Outpouring of God’s Blessing - Abundant Overflow, Part 1

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(music) - Hello everyone, I'm Jerry Savelle. Thank you for joining me today, I appreciate you watching our broadcast and I pray that as you listen, and as you watch this is going to be inspiring to your faith. You know, we're in a new year, 2021, and first of all, let me say to you happy new year, and I believe it's going to be an exciting year. You know, many of you are coming off of a time from 2020 where you had a lot of adversity, a lot of tests and trials but I got good news for you. I've got a word from the Lord that we're gonna be sharing on this program, not only today but over the next several weeks. And I want you to hear it, I want you to receive it and I'm praying that it will come to pass in your life. Now, let me read to you, first of all, from Deuteronomy chapter 28:11 just the first part of that verse, "And the Lord shall make thee plenteous in goods." Now the Amplified Bible says it this way, "The Lord shall make you have a surplus of prosperity." A surplus of prosperity, say that with me, God wants me, say it, come on say it. God wants me to have a surplus of prosperity and you know I'd think it'd be really good if you just lift your hands and thank Him in advance. That's the will of God, He wants you to have a surplus of prosperity. Now some of you might be thinking wait a minute, no brother Jerry, that's what He promised to Abraham. Yeah, but praise God, the apostle Paul says in Galatians chapter three, "That we are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise." So it's your blessing as well as it was Abraham. So the prophetic word today is this, God wants to take us into abundant overflowing surplus, hallelujah, abundant overflow. Say that with me, this is my year for abundant overflow. Now I'm gonna take you into this service, right here at Heritage of Faith, where I was preaching this. So I want you to pay very close attention and then let the spirit of God cause this word to become a reality in your life today, amen. I'll be back in just a few moments. (bright music) I received the word of the Lord on October the third just a few days ago, regarding 2021. - Amen. - I did not know that I would be sharing it today but the Lord impressed me that it was time. - (cheering) Amen. - So that's what I'm gonna be talking about today. - Amen. - And I've received several words from the Lord since October the third. And I wanna read them to you. Recently, while in a time of fellowship with the Holy Spirit I heard Him speak these words, "A new era has begun and more and more signs and wonders will be seen in 2021. For those who will heed my voice and obey my words they'll experience my goodness and my power as never seen or heard. They'll see the fruit of their faithfulness come bursting forth and they'll prosper and flourish like never before, abundance and overflow, that's what they'll see. I'll bring it to pass, because of their love and their obedience to me. No longer will their enemy have the upper hand for my spirit is moving and an outpour of my power is coming upon the land. A new era will be marked by many triumphant victories, It's what I've planned, so just rest in me. Miracle after miracle, that's what I'll do just to create and receive it and know that it's true. Refuse to be swayed by what's said in the news with me on your side, how can you lose? So stay with my word, it's faithful and true, I'll bring it to pass and great things I will do." Hallelujah. (congregation cheering) Lift your hands and thank the Lord for it. (congregation applauding) Hallelujah, hallelujah. And then a few days later, actually just a few days ago while I was in Visalia, California, October the seventh 2020, I heard the Holy Spirit say again, "Yes a new era is here, it's already begun and I've planned marvelous things for you in 2021. Abundant overflow is the order of the day, so rest assured it's on its way. Your adversary can't stop what I've already decreed. So stay in faith and get ready to receive. Allow no one to discourage you, by what they say, just keep looking to me and I'll have my way." Hallelujah. Flying back home from California, I heard these words October the eighth, 2020, "Tell my people they'll need to remain strong and stay close to me, so they'll not be deceived by the enemy. His attacks will intensify and he will try to prevail but my power is greater and it shall not fail. Fear not, nor be fretful over what shall come, the battle is mine, I've already won. Contrary to what you see and what you shall hear, 2021 will be a great year, a year of abundance and overflow. That's my plan and it shall be so." (congregation applauding) Hallelujah. (congregation applauding) Hallelujah. Now yesterday, I spent most of the day in the presence of the Lord. I was in my study, just about the entire day and just listening to the spirit of God. And I went to bed last night, with things I'd heard in my spirit, on my mind. And then I was awakened by the Holy Spirit this morning at about 2:30. And once again, He said to me, "This is your theme for 2021, abundant overflow, and it's already begun." (indistinct chatter) Everybody say, abundant overflow. - Abundant overflow. - Well then at seven this morning, I was impressed by the Holy Spirit to write the following words. A great shaking, a great shifting, a great displacing will take place in your nation. And then immediately following this, there will come a