God Always Keeps His Word - Relentless Faith, Part 4

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[Music] welcome everyone i'm jerry savelle thank you once again for joining me on this broadcast it's always a joy and honor to be able to bring the word of god to you each and every week and i just want you to know how much i appreciate those of you who take the time to let us know how much you're enjoying the teaching we're continuing to talk about today relentless faith oh that's a wonderful subject i tell you once you learn how to develop an unwavering relentless faith then god promises to see to it that you receive everything that he has promised you now let me read a verse to you as we begin and then i'm going to take you into the uh program uh where we were teaching this in our church heritage faith christian center right here in crowley texas psalm 68 verse 19 blessed be the lord who daily loadeth us with benefits god wants you loaded he wants you loaded with benefits he wants you enjoying his blessings each and every day of your life not once in a while but every day but what does it require a relentless faith so watch now as we continue talking about this and then i'll be back in just a few moments the lord gave me a list and this is this is from something i learned way back in 1969 and it actually came from this psalm now if you're a notetaker get ready to take some notes who gets to have dinner with god who gets to who gets to be invited to his house or as i would say it who gets in on his best okay anybody interested in that all right from these verses right here in psalm i made this list integrity humility faithfulness uprightness generosity loyalty and walking in love hallelujah these are what i call attributes that god honors in a believer when you have integrity and integrity obviously means being honest and keeping your word and so forth but integris integrity also includes living right living right now i had a lot of preachers in this meeting that i did granberry where i taught this and i said to them it's living what you preach and now not all preachers live what they preach you didn't know that it's living what you preach if you preach it live it amen so integrity god expects us to to be honest god expects us to keep our word amen and that is a that is a major fault in the body of christ people don't keep the word and in today's world it's hard to find people with integrity amen it's hard to find people in business that will keep their word you know when we were when we were building our ministry headquarters carolyn's dad came over and and supervised that because he was in the building business and and i know olin creech he was an honest man and i knew that uh boy when odin creech figured a job when he got done with it you carried the two before off about that big that was trash i mean he didn't waste any money he didn't waste you know i mean he figured it to the dime and i knew i could trust him i said would you come and oversee this project now he hired you know subs plumbers and different ones and framers and all that to build it but he oversaw it all okay and and some of the people that he hired the subcontractors were not believers some of them would pull up in their truck and they they'd come on our property and and they'd put their cigarettes out first and sometimes when they got through with the job they'd go sit in their drug truck and drink a beer but they didn't do it on our property told old and said no i don't want that on the property so you know they were not necessarily christians and the one person that would not keep his word was the plumber a christian remember that carol he would not keep his word and the sinners did they did exactly what they said they'd do they didn't change the price and this guy he not only changed the price he was stealing from us when we could when we couldn't find certain material or something somebody said oh the plumber took it it wasn't his to take the guy that had the biggest problem was a christian now the guy who was uh really in charge of the building part of it my father-in-law oversaw it all but the guy who was really in charge of it he was he was not a believer but he was an honest man and when he finished the job i gave him a big bonus i said i'm doing this because you kept your word you think i gave the plumber a bonus no way he was not an honest man he wasn't wasn't a man of integrity and that's the problem with a lot of christians today hold your rocks people don't keep their word and particularly today in today's world integrity is almost a lost word it's almost uh a lost art you might say you know my my my grandfather when i was a little boy in mississippi he taught me about integrity when i was just a little boy he'd say son and i'd watch him enter into certain deals with with people and when they would make a deal then they'd reach out and shake hands and then after the man would leave my grandfather turned around to me and he'd say no son if you give your word to somebody and you shake hands on it that's a contract that's your bond you don't need a lawyer amen amen that that's the way i was brought up and even when i was a sinner i was an honor center i kept my words when i when i owned an automotive business and and people bring their wrecked cars in for me to repair bring classic cars in for me to restore i would give them an estimate and and if they agreed to the price then i had them sign their name on the estimate and i signed my name and i had a copy and they had a copy and many times when i'd get into the job i realized oh man i overlooked this i didn't i didn't i didn't figure enough on this to include that but i was told you swear to your own hurt that's what my grandpa told me you swear to your own hurt in other words sometimes i i had to you know bite the dust so to speak to keep my word but i kept my word i never called anybody and said hey i didn't figure enough in this we're going to have to up the price no i just had to i just had to bite the dust so to speak but i kept my word and then when i came to work with brother copeland dear lord i'd never seen anybody that had such a demand on keeping your word as he did he'd say if you tell a person you're going to meet him at three o'clock don't show up at 10 after