Josh Herring - "Build It, Kill It, Name It"

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for several days for tonight Genesis chapter 22 Exodus chapter 17 and Judges chapter 6 normally wouldn't read three but at the sake of this what I'm feeling Genesis 22 9 through 14 Exodus 17 13 to 16 judges 6 22 24 won't hold you long they came to the place which God had told him of and Abraham built an altar there and laid the wood in order and bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar upon the wood and Abraham stretched forth his hand took the knife to slay his son the angel the Lord called unto him out of heaven and said Abraham Abraham and he said here am I and he said lay not thine hand upon the lad neither do thou anything unto him for now I know that thou fearest God seeing thou hast not withheld thy son thine only son from me Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns Abraham went and took the RAM and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son and Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Jireh somebody say Jehovah Jireh as it is said to this day in the mount of the Lord it shall be seen Exodus 17 verse 13 through 16 Joshua discomforted Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword and the Lord said unto Moses write this for a memorial in a book and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven and Moses built an altar and called the name of it Jehovah Nissi someone say Jehovah Nissi or he said because the LORD hath sworn that the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation judges chapter 6 verse 22 through 24 and when Gideon perceived that he was an angel of the Lord Gideon said alas o Lord God because I have seen an angel of the Lord face-to-face and the Lord said unto him peace be unto thee fear not thou shalt not die then Gideon built an alternative the Lord and called it Jehovah Shalom somebody say Jehovah Shalom under this day as it has yet no fredley be his rights I want to talk to you tonight for a few minutes from the subject build it kill it name it build it kill it then name it Lord Jesus thank you for the anointing of the Holy Ghost I worship you for what you're about to do this week I thank you for miracles they're gonna take place in this building this week I give you glory in advance I know you've got great things in store for the people I worship you in advance for several getting the Holy Ghost and people being healed and delivered from whatever they were bound by I released the gift of faith in the audience tonight and I worship you don't just anoint me but anoint the people as well I pray release the spirit of prayer upon us like never before in Jesus name would you clap your hands to the Lord one more time he's worthy to be praised and you may be seated praise God life changes at the altar anything can happen at the altar the altar is where you repent of your sins where you were delivered from an addiction where you were filled with the Holy Ghost where maybe some of you were married some of you had great encounters with God at an altar some were healed at this altar in fact in this very altar right here some of you can testify some of the things I just mentioned happen in your personal life things happen at the altar life-changing moments happen at the altar you can be in your chair and feel nothing and get up and take a few steps forward and by the time you've left the chair and step into the altar something different is upon you you feel something you did not feel just sitting that I'm not against where you're sitting but when the altar begins to move and the altar call begins to be forth something powerful gets on somebody that says I want to be in the altar I want to be up there I want to pray I want to feel God I don't know how many hundreds of people I've seen during the service never worship never feel gone never raise their hands never clap uncomfortable but they went down to the altar and as soon as they got down there something came upon them tears rolled down there hands begin to lift toward the heavens and before long God was filling them with his spirit or delivering them because altars can change your life in the old testament they didn't just pray like we pray they had to work davin altar they had to sweat in the soil in the Sun and carry rock after rock stone after stone to have an encounter with God we just get out of our chair and come down to a prepared altar but in the Old Testament to get an encounter with God you had to build your own altar you had to know I write this is so important to me to have an encounter with God that I've got to work for it to expect him to show up for that's powerful and someone will do whatever they have to do to get God's attention I don't care how long I've got to work to do it I must have an altar let me say this right now it's not enough to have an altar in a Wednesday night and first church you should have altars in your house somewhere there should be a place in your house that held fears to go near that room because when you're in that room you begin to call on the name that's above every other name you pray in that room and angels are charged something happens in that room because you've built an altar there somebody said a man building the altars powerful and they would carry Rock after rock stone after stone and finally lay the rock Stalin and lay them in order and then