FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT: Speaking With Other Tongues - Pt. 2 (Part 7)(April 21, 2017) Keith Moore

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Ephesians 5 we've been on a series for a few weeks now they were calling filled with the spirit anybody remember it filled with the spirit and our text is here in Ephesians 5 and the 18th verse Ephesians 5:18 it said be not drunk with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the spirit everybody said out loud be filled with the spirit he said be filled with the spirit speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord giving thanks always for all things under God in the father name of the Lord Jesus Christ this is the lifestyle of a spiritual person spiritual Christian you can be a Christian and yet be carnal flesh feeling emotion reason dominated or you can be a spiritual Christian one whose spirit has the ascendancy in your being if you are this describes your lifestyle filled with the spirit speaking to yourself did you know you need to talk to yourself hmm what do you need to tell yourself hmm you're a pitiful excuse ah what if you feel that way don't say it right man I feel bad yeah don't think I call to put one foot in front there let the weak say I am so weak what now you're laughing but what a millions of Christians none know what describes a spiritual man or woman's way of life speaking to yourselves sums hymns this is not talking about something just out of a songbook spiritual songs these are songs that come by inspiration singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord and giving thanks this is not supposed to be for a few minutes on during praise time at church this is a way of life and the enemy will fight you on this oh he you bring thoughts and feelings and there's always some excuse why we're not going to praise the Lord right now when we're home by ourselves or were you know day to day life got something else going busy occupied cain't right now can't right now and the enemy is fine with cain't right now because enough paint right now is equals never paint right now the mark ain't right now next day can't right now enough paint right now equals never he knows that but the flesh is where is them if you go by feelings you'll want to slouch down quit despair you do what you feel like do so doing sometimes you'd be crying or complaining or something but if you're doing that you're being carnal you've been flesh ruled feeling ruled emotion and reason ruled and if you do that it'll restrict your life tell me what a spiritual man or woman does speak into yourselves in what sums him we got a book full of Psalm 150 of them right go back read some of them sometimes David says bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name is it is he talking to himself he's talking to herself when the enemy got Ziklag David in his people's home and and destroyed all their houses and stole all their wives and children and everything that they had and even David's own men we're talking about stoning him they blamed him for it all what the Bible said he did he encouraged himself in the waiting for somebody else to encourage you you're gonna come up short from time to time is that right you blame them all you want to but who said it was their job to encourage you thank God he uses somebody to encourage us but don't wait on them you can encourage yourself how do you do it put it back up how do you do it speaking so this is not just thinking it's what speakers to my right outlines to my making sounds speaking to yourself in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs and these these are not sad songs you're singing and making melody in your heart and giving thanks how would you do it you got a bad report somebody you thought you was your friend let you down you got a big need came up you had no idea what's coming you don't have any idea where the money's gonna come from hmm what do you do what do most people do huh yeah I hear crying I hear complaining that's right cry and complain complain and cry feel sad feel bad and how does that help you huh you cried and complained for a day and a half you gonna feel better or worse than when you started it's a downward slide man can you do something else what could you do what could you do speak to yourself hmm how would you do it you got a giant bill came in had no idea you don't know where the money's gonna come from what do you do that's not right that's not right where am I going to get that kind of money people do it Christians save people they just spaz out and they just right come apart they get madly sue people and cut all the right people off of their list and all that gives them all sirs migraines distracted mad not paying attention to what you're doing run a red light have a wreck these things have happened look what could you do you get the big bill it hits you yeah oh alright what you do right now what you do right now is going to make your breaking you get a bad report nice not a clean bill of health it's a bad diagnosis what are you gonna do I lost somebody right there they look I know it's all about what are you gonna do what are you gonna do you and lead you on a diet you don't overcome or be run over what do you do speak to yourself in Psalms and him we go I got a big God yes I do I gotta be God yes I do he's bigger than the big bill he's bigger than anything I gotta be God yes I do and it's easy for him to get the money in it's easy for him to get the money in it's easy for him to get the money in I gotta be God yes I do something muscle I'm not a singer yeah you are doesn't matter what kids in or if it's in five keys at the same time if you just kind of wander around that doesn't matter what matters is that