Godbridging in Chinese Minecraft Servers

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not even close baby techno blade never dies did you know that there is a version of minecraft out there that has over 400 million users while the minecraft we're all familiar with has only half of that amount it might have the same name of minecraft but it actually has contents that are entirely different and literally on another level so some of you may have already guessed from the title this is minecraft china i love them due to the chinese firewall that restricted all citizens from going on youtube instagram twitter and other platforms where they could learn about servers we all play on only a very small portion of mainland chinese players have played on hypixel which means most of the chinese speaking players you fought against in the past in bedwards are most likely people from regions of the world that also use mandarin and probably only a very small portion are actually the mainland chinese people so in this video we're gonna be garbaging on chinese servers and see if the average player there is better or worse than the average hypixel bedwars player let's find out all right now i'm gonna download the oh all right right here um minecraft chinese official website they even got like a new like minecraft logo oh my god this does not look like minecraft what guys we have been playing the fake minecraft version this entire time this is a real minecraft this is literally pixel gun what oh wait all right it's all right guys it's installing you know this right here all right this is ten times cooler than the international minecraft all right by the way um battle snoop does not use a default wallpaper okay because um i i changed i got rid of it because my original wallpaper is very cultured what you know they just want to they just want to make sure that if you are actually just you know under 18 and then uh limit the amount of time you can play like video games i feel i remember like if you're under 18 you can only play video games for um two to three hours a day if you're a miner it's like i'm signing up for like something big but like in reality i'm just signing up for a game a lot of you might not know this but uh in china a lot of like these big video games will require you to like verify your id i'm not gonna be translating everything but when there's but if there's anything necessary i'll be like translating kind [Music] okay but i'm chinese all right guys we need a name um battleless noob what it's taken hi which of you took my name why people like impersonating others this is just so sad why can't you just be yourself all right we're gonna go with the name uncle bedless because we're out of names jesus christ and what we have here oh damn cat girl i'm in um oh wow literally first thing that pops out when you join the server it's something that tells you to buy like a rank my mom needs to stop texting me when i'm recording oh my god what is this what the heck guys guys guys that's my next lunar client cosmetic and of course i'm a steve skin okay yep i am officially a non-no oh my god we have 2600 people in bedwars okay i'm gonna go play the uh the classics all right let's let's see how does this work oh look at their queue look at their look at their waiting lobby their waiting lobby is actually super interesting oh my god oh god all right guys i'm i'm kind of nervous but let's go so excited all right game started um wait this is where you get iron hold on wait where do i go where do i go how do i play this dude give me iron it doesn't split it doesn't split dude please don't be so selfish please give me iron dude oh my god dude my teammate they don't know what's sharing you guys don't know sharing is caring wait why why are they why are they like this is your back okay dude none of them are oh my god finally finally finally wait i'm not getting any what wait oh my this is oh oh wait wait so you get this is experience points so you can buy things i have 118 you can buy things with experience points so they don't take up your inventory and you have to buy swords dude that's so annoying all right so chinese minecraft let's go yellow team do these people even know how to play type of question is that oh you can see people's hp oh oh that's a kv stick wait you can buy kv stick i just realized you can buy kv stick all right okay nice animation that's my teammate hello people it's me uncle bedless i will now be taking your bed please oh god dude my blocks are disappearing what type of server is this i got hit by the arrow once it's from the i'm the last person alive on my own team oh my god diamond sword and let's get some more blocks um all right since they bought bow i'm gonna buy a bow myself wait wait why is there borders why i can't i still buy stuff am i gonna lose hp oh wait no oh no oh my i'm losing hp i'm losing hp okay wait wait so so now people are forced to go to mid does combo exist in this game got him oh no i threw my kv stick oh no no oh no oh the combo the combo yes oh my god okay it's just me against one last green guy and i don't know where he is am i gonna win my first chinese bedwars you know first chinese bedrooms game gotta compete who is better at kung fu you know you know i am now master bedless better than master ugly yes get a taste of my amazing chinese kung fu i've been practicing guys i've been grinding offline you guys just didn't see this oh found and found him found him i feel bad for this guy oh my god oh jesus christ he's capping now he's gapping he's just running away bunk bunk bunk yes guys i just carried my team [Music] um dude how do i close [Music] you guys have no i got i got jump scared by the ad imagine you're playing minecraft and suddenly like this random ad just pops out that is very high rest like oh my god i hope i don't run into some um sweaty chinese players that's gonna just absolutely