Building You - Touré Roberts

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hey family i'm pt pastor toray roberts i'm the lead pastor of the potter's house at 1la and denver and on behalf of my wife pastor sarah and myself we want to welcome you to our channel and to this word i cannot wait for you to hear what god has for you in this message i want to tell you a few things really quickly subscribe if you're not already subscribed to this channel subscribe so that you can be made aware of all of the word that's coming at you week in and week out and also turn on your notifications so you don't miss a morsel that comes forth we're also grateful for you and your partnership if you are so uh it compelled we invite you to support what we're doing not just our church but what our church is doing there are a number of outreaches a number of things critical necessary things that we support and we're able to do it because of your generosity so without further ado let's get right into this word god bless you i'll see you soon hallelujah well god bless you family it's time to get into the word i'm excited about this word uh this is not a deep profound message but i believe it's gonna be just what you need in this moment the season that we're in and so i want us to just jump right into it i want to draw your attention to a passage of scripture it is um it's a well-known passage if you've been a part of our movement for any length of time you have heard me quote this i believe in this scripture and and i just want to read it and then we'll move forward it's in jeremiah chapter 29 and verse 11. i'll be reading out of the new international version of this and it goes for i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a future and a hope such a powerful passage of scripture i want to point out some things quickly we're going to pray and then we'll get into the message i want to point out very quickly what god is not saying in jeremiah 29 11. he's not saying i want to bring things into your life because we look at that and it says he says for i know the plans i have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you to give you a future and a hope and sometimes we get excited we're like yes the range rover i want to prosper you or yes you know the the the book deal or yes the role or yes the new job and granted god will allow those things to happen to you but that's not really what he's talking about right there in fact the context of jeremiah 29 11 is god is building up a people who are getting ready to go into captivity and he's basically saying that the trouble that that i'm allowing you to go into is actually going to prosper you so he's not saying prosper you in the sense that he brings things into your life although god will do those things in fact i don't even think that god has to do it i think it's who you become that attracts it to be honest with you and the truth of the matter is you can work hard and bring things into your life if that weren't the case but what god is saying is i want to prosper you i want to practice what he's saying for i know the plans that i have for you plans to prosper you look at how many times he says you god says for i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a future and the hope so this is actually about what god wants to do to you what he wants to do in you and i want to talk today about building you building you and uh and it's interesting really quickly i'm going to pray but i just want to say something really quickly while we're on that passage when he talks about building that word prosper the root word there for prosper that was translated prosper you was safe and and i think that somebody needs to know maybe it's you who are watching maybe it's you are listening but somebody needs to know that even if you're in this process of god prospering you it's safe it may not feel safe sometimes god puts you in situations that are uncomfortable sometimes god puts you in situations that are not you know because for us i'm not talking about like dangerous dangerous like you know sometimes he'll send you into environments overseas or whatever or or you know you might have a ministry to the streets where there is real danger around and and i'll say to that point the safest place to any of us can ever be is in the will of god no matter where the will of god sends you you know but sometimes safe for us is comfortable we associate being comfortable with us being safe i know where this is coming from i know where this provision is coming from i know this person but oftentimes god will move you into places that are unfamiliar and you have to recognize that if it's god and if it's perfect purpose it's safe and so i just wanted to point that out all right let's let's pray let's get into this because we got a lot to talk about today i'm going to be professor i'm be the teacher to ray today i'm not going to preach now i'm not going to do any of that i'm just going to teach and you don't believe me if you don't believe me just put in the feed i don't believe you pc i don't we're gonna fix that we're gonna fix that uh but let's pray god thank you so much for your rich and radical love for each of us it's rich i thank you for all who are watching god literally from all around the world all those who are listening right now god and we want to touch from you you know what we need to hear you know what we need to know you know what we need to understand and so spirit of the living god breathe on us may all of us come out of this moment better wiser stronger in jesus name amen amen so again i want to talk to you today about about building you and i was thinking this morning about how it's really by nothing other than the grace of god that i was able to build a big global church like our church reaches millions of people in in over 100 nations close to 200 nations it's just crazy and the reason why it's a miracle i know it's by god's grace is because i didn't set out to do it like seriously i had no uh desire you know i wanted to do two things the two things that were important to me was to pursue my purp my personal calling my personal purpose you know and to build big people i learned i had a mentor early on as i was being shaped as a pastor who said don't build big buildings build big people and i didn't understand that because he had a big building you know what i mean he had in fact he had several buildings but he meant that he wasn't being ingenuity and now i understand because if you build big people you'll have big things and so with that way of thinking i learned that through building big people like really being focused on building big people including myself that god could build a big life on top of me and on top of others and so it was never about hey go build something right and you're gonna do that we're builders so we're gonna build things but it was never about that it was always about build big people because if you build big people god can do big things you know in fact when he was talking to peter and he made that promise to peter he said on you i will build my church ooh i didn't even know that i didn't catch him when i studied look at what he said he tells peter he says upon you i'll build my church in other words if you don't become who you need to be he can't build on you and the very gates of hell this is revelation right here in front of everybody right he says if if i get you together right and he calls him rock if i build you if you become something then you will be so reliable that i can build my very church on you so much so that the gates of hell themselves cannot