you don't yield to depression you don't yield to fear you don't yield to hopelessness and you begin to declare the goodness of God the greatness of God the love of God the faithfulness of God David encouraged himself in the Lord he talked to himself he said so why are you cast down what do you do what are you doing waterboy come on get up get up is that right praise your God he is your help he is your health he is you're saving countenance come on praising he's brought you through a thousand times he's going to bring you through this time go ahead and praise Him most people don't do that the vast majority of Christians don't do that how about here at faith Life Church we do that we actually just do what the Bible said what what what what do you think just haul off and obey the Bible glory to God glory to God the Lord's plan under the New Covenant now one thing we're going to get into I believe is this goes along there are significant differences between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant some very big differences and we're going to get into that as we go but God's plan and will for every believer under the New Covenant is that every believer is filled and ever being filled with the holy spirit every believer is to live this life of being filled with the spirit without exception it's much misunderstood there's a lot of ignorance about there's a lot of confusion and we begin to get into some of the basics of it last time I don't want to continue from there would you go please - why don't you go to the book of acts the second chapter and I'll just review just a little bit you're going to Acts to the last time we spoke on this we took you to mark 16 where we read that one of the signs that would follow believers is that they would speak with new tongues it's one of the signs that follows who believers just put it on the screen for you stay in Acts mark 16 what is it 17 or 15 let's start with 15 - 17 going all the world preach the gospel every creature keep going he that believes and baptized to be saved he that believes not will be damned there's all that truth and what these signs to follow them that believe in my name they will cast out Devils now should every believer does ever believer whether they know it or not have authority in the name of Jesus every every belief every belief what comes next they who believers will what speak with new tongues two big things that we mentioned to you last time about speaking with other tongues number one it is for every believer I know a lot of folks don't believe it and I'm not saying when we get through that everybody in every denomination will believe it then but it's the truth I said it's the truth whether you believe it or not and you'll find that the people who don't believe it don't speak in tongues and so what do they know about speaking in tongues they don't and so you've got I don't care I'm not judging anybody because with every one of us we need to watch that we don't water down the Bible to match our lack of experience just because you're not experiencing something that you see in the Word of God do not accept some explanation why it's not for you or it's passed away or not for everybody whatever believe God say Lord elevate my experience to match your word help me come up don't try to bring the word down to you let God bring you up to the word so don't no don't don't let this entert eight you if you don't speak in tongues don't let this irritate you if you're going to say well well I have done born-again and I have the spirit I'm not saying you don't I said speaking with tongues is for every believer every believer and usual can you be saved and go to heaven without speaking in tongues absolutely but you miss out on so much absolutely give us a lie if I'm born again I have the spirit right yes in fact you're not a candidate to be filled with the spirit speaking tongues until you are born again hmm and there people have said well I have had an experience I mean the Spirit of God swept over me and I cried and I laughed and everything I'm not trying to take anything away from you but you could have spoken in tongues while that was going on yeah you could you could have been speaking in tongues for years now if you just yield it but if you don't believe it's for everybody you don't know how to yield that'll hold you out one reason I know so much about it held me out for years I was a believer I believed in being filled with the spirit my grandmother and her people were Pentecostal I knew it was real but I went years praying begging didn't receive and I couldn't easily come to the conclusion well it's not for everybody and I could have read somebody's book and accepted their explanation explaining it away thank God by His mercy I didn't he helped me hallelujah if you'll stay open and humble yourself and admit you don't know everything admit you don't know much right and ask the Lord what show me what I need to see help me bring me up he will and it can happen so quickly speaking with tongues is for every believer every believer I'm reading scriptures to you one of the signs that follow believers is that they walk speak with new tongues and first Corinthians 14 five says I would that you all spoke with tongues off all there's so many scriptures that talk about this but let's go to the book of Acts and let's look at the times people were filled and what happened with them not my theory not yours our opinion the Word of God acts 2 as we said before looking in the book of Acts for us the church should be like looking in a mirror this is a record of the beginning days of the church beginning years the same church you and I are part of saying they preach the same Jesus have the same Authority same great comission going on the world