GOD'S WILL IS SUCCESS: Doctrines Of Demons (Part 2) (July 1, 2018) Keith Moore

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last week we begin on a new series in the churches and on us to go to it two verses that we looked at again in the third epistle of john third john if you would if you don't know where that is go to the very back of the book start backing up you'll see revelation will just keep backing up and you'll find pretty quickly third john we're calling this thus far and this title is subject to change God's will is success God's will is success in third John to anybody have it third John - it says beloved I wish or the translations say pray or desire above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers the Wiest translation says it like this beloved in all things I'm praying that you'll be prospering that you'll be continually having good health just as your soul is prospered 3rd John 2 this we believe is inspired Word of God don't we if it is then it's not just something that was appropriate for one person at one time RS it shouldn't be in here if it is the inspired Word of God it's God talking to us God's Word reveals his unchanging will for all men so can we take this as God speaking to us is it his will that we prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers I don't think anybody would dispute that he wants your soul to prosper well why would the other be not applicable he's talking about prosperity inside and out right not only your soul prospering but also your body and your finances hmm now this is something that is a very contentious topic isn't it I kind of response that time there yeah well and for four decades now I have pondered why it's such a sore subject with so many a lot of it just doesn't make sense how adamant in how judgmental people are about this subject but the more I get into it the more I see why there are reasons why now we we have a choice in what we believe they're baits basically two sources for your beliefs what God has said and what men come up with and you may like to think well yeah my all my believing is totally what God said based that's nice to think that but is it true have you examined it do you examine I know when I first went to Bible School years ago first couple of months I was there I was hearing a lot of things and learning a lot of things and the the Lord challenged me I don't mean I heard a voice outwardly but inside very distinctly he said Keith examine everything you believe and find it in the scriptures every time you realize yeah I believe that then where where is it where is it and of course if it's really true if it's really right it'll be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses scriptures and so I begin to do that that's not something that come up and I think well yeah I believe that I've always believed that you know mom and daddy Grandma and Grandpa I always believed that and though it said fine where is it where's it at and so I'd make a note okay when I get time I'm going to look that up so maybe later that evening I look and I was surprised because the thing after thing I couldn't find in fact I found scripture that contradicted some things that I had believed all my life within you're faced with the choice right are you going to cling to a belief that has no basis in Scripture or that's even contradicted by Scripture or are you going to let the word change you are we going to try to modify the word to match us or are we going to let the word change us let the Spirit of God change us not be conformed to this unbelieving world would be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we can prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God the Bible says in Ephesians don't be unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is many believe you can't really know the will of God that's a lie the Lord expects us to know his will that's one reason he gave us this book and he even gave us the author of the book to live inside us to reveal it to us is that God's will for us to prosper hey what do you think well let's let's get some more scripture on the subject some 35 and we went over this last time but I'm gonna go over it again some 35 27 some 35 27 says let them shout for joy and be glad that favor my righteous cause yay let them say continually let the Lord be magnified which has pleasure in the poverty of his servant huh let the Lord be magnified which has pleasure in the poverty of his servant are you sure especially ministers right God's ministers not having anything pleases him it's a sign of consecration right are you sure huh one moment one of my doing this much of the church world believes God takes pleasure in the poverty of his surface they do if you don't believe it you're in the minority of the church-going world people believe that if you're really consecrated holy man or woman especially anything to do with the ministry then you're not going to have much or anything why would you do that unless it please God right we need to quit playing with this if poverty pleases God let's do it right let's quit quit playing around with it and let's get rid of everything and let's please God but if prosperity pleases it let's quit playing with that come on and let's quit entertaining this stuff that somehow another us being in LAC and broke is the holy thing or a sanctified thing if it doesn't please God what good is being broke come on gonna lose some money if if it doesn't please God if it doesn't help somebody how does it help you for me to be broke hmm how does it help me for you to be broke how does it help the church how does it help preach the gospel does it please God millions believe it does millions millions of church-going people believe that if you get serious about God you divulge yourself of all material things and I'm going to talk to you if you got time about why they believe that and where this got started where's where's it come from why but first of all let's read the scripture let the Lord be magnified which what has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant are you his servant yeah you're his