and will not prevail against you see i can't give you that i can make you that and so what what troubles me oftentimes is i see so many people trying to build their career and be build their romance story and you know and even build quote unquote their ministry and build all this and how many times are you hearing people encourage you you need to build get out there hustle go get it build some builds and build some who's telling you to build you and in the very passage of scripture that we all claim all these blessings on is god saying i am not going to give you something i'm going to make you something yeah and sometimes that making happens through difficult situations and so and so if you're taking notes i want you to write this thought down the bedrock for building you is belief i'm gonna say it again the bedrock for building you is belief belief belief belief is powerful and talk about belief is both the material as well as the building blocks to building yourself belief oh we're going to get into it today belief belief you are only as good as what you believe you can never go further than what you believe you can never do we we are comprised of and we live through the power of what we believe you are made up of what you believe your composition right now that creates your disposition is all about what you are believing that's why the bible talks about by faith this by faith that bite all these things what are you somebody saying by belief all these things all these these great things that men and women of god did they didn't do because they had skill they did because they had belief belief opens up all of the resources of god there's things that god wants to do for us that he can't do because we haven't released them because we don't believe belief is everything what you believe is what holds everything together in your life or is the reason why things fall apart what you believe this is why there will always be i feel the holy ghost on this there will always be a war over your belief there will always be a war over what you believe as a man thinks so is he wow that's heavy shouldn't it be as a man thinks that's what he'll get or as a man thinks you know that's what he will attract and all the i mean all those things are true but it doesn't say that it says as a man thinks so he is in other words my reality my potential my everything all comes down not to my skill but to my belief because if i believe it i feel the holy ghost i feel like i'm tapping into something if i believe right the skill will come supernaturally if it doesn't come naturally [Music] if i believe it right i i was in i remember uh you know we have a farsi speaking church in woodland hills california it's one and it's all farsi speaking it's amazing and and pastor iman and and binazz they they they run they we planted this church and i remember i was having a meeting with with a a leader who was going to be a part of that church and he was from iran and i don't know farsi at all right and we they sat down they brought us together and iman and binaz and nazi were there to kind of interpret you know to to interpret uh english and farsi to one another so we can communicate because we're getting ready to do something for god and i sat down there and he starts speaking in farsi and i start writing because even though i've never learned farsi i understood what he was saying in the conversation i didn't even need them to translate they didn't even translate i said i was like and then i wrote it down and i turned it around and like what in the world just happened that's how powerful belief is belief will allow you to tap into abilities and resources that you didn't even know you existed because you are more than what you think you're more than what you think i feel the holy spirit there's a passage of scripture in in psalm verse 8 and 4 and it is a powerful passage of scripture and and the writer says what is man that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you visit him so first of all he is watch this because a lot of times we we people teach us that that if we believe in ourselves too much we're arrogant no no no look at what this says it says what is man that you are mindful and first of all it's like whoa what is man it's not this self-degrading thing the self-degrading thing it's not that he's saying man what is man that you're mindful of him what is men the son of man that you visit him watch this and he says that you make him lower than now o king james and even new king james messed this up it says you make him lower than elohim if you study that hebrew word that was translated to angels where it says it makes you lower than the angels that's not the word study it that word is literally elohim you make him lower you make him fact a little lower than elohim and i don't know i guess maybe the translators didn't they weren't ready for that they're like we're going we're not gonna do that we just know we don't want to be blasphemous we're not gonna mess with that you know we're just we're gonna put the angels in there no tell the truth that's not angels that's elohim you made him lower than elohim just a little lower that's what he's saying what is man that's why he's like who am i and that's why you cannot leave this planet you cannot leave this dimension until you're able to scratch the surface concerning the question who am i yeah because you wouldn't be here taking up air knowing jesus growing in the things of god the way that you're growing in the things of god if there was not more to you than you think and every morning you ought to get in the mirror and look in the mirror and stare at yourself and say what am i who am i why am i breathing right now why am i breathing in these times in these crazy times why am i alive i am a solution i am here to fill some sort of void that only i can feel and if i don't get my head in the game if i don't believe right i will be robbed of that reality just put it in the feed right there help my unbelief help my unbelief help my unbelief what did i get that from where did you get that from professor toray it was a vulnerable moment that the disciples of jesus were having it's a vulnerable moment where they had seen miracles and and god was calling them and the lord was calling them to step into moving miracles and they were like i believe helped my unbelief i believe that's not my issue i do believe on a certain level i feel the spirit so strong i do believe on a certain level but they also recognize that it wasn't the belief that there was was their issue it was their unbelief that was contaminating them being built up in god help my uh man i gotta just let me flow man let me maybe i'll be profit terrain too but just just let me flow it's not it's not that you don't have faith but there is and i don't know who i'm talking to but but there's a a dimension of unbelief connected to a certain thing so you can have belief in one thing and you can whoa you got that down you ain't got to worry about that i got that down but over here i've got unbelief and and and the issue is it's time for me to face that giant that i'm afraid of and that's what the disciples were saying they were like i believe but but help my unbelief because wherever i have unbelief i am stuck i cannot prosper i cannot grow i feel the holy ghost i cannot prosper i cannot grow in the place where i am stuck by unbelief because unbelief immobilizes me belief mobilizes me when i believe that something is so i move toward it because it's there when i believe that something is is so i live in it right it's who i am belief i believe are my batteries