God Is Working (It Out) | Pastor Touré Roberts

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hey family i'm pastor torre i'm pastor sarah and listen you're getting ready to hear an incredible word for the lord i believe it's going to bless you i believe it's going to be timely do me a favor share the message if it moves you share the message and then also you have an opportunity to be a part of not only helping to spread this message but to be a part of our outreaches we're doing a lot of practical things to be a blessing to someone so feel free if god so moves you to use the information here in the video to support what we're doing we're being a blessing not just people spiritually we're being blessed to people practically we love you get into this message and change your life hallelujah you know there's so many things that we can thank god for i mean you can just get your pen and your paper out and write a list of the the plethora of things the magnitude and multitude of things that we're thankful for but i've come to a place in my own life where i just thank god for god literally for the fact that i have a savior the fact that i have a king the fact that i have a king not the type of king that we fight for because that's how it typically is in most earthly kingdoms the servants fight for the king but we have a king that fights for us and i love that and i love being a child of god i love being a son of god i love being a part of the family of god because there's so many benefits i'm thinking about something that david said david said for this i know god is for me if that's your testimony i want you to right now put it in the feed god is for me come on come on say it and decree it god is for me there are things that we have to constantly and consistently remind ourselves in order to maintain the disposition of authority and the disposition of peace which we'll talk about in a moment they're things that we have to constantly tell us right i tell myself every day god is with me put that in the feed as well god is with me and then i tell myself god is for me he's on my side he's with me and then i say god is mercy there's no place in my life for shame because god is mercy and then i tell myself god will guide me in other words i may not have everything figured out but because god is with me because he's for me because he's on my side god will guide me and then i tell myself god will never fail me you ought to practice that i think i gave you five things but you ought to practice that practice saying before you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning remind yourself god is with me god will guide me god is mercy and god will never fail me just those four things every day put it in the feed god is with me god will guide me god is mercy and god will not fail me and i'm telling you if you will tell that to yourself every day if you will wake up in the morning and say before you go to sleep sometimes you can't sleep because you've got anxiety trying to figure things out but if you would just wait and just say that to yourself in fact put yourself to sleep in that god is with me god will guide me god is mercy god will not fail me it will bless your life well family it's so wonderful to be with you here today i you know i've got a word from god and god gave it to me and quite frankly i'm supposed to be out right now i'm not even supposed to be preaching today i'm supposed to be out finishing this incredible book that god has blessed me to write but in my own personal devotional time god gave me this word and i said man i got i got to take a break from the break that i took and come and share this word with you i believe that it's going to be right on time for some of you i believe that it's going to be right there that god's going to minister to you and the passage of scripture is not an unfamiliar passage of scripture at all we've all read it if you haven't read it before you haven't you've never opened up your word you know what i mean i've preached from it but as i've stared at it recently i got revelation and i just want to i want to share with you because i think it's going to bless you i think it's going to be a very right now in season word for you so let's go to genesis chapter one and i'm gonna read the first uh seven verses in genesis chapter one and uh i'm just gonna dive in just gonna go for it we're gonna get in this world we're gonna be blessed we're gonna move on we're gonna worship it's gonna be fantastic uh and while we're getting ready to read this do me a favor and shout out where you're watching from shout out wherever you're watching from whatever country whatever region whatever land whatever city just just let us know put it right there in the feed genesis 1 and it reads like this in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit of god was hovering over the face of the waters then god said let there be light and there was light and god saw the light that it was good and and god saw the light that it was good and god divided the light from the darkness god called the light day and the darkness he called night so the evening and the morning were the first day then god said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters thus god made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament and it was so so much there we'll tap into it entirely but let's just pray and we're going to dive right into what god showed me as i read this familiar passage of scripture recently so father we thank you so much for your word it is a lamp into our feet it is a light to our path it's everything it's excellent it's so wonderful and it feeds us and it restores us and it renews us now father i thank you for all those who are