Sunday Service with Pastor Paula White Cain Streaming Live from City of Destiny

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[Music] and is give me eyes to see i've been missing the mark i've only met him halfway and it's only because of his love i am able to soar let me see what god wants to hear [Music] god wants to hear [Music] is [Music] he's jealous for all of my heart he'll show me all that [Music] let his true intentions prevail continually bringing fresh winds to my sails i offer a song of his life-giving ways lift my voice up and send him a praise shouting hallelujah [Music] is [Music] lord can you hear me i will have confidence that he is listening i can't ask anything [Music] calling to his will he hears us as he uses me i am called to him according to his purpose [Music] my heart is [Music] [Music] lord can you hear me [Music] oh uh good morning church good morning online family welcome to the city of destiny we're here to celebrate and exalt the holy name that is jesus christ are we ready to give god all the praise this morning just turn to your neighbor to your left or right and say neighbor i'm ready to give him praise come on y'all we thank you lord because we know that there's joy in your house in your presence there's fullness of joy father god and we're here to receive that joy we give you all praise and glory knowing that every good thing comes from your hand [Music] we say [Music] [Music] cause he opened the prison doors he parted the raging sea my god he holds the victory [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] cause he hung up on that cross and he rose up from that grave my god in the house of the lord today and we won't be quiet [Applause] [Music] now we're royalty we're with the prisoners now we're running free we are forgiven accepted redeemed by his grace let the [Music] now we're because [Music] quiet [Applause] [Music] [Music] we worship the god who is we worship the god whoever lord he opened the prison doors he parted the raging sea my god he holds the victory that's the reason they give you praise hallelujah [Music] [Music] who am i that the highest king would of me i was lost but he brought me his love for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] yes he died for me [Music] [Music] in my father's house there's a place [Music] [Music] i am who you say i am you are for me not [Music] i [Music] am are for me not against me i am who you are [Music] [Music] yes i am [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a place for me i'm a child of god yes i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] i am who you say i am [Music] not against me am [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] indeed yes i am in my father's house there's a place for me i'm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you go before i know that you've even gone to win [Music] you come back and you call in my victory [Music] you go before i know that you've even gone to win my ward becomes my greatest defense it leads me from the dry wilderness and all i did was praise [Music] all i did was worship all i did was bow down all i did was stay still [Music] save me so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's so much better your way [Music] to find [Music] restore my faith in hope again and all i did was [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm just gonna stay still [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] so much better your way [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] much better [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you reintroduce me [Music] you knew [Music] cause when i thought [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i find it so much better [Music] [Music] um [Music] and all i did was freeze [Applause] all i did was worship [Music] go back into your memory of when god finds you like when you first met the lord your first encounter with his love where you picked up all your pieces and put you back together literally because that's what this song is it's like when he found you and he was like i love you and your heart just woke up [Music] am [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so much better [Music] so much [Music] is [Music] m [Music] there's power in your voice and there's power in your praise and there's power in giving adorations the only one who deserves all adoration so father god in this moment we just say thank you for being right here the presence of the lord is in this place and father god there's nowhere else we want to be for we were so joyful and so happy to hear we could come into the house of the lord thank you father god [Music] i'll go ahead and declare i just want to be wherever you are holy spirit wherever you want to lead me is where i want to go [Music] spirit of the living god rest upon this place i can't get enough i can't get enough of your amazing love i can't get enough [Music] and i can't walk away no i can't walk away [Music] for i have seen your face and i can't walk away i just wanna be where you are i just wanna be near your heart there is nothing like your love jesus there is nothing like your love in this whole wide world [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's is [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're amazing now [Music] [Music] that's [Music] oh [Music] i just want to be [Music] [Music] there's nothing like [Music] i just want to be [Music] near your [Music] there is [Music] [Applause] [Music] father god only you have the ability to heal you healed my mother when they said half her body was paralyzed you saved me when i did nothing and knew nothing but going out to clubs on saturday nights you redeemed all your children father god so we say jesus i love you you say jesus i love you we cry [Music] [Music] jesus i love you jesus [Music] jesus i love you jesus i love you you are [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] be i just wanna be where you are [Applause] your love [Applause] there is nothing [Applause] [Music] be like you are [Music] is all across this room we say jesus i love you [Music] [Music] more than [Music] jesus [Music] jesus i love you [Music] amen demetrius just stay right in that vein amen amen just stay right in that vein god's moving right now slipped up your hands and worshipped the lord he's drawing you to him the holy spirit is here for you the lord told me to come up and give an altar call he said if you just aren't right in your heart or don't know jesus christ as lord or maybe it's been a long time since you've really pressed into his presence maybe there's an area of your life that needs deliverance you love god you're coming to church but it's been a long time since you just felt that that holy spirit reigned down in your heart and god wants to take you into deep waters god wants to prepare you to go to another level a level of not just living but a level was presence a level of his glory a level of his goodness a level that you will taste and see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living if you're hearing you'd say pastor paula i just want to take that step maybe i've been serving god but i've kind of had one foot in one foot out and i need to make full surrender i'm here or i'm watching all over the world and that's me lift up your hand up high so i can pray lift up your hand i want you to lay hands on people their hands all over this house right now their hands all and when i know that their hands all over the world just say father i come to you in the name of jesus christ i receive jesus christ as my lord and my savior i'm hungry for you and those that hunger and thirst after righteousness will be filled fill me fill my life come on cry out to god say fill me say fill me with your presence fill me with your power fill me holy spirit say you're standing at the door the holy spirit standing at the door right now and it says if any man will open that door he'll come in and god wants to come to you in a whole new way he wants to show you a new dimension of his love a new dimension of his power and his presence right now god's taking this church to the next level god's taking this ministry to the next level that's taking your life to the next level come on just cry out right now and lift up your hands and just sing it one more time demetrius come on let's just press in god wants to reveal himself to you right now [Music] [Music] come on say it with all of your spirit all of your being all your mind [Music] jesus i love you oh [Music] the holy spirit do what only you can do not by mighty not by power but by your spirit i give you praise and advance praise for miracles today that there will be healings they'll be delivered that the captain will be set free that there'll be wisdom released revelation we thank you for an open heaven we thank you that when we go home we'll have the testimony of the psalmist wasn't it good to be in the house of the lord and everybody said amen god bless you turn around give three people big hug tell them you love them there's nothing they can do about it what a sweet sweet spirit what an amazing attitude thank you for being with us at the city of destiny and for those of you watching online thank you for watching city of destiny online let's give a great big hand of appreciation to all of those watching online and if you are thank you for being with us it is so good to have pastor paula back in the house man god bless you pastor what a sweet sweet spirit i know you feel it in here i know the spirit of god is permeating the the waves online it is so good to be in the house of the lord isn't it so good to be in the house of the lord well we are grateful that you're here if you are watching with us for the first time gonna ask you to just put in a little comment box this is my first time all of you veterans online watching us would you welcome them and if you're here in person if you're here in person and this is your first time with us we'd love for you to take this out it should be in front of you in the back of the seat in front of you and grab one of these fill it out we're going to take up the offering here and then just lay it down here at the altar when we do that we'd greatly appreciate that i got to tell you one of the things i appreciate about our worship team so much more than their talent pastor is i know that before they ever hit this stage as a group they have spent hours and hours worshiping together not just practicing together but worshiping together amen so how do you know that well i don't get my wife until 11 12 o'clock at