Nathaniel J. Wilson - "Miracles"

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now my test is long today it may be the longest part of this message and so because of that I'm gonna let you be seated and hopefully you're in trouble today if you didn't bring your Bible because there's no helps on the wall and the preacher is gonna read a lot out of the Bible and so all of you who have grown dependent on technology when a nuclear bomb hits the electron electronic power plant the electric plant and smuts gone and all that you're not even gonna have a Bible because yours was dependent on electricity so yeah you better go back and get your Bible and and now don't be ashamed that I or someone else is going to see you if you have to sneak over and look at your Thank You verse Bible because you didn't bring yours but you say well I got it all in my heart yeah right you you met a mighty bigger praise God so I'm reading from John chapter 9 and I want to I want to talk to you a little bit about America host couple of things I'll tell you in a minute that kind of even spurred me further they weren't the impetus for for preaching this today but that spurred me even further though in in preaching it we'll talk about that in just a minute but I want to talk to you about about miracles and I want to talk to you about a what the Bible gives us about miracles and and and go a little bit under the surface here to figure out what the implications are if you don't believe in miracles and what the implications are if you do believe in miracles and it's pretty hard for someone to come in this congregation and convince us that there are not miracles for today when the fact is that all of us that are members of Rock Church are indeed not just an observer of miracles we are a miracle a man and I know I am a miracle and I know some of you you were not a good boy or girl and and the Bible says but don't feel too bad about it because the Bible says there's none good no not one and so the transforming change in our lives by the power of God of course is a miraculous and supernatural event that we call the new birth but let me read in John chapter 9 and beginning in verse 1 this is about this is a miracle and Jesus passed by he saw a man which was blind from his birth and his disciples asked him saying master who did sin this man or his parents that he was born blind jesus answered neither hath this man sinned nor his parents but that the works of God should be made manifest in him first of all I think I think his brother the carpenter the mentioned the fact that what was his disciples doing in verse 2 asking him man master who didn't sin this man or his parents that he was born blind I mean when you're with Jesus and you've seen him already do thousands of miracles and then instead of thinking about this man getting another miracle you're off in some philosophical law and trying to figure out why the man his blind the man could care less about why he is blind the man just says I'm blind just get me healed we'll talk about all that stuff some other day hey man and so I do find it I do find it a bit humorous that that that these disciples were all hung up on this philosophical question of why is this man blind and and so Jesus doesn't pay much attention to that he they said they were logical people then I'm gonna preach about logical people here this morning but they were logical people and so they said there must be a cause this is all this is all behind what is said in verse 2 there must be a cause that this guy is this sick and blind and has been from birth and so they assumed still in verse 2 they assumed that either he or his parents or somebody had sinned and a result of this sinning was that this man was blind and so they're trying to decide they're figuring it out they're rationalizing the situation they said who did sin this man or his parents that he was born blind who's getting preached here who is guilty of some trespass against God that has caused this condition that this man has now that's an important point because the guilt factor involved in being sick and not being healed or having some other condition that you have not been healed of or having some problem in your life or some challenging situation that goes on and on and that God doesn't seem to deliver you of it is easy and preachers do this sometimes especially guys that are called faith healing preachers they will come to the point that you're not getting healed because you don't have faith it's never that you're not getting you because they don't have faith it's always that you're not getting him because you don't have faith well Bob you're the preacher why don't you get a little faith and show me how to do it and so the fact is though that we have to understand is that there are there are multiple levels and dimensions involved in the well-being or the lack of well-being in a human being they are we can give you two or three of these but which is what I just did one of these is is that everybody is not sick because they've sinned in a general way there is sickness in the earth because of sin but it doesn't mean it's because that particular person has done something then that is a sin but on the on the on the broader scale there are multiple complicated reasons that I hate to tell you if we didn't tell you this we couldn't have time to go through them all anyway even if we knew them all there are multiple