God Is One

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[Music] Jesus Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we questioned see [Music] this morning we're going to cover some things I had questions actually people send me texts many times between sessions or while I'm out here they'll be texting me and when I go back I try to read them any of them or prayer requests because they know that's whenever I'm you know available sometimes which I really don't always get a chance to read them but they say asked me what well they asked me one question they said what they said you'd mentioned before to books that altered your life other than the Bible and what were those two books and so I thought I had mentioned them before one of them was called a zoo so street it was the book called Azusa Street by Frank Bart Ehrman and then the second one was a book that I got ahold of that was a it was a ragged copy I mean it was out of a surprise I could hold it together to read it it was pretty beat up but it was called the winds of God and the winds of God was the account of the early Pentecostal movement here in America from 1901 until 1914 and it went into public domain at one point and so we got the rights to reprint it and so we reprinted it but this book the winds of God this at a time I was looking at all kinds of different aspects of Christianity different camps and this book the winds of God along with Azusa Street Frank Bart Ehrman and really at the same time I got a hold of the music of Keith green all of those came into my life about the same time and because of that it kept me from going down a wrong path in Christianity and so many I always credit these two books and music of Keith Green at that time Steve camp and some of the different people that we would listen to and there were what I raised my children on but this book literally protected me from the excesses that I had seen in some of the different camps and then shortly after that I got a hold of the of Charles Finney I started reading some of his stuff but this book again along with the zoo the street is probably the biggest impact so I'm answering your question you just texted me some answer in front of everybody but it's a great book you will see if you haven't read this already you'll see the sacrifices that the early Pentecostals made you know if you if you want to if you want to experience what someone else has experienced you pretty much have to retrace their steps you can't experience the same wife and do something totally different and so that book helped me go back into and help me retrace some of the steps in my own life and put into my own life the practices of something thoroughly Pentecostals now that's not to say that all their doctrine was correct I'm not endorsing everything but if we want to experience some of those things and there are definitely some of those things that we need to bring back into our lives today in and back another church so just wanting to answer that question now if you have your Bibles you can turn we're gonna go to several scriptures we're gonna go to them I hope fairly quickly the the first one Genesis 1:1 so we're gonna start in Genesis 1:1 and go through Revelation 20 no I'm not but in Genesis 1:1 it says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth notice the heaven and the earth not the heavens the heaven and the earth okay now the word God there is a Hebrew word Elohim and it's actually a plural word which is why in Genesis 1:26 he says and God said let us make men right in our image after our likeness and let them man showing that man man is singular but then he said and let them showing that gods futuristic principle they let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth then if you go to Deuteronomy chapter 6 starting in verse 4 it's what people have called the Shema or it's a statement and it's verse 4 it says hear o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord now you have to realize that the word one Lord there means one in unity not one in number okay remember that know you'll see this as this this is all building toward something reasonable in these out he says and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and all thy soul and all that might so you see right there and Deuteronomy is exactly Jesus was recoating or was quoting that whenever he gave that same statement right and he says in these words verse six which I command thee this day shall be in your heart these words shall be in your heart and you will teach them diligently unto your children and shalt talk of them when you sit in your house when you walk by the way when you lie down and when you rise up that's pretty much all the time right and you shall bind them for a sign upon your hand and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes and you will write them upon the post of your house and on your gates so what was he telling keep before your eyes keep talking about it keeps keep saying the word and they're right and it all went back to these commands of that God is one and that we are to love them with all our heart mind soul and strength right so this is this is big it's it's one of those big things that you have to look at okay this everything else has to be looked at through this filter okay James chapter 1 verse 17 every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning okay now let's look at that with whom is no variableness you get that no variableness now think about that when you drive a car down the highway you have lines on each side but now haven't you know that even while you're driving in your lane your burial believing that make sense your variable lean okay in other words as you drive you're not saying straight perfectly you're you're moving in the line some more than others okay so but even in your driving in a straight line in the lane there is a variableness in your driving but you still end up where you're going right so it's not a big deal necessarily unless it gets to be a big deal okay but with God there is no variableness I mean not even one degree not even a you know we're hearing all these percentages now 0.0 0.1 degree all these kind of things percentage or whatever's there's God doesn't even have that there is no variableness with God amen then he says neither shadow of turning and I think about a shadow of turning in the words there's not even a hint not even a thought not even the possibility there not even a shadow and an inkling we would say of turning do you get that now the reason I'm bringing this out is because when we get to the point where we pull it all together I want you to realize as we said before Elohim is plural and and scholars would say that's referring to the Godhead father son the Holy Ghost okay but we have to realize that their their unity even in the plurality there's unity and there's no variableness with God amen so there's no variableness in the father none in the Sun and then in the Holy Spirit right now we know Malachi 3:6 for I am the Lord I change not there it is again so when you see something two or three times and if you only saw it one time you really can't make a doctrine off of a one time statement but when you see it two three four times different times in the Bible you know that that's something solid so here we already have where God is one we have James 1:17 no variableness neither shadow of turning Malachi 3:6 I'm the Lord I change not everybody knows the next one I'm going to probably Hebrews 13:8 and they're right but we'll start in five he says let your conversation be without covetousness now conversation almost always has more to do than just with words it has to do with your lifestyle so he says let your lifestyle be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have for he has said I will never leave you nor forsake you right now remember I'll never leave you nor forsake you and he cannot change there's no variableness no shadow of turning he cannot leave you nor forsake you that means he has always right there with you we heard the worship team just a minute ago talk about well thing I was talking about how God is with us he doesn't just he's not just here he doesn't just show up he abides we are the habitation of God by the spirit that he is with us amen he's in us he abides in us he is always with us he can you get it it's not that he will not he cannot forsake you you say well what I mean he cannot it says he will not well if he said he will not then that means he cannot is that right because if he said I will not and then he did then there would be variableness so I know this is kind of belaboring this I get it but I want to drill this in today because believe me I'm going back