Dr. Jerry Savelle // March 31, 2019 PM // Don't Limit God

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hi this is pastor Tim Bagwell I'm so glad that you're watching I've got such an incredible word to share with you today I believe it's going to impact your mind your spirit your body your finances because there's something about the word the word will make you free I know that God cares about you and he cares about your family he wants to touch your loved ones that are lost he wants to heal the family member that's sick he wants to help you be the person that God has called you and ordained you to be I know that what you're getting ready to hear is going to liberate you encourage you and give you strength to face the battles that you're about to face in the future or remember this we care about you we're praying for you for your family and most of all remember you are who God says you are good to be with you again this evening and I'm honored to be here praise God and I want you to smile real big at the person next to you and say it's such an honor to sit by you tonight and then tell them this and I'm going to pray for you right now go ahead tell them I'm going to pray for you right now and then tell them and here's my prayer that you will pay attention amen so let's give the Lord one more good shout before you seated praise God amen why is it so important for you to pay attention because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God amen praise God I've enjoyed myself thoroughly this morning you were so receptive praise God thank you for allowing me to preach the word boldly I was going to anyway but thank you for allowing me to do it and I've been looking forward to being back tonight before I get started some dear friends of mine who also passed her in this area Chris and Jojo sadly are here tonight would you guys stand up and give them a good warm welcome praise God love you guys amen and you'll notice he has one of the charity light vests tone you know you can't run with me very long without starting to love riding motorcycles amen every time I would come up to Denver area I'd make him take me to the Harley store and I'd notice him looking around and setting on him and it finally got on him how they do it yet amen praise God this morning we began talking about the prophetic word that the Lord gave me that I'm instructed by him to share everywhere I go and let me give you a little bit of background about that back in 1981 I was preaching with brother Copeland and the Fort Worth believers Commission and we've been doing that for many years it's sponsored by Kenneth Copeland ministries but I've been privileged to speak in every one of them they've been going on now for nearly 40 years and I preached during the day every day but he always has me to do the Thursday night service and he was introducing me and he got ready to walk off the platform and he turned and stomp and said Jerry wait a minute the the word of the Lord's come to me and so he came back up and stood next to me and he began to give me that word and he said God is moving you into a new dimension beginning now and you're going to be in he's going to place you in the office of a seer you're gonna begin to see things in the spirit realm that his own God's agenda things to come and they don't hold you responsible for sharing them with the body of Christ as you receive them and he went on and it was quite lengthy but that was the jest of it then he walked off the platform and turned the service over to me and then not too long after that I was preaching in Southern California all over the LA area and I had one night off and I knew brother Hagin was gonna be in Riverside California that night so I had planned to be in brother Hagins meeting I was in LA and I've preached in California all of my ministry and I'm very familiar with the area and so I knew how long it would take me to get from LA to Riverside particularly in the evening with all the traffic and so forth so I thought I had allowed myself plenty of time to get over there well the traffic was unusually heavy that night and I wind up getting into the service an hour after it already started so I assumed brother Hagin would already be preaching so when I walked in the door of the church I noticed that the Rhema singers were still singing brother Hagin was sitting on the platform and he just looking down and when he saw me come in he said okay you can stop now he's here come up here brother Jerry and he I never told him I was coming he got it by the Spirit of God and so he said the Lord said something to me today he told me you were coming and I've been waiting for you to get here and so he said he said God's moving you into a new dimension of ministry and he went on to talk about that office of ministry and then he said and it's time for you to move in move up and then move out and he said you know what I'm talking about and so I did and and he went on and preached and then shortly after that I'm in Anaheim California with brother Copeland preaching in the West Coast believers Commission and it was on Thursday and I got a call and it was all Roberts and brother Robert said Jerry when are you preaching again said well actually I'm preaching tonight brother Roberts he said well Evelyn and I were gonna come we want to hear you and you you tell Carolyn my wife said you tell Carolyn has saved two seats next to her we want to sit next to her and so I said we'll do it so he and Evelyn got there that night before brother cope and turned the surface over to me and I greeted them and and loved on them and they went and said by my wife and then after I got through preaching that night he came up to me and he said I don't have time to tell you everything that I sensed the Lord saying to me about your service tonight so I'm gonna write it to you in a letter so expect to receive a letter from me in just a few days by the time you get back home and so when I got home a few days later I received the four-page handwritten letter by brother Roberts and in it I won't go over all of it but in and he said when I listened to you tonight I saw you with a different anointing he said I saw you preaching prophetically and I want to encourage you continue to preach prophetically every sermon you preached and so my three primary mentors Kenneth Copeland Kenneth Hagin and oil Roberts they all saw this about the same time within just a few months of each other and then later my fourth primary mentor had been TL osburgh and I learned everything I know about missions through TL osburgh and later I was with brother Arvin and he mentioned the same thing not in exactly the same words but the about the same thing so all four of the men who had mentored me in the early days of my ministry they all saw the same thing at about the same time and so I began immediately to to direct my attention toward that office they were talking about and then since then every year the Lord has given me a prophetic word now I don't I don't sit around and make things up I don't just come up with something it sounds cute that sounds you know attractive I purposely listened to the Lord and sometimes I will take days doing it I said a set time aside in the month of October every year and sometimes it'll be days before I get the the message that he wants me to focus on and then once I get it then I run with it I start preaching it in our church first the people in our church are the first ones to hear it and then I'll take it around the world every year since 1982 and so this past year October 2018 I was praying and and I asked the Lord what do you want me to emphasize in 2019 where do you want what do you want me to preach about what's the prophetic word what's the things that are coming and he said everywhere you go I want you to tell my people to get