GOD MODE MIKO! That Passive Damage! (Genshin Impact)

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hello muglets it is God mode Mikko time I don't think there's basically anything to farm yep we can go ahead and Ascender to 90 although uh for her talents uh we do need to do the weekly boss we just got guest star Monday to come in and uh weekly bosses have a reset and there she is level 90. I don't want to even use her until she is fully god mode quote unquote so we're gonna do the weekly boss without her we are going to go ahead and take an electro with us this time however just to see if she helps you're not gonna get me with the same trick this time boss oh I guess the illusion is the one uh throwing out the double blades that's what it looked like to me anyway also Electro seems to do nothing to her Shield so it just really takes a while to remove she's just kind of chilling here now because she only has a little bit of HP left I don't know if she's planning on something special but I guess we're gonna go and finish her off oh wow we got three this time and two of the ones we actually need very nice uh Gladiator crit damage bad Subs unfortunately we do have a couple of the small Collins at least but I want to save some for her basic Ian burst are going to be the most important for me still but yeah if we have leftovers would be nice to raise her basic a bit I don't know why I thought she needed the hands probably because we got the hands last time we needed to turn them into the meaning of Aeons but uh that's not what you needed so we'll also have to change those there's her burst at eight anyway do this really quick E is at seven now we need five more of these there goes e to eight so let's get her basic as far as we can at least again how I plan to use her like as a as a burst or an off-field DPS it's probably not necessary but just because um but yeah I think I will stop at six as long as your e and Q are at eight I think that is fine so yeah we're actually looking at quite a bit of damage here 416 skill and then 534 I guess for each of the tinko Thunderbolts that is a lot of multiplayer right there oh yeah and of course we can finally give her her actual weapon kagurus Verity there we go we'll probably need to mess around with her artifacts because that has a bunch of crit damage uh or not I mean it's actually not a bad ratio although energy recharge I did want more of maybe less Elemental Mastery oh you can choose multiple I guess in order of priority okay that's really cool so first of all it needs to have attack percentage and then secondly energy recharge that is actually kind of amazing thank you well I guess besides the circle at change I do kind of want to try here how she was she has a little bit more crit right now same crit damage no energy recharge 246 elements of Mastery so for God modes I usually like to head to Abyss it's just the hardest content best best way to Showcase of course we do got to start with 910 the easy stuff so we'll probably try and cut most of that out well I guess since we did raise her basically we'll try her kind of as a main DPS probably more just like all supports but I also did kind of want to try here with Beto so we're gonna probably do it like this triple Electro plus Binny took let's go ahead and throw her a little uh burst around 28k from that go away Windows security I don't care if I have 85 viruses I have more important things to worry about right now so with no boost she is currently doing 10K to that slime over there that that's pretty crazy by itself and she has her burst back so it seems Beto is kind of helping because I remember we had a ton of issue getting her burst let's go ahead and start this over I guess even though there's like two enemies left well let's go ahead and throw those on the ground stand back in Vinnie boost yeah we're getting 18K hits there that's pretty crazy let's try some unbuffed basics there's a Charged wow that actually did quite a lot as well 16k with Sarah boost I believe I saw there his shield unfortunately is being annoying uh here we go we got all these dudes just uh well gotta use all these three first and then tenko Thunderbolts 55-71 that's what I'm talking about because you know when I do mikko's three E's we get the weapon boost as well that she has now unfortunately we only have the electro dude here anymore so I'm probably gonna try and finish that up with Binny or whatever moving on to the final chamber here we just got this big dude unfortunately usually he is mostly dead whoops I completely messed that up I was supposed to do Beto first so unfortunately we will not have Sarah boost but let's see what she can do anyway through the shield yeah still a ton of damage even through the shield that's pretty insane so let's go ahead and try this again I guess we're just gonna start with uh this just do everyone's burst real quick uh there is only one little dude over there alive wow that was a big waste Why didn't it okay so they must have some sort of range these guys were unfortunately very spread out so I couldn't get a lot of good footage and my Mikko is very close to being dead uh but thankfully we do have Benny boost ready for next chamber so hopefully she can heal up quick all right let's give this a try here tinko Thunderbolts let's see what you can do uh yeah he unfortunately had a shield already but I did see the first one do quite a lot oh my god well we can try that one again got blasted by the Ice Dude let's try that again uh 46. let's just stand in Benny boost wow yeah 25k for each when it criticals at least she does have a decent amount of crit I believe