"Benefits Of Waiting On God" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Powerful Word, WOW)

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praise the Lord this is the day that the Lord is made and we are rejoicing and we're glad about it thank you for joining us today wherever you are in the world I give God a shout out every week for all of you who join us where ever you join us in the world I want to want you to grab your Bibles and we're going to be ministering today from a topic dear to my heart which is the benefits of waiting on God of how to patiently wait on God psalm 40 talks about patiently waiting on the Lord and the benefits of it grab your Bibles I believe it is a word that will encourage you and help you through whatever you're going through this day I believe it's a word for you god bless you [Music] hallelujah father we honor you who we worship you we adore you Lord we praise you for your loving kindness and your mercies thank you for waking us up thank you for keeping us all week long thank you Father for all that you have done we give you the praise and the glory and the things we come this afternoon God praying at your perfect will would be done in the lives of your sons and daughters we pray in aniseed for the person whose hand we hold we call their name out before your altar and ask you to step into the domain of their circumstance work a miracle in their life break strongholds give deliverance and healing and miracles and finances and whatever they need or granted in Jesus name in the mighty name of the Lord we pray not only for the persons whose hands we hold but collectively we pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who may not be with us physically in this building but they joined us through the internet through television and radio and other technology God we pray that you transcend space and location and minister to them we dedicate this time to you to get today and I'm praying father somebody we could save today somebody would accept Jesus get forgiveness today somebody would be redeemed today I'm praying today God that somebody be restored whose drifted away rededicate praying for somebody who has doubts that they would get assurance and somebody who's uncommitted and unconnected and not covered would get covered today that you father by the pavia mite would do a supernatural thing and plant them and fill them all in Jesus name now anoint us to be your mouthpiece God I'll say whatever you tell me to say and do whatever you tell me to do and let your name get the glory we give the glory to Jesus we give the praise to his name in Jesus name we pray amen amen and [Applause] [Music] grab your Bibles and open them to Psalm 40 Psalm 40 say Amen when you got it I want to read beginning at verse number one I waited patiently for the Lord and he inclined he inclined at me and heard my cry and he brought me up out of a horrible pit out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock and established my steps he put a new song in my mouth praise our God many will see it in fear and will trust in the Lord blessed is that man who makes the Lord his trust and does not respect the proud nor such as turn aside to lies many Oh Lord my god are your wonderful works which you have done and your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to you in order if I would declare and speak of them they are more than can be numbered amen I want to talk about the benefits of patiently waiting the benefits you can be seen it's about 104 hang with me for 25 minutes or so I want to talk about this psalm of David David writes a reflection he's reflecting this Psalm is a reflection of his journeying it is a a rehashing of what he's gone through he's gone through quite a bit a lot of challenges trial after trial rejection after rejection problem after problem he's gone through so many things and he has concluded and drawn a conclusion of what he has done and he he says I waited patiently for the Lord I waited and that's that's a significant statement he wants us to learn something and get this and our hearts and minds because it's needed this description was written and recorded for for us today because we live in the midst of an impatient society Amen people are unwilling to be patient we want what we want and we want it now this is a microwave get it now claim it now get it quick culture that does not know that there are benefits to waiting on God many people get tired of waiting for God to change their situation they begin to take they make the mistake of beginning to take matters into their own hands I want y'all to hear me for a few moments today I'll be finished I promise when I get done yeah I love the 12 o'clock because I don't get finished til I am done unlike the earlier services I have to finish when the clock tells me time is up so I'm a y'all hang with me I'm gonna preach until I get it all out of me because I need to talk to some people who are frustrated with life who are frustrated with the circumstances that they're in who are mad and angry and and upset because God's not moving as quickly as they want God to move they want God to hurry up and change things a lady came to me after one of our services they she said I've been I've been going through what I'm going through for two years I said Wow I'll hold two years to myself I said I think about Abraham who prayed to God for a son got a word from God that he would be the father of a great nation and he waited 25 years to see it come to pass we don't live in a culture that they where people are willing to be patient and wait on God to work in his timeframe God has a reason and when he doesn't move as quickly as you want him to move there's a reason why God doesn't move as rapidly as you want him