same Holy Spirit how many would agree so we got the same Holy Spirit we reading about in the book of Acts has he changed does God change if we have the same Holy Spirit the same gospel the same Jesus the same Great Commission part of the same church we should have the same experiences we should have the same things in acts 2:4 and verse 1 verse 1 I said acts 2:4 what's your lesson about verse 1 let's back up to verse 1 when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all in one Accord in one place and keep going suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting keep going there a period of them cloven tongues like his a fire and it said upon each of them now people would say well if you're going to say that everybody should speak in tongues why not say that the wind should blow every time and the and you should see fire every time - no this was the day the Holy Spirit came and you don't see that happening again when people are filled now not to say it couldn't happen just recently I heard of a situation where some people were being ministered to and wind blew in the room and the windows were all closed and people got filled with the Holy Spirit you don't want to say what the Lord can't do but you don't understand you don't see the wind and the fire the rest of every other time in the book of Acts when they were feel why what's different about this this was the day when the comforter who was sent came and the day of Pentecost had prophesized that and foretold that and notice that says when the day was fully come then he came in wind fire and he says where are we and there appeared to them cloven tongues like as the fire set upon each of them verse 4 and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance everybody read that out loud with me they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance now I mentioned to you earlier that for years I struggled about receiving I was a Christian for years as a young man who did not speak with tongues I believed in it but I kept not receiving I prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and breathe and the thing that held me up was wrong believing wrong thinking and some pride pride and ignorance but it's a bad pair ignorant of that you receive everything from God by faith and also that it's not the Holy Spirit who does the speaking read averse again verse four they were all filled with the who was filled with the Holy Spirit 120 and begin to speak who begin to speak the Holy Spirit begin to school they begin to speak who did the speaking they did as the Spirit gave them utterance he gives the utterance we do the speaking that's the thing I didn't get there I stumble over that man and some pride I told people I must have told dozen people but I'll tell you one thing if you hear if you hear me talking in tongues it won't be me that's brilliant it it won't be me what am I saying my heart was right I'm not going to be phony I'm not going to put on something well that's alright but I'm thinking wrong thinking the Holy Spirit is going to control my vocal cords and my mouth he's gonna it's going to be him speaking through me like you would speak through a microphone or a megaphone it's him speaking through me this is wrong that's not how it is I see you need some help on that first Corinthians 14 are you believing with me a lot of folks need instruction on this and there's a lot of people that are watching online there will be a lot of people that'll watch and listen to this later on so you're believing with me right now is that right and Branson you're believing with me for utterance for this to come out exactly right this is not just theory I experienced this personally and I know what helped me in 1st Corinthians 14:14 you could have stayed next to but it said if I pray and unknown is added by the translators technically it's not unknown to everybody it's unknown to the speaker if I pray in a tongue the Holy Spirit's pray hmm read the verse was it say is your spirit the Holy Spirit let me help you out no you're not the Holy Spirit if he is in you but you're not him right if I pray in an unknown tongue who's praying you are the speaking part is not supernatural you have to use your tongue your lungs your vocal cords you have to speak up to make the effort and speak exactly like you do when you're speaking English or your known language that's not the supernatural part the supernatural part is where the utterance is coming from it's not coming from your head it's not coming from something you know it's coming from the greater one who's inside you he gives the utterance we do the speaking come on sit out loud with me he gives the Atris we do the speak when I say we I'm talking about who you so sit out loud I do the speaking and what if you don't speak then you won't speak and you can pray and you can beg for years I did and be sincere you must speak hallelujah my spirit praise go back to acts 2 well I tell you for times sake going over to acts 8 Bible said in the mouth of two or three witnesses let's look at let's we're gonna look at every instance there's only like four or so that specifically talked about it do we have anything in common with the book of Acts we're part of the same church same holy spirit so how did the church get kicked off with the arrival of the Holy Spirit then what happened immediately after that they spoke with other tongues everything that you know people tend to ignore this everything that follows the rest of the book of Acts Romans Corinthians Ephesians on and on and on all of that flows out of the day of Pentecost and tongues the Corinthians are tongue talkers the church at Ephesus our tongue talkers the church at Colossae our tongue talkers there are a Philip I they're all tongue