ready for Marvel's wonders and extraordinary manifestations of my greatness beyond anything they've ever experienced before now I don't know about you but I've been walking with God now for 50 years and I've seen some things if you can't see some things from God in 50 years you need prayer you know I've seen a lot of things I've seen God do miraculous things marvels wonders extraordinary things and and particularly all over the world not just here in America but all over the world Joe and I have traveled all over the world he's been with me went almost 39 40 years and we we have seen some things in fact I've said from time to time when I'd get back home and share with the staff you know the report of the meetings in fact one time I went to Toronto and I was to preach in this church in Toronto I've never met the pastor before I've never been to that church before and on the way up there the Lord asked me he said Who you be willing to stay in this church for as long as I ask you to stay I said well Lord I'd be happy to do anything you want me to do but I do I am supposed to be somewhere else tomorrow night and then after that somewhere else the next night he said would you be willing to stay for as long as I ask you to stay I said well Lord I'd be happy to anything you want me to do but you do understand I'm supposed to be somewhere else tomorrow night and then after that somewhere else he said would you be willing to stay for his look you don't argue with God he's got a one-track mind he's always right amen and I said Lord here's the deal I will be willing to stay for as long as you want me to stay but I'm asking you to do something for me pastors don't like you canceling meetings the night before so would you please let those pastors know that I'm supposed to be at tonight tomorrow night and the next night would you let them know you want me to stay in Toronto and so I a sense that he was going to take care of it so I went to the church that night and when I walked in the pastor whom I never met before he said brother Jerry I need to ask you something I said sure he said the Lord asked me to ask you would you be willing to stay here for as long as the Lord wants you to stay I said well I just had that conversation on my airplane flying up here and he said well would you be willing to stay I said I told the Lord I would I said I'll be willing to stay for as long as God wants me to stay and so we went in that service that night and I'm saying we had a move of God my my my it was marvelous and he said brother Jerry will you stay tomorrow night I said I told the Lord I'd stay as long as he wants me to stay I stayed 21 nights and the Lord said now go home and rest for a week I went back home he said knowing go back to Toronto I went back state 14 more nights he said go home and rest for a week I went home and he went he said now go back I went back and stayed another and nights now that's quite a number of services and no two services were alike I had never been in a meeting like that in my life up to that time I had never been in anything like that it was so powerful pastor started filming all the services and so that I could send them back home to my staff so that they could see what God was doing and it was marvelous I mean it was marvelous signs wonders and miracles like I had never seen before in fact I told somebody every night when I left that building and watching what God would do the hair would stand up on the back of my head and it'd take a week to get it to lay down again praise God you know just marvelous things went one day Joann in fact when you don't know how long he's going to stay how do you arrange hotel accommodations so the pastor said I'm gonna rent you an apartment and he was able to rent an apartment for 30 days and he said if we go longer than that I'll rent in another 30 days you know and so they put us in an apartment a two-bedroom apartment I'd go in that one bedroom and and God would show me the service in advance it was like in my prayer time it was like a big screen and I saw the service in advance then I'd go to the service and just reenact what I saw in advance and it would happen exactly the way I saw it beforehand it was amazing and we had one Saturday off pastor said why don't we take Saturday off and and you rest and then we'll start again Sunday morning so Joe and I are there in the in the apartment and and I I didn't have a clue what's going on in the world I would I wouldn't watch I hadn't turned on the television set I hadn't picked up a newspaper I didn't have a clue what was going on in the world and so I turned the television set on that morning and when I turned it on then the morning news was on and it showed that there was this young man he was about 25 somewhere along there he was stoned out of his mind and drove his truck right through City Hall and and just went right through the glass and and went right down through the lobby of City Hall and he was stoned out of his mind and they'd shodhan him and the police arresting him and had him handcuffed and taken him out and when I saw his face I hit the floor and intercession I began to intercede for that young man and I could not get off the floor until I knew that I knew that God was doing something at young man's life the next morning went to church and 20 minutes into my sermon somebody stood up and said can when can we get saved and it was that young man that had been on the television of the day before come to find out his sister was a member of that church she was praying for him she got him out of jail he brought him to church he's you know he got saved got filled with the Holy Ghost and his life was totally changed praise God amen and things like that happen every night and so when you talk about Marvel's wonders and extraordinary manifestations I've seen some amen I've seen some I was in Nigeria one night opening night of the crusade over 50,000 people in an open field 21 people blind from birth instantly healed praise God oh I'm telling you when when things like that happen you don't preach anymore you just you just watch the anointing of God just began to move through that crowd and I'm telling you the rest of the night all it was was testimonies of God delivering and healing people and and changing their lives hallelujah so when God says marvels wonders extraordinary manifestations like you've never experienced before he's got my attention amen I remember one of the last conversations I had with brother Roberts before he went home to be with the Lord I said brother Roberts what is the last thing Jesus said to you in the last visitation you had with him I'll never forget what he said he said Jerry Jesus said to me oral if you think you saw signs wonders and miracles under the big tent he said son you haven't seen anything yet they're coming back big-time I've been holding on to that praise God look at you neighbors say they're coming back big time and we're not talking about a hundred years down the road in fact it's already happening praise God so lift your hands and say Lord I'm a candidate and go ahead and give me some praise in advance amen how they do yeah so we sold this morning and I'm not going to ask you to open there again if you weren't here we started in Exodus chapter 34 where God says I make a covenant that i will do Marvel's such as have not been seen by you nor in any nation and notice he says it's covenant with him and so a covenant is a solemn oath God will never break covenant and so he says I establish this covenant and if you study your Bible closely you'll notice that God made several covenants with different groups of people in different ages and so covenant with God is something that is very important and he said I make a covenant that i will do Marvel's such as have not been seen any in any nation amen and