems like seems like that's what he's doing yeah that's not good about to go long range Godzilla's not dumb oh yeah my gosh okay get it do it oh it's a dummy one okay Jee though my gosh [Music] that is terrifying D can just cause a nuke basically at any time like that's crazy so mini nuke or something [Laughter] Bas now or never go this heavy dude can just float on water like I know it's crazy is he just like waddling his feet down there yeah yeah makes sense he's not really able to jump out of the water like that bro's cutting it too close I know he must be very confident in his ability I'm just really trying to distract him yeah definitely have to they're almost there I never supposed to do that yeah I'm guessing they didn't mean to do that all right they good they good though feel like that could have been worse better hurry up you better hurry up long cable I know 1200 so it goes, 1500 deep they I'm going to be honest seems like he's not struggling that much oh I'm guess yeah he looks like he's all right he's going to shoot up Like a Torpedo I can't don't celebrate yet you got to jinx yourself pull the ship in with him yeah like bring that cable down it's not Rising fast I don't know the physics behind it I don't really know starting to r a little faster I guess uh-oh uhoh plan Z playing kamakazi pretty much it's really the only chance they got now like there's no way nuking that comicos and go in his mouth maybe the explosion kills him you got like destroy his head or something I don't know like is that that one guy the yep it's him I'm curious to see what kind of rescue they bring what kind of help the whole Squad here yeah didn't listen to I'm curious as to what the plan is now honestly oh they're just trying to pull him up again oh [Music] okay fishing for Godzilla yeah basically I don't really know what the plan is now though like I thought that was supposed to kill him fly right in his mouth definitely affected him but not that much that's from the kamakazi yeah he's about to go in there it's like going to mesh blow up or something cap off yeah they're preparing let's go let's get it beat his ass let's go he got out he gone he got it though boom head shot did it work I that one he just he's not even moving I know mhm Get Wrecked damn just dismantled it all right hell yeah give you that one a legend give you that one let's go hell yeah let's go what a beast to be honest like why did even com put an ejector seat in their playing why not that's some [ __ ] that is kind of that is kind of [ __ ] if they survive they can do another Kazi plane yeah that was sweet that was awesome he won the One V one I say he W [Music] it what is it I don't know is she alive no way no way come on she probably got [ __ ] up though she let's go yeah she got [ __ ] up though let's go where she this whole time though [ __ ] up I don't know man looks like she lost an eye that's awesome though after what he did he deserves it 100% he he deserves a long happy life he ate up in that plane he was Tom Cruz Maverick up in that [ __ ] he was swerving around godzill let's go she did look like she got wrecked though like absolutely I think that eye gone that eye definitely gone oh [ __ ] a [ __ ] that's never good is this where the us-based Godzilla movies came from now this is reincarnation oh gosh that's nuts are you kidding me he like Venom where he like has one piece left and he can survive and [ __ ] damn I don't know what the minus one means though I don't know he's going to be back going to be like plus one next like I don't know that was awesome that was absolutely awesome what do you think I lik it I was going to say I uh let me I'll start with this favorite part what stands out want to say when when he nuked Godzilla the face took him out that was nice I like there's some real beef there that's actually probably my favorite thing this is some serious beef he was like you evaded me one too many times I'm coming for for your ass and then boom well honestly here's what I'm going to say based on all the other Godzilla movies I've seen they haven't developed the characters that well and like Godzilla was always cool but like this one's like you felt for this guy it's because honestly if you remember when we were talking about it during it was like we were 20 25 minutes in Godzilla showing up one time and they had developed this character so it was like you cared about the characters a lot more than you do in the other ones so and he went through some stuff so we rode with him at the end we're like hey he deserves it the storytelling in this Godzilla movie was by far the best proba myor favorite godz give this guy a $100 million Bud budget for Godzilla I want to see what kind of movies I want to know like how the how they make these kind of movies when like $200 million movies don't look this good it's because it's it's I think it's the fact of like when you get too many resources like oh let's try to do this let's do this let's do this with these you have to be like oh [ __ ] we have to really strategically plan detail everything it still shows you how little of a budget you need to make a good move oh yeah you don't need a $100 million budget but if you have it you need to do something like this with it it looked good though I liked it that was awesome um yeah the storytelling was probably the best part for me like that was incredible it made you feel for everything at the end and that brought everything that you know that climax all together but I I I don't really have anything else just like it was great like I want more I want another one I I want to see what other things like by this they look like they're about to make a Godzilla 2 has to be has to be from the way this ended but um I need to know what other like movies this directors made so guys do you guys know what me drop it down in the comments below let us know what you guys thought this movie was freaking awesome awesome C media junkies like subscribe and we'll see you soon peace [Music]
Channel: CinemediaJunkies
Views: 10,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qhGvNeefPzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 37sec (3337 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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