talkers and everything that happened in the church flowed out it started with that now what you'll say if you know what to look for and I recommend during this study that you take some time and read the book of Acts and look for specific things seek and you'll find you'll find what you're looking for if you're not looking for it you can go right past it not see it look for the gifts of the Spirit in the book of Acts there they're all nine of them are there and we read from my father in the faith brother Kenneth Hagin he said that in after his you know at that time it was 50-plus years of ministry he said I found in my own personal life the more I speak in tongues the more of the other gifts of the Spirit I have in my life the less I speak in tongues the less of the other manifestations I have it is the doorway the tongue is James refers to it as the bridle as the rudder we'd call it the steering wheel and it's referred to as an unruly member and if you'll yield your tongue to the Holy Spirit you've gone a long way toward yielding your life is it true because life and death is in the power of the tongue he wants to be able to lead you and guide you he wants to be able to manifest in you of the gifts of the Spirit but you can't ignore this and you skip over this if you won't yield to the speaking in tongues then you're not going to yield to the others either it's the doorway and you don't bleed that God can do something supernatural that way you won't believe see people will take first Corinthians 12 gifts of the Spirit are mentioned and they try to turn them all into something natural they say well gifts of healings that's doctors and nurses oh it's not thank God for doctors and nurses but every one of these is supernatural they say word of wisdom well let you know being wise and maybe you got a lot of education no it's got nothing to do with that word a knowledge that's knowing a lot it is not knowing a lot no it's not and so then they say tongues and interpretation that's the ability to learn other languages no it's not if one of them supernatural all of them supernatural right and like we said last time people say yeah but you know the Bible said tongues will cease so then they decide then they have and you go back and read rest of the verse it's acknowledged it's going to pass away right how you pull one of them out of the middle and say that's already happened but these other haven't happened you got your timeline all messed up there will come a time when tongues will no longer be necessary what happened at the Tower of Babel where languages were split up is going to be undone well everybody will be able to understand everybody they communicate and these won't it won't be necessary for them to be divided but right now they are are you okay acts 8 and verse 5 now this happened scholars tell us I can't tell you for sure if they're right or not but this that this happened about eight years after the day of Pentecost Philip went down to the city of Samaria preached Christ to them keep going the people with one Accord gave heed to those things which Philip spoke he hearing and seeing the miracles which he did now skip on down to verse 14 when the Apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the Word of God but you stop stop if they've been preached to they heard it they believed it they received it are they saved here they are they born again sure they are they heard the gospel they've seen miracles they've been an amazing meetings they believed it they received the Word of God they received the preaching and they received Jesus who is the word of God but they sent to them Peter and John keep going who when they were come down prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit well I thought you you got all the Holy Spirit there was when you get born again well you thought wrong you've got if you want to do a good study study on the spirit within versus the spirit upon same Holy Spirit the new birth is the spirit within and the scripture said tarry until you be endued with power from on high Jesus said he'll come on yet power will come on you and that's what happened on the day of Pentecost he came on then Jesus said already breathed on them you remember that and said receive the Holy Spirit you remember that that's before the day of Pentecost did they receive what he would he ministered to did they believe he had been raised from the dead yes that's what's required to be born again and he's also giving him the Great Commission but he said wait don't go yet until you be endued with power from on high hallelujah set out loud the spirit within the same spirit upon the spirit upon is not for the new birth the spirit upon is for power to be a witness in life hallelujah are you all okay verse 14 they sent Peter and John to him what they do when they were come down they prayed for him that they might receive the Holy Spirit why for his yet he was fallen upon what didn't say wasn't in them he had come upon none of them only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus they've heard the gospel they believed it they received the word of God they've been baptized are they saved yes so is that the end of it no they need to yield further to the same spirit they're born again of they need to yield the steering wheel of their life they need to yield by faith their tongue TBT they laid their hands on and they received not Jesus they've already believed on Jesus they received the Holy Spirit hallelujah can you say Amen verse 19 well well back up to verse 18 Simon saw that through laying on of the Apostles hands the Holy Ghost was given he offered him money what did he see what did he see that convinced them do you suppose it was something like what they saw on the day of Pentecost