You Have A Reason To Rejoice

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he did it for me that's cause the ritual you have a reason to rejoice we would hide in the closet get in the bed and cover our heads if our rejoicing had to do with present circumstances just just turn on the television just listen to the news and there's reason to get in the house and never come out there's a rash of burglaries rapes murders family members or killing family members cars running into buildings this insane person on the campus of Lone Star College today you can't get any straight answers from Congress nothing makes sense in Austin nothing is absolute at City Hall this this boy with this bad haircut in North Korea is hell-bent on striking at his neighbors war seems to be imminent on every hand at every corner at every turn there's reason for despair the hot-button political issue of our day is same-sex marriage issues that were non issues just twenty years ago are now looked upon as Cavalier and a non-issue nobody's preaching against it young people under four they have no problem with it there's no moral absolutes nothing's right nothing's wrong it just depends on what the majority of the people think ought to be happening if you kept up with your reading in the book of Judges everybody did what was right in their own eyes and and and rather than the believer getting shocked we all remember the words of Scripture that in the latter days the Bible says they will be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God I wish I had a Bible reader here the Bible says the time will come when they will not endure they will not put up with sound doctrine they will heap for themselves teachers having itching ears and they will go from place to place looking for somebody to tell them what they want to hear I wish I had somebody to help me preach it if we were not serious students of the word that would be cause for discouragement and despair but Jesus tonight gives us a reason to rejoice the passage of this passage of Scripture in Luke chapter 10 he has sent the disciples out in the number 72 by to take no script take no purse take no bag just go preach the gospel and whenever they welcome you go in and preach the word and if they don't welcome you shake the dust from your feet I wish I had two or three Bible readers here be be wise as a serpent be harmless as a dove the harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few pray that the lord of the harvest will send more laborers into the vineyard go everywhere preaching the gospel and the Bible says they went everywhere preaching the gospel and when they got back to Jesus to make their report they were shouting they were rejoicing that demons were subject unto them they were able to heal the sick they had unusual power sick folk were being raised blind folk were getting their sight dumb folk were talking and they went back to Jesus and this a lot you should have been there you should have seen us work demon was subject unto us and Jesus didn't discourage that enthusiasm he said I knew that was going to happen but I saw something greater than what you see I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall be able to hurt you not withstanding I don't want you to rejoice about that you shouting over the wrong stuff you you you getting happy about the miraculous you are shouting and rejoicing over the wrong thing and listen if you're not a student of the Bible you will get caught up in how you feel but salvation is not about a feeling see how glad you got right there I think that's why some folks sit in the back of the church because they think they got to do what folk do in the front of the church but you can rejoice in the back just as well as you can in the front if you know what to rejoice about don't rejoice because demons are subject to you don't rejoice because you pick up snakes and they won't hurt you don't get excited about that here is what you ought to rejoice about rejoice that your names are written in heaven my brothers and sisters I'm glad Jesus said that because if rejoicing over casting out demons were a prerequisite for salvation I wouldn't make it because I've never cast out a demon and I hazard the hunch then most of us here tonight have never cast out a demon if taking authority over the devil was a prerequisite for rejoicing I wouldn't be able to rejoice tonight because Jesus never told us in this church to take authority over the devil because you are no match for the devil I wish I had an honest believer in here tonight who knows that the devil has some tricks he hasn't used yet and when you win a victory today he's coming back tomorrow if you overcome him on Friday he'll be back Thursday have a got a witness here if you got the hole it goes today he'll be that a night to snatch that power right from under you not withstanding don't rejoice over casting out Devils that's not a reason to rejoice don't rejoice because you have power over scorpions because the power that he gave them he did not give us let me see if I can help you with that Peter stood up and his shadow was cast read it in the book of Acts and the Bible says sick people got in Peters shadow and they were healed the only thing you get in my shadow is some shade because God has not imbued me with that kind of power because he's not going to use me to write Scripture I wish I had somebody to help me Paul picked up a snake and it bit him and he threw it in the fire and wasn't even hurt if I pick up a stick and he bites me venomous snake I may die because God is not using me to write first and second Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians first and second Thessalonians God is not using me like he used Paul stay with me man but because I don't have Paul's gift it's no reason for me not to rejoice because just like Paul if you are saved your name is written in heaven let me see if I can help us with it let me give us three reasons tonight that we ought to rejoice we all rejoice first of all for eternal salvation not just salvation but eternal salvation that that salvation comes with a relationship and the relationship is first of all adoption God has adopted me into his family because I am NOT a Jew a magenta cutoff from the covenants of promise a stranger to the Commonwealth of Israel but since God has adopted me I'm now in the family forever I can never be disinherited somebody help me rejoice right here I can never be put out of the family I can be chastised I can be punished I can be put in timeout but I can't be put out of the family because once I've been adopted I'm an hour an hour of everything that belongs to my father not only am i adopted in with this relationship but my adoption gives me access come boldly and find help in the time of need access come in whenever you want show up whenever you in need if you're broken I'll fix you if you're tired I'll give you rest if you're hungry I'll feed you if you're down and out I pick you up anytime you sharp I'll be there to take care of your needs because you are adopted into my family and that gives you on hindered unfettered access growing up growing up in my daddy's house my father had 10 children and we always had enough to eat the younger ones had to wear hand-me-downs I hated that part that's why I'm so crazy about clothes and shoes because I want my own shoes