complicated reasons why people can be sick or or crippled or or have particular problems that may not be anything to do with physical that they don't get healed of and you are not wise enough there may be some rare exception where it's obvious that there's something here that's a judgment of God but you are not wise enough to analyze everybody and to figure out the prescription for everybody that has a problem in the human race in a fallen world where there is sin and for you to be able to be the great therapist that says here's why this is happening to you that is a mistake that is a presumption on your you are that's that's a that's a not a God policing presumption for you to assume that you know why somebody said and for you to put on them a guilt trip or why they have some problem while you're not having any problem and so you're saying it's because I've got faith and they're having a problem and then one that you have a problem and you've never had problems so you don't know anything about it you have a problem in it so me how can God do this to me there are things that take place there are circumstances in life and I've often mentioned the scripture in Romans chapter that there are things that happen to us that the Bible word is vanity and one of the meanings of vanity is emptiness but another one in the context of us today talking is that there is meaninglessness that happens to people I got a little cold last week little had my nose run a little bit a little so forth got over it but that cold did not mean that I went out and taken dope or something that that cold did not mean that God was punishing me that cold was just part of meaninglessness of living in a fallen world that has these little cold bugs whatever they are that's and and all of the other there's all kinds of stuff like this in life and the very fact that we're alive with all the stuff that counters life that this some of them are microbes so small you can't even see them that are destructive of life and all of this that goes on for us that life every day it is much more realistic to thank God for the miracle of life to whatever volume quality and degree that we have it than it is to say God why don't you do the sand so it's a much greater miracle that you're even here that's you're even alive that you're even breathing that all the complexities that it takes to create life and sustain life that God's done that and that he's given us food and health and strength and raiment and a mind to be able to think and loved ones and the Holy Ghost and relatives and peace and a nation with more freedom than most nations and all of the other stuff that God has given to us today but attitude of thankfulness is much more realistic than the attitude of criticism oh let's thank him right now for his goodness to us and so Jesus answers them in verse three and he says neither this man sinned nor his parent but that the works of God should be made manifest in him in other words look I'm just gonna tie you this man is not six and for any of these things now here's a little Wilson theology here that you can take or leave doesn't something's you can't take her leave but this one you can I think here when Jesus has said what he said when he said neither of this man knows parents but that the works of God should be made manifest I do not believe that that means that God had this man born blind and set us on the side of the road for 35 years just so he can come back healing although that's close to what he's saying that's not exactly what he's saying my opinion he is not saying that I'm making people all beat up and crippled and and leaving some people life just so I can show my power I don't believe that's what he said I believe what'd he say it is is that anywhere that there is an incidental situation where because of the meaninglessness of life is this making sense so far because of the meaninglessness of life and things that happen that don't they're not fair but they don't have anything to do with fairness it's not like somebody's cheating or gods hitting them or God's doing some bad thing to them these things occur but when they occur they become a place of potentiality for the God to show his glory and the show is power in the midst those people it's not a setup where a guy had to live 35 years in blindness just to have that incident on the road no no no the man's living there and when he comes to Jesus and yells out son of David have mercy on me then it just and that is that if you're here in state and if you're here in and if you're here in blind and if you're here and have other problems that have seemed irresolvable and have never been resolved and you've been prayed for a thousand times let me tell you the rest of that story is you're still the blind man sitting on the road but Jesus is coming even though moment in time has not yet come where he walks by you and where healing is affected and where it blows the mind of everybody there there is coming that name because for the people of God glory of God is going to be manifested in our life and our spirit and our souls and in our bodies if not today tomorrow but it is going to happen and it's a sure as the fact that there is a god that complete healing is coming complete victory is coming complete help is coming complete wholeness is coming because our God doesn't leave anybody sitting on the side of the road it's a timing thing but it's not a whether he will