watching all those who are listening receiving this message right now and i thank you god that you're going to bless them that you're going to unlock some things as you're going to make things very clear where there were perhaps confusion where there was confusion or cloudiness lord and i thank you god that you're giving me the spirit of wisdom and revelation and insight and knowledge and prophecy and full use of who you are to communicate these truths so we thank you we love you we've received right now in jesus name amen amen amen god bless you family god bless you well let me begin by by saying that there is nothing in all of the world nothing in all of the entire human experience that's greater and more powerful than peace in fact at the end of the day that's what jesus came to give us if you study isaiah 53 where prophesies about what jesus would do when he came it says the chastisement that would bring us peace was placed on him so everything that he went through ultimately was to get us to a place of peace to get us to a place of of shalom right shalom that's the word that was used when it says the chastisement that brought us peace and we'll talk about that and and all of us pursue peace every single day in many forms some we pursue peace in the form of love we pursue peace in the form of of success sometimes purpose recognition you know sometimes we we find peace by being understood that brings us to peace religion spirituality all these sort of things we're looking for every single day and what we're looking for ultimately even though we we are searching in these variety and various forms we're looking for peace we're looking for wholeness we're looking for shalom we're looking for rest we're looking for compete completeness and the pursuit of peace is even greater than the pursuit of happiness i know our our founding fathers you know talked about our pursuit that we were all after and entitled to the the pursuit of happiness but i think that peace is deeper because happiness is a feeling it's a feeling but but peace is is a being it is a disposition i can be happy i become peace you track it with me and so so i think at the end of the day we're we're after peace more than we are after happiness and certainly if you have peace you can be happy but happiness is oftentimes based on happenings and and circumstances and i think that what we are after ultimately is something much deeper and it's a place it's a state that we want to get to and it's a state of stability and and so all of us are pursuing peace and in my own personal pursuit of peace i've discovered that that i grow in my peace personally as i learn more about god and about god's ways that there's something about me coming to a greater and elevated place of peace when i look at god in fact there's a passage of scripture in in isaiah chapter 26 and verse three study it when you get a chance but it essentially says that we will be kept in perfect peace when our mind is stayed on god isn't that something when our mind is stayed what does it mean to have your mind stayed it's when my mind is fixed on god it's when i watch this is when i stare at god god is so incredible and he's so amazing that you will miss god if you don't stare at god you and i cannot simply glance at god i'm kept in perfect peace when i when i set my gaze on god when i when i look at god there's a there's a passage in revelation and it talks about how there are elders and these elders are around the throne and they worship god and they don't they literally worship god eternally night nor day they don't stop and they're just worshiping god and it talks about how periodically these elders fall to the ground in worship and and and they get back up and they say you know blessings and honor and they talk about how amazing god is and then all of a sudden they fall out again and i believe that god there's so much to god that that if you just glimpse get a glimpse at god you'll miss it but if you stare at god i believe that god is so overwhelmingly awesome that if you stare at him long enough you're going to get a new aspect of who he is and it's going to be so overwhelming that you fall out prostrating worship again i believe that and so i've learned that that when my peace is disrupted oftentimes my my gaze my staring at god somehow has been broken down that that's for somebody somebody you're staring at your difficulty more than you're staring at god you're meditating on your trouble you're meditating on your perceived need and your peace is being disrupted because peace oftentimes has to do with what you're focusing on are you tracking with me and so recently recently i decided to to go back to the book and start in the beginning and let me tell you something when i read scripture when i read scripture i'm not looking for rules i'm not looking for okay hey what are the rules what are religious rules and that's not why when i look at scripture what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to refresh my gaze and i'm trying to refresh my stare i'm trying to to find god's face again because i know that it is impossible for me to gaze at god to stare at god to be in god's face and not have peace i'll keep you in perfect peace when your mind is stayed upon me and so when i was in that place where i was seeking greater peace i i looked afresh at the beginning and i went to the very beginning of the scripture and as i stared at the story of creation i saw a pattern that blessed me and i think that this pattern is going to do the same for you are you tracking with me so i want to in an effort for us to grow our peace i want us to grow in peace there's a lot of things that that are are attempting to disrupt our peace from from pandemics to