in looking at points in my life because it's really the only point of reference that I have other than men of God that I've been around or men of God that I've read their life stories and things like this and I've noticed certain things that always stay the same and that the problem with most the problem that most Christians have is not God obviously the problem is themselves because where God is a constant they variable you understand they vary and if you're the variable because that's what that's what you always try to eliminate you eliminate the variable and if you can eliminate the variable then you can predict the outcome every time and they're right if you can eliminate the variable so now we have eliminated the fact that God has any of variables he has none so that's not the problem so the problem of any very variableness okay is in us so the degree that we're not experiencing God's life and all that he has for us in and through our life that degree is to the degree that we vary away from God's constant that make sense so if we could get to where we have no variableness okay what's another word of that if we could get steadfast say if we could not grow weary in well-doing so this is all different scriptures in the Bible that talk about this the variableness in humans and if we can get rid of that if we can become stable if we can become steadfast if we can become dependable or what's another word for the venerable faithful say a person as faithful is dependable if they're not dependable they're not faithful so if we can eliminate that variableness then we can become faithful right and if we're faithful then God can depend on this and then we can depend on God because you can always depend on God but how many of you know that if God said I'm gonna meet you you know at the corner of 75 and 15th Street down here and I'm gonna meet you there tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock and and yet you're over here at Coit and Beltline at 9 o'clock and you're going where's God he says he's gonna meet me what you gotta meet him where he said he's gonna meet you you can't blame him you're the one you're the variable yeah he's the constant guarantee if he said that he's going to be at 75 and 15th but if you're not there then you're not gonna experience what he has cuz you're not where he said he would meet you that makes sense so what we have to realize is how God can how we can meet God where he is and the beauty of this of this fact is in this you can always know where God is you can always in other words where he's going you might say you can always know what he's gonna do you can always know his will why because there's no variableness you know see one of the worst things that's happened in the church is that we have developed this what we've done is because we spend the vast majority of our time in the world we have adopted a lot of the mindset from the world and if not mindset then let's at least say attitude and because of that we have this attitude in the church now that comes from the world and it's an attitude of individuality and we celebrate individuality right and I'm not saying well if you look at the bible the bible does not celebrate individuality it celebrates conformity to god's rules and i just use the word rules because there's not really a better word but what he wants is for us to be conformed to to his word right how do we do that by the renewing of our mind right he wants us to be conformed and if we're all conformed to his word then we're all going to be conformed to one another do you get that No in the beginning since people don't like this because they're well I'm an individual and I want to be celebrated as an individual okay that's good unless you realize that the more individual you are the more of a target you are for the enemy yeah let me give you an example well actually every war that has happened pretty much early on even back during the Revolutionary War they had good riflemen who were snipers now a sniper is a human that means that even though he may be given the task to eliminate enemy soldiers because he's a human enemy soldiers all look the same unless one stands out and if one stands out it's going to get his attention that makes sense and the more one stands out by whatever means uniform medals rank insignia gallantry on the battlefield you see this guy that's doing all this and he's everywhere doing this stuff he's going to draw attention and he's going to draw the attention of the sniper so I hope you're getting the analogy that the more you stand out the more attention you get from the enemy and the more likely he is to target you now I'm not saying we shouldn't do everything that we can do individually for God I'm a firm believer that you should live an experience your total full potential in Christ which means you end up looking just like it right and even doing the same and greater amen but what if everybody did that what if everybody fulfilled their ultimate potential which means everybody would look like Jesus then again everybody would be would be fulfilling their total potential but yet we would all look the same to a larger degree in their right if you describe somebody you would have to find a way you have to find this way to describe them because you couldn't just say all they're just like Jesus okay well everybody's like Jesus I mean literally everybody's walking like Jesus so give me another description well you know man every every sick person gets in front of them they get healed oh yeah well that's that's everybody now what because we're all walking on Jesus you see em sayin pretty soon you have to get very descriptive to be able to find out who you're talking about the problem is is that people we bought into this idea of individuality rather than conformity to Christ and because of that we have the idea that God has a different will for every person God doesn't have eight billion wheels right he has one will that fits all and that will is that we all be conformed to the image of Christ amen now in fulfilling that there are roles there are functions in the body there's functions you know there's there's things that I look back there's things that I wondered sometimes okay God why was I there why was why was I in that place at that time in my life you know in a in a job or something like that and I'm not saying the God can't tell you to take this job don't take that job he absolutely will but that job is not his will for you do you understand the job it's just like you know we have these things you can have in front of houses that are like little it's a walkway right and you can step on different bricks well a job can be a stepping stone to the fulfillment of God's will for your life but but that stone isn't God's will does that make sense because if you could if it was God's will you could stop right there and there you'd be and you'd be in God's will and ever do anything but heaven if you know it's never God's will did you stop right there and never do anything so the stepping stone is only good for as long as you're stepping and moving toward the ultimate God's will which is looking like Christ does that make sense no yeah insane an okay the reason because what happens is this we have taken this in a container where it came from and I could point out some things most of it comes from Eastern philosophies and Eastern religions most of it some of its not but most of it but it has to do with a person and we have built an entire theology around it to where okay I'm sick let's say a person says okay I'm sick there must be a reason for that and and it's funny because that the reason must be spiritual in other words it must be God's will that I'm sick because I'm sick and God's will is always fulfilled okay then there's where you just varied off of the Bible because the Bible doesn't say God's will is always fulfilled right that's what we have to pray your will be done if you didn't if if we have to pray that then that means it's not always done and it's not God's will that any should perish but how many know some people perish and they're right and so you have this idea but people have this and the reason they do it is because they want comfort they want to know that the bad thing they're going through isn't a waste of time that they're not just suffering for no reason they want to know this is working some good thing what the Bible says it'll work a good thing as long as you don't look at the thing that's going on it only works for you as long as you look at the unseen and not at the seen thing so the thing itself is not working in your favor but how you respond to the thing is whether it can work to your favor no does that make sense