that is still vital today God wants to do things that we have never seen before I mean if you can say I haven't seen everything that God can do I'd be the first one to raise my hand I've seen a lot but I haven't seen everything that God can do amen but I planned to hallelujah in fact if God is ready for another outpouring another awakening then I plan to be right in the middle of it hallelujah in fact I'd like to say you know God I heard I had a Lester Sumrall say this to me years ago he said when he first entered the ministry and he said Lord do do anything without including me if you do anything in my lifetime include me in it and boy he was included in so much of it well I say that as well say that with me Lord if you plan to do anything in my lifetime let me be part of it and now say thank you sir I appreciate that amen amen all right now I want you to open your Bibles if you will to Psalm 78 now I take it back Romans chapter 12 then we'll go to Psalm 78 Romans chapter 12 and tonight I want to talk to you about don't limit God don't limit God take the limits off so many people fail to experience God's greatness simply because they limit him they don't think he can do this you know sometimes they think well I'm asking for too much well Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 says that God is able to do exceeding abundant above all that you can ask or think amen if you can think it God's bigger than that if you can ask it God's bigger than that amen God in fact in the amplified bible it says that you dare think dare ask dare pray for it it sounds like me God is making a dare how dare you I hear it this way and on out when I was a kid growing up in in in the south boys used to double dog dare one another to do things anybody ever heard of a double dog dare if you get a double dog dare you'd better do it or you are not worth your salt amen I never passed up a double dog dare I almost killed myself doing it but I didn't pass it up you know and we used to do that all the time i double-dog dare you to do this i double-dog i don't know where double-dog came from but it's serious amen and so I hear God send Jerry I double dog dare you to think being I double dog dare you to dream big I double dog dare you to expect big amen I received the Dare hallelujah and so God is wanting us to take our thinking our praying our believing to another level thank you for you enthusiasm as I said God wants to take it to another level Amen you're not gonna break god amen brother Copeland said one time he had this huge financial need and he was praying and he said god I'm believing that you're gonna meet this need he said Kenneth I fully intend to do so and and brother Coleman said well God how you gonna do it they said Kenneth don't worry about it I'll come by an artist he's okay ice that's enough for me praise God God will come by it honest amen you're not gonna out think out dream out believe God amen and so Romans chapter 12 the Apostle Paul encourages us to no longer as believers to no longer be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of the mind don't be conformed to this world the New Living Translation reads this way don't copy the behavior the customs of this world but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think changing the way you think the Bible says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he it's been said by people like John Maxwell my daughter Terry uses it quite a bit I've used it for years and years it's it's a statement of truth that your life tends to go in the direction of your most dominant thoughts whatever you think about the most that's the direction your life will go and a lot of Christians need to change the way they think amen they think too small now I toed pastor today this morning that I was going to share this story this morning but I never got to it so I want to share it right now and it's something that that I learned from all Robert's many many years ago brother Roberts was a big thinker oh I love being around brother Roberts because he always elevated me he always brought me up to another level and he thought big he had a plaque on his desk no small plans made here I love that I have that plaque on my desk or one just like it on my desk no small plans made here and you got around Oral Roberts and if you went to thinking small or talking small he just turned his head and wouldn't pay attention to me I've been in his presence where preachers come up to him and talk negative and talk small and he just turned his head sometimes just walk off not even me excused himself just walk off he wasn't gonna listen to small talk and negative thinking amen and so years ago he's back in the early eighties I was I had begun to work in the nation of Kenya and I've built about 42 churches all over the nation of Kenya and and the Lord instructed me to build a medical facility in an area in Kenya where there was 2 million people without any medical facilities and so I went to an architect I drew up plans for this phase one was an outpatient clinic and so we're ready to build phase 1 so I'm getting ready to go to Kenya and I have arranged a meet with the president who at that time was President Daniel Mui and I'm going to what they call the State House like our White House here and I'm going to the State House in Nairobi to meet with President Mui and what I'm going to do is ask him for the government to give me this land to build this facility on and then after we finish it I'm going to give it back to the nation and so brother Roberts found out that I was going to do this so he called me and he said I want to be involved in that clinic you're gonna build and he said I want to go with you when you meet with the president I said well brother Roberts I wish I'd have known earlier that you wanted to do this because that's not the only thing I'm gonna do while I'm there that's just one of the things I said I've got open air Crusades every night I've got pastors seminars during the day I'm dedicating churches that we've built I'm breaking ground for new churches I said I won't have any time to be with you would you consider waiting and going with me the next time he said well would you at least pray and ask God if it'd be okay if I went I thought well Who am I to tell Robert's no you know I'm not gonna tell or Roberts no I'm just thinking you know of it being more beneficial I said well if you want to go there you can go with me and he said Evelyn and I will fly to Dallas and we'll spend the night with you and then we'll leave the next morning together and so he did and so Evelyn and Carolyn go out to the airport with us Dallas Fort Worth Airport brother Roberts not going to fly to JFK first then we're going to fly from JFK into Nairobi and brother Roberts had this favorite hat it looked just like the Hat it's a fedora it looked just like the Hat that coach Tom Landry used to wear when he was coaching the Dallas Cowboys anybody remember that he always had that hat off brother Roberts loved that hat he had one just like it and and Evelyn he had it in his hand actually he put it on when we went to the airport and Evelyn told me when we got to the airport he said she said no Jerry that is orals favorite hat he loves that hat and she said but he takes it off sometime and he forgets where he lays it and he'll walk off and leave it so your assignment is take care of orals hat so I'm watching him like a hawk go make sure you got that hat on all the time I don't want I don't want to be the reason why Orel doesn't have a hat you know and so we fled to to JFK and we go to the gate where we're supposed to connect to Nairobi I said no brother Roberts you said right here I'm gonna go get in line and get our boarding passes I said don't move you said right there it's like a kid I said don't move said right