that keep me charged and functioning and moving when i don't have belief it's like having something that has no battery or the batteries run out it can't do what it's supposed to do my my cell phone when it the battery is charged will do what it's supposed to do and it does all kind of things and i'm still learning about things that it does i didn't even know and then there are updates right come on because we get updates we get upgrades in the spirit and it gets updates and all that kind of stuff and now i can do new things but that same wonderful glorious tool is nothing to me can do nothing for me when that little battery drains out and it's the most frustrating thing why because i know that it can do so much more than give me a black screen and that's how unbelief is it's our battery it's our juice it's it's what allows us to function right and so i want to talk about as it relates to building you i want to talk about three things three beliefs and if you nurture these three beliefs in three areas you're gonna build a you that i believe is greater than you can ever imagine because there's more to you than you think just put it right there in the feed there's more to me there's more to me there's more come on there's more there's more there's more to me there's more to me there's more i keep saying it because somebody needs to hear it and believe it and know it there's more to me there's more to me there's somebody in you and you were kind of at the end of your rope and you feel stuck right and you're frustrated for some reason and i hear god saying there's more to you there's more to you but i want you to put it in the feed i want you to speak it i want you to tell the whole world there's more to me there's more there's more there's more to me i'm just getting started there's more to me if that's your word just put it right there there's more to me and i want you to say it out loud putting it in the feed is cute but i want you to open your mouth and say it like you believe it say it like you don't have an ounce of unbelief in your spirit there is more to me there's more to me there's more there's more there's more come on do it in fact take about five seconds stop what you're doing and give god a shout of glory for the more that he's gonna bring you into it's true there's more to you there's more to you and he loves you and he's into you and i'm trying to go through my notes and stuff like that but god wanted you to know because he's gonna break something he's gonna break something because somebody spoke a word curse over you and maybe you even spoke a word curse over yourself and you said this is all i got or or this is all i can do or this is as far as i can go and you're even seeing other people moving and doing in the things that god told you you can do what i hear god's saying i'm going to break something today i'm gonna break something off of your mind you know what i'm gonna break i'm gonna break your unbelief today you came here to get the unbelief broken up in your life and that's what's getting ready to happen if that's your word say i'm claiming that pt i'm claiming it right now because it's going to happen it's going to happen by your belief it's going to happen by your belief i promise you i feel the spirit of god i feel the spirit of god everybody that god dealt with all of his servants everybody that he moved through he had to work on their unbelief oh god i feel the lord he had to work on abraham's unbelief he had to work on sarah's unbelief he had to work on gideon's unbelief he had to work on esther's unbelief and once he worked out their unbelief they begin to shake the world i believe i'm talking to some world shakers right now and god is getting ready to deal with your unbelief because he's going to build you and you're going to build great things unto his glory and it's going to affect your children and it's going to affect your children's children i see your children blessed i see your grandchildren blessed i see your great great friends children blessed i feel god up in this place hallelujah he is for you he is for you i i just want i got to be prophet to rey i got my notes and but i just want to flow he is for you and he's going to break something that is going to happen by your belief so there are three areas that as it relates to building us because i just see people i see people and it just troubles me because i see good people with good intentions building watch this their life but not building themselves and they're after it and they're on the right rat wheel and they're just running and they're like hamsters on the wheel when they're in the rat race and it's just you know and it's just going and it's just gone and just going and i get it and i get the hustle and i get the grind but what about you what would it profit a man if he gains the whole world watch this and loses his soul that greek word literally means himself what will it profit a man if all that he is can only be measured by what's outside of him you know what it will crush you that's why god said again back to peter he said upon you peter rock built up strong i'mma build my church i'mma build and the gates of hell will not prevail in other words you won't collapse under the weight of the heaviest thing in the universe it's heavy because of the weight of the glory of god that's the church and he's saying i can build it on you and guess what peter went through some stuff he went through some stuff peter denied peter you know jumped out of a boat naked i won't get into that but he did it peter was cussing by the fire with sitting with the enemies he was you know disloyal all that kind of stuff but when god got finished with peter i could catch you see peter standing on the day of pentecost preaching man powerfully the same one who was afraid and he had 3 000 potentially enemies because they were talking some other stuff they weren't talking to you know they were talking to some some new revelation potentially to be stoned because the same people who stoned and killed jesus were in that crowd and he boldly the same one who denied jesus for for fear of retaliation or association with jesus stands up boldly and preaches under a cloud anointing and 3 000 and a mega church was sprung up overnight right there on the spot and it never stopped it's because god built them i don't want you to yes i want you to to to move forward towards everything that god has called you to move toward yes i do i want you to work hard and you will but please please please please don't forget to build you build you first it's about sequence and prioritization so i'm going to give you three things three three beliefs that i believe that all of us have to nurture in order to build the best us and the best and the best the bar for best continues to rise it's crazy you want to get to a place where you're looking at you and the world is looking at the fruit of you i need to say that better i didn't say that better and he said it better he said it better you want to get to a place where where you have been working on you and everybody's marveling at what you did but if they only knew that you only did what you did because you became who you became you know what i'm saying like like like like being something that's where you want to live i just i just i'm trying to move on but i just i just that's where you you want you want that thing you you want that thing all right so those three things those three things those three areas of belief that we all must nurture this one is somewhat elementary but i'm gonna say it anyway uh the first one is is belief in god like