or won't thing because he is coming and he will do it and he may do it this morning while I'm preaching and he can do it and he's willing to do it and you need to believe him to do it but whether he does or not this morning you need to understand your God's got you in his hand and he is not going to forsake you and so don't let anybody convince you that because you feel imperfect or you haven't seemed to have it all together are you haven't got your he it's coming brother it's coming it's not about you it's not about you doing something wrong it's about you just hanging on and knowing that your God is coming and he's gonna complete what he started my lord we oughta clap our hands on thank God for a guaranteed victory in every aspect of our life devine you may be seated in Sony and so they get into this discussion in verse seven he said Indian go wash in the pool of siloam he went his way therefore and washed and came seeing verse eight you know it's like every one of the things we teach in leadership classes is that every time somebody leads in a search themselves it's like shooting a marble you all just play marbles when he's young well people used to do that 50 years ago now the marbles on a little screen then you go I mean you don't even get to crawl around while you're doing it no exercise whatsoever and so but when you shoot a marble into a circle of marbles and hits other marbles it affects everything and so when this healing happens where where God asserts himself with leadership to make a change in the situation the neighbors verse 8 the neighbors therefore and they which before had seen him that he was blind said is is not this he that set and beg some said this is he others said he's like him he looks like him but he said he said I am he so everybody's just having their worlds rocked well I just love to see God moved because when he moves some people don't want God to move they've already flatlined you know flatline his perfect equilibrium there's never anything up and everything down everything tilted it's perfect equilibrium so when you finally get life the words perfect equilibrium it's called death because you have flatlined amen until then it's up and down in sideways and and and you can't tell if you're in the washing machine of the dryer you just know you're going around and one place you're getting wet the other place you're getting dry so the whole the whole neighborhood here feels like they're in a big electric dryer and they're trying to feel out what happened verse 11 he answered and said a man that's called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said unto me go to the pool of Siloam and wash and I went and washed and I received sight then they're responding verse 12 then said they unto Him well where is he he said I don't know verse 13 they brought to the Pharisees him that a 4-time was blind so now you have Earth's scientists verse in intelligentsia Earth's intellectuals they brought to the Pharisees him that for time was blind and it was a Sabbath day when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes then again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight he said unto them he put clay on my eyes and I washed and do see it's not complicated boys verse 16 therefore said some of the Pharisees this man is not of God because he keepeth not the Sabbath day so this is how dumb people are it's how dumb people are they've seen this guy sitting by the road I'm saying 35 years not on the whole the guy was but so for 35 years the guy's been sitting on the side of the road blind and here he is talking to them looking around I mean he's just he's just looking around I mean looking around when he goes to Walmart he doesn't even have to take his dog I probably told you all about the blind man with the Walmart and as long as dog around his head they said what are you doing he said I'm just looking around so thank God for dogs but so the best looking around and they're kind of like the disciples thought this is the message here on this part is that the carnal mind whether you're a disciple or whether you're an intellectual doubter the carnal mind is not thinking of the main thing being the main thing the first bundle is thinking about hmm well philosophically how do we decide whose sin was it him his mother they don't even their first premise is wrong that somebody said they can't even get the first premise right and so there's an error after error on because the first ones in error okay then here here you have these intellectuals and instead of celebrating that this riffles happen they are finding fault they are finding fault by looking for something that Jesus did wrong because he's got power they don't have and instead of getting the power which takes through humility they're gonna oppose the power there's a lot to preach about in those little things right there they're gonna oppose the power and so they oppose it instead of celebrating the fact that man's healed they are complaining that he did it on a Sabbath day I was thinking of somebody just this week in fact just this morning I was thinking of somebody I've got a critic with that that whatever we do he criticizes and he does what he can he goes behind my back and he does what he can to prevent anything that were involved in from being successful and if it is successful which is long you saying Holy Ghost most all of it is successful so then it just burns him