God Delivered Me From This Lifestyle 😳 🏳️‍🌈... (Testimony)

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[Music] when I came to Christ those things that  I was struggling with I wasn't acting on them   anymore like I wasn't acting on smoking weed  I wasn't acting on drinking partying you know   lusting after people but I hadn't been delivered  from those Spirits yet in October of 2021 I was   being traumatized with perverted thoughts I mean  I remember working and the thoughts was coming   like I was like what is going on right now you  know it was me and another sister in Christ she   was going through the same thing it was attacking  both of us I remember having a conversation with   her and she was telling me she saw a vision and  she was like you know you're right by your bed I   see you you're right by your bed and it's gonna  happen right there and it's like I knew what she   was talking about I knew that God was going  to deliver me there of homosexuality and lust   for as long as I can remember I've had all that  I needed all that I wanted I had that what the   world say is that picture-perfect family you  know I had my mom my dad I had my sister I had   you know the two-story home um anything that I  really needed and wanted I had but um I didn't   have that love you know I remember so many times  when I was going to my parents and I was like you   know I just want to have a conversation like Hey  Dad hey Mom you know how you doing just wanted to   talk to them and they'd be preoccupied you know um  and that's nothing against them it's um the Lord   had to teach me like if we don't have love how  can we give it you know so he's helped me he's   he's healed my heart through that as well and so  you know because I didn't have that attention at   the household I would seek it outside I would  seek it in France and um I just I would give   my entire self I didn't understand boundaries you  know so when I was hanging out with people I just   I just gave them everything everything you know  I had absolutely no boundaries and like coming to   Christ I had to realize like where did all of this  start from you know because I didn't even really   think about it I was I was really depressed like  in school I knew of a lot of people and I'm sure   a lot of people knew of me but you know I was I  was bullied I didn't really click with too many   people and so I was just pretty much like really  an outsider you know and so I'm like thinking like   where did all of this stem from you know what  what came about like what really started all of   this and the Lord helped me to realize that it  really stemmed from a childhood trauma you know   I remember I was I was it was like a summer time  and I was just on vacation and I was hanging out   with one of my family members and they were  changing one of my cousins you know and they   were playing with them inappropriately and so I  started a copy of that I didn't know the wiser I   started to copy that behavior and engage in child  on child sexual abuse and I that went on for years   you know then around Middle School in high school  when they started to teach about you know the the   girls and the boys and puberty and stuff like that  I wasn't ready for it because that led me into   pornography and I was addicted to pornography like  I was watching it like it was TV then I started   to talk to guys my own age inappropriately I  remember I got in trouble for it a couple of times   I just I Had No Boundaries and I didn't know  the difference like I knew that the things was   wrong because it was secretive like it was it  was kept hush you know but I couldn't stop it   was an addiction for me so that was that was like  in Middle School you know and through High School   it was continuing but it kind of died off um so  did the child on child sexual abuse it kind of   died off and I started talking to guys my own  age and I remember even during that time there   was a girl that showed interest in me and I knew  like I all my life I knew God was real you know   um and I knew not to disrespect him and I was even  calling myself a Christian but like I didn't know   the word you know there was even times where like  the Bible was in our household you know what I   mean like my dad I know I remember him praying we  would pray when we came like Thanksgiving and all   that stuff you know that religious stuff like  we we didn't practice the word So like um we   were just going through the motions like I said  I wasn't close with my with my parents I wasn't   close with my family so I would just seek that  in the world and I was going from relationship to   relationship you know just just seeking that and I  was very promiscuous I wasn't like I was engaging   in sexual behavior but at the time I wasn't like  having sex with anyone um and not that that's good   or bad it was it was just just the Longing To want  to be wanted you know even if it was a lie it was   like the long and it wanted to be wanted and  um like I was saying there was a girl that was   showing interest in me and though I knew that  was wrong I was still playing into it you know   um but I never really acted up on it up until this  point you know it was just something that was just   hidden even when people would ask me like do you  like girls I would just lie straight up I was I   was I was a liar and then I remember just before  College started I remember talking to one of my   friends at the time and I was like you know I  would never go and party fornicate you know drink   do drugs you know swap me around all that stuff  even an abortion like I was totally against that I   was like I would never do all that stuff but it's  like we don't know ourselves really