The Faithful God

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open your Bibles with me to the book of Deuteronomy in Chapter number 7 verses 6 through verse number 9 Deuteronomy at chapter number 7 Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy chapter 7 commencing with verse number 6 for thou art and holy people unto the Lord thy God the LORD thy God hath chosen me to be a special people unto himself above all people that are upon the face of the earth Lord did not set his love upon you nor choose you because you were more in number than any people for you were the fewest of all people but because the Lord loved you and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn under your father's had the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you out of the house of bond men from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt verse 9 reads know therefore that the LORD thy God he is the faithful god which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our God shall stand forever I want to preach a moment about the faithful God the faithful God Israel is about to enter the promised land after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness a whole generation the entire generation save Joshua and Caleb this whole entire nation that left Egypt has now died in the wilderness Joshua and Caleb are the only two left who will enter the promised land but before they enter the land Moses delivers a series of sermons during the last month of his life these discourses were were given to the generation of Israelites that were born in the wilderness when the Lord had already given Moses the law at Mount Sinai this generation to whom Moses is preaching now did not know the brick kilns in Egypt they did not know suffering under the oppressive hand of Egypt's Pharaoh and they are about to enter a land flowing with milk and honey but they did not know suffering and any people in in nation any any people group that gets its hands on blessings without struggling has a tendency to lose appreciation and so Moses reminds the Moses says to them you are about to come on houses that you did not build I wish I had a Bible reader to help me Vineyards that you have not planted wells that you have not done Moses says to them the tendency will be that when you are full it is then that you need to beware because you will forget the God who brought you and so Moses has to remind this younger generation this this second generation who did not know anything about suffering that if you don't obey God the same thing that happened to your father's God will allow to happen to you the name of the book Deuteronomy means second law Deuteronomy is a restatement of the law that God had given Moses on Sinai and Moses tells the children of Israel this new crowd that you need to learn from the mistakes of your elders God brought them and they complained God kept them and they murmured God delivered them and they had no appreciation for it and I need to tell this crowd who's coming to church this morning all that you have comes by God's hand every good gift every perfect gift I wish I had a witness here I don't care nothing about your college education I don't I don't care about your job skills I'm not I'm not impressed with where you were raised or where you went to school or how much money you make if the Lord don't keep you if the Lord doesn't build a fence around him if the law does not protect you you could wake up in the morning and lose everything that you've worked for but thank God for His grace thank God for His goodness and you ought to remind yourself that if it had not been this church church used to sound different then church sounds now Church used to have a kind of hum in the interviews that nobody had to see anything that was just the kind of noise that that that overwhelmed the congregation because nobody had anything everybody was struggling everybody was trying to make ends meet and you could go down the street and get a cup of flour or two sticks of butter or four eggs until you went to the store because everybody needed everybody else and all the week long we were called out of our name but on Sunday morning we were brother and sister so-and-so and I brought a strange dignity and a hum in our worship that's missing now because so many of us have tried hard to forget where we came from but I don't want to ever forget how good god has been to me I wish I had one or two witness is it I don't want to forget how I was raised in that house with holes in the wall and and my mother would put some cloth in the cracks in the wall to keep the cold from coming on the inside and get up early in the morning and turn the heaters on and cook breakfast breakfast for us and we would sit around the table and pray before we left the house that's the way I was raised and on Sunday morning you had to go to church it was no such thing as you were tired from Saturday night if God got us up we were going to church because we had to come and give God some praise because he had just been so good but now here we are this morning with two cars in the garage closing the closet that you can't even decide what the where you can't even make up your mind what you're going to eat when you get home God's just been that good to you and you have said here since 11 o'clock and not open your mouth how dare you be a beneficiary of all that God has done and won't give him any prey well maybe maybe you haven't had enough trouble maybe you haven't been through enough but some of us who have been through the storm and the rain some of us who have had to cry in the midnight hour some of us who regret some mistakes we made in our past but God still kept us we don't mind testifying God