I Grew up Buddhist, Demons Followed Me, then JESUS did this… 😳(Testimony)

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and that night ended up being the most scariest night for me uh you know i ended up sleeping in my jacket and my hat and my gloves and it was cold i almost felt like there's like fingers kind of touching my body i remember it being dark and i'm looking up i could see like two eyes looking back down at me and i just remember thinking like i can't live like this and so i i ended up praying i actually said can i remember what my parents told me all those years ago that you got to stay buddhist and and i said god if you're real and you want me to do this then you got to help me with my parents my name is apisit berea but i go by i like the letter i am 42 i work at nih as a contracting officer i do you come from a religious background yes i grew up buddhist and that comes from generations just your family or yeah i uh i'm thai thai american so my parents are from thailand and if anyone knows anyone who's tithes 95 of the population is is buddhist so naturally i grew up that way here being in america still having the same values that my parents instilled in me so where did your story start yeah i mean like i said growing up here born here and raised here my parents had emphasized in me a young age at a young age that um you know to be thai even living here in the states we have to keep our thai identity so we have to stay buddhist i remember hearing that at a at an early age and so i just you know just ran with it i went with it and we would my brother and i who's two years younger we would go to the temple on sundays and during the summer to learn the thai language but also incorporated in that was learning buddhism so i grew up that way and it was just normal for me natural for me it wasn't until about i was about 12 and my brother being 10 that we started uh having our own kind of supernatural experiences in in our home by supernatural i mean hearing voices calling our name doors closing by themselves and to the point where you know my brother and i would approach our parents but of course at that age they wouldn't believe you uh they thought we maybe we had too much candy or maybe we had watched some scary shows so at that age my brother and i had to comfort one another so when things happened to him he would come tell me and when things happen to me i would go talk to him and for myself i remember that because of all these things i knew that the reality wasn't just the physical world that we see i knew that there was something more than that and being raised buddhist i sought answers through buddhism the the strange thing is that i had asked one of the monks at the at the buddhist temple about god and then he told me that there is no god in buddhism essentially traditional buddhism i came from a terabyte of buddhism background and what they what they teach what buddha taught is essentially a way to make it through life with without suffering or with minimal suffering buddhism acknowledges that suffering and there's things that buddha taught to minimize that suffering in your life some of these things were based on attachments so not being attached to things because things are impermanent right things were gonna go away so if you attach them and when they're gone you're gonna you're gonna suffer so it's more like a philosophy or a way of life that that you can live your life in that way and to minimize the suffering now that's in a nutshell the traditional buddhism that i learned but what i understood and saw at the temple was there was kind of this spirituality that came with it and i didn't learn till later but there's a term for it called folk buddhism which means that buddhism the traditional buddhism mixed with the local religion in thailand or wherever buddhism had traveled so in thailand there was a lot of animism you know spirits you know in in nature in the trees and the rocks things like that and then when buddhism came it kind of just incorporated with the local animism that was there so if you go to thailand today you'll see a lot of you know spirit houses shrines you know they'll almost make offerings to to these spirits as a way of appeasement you know if i if i offer you this thing then i won't you won't bother me you know if i if i show you respect then maybe you'll bless me so there's kind of kind of mixed in spirituality with it so they're in folk buddhism there is an acknowledgement of the spiritual world and so this is the kind of buddhism i grew up in and i learned and i practiced you know with the meditation i would also do the the bowing three times and the prayers and it wasn't until college where i went to a university of maryland baltimore county and it was here that i first heard about jesus and coming from a buddhist background and just knowing that hey i'm thai i gotta be buddhist you know i would i would hear about jesus but then i would also tell people about buddha um you know sometimes it'd be friendly conversation sometimes be friendly debate but essentially i was adamant like i will never become a christian you know i'm going to stay buddhist i didn't see that buddhism was lacking anything so there's no need to change and it was enough for me and despite this kind of resistance i remember clearly a friend of mine we were just sitting in the car and i knew that she sincerely meant what she believed and she told me again the gospel story but this time i i really listened i paid attention because i knew that the way she was sharing it the way she approached it that she was sincere that she really thought that this jesus is someone i needed do you remember what was it about what she was saying that connected with you like specifically yeah um i wouldn't no i want to say that there was something specific but i think what made the impression on me was that genuine care so that our that genuine care broke down whatever walls i had of like while