God's Timing & Plans Are Perfect | God is Faithful

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hi beautiful people so I'm actually in Florida right now that's why my background looks a bit different like right outside my window got the ocean the beach it's beautiful my family's already down there I thought I would record this I thought I would show the store with you because it's two different stories of friends of mine and how they kind of collide with each other at the right time and just how God's plans like unfold so perfectly in the right timing and I was having my quiet time not on our little porch here and I went started tearing up thinking about how good god is and how faithful he is so I knew that I should talk about this for this video so I'll just jump right into it so I have his true friends my names are Sarah and Suzanne okay Sarah I've known since I was about probably pretty young I don't know we went to church together from age like 0-2 till I was 15 so a long time I've known her for a while and then Suzanne I met when I was about seventh grade middle school age sometime in there okay now getting into this story that was a little background information for you about four years ago I got a text from my friend Suzanne and she said her mom had had hate totally like out of a blue brain aneurysm and died like right there that was it and it was just so shocking to me like how quickly something could happen and how just quickly someone's life can end what was so hard was that Suzanne was home-schooled so like that by McCain she and her mom was like something like you can't understand unless you were homeschooled like I was at home school myself but I know that if you were like you understand like what that bond is like with your parent on when they homeschool you but over these four years what's been so cool about Sudan is like her faith has not been shaken not once like she has trusted God she has kept her faith she has just been such an inspiration to me and encouragement to me and so many other people too I know you can probably think of that one person in your life at least he's been so like trusting in God no matter what's happened in their life like those people are so inspiring and just so encouraging and Suzanne has been that for me I'm kind of transitioning into Sarah's story her mom just a week go lost a battle to cancer I think about three weeks ago or two weeks ago her mom had said she didn't want any more chemo and so she was in Hospice and once you moved to Hospice like you know that there's not time left so yeah a week ago from yesterday was when I got a text that said her mom had passed away now sarah is the same as Suzy in like she's held on to God and like held on to her faith so beautifully throughout this whole process of her mom having cancer like and after her mom died I remember her text saying something like she's so joyful been her mom's with God and free of pain and of course like just because you know that like doesn't mean you're not in pain but she could have joy knowing that her mom is with God and just rejoicing in heaven I love both these girls because they have such strong faith and God and like so much trust in him throughout like these terrible situations that have happened to them now these two went to the same church for a long time I was good friends with both Sarah and Sudan but they were never really close like to each other their past didn't really cross that much like they didn't hang out or whatever what's interesting though is this summer was when their paths really did cross they both applied for the same internship at church and they both got it this summer they worked side-by-side together all the time at church and I just cannot believe that was an accident God was working in their lives and like making things work out perfectly like all until this moment right here because like there's no one on this planet who can understand what it's like to lose your mom other than someone who's been through that same pain and lost their mom as well I'm all these years even going to this church they weren't friends until this very summer when they both applied for the same internship okay and then think back all the way like back to the beginning when their parents decided okay we want to choose this church there are tons of churches in my area and their parents both chose this same church okay little things happen throughout time that God worked out perfectly all leading up to today when Suzanne and Sarah became friends this summer like they became friends right in the perfect timing when her mom passed away and Suzanne was right there for her supporting her loving her encouraging her we do not follow a God who is not involved in our lives God is always working in each and every one of her lives and even though we can't see what he's doing we can't see what he's working out guys working behind the scenes 24/7 doing things planning things working out everything perfectly one of the greatest promises that God says in the Bible is that all things will work together for our good message I want you to take from this video is that God is not finished with you yet he has a plan he will be faithful and he will see all these plans for your life through like things in your life are not accidents everything happens for our good somehow I gotta work out good from whatever's going on in your life have a perfect verse to go along with this video Philippians 1:6 he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus he is so faithful like when you look back at your life at different situations where you had no idea what he was doing or no idea how any of this would work out for good you will see that God is faithful and you will see that he was working in your situation have a great day I know that you are so loved and so beautiful Oh
Channel: FarAwayDistance
Views: 36,211
Rating: 4.9835644 out of 5
Keywords: FarAwayDistance, Becca, Christian youtuber, christian teenager, christian teenage advice, Far Away Distance, Christian advice video, god's plan, god has a plan for you, God is faithful, Jesus follower, God's timing is perfect, Christian girl vlog, christian vlog, FarAway Distance, Becca Eller, Christian youtube channel, best Christian channel
Id: z-nGF1JYp4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2016
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