there and don't take the head off so I'm in line and I'm looking back to make sure you and Evelyn told me said and you have to watch him because he wanders off and so I'm turning back and looking all the time finally it's my time and I'm getting our boarded passes and it didn't take more than ten maybe fifteen minutes at the most I turn around Oral Roberts is gone and the Hat setting on the chair next to where he was we're in a world did he go we're in JFK there's thousands of people and I can't see and he's a tall man you know he's been here before and and you can see him standing head and shoulders above most people I can't see who all Roberts anywhere I'm looking for the left I'm looking to it I can't find oil Roberts anywhere and then it's time to board I've got his hat thank God I got his hat at least I bring his hat back home I don't know where oral is but at least I got in that so I'm looking for Roberts it's time to board and so I've looked everywhere and finally I saw some stairs going down to a lower level I thought that's the only place I haven't looked although I don't know why in the world he would go down there and so I went down the stairs and right at the end of the quarter there's all robbers standing around just looking I walk down said brother robbers what are you doing down here he said I'm looking for the bathroom I need to go to the bath I said you're too late we're about to board you got to get on the plane you're gonna use the bathroom after we take off oh I gotta go I said you hold it this head so he still has not even asked about his hat he hadn't he missed his hat I've got it behind me he hadn't even seen it yet and so we get on board and finally you know the captain says we've reached our cruising altitude you're free to move around and so oral says I gotta go to the bathroom I said okay go ahead I had put his hat overhead of on top of my briefcase he didn't seen the Hat yet hadn't him asked about the Hat hadn't he missed the Hat so while he's in the laboratory I get the Hat now put it on when he comes back he says I have a hat just like that I said it's your hat you left it at JFK Oh Evelyn warned me about you you know he said well thank you for getting my head that's my favorite hat you know and so when we got to Nairobi I told him I said no brother Roberts we're only gonna be in Nairobi for a short time just a few hours I've chartered a plane and we're gonna fly to KUKA Mecca right on the uganda border and I said that's that's where we're gonna have the the Crusade and the pastor seminars no I said but I've got to go meet with the president do you want me to leave you here get a room for you until I get back and and leave one of my associates here with you or do you want to go with me he said I want to go with you so we went to meet president turns out the president had an emergency meeting so he put the vice president in this meeting along with a number of cabinet members so they had brother Roberts now sitting at a table then they had the vice president and his cabinet sitting opposite us at another table so we're looking across from one another I have my architectural plans I'm gonna make my presentation about this clinic I want to build and and I'm gonna ask him for land so I'm making my presentation and I noticed just kind of out of the corner of my eye all roberts is writing on a napkin and in a little while he wants it up and throws it off the end of the table and grabs another napkin and he writes something on it and he folds it up and throws it off the end of the table this is very distracting not only that not only that I'm talking to the vice president of a nation then we're not we're not just dealing with somebody off the street it's the vice president of the nation and Oral Roberts is acting like he's not interested in anything we're saying he's writing something on a napkin and he did there's five or six - and threw it off the end of the table and then finally I guess he got written on there what he wanted to write and he hits me while the vice president's talking to me he hits me Lenore and puts that napkin in front of my face and says read this I said brother Roberts can this wait the vice president's talking to me he said no it won't wait read this I said brother Roberts please I'm listening to the vice president I'll read it when we leave it won't wait read it now I said sir excuse me dr. Roberts has something he wants me to look at I'm sorry please forgive me I would be right back with you I take the napkin I look at it I said brother Rob I don't have a clue what this says he said study it I'm studying I said brother Robert I don't know what it says I said would you please tell me what it says so I can get back into this meeting he said that's all Robert spelled backwards I said this is what you've been waiting this is what you've been working on for the last hour Oh Robert spelled backwards I said are we boring you he said you bore me he bores me everybody in this room bores me I said why do we all bore you because you think too small I said what are we thinking small about he said you're not asking enough you're not asking for enough land we can't build this on that amount of land this is my project but now we can't do it he just took over he said you can't build that on that amount of land he said ask the man for ten times that amount I said I feel led the Lord for you to ask him for ten times that amount he said we won't 10 times out of Mountain land give it to the man sowing build the clinic and so he can give it back to the nation and be a blessing vice-versa sure anything you want and then all Roberts all Robert said this to me and had changed my life he said don't you ever think small in front of me again I said yes sir I'll never think small in front of you again and I learned a valuable lesson every time some of my staff go to thinking small I just sit down and write Jerry Savelle backwards on the left and praise God amen praise God now God's people are notorious for thinking small Amen and and particularly when you talk about marvels wonders and extraordinary manifestations not all of God's people think it's for them you know they're quick to say you know well yeah I can understand God doing that for all Roberts and Kenneth Hagin until Osburn and and and and you know somebody else but who am i well you're just as much a child of God as they are just as much a child of God as I am amen we don't have a corner of this it's for all of God's people but not all of God's people will experience it simply because they don't do what Paul said in Romans 12 they're still conformed to the world and the way the world thinks amen and if you keep thinking like the world you're going to limit yourself and you're going to limit God can you save in my my best friends the people I run with are big thinkers now you know I have a lot of people that you know consider friends and and and I got a lot of relatives here God some of my relatives they think they're called by God to keep me smaller you know that they think it's their lot in life you know but but but I learned a long time ago you got to break away from the crowd you got to dare to be different sometimes amen I believe that's the theme of every message Jesus preached if you if you've followed the sermons in Matthew Mark Luke and John that Jesus preached that the bottom line was dare to be different he'd say the scribes do it this way the Pharisees do it this way but I say unto you in other words he's telling the people dare to be different don't follow the crowd and if you follow the crowd particularly most of the body of Christ then you're gonna live beneath your privileges amen you got to break break away you got to march to the beat of a different drummer now they'll call you strange they'll call you weird they'll call you a lot of