great awakening and a great outpouring. And then the Holy Spirit impressed upon me to write the definitions of those various words. Shaking, the act of causing something to be removed, or be replaced. Shifting, the act of changing position or direction. Displacing, the act of laying aside someone and making room for another. Awakening, the act of becoming more attentive to the will, the plans and the purposes of God. Outpouring, a sudden rapid flow and barrage of God's spirit, God's power, God's anointing, God's love and God's blessings. This is what you are to be watching for and what you are to be expecting as you enter into 2021. "You'll see it," says the Lord, "And remember when it happens that I told you beforehand. I'm in charge of the seasons, I'm in charge of the times and my purposes shall be fulfilled. I have the power to raise up and the power to bring down and no man, no government, and certainly no adversary will stop what I've plan. So lift your voice now and praise me and rest assured I have everything under control." (congregation applauding) Hallelujah. Just lift your hands and praise Him. (congregation applauding) Hallelujah, glory to God, glory to God. 2021, abundant overflow. - Amen. - Now the Bible actually has a lot to say about abundant overflow. And I wanna challenge you today, to become familiar with all the verses that you can find regarding this subject. And once you do, don't just read them, write them down, meditate upon them, ask the Holy Spirit to give you revelation regarding them, declare them often and hold fast to them and refuse to let them go. So with that in mind, I want us to go first of all to the book of Joel, the book of Joel. I wrote some things down from a commentary on the book of Joel and I think they're very interesting, and I think they're very important. This commentary said, "Unlike most prophetic writers in the Old Testament, Joel gave no explicit indication of his time period." That's why many scholars and theologians say that it is a word not only for Joel's day, but for all ages. His writings give some of the most striking and specific details in all of scripture, about the days of the Lord. He states, that there would be days of extreme darkness which is symbolic of evil and wickedness. He also talks about various plagues coming up on the land and how they will affect the wellbeing of the inhabitants of the land. He talks about how the people will need to stir themselves and arise out of their spiritual stupor and to no longer remain complacent. He states that if they'll do this then God will do great things. I listed some of the things that Joel spoke about, that God will do. Number one, He'll cause great peace to come to His people. Number two, He'll keep His people safe from all harm. Number three, He'll bring about an abundant overflow of blessings, including material and financial prosperity. And number four He'll cause an outpouring of His spirit to come like the land has never experienced before. Once again, the writings of Joel are very important to our age. Amen. All it takes for us to experience all that God has promised, is a true turning of our hearts to the Lord. - Amen. - And then He'll fulfill, what He said in the book of Joel and our generation as well. Just like recorded in the book of Joel, God wants to revive us, He wants to bring a refreshing to us. He wants to restore all that has been stolen and He wants to bring us into abundant overflow. It's been said that Joel was a prophet of judgment, a prophet of repentance and a prophet of hope. It's also been said that his message relates not only to his day and to the people of his day but it is a message for all times and all people. And that message is simply this, God will forgive, God will restore, if His people will truly repent and turn back to Him. That's why you find Joel saying things like this, Joel chapter 1:2, "Hear this, give ear, all you inhabitants of the land." Verse five, "Awake." Verse eight, "Lament." Verse 11, "Be ashamed." Verse 13, "Guard thy self." The Message translation says, "Listen closely everyone, whoever and wherever you are sober up, get in touch with reality, roundup everyone get them into serious prayer to God and great things will take place." Hallelujah. - Amen. - So let's lift our hands right now and say, Lord I receive that. - Lord I receive that. - I will take heed to what you say. - I will take heed to what you say- - I will position myself. - I will position myself- - And do whatever I need to do. - And do whatever I need to do- - To bring honor to you. - To bring honor to you- - To keep my focus on you. - To keep my focus on you- - And I fully expect. - And I fully expect- - All those promises. - All those promises. - To be fulfilled in my life. - To be fulfilled in my life- - Beginning in 2021. - Beginning in 2021. - And give him praise, hallelujah. (congregation applauding) Amen. (congregation clapping) Hallelujah, the church is in great need of revival today. That's happening in certain parts of the nation, it's happening in other parts of the world, but it's not in the full measure, thank you sir. That I believe we're headed for, amen. - Amen. - God is moving and I plan to be right in the middle of it, how about you? - Amen. - We don't have time to play church anymore. - Amen. - God's ministers must heed the message of the book of Joel, and that is sound the alarm. - Yes. - Why? Because the day of the Lord cometh, it is not at hand. - Yes. - Sound the alarm, amen. People need to know, perhaps more so today than ever before, Jesus is coming soon. (indistinct chatter) Amen, if people will heed the warnings of God as outlined in the book of Joel, then He promised to do great things. Joel, 2:21 says, "Fear, not old land, be glad and rejoice for the Lord will do great things." And if you keep reading you're gonna discover between verses 21 and 27, that abundant overflow is mentioned in those verses. It's very simple, if God's people will do their part then God promises to do His part. And God's promises are absolute. 