like like belief in god you might be saying pastor i i got that i got that and i understand that but not everyone does and the way that you you flow the way that you live your life will determine if you really really believe god and and um i was there's just some scriptures that were coming to me when i was thinking about this um and i'll get to them in just a second but i think that like building your relationship with god like building that i think that's vital like like working on it not just you know not just a one-time little thing and you know i'm saving i'm going to heaven but but really nurturing that relationship building it you know for me i think that they're pretty much like three areas that that make up my relationship with god three areas three things if you write these out you can write down for one it starts for me with reverence like i have a deep respect for god the bible calls it the fear of the lord right and that word fear means the awe of god and i know that you know sometimes we can get a little turnt and we make fear about you know being afraid that god's gonna you know and i got a little bit of that not a whole lot of that you know because he loves me but but you know you know it i i don't want i don't want to get on his bad side you know what i mean but but really what it's more about is about a deep reverence a deep uh i respect god and let me tell you something the fear of the lord will go a long way i know drug dealers i don't know them i know of drug dealers or people who former drug dealers okay can you watch i don't know guilt my association but but but but i i've been i've been connected with people who didn't have the most uh uh righteous lifestyle but they feared god they had a deep red they couldn't quote no scripture they couldn't do none of that stuff they couldn't they couldn't tell you no worship song they don't know hillsong no they never heard of travis screen nothing ain't got none of that going on right maverick city and none of that stuff right but but they have this respect for god and god protects them that there's something about and you can find people in the scripture there was one guy in the book of acts i believe his name was cornelius and and he feared god you know he said he gave alms he took care of the poor and he feared god it didn't say that he was a religious man at all i just said that he had a reverence for god and god blessed him it says that his works literally went to heaven and came to it is send it to heaven and so so for me it starts with like a real like deep respect for god i don't think that we should step into our day without taking a minute and praying and saying god give us this day our daily bread you know i taught on the model prayer i believe but i just i reverenced god so much i almost believe it's arrogant to step into a day that you and i have never stepped into before needing the grace of god in that day the provision of god in that day the protection of god anything can happen driving over here right pulling up your phone someone people we had a whole community of people who were sleeping in their their condominium in florida and many can't be found and of course we're praying for them and trying to figure out a way to help those who can't rebound you know as a result of that thing but what i'm saying is it is arrogance to get in your car and say i'm gonna get there there ain't gonna be no trouble people die every single day and so so respect for god and reverence for god and and honoring the fact that god you know walks with us daily for me is hey lord give me this day my daily bread i don't want to get too far into this day with this this this mentality that i don't need you i respect god so for me as it relates to my belief in god my relationship with god how i build in god is one reverence to its trust i trust god like it ain't nobody's business and let me tell you why trusting god is so important there's a passage of scripture that talks about um trusting in man brings a snare right but he who trusts in god is safe in other words here's the thing if you don't trust god you're going to trust something you will trust something you will trust the celebration or the provision of man you will trust yourself you're going to trust something we were wired to trust something right and and and the the fear of man that's what it says the fear of man brings a snare but he who trusts in god will be saved the fear of man brings a snare why because if you put too much on man man's gonna find a way to put too much on you right anything that that you you give too much of yourself of your worship to is going to control you it's going to rule you so so it's built on respect reverence is built on trust and then for me it's built on service right so my relationship with god and see if you think about all those touch points reverence trust and service you got a relationship with god right i i revere you right i i i honor you daily okay i trust you i put my trust in you i'm very careful if i might just pause for a moment i i am very careful to make certain that i don't begin to trust in the things that i once trusted god to bring to me i need to say that again let me say it again this is very important because what happens is it god it puts god in a very tricky situation because i trust god to produce things in my life and then when the god who i trusted and consequently produced those things or gave me the resource to produce those things when those things show up now we're trusting in it and not god so the predicament that god it puts god in is god i want to bless you but i don't want to lose you because some can't i i'm digressing but this is obviously for somebody it's it's i'm very careful about what i'm trusting in i do like trust tax am i trusting in my my revenues am i trusting in my family am i trusting in my spouse am i trusting it all these other things are important because these things are blessing but watch this you're not supposed to trust in the blessing you're supposed to trust in the in the blesser are you tracking with me and so i do trust texts all the time there's certain times where you know um there's certain states where it's legal um to bear you know the the second amendment is going strong and uh and and is completely legit and legal to to bear bear arms and uh and so uh i have arms and uh and legs torso i got what you need you know and but but sometimes god you know he'll he'll check me say are you trusting me or those things you know and i have to be real about if you study some of the kings in scripture can i be professor torreira if you study some of the kings and strip scripture they didn't do crazy things what got them in trouble is they stopped trusting in god they got to a certain place in prosperity they got to a certain place in influence and and instead of calling on god for help when they got into trouble they were calling other kings and so it puts god in predicament i want to bless you i want to prosper you but will you trust me or will you start trusting it i want it to somebody watching me right now and the reason why you're frustrated is because you put your trust in a thing and here is the thing the thing can't help you there's no i i watch this it's a created thing why would you trade off trusting the creator for the created thing but it happens to us all the time and so if we are reverent if we are filled with trust as it relates to our relationship with god i'm talking about how we build ourselves right and if we serve and i'm going to talk about serving in just a second that keeps the relationship fresh now what i