things but they can't help it at some time calling you blessed hey man he Amen I remember when I first came into this 1969 I've never heard anything like what I'm talking to you about tonight until I heard it from Kenneth Copeland and him preaching sermons about our covenant with God and and the the renewing of the mind and and faith in God and that's when I begin to learn this and and I realize that all of my young life now I was 22 when I came into this I'm 72 now I was 22 and all of my young life I had been molded by the way my parents thought and way my parents believed they meant you were the same way probably you know I was molded by a lot by what they said on television you know how many of you remember those old commercial now I'm going back alone to I was old commercials and it would say something like where there are codes and where there's flu there's husbands in other words they were saying that husband is bound to get the flu he's bound to have a cold I said Carolyn whatever they're selling let's get it I'm bound to have it you know if they said there's a there's a depression we're headed for another depression you know I've responded by what they said I'm gonna forget the first time I heard Kenneth Copeland say and I didn't know that he was using something he learned from the writings of Smith Wigglesworth when he said it I didn't even ever even heard of Smith Wigglesworth at that time and I remember brother Coleman standing up in a servant service there in those early days and saying I'm not moved by what I see I'm not moved by what I hear I'm not moved by what I feel I'm only moved by what I believe and I believe the Word of God boy I thought wow how could you ever get that weight I thought I moved by what I see I'm moved by what I feel I'm moved by what I hear but it took the renewing of the mind to change all that they meant to change all that and and I was a small thinker I didn't know God wanted to bless me I didn't know God wanted me to prosper that's one of the reasons why when I was a young boy going to a little Baptist Church little country Baptist Church then at the end of our road we lived in the country and and mom and dad took my sister and I to this little Baptist Church and and I never forget the pastor talking about how much God loved poverty and and and and if you were if you were blessed well he didn't use the word but if you were rich then you must be living in sin and and and he said you know when I come out of the seminary they taught me you know God keep him humble and we'll keep him poor and I thought why in the world would I ever want to go into ministry why in the world would I ever want to preach I believe that it's in a human being from the time they're born even though they can't even think or verbalize it I believe God put a desire to succeed in every human being amen they meant and I didn't want to be poor I didn't want to be broke I didn't want to barely get by and when I owned my automotive business you know I wanted to succeed I wouldn't in it to just have a business I wanted it to prosper I wanted it to flourish not only that without that once I got this flourishing I plan to start another business you know and and I wanted to be successful but I had in my thinking well I can never be a Christian and be successful that's what bastard said see your beliefs and your opinions are formed by and large but you hear other people say Amen that's the reason Paul said don't be conformed to this world be transformed by the renewing of your mind now let me give you just a little bit here about being conformed to being transformed what is what does that mean let me just read from my notes here we are not to be we are not to copy the actions they behaviors the patterns nor the thought life of the world because if you do you're going to limit yourself you're never going to enter into the fullness of the blessing if you keep thinking like the world conformed means to be similar or to adapt to the ideals of the world it also means to behave in accordance to or in agreement without the world behaves don't become fashioned after the world neither in judgment or in beliefs because if you do then you're going to limit yourself not only that you'll limit God you say you can limit God oh yeah I'll show you that just a moment the world implies the world system or the way that non-believers think and conduct their lives and what Paul say don't conform to that be transformed in other words don't live like everyone else dare to be different the Phillips translation says don't let the world around you squeeze you into its mode amen that's what happened that's what happens to a lot of Christians they allowed the world to squeeze them into their mold its mold that's the reason the Bible talks about in Proverbs guard your heart talks about you know let your eyes look right on it talks about guarding what you hear what you see and what you hear gets in your heart amen and and the Bible says and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh once once it gets into your heart and you start speaking it out of your mouth then you have released a spiritual force and Jesus said out of the good treasure of a good man's heart good things come to pass out of the evil treasure of an evil man's heart evil things come to pass amen where do you believe it or not has no bearing on it where do you believe it or not what do you think and what you say has everything to do with your outcome thank you once again for this great enthusiasm amen what do you think and what comes out of your mouth has everything to do with your outcome amen so notice here he says don't be conformed don't let the world squeeze you into its mold resist listen at this resist conforming to the world every day you got to do that every day amen and I would strongly urge you don't spend hours watching CNN amen I'm not gonna let seeing in form my opinions nor my beliefs amen I'm gonna let the Word of God be final authority amen the word of God's final authority amen so notice here don't let the world squeeze you into its smoke resist conforming to the world every day of your life if you don't do this then you'll live your life with the same limitations that they have amen and that's what has happened to a lot of Christians they're living with the same limitations that the world has praise God now go with me to Psalm 78 Psalm 78 I'm saying all this because to experience Marvel's wonders and extraordinary manifestations of the greatness of God is going to require us to take the limits off take the limits off because Marvel's wonders and extraordinary manifestations have to do largely in the area of things we haven't seen before amen and so if you haven't seen it before then we tend to think if you still think like the world well I've never seen anything like that before well that doesn't mean God can't do it Amen just because you haven't seen it you know my wife still has some relatives in Arkansas way back in Arkansas they still do not believe I can't convince them that a man went to the moon they still think that was staged in Arizona somewhere but just because they don't believe it doesn't change it amen the man went to the moon amen just because you haven't seen God do it this way before doesn't mean he can't do it just because you haven't experienced it yourself does mean he can't do it so when you're talking about marvels and wonders and extraordinary manifestation you're talking about by and large things you've never experienced before things you've never seen before so that means you're going to stretch your faith and you have to take the limits off God amen don't you never say that's good preaching you ought to be shouting now look at Psalm 78 for a moment are you there yet Psalm 78 Psalm 78 is like a synopsis of the history of the children of