Expect To Be Blessed By God - Relentless Faith, Part 3

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[Music] hello i'm jerry savelle welcome to our broadcast today and if this is your first time to view our program we want to say thank you and we would appreciate it if at all possible when it's over with contact us and let us know that you have been inspired that it has caused your faith to go to another level that's what this broadcast is all about taking your faith to another level so that you become the winner in life that god has called you to be we're talking about relentless faith we're going to take you back into our service here at heritage of faith christian center where i was teaching on this subject and if you have your bibles with you go ahead and get them open to genesis chapter 12. we're going to be talking about first of all god's promise to abraham i will bless you that means i will empower you to prosper i will empower you to succeed i will empower you to increase that's god's promise not only abraham but to his seed and the bible says we are the seed of abraham so get ready to see how that you can develop a relentless faith in receiving god's blessings on your life open your bibles first of all this morning to genesis chapter 12. genesis chapter 12. very very familiar scripture verse 2 god speaking to abram which you know he later changed his name to abraham and i will make of thee a great nation and i will bless thee say that with me and i will bless thee say it again and i will bless thee that was not only god's promise to abraham but also his promise to abraham's seed i will bless you and i will bless your seed and then the apostle paul picks up on this in galatians chapter 3 and says that if you belong to christ then are you abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise so i have the right to expect to be blessed by god just as much as abraham had that right why because i'm the seed of abraham in my generation you're the seed of abraham in your generation so that means that promise is still good today still good for his people today so how many of you consider to be one of god's people look your neighbor say i'm one of god's people and i have every right to be blessed just like my father abraham i truly believe there's nothing more enjoyable to god than blessing his people well brother jerry if he likes it so much why isn't he blessing me well maybe you're the problem i truly believe there is nothing more enjoyable to god than blessing his people now i know that's that's true with every good father fathers like blessing their children father's like doing good things for their children i know i do amen you ask my children and they'll tell you our daddy loves us amen because love is not just words it's action you know and i love doing things for my children even though they're grown and got their own families i still love doing things for them i still love blessing them you know and you've heard me say this before but when they were real little and i was just launching out into this ministry traveling all over the country endeavoring to establish the ministry i'd get ready to leave home and usually they were both still asleep and i'd walk into their rooms and and i'd have a little envelope and i'd right on the outside of it pocket change and i'd put it on their end table i'd wake them up kiss them tell them uh daddy's leaving i'll be back in a few days and i left you some pocket change and it truly was change you know just whatever i had and and then of course the lord continued to bless us and i never stopped doing that so i'd put that envelope on there and the amount that i would leave would increase amen i still like doing that for them today you know they come to the house sometimes and i say uh daddy's got you some pocket change well it folds now you know and i still love doing that and sometimes they'll say daddy you don't have to do that we we got our own lives and everything i said yes i do i'm your daddy i'll always be your daddy i don't care if i'll be a 110 and you're whatever your age is i'm still going to bless you amen i love blessing my children i love blessing my grandchildren amen and now i've got a grand great granddaughter i love blessing in fact rachel sent me a picture the other day i bought her this purse a louis vuitton purse right after she was born and now she's carrying it around and she's sent a picture to me and she's standing there with that louis vuitton purse and i knew what she's saying papa i'm ready to go shopping you know i love blessing my children i love blessing people amen it's what i do man what to do amen i'm always looking for opportunities to bless people amen and i got that from hanging around running with god my father he's always interested in blessing us god is not the one withholding he's not the thief the thief satan comes to kill steal steal kill and destroy but jesus said i've come that you might have life and have it more abundantly amen the amplified bible says not only have life but enjoy life life is more enjoyable when you're blessed isn't that true when you're blessed by god so don't ever forget that god enjoys blessing his people it's one of his greatest joys now sometimes christians overlook the fact that god's blessings are conditional well i lost my crowd [Applause] god's blessings are conditional amen you know even when my children were growing up and and i promised to do something for them usually there was a condition you don't do that yes you do don't look at me at that tone of voice you know uh my dad would tell me when i was growing up now son i'm uh you know when he got me my first car said my son because he knew me because i was taken after him because he was always racing but he did it legally you know on a track somewhere but i don't know it's just more fun in the streets you know he said no son if i i'm getting you this car but if i catch you racing it i'm going to take the keys away from you so there was a condition of enjoying that car and i enjoyed that car it was a hot 57 chevrolet amen and you just you just you just got to test it sometimes you know you just you know why you have all that horsepower and never tap into it so you know i'd have to test it sometimes but my dad always caught me especially when i was in high school and uh i'd come home and dad would still be up and uh i'd walk through the den on my way to my bedroom and dad would be sitting there usually in the dark just waiting for me and he'd say did you beat that 64 impala i said what's 64 impala he said the one you raced on west 70th street after you left the dairy queen i said dad how do you know these things he said son i work on every cop's car in this town they all know your car and they call me and say jerry's racing again [Applause] i'd reach in my pocket and get the keys because that was the deal if i catch you racing in the streets