they that was not enough either then they would take some kind of animal and they would sacrifice it they would kill some kind of flesh expecting God to show up they knew that you cannot just build an altar you've got to sacrifice something for fire to fall if you really want the visitation of the Almighty God you must do something besides building you've got to kill something in your life too many people are praying prayers with no sacrifices behind the prayer come on God save my family come on God heal my husband come on God deliver my care and there nothing on the altar and that's why you're still waiting but if you can get a mentality that whatever I've got to give up I got six of you whatever I'm gonna let go of whatever I'm gonna lay down I'm gonna do that because I believe God will answer my prayer when I'm through with the sacrifice some things only shift when there's a sacrifice some things only break when there's a sacrifice and I could probably tell you with full authority that there is a sacrifice you can make personally in your own life I don't know what it is but I guarantee you there's some time of sacrifice you can make personally that would change everything about your future everything about your family everything about your ministry I know on full authority that the greater the sacrifice the greater the shifting personally in someone's life anybody can go through the motions and see God's favor from time to time but if you want to walk in the favor of God continually there must be something on your altar continually anybody can say God I'm here at Wednesday night let's get enough for you but people that say no matter what I've gone through to get there once I get there I will sacrifice with the worship and prayer and praise they're the ones that will get God's attention and tell you that you know 16 years of evangelizing the first 12 first eleven and a half or a blurb but but the last four and a half five years since I started doing great sacrificing it's amazing the shifting that's taking place I don't believe I didn't be preaching on this platform right now head up in a for sacrifice five years ago and over ten thousand people I've seen filled with the Holy Ghost since that sacrum I'm not about myself I'm saying I know a God that honors sacrifice and if you'll step out and say whatever I've got to do I'm gonna do it for God that is the kind of thing that will get you the favor of God in your future and they would sacrifice and they would kill flesh you can't go to new levels of spiritual activity or authority with the same level of flesh that you do well in some kind of flesh must die something must go on the alter something must be killed it may not be sin it made us be a habit it may be something you do with your time if you are the phone eight hours a day on social media and can't read eight verses in your Bible that might be something you should consider sacrificing and watch how God speaks to you at a far greater dimension when you're in his word more I people can meet all the time just gonna miss is off the notes that people come to me all the time every everywhere the Lord told me you had a word for me and here's what I tell them yeah the word is read your Bible you clearly don't because if I need someone to always have a word for me that tells me my relationship is based on flesh I'm counting on someone else's walk with God to speak to me I'm all for giving a word for the Lord but God tells me but if I constantly need a word from someone in the audience that lets me know I'm really not in my Bible enough those people that are in the Word of God continually don't really need a word of God every other day but if you're in the Word of God every day guess what he will speak to you every day because that's the relationship that he wants to have and it's through sacrifice now we all get all that but there was a little thread throughout the Old Testament worth a few people didn't just build an altar kill the sacrifice they they named the altar the encounter was so powerful to them that they named the encounter each one that name encounter named it after something that dog was doing or God is some kind of attribute of God God is this and God is that I've Cho three tonight to show you an example Abraham is told by God to go build an altar on a mountain and sacrifice his 20 year old son and as he and by the way this powerful builds our altars picking up for your family to fit on by the way and so he built an altar big enough for his son to fit on and he lays the wood down he raises the knife up you know the story angel says stop we know you fear God more than man everything's gonna be good now and that he sees a ram caught in a thicket and Abraham sees the provision of God when he was about to sacrifice and instead say well thank God for coming through and God your provider was gonna move on he names the place Jehovah Jireh the Lord hath seen God is my provider and when he named that encounter Jehovah Jireh from that point forward Abraham had never never had to worry again about the provision of God the sacrifice was so great the altar was so powerful that when he named it God became that day for him the rest of his life what are you needing God to become permanently in your family is there a sacrifice that you can name and say cause it's my child's deliverer and I'm gonna do this and sacrifice this and every day I