child but you can also serve him can't you does he take pleasure in you prosperous he'd be out of harmony out of keeping with all of natural Parenthood if he didn't hmm none of you who have children or grandchildren does it please you when your child is sick and hurting and in pain and incapacitated not a one none of you does it please you when your child is in lack loses their place to live their car gets repossessed loses their job winds up on the street don't have enough to eat there's not a father there's not a mother anywhere that that pleases them that poverty of their child pleases them they're pleased when their child does well right they'd like to see them rake it in and my writer they'd like to see how's your boy doing all he's doing good he's doing good what does that mean money's coming money's rolling in and you don't turn to him and go you wicked thing you wicked wicked thing so what happened I mean that sounds normal and right to us but when people talk about God to go yeah but now God he don't like it when you make much money mm-hmm well then he's out of keeping with other folks other mothers nope what's the truth am i reading the Bible am I reading the Bible he's said out loud the Lord my father takes pleasure in my prosperity what won't you make God happy and let him bless you let let him prosper you make God happy he's he's a daddy make you daddy happy so when somebody asks the father if one of the angel says how's your boy doing how's your girl doing he's doing good he's doing well and he desires above all things that we prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers man that was worth you combing your hand coming out this morning is that right coming out this morning because the world the ungodly world and the confused church is continuously trying to push something else off on you contrary to this Psalm 112 man I could use an extra hour this morning someone twelve verse one someone 12:1 says praise ye the Lord blessed is the man that fears that reverences and honors the Lord that delights greatly in His commandments is that you do you praise the Lord do you reverence and respect the Lord they delight greatly in what he tells you to do and in all of his word didn't look what's what belongs to you verse 2 his seed will be mighty on the earth the generation of the upright shall be blessed verse 3 wealth and riches he'll have to get rid of because he's a spiritual man or she's a spiritual woman and you know you can't serve God with all them riches sit out loud wealth and riches shall be in his house so he's got a house he's got a house and he's got some nice stuff in the house if we had if we could get today to come to church and and testify for us Abraham Moses Joseph David Solomon do you think any one of them you could convince God won't you pour what do you think you think you can convince Abraham that it pleases God for you to be poor they knew a God who made them rich gave them too many cows is that right there's so many cows and have enough grass to feed them all is that right too many goats too many sheep they knew a God who gave him overflowing abundance and the word that he told them revealed to them prosperity and abundance was a blessing if you'd obey God and follow God all the way you'd be prosperous and be blessed and be protected they they heard the word of God that revealed that poverty was a curse poverty was the curse when did all that change when did prosperity stop being a blessing and become something you needed to get rid of when did poverty stop being a curse and become a blessing in disguise and the disguise is a real disguise poverty nor sickness are blessings in disguise or otherwise they are curse they're not a blessing all of us have experienced some of it but we also have not served God perfectly in our life our followed him fully are believed to the foolish degree but we can I said we can but don't change the Scriptures don't change the word to try to match our lack of experience try to water down the will of God let's believe God and let the word elevate elevate our life to match this said again goddess please please please with my prosperity and notice what he said wealth and riches will be in his house and among other things verse 9 says he disperses he gives to the poor his righteousness endures forever verse 10 the wicked will see it and be grieved he'll Nash with his teeth and melt away why does the prosperity of the righteous so vex the wicked because it does I'm reading Scripture the wicked will see it say what wealth and riches in his house and we'll go no no why why I'm gonna skip ahead a little bit and then I'm gonna come back and talk about this some more let me give you some reasons why 2nd Corinthians 4:4 caused the devil the god of this world and in this world money is influence money is power the devil wants it all he wants all the money all the influence all the power and he wants you to have none no influence he wants you respects if you're gonna tell the truth if you're gonna testify about Jesus if you're gonna quote scriptures you've already missed the devil's perfect will for your life which was to live for him and go to hell you have already missed the devil's perfect will somebody say glory to God so the devil's acceptable will now if he can't get if he couldn't get you the other way his acceptable will is for you to go to heaven now get out of here don't tell anybody about Jesus and the last thing he wants is a man or woman of God who loves God with all of their heart who's full of the wisdom and revelation of God's goodness whom God is healed and sustaining their body and blesses them with finances and provision and ability because you stand out like a light come on are you with me and the Bible said the goodness of God draws men to Reformation to repentance to che not how bad a shape we're in it's when people see his goodness in our lives on our lives and so that's that's why the devil fights this so hard he does not want people to see the goodness of God in your life because it'll draw them to him not to you to him and he wants God to be misrepresented and he wants the