"God's Greatest Desire" - Josh Herring

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on a plane [Music] praise the Lord everybody but we take 30 seconds right now and just make the devil mad and lift up the name of the Lord Jesus with worship and praise someone on the platform glorify of somebody in the audience glorify somebody up in the balcony lift up your voice right now and connect another SATA higher we worship You Lord Jesus we bless your mighty name we praise you mighty cow [Music] unless should be the name of the Lord Jesus I don't know what the forecast is for outside this building but I do know that in here there's about to be rain showers Holy Ghost is about to fall in this place today and I give honor to Bishop Gurley I just love him very very much and appreciate him and all of his wisdom and dry for the kingdom of God and I am honored my wife and I and our boys are honored to be here with you it's been a wonderful revival great things are gonna happen today if you're a guest here God has something special for you this morning he's gonna do something wonderful for you and I and expecting him to pour out his spirit in a mighty way this place today give just great expectation in the room also tonight if you go to this church I strongly encourage you to be here tonight for the word of the Lord good to see Bishop McLaughlin out there tonight honored you sir can't wait to see you again in November a man book of Acts chapter 2 before I leave this place you'll be able to quote all these verses Acts chapter 2 verse 1 through 4 16 through 18 37 through 39 Acts chapter 2 verse 1 through 4 16 through 18 and 37 to 39 I hope you realize how blessed you are with the music department that's you have at this church it's not like that everywhere and you such anointed singing in power I just wish I could sing like those guys I would just love to be up here beside them just giving it my all but then people would leave and go the doctor for the hearing problems and all kind of issues in their body that would break out acts 2 verse 1 when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place suddenly somebody say suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it set upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance verse 16 but this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel and it shall come to pass and the last day saith god I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my spirit and they shall prophesy verse 37 through 39 now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart and said unto Peter and to the rest of the Apostles men and brethren what shall we do then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost for the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call a man I never want to get over those verses right there I want to talk to you about God's greatest desire God's greatest desire Lord Jesus thank you for what you're about to do in this place I worship you for the outpouring of the Holy Ghost in advance I give you glory for the lives that are about to be transformed and changed I thank you that the devil is not getting the last word and everyone's life in this building but you are going to have the final say I give you praise and glory blessed should be your matchless Holy Name release the gift of faith right now in this audience in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ would you clap your hands to the Lord one more time would you lift up your voice with it now and magnify him he's so worthy odubajo città I love you Jesus blessed be your name you may be seated the Bible says the thief cometh steal to kill and to destroy that is Satan's desire to destroy you to kill you to steal everything that you have in your life Satan's motives are impure unholy corrupted and perverted Satan hates you and especially if you begin to make your way towards God he cannot stand any human being black or white that begins to pursue the Lord with all of their heart soul mind and strength a contrary to some people's opinion the devil's not trying to stop you from becoming rich he's not trying to stop you from becoming famous he's not trying to stop you from having all kinds of friends and having the nicest home he will give you everything if he can take you to hell with that stuff it does not matter what we attain in this planet if we have everything but we die lost and go to hell then the devil has won the battle he'll gladly give you the nice car and the nice home and the millions of dollars if you'll trade your soul for that in advance but let me tell you something the one thing that he does not want to happen in your life he does not want you to encounter a saving God that can deliver you from every sin every street shuttle every stronghold every mistake and every failure the devil can't stand it with someone bound when sin walks in the presence of God with no hope and no change in their life but the time they leave the building something has happened in that room and they're not the same person the chains have fallen off the glory is fallen and God has transformed them God's greatest desire is to save you Satan's greatest desire is to destroy you there's a war for your soul right