to cold fronts to to storms and to just there's so much going on to to economic turmoil except there's so many things to family situations to to job situations there's so many things that are warring against our peace that i want to grow us no matter where you are in your place of peace i want to elevate us and i want us to unpack some principles that i saw right there in the text that i believe will bless you right out of this passage of scripture and so so let's go back to it let's go back to it and so it says in the beginning god created the heavens and earth and let's just stop right there because i love this in the beginning you find god doing what god does now let's qualify this when it says in the beginning it's not god's beginning it's the beginning of something that god was doing are you tracking with me you know sometimes my my kids my kids say you know like where did god come from and i say baby from came from god you know what i mean like like god was there so when we go back to the beginning we're not finding the beginning of god because god is infinite but what we're doing is we're finding the beginning of something that god has getting ready to create so it's not god's beginning but it is a beginning and one of the things that i've learned about life is that our lives are made up of cycles that have beginnings feel this our life our lives they're made up of cycles that have beginnings and sometimes we get frustrated because we don't want to start over again we want to go through some one time and graduate and never have to go through it again and and and we we want to hey look i'm guilty of this too we want to arrive right sometimes you've been through so much in your life that you don't really want to have to start over again you feel like hey hey look i should have mastered that by now but the reality of it is we go from glory to glory and life is a series it's a series of cycles that have beginnings because our lives are revolving if you even think about it even the way that the earth is created even right now the earth is moving and so is our lives our lives are revolving and watch this and we are evolving as we revolve when did you catch it so our life is moving and as our life moves we move and we evolve and that all happens because we are in cycles and these cycles have beginnings stay with me it's going to make sense in just a second and so and so there will always be a beginning happening somewhere in our lives and that is where the work of god will be happening in the beginning god created oh god see right right now in your life somewhere in your life something is beginning yeah and we're going to talk about that because beginning is rather tricky and i can't wait to unpack this but something is beginning and there might be some of you and there's something going on in your life and you think that your life is ending or you think that something is ending something profitable is ending but but i want to challenge you today and i want to challenge you to embrace the fact that no something isn't ending what is really happening that is more significant is something is beginning and we have to understand what beginning when god is beginning something in our lives looks like or we will be frustrated unnecessarily can i talk to you today there will always be a beginning happening somewhere in your life if you are growing and this will go on until the day of jesus christ now let's go back to the text let's go back to genesis 1 let's understand this because ultimately what we see god doing is god moving this is what god does in the beginning god created the heavens and earth he's moving he's moving now why is he moving what is god doing why is he working what is happening this is important because i recognize that god deciding to create had to have been a response to his perception of something lacking oh stay with me please let me teach today god does not feel space where nothing is lacking and he said it again so so so this this these beginnings that god starts and and and even if we take it back to the in context as he is creating the heavens and the earth he is not arbitrarily creating he has perceived that there is a space for what he is creating in other words something something is lacking i feel god and oftentimes god sees lack watch this where we see contentment or even abundance in other words in places where we are fine we don't want to change we don't want to grow we don't want to do anything god begins to stir things up because oftentimes in the place where we see contentment and when we see abundance god sees lack and all of a sudden he begins a process in us here's something that's really interesting and it's noteworthy even god things watch this become good things that need to be torn down in order to make way for new god things that was a lot see even what was god a god thing you prayed for it you felt the presence on it it was god no doubt but what happens when a god thing becomes a good thing well what's the difference between a good thing and a god thing a god thing is the thing that god is definitely doing a good thing is something that is good but it may not necessarily be god and so even that thing that was once god becomes good and that's when things get tricky because when a good thing becomes a god excuse me when a god thing because when a god thing becomes a good thing and you didn't recognize the shift then god in order to get to the god thing oftentimes has to tear down a good thing and it is frustrating can i talk to somebody right now if if i if you will allow me to teach you like that just put it right there in the feed teach pt just teach pt break it down break it down sir and i will yeah even god things become good things