"God Has You Covered in Crisis" - Pastor Paula White-Cain

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grab your Bible let's go over to Genesis chapter 45 Genesis chapter 45 as we examine the life of Joseph briefly if you don't mind us my custom to stand for the reading of God's Word and let's go to Genesis chapter 45 I'm sorry I said I not let you complete your assignment bless the Lord praise the Lord I'll get me love you guys you need to pray you good all's good it's cool turn to somebody say something Saul good it's good say I'm prophesying to you it's all good Genesis chapter 45 Joseph is in a pit he's come out of that pit he's prime minister in the palace and look at what his response is when he is connected to his brothers again in verse 5 through 7 I'm really here to proclaim to encourage and to prophetically give you God's perspective and excerpt Jesus on your situation God has a word for you this morning Genesis chapter 45 verse 5 through 7 declares this let me hear you now therefore be not grieved he's speaking to his brothers nor angry with yourselves that you sold me hither for God did send me before you to preserve life for these two years had the famine been in the land and yet there are five years and that which there shall neither be earring nor harvest and God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance so now it was not you that sent me hither but God and he had made me a father to Pharaoh and Lord of all his house and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt I want to draw your attention to verse 7 God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance what a bold declaration God sent me ahead of you for you look at somebody and just proclaim this little title say God covers you in the crisis look to somebody you haven't talked to say it's going to be ok you're covered in the Isis you may be seated you know the story very well and I don't want to belabor on it Joseph was sent to check on his brothers in the field and the Bible says in Genesis chapter 37 that when they saw him but it is an interesting place to note that people don't get too frazzled until they see the manifestation of God in your life they don't mind you broke busted and disgusted they don't mind you with your head held down they don't mind your pessimistic attitude and your woe is me and self-pity but the moment you grab ahold of the word of God and it grabs ahold of you and it begins to work in your life because the Word of God will always work in your life it will never return void it will never fail don't you ever let go of your word that word has an appointed time to work in fact Joseph proclaims in Psalms that he was bound with fetters in iron to his feet but at the time the word came there is a time that your word begins to work there is a time of deliverance for you there is a time that that struggle ceases to continue in your life and so when they saw it the Bible records they hated him hey it's very educational though when you discover what people hate about you they realize and show to you the value and the authentic see of what your purpose is in the earth and they hated him when they saw that the father loved him they hated him even the more when he began to dream his dream it agitated them some of the hate and some of the discouragement some of the crises that you faced in your life is simply because of your position of who you are in Christ and the gifting that you carry in the earth that's why you can disconnect from taking it personally because the battles not even really about you it belongs to the Lord and when you have that understanding you can lay your head on a pillow and not take it to heart so their resentment bold and they plotted his death in the desert you know the story Ruben said we need to save them we don't we shouldn't kill him and so Judah came up with an alternative plan to sell him to the mercantile the caravans that were traveling to Egypt and so he gets sold into slavery and it is there the he begins his journey for positioning him in the purpose of God one thing they will begin to understand is God's ways are not man's ways and often the methods of God appear like madness because his journeying is quite different from the way that you would plan things out but the Bible says your very foot steps are ordered by the Lord the word means manipulated and fabricated I know that's hard for our self nature to receive that God is orchestrating like a puppet master your life upon strings that everything is being manipulated and orchestrated to ultimately work for your benefit and for your good I have a word for somebody how could the brothers have possibly imagined that their treachery meant for evil would trigger the next phase of God's plan and bring about good how could the people that caused you so much harm that lied on you that persecuted you that did you unrighteous they broke your heart how could they have ever imagined that they were the greatest missionary agent ever used by God that they were doing more for you than your friends have ever done because friends create comfort but enemies create reward and challenges in your life without that enemy you would have not been positioned for the purpose of God to prevail it takes created pressure for your faith to begin to function and God loves you way too much to leave you the same you're going to stop hating the process and begin to celebrate it you're about to have a paradigm shift and not be afraid to walk through because God has a promise God has provision it's like when the children of Israel we're standing against the Red Sea with the Pharaohs army behind them that our Jewish scholars tell us that when they begin to cross the sea it wasn't until the water got right beneath