i'm taking the keys away from him i'd walk over there and hand him the keys and i think oh man i got to ride that stupid school bus tomorrow and i got the hottest 57 chevrolet in town and i'm grumbling all the way to my room thinking that i had to ride that school bus and i'd get in bed and my light would come on and my dad would stand over my bed and he'd say boy that thing will run when his son and pitch the keys back to me my punishment would last all of 15 minutes you know well i told jerriann when she got her first car and jerry and i'm going to get you this car but if i catch somebody else driving it if you let somebody else drive it because i don't insure other people i'm insuring you and i don't want you letting anybody else drive it and if you do i'm going to park it well she went out the first day daddy can i can i go show my friends sure and the first day now she's coming right down main street crowley and i had to go to town one day or that same day and i'm i'm going down into crowley she's coming out of crowley and i i mean i can't help but recognize the car just bought it and some boy's driving it she's sitting in the passenger seat and when i saw her i i waved and she went and then i when she raised her head back up i said and she knew what i meant take it to the house she she lost her ability or privilege to drive her new car in less than an hour we parked it by the shop back there and i took the keys and i gave him back toward about 15 minutes but there was a condition okay it's not uncommon for parents to give their children conditions you know i mean certain things that that i wanted to do the condition was if you make good grades anybody ever told your children if you make good grades then yes that'll happen or i'll do that for you i'll get that for you so why would we have a problem if we do that why would we have a problem if god does that yeah but brother we're under grace grace does not mean you can live any way you want to and expect to be blessed that's not what grace means amen the bible says we are saved by faith through grace grace got us in amen but grace does not give us the right to live any way we want to live and expect the blessings of god to come on us you know i have a big problem with some of the grace teaching today because people think that's a license to live any way they want to live and you know we're already forgiven well we are forgiven but at the same time you will notice that that little word if that is quite frequently seen in the old testament it is also in the new testament thank you for your enthusiasm so go with me to deuteronomy chapter 28 for a moment deuteronomy chapter 28 you're all familiar with this talking about the blessings of abraham i like having the blessings of abraham on my life and then notice in verse 2 and all these blessings shall come on thee and overtake thee if if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the lord thy god now that's old testament but are you telling me we're not required under the new testament to listen to god and obey his voice amen it's still a requirement that we are to listen to god and obey his voice can you say amen so let's see if we can find some ifs in the new testament go to john chapter 8. john chapter 8. and the reason i'm i'm i'm stating these things and talking about this this morning i want people to experience god's best and i know most of you feel the same way you want people to experience god's best and if they're not there's got to be a reason why it's not it's not god's not the problem amen it's like it's been said we have discovered the enemy and it's us you know you need to point your finger in your own face and say i've discovered my problem it's right here amen so notice in john chapter 8 and verse 31 if thou shalt continue in my word then you shall be my disciples indeed and you'll know the truth and the truth shall make you free now notice there is a condition to freedom according to jesus if you continue in my word if you don't then can you still expect to be free apparently not because he said if you continue in my word then you'll be my disciples indeed and you'll know the truth and the truth will make you free so it's all conditional on how much time you spend in his word can you say amen little time in his word may produce little freedom a lot of time in his word a whole lot of freedom more time in his word more freedom the more time you have in his word and the more freedom you're going to enjoy hallelujah but once again notice that little word if if hallelujah now go to mark chapter 9 mark chapter 9. and look at verse 23 jesus said unto them if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth but notice that little word if if if if that means a condition if you can believe then all things are possible to him that believeth how many of you want all things possible to you then it is based on if you believe can you say amen all right now let's go to the book of james james chapter 1. james chapter 1. and let's look at verse 22 but be ye doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves and then it goes on to talk about that the doer of the word shall be blessed in his deed now you don't see the word if there but it is understood amen if you are a doer of the word and not a hearer only then you shall be blessed in your deeds would you agree to that if is is understood to be there if the condition is if you are a doer and not just a hearer then you're going to be blessed in all your deeds so i want to be blessed anybody else want to be blessed i want to live a blessed life anybody else want to live a blessed life i want the fulfillment of god's promises in my life and i want the fulfillment of all of god's promises in my life amen i want the prophetic word to come to pass in my life i i want abundant overflow to be my testimony this year i want my testimony to be i have experienced an unprecedented outpouring of the goodness of god amen but i i know that that is just a a wish if i'm not meeting the conditions amen are you still with me all right now let's go to the book of our psalms psalm chapter 15. and this is something i i ministered uh recently in granberry at a at a special event and i felt led of the lord to share it with you this morning psalm 15 in verse 1 david is asking some questions here of the lord lord who shall abide in thy tabernacle who shall dwell in thy holy heal and apparently god is answering him and saying he that walketh uprightly and worketh righteousness and speaketh the truth in his heart he that backbiteth not with his tongue nor doeth evil to his neighbors nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbor in other words david is saying who gets to be close to you who who has the privilege of being close to god and then god answers him in other words meet these conditions now let me read it to you from the message translation i think it's