is faithful if you don't get anything else out of this word God is faithful God is free God is faithful God is faithful God will show up God will open a door God will make a way God will see you through just think a minute about where you were and how many people God put in your life to encourage you in your down times how many doors God opened for you but mess you got yourself into but he was still faithful enough to come to your rescue and you in this church this morning not because you've been so holy not because you read the Bible not because you've kept his Commandments so closely because you did enough that you ought to be in hell this morning but the Bible says the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end they are new every morning great is the Lord's faithfulness towards us God's faithfulness is demonstrated in his passion for his people look again with me in verse number 6 for thou art and holy people unto the Lord thy God the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself above all people that are upon the face of the earth the Lord did not set his love upon you nor choose you because you were more in number than any people for ye were the fewest of above all people but because the Lord loved you he set his love upon he just chose to love you you didn't do anything for you will never be able to merit it you will never be able to deserve it he just sets his love upon you um I think about it often how God just blesses us with stuff we need masks for how God just keeps us and provides for us when he could have just cut us off you when you go to bed tonight you're not gonna think about it so let me remind you of what's going to happen when you go to bed tonight and you might not even pray you're just so tired you just fall into bed but God loves you so much that he keeps your heart beating he keeps your lungs expanding and constricted and then if he pleases he wakes you up in the morning with fresh air to breathe he could have let somebody come in your house last night while you were sleeping but God set his love upon you that sirens and ambulances were running all over Houston and none of them stopped at your house people are getting killed and raped and and broken into all night last night and none of that disturbed your rest because God just set his love upon you not because you did anything he just loves you and listened his will to meet you shout he loves you in spite of what he knows about you I wish I had somebody to help me he knows I'm a crook he knows I'm a transgressor he knows I'm a sinner and he still loves me you don't have to take my word for that Jeremiah chapter 31 and verse number 3 says that God's love is everlasting Romans chapter 5 and verse 8 says that God's love is expensive John chapter 3 and verse 16 says God's love is extensive he so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life you don't have to know anything about predestination you don't have to know anything about election when you just look at the door of your heart from the outside salvation from the outside when you look at the door of salvation from the outside it says whosoever will let him come and when you go inside and close the door it says chosen from the foundation of the world I wish I had my 7:30 cry when you go in the door it says whosoever will when you turn around and look back at the door it says chosen from the foundation of the world meaning that you came in but God chose you to come in I wish I had somebody to help me God chose you but you came on your own because he chose you you came but he chose you you came but he chose you he chose you that's why you came you came because he chose you whosoever will let him come and when you come it's cuz he chose I'm glad God chose me when a when a baby is born in your family I don't get how it looks you have to take it home whether you whether you whether you want it or not is yours and those of us who are parents wonder sometimes if we picked up the right child when we left the hospital but no matter what it looks like is yours because it's born to you but when you adopt you go choose what you want let me see if I can help somebody here I was born to Houston and Lena Andersson and they had to bring me home but God chose me in spite of my past in spite of my issues in spite of the mess that I get myself into he loves me not just cuz I'm born but cuz I'm chosen he's loved he just sets his love upon us his love is everlasting it's expensive it cost him everything and its extensive God loves the world that whoever believes should not perish but have everlasting life that's God's faithful passion for his people but I want you to see secondly as a hurry God's faithful performance for his people he desires them he's right here in the text verse 8 but because the Lord loved you and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn to your father's half the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand I said this a few months ago in preaching about prayer and it's still in my mind is still in my heart that prayer is so powerful prayer is so God moving that God is answering the prayers of people who are in their grade people who prayed for us who are dead God is still answering that prayer have you ever thought about you not here this morning because you're so smart because there's some people smarter than you in the penitentiary if some people better than you in ICU this morning you're not here because you're so good somebody prayed for you I wish I had one or two more believers it somebody ask God to bless you somebody bad God to keep you strong somebody implored God to open a door for you and you are blessed more than you deserve because God is still answering the