their nose that God allowed the Red Sea to be parted some of you just need to keep on walking you feel like you're about to suffocate you feel like you're about to lose life but I came to let you know just keep walking God will not allow you to drown by the circumstances but he will make a way where there seems to be no way don't be paralyzed by the fear or the pain of the crisis that you have gone through I've got a word for somebody today ultimately this would include their own deliverance because your enemies have done a whole lot more for you than any of your friends ever have they had no idea that their evil deeds and doings the crisis that they had created set the stage for great deliverance there are people that would have left you alone if they would know that the crisis they created were actually catapulting you to a greater place instead of a lesser place they would have let you be they would have never messed with your mind your money your family your heart your call your anointing they would have backed up and left you alone sitting there living at the base of the mountain wondering if you could ever make it up not just as climber not just as a camper but to the top of the place where you would live in the high place called headship the ascended life that you understand who you are and whose you are you better thank God in fact you need to send your enemy a bouquet of flowers you need to send them on a vacation and say thank you without you I would have never been able to discover or discern the greatness of God on the earth thank you for causing my faith to function thank you for causing me to follow my knees thank you for making me praise when I felt like giving up thank you for causing me to press in and walk in patience and in dirts an ability to stand firm and not give up on what God has said I just want to thank you because you did more for me than any of my friends ever did for me so thank you I've got a word for somebody crisis by definition is a turning point for better or worse it's a radical change of status in a person's life god loves you too much to leave you the same the life god puts you in is larger than the life you've been living so God's not going to allow you to stay in a comfort zone because he takes you serious when you said yes your yes to him wasn't okay for you to walk out the process of God and you know the the Chinese symbol is for crisis is the same as opportunity therefore you begin to look at what potentially seems like a setback as this is not a crisis but this is an opportunity you're going to have a all different perspective and instead of praying storms away you're not going to have some crazy mentality like bring the storm on but you're going to have an understanding that Paul had in Ephesians chapter 3 stop praying the storm away but pray that your inner man would be strengthened that you would have enough inner fortitude to walk through whatever you would face in life to be able to procure the promises of God so what is in you always comes out of you in crisis a crisis causes you either to react or respond can I help somebody live an optimum life can I help somebody live the best life in the worst situation because the economy cannot alter the promise of God government can't change it your answers not in Washington and it's not in Wall Street it's in the Word of God working in your life and I've got a word for somebody it's not it's not what's happening to you it's what you do with what's happening to you and you will either respond or you will react consistently reacting to external stimuli makes you a victim to that circumstance and robbed you of choice the moment you allow yourself to be robbed of choice is the moment that you become a victim and Christ guide to make you a victor not a victim when you consistently react to others you give them power to determine how you will behave that devil is a liar don't ever give your power away in life don't ever give away your ability to respond you've heard me say it over and over but the Bible says you're not even Sarah's daughters are not daughters of faith if you are struck with hysteria if you are constantly reacting to situations come on that's a problem with some of your relationships because you get triggered and you have an emotional reaction you got to stop reacting and respond to life you have an ability to control everything the Bible says that even prophecy and even the Spirit of God is subject to the prophet or a subject to the person you can control everything including time place emotionalism reaction you have an ability because the Holy Spirit resides in you not to be controlled by life but to control life I've got a word for somebody this morning in Denver so it allows you to choose new responses to old circumstances if you want a different result you have to create a different action so you got to do it differently than you've done it before just like the Apostle Paul learned in Acts chapter 20 verse 24 when he's facing all the dilemma he said none of these things move me and the word move in the Greek means make me or do me none of what I face makes me and none of what I face does me do you understand how powerful that is that means if you get fired it doesn't make you and it doesn't break you it means if they walk out on you it doesn't make you and it doesn't break you it means if if life does something to you it doesn't make you and it doesn't break you it's not what happens to you it's how you handle what happens to you and so you can respond with responsibility because responsibility means my ability to respond it means I know who I am when all of life is lying to me and so just because situations and circumstances are contradicting you better help me out because a