Anchored: Mark My Words

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the truth is vision is so valuable see our church made a decision a long time ago when we were in the dark that we don't move without it so through prayer god gives us a word a word that we gather around a word that gives us direction a word that grounds us and god tells us every year mark my word [Music] in 2017 the word was beyond god was going to take us beyond our wildest dreams in 2018 he said stride find the pace of grace in 2019 he said the word was released that i'm going to release you into and release you from and in 2020 the word was stronger in 2021 god has spoken again and he said [Applause] oh come on if you're excited about what god's doing today oh come on wherever you're watching from let's give god the god of the universe the god that is still good a big shot of praise in this place hallelujah god you're worthy hey listen this is my first sunday preaching in 2021 and i feel like something special is gonna happen i didn't know that i was gonna be dressed like an angel in heaven today but i feel like god is doing something heaven is coming to earth and not just in this arena but he's coming to your house i'm excited about what god has for us today if you're excited will you do me a favor on your couch in your home wherever you are run on track will you put your hands together and give god a shout of pray i said will you put your hands together and give god a shout of praise hallelujah see this year we're going to figure out who are the people that just came to watch and spectate and who are the people that are going to participate with god this year and i'm just grateful for a church who has decided everybody say i decided that we weren't going to let a pandemic a presidential election whatever is going on we're not going to let it keep us from the one thing that rules over all things which is our relationship with god and this year i feel a special um like i don't know i don't know what else to say it's just like there's another level of confidence that i feel that our church is right where we're supposed to be at the exact time we're supposed to be at doing exactly what god has called us to do and i'm just grateful that you are joining us today wherever you're at i need to see where you're at right now in the chat i need you to tell me where are you watching from today because i believe god has given me a word and y'all know what so god has been speaking to me for six months about what i'm about to share with you today now i don't know about you but some people can cook but other people cook and they cook with love y'all know when they start the night before or two nights before and there's stuff that's that's just simmering and and it's just sitting there this word that god has given me the word for 2021 has been literally simmering in my spirit for over six months and i'm so excited to be able to share it with you but today i don't want to share something that your heart is closed to yeah the right seed on the wrong ground never produces fruit so before we start sharing anything on the first sunday that your pastor is preaching in 2021 could we just take a sign of humility would everybody just lift your hands i know this may be a little strange and not just lift them like this i want you to lift them like you're ready to receive something yep because i don't got what you want but god does i want you to know that i'm just a vehicle this is just an atmosphere we are just a vessel but the god of the universe wants to give you speak to you the holy spirit is ready we've been praying y'all last night we've been in seven days of prayer and fasting and last night something broke off in here we went off the live stream and for a whole nother hour we were praying and and miracles and signs and wonders we were praying for your family i'm telling you god is ready to do something but are you ready to receive somebody in faith say god i'm ready to receive [Music] some of you are waiting for something else to happen but when when you say god i'm ready to receive then you gotta wait on it the very thing the very healing the very confirmation the security that you need it's not coming in what i'm preaching it's coming from god somebody just say it again god i'm ready to receive whatever that means god for 2021 i thank you father as a church we're ready to receive i stand father god as the lead servant of this house saying i'm ready to receive god i know i know what you've told me but i'm ready to receive whatever addition or adaption that you have god i'm ready to receive father god i know that many of us have made our plans and father god but today we're saying we're ready to receive whatever you want to do whatever you want to change whatever you want to take out whatever you want to correct whatever was our flesh whatever father god is supposed to produce fruit god we're ready to receive father we're ready to receive father god not just the blessings but the correction we're ready to receive oh y'all want to really pray right now god we're ready to receive we're ready received father god everything that you have for us father god you're the only one that knows not just what we want but what we need so today father god as a community we stand and i stand and we give this church back to you it's yours we give our families back to you they're yours we give our purpose and our career back to you they are yours and we are ready to receive whatever you have for us have your way in this place today father holy spirit i can't do this without you tag king back again i need you to come into this place and overrun us with your presence god for every person who's watching that hasn't been a church in a long time and is skeptical i thank you that your love is rapping all around them right now thank you father that we are ready to receive in jesus name we agreed if you believe it will you give god one big shout come on clap your hands though you people shout unto god with the voice of triumph [Music] yo all right let's go we are starting part one of a series that we are calling can't tell you yet because i have to really the word is i have to walk you to the word of the year this year i got to walk you to it because sometimes one thing that i've noticed i'll start like this one thing that i've noticed is that um when you don't have a value for something um your your reception of it is not what it should be let me give you a prime example i have three beautiful children and one on the way shout out to my baby mama cooking our last baby you look good girl um i've noticed that my oldest daughter isabella needs help receiving the level of gift that she is getting let me help you um at christmas time um she doesn't know how much nothing cost she has no concept of how many people i had to fight to get the toy how i put my life in danger of coronavirus to be able to wait in the line how she has no idea of what it is and so many times when we when we go to give her something that she has no clue of what the value is of it she does not appreciate it in the way that it should be appreciated because she has no value attached to her gift and what i've found is that even though i put a lot into it if there's not an understanding of what it is and where it came from and how much it cost you can treat it as something very common i have seen my daughter treat the 250 toy the same way she treats the dollar tree toy now all my parents know what i'm talking about which makes me just want to go to the dollar tree and only give her those things but until i set her up to understand no no no baby we don't leave that outside because this costs too much to leave outside no no no no no no no we don't spill putty we don't paint on this you can paint on that but you have to put some value on this because it's worth more than what you think it is one of the things that i found is when god gives vision many of us are treating it as cheap suggestions [Music] we've not governed ourselves to understand no no no i don't share that with everybody because everybody doesn't know how to treat this i can't i can't i cannot allow what god showed me to be put up as a suggestion i have to value it as something that is going to happen that god gave me a glimpse of that i have to work in the middle of it that i got to stay committed to no matter if anybody else stays committed to it i need to bring you value of vision today because i might drop a word on you and say it's from god but if you think it's the same thing as the motivational speaker that you look at and scroll up to on instagram you'll miss what god's trying to do i'm not talking about something for marketing i'm talking about something for a miracle i'm not talking about something that makes you feel good i'm some talking about something that makes your faith move let me calm down i'm already a little too hyped when you bring value to vision then it changes the way you treat it and that transformation church god has told me as a lead pastor i didn't have many qualifications i could talk a bunch i understood a lot of stuff once it was shown to me but i didn't have any innate abilities to do a lot of stuff the one thing that i i will say that i have done from the very beginning or before i became a lead pastor is i would mark down the words that god said that's why i called today mark my words because one of the things that god would tell me to do is