Godzilla: Minus One is a masterpiece… || Movie Reaction / Review!!

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hey everyone welcome to a new video today we have Godzilla minus one now I want to say before you click off uh I'm saying don't click off sorry uh I have seen this film again don't click off I have something to say but I have a friend called Kane who comes on the channel every now and then who has not seen the film and he will be reacting to it in a couple days and that will be up on the channel so for today we're just going to sit re-watch it and appreciate it talk about it it's a phenomenal film and deserves uh praise so rather than you know a first time reaction like oh I've never experienced this before instead we're going to appreciate the film and talk about what makes this film so good but we are going to be reacting to it um and and get that I mean this scene's so good in this film that it's probably going to feel like a first time watch anyway it's so brilliant and uh yeah I'm very excited to get into this today um again it's been a lot it's been a while since I last saw it because of obviously it's it's not been on digital for a long time but here it is it's finally here and uh yeah so subscribe like turn notification Bell so you don't miss Kane's reaction to Godzilla minus one for the first time but uh without further Ado let's get right into Godzilla minus one let's go Island Airfield final days of World War II H this is such a pretty film as well so well shot that's a great shot that's such a good shot [Music] talk about it later on as well but uh I mean they say another Yankee weapon um that kind of is what Godzilla is in this film what he represents is is America and his nuclear breath is obviously the nuclear bomb it's yeah I'm just in my opinion I thought the Creator deserved visual effects but the visual effects in This [Music] brilliant oh no such a great shot as well the one take I mean at this point here he is just a dinosaur you know soon he becomes Godzilla SC so good as [Music] well oh my God [Music] together I mean this is the fact that Oppenheimer released the same year as this is great coincidence cuz I do think this film is a perfect followup to Oppenheimer you know you get these two perspectives and both devastating but this one is whole other level I mean the sad thing is is it wouldn't have mattered it it is a difficult watch for a you know for a a Godzilla film it is quite the difficult watch as epic as this film is it's very real you must [Music] it you can't leave the kid the baby he's a good man he cares I like how there's not really a romance between these two it's more of an unspeaking romance or the you know they both just stepped up and they wanted to care for the child so they did it together but there's never like they I don't think they kiss once they never really show that kind of um intimate exchanges but you can tell throughout the film that they do love each other um in what way you know that's up to you I guess [Music] no it's not you should not be smiling for will there's a gang [Music] he's good yeah don't say that making him stronger I was actually never really a fan of this little moment here I didn't think the music music really matched this little um this you know these uh mon this Montage this was this was one of the one one criticisms I had of the film is I just didn't think the music matched the Montage very well but [Music] yeah it is just cuz it sort of happened I mean ain't a beautiful story she got a job H if she'd never taken the job if she'd never had taken the job job I mean you know spoilers she's alive at the end but still disabled by an unknown Enemy No Further details known of [Music] this it's so good it's so good I can't tell if it's practical or not it was a good idea they did because you they probably wouldn't have defeated godz if not for this incredible Bunch now you've seen it yeah get out of there so cool so so cool Godzilla looks so [Music] good how how is that a CGI shot that it's absolutely incredible you didn't but you should just get away [Music] anyway ah [Music] oh my God in cinemas that blew my mind that explosion looks so good the music with it that raw what a moment fore [Music] oh man what a scene what a scene one of one of the best scenes in the uh in the film and it's simply just dialogue oh no now it's time it's time for um what I actually think is one of the best scenes in in a blockbuster film if if this even counts as a blockbuster it's an action film you know it's monsters either way has one of my favorite scenes just incredible jaw was on the ground [Music] yeah by the way I didn't mention before but I have not seen Kong Godzilla the new kingdom whatever it's called um but I will be reacting to that two weeks Mission Impossible dead reckoning [Music] Reckoning for foreign spee spee [Music] [Music] no what a shot [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh my God his scream just that that entire scene for me is like 10 out of 10 so good and in cinemas I couldn't