contradiction means this against the diction contradict whatever God has spoken to you there's going to be diction spoken contrary to what God has said over you because heavens holding conversation about you and heavens been proclaiming all you have to do is learn how to agree with the decree and get an alignment with what God has spoken God says you're more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus God says you're an heir with God and a join heir he says you're an ambassador of the Most High God he says your fearfully and wonderfully created in his image he says that when you let your requests be made known unto him you have a peace that passeth all understanding and had knowledge God says that you are wonderfully intricately put together you are spirit that is struggling through this human experience you you are not a product of man you are not a product of an environment or an event life has lied to us too many times and so when you have the ability to respond you have control of a maximized life I don't know who I'm here for but I've got a word that none of these things can make you and none of these things can move you and none of these things can do you only from your internal greatness the fortitude of your discovery and discernment of who you are in Christ that's true identification you live an authentic valuable life therefore the crisis itself crisis itself I want you to hear is not your real challenge crisis is not your challenge and that's my frustration within the body of Christ pastor I just get vulnerable when I come here because my frustration is we are dealing with symptoms and never getting to the root and it's like putting a band-aid on a broken arm because we never get real healing when we deal with symptoms because the crisis is not the real challenge but what I choose to do with it crisis our opportunity that work for you not against you if you're a responder or not a reactor it's how do I cope with the stress of this situation and the Holy Spirit through the Word of God has given you coping mechanisms you must learn to help yourself by learning to control and manage the stress in your life for maximized life by the crisis that you face realize that stress is always an internal physiological response and you are always in charge of your stress level or your internal being you are always in charge of your internal being people say pastor Paulo how have you made it through the situations you made it through in life because every single day I put the Word of God on the inside and I built an ark my faith before I ever knew what a cloud looked like you've got to build my faith before you ever know what a storm looks like you can't wait to get word when you need word you've got to supply yourself with word when a demand gets placed on you what comes out of you is going to sustain you through the crisis I've got a word for somebody so you get a new perspective you view changes in problems as challenges opportunities not as losses or threats because the one thing that is constant the one thing that is come assistant in life an ecclesiastic says you will see good days and you're going to see some bad days you're going to see like days but it says if you live long enough you're going to see some dark days - it's the cycles of life because the one thing that is constant is change everything in life changes and if you can't embrace the consistency of change you're going to be stunted in your ability to be fulfilled in life and walk purposeful meaning and significant life I don't know who I'm here for but I came to tell you God's got too covered in the crisis God has you covered in the crisis can I keep taking you further because change is constant when you convert the stress of it into excitement for meeting a new challenge you can embrace a better tomorrow you say how do I do that how do I really do that give me the nuts and bolts how do I do that you must have a spiritual mind there's a difference between a carnal mind and a spiritual mind and the Apostle Paul who was one of the most spiritual being says there was a constant war of conflict between a carnal mind and a spiritual mind because a carnal man different than a natural man a natural man has no understanding or concept of God at all a carnal man knows God but is moved by his five senses and so most of us have struggled in seasons where we know God but we have sensory perception where we are moved by what we see or hear feel or taste or touch we're moved by external stimuli but the spirit man has a mind that is controlled by the Spirit of Christ and so when situations and circumstance how do you get that you put it on Philippians 2:5 says have the mind of Christ you choose to put the Christ mind on everyday and let your mind your will your emotions every single part of you be controlled by the Spirit of Christ so when things come to the Spirit of Christ what did Christ do you don't even have to ask yourself it's a natural response because you think like God you act like God you talk like God you walk like God you create like God because that's God's individual purpose for your life conform you into his image now how you gonna look like God come on if you still livin in that low life situation that hasn't had any transition and change because you're too afraid to embrace the process welcome the process that God takes you to move you to the higher level everybody wants advancement but nobody wants to pay the price the price is for your value the price is for your benefit process means to go to the extreme place let God stretch you to the extreme place because I'm about to show you he has you covered in the crisis you're not gonna lose you're gonna be stretched for greatness you're gonna come out better you're