"Breaking Generational Curses '' # 3 - Pastor Paula White-Cain

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Trinity to seek after your presence let us only seek after you Lord and let your word guide us and set a fire in us that guides us with faith wisdom and discernment father we forgive anyone who has wronged us and we ask your forgiveness for us as well forgive us father in the name of Jesus confession number two we block any oppressive spirits by the power of the blood and we take authority in the name of Jesus and rebuke any attacks on our minds our dreams and our hearts guard our hearts Lord protect us with the blood break the chains constricting us Lord in the name of Jesus Holy Spirit let us feel your presence and give us an overwhelming peace and comfort number three Lord let your blood speak let the legal grounds of the enemy be revoked over our lives place a hedge of protection around New Destiny Christian center Paula White ministry pastor Paula myself my family the blood of Jesus is sufficient we repent before you for the sins and wickedness of our bloodlines we repent for the sins of our fathers fathers and our mothers mothers number four in the name of Jesus we lift up our nation to you Lord let the blood crying out be silenced and Lord we lift up the families across the nation searching for answers Holy Spirit comfort them in the mighty name of Jesus we are nothing without you Lord you are our helper and I Redeemer and everybody said come on if you believe that put your hands together god is good all the time remain standing go with me to Joshua chapter 24 as I teach for the next 40 minutes and talk to you about how to break the generational curse I'm going to give you the practical steps I'm going to give you the the sure path tonight and the pattern of what it takes through the word somebody say the word I tonight's going to be doctor one I love tonight because tonight is just all word I'm going to get into just deep word of so you can walk away saying step number one step number two step number three step number four and the word will always work somebody shout that say the word will always work okay here it is and if it seemed evil grievious miserable sad trouble adverse unto you to serve to work service worship the Lord everybody shout choose which means to select choose or select you this day whom you will serve whether the gods which your father's served that we're on the other side of the flood are the gods of the amorite sand whose land you dwell say it real loud but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord shout it out again as for me and my house which means generations we will serve the Lord somebody say Amen you can be seated as I teach and break down this word because the importance of that declaration is you'll find out that the main vehicles for blessing and cursing is our words they have life and death we've studied Deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 19 that God calls heaven and earth to record against us this day that he set before us blessing and cursing life and death he says choose life that both you and your seed may live so God himself tells us what decision what selection to make he said here's what I've done I've called heaven and I've called Earth before you it's recorded and so I you as a believer have the authority and you will either select to come an agreement with heaven or earth or both of those either blessing and cursing or life and death that's kind of repeated in a different way in Deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 26 you just have to go back and get familiar he goes through why there is this thing called generational curses and we talked about the origin where it came from so get the tapes so you can get caught up with that but it started with the fall of man we found out there was a difference between sin which is missing the mark transgression which is manifestation of sin our crossing the boundaries and when you do that continuously it becomes an iniquity which is a bend in your heart it's AB in that it is a practice habitually that you cannot control or stop and so it's something that gets stronger with each generation that has passed down it's the same with blessing as as it is cursing but exodus chapter 20 verse 5 says thou shalt not bow down to them nor serve them for I the LORD am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the children unto the third fourth generations of them that hate me and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my Commandments now here's the biggest thing you have to understand and study out lamentations chapter 5 Jeremiah chapter 32 it doesn't matter whether you agree with it don't agree with it like it think it's fair don't think it's fair kick and scream none of that has any relevance we're dealing with spiritual laws right now so in the realm of the spirit there are things that are passed down I used my family as an example how every female got pregnant out of wedlock how every family how everyone went through a divorce how everybody had a chemical and drug dependency how there was failure after failure that's generational curse it's the iniquities visiting as I got knowledge of the word I begin to break that I'm going to give you those steps today how you're going to break it somebody say the blood of Jesus and so as I begin to break that brad has not struggled with the things that were passed down to each generation now he's had some struggles no no doubt and there's still more that has to be broken amen and there's still more work in my life still more work in your life look at your neighbor say I think she's talking to the row behind us but they might have some issues so there's still more work to be done in all of us but we begin to reverse those things through the knowledge of the word so so you have to come to the acceptance instead of blaming or being mad about it it is what it is so how do I reverse it and we begin to look at it and we talked about some of the symptoms because