now there's a war in the heavenlies over your name over your kid's name there's a battle for your future in eternity Satan wants to take you to hell with in the Lord died for your sin to take you to heaven to be with him and the question of the battle is who's going to win and the answer is in you only you will determine who wins the battle for your soul in eternity only you will determine who wins the battle for your future I remember in DeLand Florida a few years ago on a Sunday morning preaching about baptism and I remembered bringing people to the front to be baptized and and I said there's still more out there and no one came and so that night I preached a different message and and prayed for about in the altar and and went out to my car people left and walked out to my car and there was a man parked by my car and he got out of his car big old guy tears rolling down his face and he said I I was here this morning preacher on he said I I should have came forward to get baptized I need to be baptized and he'd the Holy Ghost and he said I I just couldn't do it and and so I was afraid and i sat there and you kept calling and I just kept sitting there and he said so I decided to come back tonight hoping that you would preach something like that again and you didn't he said so I got in my car and I was getting ready to leave he said I was pulling out of the parking lot and a voice spoke to me and said part by this car right now and stay here he said I had no idea it was your car he said but you gotta tell me what I need to do I said you need to be baptized you need to get the Holy Ghost he said tears rolling down his face he said I would love to do that you understand I really would love to do that but I'm not allowed to I'm not allowed to be saved I said you're gonna have to explain that one to me he said with tears rolling down with no pride but straight humility Bishop he said years ago I was so heavy into drugs I owed people money and they were coming to kill me and he said I prayed and nothing happened so I I heard if you ask Satan for something he'll give it to you so he said I asked the devil if you will give me the money to get out of this drug problem I'll give you my soul and I'll give you my first two children also and tears rolling down his face he was so embarrassed he said yes it gets worse preacher he said when my wife pregnant with our first child our first boy she had an abortion and the second child that she was pregnant with she also aborted him and he said when that second child was aborted a voice came into my car and said I have your future and I have your two kids also because of a deal you made with me and tears rolling down his eyes he said so you see I can't be saved he has my two kids and he's got me I said timeout first of all he's lying he doesn't have your two babies they were never born into sin he's lying to you he doesn't have those boys and secondly any deal that you make what the devil is aborted when you get in the water and when God fills you with the Holy Ghost there's nothing hell can't do about it when you want to be delivered and you want to be saved o clap your hands all you people don't you aren't you glad you serve a loving God with all power and authority and Dominion baptized him in the name of Jesus came home in the Holy Ghost and the power of God came upon him and he said I've never felt this good in my life it feels like bricks and falling off of my shoulders and I've been carrying for twenty years I didn't believe I could be saved but I see that I can that's the greatest desire of your God to save you from your sin nothing else matters millions of dollars won't matter an eternity the nicest house in Houston won't matter an eternity what will matter is what did you do were you born of the water and of the Spirit John chapter 3 verse 5 Jesus told them except a man be born of the water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God you can have everything in the world and go straight to hell if you don't have the salvation plan of your Messiah Romans chapter 8 verse 9 said if you don't have the spirit of you are none of his it doesn't matter what you have in this planet it doesn't matter if you preach on TV if you do not have the Spirit of God living inside of you it will not matter in eternity how good you were how many people you open doors for how kind you were to your neighbor near me preacher hear me saying of God and hear me guest everyone in this room cannot forget the essential reality that I need Jesus to make it to heaven I'm not good enough on my own flesh will always be flesh and that's why I must be born again of the Spirit I need the Spirit of God in me and nothing is more important how do I get the Holy Ghost Acts chapter 2 verse 4 I read it earlier when they received the Holy Ghost they began to speak with tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance in Acts chapter 10 and verse 45 and verse 46 the Bible said they have the circumcision which believed were astonished as many as came with Peter because that on the Gentiles also will support out the gift of the Holy Ghost how do they know but they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God Acts chapter 19 and