love about serving is the promises that go along with serving it's a trip like like somehow you can get to a place where being called a servant uh is almost like a derogatory thing right that's my servant over there you know but let me tell you something jesus was a servant he said i'm the chief he said the one you've heard of before those who will be great must serve greatly what i love about being a servant of god is the assurance the assurances that go along with being a servant of god let's talk about it real quick like for me being a servant when you're a servant you get insight oh i feel the holy ghost like like even on a practical level like like like i've got you know a great team of people that that that serve the vision uh some are on staff where they're paid salaries some are not you know but but we're all together we're building and we're serving together and there are things that they know and they get to experience that the average bear does not they have access to things that not everybody has access to because they serve their way into this place of insights i i love that there's a passage of scripture in proverbs 25 and 14 i don't know psalm 25 and 14 it says the secrets of the lord are with those who fear him and he will show them his covenant oh god see god will show you things there's another path of scripture i'm moving through this quickly but um where it was when um god was getting ready to destroy destroy sodom and gomorrah and god comes to abraham and or the angel sends the angels down and and the angels have a dialogue with god and and the angel said should we uh conceal this thing from that we're getting ready to do from abraham you've got to study says in genesis it's in genesis okay think somewhere around just in genesis um but there was a question should we hide this thing that we're getting ready to do from abraham and god was like no because he's faithful he's a faithful servant and he will lead his family after me and so abraham now has insight and he's i feel the spirit he's able to pivot and get his whole family out of a situation and out of trouble and out of harm's way why because he was a servant servants get insight right i want to know before stuff happens the prophetic comes to servants insight even as it relates to insight with business do this don't do this well this looks great on paper yeah but in your gut it looks terrible it feels terrible don't do this right i feel the lord i don't know who this is for god's trying to move you from from believer from churchgoer from christian if that's what you call yourself to a servant because a servant sir is next level a servant gets to hang out in the master's house a servant gets to to drive the master's car a servant gets to go in the master's closet they're they're cleaning but they're in there feeling all that fine get put it on every once in a while let me and dream a little bit no no servants i'm telling you and you can be i'm a king and i'm a servant i'm both king and servant and i believe that believers are supposed to be king queen and servant in fact it is your servanthood that positions your crown squarely on your head and watch this because you serve god he put that crown on your head no man can take it off your head i feel that i feel that a crown but we got to keep going we got to keep going i'm digressing but i told you this is what this is what we're working with today they get insight servants get protection you know that scripture that we quote uh in isaiah 54 and 17 it says no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper we stop right there but it finishes it says this is the inheritance of the servants of the lord so because i know i'm a servant so you got people claiming that promise are you a servant are you god's servant right i serve god right which means that i can really boldly say no weapon formed against me she'll probably put that gun away put that knife away put that in it won't process you might pull it out it doesn't say no weapons before when i was 16 years old a weapon was formed and fired at me but it didn't prosper right and so but this is the inheritance of the serpents the servants of god right we have insight we have protection and for me i just like the fact that knowing that god hears my prayers i'm not like this fair weather prayer i just get in trouble and that's when i pray now listen it used to be like that and god came through but but like when i pray now i'll be like hey hey it's me [Laughter] hey lord it's uh you know the one you really love it's me no no sometimes it's really like that like there'll be i'll have people that i know that'll be in really like tough spots and tough situations and and they'd be struggling with something and i'm like god now like like i i need to solid on this like i know that they're crazy and i know that they deserve everything that they're getting right now because of you know how they just have turned their back on you but god god like i need i need this solid like and i've seen that happen i heard there's a guy who did the crime you know and got arrested and uh and he was in jail like and all the evidence was against him all that was in court and i just went to god like yo god like i know that you know he was wrong i said but i just think he's a good kid and lord i just believe that that if you give him this testimony you know he's going to turn his life around just a few months got out some crazy technicality he gets out of jail and he turned his life around and so and i just i'm just crazy enough to believe it's because i'm like hey god it's me you ain't got to tell nobody you know what i mean but this is what servants have it's access it's it's it's believing in god i know we have to move on but believing in god doesn't work against you it's not some uh limiting sort of consciousness that puts you in a box and makes you a guilt written restricted shamed being who lied to you no it's just the opposite i've got the creator of heaven and earth and all of the universes on my side he is with me and for me this is where life begins because here is another thing i'm created in god's image which means that if i don't have belief in god i haven't even begun to unpack who i am because i am of the essence of god so to not know god is to not know me you understand what i'm saying it doesn't work against you that the enemy has done a phenomenal job of making it seem like no just don't trust god trust yourself trust this trust the universe that's all no i trust god who made the universe everything that is in the universe that is assigned to me who put it there the one who created it all so i can't get to me without going through god i was created in the image of god right and in his likeness which means that in order to see me i need to see god because when i see god god reflects back to me who i am like nobody or nothing else can do i was formed and created in his image believing in god doesn't work against me it works for me and that's why that is the first thing that you and i have to nurture if we're going to build ourselves we have to nurture our belief in god the second thing is we have to nurture our belief in ourselves in ourselves i believe that that that building when you talk about building you you and i have to grow in the area of self-love and self-belief when when jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was you know what you know what he said he said love the lord your god with all your heart with all your mind with all your soul with all your strength that's what jesus says right love god with all of that stuff and then he says