three you just told a 10 minute lie i thought wow it's getting a little picky isn't it but and the reason he was that way is because before christ he wasn't that way and he realized that if i'm going to if i'm going to get in on god's best i've got to learn to keep my word you know i remember one time we were we had a friend by the name of joe nade and he was a preacher and he was preaching over in cleburne texas and he called me one day and he said jerry uh can you come over to the meeting could you and carolyn come over to the meeting and said man i don't i don't have hardly anybody showing up and he said men just just having some friends there would be a comfort i said yeah we're home and and we will come and so the girls were real little and they loved isis oh they thought isis were invented for them you know you get them at the 7-eleven though and uh there's always one icy and so uh we were headed over to cleaver and the girls carolyn had him dressed real pretty you know and and they said daddy can we have an icy i said not not on the way to church but when we get out of church i'll get you an icy because i don't want it getting all over your dress oh okay okay well they sitting up there in the back seat of the car and they'd see us past seven left daddy you're passing all the icy stores they thought 7-elevens were nothing but icy stores i said yeah we passed it i told you i'll get it for you when we get back to start back home oh okay daddy well we passed another i started daddy you're passing all the icy stores i said girls i told you we would get it on the way back now don't ask me again i said and every time you ask me again you're calling me a liar i said i'd get it and i said in fact if you're asleep i'm going to wake you up pour that icy down your throat because i told you i'd get you an icee on the way back and then the lord spoke up and he said now i'd appreciate it if you'd do the same i said we're not talking about me lord we're talking about the girls i said i told you i would supply all your need according to my riches and glory by christ jesus and every time you ask me again god what are you going to do about this you're calling me a liar called you didn't i amen he said every time you ask me again you're saying i'm not telling the truth you're calling me a liar and i said forgive me lord i'll never do that again amen you see i expect god to keep his word well then you need to learn to keep your word amen if you learn to keep your word you won't have any problem believing god will keep his amen you know i'm talking about how do you get on how do you get in on god's best and i believe one of the first rules if you please is integrity god expects integrity amen just be honest you know brother copeland used to say if somebody asked you would you like to go somewhere and you don't really want to then just say no and that that ends it he said the bible says let you yea be ye nay be name if you don't want to go just tell them no now they don't wait for an excuse and don't make up one you know and he said if they're if they insist on an excuse just tell them i don't want to that's the reason i don't want to i don't want to now it's being a little blunt you know and and we we tend to want to smooth it over well i have some other things to do that was a lie you didn't want to go i'm going to try on this side of the auditorium we need to learn to keep our word i remember one time with joe nay same guy the lord told me to send joe nae some money actually told me to take it to him but i was getting ready to leave town and joe now you lived in arlington and we're over here in fort worth and i was getting ready to leave town and i said to the lord lord i will i would i will uh mail that to him the lord didn't say anything so i proceeded to leave town and i'm i'm nearly to texacanna and the lord said i told you to take that money over to joe nay he needed it then i said lord i'll mail it to him i'm gonna spend the night in texas canada and i'll and i'll write a check and i'll mail it to him in the morning i'll just leave it at the front desk because back in those days you could leave mail that you wanted to send out at the front desk and the you know the mailman would come pick it up well i got busy packing the car and i forgot and i'm in nashville now the lord said i told you to send that money to get that money to joe nate lord i forgot i was going to mail that this morning he said forget it i'll find somebody else that'll be obedient and then he said this and the next time you ask me to supply a need and you need it right now don't get upset when people don't obey you set the standard i got to find a place where this is being accepted we don't keep our word then we wonder why we're not enjoying god's best integrity is still a condition you don't think you can just lie about everything and expect god to bless you huh integrity look at your neighbors say just be honest number two humility humility the bible says god resists the proud god resists the proud but he will promote the humble amen humility that means and i say this to preachers from time to time that means quit acting like you're the only one doing anything for the kingdom of god amen because some preachers have that attitude some preachers have the attitude god is really fortunate to have me amen that's not humility humility you wouldn't you wouldn't even have a brain if it wasn't for god you wouldn't have breath if it wasn't for god that's the reason the bible says all everyone who hath breath praise the lord praise the lord amen humility in other words don't don't think more highly of yourself than you ought to think it's what the bible says these are attributes conditions you might say that position you to experience god's best such as abundant overflow in 2021. faithfulness faithfulness you've heard me say this before it's a sad thing when the bible has to ask the question a faithful man who can find in other words where do you find faithful people when the bible has to ask that question that's pretty serious where can you find faithful people and faithfulness is not measured over a few days not even a few weeks i've had people ask me uh brother jerry i've been tithing for three weeks now am i faithful not yet faithfulness is measured over a