up and so he tries to find ways to to to to denigrate it and I thought about it I have a I have my own little name for him that I've never told anybody because telling somebody would encourage me to get started and I don't and that's a motor that I keep the key in the drawer because if I carry it with me and some of you convinced me to put it in the ignition turn it on it becomes a toaster and he is toasted and that's not good that's not my place that's not you know there is an old song that says if I let the Lord fight my battles a man and so we let him fight but here is an example of these guys finding fault by talking about it being on the Sabbath day but the truth of the matter is it wouldn't have mattered when he did it they wouldn't have accepted it and you gotta understand this is the way the carnal and resistant mind works and the way that relates to the guys talking about is is I was talking to him this morning and I and I mentioned to him in my mind I wasn't really talking to him and I mentioned to him I said are you aware that if Jesus Christ came and perchance he looked like me and you made a mistake and thought that it was me but it was really Jesus Christ who is perfect whereas I'm not obviously but and it was Jesus Christ do you realize that without even thinking you would start criticizing him because this criticism thing is a mindset it's a spirit thing that gets ahold of a person and whatever person is criticizing you if you've known them for a long time you can go back and find where they were criticizing you about this and you can go back and find them where they're criticizing you about this and they're good and so it's not the thing it's not the Sabbath it's not anything to do with the Sabbath it's that it's Jesus and they can't explain it and scientists have a little bit of this and a lot of them not all of them but a lot of them to explain it and so they assume that because they can't explain it it can't happen now what kind of ego is that to thank that because they cannot figure out how to explain it they cannot figure out the logic behind it they cannot the scientific method get an answer for them to this point in time therefore it can't be true you are a pomace pompous egotistical whatever you are to thank just because you can't explain it and because you haven't found a scientific way to explain it and because man yet doesn't know how to explain it for you to assume why it's embarrassing for you to stand up and say well I don't believe that that happened and that couldn't happen because it seems to me that it defies the laws you don't even know it it defies the laws of sight there's laws of science you don't even know about much what are you talking about the laws of science there's laws of science you've never even heard of and as you get past your little kindergarten area of science with your 15 pH days you'll find out how little you know that you have it even stretch at the bottom of the barrel well how come a third grade education person in the Rock charts can get a miracle then they can't explain it oh no because they found out there's another dimension of learning and it's a dimension that's based in a world called faith that you reject on the surface because it doesn't match your carnal logic and your carnal mind but that we know when he said just believe and the man just believed he got his miracle and so I'm encouraging this money you don't have to figure it all out you just keep on believing oh come on let's praise him again let's praise him again and by now we could start shutting down here but what are you gonna do anyway you're just gonna go eat and then you're gonna do whatever the routine is on Sunday you know so it didn't it didn't any big deal let's just stay here the man so verse 17 so the Pharisees say unto the blind man again what sayest thou of him that he hath opened lionize and the man who had his eyes open said he's a prophet that's not what they wanted to hear verse 18 but the Jews did not believe concerning him that he had been blind and received his sight they didn't know this this guy until they called the parents of him that had received his sight and they asked them saying is this your son who you say was born blind how then does now he now see his parents answered them and said we know that this is our son the first thing you asked us was to identify him yes this is our son we know that don't doubt that boy's we know it and we know it was born blind that all stays in that world of carnal logic but by what means he now see if we know not and the second part verse to that little song is and what means he now see if you know not to we don't know you don't know and I'm two thousand years later and I know jesus healed me but how he did it I don't know nobody knows but it really happened the validation is there there's a lot of things in history that scientists will accept as being valid because there's witnesses that had a lot less witnesses than what this story has that happened here and there's no book in the world that is validated and complete in ancient history as the Bible is in fact there's not even close people like my father's other books you don't know what you're talking about there's not other books that have the degree of validation that the Bible has anywhere in the world none of all the ancient books none get that out of your mind that's not true if they say it is bring them and let's talk about