you're talking i'm gonna get ready to talk about buddhism right so i kind of said okay well you're approaching me very like humbly and gently and we're already friends and it wasn't in a competitive way so my guard was down and i le i heard the gospel story about you know my uh how jesus loves me you know how he died for my sins on the cross that he rose again and and that uh he wants a relationship with me you know so she shared it you know simple gospel presentation but you know at the end i said thank you for sharing jesus with me uh let me tell you about buddha i ended up telling her about buddha anyway but that was the first time i remember actually the this the story or the understanding of who jesus is really kind of made its first kind of impact in my into my mind um and i kind of kept it on the back burner you know i was invited to church after that and sometimes i would visit um but never never really to to really seek out jesus it was more just my friends invited me so i'm going to go and enter and at this time too like what do you remember of your thoughts about jesus like what were you thinking as you were hearing like jesus's name yeah you know it's it's it's interesting so i almost thought of it like it was a a western religion maybe right so it was uh you know this is buddhism uh it's something that you know i in my mind all ties were buddhists and so i have to represent i have to you know stay and stay in this um religion and this faith and when i'm hearing about jesus there was there was no incentive for me to believe what they were saying because you know it's almost like it almost sounded the way it was shared to me is very like exclusive you need you need to you need to have jesus and for me that was as a buddhist buddhism is in general buddhists are very open like to you know hearing about other religions and even trying to incorporate you know this uh the ideas in your faith and try to see how they how they uh are similar and things like that but when someone was like you know it has to be jesus he's the only way and for me that was like well you're a little bit close-minded it was interesting because in my mind even though i knew traditional bosom has had no spirituality component but maybe because the folk buddhism background i almost thought of buddha and jesus as like similar right like there are different ways to a higher power i think i did believe in god at the time but almost like it wasn't a focus you know and and uh i would occasionally like pray to the the buddha statue you know as if it was god you know asking for things and praying for protection and things like that so there was this kind of understanding that buddha there's a spiritual power behind it right and even though traditionally like i said there is no but that's how i thought of it so it was almost as if well jesus is not maybe it's that's your way to connect with god or i didn't think too much of it at that point uh around the same time as i'm you know in college and i i started experiencing some symptoms of of depression and also what was diagnosed as ocd um obsessive compulsive disorder so the the way it manifested itself for me at the time was i would keep having to repeat things whether it be like an action or a thought in my head until i felt peace and it was almost like a thought or a voice saying if i don't if i if you don't do x then something bad could happen to a loved one if you don't scream at the top of your lungs down this hallway then something bad is going to happen to your mom for example this is an example and you know occasionally i would be able to resist and forget about it other times it would just be so so much anxiety that i just ended up giving in just just in case something weird or bad happened to my loved one i would just give in anyways this couple with the depression led me to seek help so i went to the school counselor and they had referred me outside of the university because they said it was a little bit more serious than what they're used to so i sought help outside from therapists psychologists psychiatrist and this is something i battled for years and it was it was very difficult to to try to finish to try to do school and eventually get a job and maintain that job while wrestling with all these thoughts and depressions it was tough and i remember going from therapist to therapist psychiatrist to psychiatrist and at the at the peak it was about 12 pills a day that i had to take and i just knew that that was too much i had to i had to come back off of it and and something had to change i couldn't imagine my future like this if i'm like this in my early 20s how am i going to live the rest of my life so i just you know i sought help medically but i also dove even deeper into buddhism so you know meditation at home you know studying prayers things like that and you know going to the temple to to pray in the evenings with the monks and it pushed me that way and what what i realized internally was that while buddhism acknowledges that suffering that's in the world for me it almost didn't provide a solution a hope it was almost a survival mentality like yeah this world is full of suffering and here's you know if you don't get attached to things and and you know you pray you meditate you'll you'll you'll be able to navigate this life with less suffering and then in the next life you might be born again in a better situation and for me that was that was not enough of a solution to give me hope you know it was almost like a yeah like a survival mentality and it was about when i was 25 where i went to a new a new therapist and at the first interview they they tell me up front this is a christian this is a christian facility are you okay with that and at that point i was so desperate i was so um hurting so lost that i said that's fine i just didn't care and i remember every time we would meet the the therapist would ask is it okay if i pray for you and i said okay each