GOD'S NOT DEAD 2 - ralphthemoviemaker

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That was hilarious, well worth the 23 minutes

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/adsmithereens 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2016 🗫︎ replies

While Ralphthemoviemaker generally goes into details of why movies are bad from a cinematic point of view, he does a pretty good job in his GND reviews of how the movies blatantly pander to the audience by making them take place in some weird alternate universe where all the good people are young, attractive Christians, and all the bad people are old, ugly atheists.

There's a lot more to these videos than that, but I think these videos are really worth a watch. Also here's a link to his review of the first God's Not Dead, which you might also want to watch.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Ashanmaril 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2016 🗫︎ replies

Like you actually need to delve into the matter and investigate!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Lucifer_L 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2016 🗫︎ replies

Reason #1

It exists

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/1RedHouND1 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2016 🗫︎ replies

Loved it. Thanks for posting.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/KillrNut 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2016 🗫︎ replies

lol, that's like the Wilhelm cry. It's so awful and cheesy, you want to find a way to sneak it into every movie.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RagingNerdaholic 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2016 🗫︎ replies

I'm waiting for the next movie "God's not dead again, he really isn't dead this time!" ...How many times is god not going to die or not be be dead? ........

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/killorain 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2016 🗫︎ replies
*Daydream in Blue by IMonster plays* What the fuck? God's Not Dead 2 is the pinnacle of stupidity It's just kind of baffling This movie isn't as bad or offensive as the last one but it somehow manages to be even more stupid... ...if that makes sense While God's Not Dead is full of stereotypes, racism, and annoying, preachy shit God's Not Dead 2 is so detached from anything I would call "reality", it's hard to even take it seriously No one acts like a human, no one does anything that makes sense The movie doesn't feel like it takes place on the planet Earth This movie feels so dated Like it's something from the early 90's And it's not even a good commercial for Christianity Old Man: "God" "You did it!" *sadistic laughter* "God is good!" So let me take a second to address my first God's Not Dead review Of course, a lot of people liked the review but there were also a lot of people who did not, which is fine but I'm willing to bet a large amount of these people simply disliked the video because they're Christian So just like I said in this first video, let me say it again Being Christian does not make you a bad person This is a movie God did not make this movie Jesus did not make this film This was made by a bunch of corporate hacks who found a niche market that they could sell shitty religious films So let's not be divided. Let's all unite together and laugh at how stupid this fucking movie is I will be tackling religion a little bit in this review but once again, I am not attacking any religion Now, it's kind of impossible not to talk about this movie without talking about religion So do your best to not be "triggered" and I think it's also fair to bring up what religion I am especially when talking about this movie People have asked me: "What religion do you follow?" "The answer is Scientology" *laughter from room* "This is our leader. His name is Xenu." "He made --" "I don't know why you're laughing" "Are there any fellow Scientologists here in the room?" "None?" "But you guys can join if you want because unlike most religions we are open to everybody" "Unless you're poor. Then you can go fuck yourself" "We hold meetings in the 8th floor men's bathroom" "If anyone wants to come, admission fee is $85" "and the exit fee is only $80. You get the student discount" "I have a magic trick. I left it over there unfortunately" "That's what cures all the diseases. It's $150 a sip" "And it works for 16 seconds" "So, um, yeah that's all I have to say" "I hope you guys join us. It's a -" "It's a fun cult" Pure Flix is actually the worst thing ever What is Pure Flix? It's the company that made this shitty movie as well as other shitty religious films "I have to go back to the Holy Land. We will meet in Jerusalem and we must bare witness to what happens then" I said this in my last video, but I'm going to say it again This movie isn't really a "movie" I actually regret calling it a film thus far in this review So from now on I will refer to this "God's Not Dead 2" as a commercial So this commercial only portrays Christians as good people Everyone else is a horrible, ugly, old, annoying, mean, soulless, disgusting person "You know what hate is, Tom?" "I hate what people like your clients stand for" "And what they're doing to our society" Every Catholic in this movie is young and beautiful and dresses well The planet I live on, young people are much more liberal and open to other ideas and more open to Science and Philosophy and are less religious. You know, young people now are less religious than ever You know they don't go to church as often as older people do You know that there are far more younger people who are Atheist or some sort of other religion That's usually the way that younger people are; they're rebellious They don't go to church or read the Bible - they're too busy fucking and doing drugs But in this movie it's all the young, pretty people who love God and worship him and read the Bible every day and are willing to protest outside of school to support Sabrina the Drying Ovaries Witch They make stupid religious propaganda to cater to this audience and that wouldn't even be that much of a bad thing The problem is that this film is spreading lies - things that aren't true and dividing people even more for no reason It does this by painting