write this down and i would have no idea how it would happen when it would happen where it would happen or even why it would happen but for some reason god would give me these glimpses of things and he would say mark my words put it down i put that on me y'all remember when you was in elementary school i might be dating myself or middle school and you wanted to say something bro i got the new jordans they were like no you didn't get the new jordan scene it's like put that on something yeah and they would be like i put that on everything and it was like no no no put that on something and then you know it was next level when they said i put that on my mama y'all know what i'm talking about i put that on my mama and then they would take it to the i put that on me and what god began to tell me he said mark my words and i said god how is this going to happen he said i'll put it on me [Music] this is not about your qualifications this is not about what you think you can get done this is something that i'm telling you and i will bring you through so that i can get glory put it on me everybody say mark my words my question to you today are what are the things that god has shown you what are the visions he's given you for your family for your marriage for your business that you marked down not that you're hoping will happen i'm not talking about wishing i'm not talking about hopeful and positive thinking i'm talking about where you have had enough to not just get a vision from god but you believed it enough to write it down to share it with somebody to say it out of your mind somebody say mark my words it makes me go back to the pattern of god see god has a pattern when i look at moses and the children of israel and when god wanted to lead them he wanted to give them some directions of how to do something so moses went up to the top of the mountain and he got with god through prayer our conversation and god gave moses some things and he said mark my words down and that's where we get the ten commandments from it was one man spending time with god getting vision from god and believed it enough to mark it down and he marked it down and thousands of years later my daughters right now are learning the ten commandments because somebody marked his words what i'm trying to encourage you is that marking god's words is not about you it's about legacy it's about god doing something past you yeah see the spoken word lives only for a moment but when you write that thing down it lives forever we're reading books from people who aren't here anymore yeah yeah but did you mark down what god say or are you trying to protect god's reputation well i don't want to mark it down i don't want to say it i want to do something because just in case it doesn't happen god has never needed you to defend him and he doesn't need it today he's saying i'm looking all around can i find somebody who would actually believe me to mark my what somebody say mark my words okay let me let me get back the pattern of marking god's word happens like this it happens through praying hearing listening receiving believing praying hearing listening receiving believing one more time praying hearing listening receiving and believing that's why we do 21 days of prayer at the beginning of every year is because we're making space for god to give us what we need so we can mark his words how do we do it pastor mike i'm glad you asked by praying what is prayer talking to god i love prayer because whatever your personality is that's how god wants to hear you pray yo god this is trash what's happening in my life right now and father i need you to come and do something or i'm about to shake things up god i need you to move in my mind because i'm thinking all kind of wild thoughts right now and shorty is looking good to me right now god and i want to lay hands and pray for her in the bed and father i need you to help me keep my way he doesn't care how it sounds to anybody else your personality is anointed to communicate with god somebody needs to hear me say that god is not offended by what you say and what you don't say he's big enough to handle every inflection every thought every hurt god i can't do this anymore i don't have words to pray and that last stillborn baby has taken away my last good thing to say so today i'm going to sit in your presence but you're going to have to hear my heart do you know the bible tells us that he understands the moan the groan the utterance the sound all i'm telling you is that if you're going to see the things that god wants you to see you've got to go to him first so you go in praying and then you have to hear and this is one of the things that i i said hearing and then listening and i know some of y'all that are really analytical is like isn't that the same thing no no no no hearing is just awareness right now i'm hearing a lot of things i'm hearing somebody um walk away right now y'all are hearing your kids on an ipad you might be hearing the washing machine going in the background right now you're hearing you're aware that god is in the midst you're aware that god is around you're aware when you're listening to music and god wants us to be aware but then he wants us to actually listen god and listening to god are two totally different things because you can be around the atmosphere of god hearing him aware of him but when you listen you intentionally focus that's why 21 days of prayer and fasting is something that you have to do because it gives you the space the time and the ability not just to hear god but to listen to him to focus to quiet yourself long enough to allow all your talking to stop in your mind to be able to see what is the still small voice god is speaking in and then you go from praying hearing listening to receiving that's what that's what we were doing at the beginning god i want to receive from you what do you want to receive every year we got to receive vision everybody say vision because without vision a lot of people do dumb stuff let me let me be very clear that without vision you are not your best self nobody's ever become their greatest version on accident nobody has ever tripped up onto championships nobody has ever accidentally had a great marriage nobody has ever um subsequently built a fortune 500 company it was everybody shout at me vision and that's why we want to receive vision from god but it's not enough just to receive it then you got to believe it believe what god is saying and today i think that we need to take a journey through understanding how important vision is as i get ready at the end of this message to share what i believe god has prophetically given me and confirmed over and over for the past six months what transformation church is supposed to grab a hold of this year and is going to play out in every area of your life but i'm telling you right now god is always speaking the question is will you mark his word somebody say mark my words and let me give this to you just as an additive you never mark god's words by facts you only can mark god's words by faith you will never god never gives a word to you that is already accomplished so if your marriage is jacked up and god says your marriage is going to be a marriage other couples will learn from do not fight that mark the word let god show you by faith if you're sitting here counting your last few pennies but god says this time next year you're going to be giving away money you better mark his ah you better mark his words cause you do not mark his words by facts you mark his words by if you had it you wouldn't need faith but god is saying i'm trying to give you a receipt today for something that will arrive in a later season and it's not until we mark god's words that we get to see everything that god is saying this is so real to me because as um a young pastor um we're about to celebrate six years coming up here very soon and one of the things oh yeah we can celebrate we made it so jesus be offense um but as i celebrate that i remember sitting in in meetings with our finance people and when i started off i hated finance meetings i hated that number one because we had no money and that's a finance meeting with no money is torture like and i hated thinking of all the pluses and minuses and what would happen and i remember uh our person that was over finances at the time is now over all business in our church tammy and and we would sit in those meetings and bre would be in those meetings and i would get this unction that god would say just say something dumb just say what i'm telling you right now just say something that does not look like what you're going i said one day mark my words i would stand up and tell them i mean mark my words we gonna be able to give to other churches and they'd be looking at me like yay pastor speaking by faith and i was like no no no no you don't hear me mark my words we're going to be able to stand up and be a difference maker in our city when we were just in the hood of north tulsa and not 250 people were coming to the service i said mark my words they're going to be more white people that come to our church and i mean i would just begin to say stuff out loud and it was almost it's from heaven god was like he believes me wow i've been trying to speak this to a bunch of people and he yeah gabriel michael y'all look look at them over there in the hood they actually know a lot we know a lot of people read the bible but they actually but is he