now in saying that because people think well if I'm sick it must be God's will again wrong premise but let's say they think that it must be God's will that I'm sick and if I'm sick it must be God's will so therefore if it's God's will he must be trying to teach me something you see and that's where then you get into this theology and the thing is once you open that door it becomes everything so that everything that happens God is trying to teach me something well guys God's trying to make you a better person he's trying to develop your character he's trying to do something for you and that there's nothing in Bible that says that nothing in there now we've we've the problem is see whenever Jesus came to earth and during his ministry on earth he was dealing with Pharisees and Sadducees and others you know like that religious leaders who had elevated their interpretation of Scripture above Scripture itself which is sad because God said I have exalted my word even above my name so God's Word is exalted even above his name so when we exalt our interpretation of the word even above the word now we're going totally against God so we have to be able to say what does the word say and not give an interpretation but read it for what it actually says and honestly that's what we built the entire ministry on you know for the last 20-30 years is going back in and rereading the Bible and reading exactly what it says and not taking people's opinion or their interpretation of it and just pushing that forward so we've gone back and read it now again so what are we talking about remember God is one now that's the focus right in him being one there is no variableness no shadow of turning he cannot change Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever were actually almost there he says here in verse six Hebrews 13 6 so that they that we may boldly say the Lord is my helper and I will not fear what man shall do unto me remember them which have the rule over you who have spoken unto you the Word of God whose faith follow considering the end of their conversation or their lifestyle Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever be not carried about with various or divers and strange doctrines for it's a good thing that the heart be established with grace not with meats which have not profited them that have been occupied therein now notice again in all this he says look at the lifestyle look at these going on he says Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever he does not very there's no shadow of turning so what are we seeing we're seeing a physical representation Jesus Christ of God himself who cannot change Jesus did not change in his entire ministry do you that he very honestly the one way to say it is this Jesus lived by his own rules now think about that he didn't give us rules he didn't give the people rules and in him him live a different life he lived by his own rules he said love the Lord thy God with all the heart mind soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself do for them what you would want done for you and so what every time somebody came to him said come he went if they said pray he prayed if the Roman centurion said speak he spoke and it amazing he did everything that was asked of him 1 because he that's the rules that he laid down and he actually lived that life so the point is this Jesus was showing us the Father that's what hebrews 1 says is that he was the Express image of God the Father and they're right he showed us his nature his character and the thing is now did Jesus ever make anybody sick of course not did he ever even leave anybody sick not there's no record of him leaving anybody sick you get that he never told anybody well wait this isn't the time he never said wait God's working in you a good thing he's going to teach you to be a better person he's working so he's he know just hang on to it because this sickness is going to help you learn how to have compassion for people see he didn't say any of that but that's what the modern church says which means B now where did they get it from as we said before all these sacred cows these traditions Jesus said that the traditions of man make the Word of God of none effect and they all came from a theology of failure because somebody prayed for somebody and nothing happened so they had to come up with a reason that nothing happened and it always went back on the person or to God it was never the person praying it was they never said oh sorry I just don't have enough faith they never said that there was it must be sin God's trying to do something in you or it must be God God's doing this it must be God's will see that they always pointed the finger at the person or at God and we've built this whole theology up now but if we can get back to what the Bible says thank God when I say God is one I want you to get this okay I know we've already talked about father son Holy Ghost okay but I want you to realize okay there's this thing and I actually I think I taught on this years ago I actually preached a message on this called profiling Jesus the FBI and different groups law enforcement if there's a serial killer or if there is a serial bank robber or something what do they do they profile them right and now profiling has gotten a really bad rap recently not to Eastern over the last few years because of how it was used wrongly but if you get into how it's actually done there's a reason for profiling there was a reason for stereotyping see the reason we have stereotypes is because it's stereotypes certain types of people now the stereotypes that we use aren't always right but there's a reason for stereotyping there's a reason for profiling a profiler can tell you what kind of person you're looking for they can usually tell you that age range they can tell you a male or female they can tell you many times even the race of the person what because of the general idea of what those kinds of crimes are committed by those kinds of people right and so that will help them and has helped them find criminals now if you were to profile Jesus think about what you would be looking at a person who helped anybody that came to him did anything he was asked worked miracles to help people raise the dead heal the sick open the blind I mean think about what would his profile look like because that's what your profile is supposed to look like and there right now think about this if Jesus was the Express image of God the Father and we have a profile of Jesus and we also have a profile of God the Father and then right now people would say well but the Old Testament look at God in the Old Testament and say that's what throws a lot of people you have to remember God has not changed he said in the last book of the Old Testament I change not he hasn't changed what does that mean that means we have to look back and say okay so if God is God in the New Testament and this is what he did then how can we put that with the God of the Old Testament because they seem to be at odds they don't unless you understand but we have to go back and realize God dealt with men and the Old Testament the way that our holy just righteous God had to deal with fallen people that's how he had to deal with him right but now he doesn't have to deal with him the same way now he deals with us through Christ in there right and so now the amazing thing about that is because because of that we don't see things happening today like we saw in the Old Testament what because God doesn't have to deal with us that way anymore right so now he deals with men on the basis of Christ now in the church matter of fact it's funny because in the Old Testament you see Israel and you see armies and you see different people and you see the people that were against Israel / against God getting wiped out they were defeated but the funny thing is generally you only see that almost always just inside the church in the New Testament in there right you know you don't see a matter of fact even with Jesus what are the disciples they he was rejected he said Lord you know sons of thunder he wants to call down fire they thought they could do it what why cuz Jesus was a greater prophet than than even you know Elijah and he called down fire so surely these guys could do it right they really believed and he said oh you don't know what spiritual well because that's not what he was doing because he said that's not how God does things that's not what he wants to do do you understand he said now God gets to do with people through grace through forgiveness God is not slacking his promises as some would consider slackness but he's holding back giving people time let's see if we don't always see that and we think well