what do you do when a god thing becomes a good thing most people won't do anything because they don't recognize they say if that was god then it must be god no because god is moving god is on the move and we have to stay in step with god and god now sometimes has to begin this process of renovation one of the things that i've i've discovered about god and you can see it in the text and we'll break it down in a minute is that when god is creating it almost always necessitates renovation a temporary chaos if you would so it says in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and then it goes right then in verse 2 and it says and the earth was void and without form like wait hold on this is this is crazy because literally it's essentially it means that there it was it was he's creating the heavens and earth and then he looks up and well now he doesn't look up but we look up in the text and the earth is void and formless complete it's chaos it's it's it's what is chaos chaos is is is when things are out of order uh in complete disorder and and and complete disarray and this is the hard part and it's the most confusing part you know we recently had some work done in our home and and there was a vision on what the home would ultimately look like and and we're excited about the vision because we understood the vision okay but then when when the trucks rolled in and and and all the the the equipment was in the front in the driveway in and tape is everywhere and and half the side is painted and the other half is not and things are are boarded up it looked a mess see that's where things get tricky when god is getting ready to do something new and and he goes through this innovation process and we don't know it we get confused and feel like something's wrong but no sometimes something wrong something is very right and if you're taking notes write this down the difference between a mess and a miracle in the making is insight see the reason why we weren't frustrated when we saw everything in disorder and everything in disarray is because we had an insight about what was ultimately going to happen with our property and so you have to understand when god is creating something in your life and even as might be somebody who's watching right now and you just don't feel like things are in order things aren't where they used to be and you're in this new space and there's a little bit of chaos and you don't quite understand what's going on but i came here to tell you that god is a god who when he's getting ready to create a new beginning in your life to bring you to another dimension to bring you to another place he has to the process always has an element of disarray disorder and even chaos in it it is controlled chaos and it is temporary chaos because when god gets finished what he's building in your life oh my god despise not the beginning because it's not the beginning that god is looking at it is the end and you have to trust them in the process that's your word say that's my word sir that's that's that's my word the earth as we're unpacking this was void and without form but but let's let's let's go deeper so in the beginning god creates and we know the early stages of creation oftentimes necessitate renovation controlled chaos temporary chaos it's only chaos it's only chaotic because there is a reordering i feel this with somebody for the spirit of god that there's a reordering and so so watch this it is only chaos to you god sees it because he sees the end in the beginning he knows exactly where things are supposed to fit i feel i want to sit on that for somebody there's there's somebody and you're frustrated over where you are and it's because you are putting a period where there is nothing more than a comma and you're frustrated and you and you don't like it and it is uncomfortable and you're stressed out and i get it i like to have everything in order myself but i also have walked with god long enough to recognize that when god is doing something new that oftentimes he employs the process of renovation and in order to get to where god is going he is not you know you go by some some places and they and they have been in construction or under construction for years and it seems like they're no no that's not what i'm no god's going to finish what he started in fact philippians 1 6 says he who has begun a good work in you is going to complete it until the day of jesus christ i feel that for somebody god is doing a work in you right now it's a work in you in you in you that means that you can't see it that means that you can't perceive it that means that you can't fully understand it but it's happening in you and it is so awkward i'm telling you one of the lessons that i've learned is that the craziest time in life for me is in between dimensions i feel that it's in between levels right you have a mountaintop moment and and you all excited or whatever and you think that you're going to live on the mountain forever no no one lives on the mountain forever we have to come back down through the valley get what we need and then god sets us up on another mountain i'm trying to help somebody today this is normal it is normal to have seasons when you don't have it all figured out it is normal to have seasons where you have to learn how to walk all over again it is normal this is the process because there's always a beginning it is normal for you to return watch this and become a student all over again it is normal and not only is it normal it is necessary how are you going to continue to go from level to level and glory to glory and faith to faith on your way to purpose and destiny without becoming a student you feel it and so that means that you're supposed to not know what's