writing it down is he sharing that with people is he actually putting seed towards what he believes is gonna we gotta do it we gotta make sure the word that i showed him in the dark [Applause] comes to fruition in the light and the reason i can stand here so confident i don't need no notes today i'm talking from my life i can stand here boldly and tell you that when you mark the words that god says that you can take it to the bank when you mark the way it may not come when you think you need it it may not come in the form and the version that you wanted it but i'm telling you when god begins to give you vision you can mark his words i'm standing here because it is our routine it is our ritual to take the first month of the year and say god what are you saying because if you don't say it we're not going and the problem is many of you are often running in 2021 and you have false started cause you never got clearance i'm talking to somebody right now you've already told everybody on instagram what your plan is and god says go ahead and run with that but i'll be back here because until you come and get vision from me all of that is in vain vision without god is in vain but once you get a vision from god you can begin to run with it and that's why as we start off on this vision sunday this is the start of a vision month you cannot give me one sunday to talk about vision it's all in my bones it's like jeremiah shut up in my bones i'm going to bring you to a place where you value vision so much that many of you are going to stop listening to external voices that have good ideas because a good idea is not a vision it has to be a god idea for your life and when you get that god idea then you can move and so transformation church every year i want you to know whether you just started with us or you've been with us i want you to know that vision is more important than anything else in your life and it's more important than anything in this church because i want you to understand that it is important to god look at proverbs 29 18 and i want you to take this very simple scripture and memorize it tattoo it on your heart make sure that you're repeating it and saying it to yourself all the time where there is no vision the people perish whatever area is dying in your life is a result of no vision your relationships keep dying you don't have no vision for them your business keeps flailing it's because where there is no vision another translation says where there is no prophetic declaration where there is nothing that god said to show you what's happening in the future when you don't see yourself in the way god sees you where there is no vision the people perish another translation says they cast off restraint that means the vision keeps you in your lane the vision keeps you in restraint and when you don't have a vision that's how you can go this way end up with that person start this bidding this business is because when there is no vision you stop caring and the result that you are living in today is partly because many of us have no vision no prophetic word from god nothing that you can say i don't know about all of this but i know god said this what is the one thing that you know that god told you to do i'm not saying a million things but what do you know and i'm telling you if you don't know anything it's not because god's not speaking it's because you haven't made time to listen why do y'all meet 21 days every night stop eating doing all this other stuff because vision right this point down is most valuable vision is more valuable than money you missed it look at me vision is more valuable than money vision is more valuable than your marriage vision is m why are you saying that because without that vision for the money for the marriage for the business it will perish some of y'all's friendship groups are so jacked up cause you don't got a vision for your friendships wow wow i'm gonna leave that right now but you always talking about how depressed and lonely you are it's cause you will not get a vision for your friendships i'm talking about stuff that don't nobody want to talk about but the reason why you're overweight is because you don't have a vision for health [Music] you've never oh god you won't see and this is what i'm telling you until you get a vision until it becomes the most valuable thing you always continue to wander you'll always continue to let what happens happens some of y'all are so traumatized and you post about trauma and you talk about mental health but you don't have a vision of counseling now you just spent 500 on a playstation 5 for a baby daddy that's going to leave you next week but you won't get a vision for your own mental health vision uh is most valuable and let me help you understand this that vision is valuable whether you believe in god or not it's a principle of the earth let me let me let me help you understand vision takes man to the moon somebody had to sit in their room and say let me get a vision of going to the god dropped a vision vision makes man go to the moon vision makes an airplane being built in a bicycle shop [Applause] vision makes a man take off from the free-throw line nobody told him to do that that was not something that had been done but something he saw before it was seen something he saw before it was seen vision uh vision makes you build a car with no motor we're talking about tesla being the most um um valuable car company that came from somebody's vision before it was ever seen vision makes a man build a ark when it's never rained [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ask my boy noah vision makes you put your baby in a basket when they're killing every baby to and under and vision allow you to still be able to raise him [Applause] vision makes you leave your successful fishing business and follow a man that claims to be the christ [Applause] vision will make you sit in a room at 7 30 in the morning and write down all of these outlandish things that god tells you and mark the date in your daughter's room that's what vision will do [Applause] [Music] vision will give you the audacity to climb up on a cross and die for people who may not even receive you [Applause] for the joy that was set before me for the vision that i saw that none of y'all saw father please forgive them cause they didn't see the vision somebody shot at me vision it is most valuable and the problem with many of us is vision ain't that valuable to you that that's the truth of the matter you you don't really care about vision you you just go with whatever comes or you see the next opportunity and you just see the next thing that is a trend and god's saying that ain't how i operate i will give you a glimpse from heaven into the future and ask you to hold and obey and stand and be steadfast and be consistent even when everything else doesn't look like it's going to come to pass that's what i do i give vision but this is the crazy thing about vision being valuable something can be valuable and still not be your value okay there's when we say valuable everybody can recognize the price of something but when i say it's your value that's the priority that you set on it so there's a difference between vision being valuable yeah we need vision and vision being your actual value it's the difference between worth and you actually thinking it's worthy of your time worthy of your effort worthy of and what i'm telling you is as we walk on this journey this year as a church i'm not trying to raise no milk fed christians that just need the little tibialis i just need something to make my week feel better i'm talking about let me stop i'm trying to raise some people that come hell or high water if they shut it down if they tell me i can't that i have something on the inside of me that's holding me that it's worth what god has told me to do somebody shot at me one more time vision and that's why i i need everybody to understand that vision just doesn't need to be recognized as valuable vision needs to become your value your value everybody recognizes in 2021 that health is valuable but it has not become everybody's value wow health is valuable yeah but right after this fast some of y'all are going to do worse things to your body than you did leading all the way up because what's valuable does not equal your value and what i'm begging you church is let's in 2021 make vision your value i will have vision for my family i will have vision for my wife i will have vision for my husband i will have vision for the children we're going to raise i will have vision for my singleness i will have vision for my finances i will have vision for my future somebody shot at me vision all right so so vision is most valuable but vision must be a value okay and tester how do i get vision i'm glad you asked right this point down vision is always vertical you can never get a vision horizontally friends don't bring vision i need everybody to hear me say this friends don't bring vision can you hear me very clearly friends don't bring vision my company doesn't bring vision vision has to be vertical vision comes from god god is the source of my vision now i know this comes against a lot of stuff that people will tell you but what i'm telling you right now is your vision has to come from god one of the things that i think about all the time is that if a vision doesn't come from god it is void because god is the source of all vision look at colossians chapter 