it but here's this here's this reality that's going on here the parents don't know how it happened the Pharisees don't know how happened the man that had it happened don't know how it happened except through obedience which is a big deal it's a big deal to get past our reservations and our and our our desire to control ourselves instead of releasing that control surrendering that control to God to let him do what he wants because the carnal man wants to control itself but this man had got past that and he says okay and he says you tell me to go wash in the pool of siloam you put mud on my eyes I'm not worried about any of it I want my healing and you tell me to go wash I'm on my way to walk he goes and he washes it's an act of obedience if you're already obedient to being obedient if you're not being obedient and yet obedient how many people have I seen getting miracles when they got obedient I'm telling you there are tens of thousands of people that have gotten miracles the moment they understand the place that obedience plays in the supernatural it makes me want to be obedient depen hallelujah parents said we don't have this a-bomb in verse 21 but by what means he now see if we no not or who if opened his eyes we know not now this next part was self-defense he is of age ask him he shall speak for himself what's really happening there is that these Jewish leaders had the power it was a national religion and they had the power to dismiss people to kick him out of coming to synagogue where they couldn't come anymore and these that's what's happening here with this mom and dad they're terrified that they're gonna get kicked out and not the if you're there if you were kicked out of the the Assembly of the synagogue you were kicked out of society you were just an outcast complete outcast the rest of your life until the issue could be resolved and so that's what they're doing here they're scared they're afraid of these Pharisees and so they're throwing it back on their son because they really don't have the answer and so they're saying he's you know he's 21 years old or whatever of age meant that that day asking me to speak for himself and so verse 22 these words spake his parents because they feared the Jews for the Jews that agreed already that if any man did confess that he was Christ he should be put out of the synagogue see there's these preconceived notions they came into this with these preconceived notions pastors and I were just talking yesterday and he told me he read something where he's probably gonna preach us tonight and so I'm stealing his thunder but he read something where in in in Judaism the mainstream the most of Judaism these days do not read in the synagogue Isaiah 53 which talks about the suffering Savior and the reason they don't read it is because it's too much like Jesus and the reason is too much like Jesus is because it is Jesus duh and and so they don't want to lend credence to Christianity because they reject Jesus as the Messiah and yet Isaiah 53 applies so so so carefully and so completely to Jesus so they said we'll just leave that out this is the typical way that the carnal mind operates this is the typical way when it cannot grasp when it cannot explain when it cannot identify so when a scientist says well you don't you there are no such things as miracles he's in an argument with you but if you are a miracle it's an argument coming against an experience I mean I mean there's no use arguing with me about it because logically it doesn't mean a flip to me what you logic out in your mind I am a miracle it's like somebody saying well we don't believe speaking in tongues us of God well you argument I've got an experience I mean you wasting you time to talk to me about it I know when I got the Holy Ghost of transformation you know what I'm talking about I mean I know what happened to me I mean I know what I was before I got the Holy Ghost and I know what I was one minute after I got the Holy Ghost and I know I've never been the old man again and I've always been the new man since then for you for you to talk to me about there not being spiritual miracles you are wasting your breath you're in fact you need to come join me and get the experience I've got and then you'll know a thousand times more then you know right now by running your mouth about it I mean I'm being real kind don't want to get on a roll here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm just happy to be able to be healthy enough to do all these things and have the Holy Ghost and had that mr. joy because Jesus gave me the holy goat turn me around pick me up brought me to church let me be a brother to you oh let's lift up the name of Jesus again now most preachers resort to that when they're doing so bad that they got to do something I'm resorting to it because we're doing so good oh Jesus Elvis Lord so look at verse 24 we're almost done only 400 more verses verse 24 then again called they the man that was blind and said unto him they've got him back again they can't figure it out they're back and forth this can't be true and said unto him give God the praise we know that this man is a sinner talking about Jesus so their commanding the guy oh this is so good their commanding the guy don't be givin Jesus the praise be giving God the praise so the man goes back and praises Jesus again they said no give God the praise so the man goes back and praises Jesus again the