to move there's a there's a reason there's a purpose behind it and-and-and-and david says in this 40th psalm he says i wated matter of fact he says i'm not only waiting but i waited patiently for the Lord as a matter of fact when he uses this term when he says I waited patiently for the Lord it in it is in fact one Hebrew word that takes two English words to explain it there's one Hebrew word it takes two English words waiting patiently to describe it and here's what it means patiently I waited patiently means this it means I am in a position of hope and expectations I've got something that I'm looking and wanting God to do for me and I am in a posture of expectation and hope and I'm looking for God to work it out and and while I'm looking for him to work it out I'm committed to staying bound and connected to God and to follow his ways rather than to do it mouth I know I wouldn't get too many amens on that from from this crowd right here cuz y'all this is the microwave you've got to have it right now crowd this is this is at 8 o'clock they shout it just on that right here they shout it right at this point right here cuz they're seasoned and older and they've experienced God and they've gone through the journey and they recognize that God is worth waiting for but there is a generation that needs to be taught and reminded and instructed that that waiting on the Lord is a good thing and and and keeping that hope and keeping that expectation and looking for God to work it and staying bound and connect it to him and in other words not backslide not sliding into your own way not taking matters into your own hands because that's what most people do when they're waiting and God doesn't move quick enough they take matters into their own hands and that makes your situation even worse than it already was waiting patiently means that I'm gonna have an attitude of hope and expectation I'm determined to stay connected to the Lord I'm not going back slide I'm not gonna get tired of waiting I'm not gonna cut Scott out I'm not gonna walk away I'm not gonna quit I'm not gonna get weary I'm not gonna get frustrated I'm just gonna sit right here cuz I'm expecting God to move I'm expecting God to do something I'm not going to quit I'm expecting him to work it out and and so my assignment today is to tell you why you should wait this is my whole message today is to tell you whatever you're going through why you should wait on the Lord and not get frustrated and quit I need to tell you somebody look at your neighbor say he need today you need today you need to matter fact I'm going to tell you tell her I'm going to tell you I'm going to tell you why here's why it says right here he says I waited patiently for the Lord then it gives us that semicolon there and it says here's number one and he inclined to me and heard my cry [Music] amen back at you thank you that one name in there that's my first point he will incline in here did y'all see do you see there I he he inclined to me and heard my cry he he he he made a strategic move and and here's what the word incline means his with incline means it means he turned aside in your direction you know y'all y'all y'all ain't got it he heard your prayer and he heard your cry and he he looked in your direction and he stretched and bent over let me put it in this one in these words he's leaning in your direction somebody say he leaning in my direction I thought he had forgotten about me I thought he had forsaken me I thought he had walked on by I thought he missed me but the record here says I waited on him and because I waited and stuck with him and didn't quit and didn't cuss him out and didn't walk away and because I stay connected to him he turned in that's enough to shut about right there that out of all of the millions and zillions of people in the world we serve a God who leans in your direction that's to me that's just enough I can in the end the message right there to know that we serve a god and you all have to notice you got to know that we serve a God that when you put yourself in the posture of anticipation and expectation and you stay connected to him see I'm running ahead of myself let me let me back up because being bound to him being when you're patiently waiting on the Lord here's what it means it means that you don't stick with God and do it his way and not do what your flesh wants to do and and in the text says I love this right here here incline to me y'all missed it he said he inclined to me personally he inclined to me and heard my cry oh my gosh he heard somebody say he heard he's listening he perceived he paid attention to he gave attention to my crying I think this is important I got to spend a moment talking about this cuz somebody might mistake what cry means crime doesn't mean he's responded to your emotions that's not what the word cry means and I need to talk about that because some of y'all are crybabies look at your need to stop being a crybaby tell them grow up stop crying all the time God God God doesn't respond because of your emotions and what a lot of people do is they let their emotions call the shots you let your emotions drive you to respond your your emotions got you doing things and jumping out there and and acting crazy and doing this crazy stuff and running and getting in front of God God might not move as quickly as you want to he doesn't move until the time is right until everything has lined up until everything is in order and don't you know that he's orchestrating everything right now so that when the right time comes he can bust a move in your favor that's what you got with patient being patient mean it means patiently waiting means I'm recognizing that right now is not my time it's not time yet for my thing to hop it and so I'm waiting