GOD-MODE KAZUHA! (Genshin Impact)

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hey moglets it's really time now to max this boy oh [Music] boss time book time now it's really really time here we go final star got everything we need uh we also got some talent bunks while we were waiting for the boss to respond so we can do that too um let's go i um after playing with him i'm not sure everything is good here actually maybe not his basic because yeah i'm not using that a whole lot i don't believe i'm trying to make my main dps here so yeah we can get a few more of these i don't know if it's totally worth it but i think for now we're going to get both to eight here and then maybe we'll get his uh ult to nine i'm definitely not ready to get any tens on him yet but uh eight for his e and nine for his ult i think that'd be good for both of those things we gotta head to the crafting table yeah i guess we're just gonna make two for now i suppose gonna go and craft the books as well to see how many we actually need kazuha slash yeah we'll need a couple more books we'll actually need a lot more books 18 in total we have four so yeah back to farming for a bit we also need some crystal flies to make some condensed resin and we'll start with those five we have hopefully that's enough books oh wait of course we need to level him up first as well and there we go 90. rip rip final run would be nice to get at least one purple for my five condensed never mind don't worry about it let's see what we got here got a bonus at least how about a bonus here too i don't think that's even enough unless we get some nice bonuses i i actually want to risk it with eula let's go come on bonus ah eula there was tin you could have given me one statistically still need four more books so got no choice i honestly didn't want to use fragile resin but got no choice we're at the beautiful number two hopefully two more runs will do it purple yeah we finally got a purple let's go and finally oh another one all right we should definitely have enough it must be time to give me an extra book now right eula yes see i knew it all right finally kazu has slashed level nine that's where we're stopping i think that's uh some pretty high talents honestly not completely maxed obviously but regardless few finishing touches here of course we're giving him the good sword sorry kaching oh yeah i also wanted to farm mats for skyward blade because they are also only open today but i'll probably wait till sunday for that because it's not a massive it's not massively urgent i suppose as for artifacts i was spamming viridescent a lot but unfortunately i didn't get anything better we were farming we were trying we got basically no sands though um but yeah and yeah not being able to get a better sands really hurts the most as this is the one crit rate crit damage didn't get touched however uh we have plus 68 flat attack there and 9.9 hp so that was cool i'm gonna get this crit damage artifact to four uh no i'm not gonna raise it if it had one decent sub maybe and then we could have gone off piece for sans but forget it i think that's what we're going to stick with because he actually has a relatively good great damage piece you know attack elemental mastery energy recharge i think his credit card damage ratio is pretty good uh here are his basic stats we got 2200 attack um not bad either 70 to 158 damage both could be a little higher we also did bump up his element to mastery to 215 which i think is okay maybe he could use more i don't really know at level 80 with pretty much less of every stat he was performing really well so i'm assuming he's going to just be that much better i think i think we're good i think he's ready i think we gotta try him finally we also have to decide on a team i think we're gonna go like this you know keeping pyro in the team so he will mostly absorb pyro and then give us pyro bonus i did promise i would revisit floor 12 of abyss um so we'll do that after our daily quests let's start with these little slimes here those are probably just going to die by banette right um you know what let's just go ahead do some of this yeah that was pretty pog 27 on liftoff and then another chunk coming down i didn't even have time to take advantage of any element bonuses am i going the right way nope so here's the first daily quest although it's just really destroying the hilla trill towers so i'm not sure how much gameplay we can really get here there are some enemies around anyway let's start with a uh zhang li shield little banette boost there we go boom wait was that a 14k swirl oh no i think that was his plunge attack might benefit c6 makes me sad every single day just his actual wait then what the hell was that i guess that guy was just fire on fire let's go ahead and try his burst here real quick unfortunately we do have a pyro abyss mage so that's pretty annoying we gotta try and get rid of that okay that's down i yeah all the enemies are dead that's the main reason we gotta try abyss because everything just dies too fast 33k not bad at all i'm trying to see the swirl damage but it's hard to see let's just do a banette here and then uh two two procs of 3100 actually for a swirl not bad at all this daily quest where the flower girl sends me into dragon spine hello there hilla trolls boom i don't know why that was so much weaker maybe because of no prep let's try these uh fatui dudes we haven't really looked at alts much let's go ahead and pop an ult off we should have like the bonus stuff yeah i think that was pretty good whatever that happened there that was it for flower girls so done with dailies honestly didn't get to see much so there actually was something i was curious about that i never bothered to check do we keep our updated stats when we are going back into abyss because we currently have 23047 and we have now no it's the old stats that's what i kind of thought because they don't allow you to change artifacts or anything but all right means you got to redo floor 12 but that's no problem because i kind of screwed up yesterday when i