night sometimes on thursday night that's how i know [Music] but you can tell it you can feel it here and god help us if we ever just hone in on talent and not the heart amen you've been in the presence of god here today amen you've been ushered into the presence of god and by the way that's what makes giving so easy here at at the city of destin i'm just going to be honest with you for a lot of people pastor they don't like taking up the offering because they're uncomfortable with it i'm going to tell you i'm not because it's an act of worship and when you when you look at it as an act of worship you never have to twist an arm you never have to uh manipulate by your words you never have to do any of that stuff but it is good to know that when i give this right here that i know it's going to help people this week alone can i just lay it on you this week alone we fed 781 families that had 2580 family members with 26 066 pounds of food amen that's what this does so you want to know why it's easy for me to talk about about giving because we give what comes in goes out pastor this week alone we got in a hundred and forty thousand dollars worth of brand new furniture and household items this week amen [Music] and i'll tell you it does my heart a lot of good this week i don't get to do this often but there was a uh a young lady who had left an abusive situation with her husband left furniture left everything just had enough money to get an apartment was sleeping on an air mattress and the cat that she had that she took with her from the house put a hole she'd been sleeping on the floor so to be able to provide her this week with the bed a nice serta mattress king-sized bed she just was was floored and by the way we'll take care of our living room and all that good stuff but i say because you give and the partnerships we have with with city serving world vision and and because we have the collaborative effort of the people of god here in this community we are able to be the hands and feet of jesus so if you're ever wondering where does your money go i could take you to an apartment g about six miles from here and there's a lady who had a good night's sleep because you gave amen but i've got to tell you the baptist boy here has really come to love the feast seasons and and and i've learned so much you know the tendency when you're dispensational is that was what they did in the old testament and it really doesn't apply today thank you for your teachings i feel like i'm in bible college all over again here amen [Applause] so we are continuing our series on uh the feast seasons in in the the the tabernacle today and i tell you my wife and i have our feast even season gift right here because i believe that god honors that listen psalm 34 17 says this now listen the lord hears his people the lord hears the righteous it says the lord hears the righteous when they cry for help he delivers the life and i gotta tell you i want you to to get your tithe out those of you watching online i want you to give this time to the lord as well don't tune in don't tune out but invest in the lord invest in this time kaisha in a praise report listen to this i love reading these thank you very much for your prayers did you know that you can pray you can call in 24 hours a day and you can get prayer with within the ministry here i was struggling with making monthly payments towards my son's first semester in college but my son got an email from the financial aid office and they blessed my son with a scholarship from an anonymous donor at the university amen i would just i'll add this little addendum i think the anonymous donor was tipped off by god amen they completely covered the balance for his first semester we are so grateful thank you jesus and thank you paula white ministries amen that's a great story amen well i want you to stand to your feet i want you to get your tithe out if you're watching online you can go to and hit the donate button go to do the same thing you can text to give it'll come up on your screen but i want you to do things with me today i want you number one is i want you to give your tithe your regular tithe and offering but i want you to join my wife and i in doing a special feast offering this is nothing more when i really learned about the feasts and what they represent i've got to tell you this was easy for me to give because god delivered me amen that 13 year old boy who was at age 12 was was hitting his first line of cocaine i i say thank you jesus amen that he gave me a second chance in life and ministry and he'd given me a bride he could have given me anybody but he gave me her amen god bless i'm like i'm like i did there should be triple the amount just for that amen man god's protected he's provided man this is easy to write out it's easy i want you to find something and to give to god by a way of saying thank you for delivering me father we are so grateful for what you're doing in our lives god you've been so good god you've delivered us god you've protected us god you provided for us and we say thank you we're grateful god that we don't have to to give so that we can get but god you have given to us so that we have the privilege of giving back that you've created our lives that are that are like a conduit it just flows through us now god stretch our faith give us grateful hearts and we give this to you in jesus name amen let's come forward with his tithe in our offering [Music] so [Music] so [Music] kevin as you're coming forward don't just lay it down pray over it those of you giving online take a moment and just lay your hand on your phone or your tablet or your computer and just ask god to bless the gift that you are giving right now this is a holy gift a holy sacrifice to the lord not to be done flippantly not to be done in a manner that that doesn't have any thought to it but ask god to bless it to use it [Music] well we are grateful that you are here there is so much going on at the city of destiny that we're going to try to give you a capsule of what's happening at the city of destiny in 90 seconds let's take a look city of destiny my name is pastor scott this is my wife pastor tamron and here's everything that you need to know at the city of destiny first of all we want to say a huge big giant humongous thank you to everybody who came out yesterday to help us beautify our campus in preparation for the unleashed conference which is coming up real soon we are ready for this unleashed conference people are so excited they are going to be coming from all over the globe to come be a part of it we need everybody signed up to be a part of this conference to make it a reality immediately following service today right here in the sanctuary we're going to have another training would you consider staying after we'll get you signed up we'll get you all the information that you need to know it is going to be so exciting unleashed is one of the most uh best conferences that you will ever attend plus it is free but if you want to get one of these bad boys go ahead and make sure that you register for preferred seating you can do that by checking out the website now we also have life groups which will be happening very soon directly after conference so if you're interested here at the city of destiny and joining up with the life group go ahead and text the word life 275 100 and we will get you all the information as it becomes available if this is your first time you are our special guest here we hope you're having an amazing worship experience we have a special gift for you will you just stay right here at the foot of the stage immediately following service and we would like to get that to you god bless you and thank you for coming to the city of destiny amen a lot going on so much going on guys i'm excited i've got a word getting ready to preach the word i'm going to work with your faith today and i believe god's going to do some supernatural things but just before we do the bible says that a people without a vision what the people perish they cast off restraints but i always say pastor todd that without a people the vision perishes it's because of the great pillars that you are you're world changers you can't be under this ministry without being a world changer amen and a history maker look at somebody say you're sitting next to the biggest blessing in your life just tell them say you have no clue who you're sitting next to let them know and i really believe that and i want to give honor to whom honors do we thank god and our volunteer of the month this month is a pillar in this house i want you to tune your attention over to the screen by the way that one's being shipped right now so it keeps saying it's going to be here this week it's going to be here in jesus name it's coming this week amen amen so brand new screens brand new everything let's tune our attention to these screens and see who we honor [Music] oh mr joseph price he is a native of bluffton georgia and has been married to his beautiful wife patricia for 35 years joseph has been a member of new destiny christian center now city of destiny since 2003. over the past 18 years joseph has served as head of the honor guards the men's ministry ministers in training program and leads his own housekeeping team you can also find joseph serving during our mobile food distribution you'll see him cleaning and moving heavy boxes even with the limited church services in the past year during the pandemic he was in attendance at every service he is faithful and an all-around nice guy city of destiny please stand and let's honor our volunteer of the month mr joseph price [Applause] this is one of the best couples ever they are pillars in this house i'm telling you there's not anything they don't do won't do and they are strength to your pastor they are um just they encourage me they strengthen me and uh you represent god well and this is a small something also with a nice little check come on so that you guys can go out to a nice dinner one day we'll be sending everybody on cruises and bahamas and everything else you gotta dream big amen [Music] but we want to honor you there's no words to say thank you and this is a small token of of what this side of heaven has but when you get to heaven there's going to be massive crown your faithfulness and your stewardship over the things of god we just love you so much come on and put your hands together joseph patricia you all want to say something [Music] you want to say a few words um the bible says give and it shall be given press down hallelujah amen press down shaken together run