I think it was 70 or 80 after the circlet swap yeah I guess this one will be a little less impressive because we have uh just a bunch of lightning stuff here um but even so let's see we're gonna be basic attacking a little bit with her here I oh I just saw some 33ks there was no burst in there what was that even from so I'm not too sure how chamber 11 is gonna work because we have thunder manifestation in chamber three and then Electro slimes inspectors in chamber two ones in first half ones in second half so no matter what I'm gonna run into something I'm immune to I guess we could try and use her as an off-field in the first half and take like a pyromane like who Tower or whatever um although hutao kind of wants like water dude and stuff so it's kind of annoying but I mean I guess we could have like two mini teams who tell water dude Miko Benny I don't think she's gonna have enough energy regeneration with that I mainly have Benny instead of Sarah because Benny can heal oh yeah I forgot we're starting with defense Ley lines probably should have got some CC oh it's already dead boom boom boom uh what are we got 90 percent I think we're still good we have some off-field damage going on now that was really not bad very quick I think we're still at 90 or maybe if they did some quick damage let's see uh 83 oh God and now the electro go away I think we got it it was at 61 so that was very close but whatever yeah now here's where the trouble might start you know we have Electro and Pyro mixed together so we have an electro and Pyro Team yeah and I'm noticing uh Mikko does need a lot more to get her energy so I think beta was really helping with that basically harmless what did I do I'm always getting weird achievements because they never really checked the achievements hopefully the Thunderbolts hit the uh fire ones yeah didn't do a ton of damage because we didn't have any uh Buffs early at that point but it's fine gotta really just do what I can at the moment I mean we got through it in not too bad time I think it was like 1 40 or so um hopefully this team can make up for it although I think this one does take a little longer in general especially with those birds I'm not sure if I can hit them with uh Ito foreign I can he has a very high upswing oh wait this is still floor 11. we have five minutes we're good and now we have the uh double Samurai we're just going to basically see what we can do yeah that guy's gonna get his HP back regardless just continuing to drop mikko's little things on the ground have some off-field damage going on uh it it it's doing pretty well in general it's just very hard to get her burst without um you know a Beto or some kind of other battery and I think because of her complete lack of energy recharge does need to be a really good one yeah but that actually turned out pretty well we're gonna be moving on to floor 12 now that's right we have the uh fathomless Flames Lecter uh jeez and then Wicked Torrens again I would honestly really like to have my Electro team for the Rune guards I totally don't know if that's gonna work we're gonna give it a try and then our general Geo team I guess yeah but we are starting with the mechanical array here oh I put them in the wrong order sorry should always be last all right let's go ahead and throw these though and go ahead and do her burst oh no I'm retrying why did you have to why is he always fly up the worst times all right but at least he should get hit by them this time if she would go up cooldown hurry 56. oh that was a big one why did that move I'm retrying again let's try that again I suppose 57 70 70 70. there we go and uh I don't know some basic attacks how about a charged her charge has has a very long casting time though uh yeah I'm not sure if this is going to work there has been too much time that has passed yeah there's no way I can do the other chamber with like 45 seconds we'll try it a couple more times see if maybe I can uh get my strategy a little better yeah 30 34 seconds is not going to be enough time I'm sure it's not mikko's fault but maybe trying to use Mikko as the main DPS that's the fault unfortunately in floor 12 there's just too much single Target and I think Electro in general just works better in in AOE scenarios so in situations where there's going to be at least two chambers of single Target whether I'm on first half or second half it just doesn't seem to work out that well I do still want to take Mikko as this is her showcase uh but I think she will just be the off field sort of burst damage again Utah needs water dude and then there's like not much energy for Mikko and she won't get her burst very fast well we can start off with a burst at least the one burst we're gonna be able to get off the entire floor I guess but yeah obviously they can just swap to her and we get some nice passive damage here like she's still doing 10K with these things on the ground without me having to do anything really except go to her and press e three times and yeah having one minute 40 for the other half would probably be necessary since we do kind of have a wacky team here as well ayaka is just kind of an add-on to my Geo team for second chamber but if we fail this chamber we'll probably just come back and Three Star this one later if this works without a it did work without a hydro I'm very surprised that worked without a hydro uh whatever three stars three stars let's move on oh hey we actually do have mikko's burst back again that's crazy I guess water do does help a bit at least with that let's go ahead and pop it off shall we put these three things down real quick 30. yeah I mean