get up I will call it Jehovah this jovis my deliverer the Lord is my son's deliver the Lord as my dollars deliver and every day when you make that sacrifice I'll prove it to you God now becomes that and he said Abraham you've so impressed me your seed shall possess the enemies gates you'll be like the stars of the heaven and the sand of the seashore what you've just called me no one's ever called me but yet no one ever sacrificed like you just attempt to dis Accra and so as of this point forward you have prophecy anybody can prophesy with no weight behind it with no flesh on the altar but Abraham was declaring God to be something right after Abraham had just laid it all down on the altar and let me tell you a little secret with God when someone will lay it all down for God when they start declaring that God's gonna be this for me God will back that up because God understands that was hard that was sacrificial that was painful and so I will be what they're declaring me to be I'll say it boldly don't prophesy to me if you never sacrifice because you have weight in the prophetic when you've got stuff on your all time and Abraham declares it and God becomes that Jehovah Jireh and we know about Jehovah Jireh we say today the Lord is Jehovah Jireh my provider then you go to the next book and there's another encounter and this is very powerful and Moses is up on the mountain and he's holding his hands up as Joshua's down the valley fighting the enemy and the as long as the bishops hammers a raise as long as his hands were over the people they would look back and they would see the the man of God with his hands up and they would win the battle in the valley where the second his hands began to get tired in a week they would lose the battle and after the end of the battle his hands are up the entire time they win the battle the Bible said God tells Moses write this this is powerful write this down the book and tell Joshua in other words this miracles so great tell the next generation about it we've got way too many moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas that have got miracle testimonies and stories that the kids have no idea about and junior just thinks you've never sinned grandma grandpa mom and dad have always gone to church always lived right always live holy and so therefore they cannot relate to when I'm being attacked by but if mom and dad would tell them I was there one time I'll attack by that I struggle with that they will understand you can have the victory because I had a battle and we've got too many people that have seen God do crazy stuff but they've got silent testimony you're the next generation needs the elders to tell them what the Lord has done to give them faith what the Lord is going to do in their personal life so he's writing it down as he's wasted I want to build him whole turn and so he builds an altar such a great moment and he calls the altar Jehovah Nissi God is my banner the Lord reigns in victory now we we as Swedish citizens ova new doors my banner but but and throughout all kinds of history you'll find that that when someone was in a panel they would raise up the flag or the banner at the castle or at the fourth and no matter how hard the battle was and how hot the battle was the people that were fighting could look back at the way they were head back to if they needed to retreat if it got to been serious with him they would look back and see the banner or the flag race as their symbol I know where to retreat to I know where to go to when the battle is over that didn't start with soldiers that started with Moses hands they were down there fighting he became a banner word let me just say this by the way never take it lightly when Bishop is on this platform and as his hand stretched over the entire congregation let me just say that for some of your stay unless you're sleeping right now never take it lightly when the man of God has his hands raised over you because you have no idea the power of the covering that you have that is your banner I want more than three of you that is your banner when your pastor has his hand stretched over you that is your covering that's sir that's your key I'm gonna win this fund when this thing is over I will still be standing because I've got my covering stretching his hands over me Jehovah Nissi God is my banner this is so powerful is I'm gonna name this altar Lord I'm gonna call you something you're my bear my protector you're the one that reigns the one I look - oh that David said when I'm gonna get overwhelmed I leave me to the rock that is higher than I am and when I lift up mine eyes unto the hills that's why I see my help coming in and the word also said lift up your heads o ye gates and be lifted up ye everlasting doors and the King of glory shall come in there's something about going through hell but lifting your head toward heaven in the midst of it and realize that your banner is still there God it's still Jehovah Nissi he's still the one you can look to when your heart is over well and you don't know when out and he said Moses because you named this Jehovah Nissi I'm your banner I'm your protector I swear to you that if emilich ever fights you again every time this thing shows up to fight you I'll show up to fight for you wait because you sacrifice by the way Amalek means flesh because you sacrificed and you laid flesh on the altar the next time flesh