people there is we studied there's not a curse without a cause but people identify symptoms more than they do the actual cause of it so I'll give you some of the symptoms just to catch you up and then we're going to move into how to break it there's a pattern of constant failure untimely deaths premature death there is exhibit of high level of anger wrath people end up in prison high record of accidents acts and that are unusual in nature history of abuse physical emotional sexual history of chronic illness disease history of mental illness a progress through generations exhibit any of the personality behaviors like high control manipulation addiction codependency depression unforgiveness social isolation so how many of you can identify with some of those things that falls under the category of curse now if you would just say oh I had an accident but the rest of areas are blessing you then I'm going to say you're walking under the covering of blessing but if we can be honest with ourself most of us deal with the sins of our forefathers and until somebody cleanses that iniquity and it only takes one person not just for family but one person for a nation Daniel stood in the gap for a nation daniel student changed a nehemiah stood in the gap for a nation he said father forgive us and our forefathers Nehemiah chapter 1 verse 5 through 8 and it changed everything that in 52 days they could do what they could not accomplish in over 90 years I wonder if there's one person tonight just one person they will stand for their family stand for the nation stand for this community it only takes one pastor David just one person that says Lord if you can use anybody use me and and God can use you to reverse everything so because of transgression we understand that families came under a curse but isaiah 53:12 jesus bore our sins and then it says in verse 5 through 6 he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes were healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one his own way but the Lord laid on him the iniquity of us all the Lord laid on Jesus the iniquity the iniquity which again means to bend to distort the practice of sin to the point that it becomes pleasurable our predisposition to a sin a weakness to yield to that particular sin that has passed from generation to generation that's why psychologists will will argue we'll all day long whether its nature or whether its nurture whether its environment or whether they're born into it but I can tell you from a spirits perspective that there are some things that are passed down directly through the bloodline that if you don't deal with it spiritually now you have to deal with some things naturally too but if you don't get to the root of it spiritually it won't be over turn but somebody say it's over in the name of Jesus come on shout say it's over you're serving notice so there's never a generational curse without a cause according to proverbs 26 - like a flitting sparrow like a flying swallow so a curse without a cause is not alight in other words there's always a root if we go back we find in Deuteronomy chapter 28 that is devoted solely to the theme of blessings and cursings reveal the primary cause of each in verse one and to Moses deals with why you have generational blessing ready if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God to observe carefully all his Commandments all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you because you obey the voice of the Lord your God so in other words it literally could be translated if you will listen listening to the voice of the Lord your God that's why Jesus said if any man hath an ear let him hear now here's the deal we all want to act like we listen but it's more than just listening it's actively doing it's being a participator of what you hear and it's so crucial that we get this down that we understand because again it doesn't matter whether you agree or not the law has been set the Word of God is set you don't get to pick and choose this is not buffet-style Christianity this is not let me have it my way Burger King this is the Word of God and if you listen listening and do what God says then all these blessings will overtake you and I promise you God will not mess up his reputation for one of us he is not going to mess up his word he's not going to alter anything not there's not an exception to it his word always works his word is higher than anything that's why if you hide the word in your heart which means the way you feel about things the way you see things and perceive things that you might not sin or miss the mark or fall short of the character of Christ which leads to transgression which leads to iniquity his word is the only thing that will transform his word is the only thing that will bring you back to sinner that's why if you don't know the word and I'm not talking about knowing good preaching or stylistic homiletics or hermeneutics I'm talking about no have an intimate relationship with the Word of God you have to have a firm foundation built on Jesus Christ so when everything around you is falling you're not you're not double minded you're not wavering because a double minded man in and out up and down is unstable in all of his ways you have to be stable so everything around you is falling to hell in a handbasket you still can live in heaven because whatever you're going through God is using it for the good to those that are called according to his purpose according to Romans chapter 2 an 8:28 the battle over you is not because of you in the first place it's because of the word on the inside of you according to mark chapter 4 because when this word is in you immediately Satan comes why does Satan come for you Roxanne sin doesn't come for you because you're cute and you are cute girl but that's not why he's after you he's not after you pastor day because you can sing and you can sing but that's not why he's after you he's not after you minister Dale because you're bold and you're humorous and you're a man's man that's not why he