destroy me with their um kung fu so they actually don't have hologramming on top of villagers it's just a name tag it's just a villager renamed i just want a garbage okay the prizes are the same i'm not getting should i do i or i'm just gonna no all right um this guy is probably coming after me now we're not getting side rushed it's time to show off my amazing bedwars power have you heard of bedless power are you serious are you serious yeah yes doesn't matter which country you're from people play the same they just filled up nah bro yeah i want to go now want to go now he want to skip me but wait for this wait for this surprise surprise surprise okay oh okay we're gonna keep going i think that'll be easy bed watch him trying to avoid me he just threw his sword oh i feel so bad oh no i feel so bad okay so if we want to get to his base i don't think okay or let's go let's go garbridge okay we cannot guard bridge um even though i want to but oh no red is coming oh no look at this look at this professional speed bridge oh no all right can i get kb stick please oh wait eight gold eight gold for kb stick i have two i have to go now i have to go now oh no this guy's my head doesn't even register when i'm butterfly cooking okay i need to get gold so i can get a kv-2 stick um i don't know where you can get gold though that's one oh in mid that's where you get gold yes perfect perfect this should be like a really easy game if i have a kb stick because they never said you can't drag click right let's go terrify some chinese kids even though i'm a chinese kid lesson learned my mom need to stop texting me [Music] lesson learned we are not supposed to be garbaging on chinese servers even though i really do want to all right moonwalk what about but i don't want to lose my my cables here here i'm going to throw it here oh i'm so scared all right all right we're okay we're okay we're okay all right i guess uh our orange team they have an orange orange team did he win this this guy's getting double team feels bad oh my god that's a lot of kb that is a lot of kb okay oh he just died all right get his bed get his bed yeah the bedless crosstream wait [Music] they kicked me for drag clicking i just got banned i i i just got banned bro i'm already been on the most popular minecraft server in china oh my god maybe you guys have been playing hypixel but here i introduce you highcraft a server better than hypixel this is uh maybe hypixel china never never shut down you know it just changed the name to highcraft guys we're gonna play um hypixel china now this is this is amazing guys it's actually 1.8.9 this time okay i assume this is probably um a better server for like bridging hopefully all right so i actually just took a nap and now my hair is all messy let's just queue another game i just thought maybe you know i got tired recording okay my hair this is not called a messy hair this is called a very pro gamer hairstyle okay you guys know what i mean you know pro gamer hairstyle okay little did he know i can godbridge okay got him oh no no no no no no no no no oh my god teammate please teammate please dude i'm not gonna be bedless in chinese minecraft as well dude that's not how it works here please don't do this to me please don't do this to me are you no i'm done dude i'm freaking done all right guys we're gonna be trying out some solos bedwars and hopefully this time will make a difference okay we're actually oh my god guys og username this guy's username is og i don't i wouldn't want to say it's like non-premium or crack but i guess it's just how the way how like chinese servers work i'm i don't know what i'm talking about okay oh wait wait what i just jumped off i don't know what just happened okay all right oh nice nice perfect timing nice nice nice nice okay okay we got this guy that should be easy bed his skin kind of looks similar to mine for some reason oh gg let's go what i guess you can rush from like the bottom you know these are some great ideas you know i absolutely i'd absolutely love to take this idea and implement it on my own minecraft server yes this is that is no big ring you know okay oh my god oh yeah the cursor is i'm just not really used to the cursor are they cross teaming dude these guys are literally crusty mean what the heck dude nah man you you ain't saving your bed dude you ain't saving your bed doesn't work like that all right i'm gonna break this guy's bed i'm gonna i'm gonna break that guy's bed how how do you just not break even break their bed that's that's just oh wow very very pro strat you just um [Music] [Music] um [Music] guys i'm not losing this bro i i legit i legit do solos bad words in every single one of my like commentary video there's no way this guy can like beat me like this okay there's no way but here's the thing though on the server so like earlier in like a few games i realized if you like drag click on place blocks it will not let you place blocks that is like i that is probably one of the main reasons why like it's harder to like garbage here like let me show you guys guys i'm clicking i'm actually clicking i'm clicking i'm right clicking guys but since i was track looking it doesn't let me place blocks oh okay wait there they allow four emeralds per generator that is that is insane okay we're gonna we're gonna track this guy down and we're gonna destroy him that's my base oh my god no that's my base i'd love to like type to this guy but dude i i know how long it's gonna take for me to switch input and eventually like um actually type out my message because i don't know why just typing chinese is just like 10 times harder than just typing english and communicating in a bedroos game how do people even play like like bad words in china i think this is why you barely see anyone like communicating in these games i think he's here he's here dude it's not letting me place oh my no no no no it's not