2nd Corinthians 1:20 says, "For all the promises of God, in Him are yay, and in Him, amen, under the glory of God by us." Yay and amen means affirmative, and so be it. God's promises will come to pass. In other words, you can count on them, Amen. - Amen. - And I don't know about you, but I feel there's never been a time, that's more important than right now for God's promises to be fulfilled in the lives of his people. - Amen. - Having and experiencing abundant overflow means that you are flourishing in every area of your life. Does that sound good, anybody? - Yes. - Abundant overflow, when you're experiencing it then you're flourishing in every area of your life, from financially, to your health, to your marriage to your children. - Yes. - To your job, everything. 3rd John 2, The Passion Translation says, "I pray that you are prospering in every way and that you continually enjoy good health just as your soul is prospering." So God wants us to prosper in every way, and He at the same time, He wants us to enjoy good health. Amen. - Amen. - Psalm 65:4, I got a lot of scripture to share with you, try to keep up. (congregation chuckling) Psalm 65:4, "Blessed is the man, whom thou chooses, he shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house." The Passion Translation says, "Those you've chosen, will be greatly favored." Greatly favored, implies being generously favored, and to be favored to an extraordinary degree or an extent. That sounds like abundant overflow, how about to you? - Amen. - Oh, abundant overflow literally means, more than an adequate supply. There's what David was implying, when he said, "My cup runneth over." Psalm 23:5, The Message translation says, "My cup brims with blessing." And brims means, to overflow, more than enough overflow corresponds with superfluous, which means more than is needed or required. It also means to have excess, and excess means going beyond sufficient limits. It's a state of over abundance, over abundance. Hallelujah. I don't know about you, but this sounds good to me. - Yes. - Now why does God want us to experience this? Is it just because He wants us to have everything we've ever desired? Well, the Bible does say, "If you delight yourself in the Lord, He'll give you the desires of your heart." But that's not the primary reason. Does He want it, to happen to us? Just so that you know, we can say, you know Pridefully, I got it made. No, that's not the purpose for it. The purpose in reality, is so that we can finance this great move of God that's coming. - Amen. - Hallelujah. - Amen. - It's gonna take a lot of money, a lot of money. Everybody say a lot of money. - A lot of money. - To finance this great move of God, amen. The body of Christ cannot be poured, no more. (congregation chuckling) Amen. - Amen. - We need to be blessed beyond our wildest imaginations. That's why God wants us to experience abundant overflow so that we can be a blessing to our church, so that we can be a blessing to others, and so once again, that we can help finance this worldwide revival and outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Amen. - Amen. - Notice in Joel chapter 2:28, now verses 21 to 27, talks about this abundant overflow, it talks about the restoration, it talks about the prosperity that's coming. But then it says in verse 28 and afterward, notice the abundant overflow must happen before the outpouring of the spirit. Why is that? So we can finance it. Amen. - Amen. - So we can finance it. You know, I've studied revivals of the past, I've studied awakenings of the past. And when it happens, there is no one church that can hold all the people. - Amen. - That will come into the knowledge of the truth. (indistinct chatter) Years ago, the first time I went to Wales, the nation of Wales. I had studied quite extensively, the life of Evan Roberts and the great Welsh Revival, that broke out during his ministry. And I remember him saying in a book, or it was written that he said in the book that I was reading, that he went into a little chapel and he said, "God, I'm not leaving this place, until you move upon my nation." And he prayed and he sought God and God answered him. And there was a major move of God that took place in that nation. Later when I went there for the first time, when I arrived I didn't start my meetings until the following evening. So I had that day and most of the next day free. And so my driver asked me, if there was anything I'd like to do. I said, "I want you to take me to the chapel where Evan Roberts prayed for revival." So he took me there and I sit in the little chapel, I don't know that it was the very bench that he sat on but somebody said it was. I sat there and I just prayed in the spirit for quite some time. And then I asked him show me the city that this broke out in. So we drove around the community and I was amazed at the number of churches that were there. Now, many of them were boarded up, many of them were