love your neighbor as you love yourself so jesus was is the biggest promoter of self-love and when you think about self-hatred what does that come from as i talked about a few weeks ago when we talk about the four levels of spiritual warfare if you hate yourself you got to know that there is an intruder involved somewhere because when did you become anti-you how did you get to be against yourself so self-hatred doesn't even come from you it comes from outside of you and so and so he says he says you know love your neighbor as you love yourself in other words my relationship my external relationships will be born out of how i treat and take care of and ultimately believe in me and one of the things that i've learned is that god can do very little with you if you don't believe in yourself that's true i'm saying again yeah god can do very little with you if you don't believe in yourself that's why he starts working on abraham sarah esther david gideon all these people started work jeremiah all these great people struggle with believing in themselves oh god i feel the lord yeah all these great jeremiah god said listen to this beautiful listen to this dialogue that god has with jeremiah in jeremiah chapter 1. god says before i formed you in the belly i knew you and i ordained you and and and i set you apart and i made you and i'm going to make you a prophet to the nations i endanger you i sanctified you i will make your profit to the nations right i would be like yes lord i receive it and i would have fallen out like in church you know you know what jeremiah does he says behold i cannot speak i am a child i cannot speak every great person will have to overcome unbelief in self now he goes on to do great things right get in we talked about him briefly last week same thing you might god comes him you mighty man of battle we're about to kick butt and take names for god's glory and gideon's like who me i am of the least of the tribes of israel and i'm the least in all the tribes we all will have to not just get our belief in god together but our belief in self can we talk about a little further can we go deeper he can only do only very little he can he can see see when we don't believe in ourselves if we believe in god i know people who believe in god but don't believe in themselves and they always stay at a certain level they're going to heaven they're wonderful human beings but they don't believe that that god can do what he says he can do in their life they don't believe in them i believe in me let me tell you something you know i ride motorcycles and people are always saying ooh be careful and i get that they love me there's nothing wrong with it but and i tell them oftentimes oh don't worry i love me you ain't gonna tell me to be careful trust me i love torrey roberts i'm gonna take care you know what i mean i listen and there's nothing wrong with that it's not arrogance i straight up love me and i'ma take care of me and so so i get it so we have to do that and god can't do anything for you if you don't believe right about you [Music] you are who he says you are ain't nothing you can do about it you can't even you you can't even cancel that you'll just be living in a lie but you can't cancel who you are and you have to make up your mind belief is a decision you got to make up your mind and say god if you said it i believe it i don't care if everything around me looks completely different looks the exact opposite of what you said i believe i am the me that you call me so what is god calling you what has god called you and is it consistent with what you call yourself i was talking to my son the other day and he is uh you know extremely talented in a lot of ways i really believe the same way i believe about you that that whatever god has anointed you to do you can do and i truly believe i believe in that philippians 4 13 i can do all things through christ who strengthens me which strengthens me i i believe that and uh and we had a meeting in one of the areas of his gifts last night i brought him in on a meeting uh with with uh some people that are very successful in that space uh and uh and they you know he played some of his stuff and they were they were uh really impressed because it is really good not that old yeah my boys it was good no it's like really really good actually you know and uh because i would i don't i don't give compliments if it's not the truth you know i word it differently oh man you're really on to something there yeah you you really keep going you know that watch out for the keep going because keep going sometimes be a low-key keep going don't stop here don't stop just keep it but um i'm sorry i digress but but the point that i'm making is it it was great that they enjoyed it you know particularly the people of their caliber uh in the space they enjoyed it but but we were talking today and and you know i told him i said listen and this is a word for somebody you have to allow outside compliments watch this to be confirmation not affirmation it's about what you say to you first [Music] that matters i'ma say it again let outside compliments be confirmation not affirmation you've got to love yourself so much and believe in yourself so much and speak to yourself so much that by the time somebody recognizes what you already knew it ain't nothing but confirmation baby are you tracking with me that's that's how it has to be confirmation when he was he was a child actor and we used to go into to auditions i talk about this in one of my books i think it's wholeness but we used to go into auditions and you know he's young you know he started acting when he was three and he's young and and so he was going into these auditions and i'm like now listen son come here i looked him right in his eye i said listen listen isaiah i said you don't need anything from this room i said you're blessed you're beautiful you're talented i said what god has for you is for you and if this part is for you great if it's not it's a waste of time and we want to get out there as soon as possible right i said so so you don't need anything from the room i said you're there to give to the room i feel that oh god i feel that for somebody i don't know who this is for let me be prophet terry again for a minute we're almost done i don't know who this is for but you are going to have to come to a place where you accept you where you accept you and not allow who you are your value you've heard this before but i want to take it deeper your value uh you're special to be predicated by what's outside of you because watch this most of the people that are praising people were late to the party about their special anyway that's right they're saying where did you come from i've been me all my life yeah that's right and so and so i'm not going to uh allow someone whose eyes have been blinded to me to define me because either you see me or you don't jesus told the disciples he said listen he said when you go into a city when you go into a house he said let your peace come upon it in other words release something you're not there to get something you're there to release something right he says release it he says if that place is not worthy then let your peace come right back to you and you step into a worthy place what is a place that is worthy a place that is worthy is a place that recognizes i feel the spirit of god you are trying to get affirmation and validation from places and people and groups that are not worthy if god has not opened their eyes to your special then you need to take your piece back you need to take your confidence back you need to take your