man like Saints here that theologians would disagree with but their sex in the church here the man had a better better revelation of the identity of God than the intellectuals did because a man knew that when I praise Jesus I'm praising God in fact that's how you praise God because he has seen me has seen the father and no man cometh to the Father but by me you're gonna have to praise Jesus if you're gonna get to God because Jesus is God made visible and God made me knowable and God made receivable none of which is possible unless you do it through the person of Jesus right oh I'll just tell you that is that's right that's running the aisle material right there [Applause] you can tell I've been shut up in a room too long and so they said give God the praise we know that this man is a sinner verse 25 so this guy's answering back with a little logic of his own he answered and said well whether he be a sinner or no I know not one thing I know that whereas I was blind now I see the miracles greater than the argument but look at him that I mean they just can't they just can't take it then said they to him again what did he do they how opened he thine eyes he answered them I have told you already and he did not hear which is true so when the Bible says when Jesus says repeatedly in the book of Revelation he that hath an ear let him hear that means that you've got two years you're like but that's not what I mean you've got an inner ear and you've got an outer ear there's an inner ear of a man and woman's spirit it's as real or more real than this outer ear that's on the side of your head and so this inner ear is the ear that is the spirit and to the inner ear it's completely logical although to the outer ear it may not seem logical see you got to come to church to learn these things I mean you may you may have went to college until you've got so many degrees you run a perpetual fever but until you come to church which is a different kind of college and you learn oh well can you take one of these years out of your pocket and show it to me brother Wilson I just happen to have one let me show oh wait I can't do that this inner ear has to do with the spirit of a man and I can't take the spirit of a man or woman out of my pocket and show it to you either and you can either but we know that you have a spirit and you know that you have a spirit because you know that if you talk to my foot that the foot may bounce a little bit but it not capable of responding the foot doesn't think the foot responds to stimuli but the foot doesn't think but you know that if you're going to talk to me and we're really going to talk serious we have to look at each other's eyes because the eyes are the gate of that invisible part of us that resides in this visible part of us and that invisible part of us is the world of spirit and it's the world that the physical scientists will never be able to enter until he quietly lays down his insistence on going no further than the physical it doesn't mean that you're more advanced if you stay and only that which is natural it means you're less advanced what it really means it does I'm not saying you're ignorant I'm just saying well in a way you are but what I'm what I'm what I'm saying is is that you you are limiting the capacity that you have as a human being when you limit it to just the physical or just the natural there's another whole bunch of you that's Neverest sure didn't maybe your folks didn't take you to church and everyone away a place where you heard the gospel but that's the one that the Bible deals in it's not so worried about the flash except as a byproduct of the spirit it's this spiritual part of you that is the really--it's that's the part that lives and paints and that's the part of you that knows right and wrong that's a part of you that is conscious of the world about you and of your own self and an unconscious of God that there is something somewhere that has put it all together all of that is part of the spirit and you have to get into the spirit for that for you to understand and receive revelation because that's how things into the spirit is by revelation you're only in a world that gets a reason you say but reasons the only thing reliable no reasons not the only thing revival reliable it's the only thing reliable unnatural things but on spiritual things there's a thing called revelation and it's a channel through which knowledge comes that is not accessible if you stay only in the natural you have to get into revelation you say well I don't believe in anything where's it come from it comes from heaven well I don't believe anything coming from heaven I don't know if there's heaven yes you do it's like from heaven and every day that you live and every piece of fruit or vegetable that you eat and every cow that you take a bite out of and all of that as a result of light from heaven the Sun the earth has no light the earth has no internal light if you took away the Sun the Moon and stars the earth would be totally pitched to a ten thousandth power darkness there is no light in the world and what is true physical is paralleled in the spiritual there is no spiritual light in the world it has to come as a gift from outside and so we live with the gift of sunshine are you glad for sunshine sunshine is a gift it comes from outer space or out of outside of outside of the Earth's atmosphere and and and it's the same way that spiritual