Israel all in one chapter and it's amazing I don't have time to read it all to you tonight but I'd encourage you to do so it the opportunity first opportunity you have now notice in verse 7 well let's back up to verse 6 that the generation to come might know them talking about God's laws God's principles and so forth God's statutes that the generation to come might know them even the children which should be born who should arise and declare them to their children that they might set their hope in God and not forget the works of God but keep his Commandments and might not be as their fathers a stubborn and rebellious generation a generation that setting up their hearts aright and whose spirit was not steadfast with God so notice he's saying teach your children God's ways so that they will not become like these people who became stubborn and they they they did not have their hearts set all right and then he goes on to describe them in verse 9 children of Ephraim and then verse 11 says they forgot his works and his wonders that he had showed them verse 12 marvelous things did he in the sight of their fathers in the land of Egypt marvelous thing and it goes on talking about all those marvelous things that God did once again it's like a short history of what God did getting the children of Israel out of Egypt and then in verse 19 yea they spake against God now here's the thing I want you to see there's three primary ways that you'll discover in Psalm 78 that you can limit God in your life number one small thinking number two negative talking number three forgetting what he's already done for you in the past amen negative thinking or small thinking negative talking and forgetting what he's already done for you in the past because if God's ever healed you he can do it again if God's ever met a financial need he can do it again but the devil hopes you forget about that do you ever notice that when you come up against another financial need and it may be a little more impossible looking than the last one the devil hopes you forget how God delivered you from the last one and you just focus on what's happening right now you see this is this is the way David slew Goliath when he saw Goliath courts Goliath you know in the natural there was no way David could defeat this guy but David came at him and said and he said to the to the to the armies of Israel this uncircumcised Philistine now notice what he's doing he's remembering what God did for him in the past this uncircumcised philistine meaning this guy doesn't have a covenant with God I do that gives me an advantage this uncircumcised felicitate shall be no different than the lion and the bear and God delivered them into my hands so notice he's using his remembrance of things God did in the past as a weapon amen now notice here it says they spake against God this is what happened every time they came up against another impossible looking situation here's what they would say then read it with me can God furnish the table in the wilderness behold he smote the rock that the waters gushed out and the streams overflowed can he give bread also can he provide flesh for his people now these are the same people he that witnessed the splitting of the Red Sea how could you ever forget that these are the same people that when they reached the Red Sea they already just quit they were ready to give up they were ready to go back to Egypt they were ready to stone Moses I've said often I think the happiest day of Moses life was a day he died he finally got rid of them you know all the murmurs and complainers I think I pastored a church like that one time anyway Moses they hated him and and they get to the Red Sea and and they don't know that God can split a Red Sea they they'd haven't they don't have Exodus they're doing Exodus they can't go back and read it oh yeah no problem God's done this before they can't read about it they're doing it hey man we can read about it so they get to the Red Sea now you just want to quit I won't give up and wonder why did you bring us out here to die why didn't you leave us in Egypt same bunch that were crying out to God get us out of Egypt get us out of Egypt now that they're out they want to go back I think they're charismatic so I'm not sure charismatic Tsar very fickle people moving right along they watched God split the Red Sea now we're talking about what 3 million people or so they're standing there and watching God split the Red Sea now you know there had to be at least one Gomer Pyle Goldstein in the group chess item did you see that godly hate me and they cross over and they see the wall of water on both sides how could you walk through that and not be convinced that the God we serve there's none like him there's nothing impossible with our God and get on the other side and then shake your tambourines and sing you know and talk about the horse and the rider he's thrown into the sea and great is our God and all him good songs and he watches they watch him close up the sea and swallow up the armies of Pharaoh how could you ever forget that if God can do that is anything too hard for God that's what they should have been thinking but no notice what every time they came up against another challenge here's what they said can he do this and can he do that they should have never been saying can he they should have been screaming he can Amen you don't ever you don't ever say but can God do no you proclaim boldly God can he can he can if he can spread a rich spread see he can do this if he can get water out of a rock he can do this if he can feed us with manna from heaven he can do this they should have never questioned God's ability but notice they're all small thinker and some of their descendants are alive today and are in this building but the rocks down put the rocks down know the body of Christ is full of small thinkers but can he do this can he do that if God has ever done anything in your life then he can continue to do it and I don't care how big and how more impossible it might look he's God you see you don't get to be called God if you can't do stuff like this amen and and God is God there's none like him how they do you come on you lift your hands to give him a good shout praise God amen but notice their small thinking and their negative talking look at verse 40 how oft did they provoke him in the wilderness how did they provoke him small thinking negative talking and they constantly forgot what he'd already done for them amen wouldn't that provoke you I mean I've proven to most my daughters all their lives that their daddy loves them he loves them more than they can imagine and I've done everything I could possibly do to provide them with the best life they could ever dream possible every time they they as little girls when they'd come to me and say daddy this and that and I'd say sweetheart that's okay daddy will fix it daddy will take care of it they've heard me say that all their life daddy will take care of it dad will take care there now my oldest daughter is fifty years old Terri's 49 years old and I'm still telling dad he'll fix it dad will take care of it amen and I've never let them down never let them down Terry had an accident in her car and she had it repaired and she drove over to the house and and I noticed you know the door was not shutting properly and it was dropping you know every time she'd open it it drop I said Terry didn't you just get this out of the shop she said yes I said we'll have you noticed that door drops every time you open it she said to ask daddy but I don't know what to do I said daddy will fix it she just got it out of the shop they were supposed to fix it I had it fixed in 15 minutes she'd come out she's a daddy you fixed I said that's what I do that's what I do I love that I use it all the time I was watching the NBA Finals