going on that means it's supposed to you're supposed to be the one with all the questions yeah but here is the thing and we're talking about starting over and new beginnings but the beautiful thing is you never start over on the same level oh god yeah you you're starting over but you're not starting over from scratch you're starting over in the next dimension and i've learned that and so i've learned to embrace those seasons are you tracking with me if you track it with me put it right there put it right there in the feed in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth the earth was without form and boy and darkness was on the face of the deep watch this and it says and the spirit of god was hovering over the face of the waters the face of the waters the face of the deep i think that that's that's really interesting because no matter where you are in life cycles and life seasons there will always be water present water present what is water what are you talking about bt all this was happening there was formlessness happening everything was void but the water the water was always there the water the water the water represents god's ever-present creative ability watch this to birth to deliver to create anew so so even in your dry place water is flowing you cannot have watch this water represents you got to study what i'm going to preach on water one day but water represents so many things watch this a child a life cannot even come forth without it coming through water you think about childbirth water jesus was speaking of nicodemus nicodemus wanted to know what he must do to be born again he said you must be born of water and spirit even baptism even baptism deals with water right water so water is symbolic of the gateway to dimensions feel the spirit of god can i talk to you like this there will always be water present even jesus said i'll be a well of living water springing up on the inside of you says out of your mouth will flow rivers of living water are you tracking with me so even in your dry place i want to prophesy to you even in your dry place there's water and not only water but the spirit of god is hovering over the face of the water the spirit of god is stirring that water and it's interesting that word hover where it says the spirit of god was hovering over the face of the water that word hovering literally means watch this to move in a relaxed way oh god so over your circumstances right now no matter where you are in the building process the spirit of god is smoothly confidently and in a relaxed disposition moving over your circumstances that's why oftentimes what we have to do is we have to get out of our feelings and into the spirit did you hear what i just said we have to get out of our whining and out of our complaining and out of our feelings and out of our fear we have to get out of that and we have to come up to the place where the spirit is hovering over the place that is getting ready to birth us into the next dimension are you tracking with me there will always be water there will always be water over your circumstance over your situation can we go further can we go further thank you jesus and so as we keep reading it i know i'm just going to go verse by verse first of our verse as we keep reading in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth the earth was without form and void and darkness on the face of the deep and the spirit of god was hovering was in a very relaxed posture over the face of the water it says watch this then the next word is then it says then god said let there be light the next word is then now that's powerful then is powerful because then lets me know that god is a god of sequence it lets me know it lets me know that that watch this that god is a god of timing and notice that he says he says he says let there be in other words he's saying allow it he's saying let there be watch this this is not even watching this is not even really creation this is a an allowance for what was created in other words it already exists so what god has promised you and what god is producing in you and what what you're in the beginning stage of already exists and the only thing that it is doing is it is we're waiting for the release of god's timing somebody to catch what i said it's already done it's already figured out it's already worked out that's why he's saying let there be he's saying allow it let it happen right in other words the only thing is holding it back is timing so so here by my word boom i'm saying it's timing so let me let what i promise show up because the only thing that was keeping it was the timing and the timing was in my head and now i'm saying that i feel the spirit of god i want to decree something over somebody right now i believe right now you are coming into your timing and i feel like god is saying then concerning your circumstance if that's your word catch it because the vision is always for an appointed time it is not that god is creating the vision the vision already exists but it's held back by the timing of god but god is going to say in a minute then let there be let it be as i said before the foundation of the word if that's your word hit me up in the comments right now i feel like preaching then god said then god said let it happen the way i saw it before i started this process let it happen before i started this beginning let it happen the way i saw it before i allowed my son and my daughter to walk through this confusing season now is the time i'm a god of order i'm a god of secrets i'm a god of timing i won't make you wait for it forever then god said and stuff started happening then god said then then there is a then there's a then i feel it some of you are going to be given your testimony