they were filled with the spirit and he spoke in other tongues that doesn't say specifically that they did speak in tongues but it doesn't say they didn't and we're going to see in a moment that it should be pretty obvious that they did knife chapter talking about saul 917 and a nice when his wey entered into the house putting his hands on him said brother Saul the Lord even Jesus had appeared to you in the way as you came sent me that you might receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit now as Paul born-again already at this point yes he met Jesus personally on the road to Damascus and then he said who are you lord Lord didn't know who he was but he was Lord and so on then he you know he lost his sight temporarily but then the Lord sent Ananias that he would be filled with the Holy Spirit and immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales and he received sight full width and arose and was baptized now it doesn't say in this passage that he spoke with tongues but we know he did I said how you know he did because he said in first Corinthians 14 18 I thank my god I speak with tongues more than all of you and he's talking to the Corinthian bunch that needed direction and correction on speaking in tongues at the wrong time when did he start speaking in tongues he wouldn't have been before this right it's reasonable to think he started when everybody else did Paul spoke in tongues a lot if he spoke in tongues more than that bunch he must have got up speaking in tongues went to bed speaking in tongues hallelujah go with me to the tenth chapter just got two more of these can't you got time for it then you'll have comprehensively in the book of Acts looked at these accounts it's not what you think it's not what I think was the word so what's the Spirit of God telling you about this in the tenth chapter the 44th verse Peter by supernatural experience you see the gifts of the Spirit all in this trance he saw things he heard things and he's preaching the people that his folks thought you would never preach to and so you see prejudices crumbling and falling in that great just in one fell swoop they'd figure these folks you know they deserve to go to hell but now the Lord loves them and while he's preaching the gospel to them the Holy Spirit fell on all them which heard the word now let me back up a few verses back up verse 41 he's talking about Jesus he said not to all the people but to witnesses chosen till my sin Jesus they ate and drink with him after he rose from the dead so he's talked to him about Jesus who he was what he did and he has risen from the dead how you get born again come on help me out how do you get born again you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead so at this point they have heard enough to be born again verse 42 he commanded us to preach to all the people testify that he is he which is ordained of God to be judged to quicken the dead to give all the prophets witness of who through his name whoever believes in Him shall receive remission of sins they've heard it they've heard what to do right you believe it you receive it verse 44 while Peter yet spoke these words they've heard enough to be born again now when we say that being filled with the spirit happens after you're born again don't suppose we're talking about any length of time it can be two milliseconds after you were born again come on are y'all with me while he is telling them about Jesus being raised from the dead and if you believe it and receive it you have a remission of sins obviously a lot of people believed it wrapped in where they were sitting and immediately the Holy Spirit did what not just in them on them hallelujah keep going they have the circumcision which believed were astonished why what they see as many as came with Peter because it on the Gentiles not the Gentiles yes but did somebody say thank God don't matter us on the Gentiles was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost nothing said about them getting righteous enough or getting good enough or getting their life together and it took a while when you're born again and you washed by the blood you're qualified what for they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God hallelujah so it says specifically in this text they did they spoke with tongues and they magnified God said out loud they spoke with Tom now who spoke with tongues they heard the Holy Spirit speaking with tongue know they heard them speak with tongues now we know the Spirit of God was given a mantra but it wasn't him speaking it was them speaking and him giving utterance go to the nineteenth chapter please NAT said that this is some twenty years after the day of Pentecost here in chapter 19 chapter 19 and verse 1 he came to pass that while Apollo's was at Corinth Paul having passed through the upper coast came to Ephesus now there is a book called Ephesians right our text comes from there is that right be filled with the spirit speaking this is where that church started how did it start same way the church at Jerusalem started getting filled with the spirit speaking in other tongues and when Philip mothers went out and preached same thing happened that they got born again they got filled with the spirit they spoke in tongues and they got the Cornelius and his bus they got born again they got filled with the spirit they spoke in tongues Ephesus they got born again they got filled with the spirit they spoke in tongues what's supposed to happen Sarasota huh Branson what's supposed to happen preach the gospel get born again get filled with a spin speaking times I know me is don't believe it and I feel for him because they don't know what they're missing idol God is no respecter of persons doesn't play favorites we'll