wants you he wants the Word of God on the inside of you because none of your personality traits your skill your business mind all your talent all your thing he wants he comes immediately for the words sake so if you are battling a real demonic force I mean if you're really now most of the things that you battle you brought on yourself but if you're battling some serious demonic thing is for the words sake that should make you rejoice it means you've got a word on the inside of you and if you don't forfeit the word and you hold on to the word the word will work for you somebody Sam I'll make this word work for me the word is tires say the words higher and so it's helpful to understand and to discover the cause so these sixty-eight verses begin to show us this and it says if you'll listen listening that's why James says any man that is a hear of the word only and not a doer of the word deceives himself it's like he glances in the Marigny walks away forgetting what his images so you have to behold the Word of God so the repetition of the verb to listen gives added emphasis if you will listen listening so simply stated the conditions for enjoying the blessings of God or first you have to listen to the Word of God and secondly you have to do the Word of God it really boils down to that simple Harken means to hear and to do somebody say to hear and to do so blessings are not promised because of where you came from or where you are or your situation or circumstance blessings are promised to those who hear and obey the voice of God Deuteronomy 28 15 it says but it shall come to pass if you will not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God to observe to do all his Commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day that all these curses shall come upon thee and overtake thee so the cause of curses is exact opposite of the cause of blessings blessings come from hearing God's voice and obeying them cursors result from hearing God's voice and not doing what he says let's break it down and get real alright most people come up and they'll say God told me to do this well God doesn't ever speak to you outside of his word that's number one so God's never going to break what he has already set as far as principle pattern it's already laid out in the Word of God and dr. Wanda how many people do I see that are marked by God have a call of God but they get out premature lien king they'll get out and say God called me to pass her God call me due to this but they get outside of spiritual order protocol etc and they're violating a principle and they think that they're they're going to be blessed by that God cannot bless what you have already made a mess of because you aren't hearing an obeying because he's not going to go outside of this word so if you dishonor anything in his word and ask him to listen you're just wasting your time in your breath pastor Paul is preaching good right now so so we can say that all day long that God told me to do this God number one is never gonna speak contrary to his word he's not going to bless anything that contradicts his word okay so so look at Joshua here's a great example Joshua knew he could take possession he knew it he knew that that deep inside he saw crystal can you imagine being in this situation because you've got to bring it down to where we live then he sees the promised land he knows it Joshua and Caleb know we can do this they come back Moses has 12 so Moses does leadership style of empowerment ministry kind of like I do and so Moses says all right guys what's the report ten said hey we can't do it because we're like grasshoppers and so we were in our own sight as we were in their sight so they see themself a small compared to the Giants and then Joshua and Caleb said we're well able to take possession let's do it well Moses listens to the majority so he goes with the ten instead of with the two and forty years of their life now you get mad if somebody messes you up for 40 days 40 years do my 40 years of this life he has to submit to a man the end love a man and walk in the principles of God with a man that he absolutely knows has made the wrong decision that he absolutely knows is leading him and taking 40 years of his life and he still has to honor him and serve Him and obey Him and when Moses dies Joshua gets up and the Lord says just as I was with Moses so will I be with you and Joshua's first words are thy servant Moses is dead not now can I bring it down come on he didn't say that blankety-blank Moses is dead come on guys let's get real he said thy servant he never dishonored because he would not violate a principle and when you don't violate a principle you will be a blessed person because you can plead promises all day long but if you violate a you're never going to see the manifestation of it and so blessing the primitive route is very interesting because it actually comes from a root of Barack it is a it's a worship word and it's implication means to bless God as in an act of adoration but it also is the vice versa which means to bless man as a benefit so in other words when I adorn You God and I honor you then the benefit of that is the blessing of the Lord comes upon me so worship I've told you so many times is not simply having a Thursday or Sunday morning experience it's not just lifting my hand it's building a life that denotes the value of who God is so do I worship God in my relationships do I worship God on the job do I worship God when I go in the bank and somebody you know plugs my last nerve do I worship God in with my tax return let me break it down with y'all do I worship God in the way I conduct business do I do I denote a lifestyle that shows the value in the worthiness of who he is somebody better slap your neighbor just for me and say pastors preaching good tonight she's on it so cursing is the exact opposite curse comes from the Hebrew word ke l aw I want him try it L aw which means vilification when you vilify watch what it means it means to lower in estimation or importance so when