on the Lord because right now he's moving things and shifting and orchestrating and he's moving dis here and he's firing that person and moving that person and he's moving this in that direction and at my right time in season everything is gonna line up and everything is gonna be in order and everything is always in the right place and right time he's gonna move and make a move for me Who am i preaching to today somebody HiFi your neighbor and say hallelujah that's where I received that stop crying stop complaining wipe the tears away it's not your tears that made God move it's that you made an appeal to him you cried you prayed to him you had an expectation it's your faith that moves God it's your anticipation that he can work a miracle I don't know who I'm talking to it's your belief that he's going to work it out [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's not your complaining not your crime not your moping natural depression it's your appeal and your appeal is connected to your anticipation that causes him to lean I wish I had some people who who understood the magnitude of the god of the universe who made the heavens and earth leaning in my direction I can't get no help up in here I'm trying to find somebody who believes with me that he's a lean in God in our direction so that's that's that's that's the first thing is it's number one he's he will incline and hear your cry here's the second thing verse two says he also brought me up out of a horrible pit [Applause] somebody say a horrible pit out of the miry clay set my feet upon a rock and established my steps that's that just verse two enough that's the that's a message all by itself - and I called him point - he'll bring you up to set you up somebody here today is in is in a horrible pit somebody here is in my reclaim what does that mean when you're in a horrible pit it means you're in a dungeon you're in a hole you're in a prison you've crashed landed you are in a place of destruction you're in a horrible pit and you're in my reclaim that means you're in a sticky place here's what they both mean you're in a place that you cannot get yourself out of you're in a situation that's beyond your ability to do anything about matter of fact if the truth be told some of y'all have already been delivered from a horrible pit y'all might not want to admit it but if the truth be told we have been in situations so bad that we couldn't testify about it anybody here ever been in a situation that you know God and only God brought you out of it but you can't tell nobody is so bad it was so ugly it was so nasty that you couldn't even tell anybody what he brought you out of you ought to go ahead and give him praise and say God I thank you I thank you for opening the door I thank you for getting me out of that pit I thank you for loosing me from this roaring clay I was slipping and sliding this clay was all around me I tried to get out but I couldn't get out matter of fact when he will bring you up and set you up he brings you out of it and sets this is what it says and set my feet upon a rock that means that we're set means it is a word that means in a powerful way he or he were you rose you up and set your feet that word feet means your path or your walk oh I feel a shout coming on me that he got me up out of where I was and directed my path on a solid rock that's a strong place and directed my steps that's what it says right here yes stablish my steps I was in a place I couldn't get out of didn't know where to go out how to get out of it but he lifted me up and brought me out and set my feet and put me in the direction I needed to be in and I couldn't have done it by myself he did it for me somebody give God a shot he got me up on this thing he set my feet on smiling rockin his sadness my going bless the name of the Lord I feel like giving him a shout right now I've got direction I got purpose I got an assignment I want solid ground [Music] [Applause] now sometimes the 12 o'clock crowd gets on my nerves sometimes not all the time sometimes sometimes y'all act like y'all don't know what I'm talkin about and you make me have to break it down for you I got to remind you that you ain't been sober all your life I got to remind you of the days you got so hot as you leave know how you got home go ahead look straight ahead nobody'll know I'm talking about you I got to remind you that you than slept with so many people you should have had gonorrhea syphilis HIV you should have had everything but you better give him praise and he's set your feet he brought you a paella you udin been through so much he's set your feet on assault and establish y'all going God get that God himself only God could have brought you a bother [Music] hallelujah bless the name of the Lord y'all still me I feel like when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he has done for me hallelujah thank you Jesus we don't wanna drown there not a clear path now I got clear direction [Music] [Applause] I almost lost my mind I would have gone crazy I would I should have had a nervous breakdown all that whole I was in that hell I was in that situation I was in that relationship you're in that marriage that job whatever you'll drop a lot keep walk you up out of it he set you on a sidewalk [Applause] y'all making me have to holler up in here I got I got a shouted I gotta give him the praise Hey he brought me out of the firing place he set my feet on a rock step Hey okay get it I won't forget it never shall forget what the Lord has done for me brought me now here's the deal [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you got to learn how to wait [Applause] you gotta learn how to wait I don't know I'm preaching to but you up in here you might be on the internet too [Music] [Applause] you got to learn how to stick with God [Applause] don't quit your job don't quit your marriage don't quit your church don't quit the ministry don't quit ho tight and in due season you shall reap if you think [Applause] ha [Applause] you gotta stick with God now here's number three I'm finished y'all getting the morning he going in climb in here number two he's gonna bring you up up out of whatever it is that's why you waiting cuz if you wait on the Lord he'll bring you out in his due time here's number three and verse three he has put a new song in my mouth praise our God he has put a new song he's gonna take the Blues out of you you gonna take the drama song out of your tongue and give you a song of celebration and vision he gonna help you sing the right kind of song he got you through the pit and brought you through the horrible miry clay he gonna deliver you and he's going to give you he's gonna bestow up on you he's gonna provide you with a new song to sing that's gonna give praise to our God [Music] uh-huh hey somebody say hey somebody say well pastor why do I have to wait well I got away so long I'm glad you asked the question right here in verse 3 tells us cuz many will see it [Applause] y'all miss a great place to shop [Music] somebody say CeCe y'all don't know that a lot of people are looking at you and they see what you're going through and they're waiting to see how you're gonna respond and what you gonna do they waiting to see what's gonna happen they thinking you gonna quit they think you're gonna lose your mind the truth is you should have had a nervous breakdown but you're still here you should have lost your mind but you're still here I should have killed somebody I said oh god postal but I'm still here they wanted to count you out but when they see you singing and they seek God work it out they're gonna say I better serve the same God you sir Who am I to today your boss is watching you no coworkers are watching you the people under you are watching you they're waiting to see what's gonna happen and when God works it out he gets the glory and they will say I better serve the god you serve I'm gonna go to the God and submit to the God that you are serving somebody giving the praise wait on the Lord wait on the Lord be patient and wait on the Lord [Applause] here's what verse 5 says I'm finished [Music] many many Oh Lord verse 5 many o Lord my God are your wondrous works which you have done somebody look at your neighbor say which he has done I like this verse and your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to you in order if I would declare and speak of them they are more than can be numbered somebody better go ahead and give Him praise cuz what's coming in your direction what's coming down the pike into your house what's about to inch into the domain of your circumstance is the thoughts of God and it's more than you could ever know [Applause] go ahead and give him the praise and give him the thanks [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's leaning in my direction he's leaning in my direction he's leaning in my direction I have concluded I don't mind waiting I [Applause] don't mind waiting on God because he already has a good track record in my past with working it out for me that I don't mind waiting for him to resolve what I'm going through right now [Applause] somebody high five if you know what I'm talking about if you receive this word somebody high five shake her hand saddle my waiting I'll wait on the Lord I'm not gonna quit I'm not gonna walk away I'm not gonna cuss nobody out I'm not gonna give nobody a piece of my mind I'm gonna wait on the Lord I'm gonna wait on him and when he works when he works it out a to my lady a two-month waiting don't mind waiting on your love I'm told by the way I told my away I told mine away on the lawn I don't mind waiting but to my way I don't mind away I talk by the way I don't run away I know you're gonna come throw ha don't know man Oh [Music] online waiting on your own you're a promise wait wait wait on you how they knew you give the water shot appraised [Music] that's good if it was for me but this is to the God who is leaning in your direction give him a praise like you know he's worthy [Music] [Applause] no you waiting on patience the way on you I ain't worried about the time I seem to fight straight while I'm waiting on you come on everybody waiting for you patiently [Music] I'm worried about the time go on I've seen the fire strength what I'm waiting [Music] and you need the forgiveness of sins that Jesus has made available to you your best bets will come on down here right now why you got the activities of your letters [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm waiting on you I am patiently wait about the time I know what I seen the five streets while I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting on you I hallelujah waiting on you long except me waiting I'm worried about the time no longer seem to find strength while I'm waiting I'd worry about the time now let's seem to find strength-wise strains while I'm away strength-wise I'm waiting strengths while haha strange wire while straight while setups France Austria smile straight while straight Wow
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 124,970
Rating: 4.7924981 out of 5
Keywords: Sheryl Brady, T. D. Jakes, Jasmin Sculark, Dr. Jazz, Joseph Prince, T.B. Joshua, Billy Graham, Bishop David Oyedepo, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Chris Oyakhilome, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, Benefits Of Waiting On God, Isaiah 40.31, Waiting on the Lord, Wait on God
Id: lKycgsnFFm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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