talk more about that in a minute he came to pass while Apollo's was at Corinth Paul having passed through the upper Coast came to Ephesus he found certain disciples keep going he said to them have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed and they said Oh Paul don't you know when you get born again you do receive the Holy Spirit and that's all there is no said out loud everybody have you received the Holy Spirit since you believe why would you say that because in the new birth it's Jesus you receive as your Lord and your Savior and the Holy Spirit baptizes you into the body of Christ well then as soon as that happens you're supposed to receive the Holy Spirit and Jesus the head of the Church baptizes you he is the baptized in the Holy Spirit and all it's just it's exactly like the new birth is simply a matter of receiving by faith and acting by faith which in this case is speaking you believe he received and by faith you speak well let's see what happened here they said we hadn't so much as heard whether there be any Holy Spirit now he knew oh what what are you here but just what's been preached to you they said he said how were you baptized under what they said John's baptism he said oh okay all right you ain't heard about Jesus they were disciples but they were John's disciples then said paul john verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying to the people they should believe on him which had come after him that is on christ jesus what nice time with these guys they need to be born again and when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus period stop are they saved they heard the gospel they believed they're baptized are they saved yes is at the end and so it's not the end and then we need to back up because people fight this and they're confused about it people so when you get the spirit when you're born again yes you do but that's none other it is I prayed the had a glorious experience I'm glad for you but if your yield to the spirit you'll speak in tongues yes you every believer when Paul had laid his hands upon them the Holy get Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit came on them and what happened and what happened they spoke with tongues and prophesied the people say when I see there see there see there they prophesied and we know everybody's not a prophet prophesying doesn't make you a prophet there's just so much confusion about these things and first Corinthians says you may all prophesy it says the same thing about that as it says about tongues and people stopping this oh now I know that's wrong I know that's wrong everybody's not going to be predicting the future it didn't say everybody predicted in the future there's just a whole lot about prophecy you don't know the reason why you would say this like this is because it's the same flow speaking with tongues is speaking in an unknown tongue by inspiration prophecy is speaking by inspiration in an own tongue it's the same spirit it's the same flow ones in a tongue you know ones in a tongue you don't know it's the same flow if you think you can't do it your own in the book of Revelation it says the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy if I say if I pointed to you instead come up here and prophesy a lot of who could go who you told and I'm not a prophet got nothing to do with being a prophet but what if I said come up here and testify about what Jesus means to you could you do that come on don't know it's not trick question could you do that or not come up here and testify about what Jesus means to you now if you came up and you did some kind of stayed wrote things that you memorized it wouldn't be prophecy he wouldn't be anointing but if you begin to share out of your heart and utterance begin to come you're not thinking it up it's just flowing out of you while you talk that's prophecy that's simple prophecy and the effect of it is that it edifies it exerts and it comforts no foretelling no future telling it builds you up it encourages you it comforts you it's not just natural have you heard somebody testify and it was anointed hmm it was more than just them talking there would then there was an element of prophecy in it yeah inspiration speaking by inspiration Paul laid his hands on them the Holy Spirit came on them what happened what happened they needed to hear about Jesus they got baptized through what happened he laid hands on them after that the Holy Spirit came on them and what happened after that they spoke with tongues and prophesied same flow ones in a tongue you know ones in a tongue you don't know same Holy Spirit glory to God now people have taken the Bible they've made all kind of excuses they say well yeah but it's not for this and it's passed away in us all this and this all that we are the same church got the same holy spirit coming here with me or not he's doing the same kind of things if we'll you to it if we'll respond to it thanks be to God hallelujah go with me to Luke 11 please I'm not planning on keeping you a whole lot longer but let's don't rush too quick thanks be to God who gives us the victory over confusion is that right over ignorance now if you aren't here we got into some detail last time about what the Bible calls divers or different kinds of tongues and sometimes people say well look at the quoting a verse that applies to a different kind of tongue and they try to apply it to everything for instance it says you know do all have the gifts of healings are all apostles do all speak with tongues do all interpret the answers obviously no but he's talking about ministry they're signed tongues like what happened on the day of Pentecost they spoke with no interpretation but people heard them and understood them like they were