God's Great Enterprise of Mercy - Part 1

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Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I'm found I was blind but now I see through many dangers through many dangers through many dangers toils and snares I want to talk about God's great Enterprise of mercy that's what that's what Charles Charles Spurgeon called Christmas God's great Enterprise of Mercy Christmas is about God showing us mercy let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus let this mind be in you right thinking results in right action if you think with the mind of Christ you will do the things that please him but you've got to have his mind don't don't don't don't pay no attention to these conferences in these books that's talking about the God in you because you are not a literal God I wish I had a witness here the God in me will last till about 3:30 this afternoon I can't trust the God in me have I got a witness here I need a God who is stronger than me but God who is mightier than me let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus if you are a Christian then you ought to think with the mind of Christ don't don't trust your thinking don't trust your opinions don't don't make choices without the mind of Christ don't make decisions without the mind of Christ because it will invariably lead you to do things that are foolish and destructive what's wrong with chasity bono becoming Chaz what's wrong with having a baby before you have a husband what's wrong with living with a woman before you marry her nothing is wrong with it if you don't have the mind of Christ but if you name the name Christ then you've got to fake his thought you gotta walk in his footsteps because the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord don't trust your thinking because it will lead to destruction let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus being in the form of God morph a failure in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but took upon him the form of a servant Martha do loss more faith fail not fade do loss God Jesus in the form of a man was incarnated in human flesh and the devil always tries to trip us up with Santa Claus and and and reindeer and and and Christmas trees and all of those things are emblems of the season but they're not the reason for the season walk with me around the text Christ's incarnation was not an emptying of himself so that he is now devoid of deity but a clothing of himself in a poor humanity that he might write for me lay aside the prerogatives of deity to take on my humanity without sin help me preach right here he thought it not robbery to be equal with God he thought it not robbery to be equal with God equality with the father in Christ situation is not seized as if he didn't have it before and it's not grass that he might lose it if he becomes one of us but he willingly lays aside his perogative while maintaining his characteristics while he's a man he's still gone he does not empty his prerogatives in the fact that he cannot pick him up but he willingly lays them aside so that he can become like one of us I want you to notice brothers and sisters that Paul says let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus when you read Paul's epistles he's usually always referring to Jesus as Christ Jesus Christ Jesus he puts the title before the name Christ Jesus while James and John and Peter and Jude call him Jesus Christ I wondered about that I've done some research about that there is the difference between Christ Jesus and Jesus Christ they are the same person but you meet them differently I wish I had one or two more believers here w evine a noted theologian and bible interpreter pointed out that the order of the names and the title of the Lord is always a matter of precision in the New Testament the disciples who later became apostles knew him as Jesus Christ for his name and then his title became the order of their experience when they first met him they met him as a man son of Joseph son of Mary Jesus with brothers and sisters they met him as a man but but when he rose from the day and they saw him in his glorified body he was no longer just Jesus he became Jesus Christ so after they saw him in glory he's Jesus Christ but Paul saw him in grace Paul didn't see him in glory right after the resurrection he saw him in grace on the Damascus Road and that's why Paul does not call in Jesus Christ because he didn't walk with him Peter James and John and Jude calls them Jesus Christ because they walk with him and ate with him but Paul calls in Christ Jesus because he saw him in Grace on the Damascus Road and when you get to know him as your Savior he's Christ Jesus I wish I had somebody to help you people who don't even know him when they get angry or when they cut themselves on when they trying to make a point or when they're trying to put an exclamation after a word if they say Jesus Christ that's playing with the name Jesus Christ that's just trying to make a point that's that's that's that's exclamatory with no meaning but you can't say Christ Jesus with no meaning because you got to see him a certain way to call him Christ Jesus you got to be born again you've got to know him in an experience of grace in order to call him Christ Jesus and sisters and brothers when you have experienced his grace I said when you have not not what somebody told you when you have experienced his grace his name begins to take on a different meaning I wish I had one or two witnesses here who's been guilty but God still covered you you should have been found out but God healed you you should have been dead but God kept you alive you should have been in jail but God looked beyond your faults and saw your needs when you've experienced his grace you start to see him in a different way let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who thought that equality with God was nothing to be seized upon as if he did not have it in his possession already he willingly laid it down that there was a need for lost men to be saved and no one was found worthy in the earth under the earth and I was a lamb who had been slain from the foundation of the world and he leaves the prerogatives that were his in the beginning and willingly lays them aside to come and put on I pour humanity Jesus becoming one of us is a condescension it's it's a it's a step all the way down I wish I had some noise here I know I know you think you all that but for Jesus to become a man was for Jesus to come I know you think you more than your neighbors but for Jesus to start looking like you is to come down I wish I had a witness it I know Shakespeare got you thinking you something you not because he says what a piece of work is man how noble in reason how infinite in faculty in form and movement how Express how