tries to rise though this is why sacrificing sofa you may think well I can't come to the addiction I can't conquer I've tried for years listening you let me help you something if you will make a sacrifice for that addiction to be broken when you get weak later on down the road years from now the devil tries to see if the doors unlocked or not God becomes Jehovah Nissi to you mama as law as that thing tries to rise up you can count on me Moses to rise up for you I feel like telling someone in the Holy Ghost that what you used to fall - you're not gonna fall - in your future the devil might be lying to you he might be screaming at you but you've got an altar and you've got a sacrifice and you've got a name I said I swear to you if that thing ever shows up I'll be there because you named that sacrifice you named that encounter and let me just hurry up we found another one Jacob bit about I'll move on to Gideon Gideon names an altar he's in there he's been told by the angel he's a mighty man of Valor he's a coward he's afraid of everybody and the angel says you're a mighty man of Valor and and then he's talking to an angel now you realized something I am talking to an angel the Lord and then somehow God interrupts his conversation with an angel and the Lord speaks and the Lord said peace be unto you fear not thou shalt not die now if you're like me but you probably not you would focus on the fear not thou shalt not die pretty big promise hideous didn't hear that he heard peace be unto you and he said did God just promise me peace I'm gonna build an altar and I'm gonna name it Jehovah Shalom God is my peace and Gideon never worried that's by the way that the key to conquering the spirit of fear is what you've got feared overwhelming you build an altar and sacrifice until fear is replaced by peace if you're I'm gonna say strongly if you're consumed by the spirit of fear you fear everything but God that tells me your altars not big enough because if you build an altar big enough and you sacrifice enough you will meet your whole voice alone and jehova sholom will interrupt the situation or the atmosphere and whatever used to dwell there I don't care how big the spirit of fear was when you meet Jehovah Shalom he will override everything the devil has been scaring you with and a piece in fact I released piece of your house right now in your sleep tonight on your baby you know ayah I released piece of every family's situation right now he is still to hold us alone the call of my peace now hurry Miller wants to pray but we sing Jehovah Jireh my provider Jehovah Nissi Lord you reign in victory Jehovah Shiloh Jehovah Shalom my Prince of Peace and I worship you because of who you are that's a song to us that was a sacrifice to them ready the only reason why you save Jehovah Jireh is your provider is because Abraham built an altar and declared him from this point forward to be Jehovah Jireh the provider the only reason why you can come to the altar I'd say he's Jehovah Nissi he's my protector he's my banner I can look to it when I'm overwhelmed it's because Moses built an altar one night and said from now on you are Jehovah Nissi and the only reason why you can come down there tonight no matter what stress you're dealing with what fear you have and feel the peace of God saturate you it's because there was a man named Kenyon who said from now on he's Jehovah shall all the God of my peace ready ready your song of your future is dependent upon your sacrifice of your present the song of your family's future is based on what you sacrifice on the altar what do you want your family to sing about years from now there needs to be a shocker [Applause] so we'll take oh shut that up but I said you know little baby jumped in the pool last week just flew off and jumped in three weeks ago almost drown I jumped in phone keys everything pulled him out and God save his life woke up at a hotel few days later we were preaching Saturday night walk out a living room with a hotel Bishop boys are simply sleeping on the couch that one that one he wasn't there calling his name out God woke me apparently in that little Kitchener that hope till there was a butcher knife he'd found that somehow them overnight was crawling around with a knife the devil sure has tried to torment me but see four and a half years ago I fasted forty days for Hoover when the what child we had or how many children we had I said God no matter what kids we have I pray and I fast and I sacrifice for their protection and when the devil tries to attack when I can't see I'm praying I'm calling you my child's protector we're gonna protect my baby so God I know you're gonna protect and crime not taking that ready I'm telling you I had an altar and those times the devil tried to hurt my babies listen to me my babies my new boy is four months old and when she was 15 20 days old I was laying in bed and randomly my wife was downstairs and the Lord spoke to me so the baby's about to choke it was a what set straight up all of a sudden thirty seconds later the baby's turning blue and she's choking I never choked before we pray and we rush to the emergency room and for one month straight they kept miss diagnosing her and we could not lay her down at all on her back at all she went to sit up all hours 24 hours a day here's a second she would lay down she would start gagging and choking and turning blue and now the hospital