1 verse 16. it says for in him that's in god all things were created everything everything was created in god things in heaven i love this scripture and on earth visible and invisible whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities all things have been created through him and for him can i help you understand that anything god wants to get done in the earth he's going to give vision and vision always comes from god can i help you the most inadequate object is supposed to be giving god glory so he gave somebody a vision for this and he asked them to allow it to be released on the earth and when this washcloth is functioning in its greatest capacity it gives god glory the bees when they buzz they're giving god glory everything that has ever been created y'all read the the verse right everything in heaven and earth was created from god what i'm trying to say is that god has no lack of vision he has lack of vessels [Music] [Applause] it's already created in heaven and he's waiting for a place to deposit it on earth so it can actually come to pass you don't gotta go searching all around to this motivational speaker and this thought and this thing to find vision all you got to do is get in his presence you don't believe me and that's why i said it like this when i said that out loud i was i was preparing and i said well charles said oh that's good i said god is he's showing me something i've never seen before watch this write this point down vision is god's investment when god gives somebody on earth a vision it's god's investment from heaven and he says yeah i can trust bri with that i'ma go ahead and give her this idea and i'm gonna invest and nobody invests not to see a return on their investment this is not a gift it's got to come into me multiply i gotta work it and i gotta release it in the earth and i'm telling somebody right now that god is looking for people at 20 21 that heaven is full of vision that has not been released on the earth you've never heard the best song because it's yet to be made you've never seen the best graphic because it's yet to be made your favorite movie ain't gonna be your favorite movie cause there's something that is still to come and god is way down with vision waiting to invest it my question is are you a good investment can god give you a glimpse of what he wants to do in the earth brentham and you would be willing to pray it through to sow into it to give up other stuff for it to be steadfast around it to be able to believe when nobody else is believing are you a good investment and i came to tell god today with about 30 000 other people that here we are god whatever you want to do in me transformation church is a good investment michael todd is a good investment my family is a good investment if you want to give vision to the earth you can do it through me [Applause] somebody put that in the chat i'm a good investment why can't god give you the next uber you missed it well it's too much and i don't have a computer background and i don't know and god said you a weak investment you tr i was going to give you the idea and you tried to figure out how it was going to happen all i needed you to do is be the conduit that i use it from why can't you how is the kingdom of god going to advance until god can start dropping vision on us and we be faithful enough to not just keep it to me and my little family but god if you want me to release this to the world if you want me to represent to the whole world i will do it i'm a good investment [Applause] the next amazon is watching right now they don't even believe it enough to even say amen the next idea the thing you're giving your money and your resources the cure is in you if you are available to let god give you vision all marriages could be healed through a tip that god gives to your marriage but you're a bad investment when he gives it to you won't even write it down he'll give it to you in prayer and you'll chomp it up that it's it's just you that was just that was just and god's saying i keep dropping heavenly investments and i can't find people who would watch over them to see them actually happen in the earth vision is god's heavenly investment for an earthly return i don't know why god does this but he don't do nothing in the earth that he doesn't use a person to do the sad truth is god's first stop to get all vision into the earth is his church but many times because he can't find faith he has to look at the church and say they're not ready and he has and he has to go to somebody else who doesn't y'all i'm telling you what happens why if god wants the kingdom of god expanded are all of these ideas happening outside of the kingdom because they have the ability to take the idea or the wind of god it said all things come from god everything we created in heaven and earth is because they have the audacity to believe and you have the audacity to ask somebody to pray with me to see if maybe god had kind to say it don't you talk to him don't you claim to hear it and what i'm asking us i don't know there's just something in me that is saying that we have to stop cowering in the face of what we see [Music] god told me that this would be the greatest year of the church now i can look at what's happening in society right now and be like oh god what's going to happen i do not look at sight i look at vision vision is what i see with my eyes closed sight is what i see with my eyes open close your eyes where do you live next year some of y'all saw your same room close your eyes where is all your family three years from now are they saved healed denouncing old lifestyles come on i'm telling you this is vision what i'm talking about where do you see your ability to bless others six weeks from now oh see y'all wanted it to be six years from now but i serve a god that can do something like that y'all missed it god does not need a bunch of time it only took him three days to conquer death hell in the grave what can he resurrect in your life if he could find faith luke 8 18 the second part says but the son of man when he returns how many will he find on the earth who have faith faith that a vision cannot be here today but be here tomorrow see the thing i found out is that that god wants to invest in somebody his vision and every vision write this down needs a vehicle vision needs a vehicle god is trying to ask you will you be the place i can sit to make this thing happen vision needs a vehicle in my mind what kind of vehicle would you be no no for real like today after this i want you to post what kind of vehicle you would be and before you post the ferrari [Music] no no no no i want you to think about it because some of us are hoopties for the vision of god we break down at every obstacle [Music] [Applause] come on we don't want anybody to see us in public we don't want it to be on front street come on some of us are hoopties when it comes to god's vision god will show us something we don't want anybody to ride with us we won't put enough oil on it i'm saying what type of vehicle will you be this year and this is the beautiful thing at the start of 2021 you get a chance to choose something different it doesn't matter what you were i'm challenging you to bring value to vision today so you can choose differently god is saying be the ferrari of the vision let me sit in something and when i sit in you you have no limitations that you can go fast that you can go you can stop you can do whatever i ask you to do what type of vehicle would you because vision always needs a vehicle and when you get the vision of god then rebecca 2 2 comes into play and this is why i'm taking this much time to bring you to the word of the year because i want you to value it we're not just about to tell you a word and then we'll talk about it next year no no no every sermon series every decision we make every dollar we spend in money has to be centered around this prophetic word that god gives us because we value vision most here and if you start valuing the vision of god for your family and for your house and for your life i'm telling you there is no limit to what god wants to do look what rebecca 2 2 says and then the lord answered me and said write the suggestion no it oh it did not say suggestion write the opinion no no no no no write the idea it says write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it another translation in the message version i love it it says and then god answered write this write what you see not with your eyes open with your eyes closed write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run what is coming why i'm so passionate about this is because i stand here today because i wrote it down and i wrote it in big block letters so that people who saw it on the instagram post and people who saw the vision when they watched one message their cousin sent them some of y'all are a product of somebody sending this to you or sending you something from relationship goals or sending you something come on put i in the in the comments if it's you that you're on you're a product of it because the vision god gave me when nobody was around was a vision that i had enough faith to write down and when i wrote the vision down it became something that god now could begin to back on the earth i'm asking you right now not to just write down your idea i need you to write it down because you got in god's presence and it came from something vertical it came from god he's