until we get   into that time until we get into that space and  we're faced with that circumstance we don't really   know what we will do you know so like man College  my college Years just went crazy I mean I started   to party all of that stuff that I said I would  never do I ended up doing it even if it came up   to the very last week which is what happened like  in the very last week I remember I was watching um   a TV show it was like a special like you couldn't  really just watch it on TV you had to get like a   special package kind of thing so like I just did  like a a free trial and I was catching it towards   the latter end so I was able to watch the whole  thing and just binge watch it oh my gosh I was   going through so many different emotions it was  like it was like Degrassi but it wasn't Degrassi   I'm not even going to tell you the name of it it  was so traumatizing to me I didn't even realize   that it was like after watching that I went and  did just whatever I wanted to do that week I went   and I lost my virginity I went and I got with a  girl a couple of days after that and it's like   after I lost my virginity I was so distraught  so depressed I mean you see how small I am I   was losing weight like crazy I remember one of my  one of my family friends Casey was like bring you   losing weight I was like no I don't even know if  I weighed myself but I was not eating and that's   not the first time that it happened either like  there was a time before then and and um I think   it was College too or maybe High School where like  I went through the same pic the same thing but it   it stemmed from the same sexual activity with it  just happened to be the same person you know but   I realized we don't wrestle against flesh and  blood so I can't even it's not even the person   it's the spirit so anyways in college all of  that stuff came to pass and as I was doing all   that stuff it was leaving me empty every time it  was leaving me auntie I remember one time I went   out to a party it was my birthday okay it was my  birthday I came home and like I was I was smoking   weed and I don't know if it was laced or whatever  but I came home and I was so traumatized like it   was like in my mind I don't think I've experience  this before it was like it was like I'll get here   I was hearing demons I was hearing spirits and I  didn't really realize what that was I was like and   I was out at the time that was when Snapchat  was like really popular so I remember texting   and like I was always being vague you know so  like I don't even know if anybody really knew   anything was going on with me but like I was so  traumatized so destroyed I was like what in the   world like this thing's supposed to make you chill  but it wasn't it was making my life worse that was   my college Years you know I was doing a degree  that I didn't even want to do I was just doing   a degree that somebody suggested to me because  they were like oh well you're good at technology   so go and get an IC degree you know what all  of what the world says is like success you know   so like when I was coming to my the end of  my college days you know and I was graduating   um you know of course all of that Shenanigans  happened and I was just really distraught and   I started to go to the gym like all of that  stuff for whatever reason it led me to go to   gym because people like with me being as small as  I am people always had a they always was like oh   well you could eat more you know I mean you didn't  put some meat on your bones and I'm like listen   you don't know if I'm eating better than you okay  like you won't come to a an overweight person and   say listen you you need to stop eating so much  that would be so rude you know so anyways I I   just for whatever reason I truly believe that it  was out of all of the stuff that was going on like   some people they go to drugs they go to drink  it and I was doing that stuff but it was like   socially you know um and even in those times when  I was hanging out with those people I was never   fitting in like I would be there and I'm not I'm  like I'm the only person like I would be in a sea   of people that I would feel alone everybody's  doing the same thing roll smoking all drinking   but I would feel so out of place like what am  I doing here you know did anybody know that you   were feeling that way like did you communicate  that with anybody or this was just internal   um I think a lot of it was internal you  know it probably came out through like   my Rebellion like the pictures and the  Snapchat because I was on Snapchat a lot   so like people were able to see me transition  that way they were able to see me just going   took towards just a whole different Brittany  through social media but as far as me actually   telling people I don't think so and I don't even  know that I was telling people because I was that   person that people would come to for help like if  they needed advice and stuff they would come to me   but like I didn't have anyone that I could go and  talk to so like I went to writing and stuff like   that and just expressed myself in all different  kind of ways you know but I can't honestly say   that anybody really knew that they probably knew  just by knowing but as far as me expressing that   to them I don't think so graduating from college  and um I like I said I was getting into the gym   and I was going heavy like like five times out of  the week exercising for hours but I was building   myself up in My Own Strength I was trying to  build up My Own Strength I went through that   period of time of like four months or so of that  fall fall of 2019 and then I was dating a guy   um and that wasn't good for me either