gonna come out bigger everything's gonna turn out the way that God promised for it to don't get lost in the process slap somebody high five say she talking to you right now remember what controls your mind ultimately controls your life what controls your mind ultimately controls your life so refuse to get derailed by those who are pessimistic resistant or discontent but determine I'm going to live an optimistic life and optimism comes from the word this is from optimum and optimum comes from a Latin root if you go back and do all of its etymology it means to choose an optimistic person chooses the best and the most favorable so an optimum life is the best life in the most favorable life but it comes from the root of choice and so how do I live optimistic optimistic is ensued it's not pursued mean it's the result of something it's not something you can pursue because you'll always find yourself fall falling short of it because it's not something you go after it's something that is a result what is it the result of it's the result of the right choice you choose to be a responder and not a reactor when you choose to control your life I've got a word by the Spirit of God then your life lives in the best most favorable situation none of these things can move me what a thought that is none these things can make me if God said it that settles it if God decided and decreed it it is done I'm just looking for a remnant who doesn't want a whole bunch of hype and hopeful wishing and expectation that doesn't but a remnant that knows that there is a God who has their back who's given them a word that will always work that if they make the right choice that choice will work for them if they respond to life and not react to life they will live a maximized optimum optimistic you can't just be optimistic it is the result it's the result of you making the right choice so I'm getting you to the root what is the root response stop reacting stop reacting stop being so moved and waste 30 40 years life respond none of these things move me I know who I am who's I am and I'm still gonna stand strong in what I'm called and purposed to do God doesn't change his mind and situations don't move God they can't move me hallelujah slap somebody you still don't have a clue can I show you how covered you are can I show you let me keep taking you First Samuel chapter 30 verse 1 through 10 David is in the greatest crises of his life he faces a similar situation as Saul does a parallel of crisis because trouble is no respecter persons trouble will knock on everybody's door just because you are an American did not mean that our nation was exempt from trouble I'll never forget when I was in Ethiopia Pastor Charles I saw a young woman with the glory of God she goes was I born to suffer was I born to suffer and I've had the privilege and the benefit of traveling the world and having an understanding that God through his sovereignty gave me the great opportunity to be born in the greatest nation and to not take that for granted but to recognize the freedoms and the responsibilities to those freedoms that I've had because that girl loves God just as much as I do but for whatever reason out of sovereign strategy I was born in a situation to a circumstance that gave me advantages and the problem with people who have advantages they usually take it for granted because you don't know what you have in life until you lose something stop taking for granted all that God has given you stop complaining because you're going to remain you better stop praising because you're still better off than most of the world you're still better off because God is on your side hallelujah don't get me going cuz sometimes we act like a bunch of spoiled little brats praise the Lord say she's talking to you right now couldn't be me I'm sorry I'll behave now back to the word troubles not prejudice you're not exempt from life you're not being picked on its life its life and your faith doesn't prevent all of life it carries you through it your faith carries you through which that's the word I love the word of God that's why I don't understand some of the crazy ways that people think they look at you as if something's wrong if it wouldn't you were there's some kind of sin here let's get religious for a minute there's sin in your life are you crazy no there's righteousness in my life according to the Word of God and because of righteousness the Word of God is being persecuted in me sometimes I just think everybody needs a v-8 I'm sorry so I gotta finish it so David watching that zyg lab and it's burned with fire and his wives and his children are taken in people want to stone him and now that's bad when the very people you have carried all the way up to the the pinnacle of success now they're gonna turn on you because they're all a bunch of reactors and say kill him and I love David David's like he'd I didn't pay attention to him he's not like Oh y'all go starting this political party over there and make sure you do a popularity contest over here and get these pages that whatever y'all go on you talk about me try to stone me do whatever God has me covered I love David God has got me do what you got to do because at the end of the day you're gonna see I'm still standing because God has me you better look at somebody say go ahead and do your nasty stuff go ahead and do your mean stuff because at the end of the day God has you covered God has you covered God has you covered and the Bible says watch David encouraged himself the Hebrew word encouraged means to fasten on to two seeds to help oneself and literally the difference between Saul going through the crisis is Saul was compelled by the crisis Saul was compelled and the very word compelled it literally means