just barely standing. And so then I got out of the automobile and I started walking around the town and asking people, "Can you tell me anything about the Welsh Revival?" And I was surprised that most people I asked didn't know anything about it. I said, "You don't know anything about the Welsh Revival?" No. You mean your parents or your grandparents never told you anything about it? No. I said it affected the whole nation, as I understand the pubs were shut down, the houses of prostitution were shut down, there was such a move of God, sin was not on the people's mind. - Amen. - Amen. - Amen. - And we pulled up in front of one church, a wood frame church, it was a small church. And I noticed an elderly couple, they were elderly then, they're not so elderly now. (congregation chuckling) 'Cause they were my age now, but anyway. (congregation chuckling) An elderly couple, were out front and they were... They had a sickle and they were mowing the grass with a sickle around the building. And so I asked to get out of the car, and I walked up to him and I said, "Sir, Ma'am, can you tell me anything about the Welsh Revival?" Boy, they lit up, oh, you could see it all over them. They said, "Oh yes, our parents were close friends of Evan Roberts." And said, in fact, "I have one of Evan Roberts Bibles in my home where he wrote a note to my family, my parents." He said, "Would you like to see it?" I said, Yes, I would." And so they took me to their home and we had tea and scones. And we talked about the Welsh Revival, and the more they talked about it, the brighter their faces got, they were so excited that somebody was interested. (bright music) I said, "Well folks, you may not live to see it but there's another one coming, that will be even greater than this." (bright music) - Why would the God of abundance want His children to live in one and lack? He doesn't. And to accept it is to forfeit His best for your life. Today's special offer, the abundance overflow package contains Jerry Savelle's brand new three part CD series 2021 Year of Abundant Overflow and his insightful book, "Why God Wants You to Prosper". In this package, Jerry shares step by step, God's purpose for financial blessing, a roadmap at a financial bondage, a clear understanding of biblical prosperity and keys to walking in that prosperity. So what are you waiting for? Isn't it time for you to tap into all that God has planned for you. Call or go online now to jerrysavelle.org and request your copy of The Abundance Overflow special package. Don't allow, Satan or anyone else to steal this truth from you. Settle it once and for all and begin to walk in the abundance God destined for you. - Thank you so much for joining me today, and I trust that you were inspired and I believe your faith is gonna go to another level today, as you continue to meditate on what I've shared with you think about it, study the scriptures I shared with you. And let me also remind you that I actually preached this message back in October of 2020. And that's when the word of the Lord came to me about abundant overflow. Now, there are some things that I said that obviously pertain to the end of 2020, but we wanted to keep it in the message because I wanted you to hear it. And I believe as you listen to it, once again it is going to continue to inspire your faith. God wants you to have a surplus of prosperity. Now, those of you that may be interested and I hope you are. We have already put together three CDs on this subject, 2021 The Year of Abundant Overflow. If you'd like to get ahead of everybody else and learn how that you can experience abundant overflow, how you can position yourself to receive it. Then I wanna encourage you to order this special offer, 2021 The Year Of Abundant Overflow, along with it is a book that I wrote a few years ago entitled, "Why God Wants You to Prosper". God wants you blessed, He wants you to have a surplus of prosperity, not only that, your needs are met but you're able to help other people. If you'd like to have this special offer, go to our website or you can look on the screen right now and see how you can place your order. And I wanna encourage you to do it right away, don't delay, do it right now, while it's fresh on your mind. And we get them to you as soon as we possibly can. I wanna encourage you to join with me again next week as we continue this theme, abundant overflow. And before I leave there, I wanna pray that each and every one of you will experience blessings from God this year, like never before. The favor of God in your life, like never before. And partners, I don't wanna forget you, thank you so much for believing in us, and we're believing it's gonna be your best year ever, in Jesus name, amen. I'll see you next Monday. (bright music)
Channel: Jerry Savelle
Views: 35,227
Rating: 4.9314079 out of 5
Keywords: Jerry Savelle, Jerry, Savelle, Favor, Faith, Blessed, Blessing, Gospel, Prayer, Heritage, Overcoming, Peace, Hope, Joy, Prosperity, Winning, Breakthrough, Glory, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Healing, Health, Harvest, Trusting God, Word of God, Faithful, God's Favor, Pray, Inspirational Message, How to have Faith, Holy Spirit, Don't Quit, Positive, Inspiration, Love, Motivation, The Word of God, Full Potential, Resilience, Positive Mindset, Abundant Overflow, God’s promise, Revival, Outpouring, Word for 2021
Id: JLKlzt73Wjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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