believe it I watched it twice in cinemas both times but that first time that's why you should watch Kane's reaction in a few days to this imagine being the one of the only survivors in a nuclear attack like that [Music] I love this shot as well I love how that's frame what and you're not a coward if you leave you know some of these people have family that no matter what win or lose they've got to take care of you know but then there's also some people who do have a family but you know even if they lose they at least die trying to save them [Music] ah yeah another fantastic [Music] 16 he doesn't but he will for there he is [Music] they know they're risking their lives except me until yeah we leave you the future what a line [Music] [Music] whatever well here's the thing this is what I want I just installed this [Applause] [Music] insane yes sir Temple [Music] this the music is just unbelievable I've listened to it so much since the film came out never get told uh [Music] here we go yeah now SA [Music] for foree [Music] [Music] yes sir so that's such cool [Music] death oh man [Music] [Music] Godzilla [Music] cells man there's Godzilla minus one and there we go there is Godzilla minus one the rewatch um just as like it's still such a brilliant brilliant film um very very close to a masterpiece for me I mean it is kind of a masterpiece just little things here and there um like personally for me I don't know if I'd have like I I would have the final scene be you know him seeing her again um and I would have just ended it there and I and if you know if they're going to tease another film I put again I put that for you know after the credits or something like that I I'd rather the last impression of the film itself to be that final scene um another thing as well that I've I'm sure people have probably talked about and criticized about but I I'm kind of 5050 on it that end scene where she's she basic obiously she's got a you know bandaid there Band-Aid there and and I'm sure it's messed up her half a face but she is still you know quite she seems pretty all right for considering what happened and for me I mean maybe this is not the director's director's intention or maybe it is but my interpretation is that the way that scene is shot is very Angelic you know it's it's it's it's got a glow to it and that for me is him kind of seeing her as this Angel you know who how is she alive right now you know and he sees her in this perfect light she may be so badly injured or or bruised or whatever but he he doesn't see that when he looks at her the fact that she's alive that for him she's an angel she's you know nothing can hurt her that's the way I kind of interpret it just cuz it it it had that glow about it to the scene the lighting Etc um and what else and and there's obviously that Montage that again I I think um I don't know use better music maybe but other than that a phenomenal film Again Godzilla is a rep represents America in the nuclear bomb um you know even though this film isn't about the World War uh well kind of is the aftermath of it um instead of showing us that war it uses Godzilla as a way of telling that story of the world war from the Japanese perspective but instead well they kind of succeed but also not because ultimately the nuclear bomb did happen with Godzilla um but they defeated him in the end just a brilliant film so much uh great writing and and themes and perform the performances are incredible I honestly would probably have this lead actor be nominated for an Oscar for it but again I don't it's it's a difficult one cuz you know the the nominees this year were very very difficult um but he's incredible in it I think they should have got best picture nomination as well I don't know why you'd nominate you know Oppenheimer or give it oppenheim I think oppenheim is better but I mean you know both films are centered around the kind of same similar subject matter uh sorry I'm just ending the screen record here um but yeah an incredible film incredible music great screenplay incredible VFX it amazes me that something like this can be achieved with the budget that it it had I'm very excited to see more of this director of what he's what he's going to make in the future good film very very good film let me know comments below you think of Godzilla minus one and if you're new here feel free to subscribe and comment all that good stuff my Instagram Twitter letter box is down below if you like Drop of thanks for watching have a great day
Channel: Will Scarbrough
Views: 22,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godzilla minus one, Godzilla, Godzilla minus one movie, Godzilla minus one movie reaction, Godzilla minus one reaction, Godzilla minus one 2023 reaction, Godzilla minus one movie review, Godzilla minus 1, first time watching, movie reaction, movie commentary, film reaction, movie, films, drama, first time, Godzilla atomic breath, Godzilla -1
Id: PAd8mVOP-M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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