prayers of people who are gone and in there Greg my mother prayed for me my father prayed for me and God is still answering those prayers I can still hear my daddy praying on his knees as a deacon at our church at home and those prayers are still being answered right now because God is so faithful to a thousand generations God is going to bless your children God is going to bless your grandchildren cuz David said I've been young I wish I had a Bible reader now I'm old and I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread God will take care of you what are you doing God will provide for you God will put food on your table God will make folk who don't even like you bless you God will open a door that somebody tried to close in your face and then sometimes salvation is not what God allows to happen to you but what God keeps from happening to you he he delivers them he desires them and then in verse 6 again God develops them we are holy people it chosen people his special people Peter calls us a royal priesthood a holy nation a chosen generation I was ahead of Bible reader here brothers and sisters God loves us and because He loves us he performs on our behalf he moves in some mysterious ways God's wonders are to perform God is always up to something in the lives of his children God's purposes are always being worked out God's plans are always being put forward in the life of those he loves God's passion for his people God's performance for his people then finally God that God's faithfulness is demonstrated in his promises to his people I want to look at it again know therefore that the LORD thy God he is gone the faithful God which keeps covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his Commandments to a thousand generation now God keeps his promises because his name is that state God keeps his promises because his nature is that state people help me close this watching the brothers and sisters you all helped me close by when I tell your friends will fail but God is faithful family will fail but God is faithful funds fu nd s funds will fail but God is faithful feelings will fail but God is faithful faith will fail but God is faithful let me run back over those there have been some people you were friends with who said that they would be with you to the end but when the storm came they left you by yourself but God will get in your boat with you and ride through your storm with you and then he will make your enemies your footstool he'll prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemy he'll let you ride by the folk who thought you wasn't gonna make it in your new car I wish I had somebody to help you here and focally looking at you on Sunday morning wondering why you so happy and they've been lying on you why are you so full of joy and peace and they hate you and can't standing to see you I wish I had somebody to help me here you ain't got nothing to do with my joy you don't furnish my peace I'm not at this church because you are here I woke up this morning with my mind I'm trying to finish it I'm trying to finish friends will fail but God is faith and then family will fail you can't pick your family you can pick your friends but you can't pick your mama you can't pick your drunk uncle you can't pick your crackhead cousin they all crazy you can't depend on them but thank God the Lord will never leave you nor forsake you now don't try to act like you ain't got no crazy people in your family all of us in here got some folk we wish we didn't know I wish I had two or three more believers here all of us got some family members that we get nervous when they come around we don't invite them to no family function we don't let them know what's going on in the family because there's a whole lot of drama they still owe us money from 13 years ago thank God from but they know good I love them but I wish they stay away but thank god I've got a friend who sticks closer then my own brother and that person will never leave me nor forsake sometimes your money will fail I need somebody here who's got this testimony like myself that you have had more month than you had money for someway somehow God lets you ride on fumes until you get paid Friday now if you ain't been there I'm not talking to you but I'm talking to somebody here like myself who's been down to your last dime and the Lord step in right on time to let you know that when it looks like it's darkest morning will come what he do it you wanna do it wanna make away won't he stretch that little money until you can do better and then sometimes feelings will fail you felt one way 13 years ago and you feel another way now and then you might have to say if I had known Ben what I know now how to lift that fool right where I'm at but through it all God has been faithful have a got a witness here sometimes you're without a job but you never miss a meal because God knows how to provide for his children I wish I had them witness here one more thing and I'm going to leave you alone sometimes your face fail you remember what the Lord told Peter Peter said Lord I'm gonna go with you when everybody else runs out on you if nobody is left I'm going to be with you all the way jesus said Peter sounds good but get behind me Satan have I got a witness here Satan desires to have you that he may sift you like wheat but Peter I've already prayed for you that your faith will fail not have a god a witness here brothers and sisters how many times have my faith failed and Jesus came right in to give me another booster shot I was listening I was listening to the to the news there are some childhood diseases that are coming back because parents are not vaccinating their children inoculating them against diseases that were eradicated 