they're getting away with it now there's nobody gets away with anything nobody gets away with anything yeah but God is holding back judgment on these things right now so let's keep going remember the whole point when I thank God is one what I really want to focus on is not that he is 1 in being but like I said one in unity but the reason they're 1 okay if you have let's say well the Bible tells us when a man and woman become husband and wife the two shall no longer be two but become one and they're right well they don't meld together right there's still two individuals but they're one one out in unity and purpose in in their goals and their objectives in their dreams and their results that's how and that takes sometimes time to grow together to become one but that's God's goal is for a couple to become one in there right because if you the two can become one now think about this if any to agree is touching anything it shall be done so now you got so really a husband and wife is the perfect answered prayer machine right because if you can get the two agreeing about any one thing it will happen and the two are supposed to become one so that means every prayer a a couple prays should be answered and it should come to pass is that right so you can see how God is working this thing to make it where it's like a closed system where there's no fail I mean think about that think of every prayer you prayed was answered right and we're given that promise if we can become one well we also know that we can get that even in here you don't have to be husband and wife you can be and that was God's original way of doing things but now we can become one and if we're in usually many times if I can just get one person in an audience to agree with me on any one thing we can get that thing to happen so imagine how much faster it should happen if we can all agree amen so now I'm just so when we say one we're not talking about one in number we're talking about one in purpose one in one in goal and we even know that God had to actually go down and where he confounded the languages he said I gotta go down and do something why because there is nothing that these people if they can concede it they can achieve it is it use a common term today now where there is nothing they can't accomplish because they are working together and that was fallen man think about that and apparently it disturbed God to the point where he confounded the languages well what were they trying to do they were trying to build a tower to heaven yeah think about it could they have done it well God said they could right you wonder how close heaven was to earth back in those days okay maybe move but you think about it now so remember God is one amen and now think about this as I said with profiling and I really wanted to bring this home to you the reason profiling works is because and one of the things that you'll notice and I'm not you know never really studied psychology or that kind of stuff and never went into it I believe I have a grasp on God's psychology because I've studied the Word of God but I know that man's psychology and his understanding of it is usually very flawed right and so it can take you off in a wrong direction and all that kind of stuff and somehow it always ends up with you hating your mother so yes just just say it okay so but I'm an individual you're an individual you have certain characteristics that is your personality and the amazing thing is is that your entire personality is connected each aspect each every like every dislike everything oh there they are connected to some degree and the thing is you think a certain way based on several things hopefully based on the Word of God that would be the best thing but most people don't think just based on the word God they think based on experiences results the Word of God family different things different all the different influences and it's a mixture of all these things that has to be sorted out if you're gonna walk in the Word of God you're gonna walk in the mind of Christ now but because we're individuals and because most people I know of have not had their mind totally renewed because when your mind is totally renewed you walk like Jesus right can we all agree with that okay so most people have not attained that now in the spirit you may look just like Jesus but on the outside you don't mainly because your minds not renewed to cause your body and your thought process to function like Christ okay now your personality is a certain weight my person ox is a certain way everybody's got a general personality and we look at the generalities and yet there will always be anomalies in those generalities so a person will do this is this and you can predict what they're going to do and you can predict as you know them you say I know this person here's what they would do we do this every time there's a birthday I know this person I know what they would like and they're right and depending on how well you know them you're that accurate right and the less you know them the less accurate you usually are as far as what they would actually like so there's what all I'm saying is that you're an individual and you've got this scale going across okay this is this idea that you're a that you're one but you're actually made up of many many many aspects now if okay I just used me for an example I have a certain personality type that is made up obviously but also for several different parts in most areas I am consistent but just like every other human there's areas of contradiction there's something in people why would you do that why would you do that that's not you it's not you I don't know you know that's what you that's the man's answer I don't know why that's how we answer okay what were you thinking I was with that's an anomaly and it's different and it stands out because it's not the normal that make sense they're raised with me so far now so you're going through now the thing is if you change one thing - like I said I have certain personality characteristics quirks what do you want to call it and I have a you know I'm made up my personality is made up I like I like order I like consistent point one point two point three lead to that that's the way I think I think so but my anomaly is I'm very spontaneous right and which which brings okay if you're totally ordered I mean totally ordered which to a large degree that's a good thing you know not totally but good thing but if you're totally ordered then people classify you with OCD because you're totally ordered has to be this way that what why'd you move that put that back you get it right so the spontaneity cuz I like order but to spontaneity balances it so I don't go crazy I'm not sitting in a corner gone why has the book moved the book was moved has moved you know he started movies go through my head walking or 20 minutes walking her walk nerds gonna be on in 20 minutes Oh No Oh No see that's what happens when you go too far on that scale right sometimes people doing purpose at the time she's not a purpose obviously but the spontaneity keeps me from getting deflected right and I'm good for long stretches I do the same thing of that and then everything that's like okay my wife say you know what do you want to eat Mexican food let's go to San Antonio San Antonio it's like it's like four hours from here so what we're just go down yes know a great place there you know so I like but it's spontaneous or I'll be doing something or going and then you know it's supposed to you know my wife said what do you got to do to that guy do this this this and I have a list and I'll come back home and I will have done twice that many things and she'll say where'd you go I went there we didn't say we were going there I know it came up as I was driving you sure you didn't know you're going there you didn't know how you did it you just didn't want to tell me I didn't know that I didn't want to tell you I didn't know I didn't know I was gonna do that okay I was just driving and it went that way you see now I have an excuse I just caught I was led oh I don't claim it was by the spirit I just said I was led in this case I was led by spontaneity right so but but the thing is you have a personality and your personality trait is that if you change one thing it's really hard for you to change one thing where they did affecting everything else and so many times that's what we met sometimes where people mean to do well but they end up messing people up is that they try to help them in that one area they didn't a big deal is it's not a big deal it might make bug the heck out of somebody usually a spouse but it's not a big deal but yet if you fixed that thing it could have repercussions