and out of emergency rooms as we're trying to preach across the nation and the devil threatening non-stop non-stop what the devil did not remember was I had an alter already named that would you tell me like a flood the spirit the Spirit of the Lord will raise a standard or a banner against him he still Jehovah Nissi when I'm telling you is true tonight if you will build an altar and you will kill some flesh you can name that and God will be what you need him to be in your family let's stand right it's all stand right now what song is your family gonna sing it's all based on what altar you're gonna build someone hear me we start the prayer revival off like this we're going to build altars not just in this altar but in our houses start tonight praying for God to give you a time when he wants you at a certain spot in that house I don't care if it's 5:00 in the morning or 5:00 in the evening whatever Bishop says you follow his if he tells you a certain time do what he says but you pray for God to give you a time you pray for God to give you a spot I don't care if it's a spot on the floor okay if it's a chair I don't care if it's a bedside I don't care if it's a couch I don't care if it's a rug place is now an alternate and let me tell you something when you get me that alternate and you're giving him sacrifice you could be sleeping but Sir I'm sacrificing flesh and you're giving God praise and glory and you're tired and you're weary let me tell you something you're getting closer and closer and the longer you build that and the more consistent you are there you can start declaring Lord your this your gonna be this no matter what comes I gotta there's certain things that do not fear about because I know the Lord has promised me like pastor Tyler said earlier here you promise from God let me tell you how to get it build an altar kill some flesh and name the encounter tomorrow morning get up hear that rock Friday morning good sleep what's the weekend Saturday actually just sleeping and the Lord understands him flesh down and then you walk in here Sunday and the fire d'stefano get healed you just happen to get delivered the addiction just happens to break off your baby no it doesn't just happen it's called God responding to what you're building here's what I wants to do tonight we're gonna come down this altar I want you to ignore everybody and who's in the building normally everything but when you come up here it's time to start getting the rocks it's time to start killing the flesh and it's time to start praying about what you want God to be in your future what do you want to call God God truly is this in my family he's truly their provider he's truly to protect her he's truly our peace he's truly our kids deliver her he's truly been merciful he's truly been gracious what do you want God to actively be in your family I open the altars up right now anybody one encounter with Jehovah Jireh Jehovah Nissi Jehovah Shalom is there anybody that will come down to the altar and say Lord you're Emma I'm gonna start tonight I'm gonna start building you an altar you can have me every day of my life let me tell you what drama to cease in your life start building altars every day you want peace to override all kind of pain builds an altar you want to deliver the sweet over the voice of the demonic then build an altar you want peace where there's been pressure build an altar you want anointing where there's been stressed build an altar you want everything God has instead of anxiety build an altar and then name it build and then kill it and then name it what do you need God to be the prayer meeting has begun go go go go Jehovah Jireh my provider Jehovah Nissi Lord you raided victory Jehovah Shalom is the Prince of Peace do you have an altar do you have a sacrifice and do you have a name [Music] let there be a spirit of travail and prayer in this altar right now in the name of the Lord Jesus do not be afraid or inhibited to lift up your voice like a trumpet and get God's attention right now someone grab the rock somebody grab the flesh shall overcome a hospital they would bind that flesh to the altar with cords if you if you want this flesh to stay broken you've got to bind it and whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven if you want to be bound in heaven you've got to bind that flesh to the altar by it to the altar if you buy it to the altar it'll be bound in the heavenlies behind that flesh come on go and drag that carnality up here drag that laziness up here drag that fear up here drag that worry up here drag that anger up here drag that character flaw up here drag that addiction of God dare you drag that thing the altar it's time for the flesh to die first church is crying out to you God let the first church cry out to you God alters feet built everywhere altars and homes altars and family's altars and marriages altars in the car altars in the bedroom altars in the office altars in the sanctuary altars at the church altars at the job altars altars altars build them flesh let it die addictions die strongholds die what needs to go on your altar what's the one thing that you know I've got to break that why don't you fight you sacrifice the thing this week that you always let conquer what's the thing that sinks you what's the thing that breaks you well come on Tasha what attacks you and you're by yourself come on I'm calling that thing