church to be despised and he wants you to be despised he wants you to appear to be so sick so broke so defeated so depressed and down and disgusted that nobody wants to be like you come on did you hear this he wants you to be despised and unbelievers despised poverty unbelievers want to make money lots of it and get everything they want and so if they believe that becoming a Christian means basically taking the vile poverty they'll despise it come on can you see this now there's another side to this and I'm gonna get to it if you're hold on not today I don't think but there's another side of this God's not opposed to us being prosperous and blessed he is opposed to us being covetous money's not the problem the love of it yes we're going we're going to delve into this we're gonna get into this in detail but right now we're talking about this part it is God's will for you to be filled filled with every good thing in your spirit and your soul and your mind filled with health and strength and filled with some money and stuff I know some folks don't like it but they just gonna have to get over because we are not changing him because we were reading scriptures here no verse first Timothy 6:12 says charge them that are rich in this world that there be not high-minded nor trust in uncertain riches but trust in the Living God 1st Timothy 6:17 I said the wrong thing 1st Timothy 6:17 trust in the Living God who gives us richly all things to enjoy I heard her I read actually many many years back a story of missionary told he was missionary in the South Pacific this was back before airplanes they went by ship and there was no electricity and none of these things and and he was the lover of ice cream and of course he had no ice cream in the South Pacific nerd no electricity there's no refrigeration there's no ice anywhere to be found and so he managed on a ship to get so you know back in those days they'd have giant blocks of ice and before the refrigerator there was the icebox and you'd put a big cube ice in there and keep stuff cold well they did that on the ship they brought back some ice cream and he course it ain't gonna last long but he lined up everybody in the village to come get some ice cream he's so excited about it so he's standing there himself dip in the ice cream dipped in the ice cream and one of the ladies that was one of the most faithful women in the church she came up he put a scoop on him and she she tasted it and she first ice cream she's ever had she looked at him she looked at it she stood on the ground he said dear sister she said anything taste that good have to be a sin have to be a sin why do people assume if it's nice if it's expensive if it's special it's wrong it's a sin for would you get that why would you get there people say well you know money is the root of all evils no no no that's not what the scripture said money is just money it's not a person has no character money just enabled you to do and express what you are if you're a bad person and you got a little money you can do a little bit of bad stuff if you're a bad person you got a lot of money you can do a lot of bad stuff but if you're a good person and you got a little money you can do a little good stuff but if you're a good person and you got a lot of money you can do a lot of good stuff can't you yes you can yes you can yes you can say it again my father takes pleasure in my prosperity hallelujah hallelujah go with me please to the book of Mark mark chapter seven mark 7 and verse 6 Jesus said to them well has Isaiah prophesied of you hypocrites let's just up her here what is a hypocrite what is hypocrisy hypocrisy is saying you believe one thing and doing another right telling other people what they should do and you don't do what you're saying they should do hypocrisy is deception it is lies it's inconsistency he said this people honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me how many know where it comes to God you can talk a good talk but that doesn't mean your hearts right you can learn the lingo the religious jargon but that doesn't mean that you know God verse 7 howbeit in vain do they worship Me now that's a giant statement here's people worshiping God but it is good for absolutely nothing vain means good for nothing means no result are there people who worship God and it amounts to nothing and it's good for nothing in vain do they worship me and here's what makes it vain teaching for doctrines the commandments of men they teach like it's the Bible it's like it's God but it's not God if something men came up with the house the only way you'd know the difference because you read your chapters is that right every day Monday through Friday is that right so you don't get played for a fool right and whether it's me preaching or anybody else preaching on TV or radio or Internet or anybody's book you're checking it out you got the key you got the book here I know you listen but you go Hong Kong no now I just no no no no I'm not finding that anywhere in here right someone to shut you off you better I said you better yes so many Christians so ignorant of the word never read the word never have never take any time and they're just like little baby birds when anybody comes to preach anything they look and they just swallow it hook line and sinker like it's gospel don't even check it out I just trust the man I got it you're not supposed to I is a preacher I can say it right you are not supposed to blindly just believe everything I say or anybody says you've got the great teacher lives on the inside of you come on is that right the master teacher and if he teach you if you get something through my ministry you got it through him through me come on can you see that and you listening to him and one thing about him he offered this book is that right so he knows what's in the book and any time he's teaching you it's going to be 100 percent in line with this but there are millions who believe things and they worship God based on these things and their worship is utterly useless because it is entirely the fabrication of men and just because it's old doesn't make it right masu yeah