time now i never made the connection between the prayer but i remember this is the last therapist i ever saw after meeting with with this therapist things did improve for me and i never i never had to go back and eventually i got off the pills and so after around 25 i was i thought that you know life is manageable now it wasn't as bad as earlier i still had i still had some of the symptoms but it was yeah i could handle it and even some of the spiritual occurrences that i experienced when i was young they were still they still occurred throughout my life but it was never as frequent as when i was young young teenagers uh so i think okay well this is this is the way forward at least you know i can i can survive this way now it wasn't until i was 30 that i went back to school for for my graduate degree so i went to university of maryland college park and i remember doing during my studies i would be i would i was at home one day and i was studying in my brother's room and i was studying you know i got hungry so i decided to go upstairs to get some food and after after getting the food i walked back to my brother's room and as i walk down to his room i see a shadow figure kind of walk walk past the light so that i could see you know the outline of the arms and the legs and the head and i thought i literally thought someone was in the room maybe my dad or someone had got in the room and i go in there and there was no one there and so i i paused for a moment and i i was like whoa what's going on because i had always heard things or maybe felt things but i've never actually seen anything with my eyes and that was the first time seeing things anyways i went back to studying and it stuck with me so on the weekend i ended up going to the temple and talking to one of the monks as i'm talking to him i tell him what happened and he tells me you know there are spirits that are in this world and sometimes it's because the spirit of the person couldn't move on to the to their next life and i asked you know okay so what am i supposed to do and he says well the reason that their spirits can't move on is because they haven't they don't have enough merit in thai we call it and essentially the spirit needs more merit to move on so i said okay well okay now what should i do is there anything i can do and then the monk said well you can share your merit with the spirit and you know i trust him so i said okay how can i how can i do that so he he tells me to go back to my house and and meditate and then while i'm meditating just share your merit with the spirit right so i i go back home i'm back in my brother's room and i'm i'm meditating and as i'm meditating i i i feel there's something in the in enters the room right it gets a little bit cold and so i say okay i think something's here so i i just said hey like i'm gonna share my mirror with you after i said that i felt like the cold kind of come in my body and so i was like okay something's wrong so i go to i go to my parents and i i asked them if they were cold and they said no and so i knew i knew at that point okay well something's wrong and you know for the next two weeks i'm constantly cold i i would be wearing my jacket and hat gloves indoors you know granted it was it was around february at that time but when i was indoors my friends would be in their t-shirts and shorts because the heat's on but i would still feel cold i would still feel as if someone left the door the window open and there's like a draft constantly for two weeks and on top of that you know strange things happen in the house i would start seeing kind of things and and sensing there's something like watching me and so i was although i was 30 at that point i was scared to stay at home so i ended up packing a bag and uh staying at my friend's apartment near college park and i just spent the nights on his couch while i was going to school uh that was until i saw that shadow figure passed by in his in his place like along the wall and i was like okay something's following me now i knew i knew something was following me and i was like i don't want to put this on my friend like whatever it is i don't want it to bother my friend and his roommate so i end up packing my things again and i go to the temple i knock on the door around 10 30 at night and the monk lets me in gives me a room and in the morning he sits with me and we do he does some buddhist rituals with me some prayers and some offering of uh gifts i guess it's almost like an appeasement to the spirit and you know he says if it doesn't stop just come back okay so a few days later i come back it hasn't stopped you know we sit we talk and he told me you know some people just have a weaker mind they're more affected by you know spiritual things like this and so for me it almost sounded like there's nothing there's nothing else to be done like it's just you just have a weaker mind and so for me to hear that i was very distraught um i started feeling hopeless what am i gonna do i remember you know coming out of class at ten at night and walking to my car and just thinking i'm in trouble like what's gonna happen i didn't see like what's the way forward for me i'm 30 but i'm like again like how can i how can i live like this and so i i was distraught i get to the car i turn on the car and then the radio comes on and as the radio comes on there there's a preacher or pastor on my radio and i was surprised because at that point i was listening to you know hip-hop stations or you know top 40 and things like that and i was like why is there a preacher on my radio and i remember thinking to myself well if this is a sign from god i'm going to listen and and see what what it's gonna say so i i sat in my car i listened and what the preacher said was well he started with a question do you ever feel like you're in the middle of the ocean and there's waves hitting you from every direction and i was thinking yeah that's kind of how i feel right now and and he