out right there I'm calling that flesh thing out that thing that always wants to live - shut up what's that thing that no one knows about that belongs on the altar what's that thing that you've let live too long come on drag that old bull up here drag that old sacrifice come on that thing's been around the house too long that thing's been around your life too long and thinks how to control your mind too long I feel the Holy Ghost talking to me up here let a fire fall from heaven on a true sacrifice let a fire fall from heaven on a true sacrifice [Music] build it kill it name it build it kill it what hurts kill it well my flesh wants it kill it my flesh crazy killer it's the thing holding you back [Music] minor changes bring major favor kill it kill it kill it sorry that's got to go as for me in my house the name Lord from this point forward you are my restore your my way maker to the promise keeping your my child's protection and my spouse's protection you're my healer you're my strength you're my joy you're my peace as your alter have a name the greater the encounter the greater the encounter the greater the need is to name it naming this sacrifice has a name Oh sharbat a Lakota Lama Josefa this sacrifice has a name on it this sacrifice has a name attached to it this sacrifice has a has something in my future attached to it this fast has a name this all-night prayer bed he's got a name his financial sacrifice has a name this extra time I'm giving to the church when I don't even have time to rest as the name I'm gonna name every sacrifice God told me beginning of this year sacrifice and all every way you can even unnecessary sacrifices for I am watching every unnecessary and every necessary sacrifice and I will open greater doors for you I will do more for you but you must sacrifice any way you can and name what you want the sacrifice to be you're the door opener [Music] you're the God that gives me the race you're the god of the job opportunity or the Holy Ghost shuttle abacus Italia let there be a release of divine employment right now on people in this church looking for jobs he co-directed a Baretta let there be divine employment released he la voluntad de la cosa de anima edevalla Cotto a syllable occasion de la maza I any moms and dads and some lost kids right now would you lift up your voice and let the Lord hear you any parents with some lost babies would you begin to reach out to God right now oh come on Abraham build that altar Isaac peel that altar Jacob's gonna come back home come on come on no Sherman build that altar Moses gonna come back they are gone dead of us son Donna little sucker let there be the cries and mothers grandmothers fathers grandfathers I've got an altar it's got my baby's name on it God is their salvation they're the most uptight Omaha moms and dads with babies are the hands on your kids every night start to speaking over their destiny speak over their destiny I'm sacrificing for your destiny I'm sacrificing for your destiny that no matter what the devil tries to attack you with oh I lay on this halting heal up over me alone overcome toccata I don't know what I'm feeling that I only can describe as I feel all prayers up here I feel prayers from years ago up here right now I feel like I'm just walking in words I feel like words are all around my head all around my shoulders I feel like I'm walking in the words of saints they're not even here anymore they're going on I feel like I'm walking on something I don't even know what I'm feeling I feel prayers all around me [Music] in an orchid of us here I feel like I'm walking on altars I feel like I'm surrounded by halters [Music] [Music] come on get that walk with God come on lotion let dawn introduce a new attribute of himself to you for your sacrifice let me call let God become something to you you've never known him to be before through your sacrifice you're the Lord who speaks early in the morning with the Lord of my direction [Music] you're the car that stops my storms you're the cure of anxiety you're the king over depression you've defeated discouragement weariness vows at your feet [Music] your strength is made perfect in my weakness you felt like I'm surrounded by prayers it's just I see these transcripts rolling by milla little phrase it's like pieces of paper just rolling by the edits people's names and situations [Music] Oh bullet ricocheted up [Music] your prayers not in vain [Music] [Music] somebody dropped some tears on it right now somebody water the ground say Dada Dada waha [Music] you've got prayers that have been planted [Music] some tears on the soil Lord's gonna bring the increase the devil's told you that you've been buried but the truth is you were planted sipped a corn of wheat fall on the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit something you're about to have a season of the favor of God because the altar you've been refusing to get up from present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service [Music] I can see all Elijah putting those rocks in order putting that wood in order burn that sacrifice go get some water go get some water there's some serious fire coming go get some water the Lord is about to answer but this church enter a season of answered prayers in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth let this church enter a season of answered prayers right now by the authority of the word of