the source of our vision but then when you write down that vision i want you to know that you don't have to make it happen you have to work with god to allow him to make it happen through you you just miss a huge point and that's why so much of this self-help grind hustle make you happen all of this stuff has got people wore out with no results [Applause] you keep listening to them and you can do this and you wake up and it's just determination and self-will and god says it's not by might and it's not my power but it will be by my spirit if you see y'all i'm telling you i'm talking kingdom talk and you're listening to motivation i'm talking what jesus says and you're looking at what jesse said but i'm telling you one of these will last and i'm a living witness that when you allow the spirit of god to begin to give you a vision and help you do the things and stay consistent then you can mark god's words and i think about it all the time that when i wrote down that vision that i wrote down all of these things the vision of transformation church is very simple it's representing god to the lost and found for one reason what is it transformation i'm gonna say it one more time representing god to the lost and found for transformation in christ that's why we exist but do you know when i got that vision and this point is going to help somebody tremendously god gives vision in the valley i need everybody to hear me say this so clearly god doesn't give vision on mountaintops he gives vision in valleys do you know when god gave me representing god to the lost and found for transformation christ nobody came to the church i had people that told me god made the right decision with you being the pastor but the wrong decision for my family and walked out the church i had when god gave me that vision bishop when god when god was telling me that we didn't know who was going to stay and who was going to go everybody was unsure of what god was doing there was no nobody saw we didn't have and not one led nothing our cell phone lights wasn't led you hear me there was nothing and what that proves is that god never gives vision in the spotlight [Music] god never gives vision on the mountaintop god is going to give you vision in the valleys and this should be good news for somebody right now because how you feeling and how 2020 left you feeling and what's been going on in your finances this is the perfect time for you to shut everything down and get quiet with god and join us for the next 14 days of this prayer and fasting and if you're watching this later just take three or four days and allow god to speak to you because god's saying i will give you vision in the valley [Music] that's where god speaks because then it brings him glory because when he gave it to you when you were low he can take credit for it when you're high there's no way you got here by your will and your ideas and your connections god said it had to be me and i don't know who i'm talking to right now but you feeling your lowest moment and you feel like your marriage is on the last leg and you feel like your kids will never be back together and you feel like everything that you lost in the last bankruptcy has taken everything and god's saying to you today if you listen i'll give you vision in the valley i'll make what the enemy told you was a setback and i'll turn it into a set up i'll take every test and i'll turn it into your testimony you can be a miracle in motion if you would get vision in the valley do you know one of the things that happened bishop when i got vision in the valley write this point down vision must be visible and vision must be vocal i didn't just get the vision i wrote it down and i said something and some of us are so scared to say what god has said why why are you so scared that what god showed you would actually come to pass i made a decision a long time ago if god said it i'll believe it if i believe it i'ma say it if i say it and it doesn't come to pass i can point back to him what do i lose wha why why why am i scared if god said it i'ma believe it and i'ma say it and if it don't happen i guess god wanted to do something different i guess god had a different plan i guess god is sovereign but that don't stop me from believing and what happened so many times it's like god said it and it didn't happen and i said it i'm so embarrassed and i don't know if i can believe god again and i don't know if he's going to do what he said he's going to do it and i'm saying like what if it didn't happen how you thought it was it was for your good if it did not happen how you thought it was going to happen it is still for your good we praise him all the time for what he does we don't praise him all the time for what he didn't do that we don't know what would have happened if he would allowed it somebody needs to take five seconds right there and give god a praise for what you didn't know no no no y'all acting too cute right now but in the chat i dare you to praise god for the things that he didn't allow to work out that your feelings got hurt but it was still for your good wow i dare you to say it i dare you to tell your husband where y'all will be next year yeah bonus point vision always makes you vulnerable when i stood up here and i said on the first day of us being a church in the transition that we will be a multi-ethnic multi-generational multiplying multi-campus church i was vulnerable because we were none of those things he felt like i was standing up there bucket naked y'all know that bucket naked just exposed and let me help you that's what true vision makes you feel like do you know how noah must have felt to just tell his wife i'm about to spend the next couple decades i know what i said about vacation next summer but i got a vision from god and so i'm going to be spending i honestly i need our sons and they why matter of fact everybody y'all birthed i need everybody to help me cause somebody gonna go have to go rile up the animals and then somebody gonna have to help me with this wood and somebody's like do you do imagine how vulnerable it must have been for abraham to walk back to sarah and say um hey baby no hear your readers here here you go oh no no let me let me get your catheter right okay here you go baby um because she was old she she was dusty baby hold on let me move your wheelchair okay let me tell you what god told me he gave me a vision and he said look up into the stars and number em if you can that's how many descendants i'm gonna give you so i just came to tell you um i'm gonna put it down and you're gonna get pregnant do you know do you know how vulnerable it must have felt for i just need everybody to see this when god gives you a real vision if you don't feel vulnerable just a little bit it might be invalid it where your where your marriage is and i just keep coming back to this cause i just feel like somebody's marriage is on the rocks right now where your marriage is it would be for you to say my marriage is going to succeed and i'm going to enjoy being in this home to say that out of your mouth may have you feeling a little vulnerable some of y'all are gonna be saying my mother's me and my mother's relationship is gonna be healed and we're gonna like spending time together that would be a vision that would make some of y'all vulnerable we're not just talking about houses and cars forget that that's stuff that comes and goes but i'm talking about stuff that affects the soul the mind the wheel the emotion god's saying to us it might be a little vulnerable but i want you to be vocal about it i dare you to say it i dare you to believe me for it i i could keep talking about this but i i'd rather show you i'm gonna show you a time where i was scared to say what god had shown me but i said it anyway this is january 2016 in a vision series called beyond and what i'm standing in today i said back then because god gave me a vision i want you to take a look at this real quick when i talk about vision i'm not just talking about this church i'm talking about your life he wants you to see something with your eyes closed see you have sight you only regurgitate what you actually see when i look out at this audience i don't see y'all y'all are beautiful y'all are wonderful but i don't see this i close my eyes and i see the auditorium of 10 000 people per service coming into this experience and i see it and so that's why i give everything like y'all i don't come up here and be like oh there's only a few people i preach the same for my staff you could ask you know on wednesdays i'd be sweating at staff chapel why because i don't see what i see i see what he's shown me if you could open your eyes of faith not to be limited by sight but be able to get a vision and see i am standing in a place that i did not have sight for but that god gave me vision for y'all got to help me unders listen what are you saying pastor mike if you don't get anything else from this message i want you to understand how important your vision is because god gives vision in the valley that for me was my valley and i don't know where your valley is but when you get a vision from god write this point down vision is god's view vision is god's view the reason why god wants to give you vision is because when it comes to your career this is what i see i don't see inside of it i don't see on top of it i don't see but i just see a piece a portion of what god wants to do and honestly it's bigger than me