light comes by revelation from God and when God said in Genesis 1 and 3 let there be light there was physical light but there's also enlightenment that takes place at that time and so and so that's that's a real thing and so you can't address the human spirit with physical sunshine but you can address the human spirit with spiritual enlightenment from God's Word amen amen so we're not denigrating what somebody knows about the physical world because there's people don't know a lot more about it then I know about it but what we're saying is there is another human and world dimension of the Spirit which the Bible deals with which you have to address that with that statement of bringing it on to a close you have to address one of the things that does in Bible School was whatever you be don't be like a lot of other preachers when you get through preaching demand a verdict demand a verdict a decision and so you cannot live your life continually dodging investigation of the spiritual side of yourself and so this morning we are doing our best to demand that you make a verdict about that not to just say oh it doesn't matter I'm not even going to address that that's a mistake you have to add it's like the guy that it's like my brother smoked cigarettes all his life and he put off thinking about that cigarettes will give you lung cancer and cigarettes will give you brain cancer and cigarettes give you they'd ever you never thought of that but he died at 67 he was two years older than I am guess what he died of because I mean he wasn't you know even he was just the good old Joe but he died he died because he ignored well that's one thing but spiritual death isn't other thing and so ignoring what we're talking about here if you are a human being now if you're something else then you know this may not apply to you but if you're a human being this is really important for you and I'm preaching to you because I love you because the love of christ constraineth me and that we have got a Ministry of reconciliation which is to reconcile you back to God from the fallen state that man is pitched in to and so here we are with hope today and the foolishness you need to take the whole thing God is offered and safe I want to know the Living God so I'm wrapping this up so I've got two hands to be I've got I forget how many this was 236 bones in your body now get it run else so ever how many bones would that was a little private joke there we knew an old preacher he must have had a science book that day cuz he knew how many bones or wasn't human body you got he said there's 236 bones in the human body well now get them run the Owls so I'm like you I thought that don't make sense but and so we've got every what the cumulative total of body parts and pieces that there is but we're greater what I'm preaching you is we're greater than the sum of our parts I'm greater than 400 body parts or whatever there is and you are there's more to us than that there is because the Bible tells us in Genesis 2 and 7 that God made us part out of mud or dust and then he breathed into man and made him a living soul the breath is celestial the body is terrestrial one is of heaven one of his earth and you and I are made this way and there is no escape if you're going to be a human being you're going to have the heavenly near earthly the celestial no terrestrial so you can't just hammer your nails to drive your truck or teach your class or mow your lawn or whatever you do and ignore all of this and get by with it because this part of you that's made an image of God that's the eternal part in the earth is the existential part the part that rots and so we're all caught on this together and when you think about in Genesis 28 when you think about Jacob's Ladder J goes out and he the Bible's pretty explicit he lays down hits and he's caught out on the road when the Sun Goes Down and it's nightfall the Bible says he fixed him a place there it's on the dirt he's dirt it's dirt he lays down there and gets a rock or two for a pillow that's a pretty harsh pillow but at least it holds his head up level with his body and so he's got a rocket - the Bible uses the plural so I say a rock or two maybe in three or four I don't know maybe it was a bunch of pebbles and gravel all scraped together whatever it was he lays down and he goes to sleep laying on the dirt probably had a little little ground blanket laying on the dirt calcified dirt his head is laying on rocks he's dirt made out of dust and he's laying there in the mid of the night he is in this physical sleep state but in the spirit he sees a ladder going from earth to heaven and some translations call it a staircase but but it's it's like a ladder or staircase and it's connecting earth it ends right there where he's at and it's connecting earth in heaven and he sees angels ascending going up the staircase or ladder and he sees angels descending coming down the staircase or a ladder they're going up they're coming down they're passing each other heaven and the Bible says that he sees them go to the gate uses the word gate and the Hebrew says that the gate means a royal palace or a temple and the gate really signifies just inside the gate we're in old days as most of you know the council the City Council met and that's where they that's where the courthouse was that's where the City Council met that's where you met the mayor that's where you met the king that's reman just inside