speaking their language that's a sign tongue there is ministry where there could be an utterance in tongues and also it's interpreted not everybody is going to be used that same way but then that's what I'd call personal private tongues and the Bible said you can speak to yourself and to God and you build up yourself on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Spirit this is for every believer it's one of the signs that follows believers some people are concerned with what if I I don't want to get something wrong but I get some kind of wrong spirit Hey the enemy does everything you can to hold you out and keep you that's why I had you go to Luke 11 right now Luke 11 Luke 11 and verse 9 I say to you Jesus said ask and it shall be given you seek and you shall find knock and it shall be open to you for everyone that asks receives he that seeks finds to him that knocks it shall be open if the sons our last bread of any of you that's a father will they give him a stone if he ask a fish will he for a fish give him a serpent a snake if you ask for an egg will they offer him a scorpion if he asks for something good is he going to get something bad if you then being evil natural if you know how to give good gifts to your children how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him hallelujah you need have no concerns about getting something wrong you need to be born again that's it and then if you are you're ready ready to receive ready to yield I know let me share a little more detail about my own experience I my grandmother spoke in tongues my mother spoke in tongues they were I had a aunt whose Pentecostal preacher who spoke in tongues and I knew it was real and I met my grandmother you know lived it amazingly wholly good life and I knew the she had she had visions and dreams he had manifestations of the Spirit I knew it was real I knew it was real and so when I began to get a little older at this point I'm about 18 I wanted this I knew him somehow another I knew I needed it I'm beginning to sense there's a car on my life but I had no idea I'm supposed to preach I hadn't got that I just there was something something I'm dissatisfied with where I am and what I'm doing and there's something more I can just sense it in my in my heart thank God there was more but how do you find it how do you get to it I prayed the best I knew how and it just seems so shower because with your understanding how you going to pray about what you don't know about how you going to pray about the future how you going to pray about the plan to God that you don't have clue about with God give some people the ability to pray about their supernaturally but others who need it just as bad as they do he said no no let's pass the way for you that's not for everybody people have believed lies you need this somehow I knew I needed this but we'd have revivals I would go to the altar and Terry and Terry sometime for hours meant well other folks with me they they just that's all they need to and this one a month after month and year after year and then you've heard me tell about Phyllis and I got married and she's Catholic and all this was strange and new to her but she kept seeing me go down and Terry and she knew I was hurting for this and so she said well maybe maybe I'm holding him back some way you know I'll go down to the officer she went down to the altar for the nights over she's talking in tongues and I just said whoa Lord how's this got nothing to do with fair it's got nothing to do with who you folks are how you grew up come on realistic but remember what I had told you before if you hear if you hear me speaking in tongues it won't be me then we won't hear you speaking in tongues but I didn't see how badly I was missing there were times the Spirit of God had come on us presence of God would be so strong one night where Terry and I heard men were around me praying and I heard a guy fall over and hurt another guy fall over heard another guy follow another guy fall over and the presence of God was so strong I could I was draped over the altar and I couldn't raise my head this presence of God and I'm hollering Oh God give me the Holy Ghost of God please give me the Holy Ghost didn't have enough to sister he's all over me going hey I'm here hello but I keep thinking he's going to make me speak I kind of take me over and speak through me like you'd speak through a speaker on the wall that's not how it works come on did you see the Scriptures they heard them speak did you read that did you hear that who was speaking didn't say the Spirit of God was speaking people have added that they put that in there they were speaking the Holy Spirit you're giving utterance the ability to do it finally I got a hold of little book brother brother Kenneth Hagin wrote a book called seven steps to receiving the Holy Spirit I read it and at the end it said you know ask the father with this passage right here he'll give you the if you being evil know how to give good things to your children how much more your father give the Holy Spirit to them and asking asking believe you receive and then by faith speak I read it kind of shook my head and thought because they were Pentecostal it's a more experience oriented and so I thought came to man that was the Holy Spirit see he's in me already I'm born again a thought came to me and he said you've tried everything else and I had they had said to me if you'll do this you get filled with the Holy Ghost and so I did it but I didn't if you'll do this we try shave that mustache off so I did didn't help other things suggestions people meant well but and so I said father I thank you I'm I'm a child of yours I believe in you and I ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit and by faith