you're under cursor under vilification you are being lowered in estimation value and importance it means to utter slanders this is extremely important and abusive statements against someone when you vilify it means to defame now why is that so important because you have to understand when I get to the main vehicle why it's passed from generation let me teach you the law of generation real quick I understand the law of generation that everything produces after its own kind that within every seat is the inherent ability to reproduce itself so Jesus himself on the what we call the Christians Constitution or our Creed which is Matthew chapter six teaches this begins to and he goes on into Matthew chapter seven and he says in verse 15 through 18 watch out for false prophets they come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ferocious wolves by their fruit by what guys by their what so what do they look like what do they look like they come to you and what clothing okay so they look like sheep don't they they look like sheep beware false prophets now they're ravenous whoops there's three things the Bible talks about sheeps goats and wolves now and can I talk to you for as poss her tonight sheep have to be led they have to have a shepherd sheep I won't get into it but you know she / she / what they all teach about sheep another day goats but everything goats just are stubborn they eat anything sheeps have very sensitive digestive systems you can't feed a sheep anything that's why you have to feed them good word goats eat anything that's why I'm tell if I go into a goat church because they'll take any kind of word they eat anything they have you ever seen a goat lived on a farm leave metal cans they eat wood beiieve anything they rubber they eat anything and they're always butting against everything goats are good for one reason milk no you do you get milk from them so when you have a goat in your congregation you just recognize they'll eat anything they butt up against everything and you just take the milk from them why I'm teaching you word right now now wolves are dangerous wolves a shepherd has to come and deal with the wolf because a wolf is ravenous a wolf will kill and devour sheep so wills don't appear as wolves they appear as sheep right but how do you know them not by their slick talk not by them quoting 39 scriptures not by them knowing the text you know them by their help me say it by their fruit you will recognize them do people pick grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles keep them going verse 17 you get anything out of this word so far likewise every good tree bears good fruit this is the law of generation but a bad tree Bears bad fruit that's why Jesus said to the fig tree if you don't produce by this time tomorrow his words that he spoke which I'm about to show you right now the importance of words he cursed it he said you'll be cursed and you have to be cut down because good trees produce good fruit bad trees produce bad fruit whatever your spiritual DNA in is is what is going to be produced to the next the next seed whatever your spiritual DNA it's going to be produced until you get cleanse of the iniquity and reverse it and I'm going to show you how to reverse that tonight somebody said keep bringing it on pastor pala so as it was illustrated in creation in Genesis 1 everything reproduces after its own kind so we acknowledge the principle and buying think about this we acknowledge this principle I had a Doberman that when I bought the Doberman I did all this history on it and doing its lineage was that the father was the world class Doberman from Spain the mother and they and I had to wait almost a year to get this pick of the litter ok and the mother had one so many shows so I could recognize by the best of the Father and the best of the mother coming together that I was going to get a world-class dog anybody ever raised dogs anybody know what I'm talking about five people in the house anybody know anybody that's ever raised a dog so we can recognize this with pedigrees right that if we get a world-class champion put it with a world-class champion then we're going to get a champion if we get a runt put it with runts we're going to get a runt you're not going to win anything now how is it that we can recognize out with dogs and not people I'm just saying how is it that we can understand the principle of the law of generation that every seed reproduces after its own kind and we recognize that but you go marry anything and think that you can change it sit up under anything oh I'm sorry I better say I better stick to my notes and think it's going to change it's the law of generation Jesus said a good tree produces good fruit so let me just tell you you gonna marry that bad boy spirit I'm not talking about an insight he's spiritually wrong and think you're gonna change him not happening you gonna marry her she's pretty but she's a witch good trees produce good fruit bad trees produce bad fruit why would you go in business with somebody that's gonna rob from God now I might do business with you but I'm not going into business with you big difference so I might understand I use you you use me I'm gonna be blessed it is what it is but I'm not going in any kind of covenant any kind of partnership with you because if you're wrong with God you're bringing a curse upon our business just saying just teaching a little bit so iniquity has to be dealt with somebody say iniquity has to be dealt with and it starts with acknowledgement and we talked about Daniel chapter 9 16 Daniel talks about the iniquities of his fathers Psalm 51 verse 5 David says behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me and it will get deeper into cleansing the iniquity of nations and going in to some of that but jot these down singing just study on psalm 119 because I really want to get you into the steps tonight psalm 119 133 talks about ordering my steps in the word Lord and let not any iniquity have dominion over me so one of the first steps to an