verse number five and verse number six describes an encounter where people needed the Holy Ghost in acts 19 verse five and six they baptize them in the name of the Lord Jesus and verse six said Paul laid his hands upon them and the Holy Ghost came on them and they spoke with tongues as the spirit gave the utterance what does that mean I'm confused let me help you when someone is born of the Spirit when God puts his spirit inside of you then the plan of salvation when you get the Spirit of God in you the evidence that you have been filled with the Spirit of God is you will speak with other tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance what does that mean that when God pours his spirit into you he's so massive he's so large that your little human body cannot contain his spirit on the inside he you up and it comes out of your mouth that's how big he is that's how bad he is when he fills you with this spirit you are not strong enough to keep him down if you've got the Holy Ghost but didn't speak in tongues I dare say you don't have the Holy Ghost yet cuz if you really have it it's gonna come up and it's gonna come out of your mouth that's the evidence that God has filled you is there any witnesses in the room that can testify I remember when God filled me with the gift of the Holy Ghost it's for everybody I said it's for everybody it's for young it's for old it's for black it's for white it's for rich it's for poor I don't care what background you have you can't possibly convince this preacher that you cannot get the Holy Ghost today it's insanity to trying to convince me that you cannot get the Holy Ghost I've seen murderers get the Holy Ghost rapist get the Holy Ghost I've seen all kind of situations in prison there was a deal a couple months ago a man walked up to me and said you preached a message he said at a men's conference and 207 men got the Holy Ghost I said yeah he said I took at the end of that message he said you told a story about a girl that was in prison in the prison cell raised their hands listening to the CD and God filled her and her inmate where the Holy Ghost in there in there in there cell I said yeah he said I took that CD to the prison where I preached that every week he said I walked in we had 18 inmates he said I walked in and I just played the CD at the end you had the altar call you told him to come forward he said those prisoners all 18 of them walked up to the front and raised their hands he said I personally watched God fill all 18 of them with the baptism of the Holy Ghost but he said the next year I brought it back there were 18 more new inmates in there I played it again all 18 walk to the front raise their hands and God filled every single one of them why because in the last day saith god I will pour out my I pulled off I've seen the young there's a Muncie Indiana there's a little boy he's 10 to 10 or 11 years old I remember he was a baby I was preaching there and stay in this family's house and they had adopted this little guy he had terrible seizures I remember holding him and he was having these terrible seizures and and praying and God stopping the seizures and now 10 or 12 years later I I'm back there preaching year or two ago and little Ruhlman is out in the audience and he's got autism and he's sitting out there and they have to sedate him every night to go to sleep they have to hold him down and change his clothes and all kind of crazy stuff and and and they bring him forward on a Monday or Tuesday night and they're holding him and he's just not really paying attention but all of a sudden they start praying and I watched with my own eyes little Roman raised his hands and I watched God fill him with the baptism of the Holy Ghost and when he got done speaking in tongues he looked at his mom and something was different he said mom I feel different he went home that night he said I'll dress myself for bed thank you he got up the next morning got himself ready for school God healed him of autism when he filled him with a shuttle with a gift of the Holy Ghost because it's powerful it's the greatest thing you could ever receive in your life I've seen I've seen the old get the Holy Ghost the elderly I remember her I remember was one of the funniest stories I was in Arkansas preaching this revival this this church had two long sections of pews that went back like six and a half miles and they had seated like six or 700 people and they had 30 people in church and they all sat on the back two rows every one of them and the preacher the pastor didn't let me use the cordless mic because that was his mic I had the nice long corded mic with a big yellow foam thing like a clown he said no that court only goes like 9 feet I'm I can't even see your people can we have them come no that's where they're coming ok can you at least turn the mic on so I preach Bishop like Sunday I think was a Sunday through Sunday revival so Sunday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday so and I mean this is this is side note the the evangelist quarters was beautiful except for the 63 cockroaches that I killed that night it was a beautiful place lovely thank the Lord thanks give him thanks in all things thank you Lord for the