admirable in action how like an angel in apprehension how like a god I know you think you more than you really are but for Jesus that become one of us is to come down the psalm is almost got you messed up when he says what is man that you're so mindful of him and the son of man that you would even visit him you made him a little lower than the Angels that's what the King James says but it ought to accurately be translated you've made him a little lower than yourself and you have crowned him with glory and honor and so when you sit next to somebody on the pew whose life is not as bad as yours whose situation is not as dire as yours the person next to you might be tempted to think that they are on a different level than you come on help me preach if you can because you know some of us our past is worse than somebody else's past so somebody else's past is better than all our other paths but but all of us here today are on the same level without Christ we were lost and on our way to hell and the same salvation that man needs in the penitentiary is needed on the first view in Lily culture have see it and have come short of the glory of God just because you don't have on an orange jumpsuit does not mean you're not a criminal I wish I had somebody to help me because if the truth were told all of us got some skeletons in the closet some decisions we wish we had made some rose we wish we hadn't traveled some stuff we wish we could go back and undo but Jesus came out away now his coming down is not giving up being God because all the way down he still go you go help me preach this want you while he's a man he's still not a god he is Zico let me think Nick Nick Nick Nick I can help us to protect while he was here he got hungry a man but he was gone and took two fish and five loaves lifted it up to his father because it was not his prerogative anymore because he laid that aside to become one of us but when the need had to be met he took that prerogative up again and turned to fish and follows into a banquet for five thousand men not counting women and children I wish I had one or two more witness while he was here he was a man only way to gyruss his house but he still go because just walking along to gyrus his house he's a man but when the need has to be met when somebody grabs his claws who has me that has to be met he stops his processional and says son touched me we shall have somebody to help me here Jesus lays aside the prerogatives which means whenever the need arises he can take it up again here he is equal co-regent with the Father coequal in eternity yet he limits himself to space and time he who is beyond space beyond time he created space but he let himself be limited to a spatio-temporal relationship in the universe he made he he he takes himself down from where he was and lets himself get small enough to fit in a little girl's room and then the girl is not rich the girl is not important the girl is not even married but he limits himself to young teenage girl unmarried laddered earned no pedigree which says to me that if he can come down to Mary's wound he can come down to tear his house I'm trying to talk to you here who think you so important that God got to do some spectacular thing to save you because you ain't like these other people let me tell you all of us here today got the same need we need a Savior ever got a witness here all of us got the same issues and the same problems we were lost and on our way to hell and God sent Jesus to limit himself to a loom himself people and in here's what here's what we're warm zuv my heart he didn't have to do it he could have sent Gabri he could have sent Raphael Sinclair or Michael but they would not have been able to get the job done because they were not in the form of a man but somebody had to come in the form of a man so he could suffer like a man he took upon himself the form of a slave a servant and became obedient because somebody had to die I wanted to get this brothers and sisters angels k9 they are eternal beings incapable of death somebody had to come who could die because without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin and Jesus came to sinful men and he let them arrest him legions of angels could have come down just at his word and taken care of the Roman centurion but he let them arrest him bring him before Herod bring him before Pilate bring him in the praetorium where they spit on him and slapped him and whipped him and had mocked him by by putting a reed in his hand thorns on his brow and falling on their knees mocking him saying hail King of the Jews they struck him with their fists but I unfolded him and said if your Christ tell us who hit you he let them mock him just a word and his father would have destroyed them you gonna help me preach this little sermon I want you in the garden when Jesus went to pray I heard my favorite preacher dr. Caesar Clark said when when Jesus prayed in the garden angels got ready to come down to earth and take care of that situation dr. Clark says they stood in regimental relay and took their sword out of the scabbard getting ready to come down and handle that situation but then Jesus said nevertheless not my will but thine be done and dr. Clark says when Caesar when Jesus said nevertheless angels put their swords back in their scabbards and they fell back in relaxation from his call waiting on the moment that Jesus was had them come and take me but he came to die I wish a handsome noisy he was born with the shadow of the Cross of the manger you remember in the book of Genesis when when God Christ Adam and Eve and the serpent for his part in their deception and disobedience the seed of the woman the protoevangelium of of genesis 3:15 the seed of a woman shall crush the head of the serpent and the serpent shall bruise his heel thank you for tuning in to a call to joy it is our prayer that the Word of God has brought joy strength and faith to your life we would love to have you as I guess that Linda Grove Missionary Baptist Church where we are exalting the Savior equipping the Saints and evangelizing the center for your convenience we have a 7:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship service every Sunday morning and 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday nights lily Grove is located at seventy thirty forty of Westar Street Houston Texas 77021 or feel free to visit our website at that lily grove org until next week God has called us to a life of joy you
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 31,233
Rating: 4.8222222 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend, Terry, Anderson, Pastor, Lilly, Grove, Missionary, Baptist, Church, Houston, Texas, Call, To, Joy, Religion
Id: CMnv3LcrhkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2012
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