but this doctrines been around for a thousand years well this has been around longer than that hmm and if it was wrong a thousand years ago guess what still wrong no matter how venerated you treat it how nice the books are that describe it how many letters of degrees the men's women's name have that expound it it's still wrong because this is right I said this is right he said verse nine mark seven and nine he said to them full well you reject the commandment of God in order to do what that you may keep your own tradition verse thirteen verse thirteen making the Word of God of none effect because of what through your tradition that notice two things they rejected the Word of God in order to defend their tradition and so their tradition which is man-made has rendered in their life the Word of God with no effect the Word of God has no effect on them no produces no results in their life because they don't receive it because it didn't agree with their tradition I'm not some years ago I was preaching some things and after service a woman came up you could tell she was upset and she said no no no no I said what she said no what you were saying and she said because it's just like the song says I said - what she said it's like the song says she's quoting to me the second or third verse of an unbelieving song that she's saying as a child and even those several verses I've quoted to her predict that to her the song is the authority and we might laugh at that but have you done the same thing have I done the same thing or y'all are quiet now huh should we examine everything we believe right don't don't think you are immune from traditional influence do not think so you'd be you'd be foolish all of us came up with some kind of traditions and with traditional beliefs what are they based on where'd they come from where did they get started who started them and just because you observed them in church doesn't mean they came from God verse 9 let's read it again jesus said he's the head of the church he said full well you reject the commandment of God that you may keep your own tradition which is more important tradition or the Word of God come on help men we know the right answer verse 13 making the Word of God of none effect to your traditions go to Colossians the 2nd chapter please Colossians 2 Colossians 2 verse 6 I'm reading the NIV Colossians 2:6 says so then just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord continue to live in him rooted and built up in him strengthened in the faith as you were taught overflowing with thankfulness verse 8 see to it that no one takes you captive through Hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ he said watch out for it verse 18 do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize you'll also find that some of these doctrines that people are so big on somebody got a revelation from an angel even centuries ago but the Bible said Satan himself is transformed as an angel of light when his favorite things to do is to try to pass himself off as a Messenger of God such a person goes into great detail about what he's seen and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions verse 22 verse 22 these are all destined of perish with use because they're based on human commands and teachings human teachings such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom with their self-imposed worship their false humility their harsh treatment of the body but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence there are things that men have come up with that are restrictive but they are that way because it gives the individual something to boast of it's a false a fake phony humility there by listening most of the church world believes that preachers shouldn't have much I read after guy recently he was saying no pastor should make over fifty thousand dollars a year he was real at him in about old man he felt quite strongly about why 50 why not 35 right I mean if smaller is good smaller than that should be even better right one up and actually I read after some other folks and they said of course you know that ministers should take a vow of poverty and may and may be receive what they call a stipend from the church of maybe a hundred dollars a month because you know then you could be you know you can eat in the churches providing meals and that kind of thing but maybe you could go out to eat once a month or you could buy a little present for somebody for their birthday or something but basically you should you're not supposed to have anything where'd that come from is that Scripture do you find that in the Bible does that please God where did that come from where did get started what how notice a notice another doctrine that goes right along with this also you know many groups and denominations they believe pastors shouldn't marry right absolutely not and the Catholic Church requires that their their priests not married but they also believe and I got nothing against the Catholic Church now I'm just I'm not where things came from because this even though we're not a Catholic Church this affects pretty much every church because of the history going back so far the influences are there the Catholic Church considers Peter to be the first pope oh yeah I didn't say he was I said they consider him to be the first pope he was married yes or no huh solution how do you know because because I got a book I got a book it hit tell are we going to be alright Matthew 8 Matthew 8:14 they'll put it on the screen for us Matthew 8:14 when Jesus was coming to Peter's house whoa whoa whoa the the first pope on the house it was his house is that right Jesus came into Peter's house he saw his what wife mother the first pope was married had a wife had a house true or not and if you if you read something which I did I read up on a little bit it was some 1000 years after the beginning of the church that the Council of men decided that ministers should not be married because if you read the scripture not not just Peter numerous of the Apostles hmm the prophets right married landowners had wealth huh well who who wouldn't want godly men