cockroaches so I was actually like sneaking out paint my own hotel room after a few days when I know is I wasn't conquering those things and so I come back in the morning I preach Sunday Wednesday Thursday Friday and nobody moved I made the altar call and they walked that way that that discourages a young guy when you're giving it your best you can barely see the people and then you know okay and then they go out the back door when you invite them forward that's that's a little discouraged and you started to question your calling and and so the Sunday morning Sunday night Monday night Tuesday night I mean Wednesday night Thursday night Friday night when it was five strict services nothing so Saturday night needless to say I was praying hard walking around this someone go in the sanctuary and I'm gonna pray about 11 o'clock at night and I'm walking back and forth in the front it's pitch-black can't see outside I'm walking in I'm God do something tomorrow that's somebody come to the altar let somebody sit on the third to the last throw that's but somebody burped when I say something let somebody respond somebody breathe do something or get me out of here what what am I here for what did I do wrong I repent of all my sins and Breana I'm going back and forth good ol good hour or so this is just me and God you know and I'm walking off and I turn around there's a man right here not here here and he was about I don't know 75 80 years old he's staring at me and I said can I help you I got my fists clenched I'm like angel or devil Lord who do i what do I do I'm from Alaska manly hands or fist whatever God says I did and uh he's he's like I said where were you a he said oh I was under the Pew I'm like how long have you been there he said well before you got here I have must have fallen asleep I'm like do you live here when no one why do you sleep on the third P when no one's here and sit in the back row during church he looks at me he smile he said I'm actually here to get the Holy Ghost but you see preacher I've been coming here every Saturday night for 52 years to get the Holy Ghost I said what he said my name is Alan I've been coming here 52 years every Saturday night praying for God to give me the Holy Ghost and I thought I'd try one more time and I've prayed and nothing happened and so I fell asleep under the Pew I heard you pray and I woke up so I just came to say hello and I'm going home I said you're not going anywhere homey you are staying right here this is the first time I've seen anybody in this altar besides me he said what do you guys say we're gonna pray for the Holy Ghost he said well I've already pretty we're gonna pray and God's gonna give you the Holy Ghost he said why say that guys it's a promise it's a promise he said okay and a bigger tier Bishop rolled at our old Alan's eyes and Alan could barely raise his hands I remember and he raised those hands and close his eyes and 30 seconds later Alan was speaking with other tongues as the spirit gave the utterance let me tell you about a God that doesn't care where you've been his greatest desire is where you're going I don't care how bad your past is he wants to help you I don't care how terrible a person you are he wants to deliver you let's stand right now I feel the Holy Ghost in here I don't care if you're Muslim I don't care if you're Hindu I don't care if you're Buddhist I don't care if you're Catholic I don't care if you're Jehovah Witness I do not care your back I don't care if you're atheist it doesn't matter to me if you go to a satanic cult Church last week I could care less God wants to give you the gift of the Holy Ghost today in this room God wants to deliver you God wants to save you there's nothing in your life that can keep you from the power of the Almighty God somebody clap your hands and let hell hear you magnify the name of the Lord Jesus donnatella I don't know about you and I feel the gift of faith in here right now stay standing if you don't know how I'm gonna tell you how to get the Holy Ghost okay I can't give it to you Bishop and all of his wisdom he can't even give it to you but we have a God that will give you the Holy Ghost today and let me tell you how to get the Holy Ghost okay number one you got to repent of your sins so in a few moments and we all come forward Bishop is gonna lead us in a prayer of repentance so from the top down we're all going to repent and he'll instruct you and in repentance repentance is it's two things that's saying sorry for your sin but repentance the best way I can describe it is walking this way stopping turning around and walking that way that's repentance it's a turnaround it's God I cannot do this on my own I can't fix it myself I'm gonna stop and follow you that's repentance repenting of your sin forgive me for my sin that's essential why because God is not going to give you the Holy Ghost if you're not sorry and do not want to live for him now this is bold but just just take it okay I am I get weary about people that don't want his spirit in them on the earth but think they're gonna live with him in heaven forever in other words I didn't want you living in me but give me my mansion god that's not gonna go well he said you deny me I'll