it forward and only what we do for christ will last so amen come on and let joseph and patricia know how much we love them honor them god is a good god amen you ready for the word you can be seated all right you've got to work with i'm going to work with your faith today so we're in a divine supernatural miracle working season and i'm going to take one day and teach you what is a three-week teaching so buckle in all right but what my main purpose is today is to make some declarations so you don't miss this moment see this bible is a book of promises how many of you know it's a covenant and god's a covenant keep only one person angela you and i have covenant with god all right and god's a covenant keeping god psalm 84. so when we understand that god has set divine appointments how many of you would not miss your doctor's appointment right your dentist appointment your hair appointment for those of you who have it left i mean you would make it and us women are not going to miss a good shoe sale all right somebody say amen i get a notice from certain stores i'm in all right and it's not a blue light cell either okay so so we're not going to miss a divine appointment that god has set up and god has started a season it started on september 6th with rosh hashanah the head of the year and then we went into 10 days of all which we'll explain and then the day of atonement and now on the 20th we go into tabernacles you say how's that apply to me well let's find out because though we're not held to the rituals of the past according to the book of james we are still held to the principles of these feasts these divine appointments all right so father i just ask you to anoint me that you open up the ears of every person that you would move mightily and that we would it would just click there would be revelation today to understand what season and to know what to do during this time there are miracles being released there's financial abundance being released there's double portion being released there's healings being released god your presence is being released you have set times that you say this is my time i'm moving in the earth so we thank you for moving here today and moving that we will not miss this moment in jesus mighty name and everybody said amen are you ready say bring it on pastor paula man it feels good to be back in the pulpit i missed you guys hey the good news i got a little bit sick though after i had my eye surgery but i see you out of one eye so the cataracts are all gone it's a miracle i had no idea how blonde i really was i even see my sermon look i can see this without glasses this is awesome now like if i go like this you're cloudy again like that you're really clear so um i just have to get one more eye done in jesus name amen but god is good how many of you know that purposes are regulated by seasons all right so purpose is the intention of god and it's regulated by seasons ecclesiastics chapter 3 verse 1 to everything there is a season a set time to every purpose under heaven so god has purpose and tension under heaven that is regulated by seasons it's important that you understand the principles of god the patterns of god the precepts of god but timing timing walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh there's a timing to everything so the difference between anything is it seasons so right now seasons have shifted you are in a supernatural divine miracle-working season so you might say well how how do you know because god tells me so so we go by god's word we go by god what god has to say and it doesn't matter whether you feel it sometimes when you're in something you you will it amen and that's why we we live by faith and we walk by faith and so when you understand that our season has shifted we've entered into a season of god's provision now watch i'm going to talk a lot about this today provision protection and promises so we've entered into a supernatural season it's tabernacles and as we go there when you don't discern the shifts of season then you can lack in your life but i break any spirit of lack in the name of jesus today is going to be a lot of declarations over you because it's possible to be in a season that you're not cooperating with see god can be moving but if you're not cooperating with that season you'll miss your moment the devil is a liar you're not going to miss any god moments you're going to not going to miss listen you can be in famine today and tomorrow by this time god can do a supernatural miracle you can have lack today and abundance by tomorrow sit today healed by in in two seconds there is nothing too difficult for god so the difference between your today and your tomorrow is the decisions that you make right now so god gives you this opportunity i believe that he brought you here today to line you with this plan and align you with this purpose now go to leviticus chapter 23 we'll go through some of that and you'll see where moses will speak to the children of israel and just study that leviticus 23 later today i'll get into some of the the scriptures here in just a second here but these divine appointments these special days god's holy days god's holidays that he's set up they serve as occasions and reminders to honor god and release specific and special blessings to us which we're going to find in joel chapter two because that's all about the release of god's blessing are you ready for some release come on aren't you tired of living less are you ready for release i'm telling you god is a times change people change clothes change but god is the same today yesterday and forevermore he's your healer he's your deliverer come on he's your redeemer he's the one that increases you and i'm telling you my dear friend lisa is here lisa i'm so happy you're here today and um she said pastor paul she says some people are missing it right now she said well while they're busy looking at the world and what's going on she said there's a transference in the kingdom of god and you're right lisa there's a massive transference in the kingdom of god and for those of us who are awake we're not going to miss it we're taking everything i'm telling you there's a shift in authority there's a shift in finances there's a shift in favor and god's people will never ever be in trouble i said god's people will never ever be in trouble don't you get too attached to this world but i'm telling you god's people will always come out on top you win somebody say i win and so we see these they're called moeds they're divine appointments that's what it means there's several words for chag festival but moab is the most important word of it's a divine appointment so what did we go into well on september 6 for 10 days it was the 10 days of all and that was examine your heart repent repent repent and god gives you 10 days to say what was my attitude how did i treat people so remember when the jewish people celebrate feasts divine appointments god's holidays his holy days his appointment on his calendar two different calendars right so we're going by god's calendar when they do it's for the year ahead that's so important so he was saying get your heart right get your life right is there debts owed is there any offense is there any hurt is there any bitterness is there anger is there uncontrolled flesh bringing it under subjection to the holy spirit so when god gives you 10 days and he's saying i want you to really inspect your life god's serious about it and the reason is because it come it comes to the most holy day which we just went through which was the day of atonement which was sunned down on the 15th through sun down on the 16th now the day of atonement represents that jesus atoned he didn't just cover for us he became our atonement so in other words we had no way to get to god and he made a way thank god he put his blood on the mercy seat and you say so we don't have to sacrifice bulls and goats and do all that and there's no scapegoat but why do we celebrate it because what he's saying is remember remember the blood remember the blood sometimes we forget the power of the blood sometimes listen the power of the blood will raise the dead the power of the blood will shift everything i can remember so many times i remember one time i was driving my car down a highway and all of a sudden this tractor-trailer came across the median there and was coming at me head-on and i mean it was so fast in such a moment and i just shut my eyes i said i played the blood and i have no idea but that tractor trailer ended up behind me i it didn't touch me it couldn't kill me listen no weapon formed against you is gonna be able to prosper why because i walk with the blood i have a hedge of the blood around me my children are protected by the blood my household is protected by the blood this ministry is protected by the blood my health is protected by the blood listen i can't go until it's my time to go and ain't no devil gonna be able to take you out take me out take any one of us out whatever you're going through god's gonna turn it around for the good and he's gonna use it for his glory come on god is a faithful god what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood what makes me whole again come on nothing but the blood of jesus sometimes you just gotta walk around your house i have plead the blood i plead the blood make every devil get out of your child's room make every devil get out of your mind make every devil get out of your home the blood my goodness i say you go why atonement because god says remember remember the blood remember the blood it justifies you it sanctifies you it cleanses you it keeps you it preserves you y'all are looking like baptists today not pentecostals come on what's going on i'm talking about the blood of jesus the blood the blood the blood what makes me wake up and dance the blood what makes me thank god what makes me fall on my face and start praising him because i know his blood rescued me his blood keeps me doesn't matter what enemy what demonic camp forms up what demonic network forms up it's not too much for the blood the devil don't have that kind of power the blood will deliver your family my son would have lost his mind but the blood [Music] my family would have been over but the blood i would have been buried six feet under but the blood come on some of you've got to understand what atonement is is not about you just getting out a a gold or it's about you remembering the precious blood of jesus christ and we can't keep ourself we can't provide for ourself we're limited in everything we do everything you have is of