everyone who isn't a Christian as a bad person - which is terrible "We're gonna prove once and for all" "That God is dead" No one wants to kill God A majority of Atheists don't believe in God simply because there's no proof for him In the opinion of Atheists This does not mean they're bad people and this does not mean they want to fucking kill God Of course, if you're a rational person you know that not being Christian does not make you a bad person But the movie has to make it seem this way to cater to it's core audience Even if none of it is true Every example of Christian persecution in this movie is wrong - it's not true The movie even claims to be inspired by true court cases Which fascinated me because after seeing it, the movie was so dumb I couldn't believe any of it was true They made sure to include all the court cases this movie is based on in the end credits So I made sure to look at all of them While I was looking it up I found this wonderful article Here's the link. Link is also in the description That goes through every single one of these court cases this movie is based on Let me get my reading glasses on There's this whole grouping of court cases Which aren't even remotely connected to what this movie's about These all basically say that Christian business owners were trying to refuse service to gay people And of course the court ruled that you have to serve everyone Now whether you agree with this or not, let's not talk about that It has nothing to do with the movie that we watched In this one a Fire Chief of Atlanta sued the city after it fired him for expressing his religious beliefs about marriage in a book he wrote at the time That one sounds pretty bad, but luckily this article looked a little further into it and indeed the Fire Chief who was fired wasn't fired because he wrote the book It was because he was proselytizing on the job Handing out copies of the book to subordinates who never even asked for it You can't do that! Then there's this whole grouping of cases These court cases have to nothing to do, again, with the movie These court cases are about how Christians don't want to pay health insurance for certain things like abortion or contraceptives or birth control Not related to anything this movie's about This one's about how two ministers sued the city because they didn't want to do a marriage for a gay couple Then there's a few more anti-gay ones And again, it doesn't matter how you feel about any of these topics they're not fucking related to anything in the movie I'm trying to find one where it's like some teacher said something in the classroom and then got fired for it but I don't see a single one This one's against Planned Parenthood This one's against gay people Again, it doesn't matter what you feel about any of those topics What the fuck does this movie have to with any of that shit? This movie's about some woman saying "Jesus" in a classroom and then getting prosecuted for it - none of which happened! Pure Flix just flat out lied about what this movie's about and how true this movie is "Whether we admit it or not, we're at war" What the fuck are you talking about? There's nothing visually stimulating about this movie There's no style to it, the music sucks A flat, boring look This set design is flat, all the costumes are boring and bad All the cinematography is boring There's no close-ups, there's not low shots, there's no ariel shots There's no interesting lighting I think there's one shot in the whole movie that actually like impressed me and that's this one And it's not a great shot, but at least it conveys some kind of "emotion" and you can understand what's going on in this shot - there's some meaning behind it The rest of this movie looks like a sitcom There's no depth to any of the images The camera hardly moves Everything is just so flat and boring it looks like a movie that cost half a million dollars to make Once again, I don't mean to jerk myself off, but I'm gonna do it anyway I'm making a movie for $10,000 and it looks better than this piece of shit Why don't we frame things in an interesting way? so that I could get a sense of the characters and the struggles, and what's going on a really great movie is one that you can watch with the sound off and you can still understand what the fuck is going on Movies are a visual media and when you shoot everything like this... and like this... and like this... and like this it gets BORING the acting in this movie is absolutely horrible which is surprising, 'cause we have an...all star cast we have a Goldberg Sabrina the Teenage Witch A wizard of of Waverly Place James Cameron and a Ghost Buster *Generic Movie Talk* No-one in this movie emotes anything They all just seem bored Sabrina the Middle Aged Witch always looks upset Ernie Hudson doesn't know what movie he's in and this girl, I.. I don't know.. I don't watch the Goldbergs? Think that's what she's from??? "We talked for a long time and-" "I could tell that she really cared" I asked her how she kept it all together, and she said... "Jezuz" OH MY GOD Let's discuss her character for a second So what happens in her plotline- -plotline 27B- is that she is...like..upset that her brother died... uuh she never emotes at all or really shows this- - like even when they're moving all of his shit out of his room they never show her crying She's like the girl in the last movie who cried when she got cancer but didn't cry *dying pig noise* I imagine it being like: "Okay! this is your big scene!" "cry- c'mon cry your brother died...c'mon" "there ya go you're startin' to tear up there.." "OH oh- yeah you lost it..." ... "...Nah that's good" "We can do another take... but why would we" YE-HE GOOD CUT-CUT CA-CUT IT GREAT AHA YEAHGOODGOOD (back to Ralph talking): and then some lady comes back in... and gives her.. a bible?.. that was her brothers like of all the shit he had in his room the only thing you give her is... a bible? and then she reads it and she finds out the word of God *** Generic Bible Thumping speech ***
Channel: ralphthemoviemaker
Views: 1,777,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ralphthemoviemaker, movie review, god's not dead, film review
Id: 6mm6qdSVfUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2016
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