deny you I don't want and Paul say like this have you received the Holy Ghost since you believe signifying if you're truly a believer in Jesus there should be some kind of desire to receive what you believe in something inside of you repentance number two you have to desire the Holy Ghost if somebody up there in the balcony doesn't want the Holy Ghost and everybody around them does God will fill everybody with the Holy Ghost and jump over the person that does not want it because he's not gonna force his way indeed if you don't want him and he's not gonna he's not gonna hurt you answer here and I demand they you take my spirit but he loves you enough to give you a choice and if you choose to reach out to him and you desire him he will give you the Holy Ghost number three number three you have to absolutely focus your mind on God so after we repent a few moments and you're desiring the Holy Ghost we're gonna pray a prayer of faith which basically is me taking all my faith and connecting with all your faith and we're gonna give that phrase it to the Lord and you gotta have your mind on God not not who's beside you not who's praying for me not what's gonna sound like I'm just gonna let it go and pray and focus my mind on God I tell people the greatest way to focus your mind on God is when you're praying if you're physically able to lift up your head to lift up your hands it takes the attention off of you it's easy to pray in condemnation when you're staring at yourself it really is when you think of all the things negative about you but so it's easy but when you lift your hand to the Lord you lift if you can't lift it physically you can lift it in your spirit lifting your eyes like Bishop said toward the Lord that's what David said lift up your eyes to the hills from whence cometh your help if you're staring it's your situation nothing changes it's not how bad you are it's how great he is so your mind is on the Lord number four you doubt the faith that you will receive the Holy Ghost today not tonight not I figured if I get around to it when I feel better but I'm not leaving here without the power of the Holy Ghost inside of me that's faith that's faith I've never seen anybody make up their mind I'm not leaving without it and leave without it it's impossible because faith is what pleases God and when you have faith I'm gonna get it God's gonna give it to you number five here's the here's the key guys and ladies number five you have to worship God with your own mouth if you're gonna speak in tongues but refuse to speak you're not gonna speak it out so what he starts to you have to worship Him I tell people to start saying hallelujah hallelujah is the highest praise you can give God and when you start praising in with hallelujah some of you in a few moments when we pray for the Holy Ghost you'll say hallelujah one time that'd be the last thing you say in English and God's gonna feel you with the Holy Ghost and the words will start coming out of your mouth they don't make sense listen to me when they come out don't hold him down don't hold him hostage let him flow this out Jesus described it he said out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water this spake he of the Spirit that's what the Bible said so when it comes out of you and it's not making sense hallelujah has served its purpose I love you Jesus a service purpose now let those words come out of you at the Spirit of God is to praying through you here's this gonna happen in a moment I'm gonna have Bishop and all the ministry come on the platform and then I'm gonna have it all of us come to the front we're all gonna repent together and then I will pray the prayer of faith and people are gonna get the Holy Ghost all over the room but right now before we do that can we can we do one thing can you help me I mean from the top of the balcony to the front room can you help me can you ask your neighbors and you turn your neighbor right now and ask them have you received the Holy Ghost yet would you do that for me right now I would come to everybody if they said no tell them today the day if they said yes and you think they're lying today's the day use them if they're not sure today today got quiet on that not a little part right there if they said yes and you know they're lying today's the day what could be better you're leaving this place god forbid you had a heart attack this afternoon what could be better than going straight to heaven from the house of God because he just filled you with his spirit if he comes back this afternoon and the trumpet sounds what could be better than you going to heaven and what could be worse than going to hell here's what we're gonna do I'm an ass bishop and all the ministry to come forward Bishop McLaughlin would you come forward and any ministry here would you come on the platform with me and and come join us we're gonna pray today and now your job in the audience if you don't mind would you please grab your neighbor and come to the front right now from the balcony if you're physically able would you come down to the front right everybody come on down one big happy family everybody come on down praise God God's about to pour out his spirit in this place today come