you know we  were partying and doing all that stuff you know   like the rebellious years before you're like okay  Lord I give my life to you so it was that like   I was saying it was the same thing all of that  stuff it wasn't fulfilling I would come home and I   remember crying I remember like I was saying right  before I started college I would never do all   these things I was still doing it like every week  now throughout my life I was praying like praying   oh Lord I pray that I get to help me to get this  good grade you know just stuff like that but as   far as actually having a relationship with God I  didn't I called myself Christian but I had no idea   what in the world that meant it was just a whole  bunch of emptiness and I didn't really realize   how lost I was how needy I was for God how how  much I needed to humble myself even though I had   the things that I wanted and the things that I  needed I was always missing the Lord is it was   only a void that he could feel you know so like  now we're now we're now we're in 2020 you know   um I done broke up with a gentleman I was and even  in that relationship I was cheating with him I   could never be faithful I could never be faithful  I was never satisfied you know what I mean it's   like okay well you you did this I'm gonna go  I'm gonna move on to the next person I was   never satisfied broke up with him towards the end  of the year and then I got with one other person   um like we ended up having sex and then at that  moment it was like immediately I felt the Lord   looking at me like you need to stop and I was like  God I can't stop like I I can't stop I need you to   help me like I was literally crying out to God at  that time and I remember one of my friends I met   him at a higher VA event you know where they you  come together and you talk to people about jobs   and stuff like that and um we didn't talk too much  at that time but God used him like tremendously in   my life like when I was starting to tell him  about the things that I was going through he   um he would Minister to me about Jesus and like at  the time I didn't want to hear that I did not want   to hear that like I was I was definitely rejected  the Lord but um I wasn't ready to fully get myself   over to him you know he would ask me like hey  we would go and hang out and then he would ask   me hey you want to go out to um church and like  I was like no but then he finally got me one day   it was my birthday and we were already hanging  out he was like okay we're gonna go to church   and I was like all right I guess I'm gonna go to  church you know so I ended up going to church and   I ended up being the first church that that I  attended that I could ever remember me going   being like you know okay I'm gonna actually go to  church you know and and two the Lord's actually   reminded me like in college I was like I remember  doing an interview too then where um it was just   a church representing and they just wanted to  talk to me and ask me a question so I answered   the question shortly you know um and then also  there was like traveling Ministries and forever   Lord the Lord was just bringing them to me I guess  you know and so I would hang out with them and we   would we would do Bible study and stuff like that  but I remember I remember a specific time where I   was studying the word with them but it's like my  eyes was cross-eyed I would read and it's like I   don't even know what I just read it's like I was  reading to read and I was reading well but what   did I just read I couldn't tell you I wouldn't I  wasn't able to understand you know what I mean I   didn't have that understanding so it's like they  would ask me and I'm like I don't know my mind was   so stuck on like an offense that was going on at  that time so it's like as I was reading yes I was   reading because I know how to read but the word  was not it wasn't it wasn't penetrating my spirit   so I just had absolutely no understanding you know  so it's so I can see how the Lord was calling me   all throughout my life he was calling me and  I was trying to come to him but it was hard it   was hard you know and the moment when I finally  gave my life to Christ March 20th of 2020 oh my   gosh man my life changed around from then it was  just so peaceful because like you know as we know   that's when the pandemic has started um and for it  was like for days I was anxious I couldn't really   sleep and like I reached out to two of my friends  and I was watching a YouTube video just before   then and like I for whatever reason this one was  shifting it it hit me differently and I don't   really know what the video was about but one of  my friends was like Bree just relax you know just   just get some rest you know what I mean and then  the other one sent me the word this is the same   person that was a friend of a friend the one that  I met at the higher VA event that was evangelizing   to me and we'd always asked me to hang out with  them and go to church and so it was his friend   um but he sent me the word and he sent me a couple  of Bible plans and I tell you after I read that I   was able to sleep so peacefully I can't tell you  exactly what scripture I was reading I could go   back to the Bible plans but as far as the exact  scripture that had me to just be peaceful I I   can't tell you I just know that God did something  Supernatural in that time it was like the Midnight   Hour literally of March 20th 2020 it was late I  couldn't sleep you know but for whatever reason   that night God helped me to read his word I'm not  a person to read I could read long texts but even   in college it's like you can't get me to read like  if you were trying to give me the study