my own clothes Johnny would grab my stuff I would throw it away because I don't want to be seen in something somebody else would I know that selfish I know that's crazy but I had to wear hand-me-down so long that now I want my own stuff but we always had plenty food and when we sat down to eat and eat until we had enough every once in a while one of us would ask my mama's could we have some more and my daddy would stop eating and say don't ever ask for more in your own house that's why it's here I provided it so you can eat all you want if it's no more we'll get some more but this is your house door ask for more food in your house get up and go get it because I provided now that's what my earthly father did for his earthly children come on up with me a little higher my Heavenly Father has provided every spiritual blessing every material blessing all I got to do is get up and go get it because I'm in the family with unfettered access knock and the door shall be Oh ask and it shall be given seek and you shall find whatsoever you ask in my name I wish I had a Bible reading I will give it to you because we've been adopted and we have access in that relationship but not only is our eternal salvation about a relationship it's about a renewal we've been cleansed our past can never be brought up against us because the book of Colossians says he took my sins and nailed them to the cross everything I've ever done everything I will ever do has already been forgiven somebody don't help me rejoice about that every cent I ever committed he's cleansed it every sin I will ever commit he's already paid for it that's a reason to rejoice I think some of you sit down in here and don't open your mouth and don't smile and don't witness to the truth perhaps because you think you got to do something to get God's favor Christianity is not about do it's about done it's already done he said it is finished and when he's finished dying on the cross it was done what can wash away my sins nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make me whole again I can't bring nothing to him I'm cleanse he died for me he called me he saved me he placed me in his body the church he gave me a place to serve and then he equipped me for the service he gave me gifts that enable me to do his will he's at the right hand of God the Father praying for me every time I mess up and more than that one of these days he's coming back to get me for he says I go to prepare a place for you and if I go not meaning I may or may not go but if I go meaning since I'm already going I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you will be also we all rejoice about that and then secondly you ought to rejoice that you have eternal security it's right here in the text in verse number twenty notwithstanding in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you but rather rejoice here it is because your names are written in heaven your names are written are written our richer I know this is bad grammar and you teachers here my child me after the service but I'm gonna say it anyway before I got born my name was written in the Lamb's Book of Life because before I got here he was the lamb slain from the foundation of I wish I had a Bible read of it ah written perfect tense passive voice indicative mood let me try to unpack that your names are written perfect ends the perfect tense of a verb refers to an action in the past that has ongoing results in the future it happened before I got more because I was born in Sheen and then when I got born again he didn't write my name when I got born again my name was already written and he turned to pay Romans chapter 8 says there is therefore no condemnation for them that are in Christ Jesus and then he says who he called he justified and who he justified he glorified and then he talks about predestination that we were already saved in eternity pass because in his pre determinate counsel and foreknowledge he already knew that once I got born I would get born again so before they signed my birth certificate June 27 1959 seven o'clock in the evening on the Saturday he had already written it in heaven our vet won't light so far your wood is wet everybody is saved tonight your name was written before you got here perfect tense refers inaction in the past that has ongoing results in the future and that verb is also in the passive voice meaning that it reminds us that the subject mean is being acted upon by another in other words I didn't do anything together it was done I didn't I didn't earn it I couldn't lay claim to it because of my background there's no good thing in me that merits it it's just by grace that we are saved through faith not of works lest any man should move he if it's an accounting word he imputes righteousness somehow to help me shout right here the righteousness I have is an imputed righteousness it's a picture of the Sun it's you in shining and the Sun is its own light stay with them on my way somewhere but when night falls the moon shy but the moon is not a light source the moon can only reflect light from the Sun I wish I had some smart people in here tonight when the moon shines the moon is not Jevon are giving off light the moon is just reflecting light from another soul you are the light of the world no light comes from you the light shines from somewhere else I just reflected hee hee hee did it for me that's cause to rejoice he's bidding for me I didn't come from nowhere but he saved me my reputation our to be in hell right now but he saved me the sins I committed I should have been cut off a long time ago but he did it for me and that's cause to rejoice and then it's in the indicative mood which means it's merely a statement of fact my name is written that's a fact I'm not arguing about it I don't care if you think I'm saved I don't care if I don't look safe to you I'm saved and that's a fact lie on me criticize me but I'm saved and mess of fact say I don't look like a Christian say I don't dress like a Christian say I don't always act like a Christian say I do stuff the Christian shouldn't do but I'm saying and that's a fact is there anybody else here I said is there anybody else here got some decisions you wish you had me some wrong roads you wish you hadn't traveled but I'm safe a mass of fire some people some people say they don't go to church because there's so many hypocrites at the church and every time I hear that I don't get upset because there are hypocrites at the church thank you for tuning in to a call to Joy it is our prayer that the Word of God has brought joy strength and faith to your life we would love to have you as I guess that little grow of Missionary Baptist Church where we are exalting the Savior equipping the Saints and evangelizing the center for your convenience we have a 7:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship service every Sunday morning and 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday nights lily Grove is located at seventy thirty forty Westar Street Houston Texas 77021 are feel free to visit our website at WWF God has called us to a life of joy
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 99,763
Rating: 4.7751937 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: lrj7jm_VSag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2014
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