God and the power of the name of Jesus a season of answered prayers starting tonight let the cries get louder now in the name of Jesus let the ground break forth let the ground break forth all prayers planted about to rise from beneath the surface in the form of answers miracles blessings favor although about a short time Vasudha malaysia de la bajada Yatta Yatta Yatta [Music] [Music] knows the way that I take [Music] but to be a praying culture in your home drain culture praying atmosphere I pray right now for people that live in homes with non-believers the atmosphere is rough and tight tense I pray right now that before you go home an angel would go before you and that when you enter that place tonight and from this night forward that atmosphere is now an atmosphere of Liberty for you to pray in I feel the Holy Ghost all on me right now you will not your prayers will not be bound they will not be silenced into your mind you're gonna have a Liberty to speak your prayers verbally and vocally in that home I feel the Holy Ghost right now let's hit em up Lincoln AMA hi let there be a peace for you to pray the way you want to pray [Music] [Music] sometimes you need a little help building your altar would you reach over and lay a hand on his shoulder of somebody right now say this is a little too heavy for me right now I want to make sure I want to make sure I build it right I got to get this thing built right my family depends on it my soul depends on it my future depends on it would you make sure I build this right so now right now all across this build and those who can those who are those who are endowed by the spirits those who are filled with the spirit so I wish you'd just open up that fountain of the deep right now and pray in the Holy Ghost oh ha ha don't hold back don't hold back right now just pray in the Holy Ghost now see darkness leaving us see it leaving I see that heavy cloud dissipating right now I see that fog beginning to rise right now I see a horizon appearing uh I see a promise of hearing uh Papa is breaking through [Music] haha la la hora maja hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah now somebody gets your eyes off of the altar and off of the sacrifice and lift your eyes into the heavens right now and say I know where my help comes from hallelujah [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] brother herring said something a moment ago that just he just connected me to the word of the Lord he just said it and I doubt if he meant to even say it just the Holy Ghost probably he said when you see bishop and by the way people pastors and ministers that's what they call me I'm District Superintendent and rather than calling me boss for bottle-washer they called me Bishop house there and I get that name I get that title I mean when he said when you see Bishop with his hands lifted up people understand something is happening that's Bible that is Bible here's what Moses said when the when the tabernacle was dedicated than the the tribe of Levi was anointed and the offerings were being brought to the tabernacle Moses told Aaron and his sons you need to bless the people in this manner and the Jews say that the blessing came when Aaron the high priest would lift up his hands he would put his hands together like this and in so doing form the Hebrew letters is of course the first syllable in Shama the mighty name of God that when he would hold up his hands it would form it would form a shorthand version of the name of him that when he lifted up his hands they had the promise that the Shekinah would flow through the hands of the priests and would light up the faces of the people and here's what do you say he said when you lift your hands to bless the people you say the Lord bless and keep thee the Lord make his face shine upon thee and that's when they would say that people's faces would begin to glow from the Shekinah of God the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace and then finally they shall put my name by lifting up the hand and forming the first syllable of the Divine Name they shall put my name upon the children of Israel and I will bless them you know what we're doing we're putting the name of God on everybody in this room right when you are baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ when you call on the name of Jesus Christ there is something that should bring peace into your world there is something that should make your face shine that you shouldn't leave here heavy but you feel the favor and since the favor of the Almighty God would you lift your hands and receive such a blessing in this builder today father I'm asking you right now Lord you see these precious people these are not my people go these are your people and the Sheep of your pasture Lord I pray I pray over every one of them God as we enter into a season of building and altar of laying ourselves down as living sacrifices and naming those experiences I pray that the next three days will be memorable I pray that they will be days of transformation and transition I pray that old things be left behind and something brand-new would be form Lord let a glory of another world sweep through this building right now let the power of heaven come down on these people right now let a fire from glory begin to fall and sit upon each of them Oh God and let them get their fire back let them get their strength back let