that he went into reaction because of the distress on the people you have to come to a place that you are not moved by what you see you're not moved by the activity going on around you you don't take on the emotional baggage and barricades of other people that you are in alignment with you don't have to take on every wind and every wave that comes against through through situation and through circumstance you are responsible for your internal decisions and your well-being you better hear what I'm telling you right now because David had to get to the place where he would fasten on to he would seize and he would help himself in other words he reached beyond despair he reached beyond disillusionment he reached beyond disappointment he reached beyond the spa Nancy he reached beyond all of the discouragement and he went down to the place called courage and he locked in on courage Psalm chapter 27 verse 14 wait on the Lord and be of good courage he will strengthen your heart the way you see things the way you perceive things courage in the Hebrew means the ability to control fear when facing danger or pain so wait on the Lord served the Lord it doesn't mean wait like sitting around kumbaya it literally means serve the Lord keep doing what you have been doing don't stop when you are in a crisis but you keep moving you keep mobilizing you keep praising you keep giving you keep praying you keep fasting you keep giving you keep loving you keep changing you keep dreaming you keep building you keep starting you keep governing do what you've been ordained to do don't stop doing what God ordained you to do it's working for you it's not working against you and you're gonna testify hey don't be angry at yourself you did this I'm sending you a bouquet of flower thank you God's the one that allowed this if not God's in its being gone you you don't really want me to preach right now you know what I'm telling you house charge you better take this microphone cuz until America gets rid of its victim mentality we are gonna suffer stop blaming the executives of Wall Street stop blaming the politicians stop blaming everybody else even most people didn't even get the opportunity to invest stop blaming everybody else you have something that you can say hey stop I'm not him angry at you God allowed this cuz your systems gonna fail anyway you're wasting all your energy matter somebody you don't know don't bonus I can't believe that man how much you give two hundred and seventeen dollars your whole life come on give me a break you want paying a lot of taxes if you don't have a lot of money give me a break take the same energy and use it for something that is gonna be useful because God's using all things for you good not for your bad God is not freaked out over the situation God's looking for the remnant to rise up because he's got you in crisis well pastor Jones I just I don't know I think I just hurt my crowd for the next time but we want to laying that ex-spouse blame those executives and blame stop blaming everybody you can't do anything about their decisions but you can do something about yours and God's Word always works God is not limited to your nationality God's not limited to this to the circumstance God is not limited to the little spectrum you see God is God all by himself and he's able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ever ask all think slap somebody a high five say God's got you he's got you he encouraged himself gotta preach this whole message he never get through it with you guys 1st chronicles chapter 28 verse 20 and David said to Solomon his son be strong and of good courage and do it fear not nor be dismayed for the Lord God even my God will be with you he will not fail you nor forsake you until thou has finished all the work for your service the word dismayed means do not break down do not allow confusion and fear to break you down and what David was saying the son God has you for the work until you finish because it's not about you God put purpose before he created the person and he created the person around the purpose purpose was in the earth and person came forth your purpose existed before your person did and you will not feel until you are finished your purpose will be fulfilled in this earth and God has you covered in the crisis God has you covered God has you covered he's alpha and he's Omega he's the beginning and you see inch so here's the charge and the crisis remain doing what you are deemed to do the difference was Saul and David if Saul took on the distress of the people and he stopped doing what he was called to do David heard what the people were saying knew they wanted to stone him and kept doing what he was called to do that's called courage you keep doing what you are ordained to do you have been selected for a specific assignment and purpose the moment you stop it smells not so much you're doing wrong it's you doing not doing enough of what is is right doing what you were ordained to do and so the command in the time of crisis or the charge was remain doing what you are ordained to do the ability to finish is produced by a Durance not emotion its produced by your your ability to stand firm under pressure and how do you do that with the knowledge that no matter what you go through God has you covered I'm going to show you just in case you are in here I need four guys up here I'll show you just in case you weren't here I'm going to take you deeper four guys Stacey come on up and help me Psalm chapter 121 verse 1 through 8 I will lift up mine eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help my help comes from the Lord y'all just surround I'm gonna show you just stay back there he'll not suffer your foot to be moved he that keepeth you will not slumber