says do you ever wonder why god would put you in this situation or allow you to be in this situation and i said yeah and then he he says sometimes god will allow you to be in those situations so that those waves will push you closer to him and so i took that as as a sign and i said okay if i'm going through all this craziness that i could meet god then i will go check out church on sunday so sunday comes around i i go back to my friend's church who had invited me 10 years ago i just show up i didn't tell them i was coming you know i go and i sit in the back corner i wasn't there to socialize i wasn't there to see anyone and and as i'm sitting there they begin the worship where they start singing and i remember i just started tearing started bawling and i was trying to do it covertly so i was kind of covering my face and i didn't know why i just almost felt like i was stuff was bottled inside me for so long and then when the worship began i just it just came out so you know worship ends and the pastor begins his sermon and what he is preaching on is demons and he was describing you know if if there's demonic activity around you this is what you might feel you might feel this cold breeze and things like that and i was like what he's describing is what i'm going through right now and this is crazy like i was just in shock almost like this is what i'm going through and at the end they they close in worship again i'm tearing i'm bawling and my friend though the same friend who who saw me who shared the gospel with me like 10 years ago she she saw me and she said i was wrong and i said i i'm going through something right now i can't talk about it the only one i told this whole time was the monk no one else knew because i thought it sounded crazy so she says fine would you at least come up and get prayer and so i said sure i'll do that i go up to the front there's a couple pastors and people there waiting to pray for people who ever wanted to pray who ever wanted to get prayer and you know they asked me how can we pray for you and i gave them like a little snippet of what i'm going through not not going into any kind of detail but they knew especially with the sermon being what it was that day and i remember one of the pastors said look we can pray for you and you may feel better but the only way to be truly free is if you accept jesus as your lord and savior and i said no i said i'm not going to do that i'm buddhist and then he said okay well that's fine you know we're going to bless you so they pray for me after prayer i felt i felt better i did feel like almost like lighter and so i said well maybe it's gone so i'm gonna go back home spend the night at my house and that night ended up being the most scariest night for me uh you know i ended up sleeping in my jacket and my hat and my gloves and it was cold i almost felt like there was like fingers kind of touching my body i remember it being dark and i'm looking up i could see like two eyes looking back down at me and i just remember thinking like i can't live like this and so i i ended up praying i actually said can i remember what my parents told me all those years ago that you got to stay buddhist and and i said god if you're real and you want me to do this then you got to help me with my parents so it was the next day tuesday morning before they went to church i went to work i went up to them and i said look can i talk to you guys before you guys head out and they said sure what's going on and i said hey i'm going through something right now it's been really tough and they knew because i'm their son they knew i was stressed about something not knowing what it was and they said sure how uh what is it you know and i said i think i found something that could help me and it's religion and they said sure which one and i said christianity and they said well if you think that's going to help you then then go for it and i was a little i was like left throwing it back that was so simple i ended up going to that pastor's house he doesn't he's he's basically my neighbor so i just walked to his house and you know i sit in his in his kitchen and he tells me the gospel again after hearing my story he tells me the gospel tells me about jesus and he asked you know do you want to do you want to follow him do you do you want him in your life and i said yes i remember he he was like okay i'm going to lead you through a prayer all right and i remember at that moment before i was going to pray i almost felt i almost heard like not audibly but i heard a growl almost like a ur right he leads me through the prayer and i'm i'm praying along with him and you know i leave his house as i leave his house i'm just thinking well i guess i'm a i'm a christian now i still have to go to school so i drive to the the library of maryland and i'm studying and i remember feeling electricity like electricity like almost like a like electrical feeling going through my feet and i'm like okay well what is this so i try to i try to get it to stop and it wouldn't stop and i i was just like okay i'm done like if this is if i'm gonna if i'm getting possessed right now then i'm gonna get possessed right now right so it's it doesn't stop and it's slowly going up my leg um but the interesting thing is everywhere it passed everywhere below it it was warm now so i was like well at least it's warm so i just i just go with it right so i i end up going to the my night class it's about 9 00 pm at night and the tingling is up here now it's like tingling and i'm just feeling warm and the moment the tingling gets to the top of my head the lights in the in the lecture hall turn off and on three times so it's like on off on off on off and the teacher the professor stops teaching and he's like whoa there's like a ghost in here and everyone starts laughing but i'm like oh it's you know it's it's probably me it's probably because of me and i said well i don't know what's going on right now but i feel good