letting me place blocks and this guy has a diamond sword that means he is going to four tap me if i did the calculation right um why are you playing like this dude dude these guys doesn't doesn't matter uh your nationality doesn't matter the culture there will always be players like this there will always be players like this okay okay okay we're gonna run away all right we need to play smart okay he probably is getting a fireball is he gonna run back no yeah he got a fireball but we clutched he got too far a ball we did didn't work because fireball here doesn't deal damage apparently [Music] no way please please please oh my god that was so close [Music] keep you stick for the win yeah it's always that one item it's always a one item um do i not get into the lobby do i have um [Music] um wait oh wait i can't stay in the game okay wait what guys guys the game doesn't end wait this this is broken and dude that's that this is a guy that i beat last time it's not a noob skin it's a it's a panda skin apparently my guy is a panda i kind of like this because nobody knows who i am because like i don't think i'm not known in like uh the chinese bedrooms community they don't know who i am like i don't even but the thing is a badass noob the igen is taken you know because because some kid just just thought it was a good idea to like just take the name badass noob unoriginal time to show him the bridge man [Music] okay does he see me okay i don't know it's weird because like oh i got a bed after breaking a bed i will i will slap him with the bed i will slap you with the bed i will slap you i will kill you with a bed yeah guys i just i just killed someone with a bedding bedroom that is so cool guys this is my primary weapon now i will i will now continue to slap people with the bed so if you're gonna like garbage on chinese server you need really really like garbage was really low cps because um um like they will remove your block once like they think you are clicking too fast oh my guy just ran back but no there's no point man your bed is already mine dude oh it's a panda guy oh no i feel bad for this guy all right come here come here come here come here i will show you how it's done dude i will show you how it's done because oh you know what here here i'll give you another tnt all right oh my god the combo the combo oh no i need to play really smart when to play really no way no way did i get him did i get him tell me i got him tell me i got him no way oh no i tried i tried i don't even need to worry about this guy getting to my base like there's no way this guy like guys guys look i'm gonna take out green and this guy is still gonna be like bridging or on the way to my base because they they don't they don't even speed bridge on the server what the surprise surprise i can bridge really fast surprise surprise oh i like the skill message it says in the middle of your screen it says you have um you just got a revenge or something like that that is actually pretty cool let's add that on bridger land okay my guy's still not even close i'm just gonna keep bridging to him [Music] okay gray i'm here hello i'm gonna need to kill him once to buy a tool though that's the issue oh he doesn't see me no way no way no way no way are you serious no way he played with game sound off are you serious no no no way oh my god no where's the bed where's the bed okay gg i'm just cueing like the people that are really bad right now okay i'm definitely just killing the people that are bad i swear i swear people are definitely ten times better than this they they need to be ten times better than this okay like dude this is this is hypixel china okay people are good oh my god yeah he just had diamond armor oh no okay here's a fireball does he have more he does not have more okay i'm sorry but i guess uh i kind of have to destroy your bed right here um oh guys guys watch this watch this watch this so i am gonna like that was not supposed to happen i i ran out of blocks i don't know the blocks bunk how did this work how did this work oh gap gap yep no no no oh my god all right guys watch watch i'm gonna i'm i'm about to wait wait wait guys guys badass new crossteam okay badass new crossteam yes yes yes my chinese um teammate yes yes yes no no no no no oh i'm running away like dude dude rush rush rush all you want russia you want russia you want yes yes yes yes yes that listen with the cross team okay blue team we can see his health they're not battling it they're not fighting we're gonna like crouch back here he pre-cap okay okay i think they're going in going in no way yes okay so i'm not gonna lie that is kind of toxic but it's whatever it's okay it's whatever this is this is um game sense okay guys this is bad words this is bed bruce okay that is that is karma for him for you know like farming this entire game getting like full diamond diamond sword okay that that is he deserved that okay he deserves that oh my god okay nice fire ball not even close actually um i'm big bring i think that'll be enough to get his bed [Music] let's go kv stick for the win gg i'm not even that good i'm not even doing that good honestly guys i'm like i'm kind of throwing i guess we're we're still one ggs [Music] you
Channel: BedlessNoob
Views: 1,505,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Godbridge, Moonwalk, Best Clicking Method, Godbridge Montage, Breezily Bridge, Hypixel Bedwars, Best Bridging Method, Chill Minecraft, Drag Click, Mouse Abuse, Clutch Montage, Clutch, Cywalk, Scaffold, Youtube rank, Hypixel Youtube Rank, Fastest Bridging Method, Hacker, Cheating, China, Chinese Minecraft, Minecraft China, Minecraft Chinese Edition, Chinese Bedwars, Chinese Minecraft Servers, TechnoBlade, Techno Tribute, Tribute, Technoblade Never Dies, Technoblade Tribute
Id: zQXhsm6lXvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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