honestly it's something that i can't fully be able to understand the weight of what's happening but when god allows you to get a vision remember not what you see with your eyes open but what god shows you with your eyes closed what he does is this come up a little higher yeah yeah i know you don't know what to do with your career but i'm gonna make you a successful business person and you're going to be able to bless people in the community you came from and all i need you to do is not go after the opportunities that are there but i need you to stay faithful to the assignment because this is the thing that's going to allow you to learn the character that you're going to need to lead at the next level follow my view and then what god does ah is he doesn't let you stay here we don't live in vision he gives you a vision god's view the way he sees into it and over it and around it and then he asks you to come down and live like that vision is very vivid and some of you have been asking god what am i supposed to do with my career get in 21 days of prayer and fasting and get god's view on it get up here and let god show you where you're supposed to be and what city you're supposed to be in and how you're supposed to do get god's view on it and then come down here with diligence see right here is where we try to forget what we saw this is where the enemy tries to make us feel like there's no way this is going to happen and that's why god tells us write the vision down write what you see up here write down what you see so when you get down there you don't forget that god showed me this he showed me that our church would impact the world he showed me that my family and my marriage is going to be right he showed me and that's why oh i got it written down and i made it plain so now when i come down here i'm not going to be distracted by the ignorance that comes from different people because i got god's view on it see some of y'all it's not your career that's the problem here it is it's your family yeah yeah your family is the thing that you need god's view on what are you saying the vision is valuable go to god in prayer god for the next 14 days all i'm gonna do is cry out to you and ask you for vision show me my marriage healed show me show me my daughter not running from boy to boy to fulfill the void of her daddy not being here show me father god come on you can pray real prayers remember god wants you to pray in your personality god show me my family being able to bless other families god give me a vision and when he gives you the vision write it down say it out loud be vocal about it god told me that my family was gonna be able to impact the earth my dad always told us from a young age he said michael the toddler name is gonna leave a legacy on the earth he said y'all this name has weight on it this name and when we were believing god for groceries when we were believing god when they stepped out in in ministry full time and my dad left state farm and they were going to just be itinerant ministers he would always tell us that your last name your family god showed me a vision of you impacting the world god gave me a vision of you and all your brothers making something and today as i stand here in 10 and 15 different countries all around the world making an impact it was what my daddy saw from god's view that allowed me to get a vision and down here i'm living out as it was in heaven let it be here on earth and what god's saying for somebody is not your family but it's everything it's my whole future god what is my future he said it's already prepared in heaven i ain't no lack of it ain't no shortage well god i want to do what the trend is god said that ain't gonna last i want to do what's what's what's popular now he said that analyzed i have an intended future for you before you were formed in your mother's womb i knew you i planned something for you so why don't you get vision or god's view what do you have for my future i'm in the music field so i guess you're gonna do something with music right yeah i'm gonna give you a vision of you impacting people through music right yeah i'm gonna give you a vision of impacting people and you're using all of your gifts to be able to bring me glory after grammys right see he that's why the bible says we see in part we hear in part we prophesy in part when you get a vision you just get god's view on it and i had enough to know i was going to be great i didn't have all the details i didn't but i knew enough to obey what he said and that's why i want to give you this last point because vision has versions see i'm just trying to help you understand that god had a plan for my future but i have to keep coming back to him to get his view on it because during the seasons that i'm in there are different versions of division and that's why it comes down to whatever you want to put in the blank this is your square go ahead and take a picture of that where do you need god's view where do you need god's view when i come to this year i need god's view for something that's more important than anything material i need god view in my life for my son forget everything else god showed me as we sit here and take him to therapy and we sit here and we try to understand what he's saying and he celebrates his fifth birthday god would you just give me your view of his healing [Music] just give me just give me give me your view of what the future looks like i can handle whatever it is i just need a vision from you i just need to know what you're saying i need to know that that you're a part of this so that i can go down here and i can help my wife and i can go down here and encourage other families that have children with autism if you would just give me your view and i don't know what your mj is and i don't know what you've been just trying to believe without god but the reason why you need a vision is because vision is god's view and vision has versions can i tell you y'all move this real quick i as i come to 2021 and i think about what god is doing in our church this is not new what god is doing this is just the 2021 version of representing god to the lost and found for transformation in christ and the reason i say it's the 2021 version is because every year since we started this church i go to god for his view on our ministry can i prove it to you in 2015 me and natalie took over as the lead pastors of transformation church and that year god gave me a personal word and this one that's going to sound super spiritual to a lot of y'all but the word would survive i literally had people telling me to my face i wasn't qualified i literally had people tell me i was too young that that what can you tell me about god's word i mean literal church people christians people who claim jesus wear the cross and everything honk if you love jesus those people i i literally would be in my car sometimes before going into meetings and say god this couldn't have been your will for my life you're better than this there's no way he said but you can't look at what you see right now you have to remember what i said and hold on to the vision so then in 2016 we survived 2015. in 2016 i thought the word was going to be something a little more encouraging and it wasn't the personal word god gave me maintain what the heck survive and maintain two years two years of being planted but it felt like i was buried two years of week after week having people come and tell me that they leaving the church two years this is a picture of a few of them uh staff some volunteer leaders like this was everybody like and some people that ain't even supposed to be in the picture but we just throw them in the picture it's just because we want it to look like we have more people no see like i think this was a volunteer rally or something like the leaders of stuff that was transformation church church of imagination that's us maintain it because i showed you a glimpse i told you before that this thing was going to multiply i told you that it was going to be multi-generation there is almost all know all black people in this picture he told me on the first day it would be multi-ethnic but for two years but i had to hold on to god's view 2017 we got a breakthrough he said michael the word i'm gonna give you when we were looking like this is beyond he said i'm gonna take you beyond everything that you thought i could do i'ma take you beyond and y'all we begin to believe god family started coming to the church people started getting saved people started getting baptized and we spoke that word out we were vocal with it we put it on shirts i did a staff advance around i said we're going beyond and everybody was yelling beyond and god did in 2017 at the end of it when we looked back we saw that it was our prophetic declaration our belief in the vision that produced the result at the end of the year that took us beyond 400 families joined the church in that year nobody could have told me nothing that was the best year of ministry for me because god did what he said but i marked this word before it happened and then in 2018 god did something that i couldn't even believe at the height of what's going beyond and more is happening and greater is coming then god gave me a word i never used before in my vocabulary this how you knew it had to be god he said stride he said you're running and i want you to walk find the pace of grace no there's no not at the moment that we're getting breakthrough