god including the breath in your body so you honor the blood and it's through fasting and prayer and supernatural cleansing and then that spoke of a time of sanctification and a lifestyle that was set apart that you're different you're set apart and so that was that's atonement and it's for both national and it's for personal cleansing a time that is set apart and then we come to the feast of tabernacles september 20 through the 27th and that represents fruit and harvest and latter rain are you ready because this is the fun part actually all the rest is like repent repent remember there are three feces in seven different feasts so you had passover right and then you had the standalone pentecost and now you have the fall feast and all of them point to the blood covenant that god made with mankind so you ready say bring it home past paulo so the fall feasts are all about preparation first off let me give you a few things the feasts have practical meaning so divine appointments have practical meaning they have spiritual meaning i'd be taking a lot of notes come on you're going to want today i promise you so if i say how many you want to increase you all want to increase but i got to take you on the path to that so they have practical they have spiritual they have historical and they have prophetic meaning so they're also known as rehearsals we're rehearsing all the feasts have come to pass except for the fall feast so the fall feast has yet to be fulfilled because that will be the second coming of jesus christ we'll talk and jesus is coming back i said jesus is coming back and he's coming back for a pure bride amen so as with all feasts the tabernacles represent historical and prophetic and let's look at the historical was when god brought them out of egypt and they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and even though their wandering was due to their own sin and do their own disobedience aren't you glad you can see grace all throughout the word of god because there are some things that we deserve but thank god we didn't get so they're they're wandering because of their own sin and disobedience because they didn't have the faith to believe that god could do it god didn't suggest to them hey do you think you can possess the land he told them go possess the land i've given you a land you know this isn't a time that you should wave or god's saying go possess go take the kingdoms of this world go take the wealth of the wicked right now go build your business grab it my word did not get diminished with the worldwide plague or anything else that the world happens to be going through god is not in trouble because a certain person didn't get elected come on god is not in trouble because a plague hit the land god is not in trouble god's not on the throne ringing his hands taking prozac saying what are we going to do now america what are we going to do god has a plan and those who know their god will do great exploits come on god is not limited by any situation any circumstance in fact god will do greater the enemy overplayed his hand god will do greater in the name of jesus so watch what happens there they're wandering in the wilderness and in the wilderness when they are there they still get water from a rock man comes down to them supernaturally they have shoes that don't wear out and there's not one fiba one among them what god is saying is i protect you i provide for you and i'll still take you into your promised land come on god says i'm your protector i'm your provider and i've got a promised land for you i've got to get you over to those promises so god wants you to know he's your provider he's a protector and that's a lot of what we're going to focus on today and he he's a promise keeper and then of course the the prophetic it points to the coming of the lord and his presence with his people throughout the millennial reign so like i said jesus is coming and zechariah chapter 14 only one person pastor todd you're with me jesus is coming i mean we're to always remember that this is just temporary this is just a this is just a little shelter for right now don't get too attached to the world or the world's things they come and they go this heaven and this earth is going to pass away but there's one day that we're going to rule and we're going to reign with a new heaven and a new earth come on there's not going to be any more sorrow every tear is going to be wiped away you'll be reunited with your loved ones that we're saved think about it we'll be rejoicing around the throne of god we'll take our soul winners crown we'll take our crown of awards and rewards and we'll be able to cast them at the feet of jesus i'm telling you i'm gonna be in the presence of god his presence is gonna i'm gonna have a front row seat i'm working like for a front row seat right now i i'm there i'm not gonna be in the back there y'all can be in the back but i'm telling you i'm working i'm gonna stand with my tongue hanging out and said i i did it i finished my course every aspect of me god was for your glory somebody say amen so then what happens is um we we go through you know his church gets raptured and and um i told pastor todd i said man there's one part of this story that i just don't like but it's in there and that is that we go into the millennial reign they reign for a thousand years for the remnant that is left and then what happens he lets satan loose one more time i'm like can't it be final but that's his last time and seems loose and then it's total victory and we reign forever amen and that's where we tabernacle with god so god wants us to look forward not only tabernacling here but there's a day that you forever tabernacle with god think about it have you ever been in the presence of god has it just changed you like all the times in there worshiping and as i was worshiping i felt the presence of god just i mean it took me down to my feet right there and it's so transformative you can feel it just come and possess you and and it's life-changing and yet these are just moments here there'll be a day that that's how we'll walk every single day that's how we'll wake up every day that's how life will be every day when we won't even sleep all right that's how it'll be i want to know what my food is in heaven it's going to be good amen every day is glory and that's our hope in jesus christ so what do we do there are three characteristics of tabernacles dwelling in booths that's what the jewish people will do right now because ultimately we'll tabernacle with god but he also became the word became flesh and dwelt tabernacled among us i'll talk about that a minute then there's a unusual number of sacrifices this was the most sacrifices ever done so it was always the most sacrifices so it's important because god requires sacrifice during this season hear me god requires sacrifice of your time your talent your resources and then it was a joyous festivity this is a time of great joy let me give you scripture deuteronomy 16 16 three times in a year shall all males appear before the lord thy god and the place which he shall choose in the feast of unleavened bread and the feast of wheats and in the feast of tabernacles and they shall not appear before the lord empty but every man shall give as his abel according to the blessing that the lord thy god had given me there's so many scriptures that says even malachi bring your tithe and offering offerings always about feast there so whenever god's talking about the offering it's talking about during divine set appointed times so this is a time that you ask god what do i give to you because god doesn't say like tithe here it's at first tenth he says search your heart and honor me what do i do for you this is a time he says hey halt life do something special and really take that to heart don't just bypass it and think well i'm going to get the blessings there's always an if usually a condition before that promise that's released leviticus chapter 23 verse 39-43 so the beginning with the 15th day of the seventh month after you've gathered the crops of the land celebrate the festival to the lord for seven days the first day is a day of rest and on the eighth day also is a day of rest on the first day you are to take choice fruit from trees palm fronds leafy branches will go over all this populars and rejoice before the lord your god for seven days celebrate this as a festival to the lord for seven days each year this is to be a lasting ordinance for generations to come so in other words these are eternal they don't go away the entire early church practiced feast season all throughout the new testament everyone practiced god's divine appointments if god sets something up and it's important to him should it be important to us amen live in booths for seven days all native born israelites live in booths so your descendants will know that i had the israelites living boots when i brought them out of egypt i am the lord your god all right so let's look at tabernacles the hebrew word is sukkot and that means to hut or to booth or to tent so originally like we said it was god commanding them for seven days to remember the time that he protected them in a wilderness now there's so much hidden blessing in this you might be in a wilderness right now but you are not alone god is with you god is protecting you don't don't get your perspective so wrong that all you see is the wilderness just because you left one place and you haven't entered into another place god is faithful you will take possession amen our generations will take possession and in the midst of it instead of complaining because complaining makes you uh remain in a situation and that's what the problem was they were grumbling they provoked god but instead you need to give god praise when you start praising god starts raising i said when you start praising god starts raising so is during this time of tabernacles i know we all like to celebrate december 25th but this was the true birth of jesus this was when jesus was actually born during the season of tabernacles the feast of tabernacles it's all the so the time that jesus will return and the word was made flesh and tabernacled among us and when god took on himself a tabernacle flesh it said he is emmanuel god with us never forget that that he tabernacles he's god with us he's god for us but he's god with us i want you to picture that because sometimes you picture the devil so big but that was just this little peon compared to emmanuel god the god that stepped out on nothing the god that flung nothing into nothing and created everything god with