in other areas that would make big messes does that make sense and so in this now I said all that to get to this point that's not God God doesn't have anomalies yet he's the same he's always the same if he think about it because now we got to talk about okay we all know the different names of God right Jehovah Jireh Java Rafa Java sig canoe java Shalom and they're right Java Shema I mean we got all these names and we know and why did he give us these names you can go to the scripture I got the scriptures even here Exodus 15:26 he says he said if you will diligently hearken to the voice the Lord your God will do that which is right in his sight will give ear to his Commandments keep all his statutes I will put none of these diseases upon you which I brought upon the Egyptians for I am the lord that healeth they hear that i am the lord that healeth a real simple Jehovah Rapha that's where we get to term Jehovah Rapha why did he give us I think because he wants to be known as our healer he says this is my nature this is who I am I am a healer this is what I do I can't help it it's just part of who I am in there right you have people that are just and if you read in Romans chapter 12 even he talked about if you have giving if you have teaching is of what people call motivational gifts it's what motivates people is what's been giving serving all these everything it's just how they are you see people you know you go somewhere if we have a potluck thing here you know then you'll see the people that are helping seat people or meeting their needs or whatever new you see people over there that's cooking and people that are putting the things on the table and each thing is what those people do Mary and Martha kind of thing in there right why because that's what motivates him it motivates him to serve it motivates them to give it motivates them to help some people just gifted in the era of government or our organization and leading it's just what's in them and that we're different in that sense but even in that all of those are aspects of God's nature and they're right and then that flows through us and that's what gives us our diversity so we can appreciate well I'm glad you know I'm glad my wife is the way she is in that area because I have to be that way I can be this way and we balance make sense and so God now in God's in his nature and character he's the same all the way across right whereas we have variableness he's the same now watch this in Genesis 22 14 Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Jireh as we've been saying in English as it is said of this day in the Mount of the Lord it shall be seen in other words he has provided Jehovah Jireh he has bread and I noticed so the all these names give you another one judges 624 didn't Gideon built an altar there under the Lord and called it Jehovah Shalom unto this day it's yet in over of the Abbas Aaron's in Jeremiah 23 6 in his days Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely and this is his name whereby he shall be called the Lord our righteousness Jehovah said canoe right so you have these that are aspects of his nature and his character and who he is getting out but now notice God is one he's always the same there's no Vera he's always our righteousness to be our righteousness he has to always be righteous is that right he is Jehovah Shalom he's always peace do you get that so he can't be righteous sometimes and not have peace so peace is connected to righteousness because that's part of his nature do you get that and now notice he and this is where I'd probably use that try raise 45 headed a very good but okay you take Jehovah let's start with Jehovah Jireh because everything starts with Java Jared the Lord provides if he's your healer he provides your healing so even Jehovah Rapha is being Jehovah Jireh do you see this now he's always the same so he's always Jehovah Jireh he's always provided he's always drove a roofer which means he's always providing our healing he's always jehova sholom which means gives us peace now if he does not if you're sick and body or having major problems going on then you're not going to have peace and if you are sick and body - hey peace of mind your body has to be healed or you're not gonna have peace of mind is that right you can't have peace of mind true peace and you can have a piece in the middle of the battle but your but true peace in this sense would be he would have to provide healing for you to have the true peace to not even have to be thinking about that thing see if you even have to think about healing you're not having true peace do you get that so if God is one then he has one healer provider righteousness peace you get this so he can't be if you take one out you messed the others up see if you take let's say God let's say let's say God was Jehovah Rapha and he was Jehovah Shalom and the we'll just use those two to begin with if you take away Jehovah Jireh then he his nature may be Jehovah Rapha but he's not the provider so you don't get it needed for him to be Jehovah Rapha he has to be Jehovah Jireh because he could be Jehovah Rapha over there and does you no good but if he's not the provider are you getting are you getting this what I'm saying is God is one and he's never he never varies there's no shadow of turning he's always the healer he's always a provider he's always the same the problem is we vary because we don't see him as the same all the time if you let's think about this let's say at some point you know I don't know if I could probably do a show of hands some points somebody we could say everybody in this room has been sick and at some point God has healed you at some point in your life okay just just say this if that's not true in your case then it will be okay I say it that way but let's for just an instant let's just say everybody here has been sick at one time and God has healed you at one time now as soon as you were well as soon as you recognize that thing is gone and I know your first response is going to be excitement it's gonna be happy it's going to be relief which is also known as peace right and you're gonna go wow that that now that moment at that moment you see God accurately in that area did you get that you see him accurately as the healer and you see him accurately as the provider because he provided the healing because that's what you tell me God healed me that means he provided the healing and there right so you see him now let's take you over to wear something else has attacked you and then somebody goes well why did you do well why did what did you do did you sin that now God is doing this to you or causing this or whatever it is okay if you hear that and you embrace that idea now that idea is different from the idea you had when God healed you before so you now you've got two gods you got a God who is the healer that provides peace and everything he said he was and then you have a God over here that now you have a new God a different God another God that you're looking at and going this is how God is do you see that so the key is no matter what you have to see God the same all the time because if you don't see him the same you're wrong because he's always the same all right so at any time you could have the same feeling right in the middle of your problem right in the middle of the sickness financial disaster whatever you're going through God has already said I will be the answer to you and they're right as Jehovah Jireh he's the provider so even if your problem is and that's really one of the main things is that if you see him or you have a problem in any area you know you may not have a Jehovah Rapha answer you may not have a Jehovah Shalom answer but you will always have a Jehovah Jireh answer does that make sense what that means is this in the middle of the situation in the middle of your sickness you may not be knowing God as your healer at that moment because your mind is thinking I'm sick I got this the doctor said this and so you're not seeing God as he is but if you can see him as Jehovah Jireh then you can say God will provide what's he going to provide he's going to provide peace because he's gonna provide healing well that's a step in the right direction but you need to see him as he is because he is always Jehovah Rapha he's always Jehovah Jireh he's always a God who will provide healing for you he's always a God that will provide whatever you need he's always a God that will give you the peace that you need amen do you see that so if you can start to see him as one in other words now if you take away ain't like I said before if you take away any part of him you now have a mutant God does that make sense because you well God doesn't heal