4050 years ago there's no there's no reason for a child having measles or or polio or some some disease that was taken care of years ago because they should have been vaccinated the Holy Ghost vaccinates me against some things that could sicken my spirit you're gonna help me close I could be real evil this morning because of what people have done to me in my past but the Holy Ghost has inoculated me that I've learned how to let that stuff go I wish I had somebody to help me preach you see the reason why some of us have so much joy this morning is because we don't hold grudges and and we don't keep stuff hidden in the dark we confess it to the Lord and then we let it go because life is too short to be hating folk getting mad with folk and stuff that you can't do nothing about just turn it over to Jesus and come to church and give God the praise and watch how God will send a breakthrough because when praises go up I wish I had somebody who knows blessings will come down stop being miserable and unhappy stop sitting down here frowning and being sour God is faithful God is so good to us never got a witness hear everything I have God gave me everything I know God taught me and I'm glad to be in the service just one more time and if nobody else wants to give God and a praise then you might want to go sit somewhere else you might want to find another seat because I came here this morning on purpose determined with my mind made up that I'm gonna thank God but what he's already done I'm gonna head one more time I'm gonna say it one more time I've said to us before that praise is the rent you pray the rent you pay on blessings that you've already received praise that's what praising it's the rent you paid for the house you living in for the car you're driving for the good health and strength that you have for the amazing job that you're working on for food and an appetite that's what you praise God for that's rent on blessings God has already provided you're gonna help me close this won't you some of us are behind in our rent payment God was good to you Monday and you didn't think it god bless you Tuesday and you didn't tell him thank you God made a way Wednesday and you were too busy to tell him thank you God provided for you Thursday and you were too much in a hurry to tell him thank you God opened the door on Friday and you got too busy to say hallelujah God was good to your day yesterday and you were too busy to tell God thank you but this morning is a new day you have a fresh opportunity to come on and get with what you ought to have and praise in the Lord get out of the arrears in your rent payments and start telling God thank you for just being so faithful to me thank you for loving me thank you for protecting me thank you for providing for me thank you for making aways for me thank you for the mother that I had thank you for the grandmother that I had thank you for the house I was raised in thank you for the neighborhood I played in thank you for the food I eat thank you for the clothes I have thank you for the car I Drive thank you for the house I live in but I got more to thank you for than that those are just material blessing and if I lose all that stuff tonight I still got something to thank you for thank you that Jesus was born in Bethlehem red in Nazareth he died didn't he die but right early Sunday morning he arose didn't he ride why don't you tell him thank you thank you for my salvation why don't you grab somebody why don't you hug somebody somebody might need encouragement right now somebody might need help with an amen why don't you learn them yo amen loner y'all hallelujah loan of your faith you Jesus and now buffer y'all together say thank you for all you've done for me thank you for the many many ways you mean thank you for being so good to me Frankie ah thank you from Holy Ghost thank you the Sun glad morning when this life is over I will I will I will slide away is there anybody here glad you see glad you sanctified glad God feel you why don't you hug somebody tell them like I'm telling you preach them like our preacher tell them you don't know might I know what love what the love he's faithful to a thousand generation he's faithful to a thousand generations somebody and this ain't got nothin to do with you it's just my testimony somebody asked me what I did for the 4th of July and I've never been a big celebrant on the 4th of July if you do it if you barbeque drink all the beer you want I'm with it if you need some money I'll give you some money to get some more drank all the liquor you won't celebrate all you want that's up to you but but for me we're not when I think about it my ancestors well on George Washington's plantation they want Thomas Jefferson's plantation and so I've never celebrated that American holiday with the same fervor that that our other culture celebrates but God has been faithful that when I look in their ancient faces I see from a thousand generations what they could never have imagined God has blessed us to have because he's faithful to a thousand generation the only reason I'm here is because they were there stony was the road we tried bitter was our chastening rod felt in the days when hope unborn had died but God is faithful to a thousand generation I'm trusting God so that my great-grandchildren will enjoy blessings and more than what I enjoy because I enjoy because they prayed for me they went before the Lord in my ancestry and asked God to bless me with you
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 47,135
Rating: 4.7897992 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: evXSBxn-Cw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2016
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