in the future and you're going to be talking about what you were going through and you're going to be talking about how difficult things were and you're going to be talking about how you almost quit and how you almost gave up you're going to be talking about that and then you're going to come to the point in the testimony and then you're going to say and then god said and then god came through and then the miracle came through and then the breakthrough came through who am i preaching to on this day and then it happened i feel it and then i feel it and then on its way to your house i feel your testimony is growing i feel like you're getting ready to see god show up on your behalf and speak to your circumstances and unleash everything that he spoke to you then but while you're waiting there's something that he does something that he does see see god is getting ready you got to read this when you get some time god is ready to get getting ready to do a whole thing the whole thing a whole thing i feel like god is getting ready to do a whole thing a whole thing not a small thing he's getting ready to do this whole thing this whole thing if you keep reading all kind of stuff happens all things you know all kind of things the earth and the and the sun and the moon and the stars and the heavens and the expanse and the trees and the seeds and the animals and ultimately the people and then ultimately says it's good and he rests he's getting ready to do a whole thing a whole thing in your life a whole thing that's worth the wait but because he knows that it's a process the first thing that he gives in the process is light it's like it says and then god said let there be light let there be light now what did he why did he why did he give light first well what is light i was looking up that word light and and that hebrew word that was translated light there in the text is very similar to the greek word in the new testament that is translated revelation so so so light in this context is revelation and what this taught me is that what god will give you before manifestation is revelation you you gotta catch it you gotta catch it revelation always comes before manifestation to give you peace and wherewithal for the journey oh god see for some of you what's happening right now even in this message and that's why i had to come and preach it to you and come off my my time away to write to preach it to you is because some of you things were getting dark the darkness was pervasive what i mean by darkness i mean the the absence of revelation the absence of understanding what god is doing and some of you were beginning to get perplexed and and some of you you were beginning you were beginning to be overwhelmed with negative thoughts because sometimes when you don't have information the enemy will come with misinformation and he will begin to flood your mind with thoughts and ideas and god says no no before we get too far down this road let there be light let there be revelation let there be truth are you tracking with me let there be light let there be truth let there be revelation why because and notice he did not when he created light he did not dispel the darkness because every day there would be light and there would be darkness he didn't dispel the darkness when he just created light so that you will have something to contend with the darkness i feel that for somebody you've heard it said before and if you would never have write this down never doubt in the night what god showed you in the light never doubt in the night what god showed you in the life see that's why revelation is so important that's why staring at god is so important because night time will come sometimes the night season is the beginning of what god is creating in your life you can't see it's dark you don't know your way around you can't figure things out it's kind of hard for you to move and so god says hey hey hey hey i'm gonna give you revelation because you're gonna fight with that you're gonna contend against darkness with the light of the revelation i gave you and some of you all you needed for this season was light i think that's why i'm here to give you light so that you can fight back when darkness comes and tries to overwhelm you are you tracking with me we got to keep this party going yeah and notice also it says that not only as he says let there be light he sees the light the light is good and immediately he starts dividing things see he's building this thing i feel that god is building something you're in the middle of a building process you are in the middle of a glorious renovation and it's going to be awesome this whole thing i believe with cole bed the pandemic all this crazy stuff as ugly and as painful and as hurtful as it's been we are in the process of renovation we're not doing things the way that we used to do things and i'm seeing glory take place and even as i spoke and i prophesied early on in the pandemic there will be glory after this we are in the country the world the nations are in the process of god's renovation and when god gets finished that's why we can't be weary in our well-doing are you tracking with me and so it says that that when god creates the light he divides it from the darkness and even as we we read in that last passage of scripture uh in our text and not only that he also puts a firmament and he divides the water and the ferment divides the water from the water so we see god dividing why is god dividing what god is doing is this is representative of god giving definition he's giving definition and i believe with all of my heart that god is beginning to add definition to your journey i know that you have felt void and i know that you have felt formless and i know that