quite funny god who gets invited to dinner at your place uh how do we get on your guest list and then the answer is walk straight act right tell the truth don't hurt your friends don't blame your neighbor keep your word even if it hurts notice conditions anybody want to have dinner at god's house you want to be on his guest list the passion translation says it this way who presumes the privilege of being close to you living next to you the answer those who are passionate and wholehearted always sincere always speaking truth trustworthy they refuse to slander or insult others they never listen to gossip or rumors nor would they harm a friend with their words they despise evil and evil workers while commending faithful or commending thee faithful who follow after truth they make firm commitments and follow through even at great cost wow conditions conditions you want to be invited to dinner at god's house then he says these are the conditions now here's the savelle paraphrase the savelle translation who has the privilege to enjoy your blessings who has the privilege of enjoying your blessings now when i first came to the lord those are those are kind of questions that i had you know i i first heard about the blessing of abraham and that god would bless us through the ministry of kenneth copeland 1969. i didn't know anything about any of this and at that point i'd he never even heard of the phrase the blessing of abraham and um you know we grew up in a christian home went to a little country baptist church down at the end of the road now i don't remember one time now my pastor may have talked about it but i don't remember one time him ever mentioning the blessing of abraham i do remember him saying there's none righteous no not one all have sinned and come short of the glory of god we heard that every week and and he was a good man i mean you know our pastor brother jerry smuker he was loved by everybody in the neighborhood he was just he was just a good man but i don't ever remember him talking about the blessing of abraham i don't ever remember him talking about if you be if you belong to christ in your abraham's seed and entitled to the blessings i never heard that until kenneth copeland came and he talked about the blessing of abraham and and then after i surrendered my life to the lord and started studying it and finding out what the blessing of abraham was then obviously i wanted that on my life and so i would ask the lord certain questions like how how do you how do you position yourself to experience the blessing of the lord how do i get in on it now i got in on it through what jesus did at calvary okay that qualified me but but i can't live like i did when i was a sinner and expect to enjoy the blessings so there were certain criteria certain things that i needed to change in my life and that came by the renewing of my mind through the word of god and the more i spent time in the word of god then i began to learn certain things about what would position me to experience god's blessings and not just occasionally but all the time hello i'm brother jerry and i have some exciting news for you the jerry savelle bible school is now ready you can enroll each course is online and we're excited about this school without walls you know the great thing about it is you don't have to come to fort worth texas and enroll and be in classroom you can take each course at your own pace at your own time as you enroll and begin to take these courses you're going to receive in-depth teaching from god's word it's going to help build a foundation for living by faith and learning how to receive everything that god has for you i'd like you to prayerfully consider enrolling in this bible school i believe it will be very beneficial for you and i look forward to having the opportunity to impart into your life [Music] regardless of what life throws at you your faith can remain unmoved you can outlast and overcome every challenge today's special offer the relentless faith package contains jerry savelle's four-part cd series more than enough his inspiring book living in the fullness of the blessing and his eye-opening book the established heart in this package jerry teaches how to be unshaken by turmoil and pressure how to trust god during times of testing why god's blessing is so important and what you must do to walk in god's blessing you will never gain god's best by being a quitter you have to learn how to become relentless and fight for the promises of god don't delay call or go online now to jerrysavelle.org and request your copy of the relentless faith special package you can push back against discouragement and develop a bold faith that refuses to accept less than god's best [Music] do you want everything god's promised you are you interested in the experiencing the blessings of abraham on your life where you're entitled to it if you've made jesus the lord of your life then you are the seed of abraham and everything god promised abraham's seed that belongs to you now what it takes is a relentless faith abraham stuck it out and got everything that god had promised to him you learn to stick it out and you'll get everything god has promised to you as well once again our resource package this week my book entitled the established heart this is a powerful little book full of revelation that i know will be an inspiration to your faith once you read it and it's so thin you can read it on your lunch hour or just in a few moments and i believe praise god once you do you're going to realize what a life-changing message it contains and then my three or four cds rather series on more than enough god's best for your life he wants not you just to get by or to just have a little or just enough god wants you to have more than enough an abundant supply why so that your needs are met and you can get involved in the needs of others and then also the little book entitled living in the fullness of the blessing these are all available all you have to do is look on our screen and you can order them or go to our website and you can order them the price is shown we'll see to it that you get them right away and i know once you do you're going to be blessed by them so join me again next week as we continue on this theme relentless faith and until then remember your faith will overcome the world you
Channel: Jerry Savelle
Views: 14,404
Rating: 4.9260631 out of 5
Keywords: Jerry Savelle, Jerry, Savelle, Favor, Faith, Blessed, Blessing, Gospel, Prayer, Heritage, Overcoming, Peace, Hope, Joy, Prosperity, Winning, Breakthrough, Glory, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Healing, Health, Word of Faith, How to have Faith, Winning in Life, Favor of God, Don't Quit, Increase, Trust God, Word of God, Bible Teaching, Biblical Truths, Restored
Id: _KF81jLPOC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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