did you hear these words by faith I believe I receive him if you keep waiting on him to do it you're gonna miss out so he's already come he's already here by faith speak and so it said speak he said in the book now you got to speak polar free and sketchy fear no no none I can't be that easy to see what sister so-and-so got filled she saw a bright light and then brother saw so got filled he fell under the power and rolled under the bench was there for 30 minutes and and you may have an experience but you're not told that you will have it what you do see is you'll speak in tongues but then thank God he was in me he brought it back up to me look brother Hagin put his book he said you won't the scriptures as when you speak in tongues no man understands him you're not qualified these are my words now you're not qualified to know whether you're speaking in a proper language talks about the tongues languages of men and of angels their language is on the earth if you heard them you think that's not a language but it is and what our what our angelic tongues sound like you have no clue so you're not qualified to judge it and see if it sounds right to you or not don't listen to it don't analyze it the key is by faith speak and if you'll do it so it came back to me I'm standing there in our little mobile home by myself and the thought came to me again you've done everything else yes nobody's around nobody hear me I started again and the prayed in spirit and prayed in the spirit and the more I did but it was and the longer I did stronger God Oh hallelujah and that night I prayed some more spoke some more and spoke some more and that's been decades ago and I'm still speaking hallelujah hallelujah I spoke in tongues for hours today it's a way of life hallelujah and while you're doing you begin to touch on things you'll begin to see things you begin to get things it's the key it's the doorway to the rest of the gifts of the Spirit word of knowledge word of wisdom discerning the spirits come on real with me it's the key but if you won't yield this then you're not you're not likely to yield to the other it goes together same Holy Spirit different manifestations just one self same Holy Spirit if you're in here tonight and you have not been speaking in tongues ever I want you to stand up right now get down here to the front I'm gonna pray for you if you've been here in here tonight everybody stand if you're in here tonight and it's been a long time since you've spoken in tongues come on come to the front I'm gonna pray for you Holy Spirit's going to come on you and we're going to speak in tongues tonight they're in Branson same thing if you've never spoken in tongues but you believe this get out of your chair come down to the front come on it's time to move don't be waiting don't be wondering believe in receive doubt and do it out when I spoke in tongues that day I look back and thought dummy dummy you could have been doing this for years for years you could have been doing this hallelujah don't don't be embarrassed no friend if you've never spoken in tongues this is your opportunity right now or if it's been a long time if whatever reason you just hadn't been speaking go ahead guys play thank you Father let's say healed yourself here step out [Music] come down to be filled with the spirit hallelujah be my god hey man we're gonna we're gonna speak again and when we do if you're watching online no matter where you are we've gotten reports of people that were watching on a device and a cybercafe with other people around and they got filled with the Holy Spirit spoke in tongues right there in the cafe the Holy Spirit's everywhere and we're not waiting on him he's here it's just a matter of receiving and yielding to yield means to act on the promptings and urges of the Holy Spirit are you ready who's this far thanks who's this every every belief hallelujah thank you lord let's lift up your hand say thank you long the Holy Spirit indwells me empowers me and gives me utterance in a new tongue and by faith I speak go right ahead over the Monday Moshe Sheikh Hasina Montevallo G event niyama also call via air B&O Cecilia I'm dak show Jean a mellow fellow I'm break Sandow hello Jean Nouvel Oh Sato Nando Jean and miletto from coming in as you move yellow sci-fi Yoshi Tyra go so DG hallelujah the Spirit of God through Paul said I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding also I will sing with the spirit and i will sing with the understanding also so you can do one as well as the other and when you will hallelujah I had a lady one time got got upset about that statement she said no no no no no now you cannot turn the Holy Ghost off and on you can't just turn the Holy Spirit on and off when you want to and it just came out out of my spirit I said no he's always on he's always home he never leaves you he never forsakes you and any time you will yield to him he's that he'll give you a dress do you believe it says so once again lift your voice this time sing in the spirit come on don't be bashful speak read out loud sing run out like oh so Natha German and cozy man able narrow can defy a soul Chanel or go Taillow never tell I said orange or red yo Rachel hallelujah the more you do this the better off you'll be you build yourself up you're proud divine secrets and mysteries hallelujah you pray out the perfect will of God talk about a good deal nobody should miss out on this
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 3,898
Rating: 4.9506173 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, faith, love, Jesus, God
Id: cw_G9p7mEWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 32sec (4172 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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