you want us to slow down and do less and take things off the calendar and not be as productive and god said that if you do less i'll do more and y'all i remember us going into meetings cutting stuff i remember us deciding we can't do that because that's not striding that's striving using all of our effort and energy to make it happen and god said if you obey me watch what i do and in 2018 y'all that's when everything blew up the relationship goals went viral our church went from one service to five services i'm talking about people were coming on everywhere there's some people in the room right now we used to be backed up on the highway if you were coming to church you literally had to come two hours early because there were people backed up all the way on the highway i said god what are you doing he said i'm being true to my word you got the vision at the beginning of the year what if i thought the word was more in the year god said stride i would have forfeited the blessing of obedience and there are so many people that are trying that doesn't add up kingdom math doesn't add up it makes miracles god says do less i obeyed and god did more it made a miracle and then in 2019 i'm getting excited god said michael now it's my time i'm about to release i'm about to release you into the world i'm about to release you from certain things and i'm about to release my power unto you and y'all that's my mama up there you looking good mama didn't mama be preached so good last week that's my mom look at you girl we preach stride i mean and then we preach release and that year i don't know what happened but there was a boldness that came up on our church and that was the year that god released this building that i'm standing in right now many of you don't understand this right now we are in the process of sound proofing our entire lobby we are in soundproofing our entire auditorium we are in the lobby of our church having church right now there's no way we could have done this in our old location but god said i'm about to release 192 000 square feet to you i'm going to pay for it i'm going to do all of these things i'm going to release you gifted and talented leaders from all over the world people started moving from california in florida and people started moving here and saying i don't have a job i don't have anything but god told me to be here he started releasing people from their last assignments and sending them to this assignment he started releasing people and god did what he said because we marked his word and then in 2020 god told us at the beginning of last year he said the word for the year is what stronger now who could have known that literally two months after i declared this was the word god had given me after praying and fasting we would hit a global pandemic who would have known it would have been the most televised season of racial tension and racial racial injustice who would have known that we would have been smack dab in the middle of elections and all of these different things and god said yeah yeah this year i'm gonna make the church stronger do you have faith to believe me that this is what i'm gonna do and i said god i guess we're gonna have to believe you've done it before and you did it again and again and again and again so why would i not believe you now and if you will look at your life and just play back what god has done in your life you could turn around and say and he did it before and he's done it again and again and again and so why would you give up on god so this year god's spoken again yeah yes y'all ready and god told me back in august he said michael every word i said has come to pass and he said and i've done it in a way that matched what happened spiritually and numerically no no no no because i i almost was not going to do it but i need somebody to see this because some of y'all it don't click until it makes like sense and what i'm saying since it's dollars and cents let me help you there's never been an ounce of manipulation we don't believe in the prosperity gospel we don't believe in none of that stuff all we do is put god's word out there we believe in people we're generous and then we just let god do what he's going to do so all of these years i want to show you something very clearly that happened financially because we're transparent at transformation church we we keep everything i've started like this and i want to continue to move like this when we moved in in in the survive year before 2014 1.2 million dollars came in that's what everything that was given that year and the year god said to survive he kept his word and where most transitions the finances and the people go down god allowed it to be 1.2 million dollars again and then when we got to maintain i thought he was going to above it just a little bit but he didn't he kept true to his word and he maintained it and it was 1.2 again but then god gave a word and he said he was going to go what beyond and when he went beyond we grew 400 families and 400 000 and it went to 1.6 million dollars but then god said stride and told us to do less and he would do more now watch this when you obey god he does not do addition he does multiplication god's favorite math for your life as a believer is multiplication we went from 1.6 million dollars did less and then god took it to 7.2 million dollars i need everybody to understand it is about the results of obedience and this is not what god just wants to do for this house he wants to do it for your house and i'm telling you this is a result of obedience and following the vision where there is a vision people stay in their lane people finish the course people do what god says where there is no vision they cast off restraint we are going to follow the vision and the year that god said release are you ready for this we went from 7.2 million dollars coming in to 22.5 million y'all ain't never led nothing you don't understand what happens because of your faithfulness and your giving and your generosity we were able to move into this building and pay it off in seven months we owe no man nothing but to love them ah y'all want to pray about the word we want to be about the word we were able to help people we gave away money we gave away so much because we followed everybody say the vision can i tell you what god did this past year if he don't ever do it again can't nobody tell me when i was back here believe in god when i only could get god's view a vision of it god said michael five years from now i'm going to show you in real life what i showed you in your daughter's bedroom and literally we went from surviving to maintaining to going beyond to stride to release and then god said i want you to get stronger in the midst of pandemic because of your faithfulness your generosity the largest end of the year giving we've ever had people giving from countries that i can't even pronounce not huge gifts but committed gifts from a bunch of people saying that god i'm putting my faith in you in 2020 when everything was closing up we got stronger transformation church 51 million dollars i'll shout by myself glory to god do you hear me [Applause] vision from 1.2 to 51 million vision from nobody coming to not knowing how many people are watching vision from being insecure about what god called you to do so if nobody comes i'm secure and what god has called me to do somebody shout at me vision and the word for this year god spoke it to me so clearly is that in 2021 it is time for transformation church to be anchored somebody give god oh i feel this this is the year we're about to be anchored this is the year our marriage gets anchored our finances get anchored our mind is anchored god told me so clearly he said michael [Music] i have built this church for such a time as this and now i'm going to make you get anchored and i said god what does that mean he said an anchor is something with weight that drops and connects so that whatever it's connected to does not drift and i feel this thing all over me god told me prophetically that 2021 is the year we get anchored and it is the year of the anti-drift that every area in your life where you've been drifting your marriage has been drifting your purity has been drifting your faith has been drifting the vision for your life everything that has been drifting god says this year it's getting anchored your health is going to be anchored this year i'm prophetically speaking to somebody that your fam your relationships are getting anchored somebody shout at me anchored say i will be anchored say it again i will be anchored i want you to begin to think of the areas in your life that you're about to be anchored for some of you things that have been flowing it's been generational drifting oh i felt that it's been generational drifting you've been habits and hobbies and addictions and god's sake this year it's time to get anchored i'm gonna allow you to become a steady force something that is able to with la withstand and withhold no matter what storm comes no matter what is presented to you you will be anchored [Music] yep some of you like anchored god's saying that you will last you will make it through you will be dependable you're going to be consistent there's going to be weight when you're involved i have been given more confirmations that this is the word that god wants us to live out this year and for the next four weeks i'm going to preach to you and deliver this message the way god's