anymore oh well then you have a different God because he said I never change and he said I'm the Lord that healeth thee so if he's the Lord that heals you and never changes then you can't say he doesn't heal or you have mutated God and what you've done is you have now created a different God and you've gone after another God does that make sense so all I'm trying to get across to you is this in looking at you know you know over well all my life just about studied the Bible but looking at God this has been the thing that's been consistent that he is consistent and any variableness has been in me not in him any place where I have not experienced the fullness of everything he is it has been in an area where I have varied from the scripture and I have I was not looking at him as he is but I was looking at the problem and looking at the the current situation and not at the unseen that makes sense to you so bottom line that that's really what I wanted to get across your day is that you have to decide to see God as he is he's always the same he never changes he is always the healer and his now I understand his life his healing he's already been pushing that out okay just like rays from the Sun they leave the Sun and they move toward Earth and we see them over a period of time but it's pushing out the energy from the Sun pushes it out okay what is in God who he is as the provider is constantly causing him to push out healing to constantly push out provision to constantly push out peace towards you why cuz that's his will in other words it is always God's will for you to be healed always God's will for you to walk in health it is never listen it is now I want to be specific on this it is never I couldn't really be plain okay listen very carefully it is never God's will to have to heal you do you get that it is his will that you be in health even as your soul prospers amen now I'm not saying he won't heal you and I'm not saying it's not God's will to heal you I'm saying him having to heal you is never his will he would prefer you never to be in a situation where you need healing he would in his will is that you live free of sickness and disease and free of lack and free of all these things that are you know if you draw a positive and a negative and draw a line down the middle you can also put John 10:10 right and and have it well the positive side is going to be God that's health That's Life that's blessing that's prosperity that's all these areas that's who God is he can't be anything at other than that the other side would be the part that the Devils on that's the negative side that's stealing killing destroying sickness disease all those things see the reason we have doctors natural medical doctors not even born-again what are they trying to do eradicate sickness and disease if that's what they're trying to do amen why are they doing it because they understand sickness and disease should never be the state of the human it is not normal it's abnormal that's why they work to try to eradicate it that's why we have to are they trying to they're trying to get your body back into alignment because sickness and disease is something wrong do you get that sickness and disease is never something right God didn't look and say and saw and he said he created viruses and diseases and said it's good he never said that amen so we have to realize God is always the same he's man he is the most positive optimist okay and you know if you don't believe God is an optimist there is a lot of Scripture you will never understand because you read the things he said and you think why would he say that knowing man it's because he's an optimist you know I could I could argue either side you know there's the one saved always saved and then there's the sin and lose your salvation I'm Tania I've studied it I could argue either side and you would think that I agreed with what I was arguing and it's not even what I would believe what because there are scriptures that you can bring out to say either side it's why there's so much confusion in the church is because people don't study it out but if you really want to see it the thing to understand especially about what people call once they go away saved right now technically that's not the right word for it technically it would be unconditional eternal salvation which is not Bible there's no such thing as unconditional eternal salvation it is conditional if you remember if you endure to the end you'll be saved see that's conditional if there's an if there's a it's a condition do you give that so whenever you people say well but obviously it's you know once you're saved always saved is good - okay why would God even put scriptures in there like that because he's an optimist he would say if you're saved who would one out it's it's this is too good the saved life is too good who in the world in the right mind would ever worn out of being saved but yet at the same time you came to him and if you want to be free I okay Adam fell there was no reason for it right other than a choice I mean so I understand now on the other side you know did I go to bed every not to hold father if there's any same please forgive me I'd want to die and asleep and go to hell of it no no I believe in the grace of God I believe one because I love God and I love my fellow man I do what I can to help people and because of that I know that in my nature in my character God has changed me and his life is in me so I don't go to bed afraid if I messed up that day amen now I'm also know looking and going okay well you know I've been way better than I have bad so it's gonna way out and it'll be okay no that's that's not what I did right I believe in the grace of God but that doesn't mean that I take the grace of God and abuse it you know living Luke sweat okay got my ticket punched I'm good don't worry about anything so now I can do anything you know I tell people all the time I'd do anything I want to do the thing is there's things I don't want to do anymore amen you know I took the order I drink all I want to drink you know I'm talking alcohol and guess what I don't drink anyone cuz I want to write I smoke all I want to smoke I don't want to so therefore I don't he's even saying I'm doing what I want to do what that the want is different that's one of the ways you know that you're born again is when your want changes amen so all this connected and not really if I could see my goal is not to get you I'm not trying to get you faith in God so when you come up here if you need me to lay hands me over lay hands and you're gonna get healed because your faith in God got you here I'm not what I try to do I'm trying to get you to have faith in God so that when you're not here you can have faith in God so when you're when there's nobody around to help you you can there's people that need help you can say hey we got this one because God is with me and he's the same and he's one and he wants to provide your healing for you and he's a java java and he's drove Arafah and now so you just have Jehovah Shalom and have peace of mind because I'm going to deliver what He has given to you see that's what I want you I want you definite I don't want you to have to come to me I'm not my the last thing I want to do is create a bunch of codependent people right I don't have time for it why because there's already you know seven points something billion codependent people out there right and there's people out there that don't know and so they're constantly asking for help and so the the job our job is to grow the body of Christ up so that we can help others to grow up it's never meant to be so that we that I become the the log jam or the choke point to where people have to get to me to get to God that's never never been a plan amen it's not God's plans never been my plan well when I started ministering it was because I wanted to share what I had found that worked so that once people learned that people wouldn't have to come to me and they could actually help other people people took somebody took a fence the other day when I said if you can't get it for yourself you probably won't be able to give to other people that's a generalised statement the fact is it's usually harder for you to get it for yourself than it is for you to give to somebody else usually is much easier but one because their pain you're not feeling their payment say you you may be feeling pain and you're trying to stand against pain and you're standing for healing but that pain is in your face and so you're standing and standing and the things in your face constantly and are the thought of whatever it is and then but yeah you can go to another person they're having pain you go in the name of Jesus