one year and I think it was San Antonio and somebody and and San Antonio was not supposed to win according to everybody and they did when they won the the finals you know and they went into the locker room and they were talking to this one guy and I don't remember what his name was they were talking to this one guy and the reporter put the mic in his face and he said you guys were not supposed to win this how did you do this and the guy says what we do man it's what we do it's what we do come on give it give it one of the it's what to do man it's what I do amen and when somebody said to the berth Jerry how did you do that I believe gosh what'd I do man it's what I do I used my faith it's what I do it's what I do how they do you hey man I wouldn't believe moved by what I saw that's what I do how they do you another way I swear live praise God amen Terry said daddy you still know how to fix cars I said sweetheart I was fixing cars before you were ever born I haven't forgotten maybe and they just think they grew up thinking our daddy can do anything they used to when they were a little girls they used to think their daddy was the biggest strongest daddy in the world and I'd appreciate you never tell them any different how they do it hey man last way I feel about my god my god there's nothing impossible with my god I would never say to God but can you do this and can you do that no I boldly proclaim he can he can my God can look its neighbors say my god can he but if you hang around a lot of people in the body of Christ that's not what you're gonna hear he used to aggravate me to no end when I first came to the Lord the church that my wife grew up in and I started going to every Sunday night they'd have testimony services and I never I didn't you know only time I'd ever heard of testimony was in court you know I said what's the testimony sir well they're going to testify about what God's done and so I was interested to hearing what God had done in all their lives you know but the testimonies always seemed to go a different direction well the devil visited our house this week entire family got sick been laid up with the flu husband couldn't go to work I mean the devil visited our house blessed be his holy name and I thought I thought he's supposed to be talking about what God did and then the next person got up said if you think the devil visited your house he moved in with us and they it was always like trying to talk the last person who had a lot of trouble that week you know what I'm talking about and then most of the time they would say at the end but we all know and they get real religious we all know that our God is able and so one day I said Carolyn when is anybody going to tell what God was able to do all I've heard is what the devil did I said the next person who testifies I'm gonna go up and ask him just just simply did he and so I got up went up to that person I said you said God is able did he and here's what I'd get most of time well you never know what God will do I said what if you read the book you will amen this is what God will do this is the will of God in print God will never say something he's word and willed the opposite amen oh and I told our Lord they'd wanted to give me the left foot of fellowship you know my brother Hagin you're sick yeah you know your husband he he he's a fanatic he's going off the deep end no I'm just believing the Bible amen I had to renew my mind quit thinking like them quit talking like them and it doesn't make you the most popular person in a religious setting amen but boy I'm telling you it'll put you in position to experience things from God you've never experienced before amen how many of you want marvels wonders and extraordinary manifestations of the greatness of God then you got to start and give him something to work with that's what brother Copeland used to sell to give God something to work with what are you gonna give me to work with changing the way you think changing the way you talk and stop forgetting all the wonderful things he's done in the past use them bring them to your remembrance and use them as a powerful weapon against the adversary can you say Amen Joe mentioned earlier eight he didn't tell you the whole story but I went to have a physical and I used to when I when I flew my airplane myself the FAA required me to have a physical every year but I quit flying myself a long time ago and I have pilots to do that and and so it got to where it was getting more and more difficult for me to schedule a physical 'men I was available the doctor wouldn't available when he was available I was somewhere in the world and it just got difficult to schedule an appointment and I'm not suggesting anybody do this but I just kind of let it slide well I hadn't had a physical in quite a while and my daughter said daddy and this was 2 years ago daddy you're about to turn 70 when's the last time you had a physical I said it's been several years and said daddy don't you think you need to have a physical I said why I've enjoyed divine health all these years I haven't had to go the doctor very often at all and in all those years and other than a physical you know and I said what I need a physical for I'm okay well daddy you're getting older and and we want you to go get a physical and I said okay I'll get a physical so I scheduled a physical and they went with me and wife wouldn't with me and they put me through all these tests and everything and then finally I'm laying on the table they're in the doctor's office and he says how are you alive I said pardon me he said how are you alive I said what are you talking about he said I don't know how you walked in here on your own I said sir I don't know what you're talking about he said the vein the the artery in your neck where the blood flows from the heart to the brain it's 90% blocked he said I don't know how you got out of your car and walked in here I said sir I wouldn't you think if it's 90% blocked I'd have some kind of symptoms I said I haven't had any kind of symptom in fact I just got off of a three-day motorcycle trip riding in South Texas and 107 degree weather and I didn't even work up a sweat much less have symptoms he said well sir I'm telling you this is serious he said it's so serious you could walk out of this clinic and die before you get to your car you could have an aneurysm you could have a stroke well that got the attention of my daughter's they said daddy listen to him we don't want you to leave you we want you to stay around for a long time I said what do you suggest he said well I would suggest that you go and have this plaque buildup removed he said it's a routine surgery they go in and do it on your neck they remove the plaque they show you back up they put you in recovery for a night and you'll probably be in the hospital maybe a day two at the most and you'll be home take off maybe a week or so a couple of weeks and then go back to doing what you do I said okay so we went to the hospital the next day and you know the family's there I'm thinking routine surgery routine surgery be back to doing what I do in a couple of days well they went in and removed the plaque and then they put me in recovery now I don't remember any of this they put me in recovery the doctor told my wife he's doing well she said well we haven't had anything to eat all day would we have time to go have something he can come back and and and he'll be okay still in recovery yeah no no problem when they got back the doctor met them at the door and said I'm sorry to tell you that when I walked in and observed your husband he's had a stroke a full-blown stroke and said I've examined him he's not he's not even conscious of what's happened to him and said it's not likely that he'll ever preach again it's not likely he'll ever walk again it's not likely that