as close as you possibly can because we got people in the balcony that would become behind you and people on the risers in the back of the building that's it get as close as you possibly can and get your mind ready repentance desire focus faith and worship the ingredients for a Holy Ghost miracle come as close to you if you go to this church would you come help me which would you come forward to why because there's nothing greater than a unified church for an outpouring of the Holy Ghost and nothing tougher than people watching if there's worship it's gonna fall like rain hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I gave you to your pastor to your bishop follow his instructions all across this house if you keep pressing your way in here I just feel the presence of the Lord just everyone take a step forward just make room for the people behind you this morning this morning we need to go to Calvary we need to step under the shadow of the cross we need to hear him say Father forgive them for they know not what they do by stepping out right now you're stepping in faith and you're drawing under the shadow of the cross every head bowed every eye closed would you pray as God instructs you to pray as I pray a general prayer of repentance father you said come let us reason together and though our sins be as scarlet they would be white as snow and though they be red as crimson they shall be white as wool we are seated opposite of you right now Lord we take our filthy hands and we put them in your nail-scarred hands we can't do this God there's nothing in Salvation that we can do except say yes Lord we surrender to your will and to your way we claim the red blood of Calvary for our sins God and our sins are not few they are many Lord there are sins of pride there are sense of lusts there are sins of anger there are sins Oh Lord there are deep wounds and our spirits God there is a bitterness Lord the pH level of our souls is so toxic God we need you Lord we can't make it without you God we find ourselves in the miry clay we find ourselves in a deep pit of our own making we find that we've been born in sin and shaping in antiquity Lord that there is no good thing that dwells in us God but we lift our eyes to Calvary right now and say it was you the Lamb of God who was slain for the sins of the world and those sins are surely mine Lord that you died for me god I confess my sins Lord I bring them to Calvary right now god I can't do anything about my habits I can't do anything about my addictions Lord but God I'm asking you to wash me I'm asking you to cleanse me I'm turning away from my old life and I'm turning to you O Lord lift up your voice right now tell him that right now god I need the cleansing tide of Calvary I need the red blood to wash me white as snow I need you to wash over me Oh God I need you to free me of my iniquities and transgressions God and of my way word a willful ways wash me God and I shall be clean and speak the word over me God and I can drop this old tattered stain garments and I can become the person you longed for me to be creating us a clean heart o go renew in us right spirit was just so God cleanse us O Lord this we pray this we pray in Jesus name laughs your hands the Lord right now and thank you if he's forgiven you you've got no right to not forgive yourself hallelujah someone ought to say it right now I forgive me here's what's about to happen we're not dismissed if it's about to happen in a moment I'm gonna pray the prayer faith very simple and I'm just gonna release it and when I when I'm done I will tell you to shout hallelujah and when I tell you to do shout hallelujah - your cue to open your mouth and begin to go after it and let those words come out and the preachers on the platform when I pray are gonna stretch forth their hands over you to cover you and then they're gonna invade the audience and help pray and then in the in the audience if you've got the Holy Ghost and you can you ask people around you and and if someone needs the Holy Ghost you're an altar worker and if no one's around you find someone and and I know you I know you if you're used to me by now but this is this is not spiritual it's just communication when someone starts speaking in tongues like the Bible say they heard them speak with tones as soon as it starts to come out of their mouth you're paying attention and you raise that thumb in the air and you let me know why because I've got the microphone and I can tell us someone else that God just filled somebody with the gift of the Holy Ghost he's pouring out his spirit it'll build their faith when they know someone else is receiving the Holy Ghost okay so there we are one mind one Accord when someone gets the Holy Ghost what we're gonna do all right all right front to the back everybody focused right now nobody talking to each other everybody focused right now on the Lord repented we've done that our minds are on God we want the Holy Ghost get your faith out right now you're about to get the greatest miracle you've ever received get ready to worship God would you raise your hands right now would you raise your hair to get ready everybody in the altar and by the authority of the word of God and by