lot longer time than three weeks amen i've been coming to church now for a month am i faithful not yet how about another month then after that how about another month then after that how about another month huh faithfulness is measured over a long period of time and notice the bible says a faithful man shall abound with blessings proverbs 28 20 a faithful man shall abound with blessings you find someone who's abounding in blessings then it's very easy to track why they're faithful they're faithful amen when carol and i married july 15 1966 and i said to the preacher i do then i was determined at that moment for the rest of my life i would be a one woman man i would be faithful to her now the first three years like i asked jesse duplantis one time jesse have you and kathy ever considered divorce he said divorce no murder yeah for our first three years we fought like cats and dogs i mean we were two little sticks of dynamite with short fuses we both wanted our own way and we weren't willing to give in and and there were you know i mean if i ever wanted to be unfaithful the first three years would have been the time but that was not a that was not an uh option when i said i do i meant i do i do now i'm i'm with you and it's for life because back then in those ceremonies you're included in life or in death as far as i was concerned for life and i have been faithful all these years 54 years and i've been faithful there's never been another praise god amen i'm not interested in another i don't have time for another i mean i already got the best why would i want another amen anybody that can put up with me they deserve to be blessed so i'm not the easiest fellow to get along with yes i am i'm a sweetheart i'm a pushover isn't that right sweetheart [Laughter] faithful well see i've been faithful to her why wouldn't i be faithful to god when i said jesus come into my life that's like saying i do as far as i was concerned i do the bible says that god is a jealous god that means he will not share you with anybody else i'm not willing to share her with anybody else she's not willing to share me with anybody else god will not accept from us a divided heart amen you cannot serve god and mammon he wants all of you or none of you and all is best are you still here we're talking about attributes that will position you to experience god's best in your life so one of them is faithfulness uprightness living right amen the the bible is our moral guide if you ever question if something is okay then go to the bible if if it's not okay in the bible then don't do it don't participate amen if if if god's against it you become against it amen adultery god's not in favor of that now you can be forgiven but he's not in favor of it so why would you be in favor of it we're talking about uprightness living right letting god's word be your moral compass [Music] hello i'm brother jerry and i have some exciting news for you the jerry savelle bible school is now ready you can enroll each course is online and we're excited about this school without walls [Music] you know the great thing about it is you don't have to come to fort worth texas and enroll and be in classroom you can take each course at your own pace at your own time as you enroll and begin to take these courses you're going to receive in-depth teaching from god's word it's going to help build a foundation for living by faith and learning how to receive everything that god has for you i'd like for you to prayerfully consider enrolling in this bible school i believe it will be very beneficial for you and i look forward to having the opportunity to impart into your life thank you and god bless you [Music] so regardless of what life throws at you your faith can remain unmoved you can outlast and overcome every challenge today's special offer the relentless faith package contains jerry savelle's four-part cd series more than enough his inspiring book living in the fullness of the blessing and his eye-opening book the established heart in this package jerry teaches how to be unshaken by turmoil and pressure how to trust god during times of testing why god's blessing is so important and what you must do to walk in god's blessing you will never gain god's best by being a quitter you have to learn how to become relentless and fight for the promises of god don't delay call or go online now to jerrysavelle.org and request your copy of the relentless faith special package you can push back against discouragement and develop a bold faith that refuses to accept less than god's best [Music] thank you for joining me today i pray that you have been blessed and inspired by the message and i want to encourage you take the time to spend in god's word because the bible says in romans 10 17 so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god if you spend quality time in the word you're going to develop a relentless faith an unwavering faith a faith that will not accept defeat a faith that will not say or will not take no for a final answer amen you have the ability to do this if you'll just spend quality time in the word don't forget our special offer this week my book entitled the established heart also the book entitled living in the fullness of the blessing and also the four cds more than enough not just enough god wants you to experience more than enough these are all available to you if you'll just contact our office you can go online jerrysavelle.org or just look on the screen for all the ordering information but we encourage you to do it right away so that we can get them in the mail and you will be blessed by them join me again next week as we continue this theme and until then remember your faith will overcome the world you
Channel: Jerry Savelle
Views: 10,361
Rating: 4.9014778 out of 5
Keywords: Jerry Savelle, Jerry, Savelle, Favor, Faith, Blessed, Blessing, Gospel, Prayer, Heritage, Overcoming, Peace, Hope, Joy, Prosperity, Winning, Breakthrough, Glory, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Healing, Health, Word of Faith, How to have Faith, Winning in Life, Favor of God, Don't Quit, Increase, Trust God, Word of God, Bible Teaching, Biblical Truths, Restored
Id: AeVQak3EfN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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