individual family national cleansing is to confess the iniquity first John chapter 1 verse 9 through 10 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness if we say we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us so we know as I said about Daniel how he cries out how Nehemiah cries out and and here's the main vehicle and here's where I want to position you for the next 15 minutes the main vehicle both blessings and cursing or words proverbs chapter 11 verse 3 it's the main it's not the only but it's the main that's why what you speak there's power of life and death a hypocrite with his mouth destroy his neighbor but through knowledge shall he the just be delivered through knowledge what the just shall be delivered say it again through knowledge the just shall be delivered proverbs chapter 15 verse 4 a wholesome tongue is a tree of life out of perverseness there is a breach in the spirit now I'm going to lay a foundation here because it is not what it what is ultimately going to going to matter is not what other people say about you but what you say to yourself about yourself so even if word curses have been spoken over you because you can't even get saved without confession with your mouth I'm going to show you in here you have to confess make covenant with your mouth so words are what continue to perpetuate cursings our blessings words are what do them because words turn into actions actions turns and habits have externa already know the whole thing destiny destiny turns into what you ultimately become in life your character so proverbs 15 for wholesome tongue is a tree of life but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit proverbs 18:21 death and life or what in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof now the Apostle James had a lot to say about the the power of words he points out the tongue is a small member of the body but it's the hardest of all to control James chapter 3 verse 5 through 10 even so the tongue is a little member and boasts with great things behold how great a matter a little fire kindled the tongue is a fire a world of what iniquity the tongue is what guys a world of iniquity here we go with this thing again so is the tongue among our members that had defile it the whole body and set it on fire the course of nature and is set on fire of hell for every kind of beasts of birds and serpents and things in the sea is tamed and had been tamed of mankind but the tongue can no maintain it is an unruly evil full of deadly poison now God's telling you this there with bless we God even the father and there with curse we men which are made after the Simula tude or likeness of God out of the same mouth perceive the blessing and cursing my brethren these things ought not to be so if no men in containment the only way I can get my tongue tame is by the Holy Spirit in the Word of God because it's telling me already you can't do this Paula so the only way to do it Sharon is to pull myself up under subjection and submit myself to the Holy Spirit and let the Word of God work in my life let the Word of God flourish in my life you can come to church all week long but if you're not working the word on a daily basis you're not getting that word in you and letting that word flourish I can predict your future by spinning probably one day with you one day let me find out your habits one week with you I'll tell you exactly where you going to be ten years twenty years thirty years unless there's certain transformation because there are certain traits in every single person that marks them is blessed that marks them as successful there's certain disciplines there's certain things that always happen it's all in God's Word if you work God's Word God's Word to work for you somebody better help me so what you speak is a result of who you believe you are what you speak as a result that's why Jobe spoke against himself in the weariness of his own soul somebody says you look nice oh this old ugly thing habits speaking against yourself you say your kids say they want a candy bar you go to checkout and they want a candy bar you say we can't afford that what did you just activate a spirit of poverty you just activated the curse we can instead of saying we can't afford that what you need to say is how can we pay for that baby how can we afford that ask them how leave it open for the Holy Spirit to work leave it open for a gift of faith to be an operation because the moment you say I can't you've just put yourself under a curse because God says all things are possible through Christ Jesus I'm teaching good whether it's received or not I'm still teaching good I don't pat myself and give myself an offering in just a minute okay here's the negative side of that Matthew chapter 12 verse 33 and 34 either make the tree good and His fruit good or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt for the tree is known by his fruit old generation of vipers how can you being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh the word abundance means the surplus is to build up an overflow whatever is in the way in heart is leb it's the way you think about something the way you perceive something whatever is in your heart which is your spirit man whatever is in your soul and spirit so intertwine is what is going to come out as your overflow and your surplus James chapter 3 verse 10 through 12 of the same mouth precede the blessing and cursing and I we just read that verse 12 can the fig tree my brethren bear olive berries either vine figs so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh in other words the Word of God makes a clear distinction says you're either walking and speaking blessing or walking and speaking cursing that's why God said I've set before you to record to make a permanent record in heaven and in earth this day choose for you and your generation life or death blessing or cursing I break every curse in the name of Jesus I break it right now by the blood of Jesus you frame your world's by your words we know that by