behold he that keepeth Israel will not slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper and he says the Lord will preserve or keep you from evil he shall preserve or keep your soul the Lord preserve or keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and even forevermore it's the same as in in Psalm 139 go ahead and circle her around go ahead and close her around just y'all get a circle around her and hold hands if you'll come up here just come up here real quick and what that means is is before she was ever in her mother's womb she was in the mind in the heart of God and God gave her a destiny a predetermination an assignment in the earth and it says in Psalm 139 you're fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God and he possessed your reins he cost you to stand up and no man can make you fall down the only way you fall is if you choose to because no man no devil no weapon can make you fall he possessed her reign he calls you the stem and he covered you and what that means is he's heads you so when the enemy comes in against you he can never get you so Stacey you broke your back but it couldn't stop your purpose Stacey you made decisions but out of non knowledge of God's will but it couldn't stop the purpose of God in the earth say see the enemy tried to destroy you broke your heart till you cried until your tears became your meat day and night tried to paralyze you with so much pain that your head would be confused forever but it could stop your purpose because God caused you to stand and he's got you hedged and no matter what you go through you are covered by God you're covered listen job taught you that the enemy came and said I can't get to him cuz you've got him hedged and that was Old Testament that was before the blood of Jesus how much greater is the blood of Jesus protecting you and hedging you and covering you stay up there because the only way that hedge can be broken is if you choose and you decide to walk outside of it that's the only way that can be broken nothing else can break it just stand right there you're gonna be my illustration and so watch what he says he says the Lord will preserve you and preserve and keep have the same meaning to hedge about to guard to protect to attend to preserve means to keep safe and to keep alive so God will always have you in a safe place in the midst of insecurity you will be secured I will always keep you alive there is an appointed time and nothing that comes to you is going to do damage to you unless it what I'm saying it will all be used for purpose until the time of finishing for your life your life is covered you are provided for God has you I just came to encourage somebody psalm 145 verse 20 the lord preserveth all that love him if you love God he preserves you he keeps you Psalm 116 verse 6 the Lord preserveth the simple the foolish who I like this you know what it means it means when I acted a fool and then have the mind of Christ but acting like a carnal man come on I had a relationship with God but I made decisions based out of my sensory perception sensory perception it says the Lord still covers the simple the foolish your fool self is still covered by God that is a good guarantee my goodness you better hear it and and David goes on to say he says I was brought low the Hebrew word means to be feeble or to slacken to be oppressed to be empty to dry up has life ever seemed like you were brought low come on you dried up you slacken you are oppressed you were empty and watch what happens but God helped me and what that Hebrew word means is he freed me he delivered me he defended me he rescued me he brought me victory he brought me to a safe place and he gave me salvation I want you to know when life depletes you and empties you God saves you and rescues you he fulfills you he brings you victory it literally means this that when you were simple and did foolish things and life brought you low God snatched you away from the low place of life whoa do you understand the promise of God because God will never deliver what he will not defend God will never deliver what he'll not defend you don't have to worry about anybody else really being on your side and David knew that that's how he had that kind of confidence because God won't deliver what he won't defend the moment you were delivered from the Snatchers and the clutches of this world come on of living to your own cause into your own self and you said yes to Jesus means that you had a lifetime guarantee of a defense system better than a Rottweiler better than Brinks come on better than any kind of protection or security God has you covered and when he defends something he also preserves it and preservatives always get better with time what God preserves will get better with time the fact that you made it you're still here you endured means that you are preserved it means that you're getting better and the process makes you bigger it doesn't just make you better and here is your promise in conclusion Zephaniah chapter 3 verse 19 at that time I will undo all that afflict thee and I will save her that hotter the-- and gather her that was driven out I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame save her that hauled it deliver and defend her to hope means to limp from a fall those who've been dropped so here's what he's saying I'm going to show you with this illustration because God is saying I will defend you and I will deliver you Psalm chapter 20 verse 1 the Lord hear you in the time of trouble and he defend you that he set you on a high place when you get to an ascended place it's a place where the enemy can no longer touch you because he takes you into an atmosphere that the enemy cannot get you to and that atmosphere is not external