and women to marry and have godly offspring and be the devil he was the ungodly to multiply take over everything right who would want godly men and women so impoverished that nobody wants to be one how do young men sit across the desk from me years ago his father was a minister he had a call on his life I was trying to talk to him about it he looked at me sternly and said I'm not living like my daddy did I want to have something in this life and he was refusing the call of God because he believed you had to be broke and you had to struggle all your life he believed a lie I said he believed a lie because the Lord didn't tell him at the scriptures didn't tell him that Abraham Isaac Jacob didn't tell him that come on can you see that where did we get it where did we get this stuff traditions of men have made the Word of God of no effect in millions of church-going people's lives are y'all okay go to first Timothy three I got a little bit more well I got a lot more but for today yeah a little bit more first Timothy 3 verse 1 this is the true say if a man desire the office of a bishop he desires a good work a bishop then must be blameless celibate no husband yes it's miss a husband who came up with the idea that bishops and ministers and priests should all should be celibate vigilant sober of good behavior given to hospitality how many understand you need some money need some stuff if you're gonna be hospitable you're gonna invite people over to your house you could need a house right you're gonna find a lot of people over need a big house is that right if you're gonna throw in a big meal you need some monies is that right if you're gonna do it up right given to hospitality apt to teach not given to wine no striker not greedy of filthy lucre now that's the love of money not a lover of money the NIV says but patient not a brawler not covetous one that rules well his own house having his children in subjection with all gravity so he's got a house got a wife got kids got stuff skip down over to the fourth chapter this flows this wasn't written in chapter and verse so chapter 4 verse 1 this all flows together the spirit speaks expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and what doctrines of devils are actually the word is demons doctrines of demons there's not a period there semicolon doctrines of demons and the first one he mentions is what was speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron verse 3 forbidding to marry is a doctrine of demons but tradition is so ingrained in people that many will reject the Word of God instead of get rid of their their tradition why am i bringing this up to you because priests the pastor should be celibate is a companion doctrine with the priest should be broke take a vow of poverty they go together can you see this friends if this one forbidding to marry is a doctrine of demons wonderful the other one came from we don't misunderstand me there are preachers that are crooks liars thieves take up an offering for one thing and pocket it steal it but if you'll pay attention to the Spirit of God he'll let you know that and you need to stay away from that don't invest in that but that doesn't mean everybody's a crook oh did I lose some money all preachers are not crooks they're crooks in every profession but see there's a lot of people they think we believe like they believe we're just crooks that really in my heart I know as a preacher I shouldn't be broke probably not even married but I'm a crook so that's what they say but that's not true the truth is they're trying to push their belief off on me I don't believe this coming out with me or not I don't believe it's wrong for me to be married to this wonderful woman hmm woman of God we're a team in the ministry it's nothing wrong it's not wrong for us to have abundance to do everything that we need to do and be able to give to other people give strong into the ministry come on do y'all see this I had we had the celebration Sunday while back up in Branson I had more than one little boy more than one come up to me I've had this during all the false thing to the false social more than one in fall social come to me dressed up in a suit with a Bible hit me they want me no do you know what I am you know what what I am I said are you a preacher you me mm-hmm yep yep should we have our young children at least some of them wanting to be men of God women of God preachers teachers should they despise it thinking you have to be broke the rest of your life and there's no honor in it and there's no respect in it or should they see it as one of the most successful things they could be and one of the most honorable things they could be we don't accept this unscriptural traditional belief that people are trying to push off on us we reject it communing with me enough we rejected God is not pleased in the poverty and lack and failure of his servants he is pleased he is pleased with the prosperity no he's not pleased with us running after money and money hungry and covetous we're gonna talk about that but he is pleased with god-given abundance he is pleased with having more than enough to do everything that he calls us to do he wants his blessing financial and material included to be seen on us until others outside the church see how good god is come on in are with me others see the goodness of God he wants to see outside world to see victory in our lives until other people want to be like us they want to be a believer they want to be delivered forgiven holy spirit filled body healed plenty of money good house and car come on are y'all with me blessed Manor God of course knowing that any of the stuff that he's given us will liquidate it just like that put it in the kingdom will show it come on are y'all with me he don't own us we have it but it doesn't change the fact God wants us to have it glory to God stand on your feet everybody
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 7,103
Rating: 4.8608694 out of 5
Keywords: Keith Moore, love, peace, joy, faith
Id: kLHs4s56rZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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