i feel warm i feel light and so after class i'm i'm walking i'm walking to my car and i end up calling my friend who i was staying on the friend who i was staying on the couch with and i said hey i'm going to come over and hang out with you for a bit and he says well maybe you shouldn't come over there's no there's no power here and then at that moment i heard like a different voice another voice in my in my mind saying if you go to his place the power will come back on and i was like this has been a weird enough day so i'm just gonna i'm gonna go and i said hey i'm coming over anyway so i'll see you there now the interesting thing is for the past two weeks not only was it cold but whenever i'd be driving whether it's like on a highway or streets there's the street lights and so when i pass the street light the lights would turn off not every single one but for me enough for me to know that this is not normal like i would drive and it would turn off drive and turn off and so with with that happening i remember like okay well i'm going to my friend's house whose power is is off at this point and so i'm you know the street lights are out and i pull into his apartment complex and as i pull into his apartment complex all the lights in the in the facility turn on and so i was like wow so i walk in and i say hey what's going on and he said the power went off three different times and it came on when you got here and i was like wow what is going on and i was just a little bit shocked amazed but i ended up talking to my my pastor the one who led me through the prayer and i talked to my pastor and i tell him what had occurred that day that i accepted christ i told him the story and i and i was like what's going on and he says whoa that well when you when you accept christ when you accept jesus you get the holy spirit god's spirit comes to live in you and i and that was the warmth that you felt coming in and pushing whatever it was out and i was like wow okay you know so maybe that's what's going on and i remember waking up you know in the morning and it was as if my whole life i was wearing sunglasses and the sunglasses were just lifted off and i just remember thinking like this is the most beautiful morning i've ever seen in my life like the sun was out the birds were chirping and i was like this is amazing and i remember sitting in my car and it it really clicked it hit me like my goodness jesus is real jesus the one they told me about 10 years ago or is real and i'm like god sees me right now and god is with me right now and i almost like started like hyperventilating and i was like and i was just tearing because it just hit me in in the car it just hit me and i was like wow so from that moment on i was like i have to know who i have to know i have to know who you are god like i i feel like i need to know you and so i've i've pursued him since then and just i i need to learn more about who you are and you know you save me and i need to i need to understand you so i can appreciate you and i remember asking god i was like why did i have to go through all that right like why couldn't you have saved me when i was 18. you know before i had to go through all the depression and ocd and things like that and and i remember god spoke to me and he said i can use all that simply i can use all that and and since that time i've come to see like okay well you know all those things i went through even talking to psychiatrist psychiatrists and therapists and when even when i meet someone now who's going through that it's not weird to me you know because i've been through it you know and even people who share their spiritual stories with me about you know crazy things happening in the house i'm not surprised or not confused by it because i've been through it and i can see what god meant like he can use all that so i can relate now and though it wasn't easy it was i could see how god can use the tough things that we've been through to help to help others go through who are going through it you know what i what i would want to say is that you know just the same questions i was i was thinking when i was in my mid-20s like how can where's the hope you know where's the hope for my future where's the thing the better day that i can look forward to and and i didn't know what it was until jesus right until i meet until meeting god where there is a purpose for my life there is something worth greater than than me just going to school and getting a job and getting married having kids and then dying i mean they're all good things but i'm just like there has to be more to life you know there has to be more and i didn't know what that more was until meeting jesus and so what i would say to people you know who are watching this is that you know oftentimes we we feel like when we're comparing ourselves to other people that we're generally good people right we haven't killed anybody you know well most people haven't killed people and so i'm generally good and maybe i think i'll go to heaven right but what what i've learned that's just different because even in buddhism it was it was that way i would think of it as a scales right if i do more good than bad then it'll tilt my way and then i'll i'll either be born again in a better life or i'm going to heaven right but if there was a judge who's a good judge who's a a fair judge and they they had some they had someone in their courtroom who who is a doctor and the doctor may have saved hundreds of lives during their career and then one day maybe they had too much to drink and they they hit somebody with their car and that person dies the doctor goes before the judge and says like hey i've saved hundreds of lives i've only killed one person you know that good judge wouldn't be just if they just said okay yeah you're right you're free to go right you've saved you've saved 100 you killed one you're free like don't worry about it you know that wouldn't be that wouldn't be just and if we think