you were   not going to give me the study like I did I had  the grades and stuff like that that so that's why   I was able to get into college like bare minimum  you know even throughout College like I even had   a heart and heart I remember I was talking about  my friends and I was like man I don't remember   the last time I cried I had such a hard heart  I remember when one of my sisters was going off   to college and she was not one of my sisters my  sister like my my real sister she was going off   to college and she was crying you know and I was  like why are you crying I was I was so hardened   I was like I didn't understand emotions it's like  the Lord was just showing me daughter you need to   be humbled you need to realize your need for me  throughout then since that time like he started   to change my desires I stopped I was going to  the gym at this time I was going to the gym for   like an hour or so before work and then I started  to wake up just an hour later and study the word   I mean like like I told you I wasn't reading a  word you couldn't get me to read like before then   if I was to read the word I thought  that it was going to burn my eyes so it's like you know so God literally changed my  desires he had me to read the word he gave me   the grace like I would be tired sometimes I  would be sleeping and probably getting like   seven hours of sleep but he would get me up and I  would just be reading the word for hours and then   throughout the work day if I had time I would be  reading the word after work I'll be reading the   word and then I would do the gym because during  the pandemic like I wasn't going to the gym so   I so like I started to work out at home but then  that started to die off because like I said that   came about from like a trauma I was building my  own strength up so like the desire to do that   anymore was was gone God was filling those voids  he was filling those voids where it was like I   didn't want to lust after women I didn't want a  lust to have the men and it's like when I came   to Christ those things that I was struggling  with I wasn't acting on them anymore like I   wasn't acting on smoking weed I wasn't acting on  drinking partying you know lusting after people   but I hadn't been delivered from those Spirits yet  so like here comes now we're in October of 2021.   and like before then I was getting dreams like  just when I had given my life to Christ I would   I remember a dream where there was a young  lady she came in the dream and she was dressed   in lingerie in the dream I was like nah like  you got to put some clothes on so in a dream   I just put some clothes on her and I walked out  and I walked into the my then church family and   I walked and there was just a space just for me  and it's like God was showing me this is where   you are right now you've left that alone though  I hadn't been delivered from that Spirit as yet   it's like I left that alone and he was showing  me where I am in October of 2021 I was being   traumatized with perverted thoughts I mean I  remember working and the thoughts was coming   like I was like what is going on right now you  know it was me and another sister in Christ she   was she was going through the same thing it  was attacking both of us I remember having a   conversation with her and she was telling me she  was she saw a vision and she was like you know   you're right by your bed I see you you're right  by your bed and it's gonna happen right there   and it's like I knew what she was talking about  I knew that God was going to deliver me there   of homosexuality and lust and like he did  by faith I was like I'm gonna set myself up   to receive that Deliverance whatever it is that  God has for me I'm just gonna move by faith and   so for three days God gave me the grace to fast  you know I remember like you see how slowly up so   I'm like discover each other they're like you know  if you don't drink water for three days you go die   that's like we gotta renew our mind so one of  my friends like he's like the same size as me   and he was fasting and and he would do a complete  fast and so I'm like if he could do it I can do it   so God gave me the grace to do that you know um I  did have like a drink of a glass of wine I didn't   prepare I was so parched but anyways I say all  of that to say like it's not like how I fasted   it's just a faith Monday through Wednesday I was I  was doing a fascinating Thursday I remember going   um to my doctors and the first time this is the  second time they we they've seen me they've met   me the first time um I was evangelized I was like  y'all know Jesus you know and then the second   time it was like a Godly sorrow you know all of  the stuff that I was going through it was like   because before just before then like maybe a  month or so before then I was talking to the   young lady and I was actually boasting in my sin  all of the stuff that I just told you about I was   glorifying myself I didn't have that Godly sorrow  it was like you know um the Lord has delivered me   of this or I feel bad about my sin I was like  oh yeah I did this and I was proud about it   so it was a whole different scenario when I  came and saw them the second time and I was   actually repenting to them and like I guess my  own way at the time you know because before then   I didn't really understand that stuff you know so  it's like they just they just showed me love and   then I went home one of my friends she sent  me a song and I was like oh man God's about   to do something and the way that I knew that is  because it was the same feeling that I had that   same year in March March of 2021 when I got my  prayer language you know speaking in tongues   