the power that is in the name of Jesus receive ye the Holy Ghost shout hallelujah now lay your hands on them and begin to pray in the name of Jesus lay your hands on them and begin to speak in toes in the name of the Lord ones only receive the gift of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus who was gonna be next raise your hands and receive number two has just received number three right here has just received the gift of the Holy Ghost number four right there has just received the gift of the Holy Ghost ela Barbra shut the hyah in the last day saith god I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh number five has just received the gift of the Holy Ghost ela bachata hyah in the name of Jesus number six right up front has just received the gifts of the baptism of the Holy Ghost hallelujah in the last day saith god I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh in the last day saith God number seven has just received the gift of the Holy Ghost he looks at ayah who will be next who will be next get it on you right now let that tongue go let the Spirit of God pray through you we haven't even prayed a minute or two and said number eight number eight just receive the gift of the Holy Ghost shuttle of a hospital in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the last day saith God I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh who's gonna be next who's gonna be next let me know in Jesus name eight people have already received the baptism of the Holy Ghost number nine has just received the baptism of the holy ghost hallelujah in the last day saith God in the last days saith God nine people have already received the Holy Ghost who's gonna be next who will be number 10 this lift up your voice lift up your head lift up that worship let it flow out of you don't worry what it sounds like just let it flow out of you in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name somebody in the back is gonna get the Holy Ghost somebody in the aisle is gonna get the Holy Ghost come on first church we're breaking through it we're breaking through it 9 people have a number 10 just receive the Holy Ghost number 10 just receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost who's gonna be next who's gonna be nice let that number 11 just receive the Holy Ghost number twelve just received the Holy Ghost Canada Sartain just receive the holy ghost ela bharata there you go for ted is speaking it out another part aid districts data on the Gauss [Music] yes actually go get it go get it go get it it's Jesus name in Jesus name it sees the state every wall never be obtained and this received the Holy Ghost hallelujah in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name 15 have received the Holy Ghost feet above the house of 16 I see in the middle number 16 this received the Holy Ghost hallelujah hallelujah stats boost next six number seventeen Regehr just received the Holy Ghost number 18 just receive the Holy Ghost they love a cast another the hosta number 19 just receive the Holy Ghost in the last day said down I will pour out my spirit I will pour out my spirit upon a number day just received the Holy Ghost made out of a hospital attire in Jesus name in Jesus name Jesus name [Applause] [Music] that was a wave of all it goes this far waves coming 20 people have already received it 20 people have already received the Holy Ghost who will be next there will be Nets who will be next [Music] Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name 20 people have already received the baptism of the holy ghost 21 in the pew just received the Holy Ghost Eli Baraka Shania in the last day saith god I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh speak it out let that top go let that stuff go let the Holy Ghost take over yes oh yeah hallelujah in Jesus name in Jesus name back in the aisle come on in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name somebody about to get it somebody's got to get it that much about to let it go let's hit let it go let it go in 22 this receive the Holy Ghost let it go let it go let it go let it come out of your mouth let the Holy Ghost flow out of you today is your day of salvation the son of man came to seek and save that which was lost it's God's greatest desire to give you his spirit he wants you to have him in dwelling in you 23 just receive the haunted house in of a ruckus gentle of a massacre in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus the Lord Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] allelujah 23 for sure who's next it's the will of God stay revival he said in the last days I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh well pour out my spirit upon all flesh let him inside let it roll let it blow out of you let it flow out of you he wants to give it to you right now no matter what it sounds like let it flow out of you in the name of Jesus number 24 just received the Holy Ghost back in the field cabal Godzilla her that's his spigot out in the few spigot out of the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus 24 people have already received the Holy Ghost in Jesus name in Jesus name [Applause] how the Morgan come on Lord fill er up in the