for just her being an extra that's still some good damage that was like a total of a 160 burst you know plus all of her little off-field damage as well let's just hope we can kill him before we die ourselves yeah there we go so we have one minute 40 for this side let's hope that is enough because we have two uh I always forget that that there's two of these bastards I don't know if this is going to work I'm just trying to get them both into uh their hydrophase so we can kind of AOE them with ayaka here hopefully they're close enough yeah okay that's good that's really good that they're right next to each other ayaka also has some AOE here so this might actually work oh yeah that'll definitely work thank you guys for being right next to each other ayaka was the perfect choice for this in that case I guess we'll go ahead and take this card if I knew it was going to be on every floor I probably would have just taken it all the time but whatever here we have the two ruin guards unfortunately no bow user let's see if we can deal with that here probably should try and get under 50 HP that is a little hard with Binny boost um oh yeah wait these are these are only the first two enemies ah geez is gonna hit anyone yeah but Benny boost ran out unfortunately all right let's fly a little close to the Sun here oh Jesus Christ okay my hotel is just gonna straight up die if I don't do or burst let's play some more uh Miko Ease on the ground for some more passive damage there that's just ticking away now let's uh do a couple hits here it's just magu kinky no big deal I guess grab a shield while we're waiting yeah I don't think that's gonna work we have 10 seconds left uh I mean maybe if Ito really steps up his game for the next 10 seconds perhaps uh five four come on Ito go wow okay I really wasn't expecting that to work out um I'm sure I could have been faster with the ruin guards by a little bit but here not really so there was Abyss I guess more or less the Showcase we can do a couple massanori's just just for good measure but like I tried to try her in a team that was basically you know built around her uh trying to give her the energy she needs even though even with Beto it still takes a while uh actually it didn't take much longer just with her being an add-on to my hutau water dude team of course water dude I've noticed is pretty good for energy regeneration as well with his sacrificial sword uh and you know lots of particles but it's still a sufficient because he's a hydro unit have I even tried Shogun and Mikko together I guess I kind of want to so much passive damage starting with Raiden e gonna Place those on the ground let's go and just do that for fun let's go and go back to uh oh Mikko doesn't have her burst ready which is unfortunate uh well then not gonna bother with shogun's burst we know he's just gonna die instantly I mean he died kind of instantly anyway oh no I tried Shogun and Miko like as my first team as far as I remember all right let's go ahead and try uh everyone's a burst now at once did I even Place her ease down yeah I did we got 67 and this is out in the real world now not with a Biz Abyss buff so it's pretty much the same she almost just got one shot of there guess she doesn't have the most defense ever well my Shogun died which I think marks the end of uh masanori there yeah I don't think there's too much else to show anyway final thoughts I think I do need some more Samurai drops eventually so let's go ahead and go for these guys didn't take much of a look at her Basics either but yeah they're doing like 15K and she attacks decently quick or they were doing 15K I guess with some Buffs here and there so anyway final thoughts if you can keep her burst up I would say she's a very powerful unit although that is the main issue I've been having with her even with such a long cooldown of what uh 22 seconds uh I still have an issue keeping her burst up that of course does come a lot down to having literally zero energy recharge but you know stats have to go somewhere so if I build her with more energy she's gonna have less crit raker damage attack or whatever else thus doing less damage also I think there is a happy middle ground where she can do less damage but more often and thus you know increasing her overall damage per second on the other hand a significant portion of her damage comes from her e these things without any Buffs in her current build they are consistently doing 10K 10K 10K 10K it's like that is a lot of passive damage for doing almost nothing user E3 times swap out and these have a tiny cooldown and a long duration so it is easily constant damage so it's really hard to say if I should sacrifice some offensive stats for her burst more often you know I'm sure there's tons of theory crafted papers out there and everything telling you exactly down to the percentage what stats she should have but uh those are just my own personal thoughts take that as you will I'm sure there'll also be some some informative comments down there as well and if you have any of your own make sure to drop them down there too very much appreciated you know what's also appreciated thinking today's video sponsor me Moga wants you to know that if you enjoyed his content you you should consider liking the video and subscribing to his channel thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 339,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, yae miko, miko, miko genshin impact, jenshin, geshin, ginshin, yae miko build, yae miko gameplay
Id: Et9Bw7xDwvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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