and God met me right there in my room the same  room when he delivered me I wanted my prayer   language so I was fasting and praying for that  and I was like Lord I want it I want it I want   it nobody laid hands on me you know it's just  God and I I just recorded I was like I know   God is going to do something so I recorded it  and he gave me my prayer language on that day   and I was like I remember days waking up after  that and and just start to speak in my prayer I   was like I was like oh my gosh God you I still  have it and it's like because yes the gifts of   God without repentance so I was like he's not  gonna take it away from me he gave it to me and   so it was like that childlike Faith you know so  because in this time in October of the same year   I was like man it was the same feeling I was like  man God's gonna move I just started I got my phone   I started to record I was like God's gonna do it  he's gonna do something yeah I don't know I was   like he's gonna do something I started to record  and I was just crying and repenting and I just I   started throwing up things and like God delivered  me right there from homosexuality and lust nobody   laid hands me the power of God met me right  where I was in my room and I tell you there's   no residue I don't want to lust after men I don't  want to lust after women I don't I don't I I know   that it was bad all of my life but I don't I don't  want to go after that stuff you know what I mean   so it's like God God removed all of that desire  for me and I'm so thankful only he can do that   I've been delivered from things that the world  was like I've been born this way where the where   the world is like Love Is Love no God is love  love is patient love is kind it doesn't mean   it doesn't boast it doesn't hold wrong doings  it rejoices it when the truth wins out that   is God and all all of what is coming out of me is  like God's been pouring into me and and it's like   but listen now yes I was delivered from that and I  remember I was on the phone with one of my friends   you know and I was like sis God just delivered me  of this but here's the thing I wasn't delivered   from shame and guilt so it's like I remember  I think it was my mom passing by the doorway   and it's like I just got quiet and I was like  sis I just felt like the spirit of Shame and   guilt just rested on me and she was like wow  I was like yeah so I wasn't delivered from the   shame and Guild I I mean I wasn't able to share  that she was I think one just a handful of people   knew that I was delivered from that I didn't want  to share with anybody was the the shame and guilt   coming from what you had done it was coming from  what I had done and it was coming from just just   a sin you know what I mean it was coming because  nobody knew that my family they didn't know that   I liked women they did not know whatsoever it  was a secret it was a well-kept secret though   my mom I remember my mom was asking me she was  like Bree you're like you and your friend having   sex I was like No And we weren't but it's like  dang she has an idea and that's not the first   time she asked me you know what I mean yeah I  felt that Spirit rest on me it just covered me   like a blanket I was like oh my gosh yes I know  I've been delivered of this but that's shame   and guilt it was it was it was keeping me quiet  so you know fast forward now to like last year   June July I remember a man of God he came to me  and he was like you have a message that God wants   to wants you to share and immediately when he  said that I was like man it's my testimony but   at the time I had so much shame and guilt I was  like I I can't even shed I was like and I started   to pray I started literally crying out to God  God if if you if it's my testimony and you want   me to share it now God I need you to give me the  grace you know what I mean and so it it took it   it took months but he did he did he delivered me  of the shame and guilt and and it was in October   you know what I mean it was in October of this  past year and I was like Lord I remember what   you did in 2021 you delivered me of homosexuality  less Lord do it again do something amazing again   and so he delivered me he delivered me and how  did he do that what what happened there to be   able to deliver you and you know uh heal you  from from this shame or remove the shame that   you were feeling well it's important I also  mention that I was going through Council so   I had Godly counsel around me and they were  helping me I went through Deliverance um and   we went through process of inner healing like  actually going back into my past and realizing   hey you just didn't know better you know this  is with your with your church or this is with my   church you know so they helped me a lot for months  before this you know going through inner healing   um and the way that the Lord delivered me I was  in church and I was sharing you know my testimony   before then and you know God just met me right  there and he delivered me of that and the way   that I know it is because when I left when I  left um the church I I was heading home and   holy spirit was like go to your parents house  and I was like okay because I wasn't I wasn't   planning to do that and then as I get closer he's  like you're gonna testify and I was like whoa   up until this point I didn't share with them  anything they like I said up until this point they   didn't know that I was going through all of that  stuff they didn't know I was partying and drinking   all the stuff that I liked women they didn't  know yeah you know so you were sharing it at   church but you hadn't shared it with your parents  you hadn't shared with my parents no