us is there anything too difficult if you can dream it if you can believe it come on if you can see it you can take possession of it god with us i came to work with somebody's faith and the word became flesh and he dwelt among us in the feast of tabernacles you have a beautiful picture of unity among the saints it it's also about unity because everybody left their place and they came together so on this occasion it was every israelite what god was showing us was the church has to be unified god help us to be unified help us to lay down our petty differences and the things that don't really matter come on and come together in unity when the greatest offenses and sins to god is division it's a serious offense and and the bible says we're to labor we're to work at the unity amen i love you guys thank you don't let don't let little things get on your nerve don't let the devil drive you away you just you work at at being unified you know there's always going to be an occasion to be offended you can wake up mad every day of your life or you can wake up and say i i decide today to walk in unity with the spirit of god to walk in love eddie was telling me it's a it was lynette's uh birthday yesterday it's eddie's birthday today [Applause] and to run around here somewhere there's michelle he's over there and he was telling me what he went through with the co-worker and something and and he just chose to walk in love he chose to be that person you know just take that higher road and allow god to choose that you always keep your heart right and you keep your heart in unity so they all had one common purpose in mind and that was to keep the feast of the lord in season and to celebrate the ingathering of the wine and olds and this is an important piece i'm just giving you highlights till i get into the the major meat of this message if anybody would fear that the enemy would come when they left their home to go tabernacle to go be with god if they would fear that a stranger would come and attack their home or take their properties during the time of absence god promised if they honored and obeyed and recognized this is all about recognition okay it's all about god i take time and i recognize this holy time this season i honor it in this time if they would honor it god said i'm going to protect your home and the enemy will not be able to get to it some of you need to see these are prophetic promises for us that when you recognize and honor this time god says i'm protecting your home and the enemy will not be able to get to it come on the the devil is not going to get your children right now i put a bloodline around your children i put a hedge of protection in the name of jesus they will be saved the lord spoke to me last night and said i'm bringing household salvation and i just declare that for you household salvation for your lost loved ones come on for family members that don't know jesus it only takes one angel it only takes one divine encounter god can and god will do it you stand for that exodus 34 24 for wha i will cast out the nations before thee and enlarge thy borders neither shall any man desire thy land when thou shall go up to appear before the lord thy god three times a year so what god's saying is that i'm going to put a hedge of protection around your home when you come to honor me during these divine appointments then the enemy is not going to be able to get to your home man god is so good so here's the key when we give an honor distinctiveness to these divine appointments we align ourselves with the desires of god and we allow spiritual opportunities and his blessings and its benefits in our life you go what are those spiritual opportunities i'm still teasing you for about four minutes all right so everybody wants to know what do i get out of it well i want to get you what do you give into it first i want to get to you to to getting your heart one with god's heart and what god's really saying is come to me stop the busyness of life and put this time to say i want you you know god desires you god loves time with you he's jealous for you so what does what happens here when we do honor god in these these ways it facilitates the restoration of all that god's promised us specifically is found in the book of joel and all throughout you ready joel chapter 2 verse 18 where we're going to start our pattern of releasing god's promises you ready so over these next eight promises i'm going to make declarations over you i'm going to show you what to expect is your faith there you're like well maybe that's going to take 20 years no maybe it'll take 20 seconds see god can do all things before you get out of here a contract can be signed before you get out there can be a text that comes to your phone before you get out your body's being healed right now even as you sit here as you're watching the fire of god just touching your life god is a faithful god i just break any spirit of doubt and i ask for an increase in faith in the name of jesus you know you are not of this world so you don't walk with doubt and fear you ready joel 2 18 then will the lord be jealous for his land and pity his people what a huge word then now most preachers would not focus a lot on them but it's a critical point to getting you into your season getting you into this supernatural divine miracle working season you say when is then joel was referring after repentance and after the cleansing of the day of atonement so when joel was writing this it was after repentance ten days of all and after the day of atonement and then he said then the lord now let's look at that because after the time of the day of atonement consecration what he's saying is you're about to go into unlimited blessings unlimited now i believe this the crazier it gets in the world the better it gets for us as believers see because god's going to show a stark distinction between those who are in covenant and those who are not and people say what was god doing i'm telling you i was prophesying here for years saying there's a shaking coming and nothing can stop it and god is separating the wheat from the tares and you will see who carries the precious seed of jesus christ who carries and walks with the holy spirit and god is going to bless you with unlimited blessings and it's always released at certain times and that's the feast of tabernacles the restoration of all feasts of tabernacles has to do there'll be a final restoration of all amen we're not there yet that's the prophetic fulfillment but there's a rest there's a rehearsal happening here in the earth i don't know about you but i'm getting restoration of all i'm telling you the enemy always overplays his hand he should have never messed with you he should have never messed with your family with your finances with your mind with your help the devil is a liar so you go okay what is it it's a time of celebration for the blessings of the lord where the provision for the coming year is released so from a spiritual perspective remember practical spiritual from a spiritual sukkot corresponds to great joy because you know as you came through the day of atonement your sins were forgiven you know that old things have passed away and all things become new why because of the blood of jesus christ so it also is going to show that miraculous provision that god demonstrated in in egypt so here we see in biblical times sukkot was considered the most important of all holidays referred to simply as the feast so second first kings chapter 12 verse 32 it was a time of many sacrifices numbers chapter 29 verse 12 through 40. so in the season you're commanded to rejoice so this is a time that we're commanded to say god i just give you praise god i thank you for your goodness it's literally like what a what thanksgiving is to america but that's a minimal kind of there's no real comparison this is god's thanksgiving time this is god's holiday of like thanksgiving of honoring god it's what we'd call party time it's a time of festivity it's not a time of mourning it's not a time of sadness it's a time that god says get ready because you're about to see a deluge of my goodness so joel said that the outpouring would take place afterwards that word is a two hebrew word and here's what that means a car the hind part or after that also from the word kin to set up upright to be fixed stabled erect to establish to prepare so the outpouring of the spirit now get ready because i believe this year our unleashed had to be moved to this time we usually have it in the in the spring but i got excited as i started reading this and started studying again the outpouring of the spirit takes place afterwards after the time of righteous preparation or after the time of the right thing to do which was repent honor respect the blood and now get ready afterwards there's an outpouring and after that time of corporate prayer and fasting he said here's what you're going to come unto and there's seven points for the feast feast of unity feast of joy feasts have been gathering peace of rest face of glory peace of appearing feast of restoration but here's what it includes and this is what you wanted me to get you to it includes increase it includes revelation it includes fresh anointing it includes god's power and miracles it includes restoration it includes financial abundance and includes no shame but deliverance and it includes god's presence so for all of you who have honored god during this divine appointment and who recognize what season we are in get ready for supernatural miracle of eight blessings to come out and i'm getting ready to go into these now and i'm gonna make declarations over you i'm gonna work with your faith right here i'm gonna get your spirit ready and i'm gonna hear your testimony come forth in the name of jesus the trumpet has sounded you've honored his holy days you understand when you remember when you recognize when you sacrifice when you give unto god that you've now positioned and lined yourself to move into the supernatural increase the supernatural blessings that god has and get ready because your testimony is about to come forth in the name of jesus you're about to walk in the new day of the lord with his blessings and with his benefit and the first blessing is god says i god will increase you you no longer are going to play it small you no longer you've got to get a mentality of increase you've got to get a spirit of increase you've got to get a mindset of increase you've got to get an environment of increase you've got to prepare your family you've got to prepare your bank accounts you've got to prepare