faith back you need to take your vision back you take your dream back and you need to move on and find a people a place a person a community that recognizes what god is placing you i feel it because for every place that rejected you there's another place that's going to accept you i don't know who in the world i am talking to today but i believe liberty is coming to your house if that's your word put it right there in the thief i hear you pt i hear you pt oh god i feel it let me tell you something can i testify and we gotta land this plane cause i'm way over time you know but let me tell you something i ain't gonna lie when i first started preaching in the denominational environment that i was preaching in i'll be honest with you i wasn't accepted really because i was different and i loved this denomination i thank god i got my roots there but i wasn't a hooper and that custom they hoop and that's wonderful to each his own there's nothing wrong with it but they hoop and and some of you you non blacks don't know what i'm talking about but you you you've heard it you've heard it before but it's and it's beautiful when the organ comes in it's really a one it's a beautiful thing it makes sense if you understand that i didn't have that i'm from corporate you did not hoop in corporate america i gave speeches i gave talks i closed deals i did that i did not hope i didn't have the hoop so i didn't learn the hoop i didn't know and i tried it once i'll be honest with you i don't know i tried to hoop and i couldn't i sounded like an old beat up car look at your hook it was terrible and because that's what they were used to i was different and you know what i did i took my old different self and i started a different church yes yes yes and i went to a different area and i went to a different city same person went to a different environment and god rocked the church that he planted me in god just it was just crazy what god did and my voice that voice that i didn't like that that hope and style that i didn't have and i felt like it wasn't nothing it went all around the world touching people and saving people what if i would have said well i guess i need to hoop because there's some of you and you wouldn't understand what i was saying if i hoped you'd be mad you wouldn't be watching right now if i was some of you wouldn't that's wonderful what i am saying is you have got to be you and there will always be a people there will always be a place there will always be an opportunity for you just the way that god made you you got to believe in yourself i'm going to say this we got to move on we've got to move on got to move on i'll keep saying this one of the biggest mistakes i've made in the last five years is not believing in myself your pastor not believing in myself and sometimes it just and i'll tell you the breakdown to believing in myself happened when i began to question myself oh god i feel it i started questioning myself am i enough i never felt that but it was an attack on who i am i said it before there will always be a war on your belief somebody is getting ready to start believing in themselves again in your uniqueness i started trying okay where do i fit in how do i do right and see when you compromise anytime you compromise you start giving pieces of yourself away oh god and what is compromise you compromise when you stop being you to try to fit into something oh i feel the holy ghost you stop being you there you you compromise in negotiations but you do not compromise when it comes to identity that's right oh that's a word for somebody that's a word that's a word it's a word that's a word you compromise in marriage oh i i i i you wanted pink i wanted burgundy we compromise sacrifices is a word we use in church you know and so i have to sacrifice yeah you sacrifice everything but you you can sacrifice money you can even sacrifice time but what you can't sacrifice is you because when you sacrifice you you've crossed the line watch out for any relationship any situation that makes you want to sacrifice or makes a demand that you sacrifice you watch out for any job or any business opportunity any entertainment opportunity any relationship anything that tries to say you know you just got to sacrifice yes everything but me i'm not sacrificing toray i'll sacrifice money i'll sacrifice time why because those things i can well i can't get time back but those things don't have anything to do with me what i cannot i'm trying to build me i'm trying to know me discover me evolve me i can't become if i am compromised if i'm giving away pieces of me trying to please you no no no no no no no no no are you tracking with me very very very very important so so so we build ourselves by by our belief we talked about this a belief in god belief in self and then the last thing and this is easy and we're done we're done belief in what you and god can do i'm together thinking i'm done i'm done i was just thinking about all the moments where god says put some speck on my name maybe he didn't say that but i remember remember when when god was talking to sarah her name was sarai at the time because sarah would answer right i gotta sarah oh but he was he was telling her that she was gonna have a child and she laughed you remember that she laughed and the guy said are you laughing at me she said i didn't laugh he said not look i would know you laughed and then he said something powerful he says god says he speaks he starts speaking in third person he says is there anything too hard for the lord for the lord for the lord with abraham with abraham when abraham was struggling about the promise and he was ready to just he's ready to quit god takes abraham outside and he says abraham come come i know you're struggling with believing and whether or not i can do what i say i'm going to do but let's let's do something real quick i want you to go outside i want you to look at all those stars he said can you count them tell me if you can count them and he tells them ultimately that that the number of your descendants will be more plenteous than the stars but the point that he was making was he was taking him watch this outside of his environment because your environment shapes your belief wow he takes them come on out of there come on come on out the house because you need to see you you're forgetting who i am right now if we all loaded up jumped in the van drove to the beach right now our perspective would shift if we just stood there if i had the same message the same conversation we're all having right now if all of you watching online listening to the podcast if we all just wrote down all thousands of ideas we just we just rolled down to the beach right now and i had the same message some of you would just whoa it would take it to a whole nother level so god takes abraham out he says let me pull you out of your environment oh god i feel i'm trying to stop because i'm way over time but but who who is god who am i talking to that god is trying to pull you out of an environment of limiting belief who who am i talking to because sometimes the reason why you can't see is not because of you it's because of the toxicity the toxicity of unbelief it's because of the toxicity of unbelief that's around you and sometimes you got to shift sometimes it's temporary sometimes you just got to step away for a minute because sometimes god calls you to work in crazy environments i get it i know all about that but sometimes for you for your sake you got to come out of it get you some air where are your altars that remind you of who god is and what he's done mine is a rock in malibu