pain go be healed and they go glory to God and you're like what why do they get it so easy and I didn't why cuz somebody gave it to them see it's easy for them to believe that you get but it's hard if you to believe for you get it for yourself because you know yourself so well you can figure out all kinds of reasons why God shouldn't use you but the person you minister to they don't know you and they assume you got a great relationship with God and so they just receive and it makes it easy to give but then you've got to be able to get it for yourself and then you have to turn to God you gave it to them I know they weren't perfect might as well give it to me right so you you have to go back to it but people they ask me things on you know you said this and you said that on this and you know having faith brothers you said this oh yeah the goal is to have faith for others but really what we want if we want every believer to have faith for themselves for whatever they need so they don't have to get to some else not to get to me or anybody else they know they have a direct connection with God and they can get to God and if they can get to God and get from God what they need from him then they can also give it to anybody else has need I mean because that's we should be living I mean when David went to saw he didn't say well you know I'm pretty sure God will help me with this Goliath you know I mean I'm not sure I don't have any other experiences no he went with experiences he's a God with living with a lion he was with me with a bear he'll help me with this Goliath and they're right so we should have our own victories to be able to share with other people and say well yeah of course God's gonna tell you one because he he helped me when I had this he helped me through this problem and he's with me now and he commanded me to do this you know I remember the first time I'll finish with this I remember the first time I ever saw blind eyes over because I realized and and if it hadn't been this way out of the house it would have worked necessarily but I had already seen I'd already figured out thought about put it that way if I ever see a person with blind eyes here's how I'm gonna minister to them because they they they don't see so they don't know they don't know where I come from they don't know who I am maybe they've heard that's me back then nobody heard any testimonies we didn't have any very few anyone and they were all just individual family things then I went to Africa and I go and I remember thinking there was a person we're not even a person in a service this was a person out in the end but they were by themself and I remember I just walked up to him and I didn't say I'm Carey Blake I said notice if I just walked up and I just said very clearly I'm sent by God to give you your site and you ever seen that person they're like okay I mean you know they couldn't see me they didn't know if I was a human or an angel they didn't know and I didn't tell him and so I did was I said receive your eyesight and their eyes opened up no why did that work that way because I told God sent me to do this and they didn't know any better they didn't go well how do we know God sends you okay stay blind oh you're right yeah you're right it wasn't you is this person over here I'm sorry got the wrong person stay blind know what because I went with the expectation because I knew God had said lay hands on the sick I know he said meet the needs of people so that's that's what took place and it was it was good in this sense that it was blindness because they couldn't see me walking it so all they knew is what I told him say the problem is too many people see too much before you get to minister to him so sometimes good that's when it's good to get in your car and drive 25 miles in some direction and get out in a street corner and just catch the next person walking by and pray for them why because I don't know you they're not from your area they're not from they don't know who you are never seen you before right and you can go be who you're supposed to be rather than who everybody has boxed you in to be based on previous whatever previous perception amen because the one thing we have to know is this we all change you're not the same person you used to be right and the thing is that's why you know they say you can never go home it's because when you go back to your hometown or whatever people remember people don't know how much you've grown all they remember is who you were and and when you go back home you have to do all the talking what because if you let them talk they'll convince you you're the same you've always been but you have to go back and you have to talk and I remember when I went back your person said I remember you I remember this situation was everything that's very good I'm like no I acted like I didn't even know no no you're mistaking me for somebody else I think the guy you talked about dad I think I think he I think he's dead you keep talking we'll find out at some point you just kind of antennas who you surround yourself with has a lot to do that's what we were talking to somebody who were talking to somebody the other day about my librarian my books and these things and and oh yeah it was a lady we've known Ashley for many years and she runs a store that has a wall of books and it's probably maybe as long as that wall maybe and it's just one row books and my wife was talking to him she was talking about how my library and how much I read and stuff and I want to tell her that okay what you've got in here that you're trying to sell I've got like six of those right and she was saying well you know I I just don't read that much and I'm like for me reading is mine it's when I read I can surround myself with the people I want to surround myself with him and and that's why I read these old guys that's why I read wiglesworth in Lake and know because that's the people I want to hang around with because it's hard to find people that are at that level that'll pull you up instead of people always wanted to pull you apart or pull on you or something and and so I surround myself and I go to that world and I'm living that world with them and I'm seeing what they're doing and and you surround yourself and that becomes normal for you that's why the Bible is a the whole you know the book of Acts but then also all the Old Testament it's all biography just about almost every benefits box I only know most of it what because he's trying to show us these are real people and the main thing about it is it shows all their mistakes every mistake is I mean horrible mistakes that the church wouldn't forgive today you know saying if if Abraham walked in here today we go how could you give your wife to a pagan King and say she's your sister are you a coward what's what's what happened you lied right Ollie we have all these are David I mean what were you thinking Uriah Bathsheba I mean come on you would look at the weak you know we don't forget we tell these stories and we tell them in a good light we tell them you know from the idea of okay look God come but most of them we wouldn't want those people to be members of a church you know I mean if David walked in here all the men are gonna take their wife by the hand and go don't you get near him don't even talk to him why I heard stories you ain't gonna be Bathsheba number two I mean think about we wouldn't let that happen right but we have to realize that they were storage to show us that God can overcome the failures of human frailty and he wants to inhabit us in it and he gives us principles to live by so all these things you know we just have to realize it he wants us to be like him he wants us to be steadfast stable constant no variable no shirt I mean think about that people go yeah that'd be so boring no it's exciting it's exciting to watch the things you overcome when you don't change your confession towards something and you watch that thing and you stand there and everybody saying that's crazy I don't believe in that stuff and yet you just keep on standing nope by His stripes I was healed I know it's done well you better go get a second opinion I already got a second opinion honestly I don't need a second opinion I like mine just fine right in my opinion is God's Word is true and you stand and then when it changes and they never go in that amazing man in there how did that that's just what the internet just that's just an what an amazing coincidence it's like ain't no coincidence God he said he said and I said and it is and you just stand and you stand and you watch and then you start watching the mountains fall amen why cuz God is one he's the provider he's the healer he's our peace he is one