your home your boaz is coming in your husband's going to come there's increase come on bareness is going to be broken there's increase getting ready to come whatever has not been fruitful god says i will increase you psalm 115 verse 14 the lord shall increase you the more and the more god is not a god that's about to decrease you in this time he's about to increase you he's about to multiply he's about to add he's about to reproduce he's about to increase you more the more they were afflicted the more they increase get ready i don't know who i'm here for god's about to make you bigger i declare big on you i declare greater on you i declare a larger a larger capacity i declare your borders will expand you ready all this is going to be backed up by scripture joel 2 23 for he has given you the former rain faithfully and he will cause the rain to come down for you the former rain and the latter rain in the first month oh you aren't hear me we're in god's first month and joel said after after you fasted after you prayed after you've repented after you've honored the blood then get ready because there's increase the former and the latter rain are going to come together in the first month oh let me break it on down for you ready say bring it on pastor paula because this is where god starts moving in a supernatural see i love what god can do god can do just in a moment you say well that would take me 20 years not me it's not even going to take 20 seconds because god can do it just like that in god's first month which is right now he begins sending the former and the lattering what that is is increase in double portion it's what the bible refers to as a double portion see the bible tells us the first thing that occurs in our life as we honor god with understanding the day of atonement is increase that he says i'm going to set you apart by showing people that i'm about to send double honor double portion increase into your life what does this mean practically help me pastor paula the former rain deals with the spring rains okay so we're in the fall feast the latter rains deals with the fall rains remember that the children of israel are agriculturists and this is vitally important with what god's saying he's going to do the first prepares the land for seed time and the latter prepares the land for the harvest so as they sowed they had seed time and harvest what god says is when you've honored me through the fall feast i'm about to take away the time it's gonna be seed harvest seed harvest seed harvest seed harvest seed harvest the glory of the latter rain and the former rain are coming together there's going to be an increase in anointing an increase in glory an increase in finances an increase come on in favor an increase in opportunities an increase in god's presence you better get ready come on the glory of the latter house and the former house are coming together the normal economy in joel's world was for the former rain to fall in the springtime to prepare the grain for the harvest and the latter rain to pour out in the in the autumn for the preparation the fruit but however joel states here there's about to be big time blessing i declare big time blessing over you where the rains would fall at the same time coming down in the first month the hebrew year i just declare right now that you're going to see seed harvest seed harvest in other words you're going to say a prayer that prayer is going to be answered that's what god's saying i'm taking time out of it so god's saying you're going to think it and it's going to come to pass oh i'm here for some people of faith right now i'm here for some people that know that they want to see the glory of the lord in the land of the living they want to show habakkuk 2 14 that the glory of the knowledge of the lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea that god's about to display you according to malachi and show you off in the earth he's looking for covenant people that he can say let me show what i god can do this might be what the administration says this might be what that government says this might be what your mama says but this is what i god say right now hallelujah [Music] it's a move of god so glorious that you're reap at the same time you sow it's like the moment the gospels preach souls will be saved it's like the moment you open your mouth miracles are happening so what god's saying is there's not the time i'm removing the time i'm removing the delay i want you to get your spirit ready because some of you have been in delay so long you're in denial i break that in the name of jesus i break it in the name of jesus don't let somebody else get your harvest don't let somebody else get your blessing expect your prayer to be answered like that expect god to move like that expect you to lay hands and see it happen right there by the building i'm telling you step out in faith god is able who am i here for i got to get you through eight blessings today i feel it in the name of jesus i feel a divine supernatural holy ghost set up in jesus name the doctor says no god says yes government says restriction god says liberty i'm telling you the devil says let god says prosperity nothing nothing can stop what god has for you and god's your source so watch there'll be no in between waiting time for harvest to develop in other words this is where the reapers overtake the sowers so get it ready i mean i'm telling you i'm prophetically telling this church get ready the city of destiny will be built there'll be a great outpouring of god god's gonna start something and unleash and it's not gonna stop you better get ready get ready get ready get ready if god says carry forth a five year revival get ready get ready for expansion get the nursery ready get the children's church ready get the youth ready get the intercessors ready get the attendance ready get your heart ready because god's about to send in a great harvest get the bible college ready it's getting ready to explode up in this place i'm telling you by the spirit of god get ready some of you have stayed here 10 years 15 years 20 years waiting your waiting has not been in vain in jesus name your waiting has not been in vain ezekiel 34 26 i'll make them in the places all around them let's see we're still where are we yeah i'll make them and all the places around them might heal a blessing and i will call showers to come down in their seasons there shall be showers of blessing there's double blessing that that the harvest happens before the seed time the cloud burst is about to be released and it's not determined by our schedule but by god's schedule jeremiah 5 24. ready there's only one thing that can prevent this i'm going to read it to you now neither say they in their heart let us now fear the lord our god that giveth reign both in the former and the latter in his season he reserveth unto us this appointed weeks and harvests so watch what the only barrier is to receiving what god's preparing during this divine deluge it's revealed in verse 25 your iniquities have turned away these things and your sins have withholding good things from you so god says get the iniquity under the blood get the sin under the blood he said that's the only thing that's going to hold back me withholding good things may the hand of god release good things to your household may the hand of god release good things to your life may the hand of god not withhold any blessing from you so as we seek god and obey as never before when god promises a double portion it refers to something we obtain through position not because we worked for it because we're aligned with it see that's the biggest problem is people have a hard time receiving because you think you've got to help god out god says honor me just honor me it means he'll overtake you with his word deuteronomy 28 2 and all these blessings shall come on thee and overtake thee if thou shall hearken unto the voice of the lord thy god so it's god's will that you never lack in any area see some of you have gone through so much beat up that you believe the world more than the word and the devil is a liar because god promises you abundance joel 2 26 my people shall never be ashamed and says second things that will come out ready are you ready though come on to be ready means you've been cut in advance you've been prepared so the second thing that comes after double portion is revelation get ready because god's about to remove the blinders you see when god gives you an idea all you need is one divine download all you need is one supernatural time that just thought downloads to you revelation joel 2 24 the threshing floor shall be full of wheat now wheat always represents revelation it's the core ingredient of the bread of life it's a fresh revelation of god's word i'm telling you as you get into the word you're going to see it like you haven't seen it before your ears are going to hear differently your eyes are going to see differently right now let every scale be removed from your eye you're going to have a spirit of discernment in the name of jesus i came to work with your faith i came to make declarations over you today because you have entered into divine supernatural miracle working season revelation is a special extraordinary unveiling that god removes the veil and gives you eyes to see listen you keep trying to make sense out of stuff that's not going to make sense because the world's not going to make sense they're in a romans one moment they're seared right now the conscious is seared they cannot make intelligent decisions they cannot lead but let me tell you who the leader will always be the leader will always be the person who has the flashlight and god has made you to be a light and not be hid not to go under a bushel but to be put up on a city to be put up on a mountain god is going to cause you to rise to the top because right now this world is looking for leadership and they don't have it and i'm telling you god is raising you up in your sphere of influence god is raising you up because you're going to have revelation to be able to lead through these times of transition and these times of transformation you're going to lead in the field of medical you're going to lead in the field of science you're going to lead in the field of business you're going to lead in the field of government you're going to lead in the field of religion you're going to lead in the field of education you're going to lead in the field of economics you're going to lead in the field of financial in the name of jesus i decree it you're going to lead in the field of technology