he'll ever recover again and my wife said thank God for a word of faith wife she said sir you don't know our God and you don't know my husband our God will heal my husband and my husband is a man of faith and he will not remain this way and of course the doctor didn't understand all that you know but she wouldn't but she wouldn't compromise she's stayed in faith that whole time now I'm not even aware that this is happening I'm like a vegetable and the worst part of this is not only did I lose total use of my right arm most of my right leg but total memory loss I don't even know my name I don't know my family I don't know anything I'm like just staring off into the distance I can't even communicate and if I if I tried to get up I had to take this arm and pull it over and hold it if I let go of it just fall it dead weight I couldn't walk very well and the doctor would come in and he'd put a covering but now I'm repeating this from what my family told me because I wouldn't even where it was happening and he said he'd they put a coloring book in front of me a children's coloring book and he would point to it and say what's this what's there it was birds leaves trees flowers I couldn't name anything I couldn't even speak only word I could say was yes everything they asked me yes and I only know what they're asking me I just looked at him saying yes and so they said you know he's probably never going to be normal again now I think it's important that I tell you this Joe and I are cousins were first cousins his mother and my mother were sisters all of our all of the sisters my mother had what's six sisters and a brother they all died of strokes my mother died of a stroke her mother died of a stroke everybody on that side of the family dies of strokes and now Satan is trying to kill me with one but the curse was broken in me hallelujah hey man amen now I'm I'm I'm just laying here in this bed I still need know what's happened to me and brother Copeland my wife said brother Copeland came and he stood over my bed and Carolyn said brother Copeland stood over your bed and preached to you for two solid hours just pouring the Word of God into you I don't even remember him being there but my wife said even though you couldn't speak a word of English other than the word yes she said the whole time he preached to you for two hours you prayed in tongues the whole time later I asked the Lord about I said how come I was able to pray in tongues but I couldn't speak English he said your spirit is not connected to your brain how they do it hey man and that awesome and then Jesse and Kathy Duplantis came and I barely remembered Jesse being there but but my wife said and when Jesse walked in there was a smile came to your face Jesse brings joy everywhere he goes you know and Jesse and I are like brothers Jesse says I know I know we are really brothers we just had two different mothers you know and and we're extremely close he's my little brother I'm older than Jesse and when she said when Jesse came in a big smile came to your face but I hardly remember Jesse being there and she said oh he he was he was Jesse you know he he was telling stories and and you know everybody in the rooms laughing and I'm just looking at him with a smile on my face I don't remember a thing he said the doctor came in one day and I think I'd been in there three or four days now the doctor came in one day and I overheard him say if he shows some improvement tonight we'll let him go home tomorrow but I'm recommending and I've already set it up that you put him in this chamber and he'll spend four to six hours every day in this chamber that will rebuild his brain cells and so the next morning a doctor came in and I don't know what he was looking for an improvement but I guess he saw it because I couldn't you know I didn't know anything I couldn't tell much a difference and he said we're gonna let him go home but when he said we'll let him go home even though I couldn't verbalize I couldn't communicate I knew in my mind that if they let me go home and get me in my own environment my recovery will be immediate and so they got me out in a wheelchair and put me in the car and we went home and I'm at home now and and I started getting some memory back and I have a I have my wife says quit calling it a shop it's a museum I have a museum at home we're out of collected classic cars and motorcycles and I've been that's been a part of my life all my life and that's what I used to do before I went into the ministry how to business doing that and so I have this wonderful collection and and I pointed to that shop and my granddaughter said what do you won't pop off and I couldn't verbalize but I kept pointing to that shop she said you want to go to your shop and and I kept pointing and so she went and got the keys and she helped me get out there I'm holding this arm up and I'm walking like this and I get out there and she unlocks the door to my shop I tell her how to turn the alarm off and she turned the lights on and and the first thing you see when you walk into my museum is all these classic motorcycles and I walked over to my oldest motorcycle and in my mind even though I can't verbalize yet I'm thinking I'm gonna start everything in this room in this building before I leave now a 1942 Harley is extremely hard to start even when everything's working good in your body it's kick start it's not electric you know I mean it's like starting a Model T there's a process you go through and I was determined to start that thing before I left the building and start everything in there I couldn't remember how to start it so I stood over it with my arm like this and I started praying in the spirit and the Holy Spirit told me how to start that motorcycle I did what he said and it started and I went to my next bike and I started it I went to every motorcycle in there and had them all running then I went to all my classic car God every one of them started and just let everything in there run for a while the smell of fumes was exhilarating hallelujah hey man you know what I mean sir oh and I just I just stood there took it all in you know and then I went and cut them all off turned everything off and started back to the door and now I'm doing like this and a motion to Rachael my granddaughter to turn the alarm all own turn the lights off and then we shut the door and I motion for her to give me the keys so I could lock it but I reached out with my right hand and said I told her to give me the keys she gave me the keys and then she said as I'm putting them in the door she said pop out did you see what you just did I said what she said you did it with your right hand I got my arm back I got my leg back and when I started back to the house the first scripture I remembered I've been preaching nearly 50 years I couldn't remember a sermon that ever preached I couldn't remember a scripture ever studied but the first scripture that came to my mind when I turned and faced the house was the memory of the upright is blessed and man from that moment everything came back to me in three weeks Joe and I were traveling around the world preaching every day in several different nations do I look like a man who had a full-blown stroke hallelujah amen not only am i still preaching not only am I still traveling the world the only thing that doctor said that might be true I'm still not normal how do I do yet I don't ever intend to get normal I like being this way hallelujah come on give the Lord a good shout in amen be seated for a moment how
Channel: Word of Life Christian Center
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Id: mGFKpW3p0s8
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Length: 79min 43sec (4783 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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