Genesis chapter 1 so whatever whatever you're seeing is not your reality because God saw chaos the world was void it was dark he said the opposite of what he saw you start speaking and alignment with God's Word and eventually God's Word which is a higher law than any natural law will come to pass so the Spirit of God moved he saw darkness he said light he saw chaos he said order he saw emptiness he said fullness now that doesn't mean that I deny truth because something might be a fact but it doesn't make it truth the fact might be I have a disease in my body but the truth is he was wounded for my transgression bruised for my iniquity the chastisement of my peace is upon him and with His stripes I am healed so fact is I may have a disease but truth is I'm healed I'm made whole by the blood of Jesus fact might be you don't have two pennies to rub together right now no money in your bank account but truth is you are the head and not the tail he has blessed you coming in and blessed you going out if everything is in divine order in your life then you are entitled through the Word of God to walk in a place of abundance the Word of God promised using you now abundance doesn't mean millions of dollars abundance means it means enough do whatever God has assigned you to do and to be blessed empowered to prosper to succeed and have an advantage in life you have the cutting edge come on you have the cutting edge you're blessed people you better look at somebody say don't hate I'm blessed so your futures framed by what you say now I'm going to give you three easy steps that I'm going to take you into the the deeper can I take you into the deeper okay I'm gonna give you three easy things with your words then I'm going to give you the 12 steps of how you once and for all break the pattern of generational curses so here's the three easy steps that you have to start with with your words three steps to escape a self-imposed curse is number one you always have to repent of it recognize that you made a negative confession about yourself repent means I changed my mind I changed my direction number two you have to revoke it cancel every word every word spoken over you everything you've said against yourself everything you spoke of your soul revoke it in the name of Jesus number three you have to replace it your previous wrong confession with the right one you may say well that's radical are you sure Romans chapter 10 verse 9 and 10 says that unless you it says what the mouth confession is made into salvation you can't even be saved without making covenant with your mouth so here's how you break the pattern of generational curses and I'm going to give you a lot of scripture here you ready number one allow the Holy Spirit to bring to your remembrance the sins and iniquities of your parents and forefathers and you have to confess them you say it's not fair that's what my great-grandfather did do you want to be blessed you ready to reverse it so get alone with the Holy Spirit get a notebook get a piece of paper ask the Holy Spirit to bring to your remembrance the sins and iniquities knowingly and unknowingly anything of your parents your father's house your mother's house and confess the Matthew 6:12 through 15 forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors lead us not in temptation but deliver us from evil for if you forgive men that when they sin against you your heavenly Father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive men of their sins your father will not forgive you of your sins number two after you make your list after you ask the Holy Spirit to bring to remembrance and you confess the sins of your father and your mother's house and that's inclusive of your house you personally forgive your forefathers and their iniquities Luke chapter 22 verse 34 then said Jesus Father forgive them for they know not what they do that was the game changer for me I grew up angry I was mad at my mom I was mad at my dad I was mad at everybody why didn't they get it right you know why did he kill himself maybe I would have been sexually and physically abused why didn't she do this and then one day I asked the Lord to just place forgiveness and I started forgiving and I realized they did the best they could do with the knowledge that they had because they were operating under an iniquity and without knowledge to cleanse that that spiritual principality has dominion over a family but it can be broke with one person come on say I break it by the blood of Jesus so you have to forgive them well you don't know who my father was you don't know what my mom did how much do you want to be free if you really want to be free and if you say I can't forgive ask the Holy Spirit to put forgiveness in your heart number three you have to ask God to forgive specific sins of your forefathers make a faith decision to forgive and cancel their debt including those that have wounded you by their sins and iniquities now I'm not going to get too personal but if we would all expose something y'all know there's stuff in the family tree come on out everything has branches some things go straight up and down there's some stuff in the family tree there's some mess in that tree talk to me and you know that that those often that have hurt us and wounded us the most that's what Jesus said I could aboard this but I was wounded in the house of my friend we get hurt by those that are closest to us we get messed up because people on the outside really don't have a true ability to mess you up because you're not that attached to them you don't expect to be safe and secure with them unless you have a safe and secure environment where you start with family home and then in extends to community etc so when that's been violated you have to forgive people who have brought out of iniquity and sin and wronged you they didn't raise you right maybe they sexually abused you maybe they verbally abuse you maybe they abandoned you or rejected you spoke over you did things is quiet in this house but deliverance is coming forgive