risers Philip [Music] in Jesus name Jesus name Holy Ghost phone Jesus [Music] [Music] go spit all over you two more up here again P SS in Ohio in the name of the Lord every wall town and there you go speak that out in Jesus name in Jesus name [Music] Paulino [Applause] [Applause] 26 26 ever see the baptism [Music] perfection lamorne failure but the Lord will let you let the Lord overwhelm you let the Lord take over let there be a turnaround right now let there be a reversal right now have the one right there does receive the Holy Ghost 27 in Jesus name it's all over that lady right here it's all over you ma'am the Holy Ghost is all over you in Jesus name in Jesus name 28 just receive the Holy Ghost be enough of us 29 this receive the Holy Ghost number 30 right here just receive the Holy Ghost somebody on the go get it right now God is pouring it God is pouring it out God is pouring it out God is pouring it out in the same hospital their ways of the Spirit God is giving us waves of Holy Ghost waves of the Spirit here on again with our five people getting it each time thank you lord what you're doing thank you Lord for what you're doing thank you Lord for what you're doing like their supply need to rejoice with the Angels so far thirty people have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name in Jesus name come on come on Lord come on Lord come on Lord hyah in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of the Lord get the last days saith god I will pour out of my spirit but bought off less oh yeah [Music] we'll be number 31 who's next let it go another way or the Holy Ghost in here go let it go let it go hallelujah 31 just receive the Holy Ghost thank you Jesus 31 people have received the Holy Ghost Jesus 1:32 with lavell 6:30 to receive the Holy Ghost holy ghost phone in the name of Jesus - Lord [Music] hallelujah hallelujah there's somebody to rejoice right now I dare somebody to rejoice right now angels rejoice when one person repents it's while in heaven right now I said it's wild in heaven somebody join the party someone that duck Jesus somebody get your voice out get your price down get your worship out that defy him that solves him why are they is why somebody shout a little bit place people have already received the Chanukah [Applause] 34 it's got the Holy Ghost and 34 right now Jesus they let it go now everything changed everything turns around though they go 34 never seen the house go Jesus in the name of Jesus thirty-five people have the Holocaust I dare you to keep that get down I get a backup I God is pouring out his spirit 30 SEC's right here and sounds Wow in the last days saith God my spirit upon the promise with God's greatest desire the forest spirit it's on you it's all you another 137 see the Holy Ghost my goodness hallelujah praise the name should be the name of our dog poly is that a bomb right since the name how they lure you Jesus blessed should be that wonderful music wonderful or wonderful or [Applause] we worship nearby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] across this building right now [Music] it is so rare it is so rare in our churches so very rare to hear the gospel preach like we've been hearing it preach and to see the divine results that come from that I just think first church before we go any further there people still praying would you take a moment lift your face toward heaven I wish you lift your voices now wish you would magnify the King of Kings for the everlasting gospel that brings hope and salvation to this world would you thank God would you thank God yet again for saving him would you remember the day that he brought you out would you remember that red-letter day in your life that he set you free he gave you new hope he gave you a reason to live Oh hallelujah to your name hallelujah to your name I thank you O Lord I thank you O Lord oh I praise You God I praise You God hallelujah hallelu those that are praying will continue to pray we thank God for 37 people that have received the baptism of the Spirit that we know of I believe there's those on line I believe that as you go home with your children you're gonna pray some children through today be here tonight first steps right now as you walk out into the lobby to your right first steps today why you will love this church you don't want to miss it if you've not been baptized in Jesus name if you move to your left up front here there are people awaiting you that will finish the work in your life for the love Ellis waving his hand if you would like to be baptized today follow him we have clothes we have towels we have hair dryers we have everything you need to be baptized today the call on that saving day god bless you see you tonight six o'clock let's believe God for the impossible [Music]
Channel: Hallelujah Anyhow
Views: 3,599
Rating: 4.7446809 out of 5
Keywords: josh herring, josh herring preaching, josh herring 2018, pentecostal preaching, apostolic preaching, pentecostal church, pentecostal worship, apostolic church, apostolic pentecostal
Id: XnDt1E1CqPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 15sec (3735 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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