you're going to lead in the field that god has placed you in get ready because god has put you for such a time as this you are his leader in the name of jesus and what you have is divine revelation and god is going to give you strategies god's going to show you things that will make no sense to man's mind because man's mind is seared right now you keep saying this that makes sense stop complaining about the world of course they're going to censor you invent the new next thing of course they're going to suppress you of course they're going to do they can't make sense right now because their mind is not the mind of christ but you do possess and hold the thoughts of the messiah and you've moved into season of divine revelation receive it right now in jesus name the psalmist cried out in psalm 119 18 open thou my eyes that i may behold wondrous things out of your law so revelation is based on how god wants you to see things let me tell you who the leaders are going to be right now god's raising up people on the forefront whose heart's right and they see with the eye of god god is not in trouble i came to tell you god is not in trouble which i can tell you right now that means this house is not in trouble god's church is not in trouble the after effect of our return to the lord will be floors that are full of wheat so the third thing is fresh anointing joel 224 and the fats shall overflow with new wine and all the fats shall overflow abundantly with excess those were excavated trolls they were dug out specifically a wine vat where there was a lower one on which the juice drained or an upper one in which the grapes were crushed it's known in the bible as a wine press remember gideon at the wine press so the wine press is a biblical picture of overflowing abundance and joy it's important because god says you're about to have double portion increase you're about to have revelation and you're about to have a fresh anointing and that overflow of joy is important because the joy of the lord is your strength you're getting your strength back you're getting your strength back in the name of jesus i said you're getting your strength back let all weariness be broken off of you right now you're about to get your second wind come on you're gonna get your strength back weeping may endure for the night but joy cometh with the morning i'm telling you satan's gonna hate that he messed with you the devil is a liar you're getting your strength back come on i declare strength to you right now i declare strength no more weariness no more like you're not you're not just going to be like oh you're going to have strange supernatural energia supernatural croctose come on supernatural isca supernatural dominus the ability to have reproductive inherent strength dunamis is coming to you strength is coming to you john 10 10 watch he says that the lord cometh what i am come that they may have life that they might have it uh more abundantly when you're anointed you're endowed by god to function in a particular place so the anointing is important because whenever god anoints you he doesn't anoint you just anoints you he anoints you to do something he anoints you to be a doer so the anointing that is coming on you is not for you to sit and soak he is anointing you to do it's not for entertainment it has purpose that purpose is for you to function in the capacity that you could not function in because you aren't anointed but to anoint means to furnish god's about to furnish you with a spirit that means you're going to have wisdom you're going to have understanding you're going to have knowledge you're going to have power oh you aren't here you're going to have authority you're going to have dominion in the name of jesus you're the anointing represents your office your office has all the resources for your success you're anointed to do that's why if you get out of purpose you're going to be in trouble because purpose is the intention your commitment to god is determined by or your usefulness for the kingdom is determined by your commitment to god because you're you're committed to do for god the anointing enables you to do something it's not for you just to sit there and be something we're nobody jesus is somebody it's what empowers you to do get ready for a fresh anointing get ready for fresh oil get ready lay your hands on the sick prophesy call those things that are not as though they were walk the areas and ask god to give it back to you do a jericho march around some places i'm telling you you said this is crazy no this is god you've entered into a supernatural divine miracle working season you ready number four god's power joel 2 24 and the fat shall overflow with new wine and oil all symbolizes the power of god are miracles miracles always settle the issue i said a miracle always settles the issue god has performed signs wonders and miracles upon his people you think god's not still a miracle working god he's a miracle worker some of you are sitting here with a miracle right now eric you're going to give your testimony soon that god gave you a miracle and a 21 year deliverance god's a miracle working god he can do it just like that don't question when god does it jeremiah 32 21 you have brought your people israel out of the land of egypt with signs and wonders and a strong hand and an outstretched arm and with great terror daniel 4 3 how great are his signs how mighty are his wonders his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom his dominion is from generation to generation daniel 6 27 he delivers and rescues he works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth who has delivered daniel from the power of the lions come on god is a miracle working god he's a miracle working god he'll bring provision to you just like he did in matthew chapter 14 where he brought forth and he fed the 5 000 with just two loaves and a few little fishes or two fishes and a few little loaves come on god will bring supernatural provision i just speak to you right now i'm working with your faith just like he brought tax money in the mouth of the fish god will bring tax money to you matthew chapter 17. some of your taxes are due this october you're like i don't know stop speaking against yourself stop cursing your crisis come on god says i'll send you on a fishing expedition i'll speak to somebody's heart tonight who is capable of restoring you who is capable of bringing big time blessing to you i'll cause favor to come to your businesses there's so much that you won't even have the laborers you're going to have to go out and get more and more and more and more labors in jesus name god turns the water into wine god speaks to the storm and the storm has to be calm and still god raises jairus's daughter god stops the woman with the issue of blood from bleeding anymore god heals the blinded eyes god causes the widow of cain's son to be raised in the name of jesus god causes the man with a withered hand to be stretched out god causes lazarus to be raised from the dead god causes the paralytic to be healed in matthew chapter nine god causes those that are demon possessed to be set free god causes the deaf man to hear again god causes blind bartimaeus jesus thou son of god come on and you're struggling over ten dollars god can do a miracle god will raise the dead i've seen three people raised from the dead i'm ready for 30. come on i'm ready to see the dead rays i'm ready in the name of jesus god is the same today and it's god's power it's god's provision it's god's miracles he's a miracle-working god he's a way maker i wish i could sing gospel right now he's a way maker come on sing for me come on xavier he's a waymaker y'all y'all better help me out i'm gonna go gospel on you in a minute [Music] get up here sing it he's a waymaker i feel like somebody needs to know he's a waymaker he's a waymaker get up here come on now this new version i want some old gospel i'm on gospel i'm an old school gene i'll be pulling you up get up here come on he's a wave maker come on let him make a way in your life right now they all knew school you got to go back to old school sometime he's a waymaker [Music] come on come on come on gina gina's old school [Music] now that's new school you know old school [Music] okay i need some people who remember the hymns from the whole [Music] [Music] [Applause] you know waymaker [Music] i put every one of y'all get up here come on phyllis somebody's gonna know waymaker you're gonna learn waymaker lisa you know waymaker somebody got [Music] sing come on come on jesus [Music] [Music] come here fellas [Music] jesus [Music] come on jesus he gives away maker jesus is away mac for me oh jesus jesus is [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Applause] come on remain standing remain standing because you need to know he's a waymaker stand up here come on stay up here because we're going to worship he'll restore hallelujah come on god god is a waymaker he's wanking away some of you need to go back you need to go back to that old time where you would just carry at the altar you need to go back what it is to just sit there in the presence of god and sing a psalm and make a a melody and a hymn in your heart come on you need what it is to just go and throw yourself before the lord where we just groan and go hey hey hey hey [Laughter] let the fire god fall let the power of god fall right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus let your firefall let people know you're a waymaker let people know you're about to restore god you restore the years that's what god will do that's a good thing he restores the years the years the years the years the years the years the locust worm and the hang the worm and the papa were made [Laughter] the years that have taken your joy that's going to restore them quickly the years that have taken the power of god the years that have taken a toll on you the years that have taken uh things from you your finances and your family and your mind and and your reputation god's about to restore god's gonna bring you into a shalom come out of shalom a place of peace a place of nothing missing a place of wholeness a place that you are fully equipped god's restored to you the years i don't care how long it took god says i'm restoring the years the years the years the years the years he's restoring he's bringing your families back together he's bringing your children back home he's bringing your mind back to a place of faith he's bringing your heart back in right position with him he's bringing your finances he's bringing your business he's bringing your