them forgive them right now in the name of Jesus forgive them you can stay angry the rest of your life or you can get blessed somebody Sam won't be blessed number four confess your participation in the iniquities of your family tree oh that's not right I wasn't that bad you are a byproduct of what has been passed down so I need Mya could have said I have a perfect resume Daniel prayed three times a day his name was and and he was called beloved not his name but he was called beloved of the Lord he could have said but I'm the beloved of the Lord he said me and my forefathers we have all sinned and gone our own way we've turned against you God forgive us someone has to take ownership someone has to stand up and say it has to stop forgive me Lord forgive my father's house forgive my mother's house forgive us at new destiny Christian Center forgive cleanse this land and Orlando you don't even want me to get into starting with stuff because this region is where megha ministry has been birthed out of and we're all mega ministry has fallen out of you do you want me to get into it please on my own national right now but if you go back to the 70s at Calvary and then you go into carpenter's home and you go over to some coast there's a direct line from st. Petersburg to Orlando that all mega ministry was birthed the first three largest sanctuaries that were birth that created mega ministry in America started in this region they also all fell in this region that's because there's a principality and if you think for one second that we can escape that because we're somebody special if we don't or if we're not attentive and in tune just when you think that you're not going to fall be careful unless you fall only by the grace of God in the blood of Jesus so there's thing an operation from years and years and years and years ago and listen I could be taken out by the enemy that's why you pray over me all the time and if you think the next person that comes in can't be taken out too they can be taken out by the enemy and if you think the next person that comes in can't be taken out by the enemy they can be taken out by the enemy it's not a natural thing you're dealing with the spiritual thing so stop getting mad at people stop blaming them stop acting like you wouldn't do the same thing because you all doing half the same thing come on stop acting like it never happened to you in your household we're dealing with the Principality so until we get to the root of that now I'm going to a higher level that's why I say you've got to take responsibility and confess your participation confess the participation of iniquity what do you mean pastor pala forgive me Lord forgive me for getting selfish and not praying the way that I needed to forgive me why is it the Muslims will pray three times a day and Christians will barely pray three times a week see or five times a day right I'm sorry they pray five times a day and we barely play five times a week it's quiet up in this Presbyterian House right now but it's okay you'll shout with me before the end of it it's still good preaching I'm word-based I'm gonna keep giving you more scripture at least smile is Christmas time Merry Christmas giving you a lot of good deliverance here you have to accept responsibility of your own iniquities proverbs 28:13 come on say we're getting free say bring it on pastor pala he that covered this sins shall not prosper but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy everyone let me break news to you everybody in this room's got issues every one of us got struggles every one of us have sins Oh Lord she didn't say it yes and if you put in the wrong or right environment that trigger can happen that makes you binge oh you better you better thank God for the blood and the mercy and the grace and the problem with us at church is we try to project some kind of perfection that doesn't exist except in one man that's why every single service I'm gonna let you know I'm human you're human you're flesh every day you have to rely on the Holy Spirit every day you need the blood of Jesus working for you every day you need the grace of God flowing through your life I don't care if you didn't cuss today I don't care if you did 20 good deeds today you still need his blood you need the blood of Jesus I don't care if you didn't think but one bad thought you still come on if you didn't do it it's just because it's gray stopped you from doing it you better thank God because some of you didn't do it or you did it and didn't get caught come on oh you didn't do it because his grace reached you before you had a chance it's not that it's not in your nature your nature is to miss the mark your nature until it's transformed and this is a lifetime process until I see him face to face I'm going to have struggles here on this earth until I am reunited and one with him he wants me to totally 100% depend on him I've got to take this flesh pull it under subjection crucify it pick up my cross follow him how often daily daily somebody shout daily you think that you can do good because of what you did 20 years ago you've got to follow him daily it takes daily blood come on it takes daily confession it takes daily inward working of the Holy Spirit it takes daily renewal it takes daily purging pastors preaching good right here and number five I'll give you the rest of steps later ask God to forgive and cleanse you first John 1 7 through 9 but if we walk in the light so he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us but if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness I'll give them to you real quick and then I'm going to teach them to you later number 6 is you submit yourself to the will of God Philippians 2 12 and 13 James 4:7 number seven is you have to know that Jesus suffered the curse and overcame the devil for you allow God to heal you and transform you from sin consciousness into into righteous consciousness mindset Galatians 3:13 and 14 and Titus 2:14 I'll teach them to you later number eight you have to understand