my family no   and so I was like oh my gosh Lord all right I come  to their house and thank God both my parents are   right there and I'm like hey Mom like God sent  me here he wants me to testify and um if you   guys could just sit around the table and I could  share with you guys my testimony I tell you up   until this point I could not share it and just as  I'm freely sharing it with you that's how it came   and I'm like God thank you you know what I mean it  was like a release change being broken off of me   and so I shared with them and my parents you know  it was hard for them to receive like hearing their   child have gone through this and we've been  under the same roof all this time like I said I   had that that what the world would say is Picture  Perfect my mom my dad my sister I had pretty much   everything that I needed but that love was missing  and I was searching for it in the world you know   what I mean and and because I didn't have it for  my mom or my dad I was looking for it in women   and men you know and and so after that I went home  and then I was like man I gotta show my sister too   so I ended up sharing it with her and that has  brought some Deliverance for her and and God's   still working on her you know what I mean sharing  with my mom God's still working with my mom my dad   you know he's working in my family he's literally  bringing them out of of their pits and I'm like   thank you Lord anybody that I can share with I'm  like I'm sharing it you know what I mean because   because literally months ago I was not able to  share it with a single soul I had so much shame   on me there would be parts that I would share  but when it came to the child on child sexual   abuse I didn't want to share that I didn't want  to share that at all you know and so God healed   me of that he healed me of that and it's like  He restored my relationship with my parents I'm   no longer angry with them I'm like literally like  God has removed so much from me and he's restored   me he's revived me he's given me the desire to  do and the power to do what pleases him you know   and I'm just I'm just so thankful I'm just so  thankful because none of this I could have do I   couldn't have done this on my own every time that  I was seeking Deliverance I was seeking him for it   and he met me right where I was at I didn't have  to clean myself up before getting to him he works   on us as we allow him to it's it's so much that I  can share and it's like God has done this for me   he has truly done it for me hmm Brittany  when it came to the the child on child abuse   and even what you saw right as a uh as a as a  child seeing somebody else abuse another child   how did God deal with with that hurt or those  visuals and those things that you experienced has   he dealt with those parts of of your memory and in  your life or is that something that's ongoing what   has he done in that area I can say that that's  where the inner healing has came in like me just   talking through it and having conversations about  it and realizing that okay I didn't know better I   was a child we were children you know so he  helped me to just be released from the shame   and guilt of it and it's like just realizing hey  you were a child that's no longer who you are so   that's how he helped me through Godly counsel  he's helped me to realize that and to come to   the knowledge of the truth once I knew the truth  and I was like this is the works of the devil in   my life and that it's it's something that's  followed the family it was like oh did I know   so he helped me by by bringing me to the  truth um and just keeping people around me   and just through lots of prayer yeah yeah you  dealt with a lot of uh um kind of isolation   loneliness and feeling alone in all of these  areas or just a lot of these internal emotions   um how did God use Community you mentioned  that your church kind of came around and   um and began to help you in some of these  inner healings but what did that look like   for you as God came into your life how  did he begin to use the people around you   um to show you like a different perspective or  Com or even help transform your life I would say   it it really was just Community like genuine love  the love of God not that oh I'm blessed and highly   favored that's cool and all but it's like how are  you really doing I got people around me that were   wanting to check on me wanting to really give me  the truth and not suppress it it's like if I was   doing wrong they would tell me so and they would  tell me in love so so this I'm with a different   church family you know and they were showing me  the love of God the true love of God it wasn't   a false facade you know what I mean so when he  changed where I was going to church and he started   to work on my heart it was really the community  of people that helped me to stay on track and   because there were times where I remember I was  gonna leave every single church that was in I   was going through so much Warfare but it's like  God I can't turn away from you so he gave me the   strength to stay within the community group and at  least talk to a few people during that time so yes   there was isil but I was still talking to people I  was still letting them know like hey this is what   I'm going through but I would say it was it was  definitely the love of God in his people yeah yeah   Brittany for people who are watching your  testimony right now and you know are hearing you   say God deliver me from homosexuality for those  people who maybe are are thinking to themselves   or know that or know people that will think to  themselves well Brittany you actually born that   way you're just suppressing that part