things have not necessarily lined up and you don't know how you are going to get from where you are to what god promised you don't know how you're going to get from where you are to what god put in your heart but i'm telling you step by step god is getting ready to add definition he's going gonna as you zoom in things are gonna be made clear and they're gonna be more defined it's amazing and you have to understand you have to understand that it takes time to realize a god thing don't be frustrated or intimidated by what you do not know yet there there's a strategy in place there's a process in place there is a sequence in place and the challenging part is that all of this is hidden from us until completion and all of the unfolding dynamics won't make sense to any of us they won't make sense to you until the fullness was expressed the fullness is expressed at completion so now the question is okay i hear you i understand what's going on but how do we navigate this chaos and this uncertainty how do we do it what do we do i'm writing a book though that will explain this in its entirety that you can't get into next year but right now how do we do it i i understand that i'm in renovation i understand that my world is in renovation for some of you your relationship is in a renovation some of you you got family things that you're trying to figure out and you don't have the answers and it's crazy what do i do in the process i know it's going to happen because god said he's going to say then let there be i know it's going to happen because one day he's going to allow it to happen but what do i do in the meantime here's what i would tell you to do one simple thing i want you to surrender to peace i want you to surrender to peace i'm learning more and more about peace and and i thought that peace was something that you have to possess but the truth of the matter is peace is already there there there are just things that that get in the way of our peace they're things that we hold on to the things that that we that we we believe the things that we allow that that war against our peace and and i was talking to the lord the lord says you have to learn how to how to surrender to the peace that's already there you don't have to produce peace you don't have to manufacture peace you don't have to try to possess peace it's already there that's why it says i will keep you in perfect peace if your mind is stayed upon me in other words i am peace i am jehovah shalom i am your peace and so how do you surrender to peace simply put surrendering to peace is about watch this the inner acknowledgement that all is well it is essentially agreeing with god that's why it's surrendering god says i will work all things together for good for those who love me and those who are called according to my purpose that's not in the scripture just to be in the scripture so that we can have something to quote and throw around the word is in there for peace jesus said these words that i speak to you that in me you might have peace in the world you have tribulation but be a good church i've overcome the world i'm telling you this so that in me you will have peace and so surrendering to peace is watch this it's making a decision that you're going to believe god and that you're going to believe that even though there's darkness and uncertainty and voidness even though all of that is a reality i've made a decision to have an inner acknowledgement that all is well and once i make the decision see you you never underestimate the power of a decision i i cannot wait to talk to you about that a decision is powerful when you make up your mind about something and i mean make up your mind and then you set your mind and you bring yourself entirely into submission to that perspective in other words you do not allow anything in your consciousness anything in your life anything around you i feel the lord that conflicts with the perspective that god spoke to you that's why sometimes you gotta like you know you love some people you gotta love people from a distance one of my friends you know he's talked about how how you you have to sometimes you have to have friendships with guardrails where you can only allow i love you we are friends but but i got to put this guard rail up because your negativity is messing with my peace or your lack of faith or your lack of vision let me tell you something energy is contagious i can't hang around fearful people i look up and all of a sudden i'm fair wait where'd that fear come from oh and so so it is bringing all of yourself into submission to the perspective that all is well you surrender anything and everything and every thought that conflicts with peace i feel it you take control of your mind you take control of your heart you take control of your spirit you take control of your your your soul and if there's anything that conflicts with peace you lay it at the altar and say no i'm surrendering this because sometimes there will be things that will present themselves as thoughts that are trying to protect you from something but you cannot trust it you don't need a thought to protect you you have got god to protect you and he will protect his plans and he will protect his promises and so even things that these cautions or or these securities that that you embrace you have to submit you have to lay down at the altar if it is not what god said if it's not saying to me that all is well then i surrender it and i'll tell you why peace is so important it's because in this place of peace the instructions that provide the coordinates that you need the coordinates that where you need to be how you need to be positioned what to do what not to do all of those things will be found in the place of peace not