mine is a mountain near my home mine is i have things that remind me when i need to see god afresh i go and i find something and when i get there i believe again i believe that me plus god i believe in what me and god can accomplish is there anything too hard for the lord oh god i want to pray for you i feel like god wants to adjust your eyes he wants to adjust your sight and he wants to touch your heart i feel it so strongly i feel like god wants to build you he wants to build you and he's going to build you by building your belief you are what you believe oh god and you can only and you can't move past we can't get around unbelief wouldn't it be something that you can't buy belief would it be something you hit the belief lotto you know what i mean there's a little scratcher oh yes no no but it's easier than you think because at the end of the day it's a decision it is it is you just make up your mind i choose you got people to choose to believe crazy stuff right and it's their reality you know what i mean the sky is green look at that green sky it's blue but whatever but they believe it they believe it and then some scientific person leave a comment that's fine god bless you it's about a point it's a point that i'm making you know what i mean because this guy is actually clear isn't that interesting it's not really but anyway that's all anyway that digress you see me but the point that i'm making is that and what i'm saying is that god's going to shift something you're going to share something in your sight belief is everything wow and it is a decision and once you make it and you stick to it because belief is always going to be pushed up against it's always going to be challenged there's always going to be an opportunity the enemy is right there waiting to snatch up your belief and you know what you do you double down when an enemy comes and he brings it out double down on what you believe if god spoke it is trustworthy you could take it to the bank i want to wrap this thing up family and i want to wrap it up by praying for you i know that the world tells us to build just build this and build that but if you don't build you it's in vain psalm 127 and 1 is one of my favorite passages it says except the lord build the house they labor in vain that build it unless the lord keeps the city the watchman is waiting in vain something to that effect you want god to build you to build you up i believe that the answer to some of the things that you might be struggling with or some of the things that you perceive as lack in your life has to do with you not prioritizing building you you're too busy i i see you you you're too busy trying to build everything but you you're too busy helping and it's good to be a helper it's good to be a servant but but you've got to know when let me i'll put it to you this way when helping you begins to hurt me i stop helping you because god wouldn't call me to help you if it hurts me are you tracking with me you have to have boundaries and you have to set boundaries and you have to love yourself enough not to give yourself away trying to please somebody else and typically a lot of times there's some brokenness in there because sometimes people need to be needed it's almost like a drug it's codependency i need to i need you to need me you know and so to keep you need me i do more for you at the expense of me and we're not going to do that but i want to pray for you and i want you to build you it's it's it's the summer yeah well i don't know when you're watching this but i preach this in the summer and um and it's a good opportunity to take time for you and pray and really think about where you are in belief believe in god nurture it it's fun it's it's actually fun it's wonderful when you don't see him as this dictator with his thumb on you trying to squash you but but but your partner one who loves you who gets you better than you get yourself and who can handle you god can handle you he can handle every aspect of you and then nurturing belief in yourself you can do all things to christ who strengthens you you are more than what you think and your uniqueness and your special they used to laugh at my voice when i was a little when i was a little boy they said you sound like michael jackson you know what i mean and the same voice going around the world changing lives that same same voice it'd be the same it'd be it'd be the same let me say it for all my hood people it be the same thing that you despise that god uses in your life you got to see it right right and you got to believe in what you and god can do together because you plus god will always be the majority i want to pray for you if you are watching this right now and you say i'm ready i'm ready to open up my heart to god i'm ready to to believe in god i you know i haven't really you know reverenced the lord or you know i just i've been away and i need to come back home i need to you said so many things pt that just that just hit me in the chest and i need to i need to come back home i need to open up i need to i want to discover who i truly am i want that insurance you talked about that servants have i used to serve but man i got distracted whatever your testimony is if you're coming home i just want you to put it right there in the feed i'm coming home whether you're coming home for the first time right because in god is home and that's where it all started god is our origin he is alpha and omega and he's everything in between and so if you say i'm coming home i want to come home i want to come back home however you were to just put it right there in the feed we're praying for you we are for you let me tell you something i embraced god you know 21 years ago 21 yeah 2000 21 years ago and i have never looked back and i'm telling you like it's almost like finding the fountain of youth there's been so much restoration there's been so many things that that i couldn't have dreamed for i literally i'm living a dream i'm living a dream literally because it doesn't make sense to have this much grace and this much favor but it was always mine i just needed my eyes open i needed to connect with the god who made me and that's going to be your testimony so if that's you just say i'm coming home i'm coming home and i want to pray for you father thank you for this this conversation that we've had and i pray god that um that the seeds that you've sown today [Music] will produce much fruit god you never told me to build a big ministry you never told me to build a big church but now nearly 600 000 subscribers on youtube over 100 million views god you you never said do any of that you just said be big be a big person and build big people and here we are father i pray there there's some right now that think that the way to the top is grind well that might be the way to the top but it's not the way to stay it's not the way to endure it's not the way to become and so father i pray that there would be just a paradigm shift and that we would build ourselves that we would seek first your kingdom that we would seek ways to grow in you and when we do that god we would open our eyes and literally see that our life changed the world we thank you we love you in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 59,129
Rating: 4.9483037 out of 5
Keywords: TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla, LA Churches, One Church, onela, Sarah Jakes, Pastor Touré, TPH Denver, Bishop Jakes
Id: tAOc8F3_7b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 2sec (4202 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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