that way with an earthly judge then we have to think that way how much more with the ultimate judge which is which is god if he's just unfair he's not going to be able to say like oh well you've done more good than bad so you're good you're welcome to come to heaven with me right there has to be a payment an atonement for what you've done wrong and the fact is we can't pay for it ourselves you know nothing we nothing good we do can erase the bad and that's why jesus sent his own son who lived that sinless life he never did any sins and he took our punishment what was meant for us on that cross that's why he died on the cross and it wasn't just that he died but he rose again from the dead defeating death defeating sin defeating the devil and because of what he did on the cross he's able to forgive us he's able to say you know your sins are covered i've paid for it it's almost like someone paying your bill right like you're in jail and someone comes and pays for your bill and you're free to go there the justice is still there the love is there and because someone actually paid for what you did wrong that justice is served god is a god of love and justice and so i would just encourage you to to look into it to put your trust in jesus you know he loves you he's ready to forgive you it's a free gift you just have to accept it and that's my sincere prayer you know for anyone watching this who doesn't yet know just if you're not sure look into it you know what i don't want is you know we we invest in our future all the time right like we we we look we research the colleges that we want to go to we try to find the best job we have a retirement plan right but then when it comes to what happens after death we don't a lot of people don't think about it they're just i'm going to live my life but why i mean i would think that that's the most important thing we should look into right so at least look into it explore it see if it makes sense right and if and if it does put your trust in him that's it did your parents ever come to follow jesus you know that's that's a good question so um not yet you know i i'm praying for them every day and my my brother um as far as i know i'm the only one in my family right now who's who's a follower of christ um you know the interesting thing is that culture a lot of people can relate to this but i remember you know they were okay with me accepting christ and then two weeks later it was interesting conversation almost like they thought i wasn't serious so they were like oh yours because i ended up what had happened i gave all my buddhist things back to my parents yeah i was like i thought it was disrespectful just throw in the trash so i said here like i'm a christian now and i want to give this back to you and i think that they that showed them that was really serious so they're like oh you're really serious about this and they started asking me difficult questions like well you know you're the oldest son so who's going to take care of those religious rights when we die and i'm like and i don't know how to answer that i'm like mom dad i don't know i just all i know is that i got to follow jesus right now what do you what do you mean by who's going to take care of this religious right yeah so what it what it's like is at least in in in thai buddhist traditions when someone passes away they do like a ceremony like a merit making for that person who passed on so it's kind of like i would go to the temple and like serve amongst food and donate money donate supplies and almost like the the thinking is because of the good things i'm doing in your behalf then you get these blessings in the next life and so almost like who's going to do these things for us right now i don't know i don't know i'm sorry and i remember i remember praying so hard to god and i was like lord like please save them please save them and and this is i remember this is one morning i was actually at my my friend's apartment i was praying i was like lord please save my my parents please save my brother and and then i heard a question that didn't make sense at the time but it was like do you love me more than you love your parents and i was like my parents were like number one right i was like i'm gonna ignore that maybe that's the demon again so i'm just gonna ignore that question and again like throughout the day do you love me more than your parents and i was like i'm not gonna answer that question and then until at night time i was you know praying at my bed before i went to bed we went to sleep and again it's like do you love me more than you love your parents and i was like oh my goodness i was like okay if you're gonna make me answer this i'm a little bit upset but if you're gonna make me answer this then yes god i love you more than i love my parents and i felt horrible saying those things but i was like i love you more and then i heard him say don't you know i love your parents more than you do and i was like whoa so like i didn't expect that and i was like wow so i will still pray for my parents and my brother every day but it's not it's not the same type of prayer almost like i'm pleading with god like please save them please save them because i i'm praying from a perspective that i know he loves them already and he wants to save them i'm still praying for that but not in the same manner i think god was teaching me that i don't think i don't care about your parents and you have to beg me to care about them it's not like that so i think that's what i took away from that any last words that you may have for people watching no just put your trust in christ like it's not gonna disappoint you that's all yeah
Channel: Delafé Testimonies
Views: 1,591,463
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Id: FAsCMaqSrmY
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Length: 36min 47sec (2207 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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