what can  you say to to people that think that way and and   I don't even know if you thought that way maybe at  some point but what can you say about that mindset   well after coming to knowing the truth and  realizing that it's actually a perversion   that's followed the family like if this is a  bloodline thing perversion I was like okay this   isn't me and then reading the word too God says  that he's made man and woman in His image after   his likeness he says to be fruitful and multiply  so it's like how can you be fruitful and multiply   me being a woman going with a woman you know  what I mean a lot of it was stemming from lust   so when I come to know the truth and I always knew  that it was wrong that's another thing too even   before Christ I knew that it was wrong but I it  was something that was just in me for people that   say that I was born this way that's that's a lie  I just have to say it just as it is that is a lie   period it's for me the way that the Lord has  helped me to realize it is it was rooted in trauma   and generational Spirits that's been following the  bloodline so however it chooses to manifest itself   for me was homosexuality for other people it might  be pornography it might be you know adultery but   it was that same confusion that same perversion  and it's a lie it's a lie that's all I can say I mean who is Jesus to you oh my gosh  Jesus is everything he is everything to   me he he's revived me he's my healer he's my  husband he's my best friend he's my father   I remember one of my sisters was like calling  calling him um Dad popping I was like huh what   but yeah I now call him Papa I'm singing to  him all the time you know what I mean that's   God is my best friend truly man oh my gosh just  saying that and it hasn't always been this way printing for people who are  watching your testimony right now   what is a word of encouragement that you can  give them if if they're relating to parts of your   testimony when it comes to the the loneliness or  when it comes to even the homosexual attractions   um people are relating with your story what is an  encouragement that you can give them to kind of   get them out of that dark place wherever they're  at I would say to just be patient with yourself   you know allow the Lord to work on you because  for me I thought you know coming to Christ that   all these things will be delivered from me but as  he brought it up I was like okay I want to give   that to you so as you're walking with Christ and  you start to notice okay I'm I'm always falling   I'm always angry or I'm always feeling lonely or  I'm always feeling lustful towards the same sex or   an opposite sex it's like okay God is showing you  that he wants to take that from you and he wants   to replace it with more of him more of his love  more of his truth so it's like if you notice that   that's something that's repetitive it's like give  that that's a God give that to God in this like   however it is like Lord just take this from me I  don't want it anymore that's what I had to do and   in that moment he will take it away and just allow  him to work on your heart be patient with yourself   um don't condemn yourself you know yeah and  and just allow the Lord to heal you yeah yeah   what about the people who are just feeling that  chain that that you know you once felt and uh you   know they're not able to share you're you're  able to stand here testify about what Jesus   has done in your life Shameless what's the  word of encouragement that you can give to   those people that are currently feeling that  shame and can't really share what has happened   in their lives and what God is doing well I  didn't know how God was gonna do it for me   and all I can tell you is how he did it for me  was I just was like God give me the grace to   share whatever it is that you have done for me  give me the grace and in his way he delivered   me of the shame and the guild so just cry out  to God however it looks for you whether it's   singing whether whether it's writing whether  it's praying crying out God understands it all   just let him know because he already knows just  let him know speak to him honestly and allow him   to work on you you know it's a process and we all  have to go through it it looks different for each   and every one of us but trust God in the process  because at the end he makes all things beautiful   bringing any last words for people who  are watching your testimony right now   yes just be patient with yourself please it's not  about how long we've been serving the lord it's   like how we've been serving the lord have we been  allowing him to work on our hearts as things come   up let him work on that give it to him whatever it  is give it to him and take upon his burden that is   light his yoke that is easy and let him change  you truly because he he when he does it there's   no residue there's no residue and you're going to  be able to stand wherever you are and boldly talk   about what God has done for you without shame and  guilt trust and believe he's done it for me with   within a year deliver me of Shame and guilt  stay within Godly counsel stay within people   who are truly walking with the Lord we're not  perfect my walk is not perfect none of us God   is Not Looking for Perfection he's looking for  those who would who would be real with him just   be real with him let him know everything that  is going on with you and he will deal with it
Channel: Delafé Testimonies
Views: 288,520
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Id: X7ycvdXT20E
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Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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