it's internal where you get a new perspective of his favor because our enemies are from beneath but his blessings are from above and God's taking you to a higher place and so when life drops you God wants you to know that you've been covered and so you got dropped in life come on I got dropped in life when I was born I was born with adversity umbilical cord wrapped around my neck April 20th they said I would live my mama wouldn't live but the devil was a liar they said I wouldn't make it out of that hospital but guess what I was covered and I went from infancy y'all got to move with me come on and move with me we remember see - and I was 5 years old the enemy said I've got a strategically stop this one so my dad in a weak moment made a bad decision and it reacted to life circumstance because he was overwhelmed by the stress and pressure of life and he took his life it created in me abandonment issues that I thought if you killed yourself and if you left me then you must not love me and even though I was told I'm the apple of your eye - and - don't add up to 4 so something must fundamentally be wrong with me I was brought low I was simple come on I was brought to a low place in life that I begin to take on the lives that life was offering me and so even though I was moving through life confused and in a low place I was still covered I go on and there you go how can you be covered through this I was covered because what ultimately was meant for my destruction has been the absolute construction in my life what ultimately was moved meant to absolutely destroy me has been the cultivation of my life I'm going to help somebody you gonna say this is crazy but I'm gonna tell you and teach you some when I was sexually and physically abused from 6 to 13 that was not God sin but that has been God used in my life because there is something on the inside of me let me preach for just a minute there's something on the inside of me as I finish this but you have to understand I can disconnect like that from an emotional situation because there were severance and I even laugh about it sometimes I hope you can hear what I'm saying not laugh like haha you go back on the sick Paulo but I laugh in a sense that says thanks to the abuse I have a stamina in my life that I can disconnect from being emotionally killed in a situation and take on healthy emotional responses instead of emotional destruction it means I'm not dependent or codependent on anybody else's approval on their love on their life on anything else and what the enemy meant for bad turned around so good in my life that produced an inner fortitude that I found out life had lied to me and God had me covered and everything that was supposed to destroy me kept cultivating me kept making me kept building me I found out God's Word always works stand up on your feet so so so I know as a nation we're in a financial crisis but listen this is easy compared to the hell I went through I'm serious I had a baby looking and staring me in my eyes two little brown beautiful eyes because I never heard the gospel till after I was 18 years old so I made a lot of wrong reactive decisions I don't know how you call them wrong I made a lot of simple decisions based on the knowledge that I had at the time when two little brown eyes were staring me and I'm thinking how in the world am I going to feed this baby and I've just unsaved and I'm looking at those two little brown eyes and I my heart's pounding and beating and I'm letting you go in one minute I'm thinking how am I going to do this I went back and we were playing Bible trivia one night in my little trailer I was playing Bible trivia and I said y'all got to see what I got blessed with a good will and I went and got this coat that I paid a couple bucks for and I put this coat on so proud now on some felt something my mortgage payment was three hundred and seventy-six dollars at the time or seventy one I had about sixteen dollars to my name I felt some I said what in the world says I opened it up and it was three hundred fifty something dollars exactly what I needed for mortgage payment for me and two little brown eye I found out in my personal family that the same guy who will give you a trailer payment and the same God that will give you cheese for go macaroni and the same dog that'll make your peanut butter spread on 20 extra sandwiches and the same table that'll leave groceries at your doorstep where nobody knows you'll need come on I found out that God had me covered in every situation encircle is the same God that will give you millions of dollars Paula for the air time for the ordained purpose just don't stop doing what you have been ordained to do keep doing the business keep dreaming the dream keep advancing keep loving keep giving keep going keep moving because everything meant for your bad is being turned around for your good and what the enemy meant to destroy is going to bring great deliverance do you know how many people have not committed suicide because I didn't let my trial go to waste and I didn't let my pain not have purpose but I could speak with authority to that spirit then it will not take another life in the name of Jesus you have now been given a position of authority because of the process you've gone through don't stop doing what you've been doing you're covered in the crisis you get anything out of the Word of God all away today
Channel: Paula White Ministries
Views: 99,462
Rating: 4.777575 out of 5
Keywords: home, improvement, paula, white, wwic, relationships, no, more, masks, transformed, vision, butterfly, effect
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 8sec (2708 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2012
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