them get their praise back up let them take back everything the enemy has stolen from the hill my god before the weekend gets here we're believing you Lord for the impossible and the miraculous Oh somebody praise them in this house right now and you praise him in this house right now hallelujah glory glory glory glory oh praise God would you go back to you see just a moment I want to tell you just one or two things that I believe are crucial to where we're going and you need to know it and just take a moment Oh sirs come ahead and will dismiss you get you how to hear I think Waffle House is still open they got a table just for you Phi Slama JAMA just waiting on your whatever they call it and I do want you I do want you as we go through this week of Prayer and brother herring will also be with a Sunday morning and Sunday night and we're just gonna loose him and let him go then okay so we're saying three nights of Prayer and to stay focused and stay in the traces and the tracks but I do want you I do want you to be in prayer because we have felt I don't know how to say this in a way that sounds that sounds the way I feel it I have felt for a time and I've shared it every week with our pastoral staff I have just felt a break out spirit coming upon this church I have felt that it is not beyond the realm of possibility that late summer early fall will see 200 brand-new people in this place I just felt and I I I would say what brother Haring it and I can't explain this I think brother Harry did is the best job I've ever heard of anybody explaining this but once a person wants a church a family once a church experiences God in a certain way and lays claim to it it can happen again and again and again this church I can't explain it but somewhere way back we believe God for a hundred soul revival and it happened in a weekend we just believe we've seen him do it before we're just he'll do it again that's what we feel but I've always noticed that before it happens I start sensing something and that's what I'm sensing now and so I'm going to ask you in the season of prayer every night we're gonna mention this if if we can get some of these invite cards go do something good for someone bring someone to the house of the Lord I have no idea what brother Haran is gonna preach this weekend he's not shared it with me and I'm not told him what to preach some of you wonder if that's what we do and I just trust that he's going to hear from God but I also believe that if you had a fan remember a backslidden loved one if you had a guest here with you Sunday you might leave with the happiest person no I take it back you will be the happiest person because it's like getting the Holy Ghost all over again can you say amen to that we're gonna give us under the Lord and give sacrificially give sacrificially because your sacrifice today I love what he said is your song tomorrow rushers go right ahead what are we going to do this week tomorrow night if you can come just a few moments early we'll make this a place of Prayer and here just for a few moments what we did tonight we may do tomorrow night or we may we may sing one song and it's over or brother harun may say I'm tired of hearing the sing and I want to preach we just don't really know what's going to happen the next two nights we have plans but we're welcoming the interruption to God's plans but here's what I can't say if you will bring a need bring your faith the next two nights prayer rooms are going to be open all day tomorrow all day Friday all day Saturday if you need a place to pray come and let's saturate this place with glorious prayer and you watch what God's gonna do in this building so tomorrow night 7:00 o'clock be here Friday night 7 o'clock I believe it'll crescendo and we'll see the glory of God in this place can you say amen to that if you built an alternate I would you just stand all over this building if you say I built an altar I know where my altar is at home do you know where it's at at home do you know where it is why don't you go home tonight and before you turn in or some of you may be headed to work would you go find that place and what you just begin to say God here I shall build it I shall kill it and I'm gonna name the glorious experiences can you say amen to that lift up your voices and let's praise Him right now come on let's give a shout to God in this house so don't hold back just let it flow and say oh god I thank you I thank you for what you're doing praise God god bless you look forward to seeing you again tomorrow be sweet to somebody on the way out don't don't trip them and don't run over them in the parking lot god bless you see you tomorrow night you
Channel: Hallelujah Anyhow
Views: 1,305
Rating: 4.8431373 out of 5
Keywords: josh herring, josh herring preaching, josh herring 2018, josh herring preaching 2018, josh herring prayer, josh herring upci, josh herring evangelist, josh herring evangelist 2018, first church pearland, first church pearland tx, first church pearland pentecostal, first church pearland gurley, build it kill it name it, apostolic preaching 2018, apostolic pentecostal preaching, apostolic pentecostal church, apostolic pentecostal worship, apostolic pentecostal sermons
Id: 5P4PTyxaIkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 24sec (3564 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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