lost dreams he's bringing those missed opportunities i will restore to you the years whatever the enemy ate for years then god says there'll be financial abundance let me tell you something this isn't he says in joel 2 26 you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the lord your god who's dealt wondrously it is not god's will for you to scrape from the bottom of the barrel it is not god's will for you to make it from day to day god will take you through seasons where you're down at a brook and he'll cause a raven but elijah didn't live at the book the whole his whole life you should be blessed to be a blessing you should be blessed to be a blessing take off the limitations in the name of jesus i just declare you're about to have financial abundance i'm not ashamed of the gospel and the power thereof i'm telling you the key is you make god your source whatever god tells you to do you do it do it you make god your source and and jesus said 176 times that his father was his source his father was his source isaiah 48 17 thus says the lord of the redeemer the holy one of israel i am the lord your god who teaches you to profit who leads you by the way you should go isaiah 48 17 thus saith the lord the redeemer the holy one of israel i am the lord your god which teacheth you to profit which leadeth you by the way you should go prosperity is not a result of pursuing wealth it's a result of obedience come on i don't know who i'm here for but i came to let you know get ready get ready to prosper get ready to prosper like you know listen i've backed down for a long time they're going to call me what they're going to call me they're going to label me what they're gonna label me but there's an anointing on my life for financial deliverance and anyone that is walking in a spirit of poverty let it be broken this day in the name of jesus let scarcity be broken off your life let lack let everything that the enemies held back let it be broken right now in the name of jesus i release to you open doors in the name of jesus i release to you opportunities of favor i declare wealth is coming your way i declare you will be a wise steward in the name of jesus i declare that you will be the head and not the tale blessed coming in and blessed going out in jesus mighty name i declare you will prosper for the lord takes great pleasure in the prosperity of his servant you will be blessed in the city you will be blessed in the film the lord says that he gives you an ability to get wealth that he may establish his covenant according to the word in deuteronomy joshua 1 8 says speak the word do the word and then you will make your way prosperous i declare your way is going to be prosperous i declare your way is going to be blessed i declare that the lord maketh one rich and added no sorrow to it in jesus mighty name come on and give god praise come on and give god praise [Applause] [Music] there's provision coming there's provision here there's provision here you know what [Music] i'm tired of the world defining me and i just said i went through something i said i'll not back down because this is why i mean that there's an anointing in my mouth there's an anointing on my life to bring financial deliverance and i'm tired of your jeff bezos having a a 200 billion dollars i'm ready for you to have it i'm ready for you to have the most successful company i'm ready for someone who's a child of god i'm tired of the leftist extreme socialist communist globalist having all this money four to one of a conservative who believes in life who believes in religious liberty who believes in freedom and we need the finances to fund the kingdom of god we need the finances to fund things your families are going to be blessed our churches are going to be blessed because our hearts are right with god and if your heart is right with god then god has no problem with your hands being full let your heart be right and let your hands be full i declare financial abundance financial abundance come here in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the power of god finances are coming in the name of jesus hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey in the name of jesus there's great wealth coming to you believe me get up here get up here there's restoration coming to you there's prosperity in your mouth you're going to preach the gospel you're not going to run from the call of god in the name of jesus let the fire of god hit you right now in the name of jesus come on come on god is a prosperous god he's a good god in the name of jesus come up here mama in the red dress come up here come on come on walk into it walk into it walk into it in the name of jesus the power of god all over you right now in the name of jesus j.r get up here yolani get up here j.r get up here in the name of jesus in the name victor get up here victor get up here in the name of jesus the other victor victor victor from miami get up here in the name of jesus in the name of jesus here manny prosper prospered prosper prosper prosper prosper you will walk in great prosperity the lord's about to increase you the more and the more prosperous fire on you fire fire fire fire [Music] double portion double portion in the name of jesus no more life no more laugh no more lack no more lack no more lack come here you guys are going to be such leaders what god has in store for you is gonna blow your mind your families will be blessed you're fine it's gonna be buzzed greg and toronto get up here [Music] greg and juana come here in the name of jesus break off with you everything in the name of jesus pray over him pray over him you get ready to enter into a new season you're getting ready to enter into a new season a season of abundance god has promised you wealth before and everything you've ever done is not in vain in the name of jesus in the name of jesus fire fire fire in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus fire of you fire for this next season wisdom fire fire fire fire fire [Music] fire [Music] is [Music] [Applause] son what's the miracle you need what's the miracle you need you're here for what to hit the reset it's a good thing you are god's gonna give you a whole reset because the enemy had a setup to take your life let every bounty out on you be broken let every bounty out on you be broken you have to shut some doors tight you've been called for god you're set apart marked for him lord in the name of jesus he has to reset his life [Music] father today i declare that the enemy will not be able to track him today there's freedom today he is delivered from every snare and trap of the enemy all bondage is broken off of him you won't go back to that pool before it's gonna make you sick okay there's a trap let every demonic bounty after you [Music] see here's the thing you can't play with god because then we goes in out and out i've got a door i've got an access shut the door get rid of the friends get rid of the people in your life start new start new serve god serve god well in jesus name in jesus name jesus name ask god to come into your heart and forgive you amen pastor todd follow up with them because they need a new beginning church give them a new beginning we're going to give you a new beginning amen amen share it but this young elizabeth has been a part of this church for over 20 years from power's drive so pasapala has been our grandmother and now our mama in the ministry amen when pastor prayed pastor did not know what was going on i was upstairs watching from downstairs and pastor when you called out her name you gave a name you were 100 accurate about the situation and god is working a miracle in that situation amen and i want to add one more thing she had not been tithing but after that she started to tithe amen and god has been working here amen i love you look this church is going to help you give you a reset we're going to help you i don't know all the ways in the natural but god's help them because you need a new start in life you need a new start what's your greatest need right now what is it a place to stay what do you need to stay what do you need [Music] what's it going to cost you or you think it's going to cost you [Music] what are you and noble limits amen what do you think it'll take you to get in a place say it now i'm working with y'all's faith you're in a divine supernatural miracle working season okay you own it so you need 500 to get in your own place to rent a house 10 000 you got it you got it you got it come on don't tell me god won't do it god says ask god says ask god says ask and you'll get new furniture get her in a place give her up to ten thousand dollars and get our new furniture come on and give god praise we just worship you lord we give you praise we give you glory we give you honor come on god will do it for you don't don't hate [Music] look let me tell you something god like that will speak to someone to speak to you god like that will open a door for you god like that will bring increase to you god like that will turn your situation around there is nothing too difficult for our god now give god praise and give him glory we thank you holy spirit lord i decree and i declare this word we've entered into a season and the season will increase and increase and increase and increase and increase and increase we're going from glory to glory to glory to glory don't limit god right now have a mind of faith have a heart of faith i'm telling you be sensitive to god if god tells you go the hands on the sick if he tells you to start the ministry if he tells you start the business do it now do what god tells you to do because it is just it's seed harvest harvest harvest harvest god's taking the time out of things telling you in jesus name the lord bless you lord keep you the lord make his face to shine upon you father i just speak the blessing of the lord upon this house upon everyone under the sound of my voice upon their house and we we will come back quickly with testimonies in 24 hours there'll be quick testimonies quick testimonies quick testimonies quick testimonies quick testimonies quick testimonies quick testimonies quick quick quick testimonies in jesus mighty name i seal this by the blood of the lamb and the holy spirit and i thank you that it is done in jesus name amen i love you guys i'll see you on wednesday be blessed you
Channel: Paula White Ministries
Views: 2,615
Rating: 4.8473282 out of 5
Id: G2VicWBLkb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 18sec (8118 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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