the place of pressure and not the place of stress and there's something that the bible says about peace in romans chapter 14. and it says that the kingdom of god is in righteousness and peace and joy in the holy spirit the holy spirit i said a lot let me summarize and then i want to pray for you you have to understand what the beginning of your next looks like the beginning of your next is never sexy it is never glamorous it is renovation because god cannot pour new wine into old wineskins and this is something sometimes god has to watch this tear down the stage of your belief because the stage of your current belief is not broad enough and strong enough to hold what god is getting ready to place on the stage and so sometimes you cannot put new equipment on an old stage sometimes what god is getting ready to do in your life is so big you have to tear down the stage create a bigger stage for what he wants to do what's in you is greater than what surrounds you and because of that oftentimes god has to renovate in order to take you forward but there will always be light there will always be water there will always be light what is water water is always near water is the gateway to breakthrough that's what it represents breakthrough from the dimension of the unborn to the born happens through water breakthrough from the dimension of unsaved to being saved happens to the water the water is always near the gate to break through is always near and the spirit is right there at that gate hovering over it and you're then your timing will surely come and light will come revelation god will guide you he will give you what you need when you need it and when god gives you the word even the way god has given you this word today when he gives it to you in the light that's what you use to fight back the night until your season comes and while you're waiting my friend while you're waiting son daughter family brother sister surrender to peace make a decision right now all is well all is good i don't have all the answers i don't have it figured out but it's good because god is good there's a whole big thing that god is doing with you it's bigger than what you think and you have to trust him when you can't see his hand you got to trust his heart where is god god is at work right now in your life setting up what's next for you and the spirit is a spirit of peace and i want you to be filled with the spirit i don't want you if you're not filled with the spirit you're going to be filled with anxiety you're going to be filled with selfish ambition you're going to be filled with envy and comparison particularly while god is renovating you're going to be looking at your neighbor's house saying i wish i had that no you need to wish you had what god has for you so while you're waiting i want you to surrender to peace it's an inner acknowledgement all is well but then where each other come no no you tell worry no all is well then doubt tries to come you say no no no all is well [Music] fear tries to run up on you say no no no all is well because my let there be is coming i want to pray for you father i thank you for everyone watching everyone listening right now hallelujah this is a prophetic word i know it pulled me out of writing to release this word into the ears and the hearts of your sons and daughters i thank you lord god that their light has come i thank you god at their peace has come and father there may be some who are watching that that don't know how to even receive the spirit of peace that they might live and function in another another realm another dimension another way and father i just pray right now that as you said you said god and you stand at the door of the hearts of your sons and daughters and you knock and you said if anyone hears my voice and comes in and opens the door you said i will come in and sup with them and them with me family if this word is touching you in a deep place i can tell you right now it's not toray but god sent me to you and specifically jesus and he it's him knocking on the door of your heart saying i get you i get you better than you get you i know you better than you know you and i'm knocking on the door of your heart and if you will open up and receive this and it's nothing but love this is not religion this is not manipulation this is not control this is love because no one can get you the way i can get you no one can hold you down the way that i hold you down i have revealed myself so marvelously to people that they allow me to hold them down for the rest of their days and that's what the lord wants to do not simply to get you through this season but to get you through every season and if that's you and you feel the touch of god on your heart you feel the touch of god in your chest right now then i just want you to open up i just want you to say yes i received just just say yes i received put it right there in the feed put it right there in the comments write it down just say yes i receive that's it i receive and god will begin to come in and the spirit will begin to come in and there will be a divine exchange that is extremely personal and intimate and god will make himself known to you in a way that you will never forget and that you will never want to end [Music] and then you will know that god is with you the god will guide you the god is mercy and grace and that god will not fail you that's my prayer for you today i love you you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 89,230
Rating: 4.9338169 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla
Id: sFX_kXenLnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 59sec (3479 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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