Go Open Strategies

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[Music] [Music] hi everyone welcome back my name is Stephanie in in this video I'm going to teach you the opening strategies okay so things are gold board it's so big with 361 intersection points on the board where do we start the game we're doing open we have so many choices and should we start from here here or here or even here so on the gold board we have four corners and we have a four sides and we only have a one Center so anything inside the fifth line as a consider as a corners anything above six lying anything on the outside of the fifth line is considered as a side anything is above fifth line it's called the Centers so should we start from the corner side or in the center okay I'm going to give you the example and you would know where should we start the game so let's say if I'm going to use my eight stones in the in the corner and then I'm going to use my eight stones on the side and then I'm going to use my eight stones in the center and where it's better where where is more efficient to play okay so the ultimate goal for this game is the cats as much territory as you can in order to win the game so let me let's count how many territory do i get if i spend my eight stones in the corner i get four times four I get 16 point in the corner and I only get eight points on the side if I use my eight stones on the side so I only get four points in the center that means we should always start from the corner side and center because I can get the most value in the corner and at least in the center okay so things I already know we're gonna start from the corners and the corners are still big and where do we start to take the empty corner there are eight options that you can take the empty corners so you can play the start point and three three point and three four points you have a two three four point and you have a two three five points and four five points you also have a two four five points to take the empty corners how about you play five five and six six are they good moves the answer is no why it's because if you if you play that on the fifth line that's too close to the center and it's too open to your side and in a corner that means you feel ponen to invade your corner and your side it's very difficult for you to attack and kill the stones so never play you move about the fifth line in the opening then how about on the second line is it good move to start a game the answer is no because on the go board we have the first line second line third line fourth line any move on the first line is called the deadline because once you started the move on the first line it's very easy to get killed if you start from the second line the line every move on the second line is called a losing line is because once you start a move on the second line you can only get one point that's your territory so that's not efficient at all so that's why we never play our moves in the second line or above fifth line in the opening so we should always keep our move on a certain line which concentrate on territory or you can play your move on the fourth line and concentrate on the on the influence or the framework okay so let's start a game right now I'm gonna take my first to move first a corner by playing start point and let's say my opponent and take the corner by three four point and I'm going to also play the three four point and my opponent played a 36 point so after the empty corners are taken what next should we jump to the side or side here or four sides or should we still focus on the corners or we should jump into the center the answer is you can either start from the side or focus on your corner too so if you want to take the empty side you can play the start point to take the entire empty side or the move below the start point over here take the empty side playing here where it's a start point okay or if you want to keep focusing on your corner or your opponent corners you can either in close your corner by playing on Knights move the reason why it's called a knight's move is because that's also nice shaping in chess and this is called a large knight's move that's called the one space jump and this is called a two space jump so you can use small knight move large knight's move one space or two space from to in close your corner or if you want to approach your opponent corner you can also approach from here or large approach where one space approach or two space approach okay so if I were black okay in this game I'm going to enclose my corner okay so after black enclose the corner what's your black wish your way to do next should away enclose the corner or take the side or jump into Black's territory the answer is all three choices of word are good you can enclose your corner like black did or you can take the side or you can jump to Black's territory but before you jump to the Black's territory you have to make sure you have enough space to settle to make a life this movement is also called a splitting move because you are splitting your you try to split Black's territory into two pieces so before you play this move you have to make sure if your opponent approach from one side you are able to make two space extension you have a two space between and that's an extension move to settle your group and to space extensions the bats are shaped to protect your group okay so how about you explain on the fourth line ice play down the second the third line how about it on the fourth line is it and as good as a third line move the answer is no because the reason why you can take the empty side by playing fourth line is because you have a one stone next to you then you have a connection to expand your territory but once you jump to your opponent's territory you want to have the base you want to protect yourself if you play on the fourth line and the side is very empty it's very easy for the opponent to destroy the I space underneath so that's why we never play the fourth line move as a splitting move make sure you are playing the move on the third line to settle your group okay all right so after that after you can enclose your corner take the side or splitting your opponent's side or you can start approaching Black's corner and say from here or here if if you want to approach the start point you can approach on either side but if you see a three three four point you can only approach from this side as the open area for approach not from the back okay so things we've already learned the splitting move what about you approach the side and then you've got two stones over here should you still take two space extension to set up your group or you can do a better better move okay the answer is since you have a two stones here you have a one stone to support you you can make a larger extension move so now you can take a three space extension to settle your group okay whatever you have a three stones and connect it to each other should you take the three space or you can take a larger one the answer is you can take a four space extension because you have a even stronger group so okay make sure you if you have one stone you make two space extension if you have a two stones you make a three space extension if you have the three styles you'll make four space extension if you want to take the empty side you can jump to the start point or below the start point to take the empty side okay hope you enjoying the opening strategies and don't go away I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: NYIG_Go
Views: 103,934
Rating: 4.9572682 out of 5
Keywords: Go, Baduk, Weiqi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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