didn't make sure my hue tau had her ult just go ahead and claim these before i forget about them all right let's give this a look-see we're going to start with banette and i think we're just going to go straight to his alt here try and pull them in a little bit uh whoops i actually wanted to to do monas first but we have a we should have a pyro boost right now for the next eight seconds so we're going to take advantage of that all right i'm gonna go ahead and just do monozult now maybe go to kazuha get that bonus one's dead already so this first phase is going to take us around 40 seconds maybe if i can start actually hitting them yeah 38 seconds i'm pretty sure that's way faster than i've ever done it and i'm sure that's done to kazoo because i've been going with the same team here needed about a minute and a half for the second phase here um but i don't think i was performing super well on this one because i was relaxed i had so much time i think again we're just going to start with banette here start with the uh thing here go ahead and swirl them get that boost do his ult i just gotta be careful here and make sure i have everyone's burst before we end this is why i can't get three stars here but uh you know we can come back and get the three stars later we still have uh five units left so we're gonna go and do that and then we'll probably start trying to save bursts maybe except banettes in case we need healing i like hutao almost dead but this is a little too far and uh oh does that change every day this was different i did not know this changes every day because i usually don't play abyss every day and usually forget what the buffs are but uh yeah okay well this is the same and it's the only offensive one so we're gonna take it all right here we go just gonna try and start with mona here and i think i'm just going to go ahead and go to kazuha do his burst uh go to mona do her burst and her e back to bennett to do his uh utau burst i think uh the the dude there avoided it which was not cool at all yeah gotta betray that we might be here for a bit all right i think we're making pretty decent time here ah jesus christ yeah it's no record or anything uh i have no idea what i did last time to be able to do it in like 50 seconds or less i'm gonna go ahead and still try the other phase just uh for the fun of it although we really do need like all two minutes alrighty well that's the end of that one oh my god this fire we were making some pretty decent time too still can't get the sub one minute for some reason uh just maybe you need to try a little bit harder [Music] come on okay 50 seconds this could be it if we don't keep dying all right this might work we have one minute left he hasn't gone into his phase yet but ah go all right we're going to get chichi out go ahead and do that now going go do our burst and basically just spam on him hope hopefully oh yeah we have to stay close for chi-chi's prague come on don't move yeah i think we got it let's just end it with some electrocharged because we're feeling cocky go i shouldn't i shouldn't do this but i want to end it with kaching oh i shouldn't do this okay all right that sounds like the challenge failed sound why you gotta do me like that now we just gotta go back to chamber two uh i really just want vintie here actually vinti is a really pog uh maybe we'll take kazuha as well though i'm just going to start straight off with a kazuha old here try and pull them in a little bit i guess we can go ahead and do a vinti ult as well i don't think veridescent stacks does it because they both have full of iridescent i got to be actually careful already on the first wave though because i want to make sure i have my alts start with some venti here i mean i'm expecting just because i don't have to uh care about alt anymore that it'll go a lot faster just because of that let's go ahead and do another casual ult love doing those i think currently the uh yeah she's uh just stuck up there okay this was definitely way faster that was like 45 seconds took me two minutes while trying to reserve alts well should have a minute and a half for the big one oops did jongley's thing too early well we also have eula here she can help with that all right one more zhongli refresh here gonna go ahead and do results just spam all of our alts real quick eulas as well now we gotta stay with eula get some basic attacks off in there myula isn't very strong unfortunately but should still be decent here oh i think she's not strong because i don't have any super conduct with me i mean electro obviously that was a much easier three star than before alrighty well um so obviously he's doing a lot bigger numbers he hasn't inherently changed at all he just got a stat bump which yeah i mean talents went up too but that doesn't change anything besides damage so i don't really know what any of us were expecting but yeah he's stronger he is inherently the same character though which is still in my opinion one of the funner ones to use and uh just really snappy i like his e so much it's it's i i can't explain why i like it so much it's just and it sucks them all in and it does a lot of damage and then you plunge on them i really really like it it's probably my favorite e in the game i have to say but yeah at least for now that will wrap up kazuha week uh you'll probably be seeing him more on the channel later on either just playing with him or i don't know some some challenges you can leave any recommendations you want in the comments down below well dropping like on this video if you did happen to enjoy is always greatly appreciated maybe dropping a sub if you want to see more videos you know subs are cool we're like so close to 300k would be amazing um but yeah besides that nothing much else to say thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 796,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact kazuha, genshin, genshin impact game, genshin impact gameplay, kazuha
Id: gGFkAuoynNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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