you can't take one piece out of him without it missing everything else up so you might as well just take it off amen so does his will fluctuate or is it always the same no it has got let me ask you this last thing I promise I'll stop here okay because this is a big question it's some time once you think about this week as a matter of fact maybe again maybe we'll talk about next week I don't know do you think you know they they say that if you have a fish or something like that that basically it'll grow to the size of the tank you put it in two lar I mean barring you know the type of fish okay but think about that so you limit the size of the fish based on the size of tank you put it in so you get a bigger tank you get a bigger fish right I mean things will grow to the size in business they cost a law the lid right in other words it grows you know they say people grow to the level of their incompetency right they keep getting promoted until they're incompetent and then they get forgotten so the highest level you can attain is the limit of your incompetence think about that okay then let me ask you this do you believe that God has given you that God has determined you're the fish has that's biblical okay at one time you were fish and you got caught in getting never the we become fishermen turn once we're a fish now we're fish okay you're the fish do you believe that God has determined the size of your tank that's the question because if he's not determine the size of your tank then something else is limiting you but if God has not determined the size of your tank then you can grow in every area in God you can grow in God and healing to where he is drove Arafah and his life is constantly flowing and you're constantly healed and constantly hope and never need healing because there's constant healing going through you that make all right I mean think about does a fish get thirsty one because its water always flowing through can't get thirsty when there's always water in there right same thing so okay in the areas of God's let's say in here because these are two main ears healing or health and finances has God limited you as he set your tank for finances or have you decided to settle for the level of where you are or what you've done or what it is see if God wants us to have faith in Him and take off the limits then we can't even limit how God can bless us based on our limits of well God can't bless me that way because I don't know that area you see what I'm saying if you think well you know I don't know finances so God can't really bless me financially because I don't know how finances work okay then you're limiting God based on your knowledge but did God limit you and say you can't grow financially or deity or are you limiting going well I could learn something I guess so basically has God limited your growth or are you limiting it so has God determined that where you're at right now is where you should always be because if that's true if that's true and particularly if that's true in finances then it's also true in healing and wherever you are right now this is where God wants you to be so if you're sick right now this is obviously God's will what cuz that's your tank just make any sense to you because I know we've got I keep looking at these different people and different things and I'm like a man that person they're their tank of healing is wide open they're you know they're in the ocean they're not even in the tank right their area of finances wide open now they're talking about covetousness and greed now I'm not talking with that that's a quart you're if you're in that you're already violating the laws that would allow God to bless you so the real key is eliminating those mindsets that keeps God from being able to bless you so all I'm saying is determine God's will for your life what do you believe God's will if your life is in the seven major areas of your life find out what that and then set that and say okay if God has not set my level of health if God has not set my level of financial independence or whatever it is what is setting it because the worst thing to do is settle for less than what God has for you amen y'all do you think out this this morning all right amen right well god bless you now listen if you need ministry my team will organize it and then we will minister to you if not we say god bless you we appreciate you coming and we're here for you and matter of fact the offices are back operating full-time now and so you know if you want to come in from ministry you're free to come in but at the same time it's always good to call and make an appointment to make sure we have somebody that's available right then but all the staff is back here you know regular times and hours and kind stuff but we really appreciate you and we're here to help you and so anything we've got a lot of things planned we're opening up some things we'll be doing some online seminars before long it's hard to do some of the seminars here just okay the main reason we don't do seminars here in the summer is it's too hot our air conditioners won't pull that much all right that's another reason why we look for another building so that we can get better air conditioning because you can't really do a meeting in here and the seats be filled in the summer right if I mean you you will think Texas is hell okay because it gets hot in this room it's like a if I can oven it'll bake you okay so but we are looking at other places to hold some meetings and other ways to do some things that and we've got a book coming out here in the end of this week and a lot of other things happening so we're really excited about what is coming up I'll be doing the life team tour before long also and visiting all the life teams around the United States we're going to kick that off here before too long also a lot of good things are happening so stay tuned stay plugged in guess that's about it other neck god bless you we'll see you again soon compass you hey guys I just wanted to welcome you I'm Cree Blake general it was here janja Lake ministries we are so glad that you have decided to take the step to investigate life teams becoming a certified divine healing technician getting plugged in and taken the responsibility to enter into the life that Jesus has actually died to give us so the next step now since you've come this far is to simply sign up that's how to get started just sign up and when you do now you're going to go and check your email box and you're going to get instructions on how to become certified DHD how to start a life team but you know and maybe some of you are already within JJM and you're already a leader at some level and you're saying okay why do I have to do this well it's very simple we're putting everybody into the same system so that it works like a well-oiled machine like we've talked about because we want to make sure everything is working very well together so if you are an existing leader within JG Liam we can tell you nothing's going to change we're just gathering the information so it's all in one database and we're going to be able to communicate with you a lot better this is this is going to really solve the communication problems that we've had over the past but there's a new day and you get to get right into it so sign up do it now don't wait do it now and then check your email box it's just that simple so listen I really appreciate this Jesus appreciates this because you're plugging in and you're wanting to take responsibility so I look forward to working with you we're gonna have a great time advancing the kingdom god bless you we would like to thank our partners and friends for making today's broadcast possible if you enjoy today's message or would like more information and resources please visit our website at JG LM o RG Pleasant Hill present and be the presents inside the five [Music] if you are considering partnering with us and would like to support our mission please visit JG LM da o RG /of partners proceeds will go toward the cost of the television broadcast and our mission work around the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] visit jg LM Mediacom to watch this program and more at anytime subscribe for full access to our entire library or you can rent by and watch for free select resources with over 700 hours of teaching to watch and 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Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 15,390
Rating: 4.8686867 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: 7dZmfDA-WvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 18sec (4818 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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