that God has all authority and delegated it to Jesus and Jesus delegated it to every born-again believer Luke chapter ten verse 19 through 20 you have power power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy I just feel like saying that one God says behold I give unto you power Dunamis inherit power capable of reproducing itself there's power only inside of me to tread on serpents you don't want me to get into what serpents and scorpions are it's a spirit of deception come on there see there's two different spirits at work here and that's why I told you that spirit of deception is the first thing that leads down and scorpions and over all how much guys all sum over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you if God didn't give it to me he wouldn't say it his word says it so he has to back it his blood paid the price for it so he's done it now it's up to me to work it he did it he provided it he paid the price for it now he's given me all power not some power behold I give unto you Paula I give unto you Pastor David I give unto you minister Dale I give unto you Sonya I give unto you I give it to you all power all power come on to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy yes I have a war going on yes my flesh gets weak but Jesus Christ through his blood has given me all power power to overcome sickness power to overcome poverty power to overcome sin power to overcome wickedness parado overcome generational curses power to overcome every spiritual weapon that is formed against me power to overcome everything that has been spoken against me and my destiny power to overcome depression power to come overcome premature death power to overcome suicide power to overcome addiction and codependency power to overcome isolation power to overcome everything that worketh unrighteousness in me he's given me power through the blood of Jesus with the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk me into every area of victory so I can't be victorious through Christ Jesus he has given me all power not some stopped waking up like you're a victim you are a victor stop talking like you're a victim stop talking about the problem and start talking about the problem solver start talking about the answer start confessing what God has to say you have authority your authority is either in recording with heaven and earth and it's either coming in alignment with blessing or cursing with life or with death come on there some areas you speak life over yourself but death in other areas you keep talking don't even use the D word in your marriage divorce is no longer allowed to be spoken in your household you will not speak it it's not allowed from this day on for you and your house you will serve the Lord I don't care what a doctor says you will live and not die you will taste and see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living I don't care what the economy is let me tell you something I am a blessed blessed blessed blessed blessed blessed blessed person God has always been good to me there's never been a time he has in supply and I don't care who doesn't like it my God is good and I will brag upon the Lord because his word works he kept my mind in perfect peace I should have lost it should have been in a mental institute should I had a nervous breakdown but he kept me in perfect peace I didn't need a drug to stabilize my mind I didn't need something to alter rich God's peace kept it perfect it bought it into balance the devil is a liar didn't stay in depression didn't stay as a victim walk in abundance not ashamed of an abundance I'm talkin finances I'm talkin I wake up saying God is good I wake up expecting blessing and blessing to me is a whole lot more than money because I know a lot of people with money but they are blessed it's not just about money the blessing of the Lord maketh one rich added no sorrow God is so good God wants to encompass you Psalm 68 19 says daily the Lord will load you up with his benefits he has benefits for you right now he has benefits for you right now you've been acting like a victim but you are a victor take your benefit package there's no limitations but the ones you put on yourself let God be big what do we want new destiny to do do destiny 2013 can be whatever you decide for it to be we can show this world how big our God is or we can live little but I decided for me in my house we will serve the Lord come on we will serve the Lord we will serve the more flesh get under subjection in the name of Jesus I'll teach you the other four steps but it's basically you've got to start confessing it you start to start acting like it you've got to start living it and you got to take ownership and responsibility and you recognize those things she get anything out the word tonight say I break the curse by the blood of Jesus say I'm blessed my families bless my children are blessed my finances are blessed New Destiny is blessed Paul white ministry is blessed Orlando is blessed Apopka is blessed Orange County is blessed in the name of Jesus Father we just thank you for your word we thank you do a deep work whatever needs to be uprooted in our life and removed do whatever you got to do with the precision of a skilled surgeon begin to take us into that that Ward and begin to cut out whatever needs to be released from our life any attitude any wrong teaching that needs to be corrected any a course correction or mechanism that's off in our life any relationships that's bearing this and burdening us down any lots that are leeches in our life that we're holding on to let us have the power to overcome everything that would hold us to a place that you never intended for us to be I did
Channel: Paula White Ministries
Views: 56,755
Rating: 4.7828283 out of 5
Keywords: paula white, breaking generational curses, breaking ungodly soul ties
Id: X8zkKRueqzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 52sec (3172 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2012
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