the gates and so it is a concourse of conversation communication and connectivity between all of the strategies that are going on in heaven and what is going with this one lonely man laying in the dirt on earth and he has connected to all of this splendorous activity that's going on and the voice of the angels of heaven come to him and say to him the promises I made to your father Abraham the promises I made to your father Isaac I'm making those promises to you your children shall be like the sand of the sea and the stars of heaven and all of this this is the point I want you to get out of this all of this from heaven is coming information and plans for what's going on on earth don't think for a moment that the earth is disconnected and don't think for the moment that the earth is a random little marble in a world of boulders and in a universe of boulders and that it has no significance it has tremendous significance there is no other planet like Earth you will not find it they I don't care how far they go they won't find another planet like Earth they will not find human beings on another planet like there is earth the earth is and there's no other planet that has a plan of salvation because John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever should believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life and so what's going on on earth this is just to let you know what's going on earth is not what's going on on a billion other planets it's not an accident that everything they've sent out there and all the big weather they call the big dishes the big dishes all the big dishes that they've set up at the University of California that are listening out there to try to get sounds back to hear what's going on to hear if there's voices out there mr. Tesla Senna Senna I mean mr. the guy over Tesla Senate sent a car out there in the space that maybe somebody will find it out there and drive it around in the heavens or something I don't know and but I but I'm telling you you don't have to go to outer space to find the excitement the excitement is going on right here this is where the excitement is going on I can't stay on that too long because sister Wilson doesn't like all that space stuff man she knows what's really important here hey man so when we think about miracles we're talking about something that is outside the explanatory scope of natural cause and effect and so let me close by saying does God still do miracles today and you know and I know that he does that God has never stopped doing miracles in fact the truth of matter is every breath you take this miracle I mean there's trillions of miracles that have went on since midnight every breath that anybody takes is a miracle it's a gift of God that He has given us today and so we need to be thankful if you just look where we were and if you just look at the joy that God has given us and you just look at the prosperity of life itself it's a time to just say god I'm so glad you love me I've still got things because I'm living in the world before it comes to its perfection therefore I'm still subject to the imperfections of the imperfect world I mean I know a guy that got healed of cancer and lived 25 more years and died of a heart attack so that's part of us living in an imperfect world okay in this world even healing is temporary but what we have in us is in the bigger scope not temporary it's forever and the guarantees are 100% and it can't be taken away from you no matter what happens you can give it up but it can't be taken away from you let's stand together before you pray I want I want to emphasize one thing if you have a need today [Music] if you'll bring it to God I believe God will answer it today I'm not just saying this I don't believe you have to go one more service or the problem that you had in your life the gods a healer if you're raised up in faith got a video this morning and if you're unsaved God will do the miracle in your spirit that brings salvation he is all of that he is all of that and I've been healed of things that when I look back I wondered why didn't I get healed of that earlier why did I have that for weeks or months or whatever was and then I got healed so all a little bit inscrutable you well there's no such things a little bit inscrutable it is or it isn't it's inscrutable it's beyond what we know it's but I know that when you lift your hands to God and say God this is my commitment to you I will be obedient I will be faithful I will trust you I will not doubt you I know that you've got an ally on your side that none of us could take the place of I want you right now to lift your hands where you are stop room down here lift your hands where you are
Channel: Hallelujah Anyhow
Views: 597
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: nate, nathaniel wilson, nathaniel wilson preaching, nathaniel j wilson, miracles, rock church elk grove, rock church elk grove ca live broadcast, apostolic, apostolic preaching, apostolic church, apostolic pentecostal, apostolic preaching 2018, apostolic pentecostal preaching, apostolic pentecostal church, apostolic pentecostal worship, apostolic pentecostal sermons, apostolic pentecostal preaching videos, apostolic pentecostal preaching 2018
Id: R01zEXfW6UA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 5sec (3605 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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