given it to me you do not want to miss one week but the reason i had to build all of this up is to make sure you understand this is not a suggestion for us this is vision this is god's view of what he wants for us in 2021 and now my question to you as you say i will be anchored this week your assignment is to write down the areas of your life that you know you've been drifting or we're going to get real and the areas you want god to anchor you and i want you to wear what god says to you as a badge of his faithfulness we're going to speak it in january 2021 and we will prove it in january 2022 you missed it we're gonna speak it in january 2021 and just like every other one of those words we will stand here and say look at what the lord has done hands lifted everywhere thank you jesus [Music] that's our version this year of vision vision has versions and this year the version is anchored father i pray for every person under the sound of my voice god i thank you that this word that i spoke i pray it brought value to vision that father even in this next 14 days of prayer and fasting you're going to allow all of us to go to you and ask you for vision to get your view father god on what you want for us this year and as you've spoken for our house you don't want anything for this house that you're not specifically speaking for each one of our house i declare that in 2021 we will be anchored every area of our life our family will be anchored our minds will be anchored our hope will be anchored in you jesus god i'm thanking you that we are going to be anchored and you're going to allow us not to drift not to drift with the doctrine or the thoughts or our feelings or our flesh but i thank you that this year father you're gonna anchor this church you're gonna anchor every partner you're gonna anchor every listener every child of god the kingdom will be bigger and stronger because it will be anchored to the only thing that never changes and that's you jesus and today for the areas that people have been drifting i thank you that you're speaking into their future right now i declare they're getting a vision today of everything that is out of whack being lined up in the name of jesus i speak life over every person right now and i thank you father you're chasing after us right now i feel that thing so strong right now you're chasing after us god thank you god that you're you're rescuing us to anchor us back to you father god i thank you right now that you're doing it by your spirit listen to me as we end this moment in that same heart i really do believe that god gives vision for victory when i think about every pain and every hurt and every addiction i would have and i think about god sending jesus jesus had to have a vision and it was a vision for victory he said if there's any other way that this can happen hey can we can we figure out something else but it said that he had a vision of the joy that was set before him and because he had a vision he endured the cross so that every mess up you would make that every pain you would have all the shame the guilt and condemnation that jesus could win victory over it what am i saying that god's vision even to jesus was for your victory and today i don't know where you are and what's broken and what's hurting on you what's hurting in you but today god wants to give you the opportunity to receive victory that was paid for by jesus christ if you want to make sure that your eternity is is secure today i want you to receive jesus he is the anchor for our soul he is the only thing that will keep you from drifting and there are tons of people under the sound of my voice that are saying i've been looking and begging for something different and how you get a vision from god for something new is by accepting him today right now i need everybody in this room and everybody around the world to begin to pray because there's a war going on right now for people's salvation there's a war going on for people's eternity and their present their history but right now by the power of god we believe that the presence of god is invading your space right now he's invading your home he's invading your your your um apartment and he's coming to say receive me the holy spirit is drawing you by his love right now when you accept jesus it's the only thing that can take you from being like me who was addicted to pornography a liar a manipulator thought i could do it on my own all my good will to being somebody that submitted their whole life to him and i didn't become a perfect person but now i'm a progressing person and what god is saying is i have that available for you today i want to give that to you right now and according to romans 10 9 all you have to do is believe and confess that jesus christ lived died and rose again just for you and you are saved if you're one of those who are listening this is not for your friend or your boyfriend or your mom or your daddy or whoever's with you this is just for you you can't stand with the committee before god but today you can stand to make a decision that will change your life forever if you want to be added into this prayer on the count of three we're about to pray and all i want you to do is lift your hand and identify yeah pastor include me in that prayer i've been far away from god i've been drifting i haven't had a vision for my life but today mark my words i want to live for you if that's you and you want to be added into that prayer i want you to just slip your hands in the air on the count of three one you're making the greatest decision of your life two i'm so proud of you but forget all of that god is so proud of you three just slip your hand up in the air right now and there are people all over the world slipping their hands up with you right now i'm telling you heaven is beginning to rejoice right now now listen put your hand down we're about to pray and at transformation church nobody prays alone we all pray together so i want us to all say this out loud for the benefit of those who are coming to christ say god thank you for sending jesus just for me thank you for the vision of my salvation i believe jesus lived he died and he rose again for my freedom and today mark my words i'm going to live for him change me renew me transform me i'm yours in jesus name amen can we give god praise if you just prayed that prayer i'm telling you we are rejoicing and heaven is rejoicing with you the bible tells us that if one person makes that decision heaven begins to turn up we are rejoicing with you if you just made that decision we want you to text the number that's on the screen and i want you to text this number so we can help you we can give you some resources we can walk with you nobody needs to walk alone and because of your faithfulness and your dedication and us sticking to the vision every version of it do you know that last year we saw over 23 000 people give their life oh y'all y'all awake with it 23 000 people gave their life to jesus and my prayer is in this year it'll be more people who get anchored to jesus [Music] church i'm so proud of you vision around here is most valuable we're gonna get anchored in this year this is what i'm gonna ask you you wanna you want your first anchored assignment join me tomorrow night for a time of prayer and fasting how are we going to get vision unless it comes vertically how are we going to get vision unless it comes from god we got 14 more days on this fast this 14 days could change the trajectory of everything that has to do with you because you can get a clear you can get god's view on your life and even if you're in a valley right now he says i'll give vision in the valley and tomorrow i just feel this y'all i want to take communion tomorrow night i i want to i want to i want to break well bread i guess are we we're not eating bread okay find something there will be no judgment somebody going to be like i'm breaking this pizza lord this is the only thing i had in my house got this pepperoni pizza i ain't going to be your judge but i i really want us to take communion tomorrow night and i want us to remember what god has done i want us to start off this anchor to year remember why god made a way for us to have an anchor and i want everybody to join us we've had almost ten thousand eleven thousand people every night in prayer tc i am so proud of you but we just getting started if you thought what transformation church has done in the past is anything forget all that it's nothing worth being compared to what god has called us to do somebody say i will be anchored i declare that this will be the best week of your life that god is going to do something to prove his self to you in an unusual way that we will hear god but we will listen to him we will believe him and we will get angered have your way in our lives in jesus name we agree somebody say amen go out and live a transformed life let's give god some praise
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 566,366
Rating: 4.9518142 out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Represent, Michael Todd, Mike Todd, Transformation Church live, Transformation Church Worship, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, representtv, mark my words, vision, vision sunday, moses, tesla, 2021
Id: Ty9y7Zk9dsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 7sec (5767 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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